An Indian Weeding

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An Indian Wedding Part I By Rupa

When the telephone rang and I uncertainly lifted it as

I was lost in thought about impending marriage of my
cousin brother. I was not sure if would be able to
attend it or not. My pati, who is a computer engineer
employed in U.S told me in the morning that due to some
pressing engagements his leave has not been sanctioned
and hence he could not attend the marriage. Which meant
I had to travel alone to India and come back. I was
feeling so desperate to attend it. My Mousi just had
telephoned to remind me on the previous day and had
insisted me to attend it. She was sad that her daughter
who is my cousin sister named Cheenu will not be able
to attend. Cheenu had migrated to Canada quite recently
and it was not possible for her to come back in a short
gap since a lot of money was required as air fare and
due to festival seabetas heavy rush was for tickets. So
I had to come and pay all the customary rituals, which
were necessarily performed during a marriage. These
rituals had to be done only by a happily married aurat
(lugai) and so I was selected for it. So I had no way
to escape. Another reason was that I was bored with the
life in States. My khasam was very workaholic and he
spent much time sitting in front of computer than
attending me. Even if I walked nude before him he would
be busy programming in his fucking laptop. I had
married an IIT purush who was a green card holder too,
such a groom happened to be most sought after
Mr.Niceguy in India. My pita had to pledge even his
life insurance policy to meet the dowry because of it.
My elder sister was married to a government employee in
India. At that time my pita was not much earning and
she was not much educated like me.

But this time it was Cheenu's khasam, I call him Jijaji

in respect, which means elder sister's khasam. I was
expecting my amma' call but when I heard Jijaji's voice
I was quite surprised. He was spending a high amount to
call an international phone."Oh, Reenu is it you, Area
yaar(buddy), I bought a mobile. My first call from the
mobile I thought to be with you",he was so
enthusiastic. "Oh Jeejaji, nice to hear that you own a
mobile, I am at your service", I said.
"Reenu, what type of service you can offer to your
Jeejaji?" he was asking in a hilarious voice. He used
to be very cheerful perbeta and he never missed to pat
on my buttocks when no one was around. Even though I
was bit troubled about such display of affection, it
was true that it excited me
when he patted my buttocks. I remembered one time when
he had pressed my buttocks and had exclaimed that I was
not wearing panties inside. But that is an old story.
"I am calling you first time from my mobile, Reenu. I
haven't called even my wife, I am calling you from my
office". He was talking.
"Okay, so tell me what's the matter, how are everybody,
how is Cheenu?
Thanks for remembering your saali (wife's sister) ".
"Cheenu is not here, yaar she has gone to her amma's
house",he said.
"So you are calling me when Cheenu is not there. Now
only you remembered about me", I teasingly asked.

"No dear, Reenu, I think about you quite often, in fact

I miss you very much. How is your American life. When
are you going to deliver a boy for our family?"
Boy!, I was not even pregnant. And for getting
pregnant, one need to be doing sex, but my khasam was
not getting time for anything else than computer
programming. But I could not tell it to him, "Don't
tease me Jeejaji, we have just been married, enjoying
life for some time, boy or
girl later, let me first settle here", I said.
"Ok, ok then when are you coming for the wedding,
everyone is expecting you, is your khasam coming?", he
"I will come anyway, but my khasam is not coming, he is
not getting leave"
"So your khasam and my wife are not attending the
marriage, that's very nice", Jeejaji commented. "Cheenu
is away for past two weeks yaar, Jeejajee is now on a
fast in her absence, I may take food outside if this
goes on".
He was always speaking in a double meaning, and ladies
were fond of him for that. He always spoke like that.
"Don't be naughty Jeejaji, Cheenu will come soon,
homely food in not contaminated, but outside food is
not like that, always there is a chance of
contamination", I said.
"Don't worry, yaar your Jeejaaji always wears condom to
prevent contamination, don't you know?", he said.
That reference made me thinking about an incident in
the past. It was afterCheenu's delivery. I was helping
her to look after the new born. One day I saw a balloon
hanging between clothes in the string meant for drying
clothes. I took it and inspected it, it was a white
balloon full of some milky substance. I could not
understand what that was. It had a smell of raw cut
ladies finger. When I showed it and asked Cheenu what
was the glue like substance filled in he balloon. She
was shocked and she hurriedly took it away and flushed
it down through the toilet. Then she told me about the
usage of condoms and as she was not having regular
periods her khasam was fucking her using condoms. Then
she might have told about it to your khasam that he
asked me "Saali, Cheenu told me that you have taken
some glue from a balloon in our room. If you want glue
you may just contact your Jeejaji, I am always at your
service". My face became red.
He went on asking when I would come and about
arrangements of marriage and finished as mobile phone
calls are expensive. Then I relaxed on my posh sofa and
had sip of French wine. My thoughts began wandering to
the past.Memories about my elder cousin Cheenu, my Jiju
Ravi , time we spend together as I and Cheenu stayed in
our Nainital for our studies, running joke that I being
the youngest cousin will have to take both my Jija
,jokes between my maa, mausi (ammas elder sisters) and
our aunty , things were just rolling past my eyes. My
amma got married at an early age according to the
custom prevailed at that time when women were married
off as soon as they attain puberty. So she was married
when just turning 16 and exactly after 9 months my
sister was born and I am the second child. My amma was
not much educated and she came from a village
background. They used to speak in a bawdy language
often full of references about sex, copulation etc. She
is not only extrovert, bold but while indulging in her
jokes she will not even sometimes spare me. She was
youngest sister and my manjhali mausi was only a year
elder to her while the eldest mausi was 4 years elder
to her. And both of them like maa used to indulge in
bawdiest jokes and betags. At my Nainital my mama and
aunty were there. When maa will come to Nainital mami
will offer water second but will welcome her with
gallis (abusive languages) first. And maa will pay her
back in the same coin.
When we were only ladies around they always talked
about sex and local gossips like who fucked who in the
neighborhood. My amma's only brother was married and
she was the bawdiest of all. She used every word in a
double meaning and she was freely using countryside
language references like choot, fuddi etc. So I got the
sexual education at an early age itself unlike the city
girls who get it through some Mills and Boone novels.
My amma and her sisters used the choicest abuses. They
referenced each other not with their maiden name but as
amma of their children. When I am around rather my name
was used like Reenu's amma. They Mami(aunty) will
welcome maa as `Rinu ki maa pakki chinar (Rinu's maa is
top slut) and maa will respond "Rinu ki mami badi
chudavsi unki bur main ghus gaye 10-10 yaar" (Rinu's
aunty is a top fucker and in her choot she devours 10-
10 lovers). It was not limited to the betags. They will
hug each other and invariably maa will either squeeze
mami's boobs or pinch her on her hips
saying ` It seems there was a great fucking at night
and see how these boobs grow in my brother's hands". My
aunty will respond saying `Why not,your brother is
ready to chodo mujhe even in front of you. Last time
when I went for a wedding he fucked me in the toilet
while other ladies where waiting for the toilet to take
a leak". We had a servant too called Champa who was a
village belly and she was an encyclopedia of our
countryside gossips and scandals.
My uncle was also a naughty man. He used to pat my
amma's gaand and her elder sisters in the same way he
handled his wifes. He had no reluctance to press the
milky boobs of my aunty in front of others. My aunty
was an always sweating aurat (lugai). Her blouse and
petticoat will be always socked in sweat and dirt while
working in the kitchen. Her armpits would be drenched
even at winter. My uncle was extremely font of her
sweating and he used to sniff her wet armpits when he
see her at the kitchen. He never bothered what others
were thinking of him. The women in the house were also
aware of his craziness about the wet armpits of my
aunty. They often make jokes about it. When my amma
would tease him referencing that the aunty had just did
some heavy work and she was now all soaked. He will
pull maa in his lap and tease her, he will sometime
pinch mami on her hips innocently saying there was an
ant. When elder sister will come, maa and aunty will
join the fun and often they cupped her fat buttocks. So
wet words were not taboo rather they were part of
vocabulary of everybody around us. Sex was omnipresent
in whatever form possible in my amma's house.
My aunty was a carefree perbeta and she was mostly
responsible for it. She was very caring and loving. She
used to tease even the children and was of habit of
examining our boobs and its growth. When maa or mausi
was not around she will use her colorful vocabulary
with us. She will be supported by Champa the servant,
who is a malish(massage) expert. When people have gone
after lunch and ladies were comparatively free of
workload, my aunty will go to the Tamarind tree under
which a wooden cot was always left for people to relax
under the tree having fresh air. My aunty will remove
her blouse and will lay there like a wrestler. Champa
will take a pot of gingelly oil with her and start
massaging my aunty. The atmosphere will be hot and the
massaging will continue for an hour. I had seen Champa
massaging my aunty's enormous choochees coated with
glistening gingelli oil or mustard oil depending on the
climate. When I and Cheenu were only in std 8th she
will tease us by singing Rinu's fuddi started growing
hair,Cheenu's choochees are bigger than Reenu. Cheenu
is a better fuck than Reenu as Cheenu has a lot more
hair in her moth. At that age we did not know what
words begin from choot,fuddi,phallus etc. My aunty used
to comment on our developing body even in front of my
maa and mausi and everybody will join in laughter.
One day I asked our servant Champa bhabhi (like my maa
and mausi we too used to call her bhabhi and she used
to tease her young nands). "Champa,why you are saying
choot, choot whats is that?". She laughed and lifted my
skirt indicating my yoni,"Reenu choot means all this
part of you body. Cheenu has a lot of hair there. When
we become older hair starts to grow there. Don't worry
you too have started becoming hairy. See your fuddi
trifarishta, its now flat no? But see my fuddi, she
lifted her skirt and showed her milky white fuddi. It
had no hair, I was amazed seeing a elder aurat
(lugai)'s fuddi for the first time. It was big and was
a trifarishta. Like the bisector which our teacher
taught it had a channel which was dark between her
fuddi trifarishta. "Champa, you have no hair there, you
are grown up no?"
I asked. Champa laughed and told me that she used to
shave her pubis to escape from the scorching heat and
she hinted me that my aunty also does it occasionally.
I asked her what is the meaning of `chudavathi' which
they often use. Champa laughed and asked me "Do you
want to become a chudavathi?" then said the meaning of
the word was that chudavathi means a lady who has been
fucked by a man. Fucking means putting the large lund
of a purush into our yoni. I felt ashamed and got
myself released from her but mami joined and held me
giggling and said "Reenu, don't be ashamed, there
is nothing in this to be ashamed of. Champa is a
chudavathi, aunti is chudavathi and your amma is also a
chudavathi. Unless we all get this `chudai' (poking)
how could we get such nice beautiful children like
Champa giggled and she pinched me on my budding boobs.
My uncle and aunty used to indulge in sex almost at
every opportunity totally oblivious to two growing teen
girls in house. Our room was adjacent to their bedroom.
So every night when its completely dark and silent, we
heard Aunty's loud moaning and creaking of bed. We got
an idea about what was happening. One day I remember it
very vividly even today, I was in 10th and alone as
Chinu has gone to her parents place. It was winter and
evening came early. My school closed before scheduled
time and I came . My aunty was busy somewhere so I went
directly to my room and entered into my bed. It was
very cold and weather was gloomy. When my sleep broke I
heard some sound and opened the door slightly. Light
has gone out and in dim light I could see aunty being
held by uncle who has bend her. In this situation
neither of them could see me. Mami was whispering, "Not
here, the girl Reenu will come now, hey! leave me let
us move to bed room". Mama quizzed, "hey Rinu must be
still in school so we are all alone. So what difference
does it
make and I'm feeling so hot after your five days break.
I knew that reference that he was impatient for normal
intercourse as my aunty was in her periods. A big
amount of dry clothes were tied between her legs during
that time and I had seen Champa burning those red
stained clothes.
My aunty assumed that I was still at school and allowed
my uncle to undress her and fuck during the day time.
She too was horny. Normally aurat (lugai) are very
horny on the days when their period has just over. She
protested meekly that its better to move to their
bedroom. However he realized that protestations were
mostly symbolic and as his one hand was grabbing my
aunty's boobs he lifted her Skirt , saying that he can
not wait. He stripped her very fast and in no time he
mounted from rear. He was fucking her from behind like
the ox does it to the cows. I could see his tight
buttocks muscles contrasting and was hitting my aunty's
fat buttocks with a `phus, phus' sound. I was
transfixed. I could see the joyous way in which mami
was responding, glow on her face and when he squeezed
her boobs she
gave small moans. Soon pounding started in real frenzy.
Mami was responding in unibeta. Meanwhile but she asked
him " Hey what happened today? you are in great mood?!.
He answered by bringing hisorgan almost fully out and
shoving it full in one thrust,"I was hungry for full
five days now I know you too will be hungry to have my
lund into your fuddy(fuddi). "If you are doing this
what will we do at night?" she teased him. In reply my
uncle put his hands between her thighs and apparently
squeezed her clit as she gave a very loud moan , which
further inflamed passion of Mamma. My uncle was telling
her that as nobody was there in house at this time let
him fuck her in the verandah so that they can watch if
anybody approached. I was
surprised to hear my aunty giving consent and they both
moved to the open verandah full naked and began to fuck
her from the front. Aunty was lying on the floor with
her legs spread and uncle was ramming his big lund into
her fuddy. They did not know that I was in the house
and from my window I can see them close and clear. They
were expecting someone from outside and never knew I
was watching them inside. It went on and on. I was mute
and I don't know when my hand went inside my skirt and
I was caressing me over my panty. Only when they came
and I realized what I had seen, first fucking of my
life and I'm almost wet I walked inside on my toes and
went back to bed.
My aunty came after sometime and was almost shocked to
see me, but when she realized that I'm sleeping she
felt solace. She put the tea on table and woke me up
gently I smiled and took the tea. I went to kitchen
where she was preparing dinner. She asked me to do some
help in the kitchen as she planned to sleep early. I
too joined in the chores. I asked her what was the
reason for going to sleep early and she replied uncle
was very hungry; I smiled impishly and dared to ask,
"Why aunty, isn't his hunger Satisfied with the evening
fiesta, my aunt looked at me in surprise. She realized
what I meant and said "So you were here “No aunty, I
did not see anything", I pretended to be innocent. Hey
it means. She took the rolling pin in zest and said "If
only someone put his lund inside your fuddi you will
understand the hunger". As light was out we took dinner
in candle light and as mamma was taking dinner fast in
order to retire to their bedroom. I could barely
suppress my laugh knowing well that why was he in a
hurry. Looking at my smile my aunty blushed and she
understood I had seen them fucking in the verandah.
When I went back to my room, mami came and offered two
candles to me. One she lit and other a real huge and
thick one she gave me winking at me and she made a
whole with her thumb and index finger and pushed candle
in it and moved it imitating a lund in a fuddi .She
said to me , "Reenu, you can watch us if you want, and
have this second big candle in your fuddi and it will
be very exciting. But before doing it apply some
Vaselene and stretch and spread your legs thoroughly.
That night as lights were out they did not even close
the window but I could listen not only moaning and
creaking. My aunty talked a lot and gave instructions
to him like "Bite my boobs", "yes chodo mujhe like
that, put your fat lund into my fuddi". She was talking
as if giving a radio commentary. I understood that my
aunty must be knowing that I was listening and she was
giving detailed description .
From the next day aunty and I became closer friends.
Not that there was any curtain between us as before.
She taught both Cheenu and me how to measure our
choochees and it was not done over our dress. We were
striped stark naked and she inspected our growth almost
everyday when we were alone. Cheenu resisted being
naked before aunt but I also joined in disrobing her.
And then both of us were taken to purchase our first
teen bra. Once I entered in her room and saw a special
oil, women's body oil and asked her hey what it is for
and she asked giggling for most important place and
then she became serious and said "Its for my breats
dear, it's a herbal oil prepared by my amma. It's the
secret of my big choochees and showed me her big boobs
like footballs. No wonder why my uncle was crazy about
her. She told me that I should realize that most
important part for a girl are her boobs and that is
what make a purush crazy about her so she must take
proper care .She offered me some of her oil so that I
too get bigger boobs.
And she even made me lift my kurta and massaged it on
my boobs. She suggested that I was at the proper age
for taking care of boobs as when they don't develop in
this age girl's start worrying but the time for normal
development is gone. When maa visited us both of them
discussed this and maa purchased a choochee massager
for me and Cheenu. By this time we were in 11th. I had
learned how to touch me and a friend of mine who was
pro in such things told me how to caress labia and rub
clit. I even read some books kept in mami'sroom about
oral sex various positions. I used to discuss this with
Cheenu and as far as listening was concerned she was an
avid listener but when it came to active participation
she developed cold feet. And knowing
Her nature I used to tease her by lifting her frock and
squeezing her over her panty. Then winter vacation
started and it was time for family reunion and as we
could not leave because of exams everybody came here.
My parents, amma's elder sisters all came one by one to
the house. Final entrant was the eldest sister of my
When I bowed to touch her feet she lifted me and told
mami, `arre Rinu has become a aurat (lugai), look see
her choochees, how taut they look and well rounded
too!" and she squeezed my choochee in no uncertain
manner. Showing it to mami, she said "Such good global
tits, I think some boy had handled it. Otherwise how
could they become so well rounded and the nipples taut
like cherries’ was non plussed but she giggled and said
" aare I meant they make you really beautiful, don't
get embarrassed". And she kept on caressing and
fondling them. "No mousi, I wont allow any boy to touch
me there. I am not like that", I defended myself.
My eldest Mausi laughed and hugged me "Don't worry
dear, I was just teasing you little devil. But there is
nothing wrong in allowing someone to press your boobs
at this age. If no boys then allow any girl. It’s
better to massage your breasts at this age which will
help you to develop good choochees. Do you know your
amma and I started caressing each other and that's why
we got better boobs than any of other sisters?! She was
then caressing my young teen boobs said it is known as
choonchiya uthan and this
the best age for enjoying. You can flaunt them, show it
to boys and they will do what is known as chakshu
chodan and so before even getting your body touched,
you are giving joy to so many. And you should never
hide it and even if you must, hide only partly. And
then maa came and she said
"Whats is happening here? Leave my daughter alone, You
are at your old tricks again?" My amma too surprised
to seeing my choochees become such large and she turned
her eyes away from me. But my elder mousy was still
pinching my nipples and was reluctant to leave my
boobs. She said to my
amma that she was only comparing my choochees with her
own daughters. Her daughter was Neelu who was also
looking at my choochees with a special interest. Maa
showed mock anger and said "Okay, don't envy about her,
your black eye should not be on my pretty daughter"
,she asked me to dress my
shirt up. Meanwhile Neelu didi, her daughter and our
eldest cousin came and we hugged each other and I
dragged her to my room.
She was eldest and most mature amongst us. She had
spent most of time in Punjab and used to behave like a
Punjabi kudi(village belly). She had most `experience'
and will tell bawdiest jokes, and methods on how to
tease the boys. But as badi mausi was located far away
they used to visit only 2-3 times in a year. She hugged
me again and almost measured my boobs and said "ooooh
Reenu your tits have become ripe for handling. How did
they became
such big in an year? Are you massaging it?". I laughed
and said "No, No Neelu Didi". Neelu squeezed again
asked my size. I replied 32 and quickly added the cup
size C. Neelu exclaimed "Perfect size hai for boys to
handle you. Men will die for you for having the right
size, now come inside and
let me have a closer look". She pushed me inside the
quilt. She lifted my skirt and squeezed my choot over
my panty. "Hey do you touch yourself here",
she asked me. I could not speak lie to Neelu didi so I
admitted hesitatingly "Yes". She felt happy and pressed
her fingers hard "Okay your have progressed somewhat,
lets see how much?!",. But she did not stop there. She
took my fingers and took it to her fuddi region and
said "Ok show me how you do it? " She lowered her
panties and allowed my fingers
inside her panty. I was shaking as it was broad daytime
but she being Neelu didi was not to be deterred. When
my fingers gripped her fuddi there was no mark of hair.
She opened a film magazine and asked me to look in
there and let my hands to do its job. We were so
engrossed in reading magazine and
Chatting about it but inside the quilt my fingers were
caressing outside labia. I was using two fingers to
gently squeeze them; I started trailing from the base
of her clit and go even beyond her choot. I was using
tip of my fingers and slowly I increased the pressure
and when wet ness felt
Suddenly I grabbed her choot in my palm and started
rubbing it hard with base of my palm grinding against
the clit. Till that day I had not inserted any finger
but after rubbing with palm for some time when I could
feel that she is becoming hot I slowly stopped the
grind and started my caressing with two fingers but
this time they were teasing inner side of labia with
force and authority. Neelu didi admitted yes I had
learned something but meanwhile my aunty suddenly
entered the room and admonished us. "Hey, what's is
going on here?". Neelu didi teased her "Oh, aunty, you
are an ant in our heaven, please go away and don't tell
anybody". I was shocked to hear Neelu being so bold to
aunty. However unlike her she did not respond and was
looking perturbed. Without stopping my fingers I asked
my aunty if we had caused any trouble. My aunty replied
that she was inspecting the rooms to arrange the
sleeping arrangement for all newcomers and family
members comfortably tonight.
Suddenly an idea flashed in my mind and I suggested my
aunty "Auntie, there is a room (Barsathi) on the roof
and it is presently vacant, I, Neelu didi and Cheenu
can sleep there and you can use this room for Mausa ji
or whomsoever you may like". She felt relived but again
quizzed saying that what could be done about absence of
any cot there. Neelu didi this time came to rescue and
said, "We will take a sofa from here and rest we will
manage ourselves, don't worry aunty" She was feeling
happy and was back in her true color and said ok but
you will be all alone there. "Don't call for any boy
friend’s there", she winked at us mischievously and
left to the kitchen. As she turned her back I pinched
at Neelu didi's choot and with drew my fingers. Neelu
didi was really happy and said yes it was good. She
asked me," Reenu did you do it with Cheenu, I think she
is right to fingered , Don't lie to me I bet you are
doing it to each other" saying this she cupped by boobs
and I was thrilled. I said "No Neelu Deedi, Cheenu is
very shy. She won’t undress before me. Always she keeps
the changing dress when she goes to bath room. Cheenu
never piss in open too like all did here". Then I
disclosed Neelu didi that in fact I had tried to take a
look at Cheenu's privates when she was asleep. But even
in her deep sleep, she closes her thighs together. Most
of the nights she wears panties and bra and even when I
put my hands over her boobs she removed it. Neelu didi
told, "ok it means I will have to train her but you are
also learning so that we may have to train her
together. No girl exists in the world who doesn't take
any advances from girls or boys. It's the tactic and
atmosphere which decides the course. I have made so
many girls do. I said "yes Guruji" to Neelu with
genuine respect. She started narrating her experience
of boys how she goes out to movies with them and does
dating and how they kiss her on neck and fondle but she
has not permitted anybody to touch under the garments.
I asked innocently "Why guru ji?" She laughed "
You will not understand Reenu. When a boy touches a
girl the girl will be saying "No", "No" but a girl's No
means Yes. Its not possible for a girl to keep control
of the situation when a boy touches over your boobs
It is hard to maintain the control and once you lose
control, very soon you lose your cherry too. She said
that she had no objection to that, but as it is a once
in a life time experience she wanted to do with
somebody special and in such a surroundings that she
will savor it most. I said
"Neelu didi, but its too painful, no? How can u
accommodate such pain?" Neelu didi laughed and squeezed
my boobs saying "Banno (pet name like girl), pain is
half of the joy and that makes it memorable". Meanwhile
my aunty appeared on the scene and scolded us for
chatting but not moving cot etc. She asked us to act
fast as elder ladies want to rest soon after dinner.
But I knew she was the only one who wanted to retire to
the room as she was now completed her menstrual period
and thus maximum horny like her khasam. "Ok girls, what
are you both doing here under a quilt let me see",
She lifted the quilt in a sudden pull, but much before
that like good girls we were reclining properly. We
shifted the cot and prepared room on the roof. It was
really remote and one could close the door to roof and
one has to walk some distance on the roof to approach
room. It has an attached
Toilet and bathroom too. We shifted our things and
brought Cheenu things too. When Cheenu came, Neelu didi
hugged her in her inimitable style squeezing her boobs
too and whisperings some dangerous things. She did
laugh but was feeling apprehensive about sleeping with
us. She did discus with Mausi ji if she can sleep with
others but was advised against it (and slowly I
realized it was not so much about space as it was to
keep these growing teens away from nocturnal activity).
It was early dinner and I teased my aunt saying "auntie
why are you leaving earlier to your room lets have some
chit chat" and she laughed understanding my innuendo
and said "I have to arrange place for everyone. Already
your amma is complaining she is getting sleepy". Cheenu
Was wearing a slawar covering her legs and it made me
and Nelu didi giggle. When we went up I innocently
asked my manjahlai Mausi and Cheenu's maa , `mausi can
we close the barsathi from inside?' she nodded yes and
even said ki tomorrow is holiday so everybody will get
up late so we can take our time . I bolted the door
from our side and stopped for a minute and listened
mausi bolting door from their side too. I told Mausi,"
yes we have brought our clothes here only and we will
come down after getting ready. She was going down the
stairs and said thek hai aaram se aana. I was overjoyed
not because I knew about activity down the stairs but
because it will give time for me and Neelu didi to
enjoy us. I was wondering how we would conquer the girl
Cheenu to make her naked against her wish. Will Neelu
didi succeed making Cheenu surrender to us and to train
Cheenu may be much against her wishes. It was hard for
me to tackle her alone but with the strength of Neelu
Didi she was no match.
The dinner was served and after dinner everyone retired
to their allotted rooms. So I, Neelu and Cheenu went to
the Barsathi upper side. Cheenu pleaded to sleep with
her amma but she asked her to go with Neelu and me.
When I entered room Neelu didi had changed into her
night dress but Cheenu was still in her sahlwar suit
( long suit with two parts upper long shervani and
bottom loose pants). I too changed into night gown and
whispered to Neelu didi that door to roof is closed
from both sides and her
face glowed. Neelu didi asked me to take initiative and
she will support me at all cost. Cheenu said she will
sleep at the farthest corner. But Neelu prevented it by
saying that she will sleep there as her legs were long
and she used to sleep on her chest. So Cheenu was
placed between Neelu and me.
Neelu pretended to be sleepy and was lying down on one
side of Cheenu who was apprehensive about our pranks
but we bid good night and switched of even night light
and we went to sleep. I could feel that Cheenu is
uncomfortable sleeping in middle of two girls. I
suspected she knew my misadventures of feeling her
nakedness and did not get courage to say openly to me
that she did not like it. The closeness to Cheenu's
body began to excite me in some unknown ways. I could
smell her sweat from her wet armpits. The salwar suit
she was wearing was so silky and not at all suitable in
such congested rooms. Cheenu was trying to get sleep by
changing sides and tried to move away from me. But
Neelu effectively prevented it by coming towards us and
she lay in a W like fashion with her folded knees
hitting Cheenu's midriff. The more Cheenu tried to move
from my side the close become Neelu's knees touching
her belly. Neelu expertly used her kneecaps so that at
every moment her knees touched Cheenu exactly around
her fuddi. I moved facing Cheenu and I tried to comfort
her. I put my hands on her boobs as if absently , but
she pulled it away. I changed my sides and pretended to
be asleep when nothing happened for 10-15 minutes,
Cheenu felt reassured and had a cat sleep. I turned and
slowly grabbed string of her shalwar. The salwar is
tied at the midriff using a chord, which has a running
loop at the front to loose it easily. But Cheenu had
tied it without a running loop and I could not untie it
without waking her. But I tried with the knot for about
ten minutes without waking her cat sleep and finally I
was succeeded. The string was loosen and I silently
placed my hand on her lap. Then a finger touched mine
and scratched. It was Neelu didi's fingers. The moon
had risen and the room was not dark. As soon as I
loosened the chord of Cheenu's salwar, Neelu began to
lower it from backside and unknown to Cheenu we
succeeded to lower the salwar to her knee level. But in
place of a pair of panties we found Cheenu worn a khaki
knickers. The knickers were rough and had buttons. It
was not possible to
remove knickers without waking her. Neelu hugged her
close from behind and nodded me to proceed. I began to
unbutton her knickers and in the process
Cheenu woke up. Incidentally her hand reached the
buttons and she said "What is this?". She tried to
resist but before she could do anything her hands were
tightly held by Neelu didi. I did not show any hurry in
opening her shalwar. Teasingly slowly I opened it and
pulled it down. This was the turn for Neelu didi who
kept on holding her hands with her one hand and she
pushed her knickers down. Now Cheenu was expecting our
hands to invade her thigh land but it were not to be
and was firmly covering her fuddi with
folded hands. My hands went inside her top and grabbed
her choochees. And Neelu didi had taken the lower
front. She was very softly rubbing her labia with her
both fingers and I was tweaking cheenu's tits . She
responded slowly but there was a very strong mental
resistance. I started cupping her small pert young
boobs softly while now Neelu didi was applying pressure
on her clit. Her body became warmer, resistance was now
reducing and she has started showing some response.
Neelu was licking Cheenu's back and I felt Cheenu was
melting and soon we could make her willing participant.
But Cheenu was not showing any signs of acceptance. I
did not know what to do next. Suddenly Neelu didi
rolled over Cheenu and called me and said "Reenu
it seems Cheenu is not liking it. Lets play with us.
Let us make love to you ! Reenu".
I got out of bed and tried to remove my clothes. I
looked at Cheenu and saw she was eagerly looking at me.
Then Neelu stood up and embraced me showing her love
signs to Cheenu, ignoring her. "Hey Reenu, why you are
feeling so shy? In a year or two when you will get
married, everyday you have to disrobe everyday for your
khasam. God knows is he will make you naked in daylight
too. So don't be shy. Let me see you naked, dear. Don't
be shy",Neelu began helping me with the dress. She told
me, "Ok if you are so shy Reenu, then you imagine you
are Cheenu. I will make love to Cheenu. So you don't
get much shy. Just imagine its Cheenu and not Reenu
being naked, ha ha and I am Cheenu's lover". We were
still clad in our nightgown. Neelu didi held me in her
arms and started caressing. She was holding my head and
her fingers were playing with my long lustrous black
tresses and her smoldering lips were inches away from
my lips. Suddenly she held my head with both her hands
strongly and kissed me on my lips. I almost got singed.
But I responded boldly and kissed her back. Our eyes
were laughing and dancing and we were inebriated. Neelu
didi's one hand opened strings of my gown and it
slipped over my shoulders showing my boobs which were
hardening. Her both hands were still holding my hands
and her kisses have become bolder longer. Now our
tongues were playing with each other. I too opened
Neelu didi's nightgown and for second we parted to let
the gown slip on ground and we came out of it. Cheenu
was transfixed looking at us but we were taking no
As soon as we both became naked and stood as two
mermaids in a full moon night. Both of us held each
other's back and started grinding slowly. Her boobs
(which were slightly heavier than mine) started
crushing mine and she started moaning calling me as
Cheenu and uttered "Cheenu darling your tits are so
soft and firm, Ahhhhhh I am getting so excited, just
rub your tits on me. Cheeeeeenuuuuu", Neelu was rubbing
her choochees over mine. I too joined and said "yes
yes", make love to me Neelu". Neelu didi again started
kissing me but this time they were fast and small
kisses like a butterfly fleeting from one flower to
another. She will kiss on my eye and when I will expect
next one to be on my check she will bite my ear lobes.
Her one hand was holding me but other has started
caressing and squeezing my firm young ass. I was almost
melting under this attack. Neelu didi held me in her
arms and said "Cheenu let us move to bed". I said non
coherently "Yes my Sajan(lover)", and we moved to bed.
I moved to the cot and lay very close to Cheenu as our
bodies were rubbing each other and now she was fully
drawn to our lust. Then like a cloud hovering over
green pastures, Neelu didi bent over me. She came
between my spread thighs but no part of her body was
touching mine. She took a fleeting kiss of my eyelids
and playfully when I shifted my face to avoid my lips
she not only kissed around my eyelids and pulled my
eyelashes. She kissed on my cheekbones and bit me hard.
Now her kisses were strong and demanding. She came to
nap of my neck and kissed me there. Her tongue traveled
down but teasingly she
left my tits and went directly to base of my now fully
hard tennis ball size teen boobs. Her tongue, like
flames of passion engulfed my choochees and I was
moaning. With every kiss she was calling me Cheenu and
I could feel that in this heat, resistance and resolve
of our sis who was looking at us very intensely was
melting down. Suddenly, like a kite swooping down on
its prey, Neelu didi grabbed my both teen boobs and
started squeezing them, but even now her palm was not
touching my tits that had become fully erect now. She
was cupping, squeezing and crushing with full force.
Her lips had arrested my lips and her tongue was deep
inside my mouth. This continued for some time and then
very slowly she touched my love lips with her love lips
and only they were touching our thighs were just inches
apart. It put fire in my portals of love and now I
could no longer resist. I raised my hips and she
smilingly came down and started grinding my choot with
her choot. Now Neelu didi had move to the main course
and her nimble fingers had grabbed my one passion filed
hard tit and were puling it stretching it hard and her
lips captured other tit.
When Iturned my face I saw Cheenu very close and her
face was aglow with desire her boobs were hard and tits
were fully aroused. I smiled at her and she smiled
back. I held her small hard choochee and squeezed it
softly. Her smile become broader and as if she pushed
her boobs in my hand. I cupped
them more firmly and my hand started replicating what
Neelu didi's hand was doing to my boobs. My long nail
started journey upwards pressing hard and after
reaching at tits pinched it slowly. And she moaned. In
the first time my life I heard my sis Cheenu moaning.
It gladdened me and I continued pulling her tit
pinching it and I could here her voice yes Rinu yes
please keep on ... Meanwhile Neelu Didi had put full
focus on rubbing my choot
with her choot. She was holding my slender waist with
both her hands and with force she was doing a strong
rubbing of my choot with her choot.Our thighs were
entwined, my one hand was scratching Neelu didi's back
and my hips were high answering every pressure of Neelu
didi. When I again look at Cheenu's face while
squezzing her boobs hard she was looking at my choochee
which were bearing marks of nails and teeth of Neelu
didi. I gently held
her hand and brought it to my boobs and pressed it
against it. Feeling was so good and soon she learned
the trick .As my hand was pressing squeezing her
choochee she was doing same to me. We lost our senses.
Neelu didi had located my clit and now her one hand was
playing with it rubbing, pressing. I was on the verge
of orgasm. When Neelu didi looked at me I smiled and
indicated toward Cheenu who was cupping my boobs hard
while her boobs were being pressed by me. She also
moved her one hand between
Cheenu's thighs and cupped her mound. Now Cheenu didi
came with a loud moan and started pressing her choot in
Neelu didi's hand. It further aroused her
and Neelu started doing rubbing and grinding of my
choot in full frenzy and in no time I came. Neelu didi
left me and went to the side of Cheenu and
lied down. We were all very exhausted but soon all of
sudden we started giggling. Both of us hugged Cheenu
who was still holding my boobs as I was cupping hers. I
kissed her on earlobes while Neelu Didi kissed her on
her swell of boobs. I complained to Neelu didi "Neelu
didi you are holding Cheenu so close and keeping her
all for yourelf . Let me also enjoy her". Hugging
Cheenu she asked "Sure why not, Cheenu will also be
yours" and she nodded her head very slowly.
When Neelu didi sat between thighs of Cheenu this time
without even touching her choot she spread her thighs.
I smiled to Neelu didi and we started our joint plan. I
took care of top and she of bottom. I began fondling
and caressing her now very hard young boobs but
teasingly my fingers will stop short of her tit which
were very erect now and began
demanding attention. Neelu didi too was rubbing her
labia and trying to locate her clit, and as soon she
discovered and found it is already hot and responding
started pressing it. Cheenu was responding, she was
raising her hips but Neelu didi kept her choot barely
touching her fluttering choot lips. Now Cheenu has no
recourse left but ask for it. "Neelu didi, please do
it, do it to me, you are my Sajan" . But as if she is
not listening Neelu
didi pressed her thumb and started rotating it on her
clit. Cheenu lost all inhibitions, and began rolling
herself in the cot pelading please Neelu didi "O please
do it to me like you did to Reenu please Neelu love me
like you did it to Reenu". Neelu didi played ignorant
and asked Cheenu, "What dear tell me again" . I grabbed
her boobs and pressed hard. She said love making and I
smiled and pulled her tit and said "Arre Cheenu, be
more frank.Tell me exactly what do you want me to
do ?". She was in flames but she said "Neelu didi I
cannot tell I am ashamed". Neelu teased her "Cheenu
I don't understand say it clearly what do you want me
to do, then only I can help you?" When she felt there
was no way out she said "ok chodo mujhe fuck me". But
Neelu didi was not to bow and she said "Fucking!! Whats
is that dear.Tell me in Hindi I want to hear exactly
what you want to be done?". Neelu didi started rubbing
her clit in a frenzy and now se was beyond anything and
she blurted out "ohhh oohhh" moaning very loudly "
please please , ohoo Neelu don't tease me more, I want
you to fuck my choot. I want to chodo mujhe like Uncle
does to our aunty. I want you to chodo mujhe like a
bull does to a cow". And that was the signal we were
looking for. Now Neelu didi pressed her choot on
Cheenu's choot and started fucking her wildly. I too
started pulling her tits pinching rolling and leaving
my nail marks. Cheenu was moaning wildly , her hips
were moving in unibeta with Neelu didi and it continued
for some time But Neelu didi's timing was superb . She
will realize when Cheenu is on the verge of cumming she
will stop suddenly and indicate me too. Cheenu will beg
for release and she will make her promise that
henceforth she will use only those words and she was
made to say Lund Burchoot chudai (Lund, fuddi, choot)
many times and only then she will start.With her
expertise in 4-5 minutes she will again bring her close
to brink and this will be my turn to extract promise
that she will never say no to my fingers and soon she
was exclaiming and demanding Rinu "please meri choonchi
ko khub kas karke ragdo Neelu didi please meri choot
main han yes aise hi (Reenu please rub my fuddi harder
harder yes like that forcely yaahh aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh)
" and then we realized that her initiation has begun
and Neelu didi brought her to release. However this
time Neelu didi too got exhausted. For a long time all
three of us kept lying down hugging each other softly.

An Indian Wedding (Contd.)

Part II
After some time when tiredness reduced, Neelu didi came
back in good spirits and in her inimitable style held
my boob and Cheenu's boob and squeezed very hard. She
said ,"Come on girls I have eaten both of your pussies
and took you both to heaven. But you two have forgotten
all about me, your guruji." Cheenu laughed and said,
`didi as you know I'm new, but may be Rinu didi should
do something about, and she was ever trying to enter
into my skirt.' I too laughed and said, "Guru ji may be
I should give some head to it" and came between Neelu
didi's well spread thighs. I kissed her deep navel and
my tongue without breaking started licking her
but avoided direct contact with her choot. It was
making a line with her outer lips. And I pushed a
pillow under her hips nay chootar and continued licking
right up to crack of her ass. My hands were very slowly
teasingly caressing her inner thighs and my tongue came
up and started caressing the other labia. Iw s not only
licking my tongue was stroking pressing and it made a
full circle. I could listen to didi's moans. And Cheenu
was not sitiing idle. She has joined the gang in right
earnest and she was pressing cupping Neelu didi's
boobs. This double assault ahd made Neelu didi rasie
her chootar and she was demanding more. Who was me to
deny and in one swoop I opened my mouth and captured
her whole muff. I did not kiss or suck but let it leave
like that. Slowly, I started rubbing it and I could
feel some rus. I raised my face and then with my
fingers I parted her fuddi wide and began rubbing inner
side of labia which was now wet.
Neelu didi had almost closed her eyes and given herself
to joy. I inserted one finger while my tongue was
probing for he clit. And as it touched the clit, it
started tickling vibrating it. My fingers were moving
softly trying to press inner parts without going deep.
After some time when I
knew that her clit has become fully hard and swollen I
withdrew my tongue and out came my finger too. But very
slowly tongue went inside and I started licking inside
her juicy fuddi. I was fucking didi's choot with my
tongue, running my tongue between the inner and outer
lips on one side,while holding the two together with my
lips, in and out, around and around. My fingers were
not idle they were trying to locate her meatus, the
opening for her urethra, her pee hole and as I found
tips of my fingers pressed her there. Didi started
moaning very hard loudly. I looked at Cheenu and
understanding the message, she pinched her hard erect
tits real hard. Didi
was almost on the climax but I withdrew the tongue from
her choot and raised my face and she was raising her
hips frantically. Slowly as she cooled
down I againstarted but this time my tongue directly
went to her clit and I started flicking it, my fingers
were inside her soaked choot sliding.
Slowly her clit was again fully aroused and didi was
moaning very loudly. I raised my face and looked at
Cheenu who was looking at me greedily. I
touched my lips with my tongue and indicated towards
didi's tit and she got the massage. She devoured didi's
tits in one gulp and I grabbed her clit
between my lips and started sucking hungarily. My lips
were pressing it, my mouth was sucking and my tongue
was flirting with it. With my both
hands I had held didi's slender waist forcefully. And
she did not come, she exploded but neither I nor Cheenu
left her. We only slowed our tempo
and as soon she subsided we again started in full
frenzy and it came wave after wave. And only when she
almost collapsed we left her. She could not
speak but her glimmering eyes were saying very good
sis. Both of us hugged our guruji.
We must have lied down for an hour, holding Neelu didi
between us.
Neelu didi got up and said "Reenu I am satisfied with
you, you know how to give a good suck, I love it, but
Cheenu you have to show some more
progress, why don't you now try once again with Reenu's
choot and first Reeenu will suck you dry and you will
understand how, alright!?". Cheenu nodded. I smiled at
Cheenu and said "you also want me to suck the way I was
sucking Neelu didi?" . Neelu intervened,"No, both of
you do what I say, I am the boss here, okay". So we
started sucking each other lying side by side and my
head immersed between her legs and her head eating my
fuddi. This time Cheenu did not require any goding and
said "Reeenu,deeper yaaar, oooooooooooh make it deeper
". I went between her thighs but Neelu didi said `No
lets make Cheenu also suck my fuddi. Then my fuddi will
become like a chutney and I can have a good pleasure
from both of
youNahin Cheenu ko bhi to choot cahtna sikhana chiye .
Ise sath sath meri choot chatni ho gi aur main ise
pakki choot cahtori banadongi.' I started
licking Cheenu's choot(fuddi) and Neelu didi went over
her face. She rubbed her soaked dripping choot on
Cheenu's face which she was made to
lick, hard. This time we did it very slowly extending
our pleasure for more than and hour. We tried to sleep
but it was not coming. Neelu didi
told her experience and some adult jokes. And then she
got and idea and she asked us to close our eyes for
some time and she brought a drink which
was loking like coke but it ws not when we drank it it
brought fire and we asked what type of cola it is. She
smilead and said Ramola. Mix of cola
and Rum and it will bring back energy to us. Neelu didi
made us to finger fuck her and then she asked us to
fuck ourselves and describe and before we
were on theverge of climax she made us stop and told us
to swap fingers and I finger fucked Cheenu who in
turned shoved her fingers inside my choot and
soon we came together again. It kept on and on.And
suddenly when I looked at clock it was 5 am . ohh we
spent entire night let us sleep we all
exclaimed together. We slept till 9 and when I got up I
knew weall are going to be fired for sleeping so late.
I woke them and we got ready only thing was that we
took bath together and Neelu didi made us all clean our
golden brown young hair nay jhants (she made us say
When I came down expecting some hard firing I found
that things were sleepy. Mami was in kitchen making
tea. I hugged her and said "Sorry aunty, I wake up late
today, Shall I help you in kitchen?". She said no and
then she looked at me smilingly and said yes may be you
can. I thing it is already to late to prepare why don't
you go to Panchu's shop and get some hot samosas ( a
potato orient food) . "But Mami you know at this time
it is very crowded and he is very lecherous and always
play dirty jokes
with girls ". "No way Reenu, you have to go now and buy
samoosas hurry up", mami urged me. As I turned to go
she pulled out my lund( pullover dress) and said now it
looks nice laughingly. After night's teachings with
Neelu didi I too have become bold and went out. When I
reached at the shop suddenly there was a silence. I
without bothering about everybody gaze at my boobs went
to him and asked Samose. Looking at me leering his
tongue over his lips he said "well samosas are good and
well rounded" obviously referencing about my choochees.
I crossed my hands below mychoochee and pushing them
further out. "But I want it fast", and before waiting
could protest he gave me and I came back. Neelu didi
had convinced mausi ji and Mausa ji that we will be
permitted to go for a movie. But uncle gave permission
to take dinner outside and enough money for that. My
maa also gave me money for our outing. Neelu didi
guided us how to dress. I wore a shalwar kurta which
was real tight but Cheenu was made to wear a frock. And
when I put my choochee massager under my bra I found
even Cheenu had put hers. She smiled sheepishly and
indicated towards her bra. As
soon we came out, Neelu didi pulled away Cheenu's
dupata and I caged it in my bag, and with that went her
past and we stepped into our mast jawani .
We watched movies and spent some time in love lane,
famous spot in gunj (and in those days it was really
narrow) which led that first time a few boys while
moving fondled our choochee and our guruji rather
...encouraged it.
When we came back it was Cheenu who stripped first and
we repeated last night acts with more passion and joy.
Neelu didi stayed with us for two weeks and each nights
we spent trying different sex games. Neelu didi taught
is many things so my mausi ji. One
day when my maa and mausi ji were playing cards with my
aunty and all ribald jokes, lewdest betags were going
on all three of us also were backing
one are other player, I blurted out to Badi Mausi ji, "
Mausi ji please arrange for Neelus wedding". Badi Musi
responded strongly," That means you
want to be next in line, you can say directly that you
want to marry, no'.
Manjhali mausi came in my support,"" but Reenus's tits
have grown well and Neelu now loooks younger." And badi
masusi immediately changed her stand
and said, yes and she dragged me to her lap and kissing
me fully on cheeks and squeezing my boobs said"Rinu ,
you are growing so nice that I think
Neelu and Cheenus khasams will come after you when they
see your nice choochees. They began to talk about
allowing the elder girl's khasams fucking the younger
girl as is it's a usual thing in the society. I changed
topic and left while Cheenu and Neelu were asking me to
move to Bersathi and have a noon show. But it was not
to be. It was not that I
was not willing as it wasa contract between three of us
too that we will share. I was rather more than wiling
and looking forward to and I especially used to tease
Cheenu about it. Years passed by and after abut two
more years we all got married or engaged. Neelu didi
had very high (or should I say long and thick)
standards in her mind. She got also somebody who,
`exceeded' her expectations, engagement was done but
poor chap had to go to US for some course and it
delayed her marriage by two years and only
last month she was married and was now on extended
honeymoon. Cheenu's marriage was fixed a few months
before mine and I was thinking I will this
time not spare my Jiju. However, due to some problems
in stars she could be married only one and half month
after my marraige , after I came back
from a month long honeymoon. And thus I went virgin to
my pati. And talking of pati bell rang and when I
opened the door it was my pati. He looked at me and
said hey don't have long face I have some good news for
you so smile my darling.
I came back from my past when I heard telephone ringing
again, this time it was my amma. Maa has rang me up
saying that marriage rituals will
start after 3 days and as Cheenu and Neelu can not come
youhave to be there at least two days before marriage
day. My khasam arranged the flight
tickets and I was agreed Cheenu's khasam will receive
me at Palam Airport.
I did not reveal to my khasam that Cheenu's khasam was
very eager to pick me ." I asked my khasam to try to
come to wedding but he further added
that "Reenu, you know our friend Mr Singh, he has a one
room set right next to Mausa ji;s house and he insists
that you stay there and I will sugest if
you don't at least just put your luggage "You may
require a room during the marriage when its too
crowded. You can either stay there or take some
relatves too, I have talked to Mr.Singh" . He added "
Reenu, you know that scheme where one can have one
credit card free for one spouse. Today a card came on
my company card in your name so go ahead and splurge
for marriage. I felt immensely happy. I was only
thinking when I went to kitchen to bring food that how
happy Jiju will be after, listening that it
is only 48 hours which separate us. As soon my huuby
went back to office I started planning what I will wear
for marriage. I decided to go through
Cheenu's marriage album and look into what I wore
during Cheenu's marriage and this time it should be
different and I would like to me it as sexy and
bold as possible. I picked up Cheenu's wedding album
and started looking into it. And first picture itself
made me loose breath. In the first
picture itself, Ravi my Jiju ( Cheenu's khasam) was
looking so dashing, so handsome I was almost
hypnotized. I noticed that in the snap he even
though he was smiling with Cheenu his eyes were not
focussed on her. It was not noticed earlier. He was
gazing intently at my boobs and at that
time they were 34c, proud hard and being shown in a
traditional choli with very deep cleavage, and
backless. Chunri which was assigned the task to
hide them was in my hands. Then there were pictures of
dinner I was feeding him with my henna filled hands, I
was singing lewdest gallis and
teasing him and in one picture I was blocking his way
to kohabar, and recalling what he did with me there
almost made my boobs hard.
My thoughts travelled back to Cheenu's marriage
ceremony. My marriage happened just one month before
Cheenu's, even though Cheenu was engaged one
year earlier to me. I had come back from honeymoon and
everybody was teasing me esp. my mausis and cousins.
And in turn I was teasing Cheenu and I was joined by
two of her Bhabhis, Madhu Bhbahi and Rashmi Bhabhi
(wife of his two cousins who had come to attend
marriage). However when it came to singing gallis I
also being nanad was targeted with choicest
abuses.There was a practice of singing sexy,rowdy
betags in a hall in which only women were allowed. This
practice was to give sexual education to the
bride and shed her inhibitions. I have heard that Ravi
my Jiju is very extrovert bold and her family is laso
like my family very open or rather
more so. The groom comes riding a horse and at night.
There will be a procession around him. Liquor and
sweets will flow like flood.
The procession is called Barat. All people coming with
Barat will be awarded with heavy presents like bikes
etc. When Barat came a sehra was read from
Brides side and some teasing betags were sung by mausi
and maa. However, groom and his relatives including
Samadhi (his pita) distributed a paper,
which teased us. There were some very bawdy questions
like questions what will happen tomorrow when door will
be shut and bride will be inside and
there was a question from salli to pointing towards me,
"Why moonlike face is so grim and dark today?". It was
especially distributed to all females of bride side.
But I found maa mausi and mami were enjoying it like
As I was married that time I was more daring and
carefree. So I went to Jiju and introduced myself but
before I could began he hold my hands and
said "Yes I knew You, Reenu you and my younger but most
favourite and prettiest salli(wifes sister). See as you
came this side light has dimmed,
do you know the reason. The light felt its poor before
such a moon like face" He went on quiting Omar Khayams
love verses which were all about a
sweet face obviously he was more intersted in me than
Cheenu.Even though I did not admit it, Ravi's verses
and words were almost melting me. As soon
jaimal was over he came to andwalked me to a corner and
started chatting.
Most of the time unashamedly he was looking at my boobs
and to encourage him I took away my Chunri and was
playing with it. He said , salli ji
lekin Ihave a complain from you, I giggled I know but
how can I make amends for it. It was in the stars but
you can still cash your check when ever
you want akhir salli to hun apki. He really felt happy
and said sacchi I said han but using his lingo I said
but there is punishment for premature
withdrawal. He laughed loudly. Meanwhile his friends
came and joined us.
I said "Please introduce me with your friends". Ravi
said " Sure, let me introduce my youngest but cutest
sally to all of you". Before he could say
anything further they all said "yes we know that she is
your only salli" but one said gigglingly "Your sally is
too sexy yaar. Jiju frowned but I
said "Don't mind him he was just boosting me". And
everybody joined in merry making. He told me name of
everybody and introduced with her cousins
and all female relatives and I remembered names of all
of them to be used later. I went away for some chores
nd when I came back he was taking
dinner but none of his friends or relatives were
around.I asked ,what type of food you like and he said
non veg and I said galli and he laughingly
said non veg. I snatched plate from his hand and
exclaimed ,Jiju abbhi bhi , you are using your hands
now you should leave all those indecent habits,
you should take spoon and fork". He laughed and
said ,"But beautiful sally like you around I cannot
forget my old habits, however naught they may be".
I showed mock anger and said, `hey Jiju you don't make
any difference between me and Cheenu. I will feed you,
and from tomorrow onwards Cheenu
will feed you like this. I started feeding him using my
own hands. When the lost morsel was left I took it to
his mouth but splashed it on his handsome cheek. He was
angry for an instant but such preys are usuall during a
marriage,the younger sister of bride has the privilage
to tease the groom. Sometimes his dress will be stolen,
sometimes his boots/shoe will be misplaced. Such
harmless tricks are common. For getting back the things
the groom has to pay money to sally and her friends.
Ravi took me to icecream stall and this time he fed me.
To be careful I insisted that he use spoon so that he
can not pay me back with same coin.
But he had some other trick. When it ws almost finished
he took a big scoop and intending that he is taking to
his mouth suddenly bend and poured
it in my deep cleavage. There was no body in that
corner. He said "Now we ae even, sally may I clean it
for you, I will use my lips only" but I
turned to ensure that it comes out of my choli and even
lossened the string and suddenely he almost saw my
boobs. I became angry and said main apse
gussa hun but he took me to paan stal aur apne hath se
paan khilya and I also gave pan to her with my hands,
saying ok pata pati ho gayi. After
some time groom came to mandap for marriage. I had
changed to a tight shalwar kurta. He had seen my
cleavage and I wanted to flaunt heights of
my twin peaks. Yes I was wearing dupata but it was
clinging to neck. I took a position close to my Jiju
and started singing. Cheenu's bhabhi was
playing the dholak. I started with appetizer some
welcome betags.
Swagat main gali sunaon meri skahiyan swagat main gali
sunao, Banne ke mathe pe tika nahin hai, tikuli aur
bindi lagao, sunaon meri skahiyan
swagat main gali sunao, Banne ke hath main ghadiyan
nahin , kangan aur choodi pahanon, Pahnoan meri sakhi
yan swagat main gali sunao , Banne ke
pair main mauje nahin hai, Payal aur bichuen pahano
sunaon meri skahiyan swagat main gali sunao, Banne ke
tan pe shairt nahin usko to arre usko to
sari pahano, sunaon meri skahiyan swagat main gali
sunao banne ke sine pe baniyan nahin hai, usko to aare
usko to choli (maa added body) pahnao,
pahnoa meri sakhiyan swagat main galii sunao, Banne ke
pass men pant nahin hai isko to syaa pahnoa , Arre isko
to saya pahnao, sunaon meri skahiyan
swagat main gali sunao Banne ke sang main randi nahin
hai aree iski to aare iski to behana nachao.
[ Welcome to the night of swet abuses and make our
bride shed her inhibitions
Arrange the bride with good clothes put bindi on her
Bath her in perfumed oil make her body shining and
fragrant ]
Meanwhile pita of Jiju and other male raltives had
come. Hspita had big moustache. My maa said "Lets sing
some betag for our pita in law" and when I offered her
to start all of the " No no Reenu you continue" Jiju
asked me "Why sally are you now out of stock?" I got
mock angry and began to sing some more rowdy betags.I
wanted to sing to both to Jiju and his pita so I
started and maa mausi and bhabhi were repeating my
lines as if an answer to question:
Muncho vale samdhi ka pyara banna, hariyala bana
sahzada banna, Banne ke sar pe shera sohe shera sohe
are log kahen( and I will look towards other
ladies who will repeat the question area log kahen
asking for response from me) Aare log kahen Maliya ka
jana, Muncho vale samdhi ka pyara banna,
hariyala bana sahzada banna, Banne ke kanon men kunadal
sohe kundalsohe arre log kahen, are log ahen sunara ka
jana , Muncho vale samdhi ka pyara
banna, hariyala bana sahzada banna Banne ke tan pe suit
sohe aare log kahe bajjava jana, Muncho vale samdhi ka
pyara banna, hariyala bana sahzada
banna Banen ke paon main juta sohe juta sohe arre log
khaen mochi ka jana, (Then his pita interjected arre
barat main mama bhi aye hain and maa
nooded to me and I added) banne ke sang main Mama ji
aaye mam ji arre log kahen Mama ka jana (and there ws
laughter all around. Where arvi used to
live it ws known as dhobi vali gali so ..) Dhobi ki
gali se hoke aya hai banna aare Dhobi ki gallis e hoke
aya hai bana are log kahe arre log kahen
(Bhabhi wanted to say Dhobi ka but I stoped her and
everybody and sing ane evry loudly) Arre log kahen
Gadhe ka jana, Muncho vale samdhi ka pyara
banna, hariyala bana sahzada banna
Mami said aare Dulhe ki Bua jo jyon baksh duya vo bhi
to pakii chinar hain and I started anotherd galli
welcoming Barratis, Jiju was surprised at
my stock and gave me thumbs up sign and I started
welcoming his pita , uncles and mama,' Moti jhalke lali
besariyan main moti jhalke, Banne ke
papa angan me aye , Jija ke chacha angan main aye, Aane
ko aadar , Baithan oi kursi, Pine ko pani , khane kko
kahana aur sang betae ko( everybody
joined in the chorus asking and I answered with full
voice) Arre sang betae KO unke papa ke unke chacha ke
sang maja lane ko, Dulhe ki Bua raji re,
maja lane ko (and his Mama laughed tesing Jiju's pita)
Moti jhalke lali besariyan main moti jhalke, Banne ke
maama, aare hamre Jiju ke mama agne
men aye Aane ko aadar , Baithan oi kursi, Pine ko
pani , khane kko kahana aur sang betae ko, Aare Sang
betae ko dulhe ki amma raji re
(Meanwhile jiju's two cousin sisters, Gita and Guddo
walked in and my Bhabhi interjected arre jara apne gar
valon ka bh to phayada karvon and I changed course)
Bhiaya Hamare angno maen aye Banne ka sala angan main
aye Aane ko aadar , Baithan ko kursi, Pine ko pani ,
khane kko kahana aur sang
betae ko Sang betae ko maja lane ko Tang uthane ko (and
somebody added khub chudvane ko) Gita aur guddo rani
raji re arre hamre bhaiya ke sang, guddo
aur gita chinariya raji re Baratis were taking it in
right spirit. Giddo and Gita raised their hands to be
identified but they complained, Rinu bhabhi, play back
singin nahin chalega and add some more spice. Jiju also
joinedthem and said hey aisi galli to bhajan asi lag
rahi hai. Dulari a maid who was more a relative and
used to treat Cheenu and me as nanad
wanted to join with he choicest of gallis but Jiju said
pahle salli har man lain ki inhe nahin aati. But my maa
was not to concede and she said thhek
hai Chal Rinu jara aaj kas ke suna de. My bhabhi and
mami also goaded me to come with the bawdiest of
betags, but badi mausi said sirf apni andon ko
hi anhin hamari smdhan ko bhi. And I began with new
zest with a traditional galli:
Chal mare ghode chane ke khet main chane ke khet main,
chane chane ke khet main, boya tha ganaa, banne ki amma
ko bua ko, aare banne ke mami ko
legaya babha na , chane ke khet main Dabave dona jobana
arre dabave dono jobana chane ke khet main, chane ke
khet main, chane ke khet main padi thi
ghunchi, Arre banne ki Jija ki bahna ko Roma rani ko le
gaya maochi, Arre roma ki dabave dono choonchi chane ke
khet main, chane ke khet main, padi
thi rai, chane ke khet main , are banne ki bahna ko
gita salli ko le gaya nai rat bhar kare chudai chane ke
khet main,, chane ke khet main, pada tha
roda, chane ke khet main, aare Banne ki bahna ko Guddo
chinariya ko le gaya ghoda chane ke khet main, arre
guddo rani ghont rahin launda chane ke khet
main, and I asked Jiju kyon maja aaya apni bahno ka
haal sunakar, he was such a shameless he taunted me but
I'm sure with a lot of effort you must
have learned one and now your stock is over and you
will come back with your bahjans. Dulari coaxed me arre
Rinu inhe vo ganga ji vala bhajan suna
do and this time I focused only on his sisters and my
nanads. Ganga ji tumhara bhala karen ganga ji , arre
Ganga ji tumhara bhala karen ganga ji,
Hamre Jiju ke bahana ki buriya, arre gita rani ki
buriya, talon aisi pokhar aishi, Jisamen 900 gunden
nahyan karen , bur choda Karen maja loota Karen,
Ganga ji tumhara bhala karen ganga ji, Hamre Jiju ke
bahana ki buriya, arre guddo chinariya ki buriya, deg
aisi patile aisi, Jismae 9 maund chawl paka
kare, barati salle khay Karen maja loota Karen, , arre
Ganga ji tumhara bhala karen ganga ji, Maa looked at me
appreciatively and she with mausi
Dulari and my bhabhis everybody joined me and flow of
gallis continued.
Aariya arriya bari salle bathe bich main dulhe raja ji,
Arre dulhe ki behana aare gita salli phool tode chalin
gir padin bichalyi ji, Arre unke
arre gita chinron ke bhonsade main ghus gayi ladkiya,
Dauda dauda ravi bhaiya are apne munhava se khincha
lakadiya ji Arre dulhe ki behana aare
Guddo chinariya phool tode chalin gir padin bichalyi
ji, Arre unke arre Guddochinron ke bhonsade main ghus
gayi ladkiya ji, Ek kadam chalen do
kadam cahlen are tisare amin gadiyon men ghus gayi
lakdiya ji Dauda dauda ravi bhaiya are apne munhave se
khincha lakadiya ji
Jiju looked at me with a new found respect and saluted
me. I crossed my ands just below my twin peaks and
pushed them up acknowledging it.
Meanwhile a cousin sis of mine came telling about some
`crisis' and I passed the baton to Dulari and bhabhi
who continued in the same vain.
Crisis was that girls were not able tolocate jiju's
shoes which were to be stolen. And when I looked around
I found Gita is sitting in a strange pose. Although she
was squatting on the ground but her legs were not
touching the ground. I told my cousin to go and offer
her a chair and I looked at her discreetly. She not
only refused the chair but was
suspicious. And when she switched positions I could see
that she has very cunningly kept shoes almost inside
the skirt. And I devised a plan with my
cousins. One girl was given a glass of water and I made
it freezing cold.
Two other girls were to take place just behind her and
a cousin brother of mine was also send on the mission.
When water wasoffered to her she
refused but my sis insisted and in confusion tilted the
glass and water went not only over her but inside her
top and wetting her boobs. It was so
cold she got up in reaction. My cousin brother was
ready with towel and started drying her over her boobs.
She tried to prevent and meanwhile two
girls who were behind her eloped with Jiju's shoes. And
we started teasing her. I quipped hey Gita what you
were doing with shoes in your skirt.
Bhabhi said " Are why are you keeping shoes in your
fuddi, we could have given you good cucumber?" and even
my maa joined and said arre "So many
boys are around and you are playin with a shoe chi chi"
and poor she her protests were lost in our laughter.
And after marriage rituals it was time for another
ritual called kohabar (some betags are sung in the
bridals chamber) and all the sallis and salhaj
stooped Jiju's entry. First we asked money for his
shoes. Bhabhi said "This time Jiju jas to pay a big
price for getting his shoe back as it was
hidden under our cute Gitas skirt, and Gita's fuddi is
a virgin fuddi so charge him more" Jiju sang a betag
and paid 1000 Rs. He said to me main
dhakka laga kar andar ghus jaunga and I replied in the
same way,' to kya Gita ki tarah samajh rakha hai bina
dhakke ke andar to jayega bhi nahin.
His Bhabhis and sisters pushed hima dn when he entered
I did not leave the door. He saw the chance and he not
only jostled me but grabbed my joban. I
did not flinch and pushed my boobs in his hand and at
the same time my hand grabbed him down there and
squeezed him over the pant sending my signals
very clearly. As soon as he entered door was closed and
now turn was for my maa mausi and mami He was too
clever as before sitting he checked the
place and before bowing he checked if there are
sleepers and sandals.
However with love I made him eat paan which was eaten
by Cheenu and drink water which was also done jutha by
Cheenu. He was asked to cool a flame
and my maa and mausi sang: kar chinare ke dudha bati,
niche tumahri amma upar hamre banni ke papa, chudvane
tumahri amma choden banni ke papa , how
could bhabhi be left behind she joined kar chinare ke
dudha bati, niche tumhari behana upar hamare sayan,
chodaven tumahri bahna choden hamre
saiyan..... I asked Jiju a paheli, Chati se chati Mile
Mile ched se ched ragda ragdi hoiya to niklae safed

He lauhed and said, very easy what I and Cheenu will do

tomoorow night.All of us laughed. I taunted him, Jiju
it only means that like your sis Gita you keep on
thinking about only one thing and can not answer
something simple, it is nothing but chakki. It has two
holes and once wheat is grounded white floor comes out.
Jiju was not to concede so easily. He said now you
answer questions in our paper, Samdhin kya dalvati hain
aur kya kholti hain when baratis come. Rashmi Bahbhi
answered, very simple, she opend her yes to view Barat
and dalvane ke liye mala main phool dalvati hanin. Jija
agin asked me ok salli ji now Chanid sa Bdan tera phir
itni jgah kyon kalli hai. If answer was that what I ws
thinking it was
hard for me to give so I showed mocka anger and said,
Jkae apni bahno se poochiye na unki bhi to vo jagah,
Jiju laughed and said I know what place
you are thinking but have you shown that place to me so
how I can ask arre badan means face so on your lovely
fair moon like face you have black eyes,
eyes brows and eye lids and they make your chandi sa
face so beautiful.
At the time of vidai, (parting) whole atmosphere
changed. Joy, merriments betags give way to sobs.
Cheenu was sobbing and I too could not control my tears
we had grown together, she was more than a cousin more
than a sister. But Jiju being what he is , told me hey
if I sob will you hug me too and including Cheenu
everybody broke into laughter. For hugging your only
salli you don't require to sob or an opportunity and I
hugged him hard. We looked to Cheenu and I said hey jal
to nahin rahi ho. She
giggled and said vo promise yyad hai I said ekdam and I
will not leave him bas ek baar aaj tum try kar lo. Gita
said bhaiya Rinu Bhabhi ko bhi le
chaliye. And I promised to come in the evening during
I had checked with Cheenu what she is going to wear for
reception and I wore a similar dress to tease her. Jiju
asked me to sit close to him and
on his one side was Cheenu and on the other side was
me. He introduced me to all his friends as bonus. One
friend joked , ravi what will you unwrap
first to night and pinching my cheeks, he answered of
course Bonus. And now his hand touched my choli and he
commented, hey I'm too ager to know
choli ke piche kya hai. Now it was turn of Cheenu to
tease me. She said arre to khol ke dekh lijiye and if
you are bothering about me you have full
permission from my side. I wanted to pay back Cheenu
and told my Jiju, Jiju ye jo Cheenu rani iti chahak
rahi hain, usko jyada mat tang kijiyega.
He made face and said hey to phir meri suhagraat kya
asis hi,. I soothed him and pinching Cheenu's cheeks I
replied mera matlab ahi bahoot jyada tang kijiyega.
During dinner he was so caring her personally escorted
me. And when it was to time to go he asked hey kab
milega, pointing towards
Cheenu I said pahle aaj ye kila to phateh kar lijiye
aur phir agli baar jab main milungi na to mare dono
darwaje apke loiye khule rahange and I
slightly parted my thighs. He hugged me and squeezed my
boobs saying bhool na jana aur phir mana kar dena. I
responded to his hug and said kis salli
ki himmat hai jo mare is handsome Jiju ko mana kar de.
I had to leave by night train so I rushed back.
Next day morning I wanted to tease Cheenu about her
suhagrat. When I could not get her I rang up maa and
ask. She was giggling and I had to force her to stop
giggling . She told me Cheenu is in hospital as she
requires to be stitched bahoot khoon kharaba ho gaya.
And I too joined in laugher. I asked hey what was the
problem did Cheenu refused or what or he
is massive. No, which girl will refuse they are dying
to get it in their choot but I think she was not
properly wet and more than that yes it appears that he
is massive too, gadhe ka jana. And both of us again
joined giggling. But I asked to phir kya hua aab to
Chenu kya bach gayi. She retorted bachegi kyon your
bhabhi told your jiju arre pahli raat hi poora musal
dalna jarrori tha kya , but I took the side of Ravi and
told him that he must try again toady ki agar Cheenu ke
dill main agar dar baith gya to vah kabhi chudai ka
maja nahin le payegi. To phir aaj Cheenu ki kas kar
hogi. How much I wished I should have been in place of
Cheenu and whatever
pain, I would have taken till last inch of Ravi. And as
they say think of devil. Phone rang and it was Ravi.
Salli ji what is the news good news
for you. Your salli will be meeting you just after
three days. Sirf meeting or mating, he was in his
colors. Ye to Jiju par depend karta hai but please aap
munjhe lane a sakte hain Arre he responded warmly sure
salli ko kya uska jija nahin lega to kya..uska behan
cho salla . I stopped him
midway and said ok aur khuch khilaye pilayega bhi ki
nahin. He said what about some big cream role and I
immediately got his meaning. I said hey
mare to munh main pani aa raha hai. He laughed and
asked kis va
I had told attendant to wake me up half an hour before
we arrive at Lucnow. I washed my face put fresh
lipstick and was ready for mating nay
meeting my Jiju. In a kurta shalwar my high points were
clearly seen. And as soon as I alighted from the train
he was there with his typical laugh
and hugged me very hard saying hey kuch aur and I
laughed and said say it Jiju bada ho gaya hai na. Ghar
chal ke achi tarh naap jokh kar lijiyega
aab 6 din to apke hi hawale hun. He said Rinu I was
confused, as there are two stations and I was not sure
ki you will be coming on badi line or choti
line. I interjected and said Jiju now you are big
enough to leave habits of choti line. He guffawed and
said hey given a choice I will prefer both.
I whispered kabhi Cheenu ke sath try kiya hai. He said
she will beat me but han Rinu ki baat aur hai and he
pinched me on heavy erotically swinging
hips. He has brought a Gypsy and when we started he
drew me closer saying while driving one hand should be
on horn and kept it there. I further came
closer and said hey you should not start pressing horn
in no horn zone. He squeezed my boob and said I think
you are becoming very horny. My slender
fingers started drawing a line on front of his tight
@jeans where a bulge was appearing. He pinched my tit
and asked hey what you are looking for.
I told Jiju you are really forgetful. You had promised
me a big Cream role. He laughed yes and I planned that
but mausi (my maa he used to call mausi and my manjhali
mausi being Cheenu's maa was maa of course) has warned
me that I must bring her daughter without causing any
harm. I laughed and said and if you cause harmto her
when she reaches home then.
He too joined in laughter and said for that no body has
any objection. I squeezed his now fully prominent bulge
and said Jiju at least your salli will never object to
Part 3

Next day morning I wanted to tease Cheenu about her

suhagrat. When I could not get her I rang up maa and
ask. She was giggling and I had to force her to stop
giggling . She told me Cheenu is in hospital as she
requires to be stitched bahoot khoon kharaba ho
gaya. And I too joined in laugher. I asked hey what the
problem was, did Cheenu refused or what or he is
massive. No, which girl will refuse, they are dying to
get it in their choot but I think she was
not properly wet and more than that yes it appears that
he is massive too, gadhe ka jana. And both of us again
joined giggling.
But I asked to phir kya hua aab to Cheenu kya bach
gayi. She retorted bachegi kyon your bhabhi told your
Jiju arre pahli raat hi poora musal dalna jarrori tha
kya , but I took the side of Ravi and told him that he
must try again toady ki agar Cheenu ke dill main agar
dar baith gya to vah kabhi chudai ka maja nahin le
payegi. To phir aaj Cheenu ki kas kar hogi. How much I
wished I should have been in
place of Cheenu and whatever pain, I would have taken
till last inch of Ravi. And as they say think of devil.
Phone rang and it was Ravi.
Salli ji what is the news good news for you. Your salli
will be meeting you just after three days. Sirf meeting
or mating, he was in his colors. Ye to Jiju par depend
karta hai but please aap munjhe
lane a sakte hain Arre he responded warmly sure salli
ko kya uska Jija nahin lega to kya..uska behan cho
salla . I stopped him midway and said ok aur khuch
khilaye pilayega bhi ki nahin. He said what
about some big cream role and I immediately got his
meaning. I said hey mare to munh main pani aa raha hai.
He laughed and asked kis avle munh main upar vale ya
niche vale and I said dono main.
I spend next two days prpeparing, hoping and dreaming.
I left after two days by evening train for Lucknow. I
had told my huuby not to worrya s somebody will surely
come to receive me.
Part II
It happened (Part two)
I had told attendant to wake me up half an hour before
we arrive at Lucnow. I washed my face put fresh
lipstick and was ready for mating nay meeting my Jiju.
In a kurta shalwar my high points
were clearly seen. And as soon as I alighted from the
train he was there with his typical laugh and hugged me
very hard saying hey kuch aur and I laughed and said
say it Jiju bada ho gaya hai na. Ghar chal ke achi tarh
naap jokh kar lijiyega aab 6 din to apke hi hawale hun.
He said Rinu I was confused, as there are two stations
and I
was not sure ki you will be coming on badi line or
choti line. I interjected and said Jiju now you are big
enough to leave habits of choti line. He guffawed and
said hey given a choice I will prefer
both. I whispered kabhi Cheenu ke sath try kiya hai. He
said she will beat me but han Rinu ki baat aur hai and
he pinched me on heavy erotically swinging hips. He has
brought a Gypsy and when we started he drew me closer,
saying while driving one hand should be on horn and
kept it there. I further came closer and said hey you
should not start pressing horn in no horn zone. He
squeezed my boob and said I think you are becoming very
horny. My slender fingers
started drawing a line on front of his tight @jeans
where a bulge was appearing. He pinched my tit and
asked hey what are you looking for . I told Jiju you
are really forgetful. You had promised me a big Cream
role. He laughed yes I planned that but mausi (my maa
he used to call mausi and my manjhali mausi being
Cheenu's maa was maa of course) has warned me that I
must bring her daughter without causing any harm. I
laughed and said and if you cause harm
to her when she reaches home then. He too joined in
laughter and said for that no body has any objection. I
squeezed his now fully prominent bulge and said Jiju at
least your salli will never object
to it. When we went up, it was a very familiar seen.
Maa and mausi were teasing Cheenu's bua and mausa ji.
Mausi was chiding mausaji, `so much work is pending and
you got up so late kya raat bhar
Cheenu ki bua ke sath kushti lad rahe the.' Maa grabbed
boobs of bua ji and squeezing it said,'dekho rat bhar
apne bhaiya se dabvakar kaisa ho gya hai.' Bua was no
less. She tried to lift sari of maa
and said, `Bhabhi abhi apke bur ka darshan karati hun,
ki raat bahr kase uchal kud hui usame.' Meanwhile they
looked at me. I touched bua ji's feet and she blessed
me, `jaldi se judavna bacche hon". I
said, `no bua ji let me enjoy for some day'. Bua ji
immediately changed her blessings and lifting me said,
"ha theek kahti ho, Roj rat main tumhare okhali main
musal chale." I laughed and said, "Bua
ji apna Musal to main layi nahi phir kase okhali main
Musal chalega." Pointing towards my Jiju Ravi she said,
"arre ye 6 haath ka Musal to samne khada hai vo kab
kaam dega." Mausi joined her and
said yes and his okahli is also out. She immediately
ordered Jiju, hey did you listen and he immediately
nodded and aid yes. Bua told him meri beti se kabhi
sunane ko na mile ki aaj naga ho gaya.
Meanwhile Dulari bhabhi (maid who was more a relative
and was pro in bawdiest betags) came out and hugged me.
She said itti der main kyon
ayi kya mard ke bina raha nahi jaraha tha. Meanwhile
Cheenu's bhabhi (Rashmi, wife of his cousin brother)
came and said arre Rinu arre mera mard le leti tumhara
variation bhi ho jata. Indicating towards
Ravi Jiju I said nahin bhabhi apke mard apko mubarak
hon, main apne liye station se hi intezam kar ke ayi
hun. Now she hugged me and pinched my boobs and said
arre ab lag raha hai ki shadi ka ghar hai.
I retorted kyon bhabhi koi galli dane vala nahin mila
tha kya chilaye aab sunati hun apko jam ke. She said
no, main sunane ko tars rahi thi. I said Bhabhi don't
forget in Cheenu's marriage what type of gallis I had
sung and now I have added to my stock and looking
towards Dulari I said aaj sari bhabhi logon ki aisi ki
tasi hogi isliye apne kaan main ya jahan chae vahan tel
dal kar rakhiye.
Dulari laughed and said theek hai aaj tumhari sari
kholungi bhai ki shadi hai. I said Dulari bhauji main
to petticoat bhi nahin chodungi. Meanwhile I saw young
beautiful teen maid. I said hey who
she is. Dulari said arre yee raghu nau tha na uski
bahu, aab yahi naun ka kam karti hai. I was pleasantly
surprised and hey he was so
young and he got married. Dulari called her, "Basanti
idhar aao, ye tumhari badi nanad hain Rinu didi'. She
came and tried to touch my
feet but I lifted her and opened her veil to look at
her face. I took out 101 Rs from purse and gave it to
her. She hesitated but I said hey meri choti bhauji hai
munh dekhai to karni padegi. Masui
goaded her apni nanad ko jara sham ko kas kar galli
sunana. I pinched Basanti's cheeks and said aur kya
main isse bakhs dungi. She smiled and said arre nanad
hain to phir bina gali sunaye kaise chod
dungi and laughingly she went. Mausi chided hey rashmi
akhir naand ko kuch khilao pilaugi bhi ya sab ki sab
meri beti ke piche padgayi akeli dekh kar. Rashmi
bhabhi laughed and said, we thought that
nandoi ji must have fed him in the way. Meanwhile Mausa
ji came and said hey Rinu, a friend of your khasam has
come, Mr.Singh he is our neighbor and he has given keys
of his suite. So you can keep your
things there. It is very close. I said theek hai main
abhi naha dho ke tiyaar hoke aati hun. Rashmi Bhabhi
teased Ravi, arre nandoi ji nanad ji ko jara theek se
nahla dhula dijiyega. I thought that I
will be able to share some time with Jiju but Mausa ji
devastateed us by saying Ravi please after dropping her
please come immediately we will have to prepare list of
perbetas who will be going in the
marriage and all the arrangements for reception too
have to be finished. As we reached the room I opened my
suit case and brought out my lacy sexy bras and panties
and put it on the bed. Ravi was so
excited looking at them I said Jiju kaun se pahnu. He
smiled and said koi nahin. Ok and I put all of them
back and brought out my choli. He picked one with a
deep cleavage. I could see his hardness.
I said now come and nahla do na apne hath se. He said
yes I will but if I don't reach now Mausa ji will
arrive here and sure we listened to his voice. Ravi
went out laughing. I took bath and got ready. I
followed Ravi's advice and was without bra and panty
with a very low cut choli showing of my cleavage. When
I was going on the stairs Ravi was coming down. He was
mesmerized and I dropped my anchal showing my full
boobs. He asked hey no and I smiled and showed my joban
in full glory. He squeezed my boobs slowly and
exclaimed VOW. Bhabhi asked hey Nandoi ji kya ho gaya
and he said kuch nahin and went away. Entire day we
were busy preparing for marriage, arranging
boxes, gifts, making lists and jiju too was engaged.
During evening some more ladies came and betags
started. Soon I saw Ravi's maa and Gita coming. I
touched his maa's feet and she blessed me "Khuba masti
lo" . I hugged Gita who had become more
mature she told me now she is in std 12th. I asked
about Guddo and she told me that Guddo has got married
last month but she will be coming tomorrow to attend
marriage. After finishing the chores I too
joined ladies. Maa mausi and mami were there and so
were Rashmi bhabhi and Dulari. Bhabhi was singing some
devi betag as it is customary that first five betags
are devi betags. Then some banna betags started. Maa
and mami started and I too sang a banna in praise of my
Ayo re raghuraj banna ban ayo re, ayo re,
Mathe maur kan bich kundal,
Dekh sabhe purush bahve re, Ayo re raghuraj banna,
And everybody joined me and appreciated. Jiju's maa
(sasu ji) hugged me and said bahu kiski hai. I cronned
another banna:
Khalen Raja Banre, Sajon par chaupar,
Khelaven rani banri, sajon pe, Phalli chall jit gayi
rani banari, Jit gayi rani banre ki hansi
But when I looked at Gita and my bhabhi I felt naughty.
I began with a mild one:
Naye Naye palang ke naye char paye, Khatolana re,
Mera Jija ki salhaj ne Rashmi bhabhi ne , arre Dulari
bhabhi ne 16 yaar bulaye vo to dona lake aye
Ladaka rove kahar kahar, palnga hove charar marar,
Bistar pa hove gahsar masar, Soja beta, naye papa aye (
There is a new bed with new legs. A small cot. Salhaj
of my Jija my Rashmi Bhbahi, my Dulari Bhabhi has
called 16 lovers and 16 lovers came. They came with
sweets in leaves. Her baby is crying, bed is cringing
and there are sound sof love making on the bed. Sleep
baby sleep, yor new daddy has come. )
Maa said hey you forgot your sasu ji. I touched her
feet and said galti ho gayi abhi lijiye. Dulari bhabhi
responded," hey Rinu bibi jab main chalu ho jaungi na
to apni bachati phirna". I laughed and
said arre Bhabhi aa jao maidan main and began second:
Mandir main ghi ke ke diye jalen mandir main, Main
tumse puchun hey mare jija tumhari amma ka karobar
kasie chale, mandir main
Main tumse puchun hey mare Jija tumhari behana ka
tumhari Gita ka karobar kase chale,
Aare unke raton ka rojgar kaise chale, unke jobana ka
vyapar kaise chale,. mandir main.
( Lamps of ghee are lit in the temple. I ask ohh my
jija how is `businees' of your maa.oh my jija how is
business og your sister Gita, her night business her
job of selling of her boobs how is it going .)
Meanwhile Mausi came and asked hey somebody go and
serve Ravi he has to go. I offered but Bhabhi left and
served meal to both Jiju and my brother. They were
eating right in front of us so close, to
listen to every whisper. Mami rebuked me arre Rinu
tumhare Jiju is eating meal and no gallis are being
sung with salli salhaj sab aur gali daine val nahin.
Jija supported her and said arre mami apki
betiyon aur bahuan ko kuch aata thode hi hai.
Achcha Jiju batati hun tumko I said and started and
even Dulari bhabhi joined me:Hey mare Jiju khane jo
baithe kone mat baitho kone main lage tatiya,
Arre tumhari amma ke bil main arag samye, sarg samaye
ghoda gadi ko pahiya,
Bail ko sing bhans ko chutar, arre meri bua ke sare
Arre tumhari bahna ke bil men arre Gita ke choot main,
Main arag samye, sarg samaye ghoda gadi ko pahiya,Bail
ko sing bhans ko chutar, arre mare sare bhaiya. ( ohh
my jija has sat for dinner. Don't sit in the corner,
there are wasps in the corner. In your maa's hole,
heaven and earth goes, horns of ox and buttocks of
buffalo, and all the brothers of my Bua enter there. In
the hole of your sister in
the choot of Gita, heaven and earh goes, ox's hoen,
buttocks of buffalo, wheel of horse cart and all my
brother slut your sister devours.)(Meanwhile Basanti
walked in swinging her young sexy chootar and teased me
arre Didi Jija ke bagal main bhi to ek jani bathe hain,
indicating towards my brother unko bhi to kuch suna
dijiye . I said kyon nahin bas tum mare paas baith jao
and I continued)
Arre Mare bahiya aare Dulhe raja khane jo baithe^.
Arre tumhari bhabhi ke basanti bhabhi ke Bur main, arag
samaye, sarg samaye, ghoda gadi ko pahiya,
Bail ko sing bahins ko chootar, arre meri bhabhi
basanti ke sare Bhiaya (Ohh my brother handsome groom
sits for meal. Don't sit in the corner as their are
wasps. In Your Bhabhis choot in Basanti Bhabhi's choot
heaven and earth goes, wheel of horse cart, horn of ox
and buttocks of buffalo
Dulari bhabhi objected and I wrapped her in next betag
Cham Cham batua rattan pahari ke ke ghar jaye re Vo
Batua jaye Jija ke ghar pe jinaki bahana jinki Gita
badi gori re Gita chudaye , dure dure apne Bhiaya
bahatron ki chori,Vo Batua jaye..Jija ke gahra pae
jinkai salhaj badi gori jinki
Dulari jinkai basanti badi gori Dulari chudvaye,
Basanti chudvaye, duare duare Bhiaya bahtoron ki
chori chori.
(A shining purse whose house it goes. It goes to my
Jija; s house whose sister Gita is very fair. She is
moving door to door and getting fucked without
knowledge of her brothers or khasam. Purse goes to my
Jijus house whose salhaj, Dulari is very fair, Basanti
is very fair and they are getting fucked at every door
without knowledge of their brothers and khasams)
I knew I had raised hornets `nest and now these two
will not spare me so as soon Jiju left Rashmi bhabhi
joined with Dulari and basanti to attack her nanad ie.
me And they started with a real hard one it was
actually Basanti and Dulari was in support role. Rashmi
bhabhi was only playing dholak.
Basanti was indicating towards, me and I was enjoying
(as I was elder to Basanti my name was being taken by
Rashmi Bhabhi)
Jhamkoia more lal Dulhe raja Bolen Ari unki behna ki
bil main Rinu ki Bil main kuchvona jaiya Sinkiyo na
jaya tunmuniya na jaua, Rinu Sali ki bur main , Hathi
Jay Unt bichara gota khaya, Thopa thapa Bhithur jaya,
Arre Rinu Chinar ke Bhonsade main, Dulha jaaye uske sab
sale jayen,
Dono choonchi pakad ke dhakka lagay,
Dulha Bhandua Bole mori Behan ki Buriya main kuch hu Na
Are Rinu Chinro ki Buriyan men 900 bahndue samayan,
unki gandiya mein gadhe ghode smyen,
( ohh Groom says that her sister her fair sister Rinu
is virgin and nothing gies in her hole, not even a twig
nor evena tip of twig. In the choot of Rinu slut,
elephants go and camles swim, heap of dung cake goes,
and all our brothers go in
her choot. Still groom pimp says that in her sister's
fuddi in Rinu's fuddi nothing goes. She devours 900
pimps in her fuddi, in her asshole donkey goes.)
It made Rashmi bhabhi too to take an initiative. She
attacked me singing: Chote dane vala nakbesar bahute
bana , vo nakbesar pahne Dulhe ki bahna, Rinu rani,
Hamre Bhiaya se galwa chumavat Chamke, hamre devar se
roj ktavat chamke, Chote bunde vali Choli gajabe bani
(Dulari joined), Vo choliya pahne Rinu salli,
Hamre Bhiya se Choli khulavat chamke, Basnati ke Bahiya
se choonchi dabvavat chamke, Chote Dane val Bichuva
gajbe bana (Basnti too up) Vo Bichua pahne
Rinu Nandi, Aravat baje karvat Baje sari rat chudavat
baje Arre Dulari ke Bhaya se chudavat baje
(Nose ring of small size looks beautiful. It is worn by
lovely Rinu our nanad. It shines when she is kissed by
our brothers, it dazzles when her fair cheeks are
bitten by our devar. Choli of small dots is really
lovely and our Nanad Rinu is wearing it. Choli shines
when my brother opens it's strings it dazzles when
brothers of Basanti squeezes crushes tits of Rinu.
Lovely are small toe rings and
they make music when Rinu my nanad wears it. It plays
in one side and it plays in the other it plays entire
night when Rinu is getting fucked by brothers of
Dulari.) It thrilled everybody. Ravi's maa said pahle
ratjaga main aisi hi maja aata tha. Mami said Aare
those were the days. Khhub masti hoti thi. Mausi said ,
arrre no body's petticoat or choli was spared.
Bua laughed and aid you forget in that marriage we
nands combine ant stripped every bhabhi. Mausi retorted
and teased and said when in the next ratjaga when I
become groom and you bride I had inserted full 6
inches. I quizzed hey why we don't have that now it
will be great fun thinking of what I can do with Gita
or even basanti. Mausi
said given a choice I will still prefer but as you know
everybody goes with marriage party and only few elder
women remains so not much of fun is left. And now days
you can not say that girls and
women will not go to Barat. Yes I said. Maa lamented,
but the real fun was that, it made marriages memorable
today they have ladies
sangeet so artificial contrived only show.. Something
flashed. I suggested, Mausi but, if we do it tomorrow a
day before marriage then all of us can enjoy rat jaga
and join Barat too. Mausi said yes
but there are two problems. First earlier there were no
men or boys left so field was left for women and we had
real fun . How can you ensure that no purush come to
know of what we are doing during ratjaga
and second is marriage is only a day away and we have
to do so much work and you know nothing happens on
ratjaga night except^ it left me nonplussed for a
moment. Dulari challenged me . hey Rinu didi agar
ratjaga hua na to tumko main Doctor banker khub mota
injection lagungi. I got the idea and said Mausi, if I
solve your problems you will have to do two things for
us. Yes all of them eagerly told. I suggested, we can
use the hall on the roof and it can be closed from
stairs so no purush will come or even know and if Mausi
agrees for ratjaga we can break early today and we will
finish all the chores of tomorrow today itself. Bua ji
and jiju's maa (sasu ji) liked the idea very much.
Masui smiled and said what the two things you want are.
First it should be hotter then ever any of you tried
and no body should be spared and second is we will
start at 10 will go up to sun rise. Everybody agreed
and it was confirmed to hold ratjaga tomorrow.
I requested my sasu ji (Ravi's maa) to leave Gita with
me as she will help in finishing the core. Sasu ji
agreed. I asked basanti also to stay back but Rashmi
Bhabhi teased her." to phir tare mard ka upwas hoga
kya. She laughed and said nahin Bhabhi and looking
towards me said, meri nanad Gunja aaj hi apne sasural
se ayi hai aur aap janti hi hain ki mare sari nands
chinar kaise apne Bhiaya
se phansi hain. To aaj ki rat vah mja le legi. I knew
she is teasing me and I told her hey Basanti give us
some hot tea and I promise aaj to tum mard se bach
jaugi lekin kal ratjaga main jam kar ragdai
karungi. I Geeta and Rashmi bhabhi started work and
soon basanti joined us too. We finished all the work
but when I looked at the clock it was 3 o'clock. I
brought Gita to my room. I asked Gita to change into
nightie but she was blushing arre bhabhi aapke sammne.
I said aare what is the difference, pressing her boobs
I said arre tumhare thode chote hain mare tumhre Bhiaya
se dabva ke bade ho gaye hain. at. Both of us changed
into nightie. Sleep was not coming. I hugged her from
back and hey and rani tells me truly did anybody ever
squeeze your boobs and I cupped them softly over the
Yes he admitted there was a boy who did it but over her
Meanwhile my fingers had opened the button of her
nightie and were pressing her young teen boobs. Nahin
Bhabhi please, she was protesting. arre tu to aise
chilla rahi hai ki mare pass koi Lund hai aur main
tujhe abhi chod dungi. Aise pakad ke betae se neend
achi aati hai .Soon her erect tits give way that her
boobs are enjoying the attention. I increase pressure
and pulled her tits. She moaned
slowly. Now it was enough for me. I pulled her towards
me and kissed softly over her lips and she weakly
responded. I hugged her and started pressing my boobs
over her boobs. Nahin Babhhi nahin she was
weakly protesting but by that time my expert fingers
had parted her inner thighs and caressing her labia
which were responding. Anight of such sexy dances and
betags suck bawdy talks' had made her hot and
my task easier. I slowly parted her lower lips and
pushed one finger in side and while my lips were now
flirting with her nipple. I pulled her hand and brought
it over my hard boobs and she albeit
amateurishly was pressing and fondling it but touch of
those young hands were giving a joy of its own. I
decided to increase the pace and pressed my thumb over
her clit increasing tempo of my finger
fucking. I asked hey and rani kyon kaisa laga raha
tumhari choot rani ko. Oh bhabhi ummng she was enjoying
and blushing at the same time. I bit her tit and said
hey sharmao mat kal to sab ke samne
nanad rani tumahari choot main ungli karrongi aur nangi
kar ke choonchi ragdongi akhir meri ekloti nanad ho.
Her choot thinking about it clutched my fingers. I
pulled my face from her now fully
aroused choochees and came between her thighs. Now my
lips replaced my fingers and I started sucking her
hard. My tongue was moving inside her choot and fingers
were playing with choot. I will bring her close to
orgasm but stop now she was begging bhabhi please let
me .let me, she was raising her hips pushing her choot
to my mouth. I made her
promise that during ratjaga she will participate fully
and let me do anything I wanted to do. And after that I
sucked her with full gusto and she came with explosion.
My lips were soaked with her choot
rus. I came over her and kissed her letting her suck
the rus of her own choot. For some time we just hugged
each other. Then I asked hey Gita meri choot ki to
masti bujja degi. She agreed but said she
does not know what to do. I made her sit on the ground
between my thighs and told her to suck me. I was
holding her head and pushing it to me. Soon she learned
.her lips were rubbing against my bur and
making my tits hard. I grabbed her tits and goaded her
han hannnn Gita aise hi please aur jor se khub jor se
chos lo choos lo apni bhabhi ki bur. Use Your tongue
and he got the idea. I was raising my
chootar wildly. It was frenzy and it continued for some
time and I came hard and collapsed on the bed. We slept
hugging each other, with my fingers in he choot and her
fingers in my bur. I got up and
saw Gita enjoying her beauty sleep. Her thighs were
spread and choot was begging attention. I gave her a
little kiss and it responded by fluttering her choot
lips. And I continued. She woke up but by that
time my grip was total. I kept on sucking her to a
climax and said good morning and rani. To night we will
do our god night like this only. She blushed and said
When I came down Rashmi Bhabhi was preparing bed tea. I
joined she and we prepared breakfast for everybody.
When mausi woke up and went to the room she exclaimed.
Maa and Bua ji too joined and
asked her hey what happened. Looking at me and Rashmi
bhabhi she said, hey lagata hai raat main bhut aye the
see everything had been done. We laughed and said No
mausi ji chudale thin Meanwhile Basanti walked in and I
told sabse jyad kamm to is chudel bahuji ne kiya par
aaj rat main dekhiye kya karti hun vo aap logon ka bhi
record tod dengi,. She said yes and told basanti to
invite women for
ratjaga to night. I was assigned the task along with
Rashmi bhabhi to organize everything. We huddled like
cricket team. First thing this was haunting me that I
was only nanad for so many Bhabhis.
Basanti suggested, including her nanad Gunja. Bhabhi
gave idea about calling Alpi, and I reacalled her
immediately. She is close friend of Cheenu. Gita said
that her cousin Guddo (who me we abused too
much during Jiju's marriage will be coming). Suddenly
there was commotion and everybody was hugging and
welcoming. Madhu Bhabhi (Cheenu's Maternal cousin,
kamal's wife) had arrived. I touched her feet but
welcomed with a galli: Bin badra ke Bijuliya kahan
chamki arre madhu bhabhi ke gaal chamkae inke choli ke
bhitar anar chamke
jnghon ke bich mein drar jhalke.( how there is lighting
without clouds.
Chheks of Madhu Bhabhi are shining he rboobs inside
choli are shing and crack between he rthighs are
shining Madhu Bhabhi was accompanied by a teen girl
well endowed for her age and her boobs were bursting
her tops. I was nonplussed. Mausi introduced me arre ye
kamal ki bahan hai Adi. I laughed and aid acha Bhabhi
mujh se meri behan ko galli dilwana chati thin. But who
to stop Dulari and she welcomed, Arre
Dulhe ki bahniya Adi rani pakki chinar , Adi rani ke
hai do do dwar, ek jaye age doosar pich vare bacha nahi
koi and Basanti laughingly completed, koi nauan kanhar(
Adi my nand has two doors. she is a top slut. One goes
from frinta nd other goes from behind, not even barber
and watermen are
spared. Everybody enjoys her two holes) She felt
flushed but I said till now I was only nanad but now
you have joined and she said yes didi and we will face
all our Bhabhis.
I went up to look at the hall which very bravely I had
promised can be utilized for ratjaga. But it was full
of scrap and some windows were just open. When I looked
down from roof Vow it was Ravi entering the house. I
called he Jiju please come on top. He laughed yes salli
i I also like that way. Soon he was with me and said
hey Rinu just lie down you want me to be on top. I said
hey yes very much but not right now because my chinal
nanad and your sis Gita is coming. I told him my
predicament. Gita joined us. He wanted to enquire from
Gita but I stopped her and said hey Jiju it is our
lady's secret so just please help us. Please get some
workers and
clean this mess. Secondly tent house vallas who had
been engaged for reception, catch them and tell them to
cover it from inside with very thick dark curtains.
Gita suggested hey Bhabhi something for the ground too,
and considering the wrestling which will take place
here I complimented her on her sagacity. I requested
Jiju to arrange carpets some huge mattresses and
masnads with some round pillows.
Poor Jiju, he got to work immediately.
When we came down, rituals have started. Groom was
applied tel and every body asked me to sing and I
crooned aaj more banre ko tail chadhat hai tel chadhat
hai phulel chadhat hai. Next was chumauna in
which ladies kiss the groom and when I went to kiss him
Madhu Bhabhi sang teasing Chumave raja bane chumme unki
Bahana, udave apna anchara dikhven dono jobana. And I
responded when it was her number.
But the most teasing rasm was haldi. After it was over
with grooms
Bhabhis chased all their devars and it was applied
everywhere. And suddenly I saw Ravi Jiju and I put some
haldi hiding it behind my back. When he realized my
intentions he ran. I chased and said Jiju stop or I
will apply haldi to even those places where even during
your own marriage it would not have been applied. He
slowed letting me catch him. My hands stamped his dress
and soon went inside his
pajama. Without hesitating I caught what I was looking
for and I realized when Maa said it must have been
enormous (when on suhagrat of Cheenu she had to be
stitched) it was an understatement. I was
not able to grip it easily and it was only stirring
with my touch.
For more than 5 minutes I kept on rubbing it and it
rose to its full glory. When I heard some footsteps I
left it but ensuring that his supara (lundhead is
open). I started coating it on his face. It was
Dulari and she said what nanad nandoi are doing alone
and he caught her rubbing haldi on her cheeks saying
waiting for salhaj. It was time for meals. After that
Mausa ji reminded Ravi Jiju about some
work in the city. I told him that I too will go. Mausi
requested Jiju to take me but he said he is going by
bike. I said ok I can also ride on bike and we came to
our room. He then told me the real
reason for hesitation. He confided that he has a friend
Madan, who is the biggest wine merchant in the town and
is very rich. Mausa ji wanted that I should contact him
for drinks during reception and
even for marriage party. But I can also meet your
friend yes but he said how in front of mausa ji he
would have accepted to take me to Daru walla.
Laughingly he said ok you can come but you must change
I fast as I have to meet him in 20 minutes and to save
time why don't you do it in front of me. I smiled,
closed the door and dancing like a strip girl said
anything for Jiju. I removed my sari taking a round and
threw it over him, I took out wardrobe and took out a t
shirt which was very tight and stopped just at my
navels. Now my choli joined Jiju and I face him in my
bra and saya. My pink lacy
demi cup bras were just holding my firm 36 d sexy pair
of doves who wanted to be un caged. I put my back
towards him and begged him to unclasp my hooks. He was
so aroused but I held the front part of
bra and it did not fell down. I faced wall, removed bra
and threw it at him. Before he could realize I had put
on my top. Now I put hands inside my saya and came out
my silky panty. I kissed it and threw it at Jiju. Who
caught it and sniffed. I took out my @jeans and wore it
under the saya. and finally removed my saya and it
joined other cloths in the lap of Jiju. I applied dark
lipstick, kohl a sexy
perfume and let my hair fall over my back. And I was
ready, he was mesmerized. Hey you are looking so sexy
and pulled me in his lap. I am sexy I said. He kissed
me hungrily and said and a cheat too. You
changed without showing. I pushed my tits you can look
at them right now and I lifted my shirt. He was not to
loose a chance and pulled it out. It was first time he
had seen it and how arouse he become. I pushed my hard
tits in his mouth and he started eating it hard.
Suddenly he recalled hey we had to reach at my friends
place and we rushed down. but the result of his kissing
was that now my nips were
iron hard and no bra to restrain then were piercing
jiju's back.
When we reached at his friends place both of us were
fully aroused.
When I entered Drawing room with Jiju and saw his
friend. I was surprised, he was no other than Amit whom
Jiju has introduced me as hi closed friend and I had
hugged him. And not only were that after
Jiju next number on my target of gallis Amit and his
teen sister Nita. He too smiled looking at me and we
hugged each other and being a close friend of Jiju,
hugging continues for some time as he measured my boobs
hard. We sat down on sofa and I sat close to him.
He asked and salli ji what will you take tea coffee but
I interjected and said you both of you. I looked at his
well furnished bar and said let me serve my Jijus today
and swinging my hips erotically in my @jeans which was
showing even crack of my gaand I move towards bar. Jiju
said make me whisky on rocks and Amit said same to me,
but asked and salli ji what you will take. I smiled and
something soft. Hey Amit teased me I thought my salli
liked things HARD. While making drinks buttons of my
top got undone. I came with drinks and like a perfect
saki offered it to Amit. I kept tip of
glass caressing my tits which were clearly seen and
through my almost open top he could get a peep of my
Joban. They were discussing arrangements about drinks
at reception. I said hey when you have made arrangement
for DJ and all that, why such arrangements on sly. I
had seen in some parties that they open proper furnish
bar even with bar maid. Amit said yes now I have
started running an
event management company too but salli ji it is not
fair we too are drinking and you are dry at least take
a sip from my glass. I smiled and said yes Amit but
only thoda sa just a sip. Amit took the glass
to my lips but poured almost full. Hey it is not fair.
tum sare mard thoda thoda sa kahte kahte poora dal dete
ho. Both laughed and Ravi said and you, maan to karta
hai par mana karti ho. Ravi too made me took a sip from
his glass. Amit got up and brought an album of bars.
Meanwhile I refilled their glasses. There was bar with
a few bar maids with skimpiest of dresses. I showed it
to Amit and said Jija ji how will be this one and he
immediately agreed. Then they started to plan drink
requirement for marriage party and I again had to
intervene. I interjected that hey you are making
arrangements for
how many. Jiju said for about 50-60. I said no make it
double at lest 100. Both could not understand. I said
aare Jiju most interesting part in Barat is dance and
dhamal and you all drink to enjoy that.. And dancing
with ladies is most enjoyable. Yes both agreed. So why
not get ladies also drunk. Amit jumped with the idea,
but Jiju quizzed Rinu may be some ladies do drink but
what about many who don't. I said, Jiju you leave that
to me. If I can get soe bottles of gin or vodka it
blends well with limka and rum will go with any cola.
So I can spike their drinks just before Barat and all
of us will enjoy
really. Yess Amit exclaimed and same may be done during
reception too. So whomsoever you select for dance
barmaids can come handy I added. Amit rang up the
counter and it was decided that what is
required for ladies, Jiju will go down and pick up rest
will reach before start of Barat. Amit also said as
idea of Bar and additional drinks were of salli ji
there will not be any additional charges. He also gave
me a bottle of keasar an exquisite rajputana wine which
acts as aphrodisiac too. As Jiju went down, Amit took
me inside to show me his collection of wines and other
drinks. I asked Jiju do you have chandan too. He
laughed and kissed me saying me Salli ji you are real
connoisseur. Yes Chandan is strongest thing to affect
ladies and one peg I enough to make them forget all
their shame.
Meanwhile his hands had entered inside my top and when
finding no bra confirmed his suspicion he squealed in
delight. He caught my tits and rolled them slowly. Soon
my top was almost out and he was
sucking my one tit while other was being pulled pinched
and I was crying in the heat. These are the best pair I
have seen and I have seen some. Amit was lost in joy. I
too had given way to my passion
and was rubbing him over the pant. His tongue was
flicking my nipples expertly. Soon we could hear
footsteps, and he left me. He gave me a bottle of
Chandan which was good for 50 pegs. He gave me a
perfume also from his exotica collection which he said
should be put on nipples and it will make a girl wild.
It will not only keep tits hard for 6-7 hrs but will
increase her passion so much that'she can not refuse.
And if just one drop is put on her clit she will do
anything to get fucked. Moreover its smell makes men go
wild and he will remain rock hard almost for ever. When
we left Jiju complimented me for the ways I tackled
Amit and get him do so many things without extra
charge. He stopped near some dense woods as he wanted
to pee. When he came back I was sitting like a biker
chick in front. He also sat in my front and took me in
his lap. I pushed out my boobs and he did not have to
be offered twice. He began fondling caressing crushing
it hard and in now time my domes of joy came out.
Without bothering about location we were so aroused we
started enjoying ourselves there it self. Jiju was
rubbing crushing my boobs sucking my nipples and his
one hand was rubbing my choot over my @jeans. Before we
could proceed further we could hear some voices. There
were some boys who were coming in that direction and we
had to move away. I told Jiju that I am feeling a bit
hungry and we stopped in front of an old fashioned
eatery. We went on top floor where family cabins were
there and it was almost
deserted. I saw that a full length curtain was hiding
the view completely. I told hey Jiju how many other r
girls you have brought.He laughed and said many. As
soon waiter took the order Jiju got chalu. His hands
entered inside my top and tried to continue his
attention to my mast joban. I too reciprocated by
rubbing his now fully grown bulge. When waiter came
with order even then Jiju did not stop. I hid my boobs
behind menu card. Jiju gave hip tip of tenner and said
come after 15 minutes. He smiled and went back. Now
I could wait no longer and so I opened his zip and out
came his huge thick monstrous Lund. Vow it was big and
it was handsome. Jiju too pushed his hands under my
@jeans and squeezed my hungry choot. Now we had lost
all shame and he was shoving his fingers deep inside my
choot and while his lips were sucking biting chewing
devouring my mast jobans, I too was rubbing very hard
his arousal and very soon
we would have started looking how canon do fucking
here. I was raising my chootar to welcome Jiju's
fingers and was very wet. Jiju too was hard. My eyes
were closed and I was on the verge of orgasm and
suddenly jija stopped and closed my pant. Waiter was
Jiju was irritated hey what happened my climax had
almost begun, but waiter interrupted and said Sir your
bike it is in somebody' car's way so please remove
it. .There was nothing we could do so we came out. Jiju
reminded me Rinu you had to do some shopping. oops I
forgot we will have to old city you recall Natha halwai
and his famous laddus. Yes he turned the direction of
his bike. They are
good but they are spiked with bhang and special ones
are made with mewa dose of bhang too is double. Yes the
same one. We purchased 6 kg of them. And recalling
chandan I had got from Amit and what good use one can
put them tonight in ratjaga I got two bottle s of
Chandan sorbet and a few big bottles of limka and cola.
They were selling aurvedic concoctions and I got one
which help in sleep. Shop
keeper confirmed to me that it will induce sleep in any
case and it will have no harmful effect and sleep will
last for 8-10 hours. I took on hire many dresses and
implements from a costumier shop and
on second thought I also purchased, 3 dozen Nirodh .
When we got up Jiju was in a hurry. He said he will
have to go and fetch his maa, Gita and Guddo. I kept
everything in my room and we went up. I told mausi ji
ki I met pundit ji in the way and he said he forgot to
tell you that some graham is taking place so all the
male members must finish their diner by 9 pm and
everybody else by 9.30. Mausa ji rushed everybody and
said hey yes we must take early
dinner. When I went inside the kitchen Rashmi Bhabhi
was making meals and I told her whole story and she
started laughing. I also whispered in her ear and gave
her packet of Aurvedic concoction. I said to prepare
kheer and put it in that. And she must make sure that
only males eat it. She got the idea. I came out. Jiju
was still waiting for me. I said Mausi what will be
arrangement for sleeping
and many more guests will be coming. Both Mausa ji and
mausi ji told beti what ever you and Ravi decide. I
said Jiju please transfer things of all the male
members down side. As one room is a brides room and in
other two rooms we will spread mattresses on the ground
and all ladies can sleep. Mausa ji agreed and Jiju with
help of my cousin and few servants got shifting done. I
went to my room to
change and Jiju went to fetch her maa. Maa has told me
to wear something fine and almost bridal attire. I made
up my face put ear rings nose rings some jewelry and a
sari in traditional style.
However I wore a bra and panty which were almost
puritan and hard to open to tease ala my bhabhis who
were planning to have choot darshan. When I went up
Mausa ji has already put all males for dinner and did
not want to take risk with any grah. When I landed up I
the kitchen, Dulari was cooking. I pinched her heavy
chootar. She squealed and everybody laughed. Rashmi
bhabhi told me Kheer is ready and I served it with my
hands ensuring that everybody gets full dose of magic
potion. Even male servants were given a full dose.
Meanwhile, Ravi came back with his amma and cousins
Gita and Guddo. She was looking gorgeous. I sent Gita
to collect things from my room and we went up to hall.
I called Rashmi Bhabhi and Basanti too to ensure all
the arrangements. There was carpet and mattresses and
musnads (circular pillows). On one side a small mandap
was made and next to that there was a small raised
space which could be used for bed and other things. I
had put other things in the next room. I made them
partner in everything basanti said
that she will tell her nanad Gunja and Dulari bhabhi
When I came down crowd for Ratjaga was congregating.
Along with Gita and Guddo has come Chameli who was from
their village and Bhabhi. Maa was teasing Mami but
Champa was retaliating on mami's behalf. My two mausis
were teasing and Rashmi bhabhi was looking for Adi.
Cheenu's friend Ranjana too has joined. Dulari had
called washer women and some other working ladies.
There were 20 ^ 22 ladies
already. It was approaching 10. Meanwhile bua came from
ground floor with Adi. Bua was so surprised that all
the males were sleeping and Adi laughingly told that
bua even played her bfarishtas did many tricks but
everybody was sound sleep. Rashmi Bhabhi grabbed Adi
and said
then what we are delaying let all nands open their
choot and we will fuck them as everyday their brothers
are fucking us. But Bua and Sasu ji scolded us all.
"Are Chinalon tumhari chooton main itti aag lagii hai
pahle kuch log upar pahunch kar intezzam karon to ham
log aate hain."
We all rushed to hall. I had given the task of
distributing Bhang laced laddus to Basanti and Adi. And
Gunja and Gita were distributing chandan ka sharbet
laced liberally with Chandan. We
ensured that no body entered the hall before she was
fed. Dulari as I had instructed was given double dose
and so Basanti made her nanad to partake two laddus.
Soon everybody was in place. To my horror Buaji and my
sasu has selected Dulari and Champa to begin the
proceedings. Bua said hey Dulari first take attendance
of all the chinars. She will call the name of every
lady and she has to stand up and to check Dulari will
remove her anchal and squeeze her joban.
When it came to my turn I too stood up and said Rinu
Chinar but when Dulari tried to squeeze my joban I
shifted hoping that it will let her fall. But Rashmi
bhabhi and basanti anticipated it and held me
forcefully. Dulari said aacha Rinu bibi, duniya bhar se
dabvati ho hamase dar rahi ho. And she very forcefully
not only squeezed but asked Basanti too to do so. She
then asked who other bhabhis who want to squeeze this
choonchi are. And soon I found Madhu Bhabhi and Rashmi
inserting there hands inside my choli, and when I
protested they said in unibeta arre Nanad rani nandoi
ji se kya blouse ke upar
upar se dabvati ho. Dabva rahi ho to khul kar maja lo.
They not only cupped fondled my choonchi but pulled my
tits too. Bua then snatched the initiative. She came
with lathi and asked ,' aaj kis
chinar ke ladke ki shadi hai, use bulakar usase gana
gavao. Mausi stood up and started singing. I took
dholak and gave taal. She sang:
Bhinsare Chirraya kanhe boli, Bhinsare, Arre hmari
nanad chinar, Rinu ki bua chinar, arre hamre saiyan ne
unke bahiya ne unki choli kholi, arre choonchi tatoli (
how a bird chirps in the morning.ohh my Nannd is a top
slut Bua of Rinu is atop slut. oH my pati , he rbrother
has opened her choli and squeezed her boobs)(and this
was indication for maa, mausi and mami to squeeze joban
of bua ji.) Bhinsare Chirraya kanhe boli Bua was not to
concede defeat and she said arre Bhabhi bina naga shadi
ke din se roj raat bahr achoonchi dabvati ho jam
karchudvati ho aur badnam mujhe kar rahe ho. And she
again said arre mare Bhiyya ki safal chudai ke baad ye
ladka hua now let us have a sohar(betag sung during
child birth). Who will sing? Rashmi bhabhi who had just
pulled out her hand from my choonchi said dulha ki
bahna. Now it was my turn to squeeze boobs of Madhu
Bhbahi and said and dulha `s bhabhi will only get
fucked by her devars. She smiled and said no why bhabhi
only, meri nanad bhi jab chahen mare
devars se chudva len. Madhu Bhabhi said arre chudvati
hi hain that is why we both got such expert khasams and
they admitted that they had done practice on Rinu bibi
Maa told hey apne bhai ke hone ka sohar to suna do
Rinu. Indicating towards her
nanad (my bua ji) and my nands I sang:
Dill khol ke mango nanadi mangan ki bahar hai, Choli
mat mango nanadi mare joban ki bahar hai, kahe sune jo
choli doongi band loongi kat re.Ghoda mat mango nanadi
mare sayan ki savari re kahe sune jo ghoda doongi,
Launda loongi kat re, Dill khol ke , Arre, Sayan mat
mango Nanadi more saij ka singar re( ohh my and ask to
your hearts content. Don't ask for my
choli, if I give choli I will cut its strings. Don't
demand for my horse if I will give you horse iw ill
take out its lund.a dn don;t ask for mt pati play mate
of my bed. I will give you my brother who will fuck
your choot very hard. Ohh my nannd open your fuddi and
ask) (and I squeezed boobs of Guddo my nanad and jiju's
cousin) Sayan ke badle bahya doongi chodi choot tumhar
re, arre Bur khol ke mango nanadi mangan ki bahar re.
Now my sasu asked abb kaun chinar gana sunayegi. Bhabhi
said dulhe ki bahna but my sass said tum salli sari
mare bahu ke khilaff
ho and teased Mausi,.See my bahu has sung a betag but
it appears that all your bahu have big fat Gadhe ka
Lund in there mouth so that they can not sing. Madhu
Bhabhi took the challenge: Ratiya chumma lale balma
Sabka mallom hoyi gaya na. (she puled
Gunja , nanad of basanti and said yeh nanad salli piche
baithi hai and made her dance) Ek haath kamar pe rakhe
doosar se jobana dabyen (and she squeezed
Gunja's choonchi asking kyon mard aise hi dabata hain
na sari raat), sabka mallom ho gaye na.( in night my
pati kisses and now verybody has come to
know of it. He puts one hand on my slender waist and
with other he is cupping my boobs and everybody has
become aware of it.slowly he lifts my lenhga and he
inserts his lund during night and now everubody has
come to know of it)
Dhire se mar lahnga uthaye sari raat ghusaye (and with
that she came to me and made dance but saying lahnaga
uthaye she lifted my saree and saya. I could no do
anything as ever ready basanti and Dulari had geld my
hands and this time nands Gunja and Gita to
joined but to their dismay I was wearing almost
knickers like panty. They said it is foul Bhabhi and
pulled down my knickers but meanwhile I got disengaged
as Madhu bhabhi had caught her young teen
and Adi. She was not so fortunate. She crooned singing
dhire se more lahnga uthaye, poora lund ghusaye sabka
mallom ho gaye na. While singing she made Adi bend and
lifted her skirt. And Rashmi habhi
inserted her fingers inside her panty moving as if she
is fucking her. By that time situation was becoming
hot. Somebody came as Jyotishi.
She held Gunja's hand and basanti too joined her nanad
She asked Pundit ji when my nanad will become gabhin.
"Pundit" said arre ye ulte kama karvati hai, iska mard
niche rahata hai aur yeh upar chadh
ke chodti hai. Ek din tumhara nandoi gabhin ho jayega.
Everybody started laughing. But basanti very seriously
asked so Pundit ji what is the solution and who is
responsible for it" Pundit ji said aaj
pornima hai aaj iski 5 bhabhi milakar isko achi tarah
chod chod kar chudai sikhayen .And when she learns then
hum sab ke samne apne mard se chudvaye to ho sakta hai.
I joked aur pandit ji aap ko kis
se chudvana acha lagta hai and she said apke bhaya se.
when I pulled the chaddar it was no body but Rashmi
bhabhi. Mami made us all stop and said arre ghar main
sahdi hai kuch gana vana to ho nach ho.
Dulari said apne ilake ki sabse mashoor randi hai yahan
and everybody asked who then Basanti said arre Rinu
didi. They made me wear ghunghroo and I started
Bharat pur loot gaye raat mori amma, jab re Sipahiya ne
mora ghoonghata pakdo (I caught Guddo and made her
dance with me ) Nayan dono juda gaye rat mori amma (and
I kissed Guddo on her lips. For
next line it was Gita) Arre raat mori aama , julmi
siphaiya ne choli pakdi choli pakdi aree joban dono dat
agye ratt mori amma (and now it was turn for Gita's
choonchi to be squeezed. And I decided to open her
choli properly and even unsnapped her bra and showing
them to everybody fondled and
caressed, saying roj roj tumhare bhai jam kar ragdtae
maslate hain aaj tum bhi to choonchi dabva lo)
everybody joined in music. Next was Basanti. She
lovingly took a whirl. Arre Julmi sipahiya ne mora
lenhga khola Lehnaga khola , Bhrat pur Loot gayo Raat
mori amma. (and this time other nands Gunja and Adi
were standing for my help)( ohh s a soldier had caught
my ghngaht and my bothe eyes have closed , he has
caught my choli and boobs have been robbed, ha caught
my saya dn bhratpur my choot got robbed)
Singing this I lifted her sari and saya and her hands
were caught by Gunja and Adi. I took it to just below
choot but everybody said thoda aur upar and I opened a
little and suddenly I exposed her
young choot covered with brown jhants. Gunja grabbed
it. We were distracted by a Vadiya. `He' started
singing, aa gaye vaida banaras ke arre a agye vaida
bnaras ke. He said that all the pains of tummy
and even below the tummy chati ki jalan everything can
be cured with special medicine. Madhu bhabhi brought
Adi to viadya and said see my young nanad has lot of
burning sensation down there. Vadiya said
arre saff Bolo choot main and lifted her skirt. Adi
tried to protest but this time Basanti and Guddo had
held her strongly. She pulled her finger inside her
panty and said, it simple. Did you eat baigan
yesterday and Adi said yes. So see that is the trouble
she has b taken a big baigan in her choot and a worm
has also got inside it I'm putting a lotion wrap it
around his brother's Lund and shove it deep. She will
be cured. Next to be caught was Guddo and she was
disrobed. Rashmi bhabhi said her boobs abhi ddoh dane
layak hain ki nahin and Viadya opened her joban and
showing everybody said every
morning and night she must get it massaged by her
brother. Viadya ji was looking for me but I was away
becoming a police. All ladies joined and undressed
viadya and she was Dulari. I came as police nspector
and Adi and Gunja joined me. Gita complained to me that
her trinkets have been stolen and she has doubts on
Rashmi Bhabhi.Mausi and Bua ji had become judge .they
said talshi lo salli ki. I pushed my hands in her choli
and brought out some trinkets. Yes they are mine, Gita
confirmed. I told theek se and Adi opened Bhabhi'blouse
and threw it and it was followed by her bra and her
boobs came out. I said it may be there below and we
forced her down, lifted her lehnga saya and showing
everybody I forced two fingers in very wet choot and
brought out a ring dekho salli ne kahan kahan chupa
rakha hai. Who else is in your gang she murmured
something and I dragged
basanti. She was treated to similar treatment but this
time I enjoyed squeezing her young choonchi. This time
Adi brought some trinkets from Basanti's choot. But
basanti being rogue she is she told inspector sahib our
leader is she said, indicating towards my sassu ji. I
had no choice but to go to her but I ws asking very
respectfully, they say apne , she whispered me Bahu
ratjaga main Police vala aise nahin bolta. I came back
to my role and said arre Chinar shahrr bhar ke gundo se
chudva chudva kar apni ladkiyon Gita aur Guddo se randi
ka dhandha karvakar purush nahi bahara jo chori bhi
shurro kar di. Now my maa mausi and bua ji pounced on
her to take talshi and almost undressed her. It was
happening at so many places Dulari was entfarishtad
with Gunja and Rashmi Bhabhi was trying it with
Guddo. Next came a ghost; all tricks were tried but it
ultimately demanded I want doodh from Rinu. My bhabhi
laughed and said but she is not even gabhain. She told
no then call a bull and made her pregnant when she
delivers give me milk from her choonchi. I was made to
act as cow and it was announced that who will become
bull all my bhabhis including Dulari and Basanti
agreed. But I put a condition I will check unless it
has a Lund how it can be bull. And
it was agreed, but when I lifted Basanti's saya there
it was jutting out 9 inches long and she showed it to
everybody. I recalled it must
have been Nirodh and I had told her about them. So my
petticoat was lifted and now there was no panty to save
me and basanti shoved it in side me and it was followed
by Madhu Bhabhi. After getting
pregnant I acted s I am delivering a calf. Dulari came
and milked me and offered it to Bhutan dyes there was
milk in it (she had filled glass beforehand). Bhut said
yes but I will drink it from cow's tits itself and she
did drink milk from me. When her face was revealed it
turned out to be Madhu bhabhi. Then all rituals of
marriage were repeated. I was made groom and I selected
Basanti as bride. A lot of betags were sung and after
marriage everybody said as we had watched wedding we
must watch bedding too. And I had no objection. I used
Basanti; s trick Lund of nirodh and really fucked her.
But I was not alone pairs were made of nanad and bhabhi
and they were all in action .Suddenly there was a power
and we all cried in joy and soon there were saya blouse
bra all over. I could count at least 3 women doing it
with me and then it was not fingering jokingly each
time I came and I made them cum. Soon light came back
voltage was low and it was very dim. And it suited us
all. All my Bhabhis, Madhu Rashmi bhabhi did it with me
and so Dulari also got a chance but I did not spare
them either. I
tried to locate my young nands, Gunja and Guddo and not
only made them lick my choot but fingered them hard
making them cum twice. I develop hots for my younger
sis Adi I thought twice but decided to go ahead and she
welcomed. it turned our she was a pro and knew exactly
how to lick a choot. Before night was closed Basanti
was made to deliver a child. It was a doll made of
cloth. We all came back just after 6 and started
morning chore. Sheepishly I and Madhu bhabhi went down
and found everybody was still sound sleep.
We found that a new bond has been developed. During
Lunch Ravi joined us and Guddo and Gita were standing
with him. How could I loose this chance of gallis: Nili
si ghodi gaj neem se bandhi chalo
dekho to lo, aree mare Jija ki Bahna, gayi thi dakhne
vo to chadh gayi kahjur unki sarak gyai skirt aur dikh
gayi Bur, Nili si Ghodi But Guddo took charge and
attacked me and said arre Dulhe ki bahana
gayi thi daikhne vo to chadh gayi atut unki khul gayi
saree aur dikh gayi choot. She could use such words in
front of her brother indicated the atmosphere.

Part III

Everybody was dressed to kill for Barat. Adi Guddo and

Gita had served `cold drinks' too all the ladies (after
they were made to consume it liberally by me) and soon
atmosphere was full of sexual currents. A night of
`ratjaga', days of bawdiest gallis and jokes, and
chances of all `possibilities' have made everybody
loosened up. There were no barriers of age relation or
position. A friend of my brother, KD came and he was
staring at Gita's growing teen boobs. Jiju was not also
far. I told him, hey you have a nice chance of making
your Jija, a salla and not only that Jiju will also be
happy as it will make him a mama in 9 months. He
quizzed how, but Gita blushed. I said just take this
lovely sister of my Jiju to a corner for half and hour
and `DO" what all males of town are thinking of doing
it with her. It will give joy to you and in 9 months
she will
make Jiju Mama and he too will be happy. Gita said Dhat
and ran away but she collided with Dulari and who in
her inimitable style teased arre itna ladne choonchi
dabvane aur chudvane ka shauk hai to itne
ladke hain ghar main kisi se bhid lo and saying that
she did squeeze her joban. All the girls were looking
too good and my bhabhis were wearing revealing tight
low cut dresses.
I had got a dress especially made for Barat. It was a
pink lenhga, with gold embroidery. It was designed to
show curves of my wide hips very carefully and
embroidery too became dense on my plump hips. It was
tied much below my deep navel( a close example can be
KK tying her sari in Chameli, mine must have been
further down) On my flat fair tummy and slender was a
golden chain only accentuating and guiding gaze towards
my deep navel and `things
below' it. My choli was a traditional kuchhi style but
starting just below from my firm hard 36 d choochees
and they were tailored in such a manner as to follow
the contours of my boobs but they stopped just above my
tits. It has a string like support and was sheer
Embroidery again was making every body feast upon my
beautiful boobs. Yes of course there was a red Chunri
which was trying unsuccessfully to hide my one joban
and other of course was open for the gaze of admirers
(and for hands of my Jiju). I was sitting in car
between Amit and Jiju and we were sharing drinks. Both
were looking at my boobs lecherously and I crooned a
very old betag, "More
Jobana Ka Dekho ubhar" Amit said hey let me look at
them with my hands. Meanwhile Barat had stopped and
dance has begun as bride's house was close. Amit
indicated something to band and he danced with me. Tune
was" Humane mana hamper sajan Jobanva bharpoor hai Ye
to..From Pitaa. I saw Adi; she was looking breathtaking
in her tank top and short skirt. I made an intro and
Amit dragged her. I and
Jiju made all ladies to join dance. And it was so
different so hot. Everybody was holding hugging
grinding everybody was enjoying so much. Soon I saw
Madhu bhabhi who had just finished dancing with her
devar. I pointed Jiju and he pulled her. They were
almost rubbing their bodies and it was my turn to let
band sing a favorite, Dhak
Dhak from' Beta'. Madhu Bhabhi showed more oomph and
Boobs then Madhuri and her boobs were almost coming
out. We had arrived in front of bride's house but dance
was not coming to stop. Rashmi Bhabhi and Amit pushed
me and now it was only me and Ravi Jiju who was an
adept dancer. But so was I after a few numbers, it was
choli ke piche kya hai. Guddo and Madhu Bhabhi had
already pulled my Chunri away as it was interfering in
dancing. I must have hesitated
for a micro second but came in the spirit of dance.,
pushing out showing of what was my choli ke piche. Ravi
was dancing beautifully.
His lower portion was almost blending in mine, his one
hand was caressing my back which was fully visible from
my backless choli, and his naughty fingers were
scratching drawing a line at my midriff
while his other hand was unashamedly squeezing my plump
ass. I too was pushing my mound inside him and peaks of
my joban were tantalizingly close to his chest. And
betag changed into Jumma , and everybody started Jumma
chumma de chumma de. I was teasingly taking my cheeks
close and swaying it away in last second. It went on
and on and suddenly Ravi held my hands and kissed me on
lips and I responded warmly. Our feet and body kept on
dancing and everybody
clapped thunderously.
Jiju with all his pranks and bawdy lingo was a
gentleman and it came out . He asked e He was
heat of moment. I put my hands on his shoulders and
said but most precious moment of life and
if you did not like it I will return the kiss and I
kissed him on lips in front of all his friends. Now he
was back t his true self and pinched my bottom hard
saying Mangaye Salli tumko tum salli pakii salli ho,
and he poured a stiff drink between my lips. Soon we
saw some young teen girls from bride's family. They
were Jiju ke sale ki salli. Amit and Ravi exclaimed, ye
gauriya to badi mast hain. I said Jiju don't bother
akhir sale ki salli hai kabhi I will arrange intro. I
called Adi and whispered something in her ear and she
giggled but said let Jiju pray it to me and both Ravi
and Amit obliged. Soon we could see Adi doing chatter
with those girls. It turned out that eldest, Rupa was a
cousin of bride, 18 and she had just joined graduation.
Younger one Sonal was a close friend and had turned 16
a few months back. She was in std 11th. I also went and
chatted with them and introduced them with Jiju and
Amit. I made
them sit but in a manner that Sonal was sitting between
Amit and Jiju and Rupa was trapped between me. Soon
both the Jijus put their hands over them. Adi called a
photographer. I asked Adi hey you too joined us and she
said, sure. Without thinking twice she sat in the lap
of Jiju telling Rupa and Sonal you know this is the
correct place for a salli to sit and it broke the ice.
And Amit and Jiju being what they are, soon banter got
changed to some bawdy jokes (of course Rupa and Sonal
were blushing but neither objecting nor making any move
to go away). They promised that they will pakka come
during reception and anyways as they are from same city
and now in an `interesting' relationship surly they
will love to meet.
These things were further making me hot and Jiju too
was becoming desperate. Dinner got finished much before
midnight and time for marriage was at two PM only. We
all were sitting and there was almost three hours. Jiju
was sitting close to me. I told suddenly Mausa ji I'm
sorry oops I forgot. Hey everybody exclaimed what
happened. I said I think I had forgotten bride's box.
Mausi said how
come it will be the first important thing for marriage.
Mausa comforted her and told it is almost two and half
hour away and Rinu can go and fetch it. It will not
take more than one or one and half
hour's time. And as per habit he called Ravi will you
please rise up in this crisis. Go with Rinu and fetch
that box. Guddo was smiling and said Bhabhi, please as
you are going back to house please bring a shawl for me
it is cold and Madhu Bhabhi too added to her request.
Jiju as if unwillingly got up and joined me. We got
into car and he said hey Rinu are you sure where are
box I thought that I kept it. I laughed and said yes it
is here right in the boot of this car. And then he got
the message and pinched my boobs and said you are a
real chinar. I could not hide my anger no real chinar
is your sister Guddo and Madhu bhabhi. They must have
guessed and that is why they want shawl to ensure that
we have to house, other wise we would have `used' this
time. His one hand hugged me and squeezed my boob
and said don't worry darling we will reach house in no
time and then we can use that time. He just cruised
ahead and when lovingly I drew a line on front of his
pant there was no bulge, it was full hard more than 8
inches of erection. I opened buttons of jiju's coat and
while driving removed it. Next were the buttons of
shirt and of
course front zip. I was rubbing very hard on his Lund
and even bend down to kiss it. We almost rushed to my
room. I bend down to open strings of my choli and untie
knot of my lenhga, but it was not to
be. My choli was just leaving me when I found my lenhga
was on my slender waist and my panty was ripped open.
Jiju's mighty majestic Lund was knocking at doors of my
choot and there was not going to be any interruption
this time. He had picked up my moisturizer and used it
liberally on his Lund and inside my choot. It would not
have taken any time and by the time I could look back,
he held my rasili mast choonchi and his Lund was in. I
almost screamed but both of us knew that house is empty
and no body will respond. My choot was feeling split.
It was a strange mix of joy and
pain. I was looking for it, eagerly longing to get my
choot fucked by Jiju but I could not ignore a sense of
being torn and split. With the force of his shove my
head had banged in the bed and my gaand was high in
air. Jiju mercilessly, crushing my boobs with full
force shoved further and this time even I bit my lips,
scream came out loudly. Now Jija left my choonchi and
held my slender waist and
with full force shoved it further. My choot was
squeezing it hugging it and as it was now penetrating
virgin area resistance was heavy.
Jija stopped and started rubbing my labia and clit.
Pain has started receding but my choot was aching. I
was thinking now it is over Jiju yours is...but he
interrupted, he don't say it is hurting my almost
half of the Lund is still out. It sends a chill of fear
joy down my spine. Still. More.. I could not think but
I decided to dare and goad him although my choot was
aching but joy was also intense. I
teased him , ` to baki Lund kya apni Bahna, Gita aur
Guddo ke liye bacha kar rakha hai, and this made him
furious. He drew out his Lund almost out of my choot
and captured my lips with his lips and then
gripping my hips he shoved it almost full, and it
hurt . It hurt as hell. But my cries got drowned in his
kiss. His rubbing of my clit and pulling of my tit and
impact of special wine kesar whose swig we
had taken before coming made me bounce back soon. I was
pushing my hips, my choot was squeezing Jiju's Lund and
my boobs were very hard. My tits were being bitten
chewed but they kept on raising their head inviting
Jiju. I will not say that pain has vanished. My choot
was fully stretched and was having a sweet ache. And
now Jija too was mercilessly pounding my choot. My
moaning sounds have overtaken my cries and soon frenzy
swept both of us. We were just fucking, fucking like
maniacs. Jiju's nails were scratching my back my mast
joban and his Lund was moving furiously like a piston.
kept on and on, my hips were gyrating, my chootar was
answering his dhakka for Dhaka. Jiju cupped my chootar
and his one finger scratched crack of my gaand. I was
apprehensive ohh not here but his
fingers came on the front side and pinched my clit and
it triggered my explosion. Wave after wave followed and
there were fireworks all
over. I squeezed my choot but Jiju kept on pounding my
choot and only after 10 more minutes of intensive
chudai, he came. He had raised my chootar and he
ensured that not even a drop came out. I
was totally collapsed. My experience was cataclysmic. I
kept on lying and when he kissed on my lips I gave a
weak smile. But we had
to go back so got shawls demanded by my nanad and
I had to change also so I got a sari blouse saya from
Jiju too got dressed. When I looked at him his might
Lund was still almost hard. I kept my cloths on bed and
bend down to take a mouthful. I just kissed at his
supara (lundhead); teasing his pee
hole but soon in one gulp his supara was between my
smoldering lips.
I had to spread my lips extra wide and my cheeks were
bursting but I kept on sucking. With my heena painted
hand I grabbed rest of his Lund and started caressing
fondling it. Jiju was moaning and his
face was full of joy. Looking at his pleasure only made
me increase my tempo. My hands were now caressing his
balls. He was so excited so aroused and he made me lie
down on the bed on my back. He put two thick pillows
under my gaand and I put my long slender legs over his
broad shoulders. His Lund again invaded my choot and
this time being in frontal position I was able to see
his every stroke.
To say it was not hurting will be a lie. But I was
enjoying it too. He was crushing my choonchi and
pushing very hard. My silver anklet was playing
beautiful music with every dhakka. Base of his Lund was
rubbing my clit; my tits were being chewed by his lips
and...It was sheer joy. This time too when he came he
lifted my chootar and ensured that not even a drop of
cum comes out. I wanted to get
dressed but he selected a thong for me which was really
thin. He not only made me wear it while I was lying
down but also put it between folds of my choot and
crack of my gaand. He instructed me to squeeze
my choot and ensure that no drop comes out. He even put
saya over me and after tying sari (of course in my sexy
style just over my hips) I tried to put on bra he
stopped me. I wore choli over my jobans and
it was a low cut so he had to open jut one button to
pull my tits. One squeeze and they were hard. He made
me squeeze his Lund over them and sure a big glob of
cum came over each tits, and he made me
start just like that. During trip back I kept on my
hips in a raised position but when we joined Barat at
was almost impossible to hold.
Soon we had to sit along with rest of marriage party
and in the angan itself my choot started oozing cum of
Jiju and this made joy of chudai linger much after it
was finished. In the morning Vidai took place and we
came back. I participated in all the rituals of barring
entry of bride but my mind was in Jiju who was
constantly teasing me. Everybody was tired and I was
more so with two nights awakening, first Ratjaga and
then shadi with such brutal chudai by Jiju. I told
Mausi that I am going to catch my nap and will be back
in 3-4 hours, and I gave a duplicate key to Adi and
Gita, that if they want to come they can join me.
Rashmi Bhabhi said, no I thought you already caught
something Big in your honey trap. I gave choicest
gallis to her and came to my room.
I changed into a nightie and very fast sleep claimed
me. It was tiredness, Sapphic joy indulged in Ratjaga
and furious fucking by Jiju yesterday, jokes and
atmosphere replete with sex and soon I was
floating in dreams. It was music, dances and soon I
dreamt that I am enveloped by a pair of most handsome
arms, hugging me with authority, clasping me in broad
chest. I too was loosing me surrendering my self to an
overpowering ocean of joy. I felt I am
swimming on waves of sweet kisses and I'm fully
aroused. Soon my body could recognize presence of Jiju.
It was a state between dream and awakening. I could
feel pressure on my hard boobs and my tunnel
of longing was wet and its doors were feeling slight
tapping. I did not want to break this dream so I hugged
him. A gentle bite on my earlobes made me open my eyes
and I just could not believe it. It
looked like real life Jiju was hugging me. His one hand
adoring my domes of joy and other was holding me. I
thought I should bite myself but it was not required as
Jiju bit me on my tits that were
more awake than rest of my body. My dress had left me
while I was sleeping and there were no barriers
separating me from Jiju. I raised my legs and crossed
it over him. We were in side position
facing each other. This only gave chance to his ever
hungry greedy Lund to kiss my smiling welcoming choot.
His lips were kissing sucking my lips while lower lips
were being rubbed and caressed by
his Lund. My juicy choot surrendered to entreaties and
opened the doors of joy and soon welcomed his dart of
cupid inside. It was not an unfamiliar territory
anymore and it made its way, expanding,
piercing slowly. He was in no rush unlike last time.
His hands were playing music with my boobs softly. His
one hand was titillating my labia, flirting with my
clit. I too was responding unashamedly. My
tight choot was crushing his Lund squeezing it, my
nails were scratching on his gaand and sometimes my
long nail will go right up to his puckered hole. And
when I teasingly pushed it he just hugged me
hard and shoved his Lund almost full. He came over me
and started doing chudai in full frenzy. His lips were
sucking mine licking eating devouring and chewing my
tits. His hands were playing,
pulling and pinching my clit and I was pushing my
chootar up responding to hi every thrust. It went on
and on. My joban was being crushed under his manly
broad chest. We lost sense of time and I do
not know what triggered it but I climaxed first. And
one thing I'm sure I almost screamed in joy and
scratched him, biting his shoulders. It must have
triggered his climax. Too. And he kept on
cumming. His semen was flowing on my thighs and when I
stood up I greedily cleaned his Lund. He dressed up and
left and but for marks on my choochees and cheeks and
cum on my thighs I would have thought
it as a dream. I went took bath and got ready
Mausi ji was looking for me. She assigned me task of
preparing Chavi (bride, wife of my cousin) and brining
it for Munh dikhai ( a ceremony in which close
relatives look at the face of bride, she is
expected to touch feet and everybody who looks at her
face, gives some gift.). I went to bride. She was bit
tired after night long rituals. I told her to take a
quick bath. She donned bright bridal
makeup and was ready. I briefed her about different
family members and how joyful she should be. To all
types of tease and bawdy jokes she should give replies
with a smile. Although she may be shy but in
our environment everybody will rate her high if she
responds too to those relatives with whom she had
joking relationship (her Nandoi and my Jiju, Nands and
many others). I also warned that she will
have to sing a few betags but it will be all right if
she can come with one or two lewd ones. When she came
out all the ladies crowded her. Older ladies were fist
but they were by no means sober. When
she was touching feet of her Bua ^ .
Saas, my maa goaded her, hey Bahu why you don't lift
saya of your saas and see the place where your sasur
did all the training. When it came to turn of Maa she
gifted a beautiful Payal ( silver anklet with full of
bells ) and told her ki yeh roj her rat tumhare dulhe
ke kaan main baje and realizing the implications we all
laughed. Madhu Bhabhi asked, but
un panch dinon main kaise bajegi. Maa replied ,
palatkar (from the other side meaning her asshole will
be used ). When it came to turn of Rashmi Bhabhi, I
thought of a prank and put something in bride's anchal
saying scorpion. Bride in a hurry lifted Rashmi Bhabhis
All nands, me Adi, could not stop laughing. Adi asked
kyon Bhabhi ji bharatpur ke darshan kara diye. Now next
was turn of gents. When Jiju; number came it was
basanti who told Chavi,' you have touched
two feet of everybody but with Nandoi it is turn of
middle feet,'.
And this time even bride could not keep herself from
smiling. She touched feet in the normal fashion but
folded her hands indicating towards his "middle feet'.
And we just could not stop rolling down
with laughter.
Next was turn of betags. She sang a few betags in
praise of gods, followed by a few folk betags. I goaded
her, "hey Bhabhi jara apni sass logon ko nandoi ko to
kuch suna dijiye and she started. (when
it came to certain `words' of course Dulari and Basnati
helped her but she too did not blush.) She began:
Baar Baar Nanadi Darwaje Daudi jaye kahna an mane re ,
hamre sayain ji ki Bahana darwaje daudi jayen kahna na
mane re, Halwayia ka ladka to Adi ji ka yaar hai laddo
pe laddo khilaye chala jaye kahna na mane re,
Darji ka ladka to Nandi ji ka yaar hai vo to Rinu ka
yaar hai, Arre choli pe choli, arre body pe body silaye
chali jaye kahna na mane re
Meri sasu ji ka ladka, meri amma ka ladka to sab nandon
ka yaar hai raton main roj
(And Basanti added looking at me and Adi, Raton main
roj chudvaye chali jaye).
( every time my nannd goes to door running.Sister of my
pati goes to door running. Beta of sweet meat seller is
love rof my nannd, he is making he rgulp laddo after
laddo. Beta of tailor is lover of my Nannd. She is
getting choli after choli
stiched. She is getting her bra measured.Beta of my
amma in law, beta of my amma my brother is suitor of
all my nands and in night my nands get fucked by him.)
Chavi Bhabhi looked at me and smiled, she got support
from all my bhabhis and old ladies including my maa who
looking at Bua said salli sari nands chinar hoti hain.
But Chavi bhabhi began next one:
Raghunandan Bin Bajayo ki nahin, Apni Bahna ko tum
nachayo ki nahin, Tamboo taan rakhungi, dholak tayaar
rakhungi, manjira paas rakhungi, Nandoi ji apni salli
ki Rinu Nanadi ko aaj nachaiyo ki nahin,
Thoda vo aaj nachengi, thda vo kaal nachengi, parbeta
din ratt nachengi, Raghunandan Bin Bajayo ki nahin,
(and now Dulari joined with Chavi
Bahbhi) Tamboo taan rakhungi, dholak tayaar rakhungi,
manjira paas rakhungi,Nandoi ji apni salli ki Rinu
Nanadi ko aaj chudvaiyo ki nahin,Thoda vo aaj
chudayengi, thda vo kaal chudayengi,, parbeta din ratt
chudayengi (Raghunandan you played pipe or not. You
made your sister dance or not. I will
pitch a tent, I will play dholak and you will play
majira. Ohh My Nandoiji, you got your salli Rinu fucked
or not , she will be fucked a bit today, she will be
fucked a bit to morrow and she will be fucked entire
night and day day after tomorrow.)
And she got such appreciation. Even I, who was target
of her gallis, hugged her. After some time I shooed
away girls, who were teasing her and told Mausi ji to
let Chavi relax. It was already mid day.
She agreed readily and told me to take her to beauty
parlor also at 4 Pm. I ushered Chavi bhabhi in and
bolted the rooms from inside. I smiled at her impishly.
I told bhabhi to remove her sari and relax. She was
surprised. I told laughingly you sat entire yesterday
night cross legged and to night your legs will remain
raised in the air with your Piya ji, so it is time to
let them relax. I have kept a gown, change into
something comfortable and for next 3-4 hours nothing
will come here so just relax and get ready for final
assault. And to make her easy I removed my sari. She
smiled and went
to bathroom and came out in night gown, which was very
open and had a few buttons to hold it. Her boobs caged
in Victoria's secret (given as Munh dikhai by her
nandoi and my Jiju Ravi) were clearly
visible. I giggled and teased Chavi, `hey it is foul
release these doves too' and unsnapped her front open
bra. Before she could understand I had taken it out. My
gaze went down and yes she was wearing panty too. I
threatened her, hey will you take it down or
should my hands perform this pleasant task and laughing
I tried to lift her gown. She too joined in laughter
and said "Didi, why should I trouble you' and removed
her panty too. Meanwhile I had put some
mild warm water in a small tub and put some soothing
salts. I told Chavi to sit on sofa and put her feet
inside the tub. It immediately had its effect. I put
some fresh beans in coffee percolator, ensured
that all the heavy drapes are pulled and switched of
all the light except one soft blue light. I poured
coffee and two cups and handed over one to bride. She
said hey didi it looks different. I told it
special as you are special (it had to be because it was
laced with liberal dose of brandy). I rang up Chavi's
house and her maa lifted.
After greetings I enquired about them Rupa and Sonal
and passed phone to Chavi. I could see gleam in her
eyes and message of thanks.
While she was talking I went back and started giving
her a gentle back rub. I started massaging her lean
beautiful shoulders with some gentle strokes. My hands
were in constant touch, gliding down, using
my body weight. My finger tips were rubbing caressing
all the right points and soon she was totally relaxed.
Now I moved to front and
opened her top buttons. She did express some resistance
but by this time she was talking with her bhabhi who
was teasing her about impending suhagrat. My now bolder
hands were rubbing her front part
avoiding her boobs deliberately. She soon reconciled
and started enjoying that too. I slowly moved her gown
over her boobs and they were open. She had small but
fully developed pair of boobs, hard
firm and nipples were prominently protruding. I sat
next to her and continued my massage. I was rubbing her
lower back pushing my fingers inside the gown. I will
come down to base of spine and tease
her voluptuous gaand and go up. I slowly came up and
parted her gown giving me a glimpse of her portals of
love. But not at looking at it nonchalantly my fingers
stroked her thighs and went further down. It
did accidentally brush her genitals. I was using my one
hand and other was hugging her whispering sweet
nothings in her ears. She had put her head over my
choochee (which had come out of my gown). I
slowly made her incline and she kept her head in my
lap. And as I spread my legs her lips came directly
over my exposed muff. I was now stroking her long
tresses. I was telling her, "Chavi in your in
laws place you must have somebody who is your
confidante. I have gone through this phase and I know
how lonely it can be some times.
House is full of relatives but there are few friends."
"Yes Didi you put it properly", she whispered. Now my
fingers were playing with
her golden brown jhants. Chavi you should clean it
before you're ^ ,you know. It may be hard for you
during ^ , but they are beautiful and hide a still
beautiful treasure", saying this I touched her
labia. "Either you can clean it or in the evening it
can be done in the parlor", I suggested. Yes didi. Her
voice has become very faint.
I parted my legs further and my hand stroking her head
pushed it now on my choot and now her lips were
touching me. Now my strokes had become bolder. However,
after stroking and teasing her vulva my
hands went down and started massaging her inner thighs
and soon I could feel tension melting away and she was
at ease. I asked her Chavi do you take pills. She
admitted nahin didi. And my hand squeezed her choot and
other came from head to fondle her boobs. I chided her,
"are pagli, to night itself you may become pregnant and
after 9 months I will get some neg as Bua but what
about you. Ok just don't bother I have a pill which can
be started from any day and after your next period you
can take usual pills. This is time for enjoying chudai
(while saying this finger just parted her labia)
children can come later. And while talking about
chudai, yes it will hurt but nothing like getting
fucked furiously on the first night. You are young and
such a cute bhabhi so just let me tell you that we
should be prepared for chudai. Use lube before,
especially on the inner side" I told her about
preparation for tonight. We kept on talking and I told
her everything about me, Cheenu and even our
jokes about me getting fucked by my Jijus. She laughed
and said, `but didi I don't have any jija'. I laughed
and squeezing her boobs said don't bother your nandoi
will fill this gap. She too
laughed yes I enjoy the way Ravi Jiju talks, but I
think didi you had more claim over him. I pinched her
choonchi and said "salli aur salhaj ka barabar ka hak
hota hai, and you will be here so beware.'
We shifted to bed, where she just curled in my arms and
we slept.
When I got up our gowns had vanished and we were just
hugging each other. It was already 3.30 and we had
appointment at 4. I made tea and woke her up. She
looked at her and finding herself nude blushed. She
tried to cover herself but I pulled her gown saying ab
bhabhi kya chipana , I gave her tea and told her to get
ready fast. Suddenly I thought about something and
indicating about her keasr kyari asked hey bano iska
kya hoga. She just smiled and said, let the parlor take
care of it too. I also wore a tight top and a hip
hugging jean, showing crack of my gaand very clearly.
When we were changing Chavi looked at my 36d boobs and
admired them. I pulled her hand and made her squeeze
them. I said hey don't bother ek baar mard ka hath
padega to tumhare bhi aise hi bade ho jayenge. She
teased me sirf ek mard ke hath say. I pinched her
chootar and say don't forget your nandoi.
I went out looking for Mausi and she was sleeping with
my pita on one side and bade mausa ji on other. I
teased her, kyoun mausi ji ek sath do do jija ke sath.
And I realized I had raised a hornet's nest.
She told arre to tumhari kyoun sulag rahi hai. And any
way to morrow Neelu and her khasam will come so you can
also sleep with two jija, but let me share something it
is really enjoyable , one from front
and other from behind. Meanwhile Chavi had also come
out and was listening to our ribald talks and smiling.
Ravi Jiju came to drive us to parlor. He complained to
Mausi ji, `your daughter was using me
as driver and now your bahu is also using my services.
Who will give my fees?" I interrupted and said, `why
don't you take it from your salhaj and I am sure she
will not say no. But Chavi was no less. She answered
back Rinu didi meri aur se bhi de dengi. I made Chavi
sit between me and Jija and when he started driving I
told him Jiju now you can take your fees. Soon we
landed up at parlor. Treatment at
parlor was long and included Sonal and complete body
treatment. They were covering not only face but other
parts too like sandal treatment for boobs, waxing etc.
I told them not to leave any hair
and Chavi blushed. Ladies of parlor took away Chavi. I
and Ravi also got facial done. But still there was two
hours time to kill. I suggested to Jiju that there is a
famous bakery nearby May by we can
go there. He agreed and said pastries there are famous
but I blurted out, `I was thinking about Cream Role."
Before leaving suddenly I recalled something and called
parlor maid and handed over erotic perfume which was
given to me by Amit. I told them where to apply it and
before they dress her for tonight's big match. Jiju
drove me to pastry shop and parked it in a lonely
corner. He got 4 rum pastries and of course cream
roles. I took one between my lips and pressed in his
mouth and he just kissed me. Soon we were hugging,
kissing, and biting each other. I was sitting in his
lap and his hands had wandered inside my top. His Lund
was pressing in
my ass. I said kyon Jija today it wants to travel on
choti line route. He smiled and said your read my mind
yes why not it is great fun and with somebody who has
such sexy ass. I giggled and said you
know maa has taught me that there are two types of men,
some are boobs men and some are gaand men. Squeezing my
boobs and pushing his Lund in my gaand over the @jeans
he said and I am both types and your
both assets are so sexy Rinu when first time I saw I
just wanted to fuck you, bugger you holding your
choonchi. But he could not translate this dream into
realty as there were some bikers parking there bikes
next to our car. Jija suggested that there are some
ruins nearby and I recognized the place at out skirt of
city but not very far. We drove to that place. Dusk has
come and there was very dim light. We parked our car on
the farthest corner in the shadow of some monument. And
now there was no pretense. He was trying to undress me
and so was me. But in the confined space of car we were
just not able to enjoy. Suddenly Jiju looked at sugar
cane field.
Lush green, very tall sugarcanes, and dense. And
nearest village must have been 5-6 kilometers away.
Jiju looked at me and asked hey you are thinking same
thing as me. I said, yes I had heard about it
but never tried it there.
He pulled me out and said let us fill this gap too in
experience. We followed a pagdandi which was very
narrow and after travelling for considerable distance,
jija took my hand and pulled me inside. He had brought
a set cover and spread it on ground. He
broke a few sugarcanes to make space and after removing
my dress I lied down. Jiju put his @jeans under my
chootar and I raised my long slender legs over his
shoulder. I spread it widely. I picked out a tube of ky
jelly from my @jeans and handed it to him. Smilingly he
coated his supara with it and spread it on his thumb
and index finger too. He parted doors of my greedy
hungry choot and covered it with lube. And now with my
well spread legs over his broad shoulders he just
pushed his Lund inside my wet and waiting choot. I was
so hot that I pushed my chootar too and in went his
supara. I will not
say there was no pain but that was what my choot was
longing for. Jija crushed my choonchi with his handsome
hand and holding it in one stroke he shoved rest of his
Lund. I responded with a wild push
of my chootar but still a scream almost came out but I
bit my lip to stop it. Jija was rubbing crushing my
boobs and soon his lips also joined the assault. One
tit was being sucked devoured chewed and
other was being pulled and pinched. His other hand was
flirting with my clit. Soon I was moaning and although
jija was not pushing but my chootar were going up and I
was whispering in his ears hey jija
please dalo no chodo Na. Soon he acceded to my request
and he pulled out his mighty huge Lund almost out and
in one shove holding my
slender waist pushed it full. He has taken precaution
to cage my lips with his. Ohh it was a real joy but
inspite of being fucked
twice my choot was feeling pierced by a sharp weapon..
Sting was there but so was overpowering joy. I hugged
him, scratched his back
with my long nails and we started doing chudai in full
frenzy. Soon Jija changed position. He took out my legs
from his shoulders and pushed them to my head almost
making me double and started chudai
again. He was rotating his Lund inside my choot without
moving it and base of his Lund was rubbing my choot.
His hands were grabbing my chootar and soon one of his
fingers moved to crack of my ass. It
was teasing me there just playing with my gaand. And
suddenly with full thrust he shoved it in. but my
virgin gaand was so tight that with all his might only
tip entered. But it was enough to hurt me. I
moved my head side ways meaning no not there, But Jija
was oblivious to it. He brought half of Lund out and
started fucking me in a slow
rhythm. His one finger was inside my gaand but his
other hand pinched my clit and I was so delirious that
was begging him to do kas kar chudai. His strokes
become faster more powerful and I almost
forgot finger in my gaand. In this frenzy cover under
me has been thrown away and now I was on ground on
earth. I could feel small pieces of dust and some hard
pieces piercing my soft skin, rubbing
my chootar. But they were only adding to joy. Force
with which Jiju was fucking me was making my body being
pulverized against earth of sugarcane field. Soon Jiju
withdrew his finger and only then I
realized presence of his finger, He bit my tit and I
bit my lips to stop scream and meanwhile he pushed his
thumb inside my gaand. Ouch pain was enormous and this
time he had put his full force so resisting all shyness
and reserve of my sphincter it went in. Before pain
could register, he pinched my clit too and I was mad.
He was doing chudai like maniac and now his thumb was
also rotating inside my gaand and soon I came. I was
shivering, there ware waves but he did not stop and
soon one wave subsided he pulled out thumb from my
gaand but pressed my clit very hard and I came aging. I
too pushed my finger inside crack of his gaand and he
too came. Meanwhile we
listened to some rustling of leaves. Jiju hurried me
and I just wrapped cloths over me and came out. Our
eyes had become used to darkness and Jiju told me to
bend down and peep. What I saw was so beautiful. There
was a young village teen in Ghaghara and choli and two
boys. Her young choot was being fucked by one boy while
she was doing chussai of Lund of other. They were
totally oblivious to us.
We came back to car and drove towards parlor. Jiju
squeezed my hand and said hey you saw that girl. I
smiled and said, yes I feel envious lucky girl ek sath
do do lund ka maja. How can she take two
to gather? Jiju laughed and said don't be jealous, I
forgot to tell you, Neelu didi's call came today she
will be joining with her khasam and may be tomorrow it
may be you with two Lund. I had brought out his raging
Lund from pant and it was still erect. Jiju
pinched my chootar. I squeezed his Lund and said, "Jiju
it looks like that it will not spare your poor Sail's
gaand. And although you could not break the seal of my
choot but my gaand is still kori."
Learning that, his Lund started jumping up in my hand.
I squeezed it hard and told Jiju can you make a
promise. He said sure anything for my sexy salli and
kissed me. I said no first you say yes I promise.
He squeezed my choonchi and said yes I promise.
Gripping his Lund very hard, I said "Jiju I like it but
sometimes it hurts me too. I want that what ever hole
you are taking it may be my tight virgin
gaand where I know it will hurt like hell, even if it
pains me, even if I scream and beg for mercy, even if
you tear and split me and even if I faint, I want all
of it and I touched it's base, saying
right up to this place. It may hurt me tat time but bad
main job maja militia hai I can not tell you." As we
had to leave in rush I felt that some semen is still
left in Jiju's Lund. I looked at pastry left in car and
an idea flashed in my mind. I took the pastry in front
of his Lund and started pumping it hard. He was
flabbergasted and said, hey Rinu what are you doing. I
told him that it is a known fact that if a purush or
aurat (lugai) eats something which has been already
tasted by other it adds to their luv. But another
magical belief is that if a aurat (lugai) is made to
eat semen of somebody after her marriage and before his
virginity has been taken
away she will be enamored to that Lund and can not
refuse it . Now I was pumping vigorously. Ohh so it is
for, he quizzed. Yes Your salhaj, Chavi. Salli and
Salhaj have same hak over Jiju. Yes and
thinking about his Salhaj he came in big spurts. I had
thought that may be a few drops would have been left
but globs of thick white cum came out and covered the
pastry. Jiju said yes I must take her too. Laughingly I
put back it in his pant and said if you leave her then
you are not a perfect nandoi. We had reached the
parlor. I enquired about Chavi and they said it will
take 10-15 minutes more as she is getting dressed up
for her suhagrat. Meanwhile I can get heena done in my
hands. I agreed. And what about perfume I wanted to
know.Parlor maid laughed and said it has been put 10
minutes back. Soon
Chavi came out. She was looking stunning. She was
wearing a red passion colored lenhga, tied well below
her navel, her beautiful feet were colored with mahavar
which was still wet and there was
silver anklet with 100 silver bells. Her choli was
covering her small but perfect boobs and it has rich
embroidery. There was a Chunri over them but her oomph
was oozing out. Her face was adorned
with full bridal makeup. I could see a bulge in Jiju's
pant. I thanked parlor maids and we left. But suddenly
I remembered something and asked hey what happened to
kesar kyari. She laughed and said it is clean now and
Chavi blushed. When we returned back as my heena was
still wet, I sat in the back alone and made Chavi sit
in the front with Jiju. She too was sitting with
extended hands as her finger nails were drying. She
teased me and said, "Didi where you went with nandoi
ji." I told that Jiju had offered me some good
pastries. But Chavi was in mood,
she commented "I thought it would have been something
else. And she complained to Ravi, Jiju you make
discrimination between Salli and
salhaj. You give her so many things but for get your
salhaj." I told Jiju to offer pastry to his salhaj. As
Chavi could not use her fingers she opened her mouth
wide. I joked, Jiju she how wide salhaj has opened, now
it is time for you to push it, dal do na Jija ek baar
main salhaj ki... and Ravi took the pastry and put it
in her greedy mouth. Of course it was mouthful and only
in the second attempt she could gobble the whole rum
pastry. When I looked at her a saw that a big glob of
cum was on her pink lips. I told Chavi, Hey Bhabhi some
icing is still on your lips why don't you lick it with
your tongue. She brought her silken pink tongue and
very erotically licked it. After that she looked it in
the rear mirror and said ohh Didi some pastry is on my
check how will I clean it. I laughed and
said what for is your nandoi. He complained but I am
driving my hands are not free. I goaded him so use your
lips and tongue. Chavi too offered her gore gore gall
and Jija not only cleaned it but kept
on kissing. I warned him; hey mare bahiya ke mall pe
hath saaf kar rahe ho. But Chavi supported Ravi and
came to his defense and said, jisaki bahan ko nahin
choda uski bibi ko bakhsane ka matlab nahin hai. We
kept on teasing each other and soon reached home.
We were slightly late for ceremony of `Kangan Chudana"
(untying of knots which are tied in the hands of bride
and groom, Bhabhi of groom unties it and only after
that ok tey can indulge in fucking
so it is real granting of license and as meaning is
know to everybody there is a lot of bawdy betags and
jokes). Rashmi Bhabhi was ready . She said Rinu khud to
chudvane main lagi rahti ho yahan becahri Chavi ki koi
chinta nahin. I giggled and said no bhabhi I
had taken my young bhabhi to get ready for that only, I
know how much she is waiting for that, koi baat nahin I
crooned to Chavi, Sajan se tumhara milan hoga Dulahan
thodi dheer dharo. Madhu Bhabhi
joined singing arre kasi choot main lund hoga Chavi
thodi dheer dharo. Ritual was performed. Groom too was
brought. There was a play of jua where a ring is thrown
in the water and both bride and groom tried to get it.
Of course my bhabhis were supporting Chavi so she won
all the three times and they said to him that he will
have to become now pakka joru ka gulam. Madhu Bhabhi
asked Adi hey raat
ke match ka kanha intezzam kiya hai. Adi giggling said,
there was no room as there are so many guests so it has
been done in kitchen. We had put a cot, I hope Chavi
Bhabhi will enjoy it there. I could
feel some gloom on Chavi's face. I told them ok I and
Jiju are taking them to dinner to Taj and meanwhile get
everything ready, I think kitchen is good as there are
all types of lubricants so
Chavi Bhabhi can choose if she wants to use mustard oil
or ghee or even butter and if she gets tired she can
take some replenishments too. Rashmi Bhabhi added and
some of the windows can not be closed
so one can peep and give encouragement.. (In fact I and
Jiju had taken a bridal suite in Taj for them but it
was to be a surprise) Mausi Ji rebuked us for teasing
Chavi and we left for dinner. I told maa that my friend
Nutan has met and she was complaining. So after dinner
I will go to her house and stay there. She said ok but
come back in the morning soon.
We had been allotted a sit in the corner. I left love
birds alone and took away Jiju. We went to bridal suit.
It was decorated with jasmine and roses. Bridal suit's
roof is made up of solid mirrors and there are huge
dressing tables. On the table were two silver glasses
with milk and some herbs. There was famous palang tod
pan too in sliver tray and some Madan Modaks in another
tray. He was
enjoying it and said Rinu your arrangements are
perfect. I hugged him and kissing on his lips asked but
Jiju please promise me one thing. He quizzed and asked
but I insisted no first you say yes Rinu
I will do it, only then I will tell you.
Part IV
left love birds alone and took away Jiju. We went to
bridal suit.
It was decorated with jasmine and roses. Bridal suit's
roof is made up of solid mirrors and there are huge
dressing tables. On the table were two silver glasses
with milk and some herbs. There was famous palang tod
pan too in sliver tray and some Madan Modaks in another
tray. He was enjoying it and said Rinu your
arrangements are perfect. I hugged him and kissing on
his lips asked but Jiju please
promise me one thing. He quizzed and asked but I
insisted no first you say yes Rinu I will do it, only
then I will tell you. I hugged him and kissed him on
his lips heavily. I sat down on bridal bed and opened
zip. His sleepy monster came out but without
preliminaries I gulped it between my lips. Jiju said,
ok I promise whatever you say I, and I mean WHATEVER,
you say I will do. I was sucking his Lund greedily. I
took out his Lund for a minute and said, Jiju Please
ring your house and tell that you will not be able to
come to house tonight. His face bore a quizzing
expression. But why ^ .anyway you
are going to your friends place. I directed him to
phone, kept next to bed and said Jiju You promised so
just does it and I continued sucking him. He rang up
and made some excuse. Now his Lund was a raging
monster. I took him to bathroom where a frilled lacy
bra and sheer nothing lacy pink panty for his salhaj
was hanging. I took the panty and warped it over his
Lund and pumped it. I opened his supara and rubbed it
in her panty where choot of her salhaj will be. I
smiled and said Jiju it is complete totaka. Now after
getting her maidenhead broken when she wears this panty
her choot will be crazy for your Lund. She will develop
such strong affection for her Nandoi that she will
chase you. He laughed and said Amine. We went out to
waiting couple. They were sitting next to each other.
Waiter came with a bottle of wine. Chavi showed some
reluctance but
I and Jiju persuaded her and it opened her up further.
We all enjoyed dinner with laughter teasing and jokes.
I told them to wait here and we ladies are going to
powder room. I took Chavi along with
me straight to bridal suit. When she saw and understood
she felt joyous. She told but didi ^ everybody was
saying even you were sayingthat it will be^ . kitchen.
I laughed and said no how could I select a place for my
bhabhi and then I gave her some lessons. I told her it
s a night for enjoyment so go ahead and do it. You must
raise your legs as much as possible and spread it wide
too. Then I suddenly remembered and told her oops I
forgot to give you pill. I took out packet from my
purse and gave her one pill with water. She said Didi
you are so caring. I laughed and said I told you that,
I am your friend and pinched her cheeks, saying but you
must take care of my brother too. There was a knock and
I opened the door and Jiju had
guided his salla who too was pleased to look at the
bridal suit. I told Jija hey now we should not let them
delay otherwise my Bhabhi will curse me. Jija said it
is 9 pm and we will come back at 9 am.
So best of luck and I mean ..i laughed and said Jiju I
know what you mean but leave them now and we closed the
I took him to the door of another bridal suit and gave
him a letter written on hotel napkin by lipstick. It
said, Jiju I want your Lund
and I want it badly. You can push it shove it where
ever you like and even if cry , even if I weep even if
you tear and split me with your massive Lund but please
do jabrdast chudai tonight. Your sexy
Salli Rinu. While he was engrossed reading it I opened
the door of Queen Bridal suit and ushered him in. I
bolted the room from inside and hugged him. He was
nonplussed. He was looking for words^ You said ..Some
saheli^ .
I giggled and kissed him hard. I said Jija ji
everything is fine in love and war so for next 12 hours
do anything and everything with your salli. I ordered
him to raise his hands,which he did. I removed his coat
and shirt and hung it. Now it
dawned to him. He looked at bridal bed, Palang toad pan
in silver tray, two glasses of milk and other
condiments. His response was, he lifted me in his arms
and took me to bed. I kept on sitting his
lap. I took pan ( it was a special pan full of
aphrodisiac and was known to not only cause erection
for hours but even made a virgin bride go wild, and
similar herbs were in the milk in silver glass
and of course Madan Modaks were famous for that)
between my lips and rubbing it on his lips pushed it
slowly. Grabbing pan he bit my juicy lips and we kept
on sucking chewing pan with russ of our
lips. He pushed some part of chewed pan in my mouth
which I lovingly devoured. His hands were measuring my
boobs which were hard for some time ( I had put erotic
perfume gifted by his friend Amit on my tits
and clit and they were really engorged). He tore my
choli and flung my sari and soon I was sitting in his
lap in bra and saya. He was holding my head and kissing
softly on my lips, his fingers were
playing with my long dark tresses. And I too was
responding warmly. Soon his lips went to my cheeks and
started caressing them; he kissed my eyes lids, saying
that he will bring all the dreams in my
eyes true today and came back to lips where his kisses
became more demanding. His tongue was deep inside my
mouth, twirling playing with my tongues. His hands were
roaming over my boobs which were
still caged in bra. My boobs were rubbing against his
broad chest and my hand was gripping his back as there
is no tomorrow. He snapped open my front open bra and
my voluptuous hard, firm milky boobs came out
fluttering like a pair of doves thanking him for
liberating them from confines of my bra. But their
freedom was short lived as Jijus hands gripped them
hard. He cupped them and slowly started fondling
caressing base of my 36d proud choochees. His fingers
were scaling but afraid they were of climbing at peaks.
I too used my hands to divest him of his vest so now
both of us were topless.
But Jija was not satisfied with that. He pulled string
of my saya, and took it of. I raised my chootar to help
him. I made his pant and
brief join my saya and soon there were no barriers
between us. There was some sound from a tape kept
behind and we could listen moaning and whispering of
Chavi. He quizzed hey Rinu what is this. I said
you can listen to every sound your salhaj will make
today as I had put three secret mikes and there is a
sound activate tape also so how many times her choot
will gulp Lund will be known to us. He pinched my
choonchi, laughing and made me lie on the bed.
Jija came over me. His kisses again start raining over
my joyous face. His hands were holding my face. Soon
his lips wandered down to my domes of joy and this time
without beating the bush they just
gulped my tit and started sucking them greedily. His
hands captured the other one and there was race between
his sucking lips and pulling and pinching fingers, that
which can give more joy to my
aroused tits. He started slowly kissing, flicking his
tongue on my erect tits, his tongue will travel from
base of my boobs and just flick the tip of tits and
suddenly gulp it sucking it hard. And it
grew to deep sucking, biting, chewing and devouring it
hard. His fingers which were softly playing it also
started pulling it and then scratching them. I was
moaning with joy and my other parts of body too were
demanding attention. His lips finally left the boobs
and continued their downward journey. However, his
other hand captured my boobs and now both of them were
crushing, squeezing my mast jobans. His lips kissing my
flat and fair tummy had found some
rest in my deep navel and had taken some rest. He
cleverly teasingly, brushed portals of my love hole but
went down further to soak my inner thighs with long
deep lingering kisses. I was floating
in clouds. But soon his fingers too joined exploring my
tunnel of longing. He just gripped my mound softly and
squeezed it. However, now he was lying aside with me
with her teeth nibbling my earlobes.
Soon his fingers stoked my flames of passion to full
level. He was caressing squeezing petals of my love
flower and his fingers invaded my tunnel of longing. It
was one, followed by second finger. His
thumb was moving around my clit in circles, while
fingers were playing music on the inner walls of my
love hole. At the same time his other hand was busy
with my one choochee, (and of course his lips
were busy devouring my other peak). I was moaning,
crying raising my chootar wildly. And suddenly his two
fingers doing tap dancing found, my `that' spot and I
almost jerked, pushing out my vibrating
fuddi. I felt as I have urge for urine but soon my
pelvic area started pulsating. Pads of his fingers
started pushing and pressing. I was in frenzy, but
slowly he reduced pressure and pulled out his
fingers before I could cross the side and volcano could
erupt. But now his lips had soon started playing the
music. He placed his lips directly on my choot kissing
slowly and then with full force. He
opened his tongue to separate my wet fuddi lips and
when they parted , he used his thick twirling tongue,
to run it up and down between my sensitive vibrating
fuddi flesh. My entire body was titillating, my tits
were erect and boobs were rock hard. My eyes were half
closed and I had surrendered all control from my body.
His licks were moving from one side to another and
sometimes they were hard and pointed and sometime broad
and soft. He was using it like a painters brush to
Colour new shades of joy. His tongue after teasing my
`that' spot soon came out but now it was encircling my
clit. It was flicking flirting with fully engorged
swollen clit. Lips have caged clit and tongue was
teasing it. I was taking long breaths and my chootar
was moving as on auto pilot. He again like a pillum
pierced my choot with his tongue and now his lips were
sucking me softly and then with and urgency. They
became hungrier and started sucking me like a vacuum
pump. I was almost there and he stopped. He raised my
chootar and now his licks went backwards starting from
end of my choot to the hole of my gaand and he kissed
me there touching my asshole with tip of tongue. My
passion ebbed a bit but soon my
clit was again caged by his lips and now sucking
started in full gusto. I was crying moaning, begging.
His hands were grasping my chootar very hard,
scratching my gaand and I was almost going mad, but
suddenly he left and came between my legs.
Jiju lifted my long slender legs and put it over his
shoulders. His long erect raging Lund was looking
greedily at my choot and my choot almost winked at it.
Smiling, I pulled out a bottle of Vaseline from under
the pillow and with my fingers coated his lund.
He too took some and put it inside my already wet
choot. He made me raise my chootar, and put a few
pillows under it. Now he used his lund to part my young
petals and made a slow teasing entry. It was
delirious. His fingers and tongue have made me wild and
now his supara rubbing on the inner walls of my tunnel
of my longing, I was craving for more and more. To
welcome his entry, I thrust my chootar
upwards. Jija grabbed my hard choonchi and started
crushing it.
Holding it he further shoved and now half of his Lund
was ensconced in my bur. holding my choonchi, and
smiling at me he teasingly pulled it out and now with
full force he thrust it with his full power. Vaseline ,
our foreplay and arousal not ithstanding, it almost
tore my tight choot. His lund is so massive and huge .
I did try to stifle my cry but failed. When I looked up
I almost blushed.
I could see his Lund entering into my choot in the
ceiling mirror of bridal suit. And I was amazed some of
it was still out. But next push and now it was up to
his balls. My mahavar colored feet were
rubbing on his cheeks and my sliver anklet was plating
music in tune with every powerful thrust. In the
ceiling mirror I could see his hands playing with my
domes of joy, climbing at peak adoring it
punishing it, caressing it crushing it. Jija has
increased tempo and now pain has bid adieu and joy has
taken over. I was moving my chootar on his every
powerful thrust. When his lund will be fully in
its base will rub my clit. Jija will grind it on my
clit. Now his one hand too has joined in flirting with
my now swollen clit. His lips were sucking, eating my
eraser like big erect tits, and fingers
will caress my labia and the tease my clit. His hands
and lips were almost moving in sync with his Lund.
After sometime he shifted, my legs to my head almost
doubling me up which further exposed my choot
to him. He added a few more pillows below my chootar
and now holding my slender waist he started doing
chudai in full speed. I too was squeezing his Lund in
my choot. When I was almost on the verge, my
eyes were closed and I was moaning han jija aise aise
hi aur kas kar plese jor se chodo aur ..jor se..chodo
pha ddo meri choot apni Rinu ki salli ki bur .He pulled
out his Lund and I started begging nahin Jiju please
make me cum. But he stopped. However, he held his lund
in his hand and started rotating it in my choot and now
I was really
wild. His lund was now rubbing my inner walls and
stretching it beyond my imagination. To tease me I
inserted his index finger in my mouth and when I had
sucked it as if it were his Lund, he brought it
out and without preliminaries shoved it in my asshole.
His Lund too has started doing frantic chudai and I
could see everything in mirrors. Suddenly we heard a
scream from tape behind. I had reduced the volume but
scream was too high and I knew what happened. I told
Jiju, apki salhaj ki phat gayi. His response was
typical, he increased tempo of chudai and now he was
lying on me with his broad
chest rubbing my choochee. I had crossed my legs over
his hips and guiding his thrusts. My long nails were
scratching his back. Chudai had slowed down but we were
enjoying this complete intimacy. It went
on and on. Jija left and sat down between my thighs,
without pulling out his lund. My legs were still behind
his back encircling him. Now his hands again attacked
my clit and soon I was on the verge of
orgasm. This time he continued and it came in waves.
However his powerful chudai continued unabated and soon
he came too. His cum flooded my choot and some of it
came over my thighs too. For some time we were lying
just like that. He pulled out his Lund which was still
semi erect. He led down and next to me and we increased
the volume of sound coming from next room. Chavi was
complaining that it is hurting and soon there were
sounds of kissing and licking.
We too started kissing and watching us in the mirror.
Jiju's Lund was again stirring. I took it in my heena
colored hands and started caressing it. Jiju wanted to
rise but I told him to jut lie down and it is time for
salli to do service to her Jija. I went and sat astride
over him. He wanted to hold my choonchi but I put his
hand back on the bed. I just kissed his lips fleetingly
and suddenly they
gulped his cheek and I bit him hard. My hand was
brushing against his chest, titillating his nipples. My
lips traveled down and I gently nibbled his tits.
However it was only momentarily as my long
tresses started caressing his chest and when I sat
between his thighs, it was my long dark hair which
kissed Jiju's Majestic Lund first. I was dreaming abut
this for long time and was now time to translate it
into reality. After teasing his furious and angry Lund
for some tome I pulled back my hair on my back and
looked at Jiju who was breathing hard. I smiled at him
and softly grabbed his Lund
and brought it to my cheeks and caressed my cheeks.
This has made me too very hot and my tits were steel
erect. I used my bobs to grab his Lund and started
rubbing it slowly. My fingers were fondling his balls;
my nails will start from the base of supara and go
right up to his balls. Once my adventurous fingers went
further and teased his asshole too. Jiju was trying to
get up but I was making him lie
down. Now I rose and started rubbing my choot with tip
of his lund. it was too much for him. I will touch it
rub it and then lift it away. Now he was moaning arre
Rinu please fuck, fuck push it and I
parted my labia with my fingers and shoved it hard. in
one gulp my greedy choot took supara of his Lund. I
tried hard but it was difficult to push further. I
looked pleadingly at him. He immediately caught my
slender waist and pulled me down with full force. I too
was pushing and slowly his almost entire Lund was in.
He bend his knees and now my back was supported. Slowly
I started fucking him. I will go down and teasingly
offered my choonchi to him and when he will try to suck
it I will move it away. I taunted him, hey are you
thinking about Gita's choonchi . He laughed and said no
they are much smaller. I laughed and said ok your
Maa's, they are bigger like mine, and he grabbed my
tits and bit hard abusing me
saying chinar salli. I will rub his cheeks with my
boobs and squeeze his Lund inside my choot. Soon, we
could listen to music of silver anklet from next room
and we both knew that second round chudai of Chavi has
started. It brought so much josh to jija that he held
my waist firmly and started moving me up and down and I
too joined in chudai in furious pace. I knew that once
we have cum this
time it will take some time. Now jija was controlling
the pace and he got up and now we continued chudai in
sitting position. He sat
on the edge of bed with his legs down and I was sitting
in his lap with his Lund inside my choot. He was
holding crushing squeezing my mast joban while I was
moving my choot over his Lund. I saw silver
glass full with milk on table and picked it up. While
squeezing his Lund inside my choot I offered it to him.
He took a sip and made me also drink it. He pinched my
joban and said I would like to drink
from here. I offered my tits to him. I said but for
that you will have to make me gabhin (pregnant). He
quizzed do you mean it and shoving my choonchi in his
mouth I said yes. Next time when we meet
I will ensure that I am without pill and I stay for
some time although I know one chudai by you and I will
e gabhin. and after 9 months from one choonchi I will
offer milk to your beta and from the
other choonchi you can drink. This aroused him so much
that he made me lie down on the edge of bed and after
finishing the milk, raised my legs, spread them and
shoved his mighty Lund in one shove. My
choot started vibrating. He poured some milk from my
glass over my boobs and started licking it . I too
crossed my legs over his chootar and started pressing
him. He will bring out his lund almost
fully and then in one push shove it , and after some
thrusts will start fucking furiously. I was moaning, my
eyes were closed and I was also responding by pushing
my chootar, squeezing my choot and
pressing my legs on his ass. He was stroking my clit
and he pinched it which led to an exploding orgasm. He
too joined me in cumming.
However, this time when he came he brought out his Lund
and splashed my choonchi with his cum.
Herb filled milk has ensured that we were not tired
after two round of frantic chudai. We lied down next to
each other and were talking softly. There was a TV in
the room and a VCD player too.
Jija said I wished I could have brought some hot
movies. I bowed before him and said, jo hukam mare
aaka. I gave him remote and as he switched it there was
already an xxx cd in the player and it started.
It was a boy and girl and soon things became hot. She
was sucking his huge lund (just like Jiju) and then she
was bend and fucking started. However, only within a
few minutes he withdrew and shoved
it in her gaand. It was looking almost impossible and
she cried and cried but without pausing he pushed. Soon
she was enjoying, her face
was smiling and she was cooing hey, fuck my gaand fuck
my ass. As if it was not enough, another pursh joined
and she started sucking him. I was sitting in jiju's
lap, with his now hard lund rubbing my wet
choot. His hands were softly playing with my tits. Now
on TV it was both perbetas fucking her simultaneously.
One lund was in her gaand and
other was in her choot. I grabbed Jiju's lund and said
hey how she can take it in her gaand and choot. Jiju
pinched my tits and said Rinu may be you may be girl in
the picture within next 24 hours and
I and Neelu's khasam can be boys. Jija suggested that
we may shift to big sofa so that we can watch TV more
closely. He was sporting a huge erection. He opened
freeze and brought a bottle of drinks and
ice tray. I made glass and brought it to him. He made
me drink too.
There were so many things happening on TV. Both the men
when came, came over girls face. Then one women did
with three men, and last one was stunning, in which it
was a teen in a school dress (she was
young almost like Adi). Her teacher made her sit in lap
and lifted the skirt and spanked her. She was spanked
with a paddle and her ass was almost sore with red
welts. Now her tight gaand was spread and
without using a lube a purush shoved his huge Lund in
her gaand. I could see looking at it Jiju's Lund become
wild. Jiju made me lie down on sofa. He started kissing
sucking my choonchi and his hands
had parted my choot. His two fingers went inside and
started teasing me, looking for my "that" spot. He
picked up a few ice cubes and started sucking them. Of
course his eyes were riveted on TV where
that teen was being buggered. With cubes he came down
over my tits and gulped it. Ice cubes were rubbing my
tits and he was scratching my choonchi hard. His mouth
with cubes went down to my choot too and he sucked me
hard rubbing cubes on my clit. I was almost getting
electrocuted. He took out cubes and put it in my mouth
and rubbed his cold tongue against me. I had become so
hot I was begging him to
chodo mujhe any where in any position.
He made me go on all fours on the floor and coated his
Lund with Vaseline. I was afraid that it is going to
pound my gaand. But holding my choonchi, in one thrust
he pushed his almost entire Lund
in my choot. I moaned and squeezed his Lund in my choot
with great joy. I was thinking that my gaand has been
saved. But it was not to be. Soon his tow fingers
covered with Vaseline, made an entry in my
rear hole and even that was painful. He kept on moving
them sideways and in and out. When his Lund will go
inside my choot, fingers will come out and when Lund
will come out fingers will go in. soon my
gaand got used to his fingers. He had increased tempo
of his chudai and my choot was enjoying it. He was
grabbing, squeezing my choonchi and doing jabardast
chudai and I was too goading him han han Jiju asie hi
khub kas kar chodo, ragd kar phad dalo meri bur. He
pulled out his Lund and fingers and soon his supara was
trying to make an entry in my gaand. But resistance of
my sphincter was too much. He had parted my asshole and
tied to push and a little entry did take place but
beyond it was hard. he used his fingers to spread my
gaand and got his supara tarpped. It caused a burning
sensation. But it was nothing. He left my choonchi and
holding my hips with full force he pushed his Lund and
my sphincter gave way . His supra entered inside my
gand and I felt as if a hot burning iron rod has been
shoved inside me, as thousand ants are biting me. I
screamed, but no sound came out. Jija being my jija
took out a laddu, a Madan Modak, kept on table and put
it inside my mouth. (I recalled when my
maa ha done something similar, I had gone to gold smith
to get my ear pierced and she when I screamed put a
laddu in my mouth, telling smith to be brutal and
ensure that proper piercing is done). My sound was
stifled but not the pain. My body was tense, but Jiju
kept on relentlessly pushing and almost half of his
Lund was in. He could feel the tension in me and said
should he continue are stop for some time. I was
nodding my head side ways. He asked should he and I
nodded my head. I was moving my hip violently. He
stopped. He passed his attention to my choot and
choonchi. Soon his fingers were fucking my choot
mercilessly and he was pinching pulling my clit and
tits. My body also was responding. I had finished Modak
in my mouth and I wiggled my gaand. He asked Rinu main
tumhari gaand marana chatta hun bolo. I smiled weakly
and said jija I had already told
you and he recalled our conversation. Now nothing could
have stopped him. He rammed his Lund and soon although
I was saving feeling of being torn and split my gaand
was aching and I was screaming slowly
biting my lips . Jiju was caressing my back and soon I
relaxed. I enjoyed feeling of my gaand being stretched.
Jiju stopped with his entire Lund deep inside my gaand
stretching it . he let me develop a
feel for it and I was surprised. I was enjoying it and
he started now very slowly my butt fucking. Soon, I had
blended my body movement with his. I was moving my
gaand, wiggling my chootar and even teasing Jiju. Soon
he had increased his speed; he will bring it out almost
full and ram it. Pain has not fully vanished. But when
I looked into dressing table I could not believe my
eyes. His fully
engorged thick Lund was coming out from my tight ex
virgin gaand, and when it will be out suddenly jija
will shove it full. I looked at face of jija it was
sheer joy, a brute pleasure in fucking kori gaand of
his salli. And it doubled my joy. I pushed my gaand
towards him asking him to fuck my ass, fuck my gaand
hard and deep. Jiju held my chootar and pushed deep. My
face was now on the sofa. Soon he was squeezing my
choonchi and holding it he was doing a hard fucking of
my gaand it was being pulverized and I was enjoying it.
It was third time so I knew Jija will take long time to
come. After some time we
shifted to bed. Jija made me sit on his lap but this
time his Lund went inside my gaand. Now I was pushing
myself, shoving my gaand on his Lund. We were enjoying.
I learned the joy of anal sex. . He made me lie on the
bed and raised my legs and put pillows under my chootar
and made it so high that his Lund could easily attack
my gaand. He started a fresh. It was a slow start which
picked its temp
soon. He kept me fucking my gaand for almost 15-20
minutes. His fingers were fucking my choot. I must have
come twice thrice only then he came and he kept on
flooding my gaand. He brought it and
what was left he pumped it on my cheeks.
He went and cleaned himself. I increased the volume and
Chavi was complaining that her choot is aching and he
has already done twice. When Jija came he also joined
in listening. I put a blanket
over us and we hugged each other. It appeared that
Chavi succumbed to demands and her third time chudai
has started. Jiju hugged me hard and I too gripped his
Lund. It was hard as usual. I extended my legs over his
waist and now his Lund was hitting at the
doors of my choot. This time we did not show any
urgency. He was softly cupping my boobs and I was
kissing him. We were just enjoying listening to sounds
of anklets, moaning and kissing. Jiju tried to push his
Lund in that position and I helped him by guiding his
Lund. Soon we were cuddling hugging and I was enjoying
feel of his thick Lund inside me. We were cradling each
other. We lost the sense of
time . there was no urgency and no pressure of
performance. We just blended as if two ragas have been
merged in a jugalbandi. We could listen to chudai of
Chavi getting finished, but we continued. Our hips were
moving in unibeta and when we came still we kept
hugging with Lund deep inside my choot, deeply
embedded. My both arms were over him and even legs were
crossing him. We dozed of. Sleep was beautiful although
short. When I woke up I found Jiju's Lund still inside
my choot and he hugged me again. I kissed him and as if
in reaction his Lund stirred and started moving in and
out. I had heard
about somnambulists but fucking in sleep was new. I
responded warmly moving my hips and squeezing his Lund
inside my choot. Hi hands as if in sleep were cupping
creasing my boobs. I too hugged him hard
but soon he was fully awake and then I realized my
mistake of waking up a sleeping lion. He went over me
and started doing chudai in full fury. After some rest
he has regained energy and I was enjoying
energy frenzy and force of his fucking. He must have
taken almost 3040 minutes before he came.
Dawn has come and rays of sun were peeping from behind
curtains. I put tea kettle on and went to bathroom. I
was doing brush and in came Jiju with urgency. His
boner was rock hard as if he has seen
Gita his sister nude in dream. He begged me, `Rinu
please get out of bathroom'. I asked; `hey I'm doing
tooth brush I will just take a few minutes. What is the
problem?" He was making entreaty, `please
I have to pee'. Now it was time for me to giggle. I
said go ahead Jiju do it. I will not stop. He said no
he will not be able to do he feels shy. I laughed, aare
jija sari raat ragad kar choda and now
you are feeling shy. Ok you do it and I promise I will
not look at you. He went to the toilet and I could
listen to sound. I was keeping my promise and I did not
look towards him. But suddenly I find that I can see
him in the mirror and I decided it is not
breaking the promise as in mirror I'm looking at my
face and if he appears in the mirror it is not my
fault. His massive lund was first to catch attention. A
straight stream was coming out and when I looked at his
face his eyes were closed. I could not control myself.
I went on tiptoes and hugged him from behind. My
choonchis were rubbing on his back, my hard tits were
piercing and I pinched his nipples and started rubbing
my choot on his gaand as ki main Jiju ki gaand mar rahi
hun. I held his Lund too. He opened his eyes but I
squeezed his lund and said sternly, `Ravi, there is
nothing to be ashamed of forget your young days when
Maa used to hold your teeny weeny, lund and make you do
su-su. But for that it would not have developed into
such a handsome Lund'. Flow ahs just ebbed and I drew
him towards bath tub. He was resisting, hey I have not
yet finished^. but I cut him short, listen to Maa. He
was confused. I took his supara in my mouth. His
resistance was weak but he was still
protesting, no let me clean it first. I used a sterner
tone and said Ravi let MAA clean it. I opened his
supara. It was pink and hot. I scratched it with my
nails and he ouched. My nails went to
base of his lund and started rubbing it up to his pee
hole to ensure that if anything is trapped it will come
out. Now he has again closed eyes surrendering him to
me. I licked his supara and pressed it with fingers
around his pee hole and it opened its eye. I probed it
with tip of my tongue. He was quivering, but my tongue
was demanding. And soon it gulped his supara and I
started sucking him.
I had taken only his supara and my tongue was teasing
twirling. My heena pained hands were rubbing squeezing
his shaft and went to the balls to fondle him .I took
out his supara and then my lips started licking his
shaft. I will kiss right up to base, even took one ball
and started sucking it and then I was back to his lund.
This time half of his Lund was between my lips. My
tongue was rubbing the base, mouth was full and cheeks
were bulging. I was
sucking like a vacuum cleaner. Jija was in the mood
now. He was holding my head and pushing shoving his
Lund very hard. I squeezed his shaft and some pre cum
came out. It was tasty. Now Jiju was playing with my
boobs and making me take almost his full Lund. His Lund
was overflowing, and rubbing against my cheek walls, my
tongue. When I will realize I can not take any further
Jiju will tease me goad me push me and I will take some
more. my jaws were aching. I
was sliding my lips back up to the tip of his lund and
flicking my tongue against it. I was twisting my head
from side to side, up and down, and around and around,
making sure my moist lips stay in contact with jiju's
ridge as they slide around. I kept sucking on it,
sometimes gently, sometimes hard, working on the corona
and sucking on it. I will know when he is becoming too
hot I will pull out but my hands will keep the pressure
and I will start sucking the supara only. Some times I
will just took it in my mouth and push my face over it.
Soon I gripped base of his lund and started sucking
hard frantically. Jiju too was pushing it in frenzy. my
fingers which were fondling his balls, moved to his
gaand and located his rear hole. I brought back fingers
to my lips, salivated them and showing
them to Jiju, inserted it in one push in his gaand. Now
my two fingers were moving inside his gaand and my
mouth was sucking very hard his Lund. My cheeks were
bulging and I could feel his massive Lund touching base
of my throat. He was on the verge and suddenly I pushed
my fingers in his asshole pressurizing his `that' point
and he exploded in my mouth. And he started cumming. He
wanted to pull it
out but I kept on pressing and squeezing and he flooded
my mouth. Some of it came over my boobs but I collected
it and licked it too.
Jiju asked, hey Rinu did you gulp entire cum. I said
laughing no, and showed him some on my lips. We went
back to room and I poured tea. He asked Rinu will you
not brush again. I told him Jiju I want
this taste to linger and do not want to spoil it. We
got ready fast as it was already 9 and we had to wake
lovebirds. When I knocked, Chavi was wearing a gown
over his night dress and his khasam was ready I told
Jija to go along with him for breakfast and whispered
something in Jija's ears. He brought out a
packet. I told him to give it to Chavi. She wondered.
What is it. I told them it is their honeymoon packet,
10 day trip to manali and 10
day trip to Goa. Both of them felt happy. Jija said, I
and Rinu decided to plan this room and trip but I cut
him short and shooed him away. I pulled gown of Chavi
and asked her how many times, and she confessed thrice.
I lifted her nightie to look at her choot; teasing hey
bhabhi let me look at it after the use. She tried to
hide but I forced her hands away and had a good dekko.
I even kissed
it blessing that let it never be hungry for lund. Chavi
said didi I would like to thank Jija. He did so much. I
laughed and said, you know what type of thank he will
like. She joined in laughter and
said yes I know very well. Suddenly there was a knock
and it was Ravi. I told him hey Chavi was looking to
give something to you. He said so why delay it and
Chavi just hugged him and kissed him. But it was not
enough for him and he asked him hey I would like to
look at what you were looking. Before Chavi could hide
herself, I again lifted it and Jiju had a darshan of
her salhaj fresh fucked choot.
Chavi got ready. We went down for breakfast. Chavi was
complaining that he nandoi had seen hers but has not
shown his. I told him that she will get enough chance.
But Jiju took his hand to his ever present bulge. I
told her that when you come back from honeymoon you
will see it action. Till then look at only my brothers.
We finished breakfast and came back to house. Jiju had
to go to office for some
time so he left us outside. All the girls including
ladies crowded Chavi and took her to her room and were
teasing her tell in detail about last night's
happenings. I was going back to my room as now
after first time of gaand fucking I was moving with a
tilt. Basanti caught me a=said, Bhabhi any problem. I
lied and said yes some sprain. She said, ok you go to
room I'm coming with some oil and
massage you it will cure all aches. I went to my room
and soon basanti joined too. Basanti bolted the
room from inside. I asked her for this precaution and
she said that didi you don't know now days everybody
looks for Basanti, and I will not be spend some time
with my nanad. From the day you had come life has come
here and the way you did my Munh dikhai, and sang
betags and even in ratjaga, treating me like your pakki
bahujai, I have become
very close. I hugged her and said yes you are my
bahujai, isliye to sabse pahli tumhari choot ki bhi
munh dikhai karva di. I laughed. She too joined in my
laugher and said didi you know even yesterday
it was like ratjaga but you first remove your sari
otherwise oil will spoil it. I removed my sari and even
blouse and lied down in bra saya. Basanti too removed
her sari. She lifted my petticoat up to my thighs and
started messaging. Yes, there was magic in her hands
and my all the aches and pain melted away. Soon her
hands went right up to my choot teasing me but they
were covered by panty. However she insisted that I must
remove them too for better massage, which I complied.
She opened string of my petticoat, saying I must relax.
Now when my pain subsided, I asked her you were telling
something about yesterday. She asked yes but I must lie
down on my belly so that she can do massage on my hips
too. I lied on my tummy and she lifted my saya almost
exposing my chootar. Her hands were
squeezing them and I was feeling as if all my pains
after first butt fucking are dripping away. I chided,
Basanti, you are not telling what happened yesterday.
She said you know Adi, and of Madhu bhabhi she slept
with Rashmi Bhabhi yesterday. I rebuked her, so what is
wrong in that. Basanti continued, Didi when I say sleep
ok aap ko sab baat kholkar hi batani padegi. I giggled
and said agar tum nahin khol kar bataougi to main
tumhara khol dungi. She too laughed and said, `as
yesterday there was huge crowd, everybody shared quilts
and then lights also went out. I was also there in a
corner. I could listen to whispering between Adi and
Rashmi Bhabhi. Adi was resisting but soon she acceded.
Rashmi Bhabhi was caressing her thighs and suddenly she
pushed her finger in Adi's choot. I said
how, and laughing she pushed her finger in my choot
saying aise. I enjoyed the feel and let her continue.
By the time I was on my back and Basanti was sitting
between my thighs squeezing my shoulders. She told that
when light went out and Rashmi Bhabhi thought that
everybody is sleeping she up turned the quilt and came
over Adi. She
was rubbing her boobs over her top and soon she lifted
it too.
Rashmi Bhabhis sari was open and she lifted Adi's skirt
and started rubbing her choot on Adi's choot. I had put
my feet in Basanti's saya and lifted it. My big toe
entered in her choot and said, let me
rub yours too. She was enjoying the feel and said,
Didi, Rashmi bhabhi was over Adi and she was doing such
jabardast ragdai ghisai of her choot. I made a mistake
of asking how and this time Basanti,
holding my boobs lifted my petticoat and came on my
choot and started rubbing it hard. I too had become hot
so we opened each others blouse and started sucking
choonchi'. Basanti said yes Adi was sucking bhabhis
choonchi just like this. I was raising my
chootar in response to Basanti's thrusts. Soon I forced
her down and now I was on top. I was using my last
night's lesson. I rubbed Basanti's choot hard and then
shoved two fingers inside. I was fucking her as it is a
Lund and I was also groping for her "that' spot. My
fingers came out and I started grinding my choot over
her choot. And my fingers pinched her clit. Soon she
came and I joined
her too. She then completed her story. It was not only
Adi and Rashmi Bhabhi, Madhu bhabhi too trapped, Gunja
nanad of basanti. She was called to massage her head
but soon Madhu Bhabhi pulled her
hands over her choonchi. And they too enjoyed.
Sure enough, I found somebody was looking for Basanti.
She left me and I also got ready. I went into kitchen
where Rashmi Bhabhi and Adi were preparing meals. Mausi
called Rashmi Bhabhi and asked me to prepare meal fast
with Adi as some guests are going back. Now I was left
alone with her. She was looking cute. She found me
looking at
her young teen boobs and she blushed. I said really
well. She hugged me and said but not like yours didi. I
said Adi if you would have been my nanad I would have
taught all the tricks. Adi laughed and
said, sisters too can be close (and I recalled our
episode with Neelu didi and Cheenu when we were of
Adi's age) I agreed yes , my mistake and hugged her
back. I told her lesson number one if we get
to rub our choonchis it will help to make your
choonchis grow. She laughed and said, whenever,
wherever you say didi. Second lesson I
told her that a house during marriage has most chances,
there are number of boys too whom you can enjoy but
chances of meeting again are few, so use this. And
don't limit to boys of your age, mature
and married males are better. She was serious, but
said, if some problem. Opps I said my mistake. You can
take a packet of pills from my purse (same as I had
given to Chavi) it can be used any time even
morning after, but best is take every day, you don't
when chance will knock. She hugged me again and this
time not only I squeezed her teen young tennis ball
size boobs but kissed her on the lips.
I found Mausa ji was calling me. I went out. He said
Ravi has rung up. He will be coming in an hour. Both of
you should go and look up the arrangement for reception
tonight. There will be arrangement for
party, DJ, caterers have also arrived. I left Adi and
went to my room to get ready.
Part V
I went into kitchen where Rashmi Bhabhi and Adi were
preparing meals. Mausi called Rashmi Bhabhi and asked
me to prepare meal fast with Adi as some guests are
going back. Now I was left alone with
her. She was looking cute. She found me looking at her
young teen boobs and she blushed. I said really well.
She hugged me and said but not like yours didi. I said
Adi if you would have been my nanad
I would have taught all the tricks. Adi laughed and
said, sisters too can be close (and I recalled our
episode with Neelu didi and Cheenu when we were of
Adi's age) I agreed yes, my mistake and hugged her
back. I told her lesson number one if we get to rub our
choonchis it will help to make your choonchis grow. She
laughed and said, whenever, wherever you say didi.
Second lesson I told her that a house during marriage
has most chances, there are number of boys too whom you
can enjoy but chances of meeting again are few, so use
this. And don't limit to boys of your age, mature and
married males are better. She was serious, but said, if
some problem. Opps I said my mistake. You can take a
packet of pills from my purse (same as I had given to
Chavi) it can be used any time even morning after, but
best is take every day, you don't when chance will
knock. She hugged me again and this time not only I
squeezed her teen young tennis ball size boobs but
kissed her on the lips. I found Mausa ji was calling
me. I went out. He said Ravi has rung up. He will be
coming in an hour. Both of you should go and look up
the arrangement for reception tonight. There will be
arrangement for party, DJ, caterers have also arrived.
I left Adi and went to my room to get ready. I was
deciding what to wear for going with Jiju. I discarded
sari (as being too traditional and again giving him
chance, I found sari being most dangerous as it had to
be just lifted and choot is
accessible), shalwar suit was not teasing enough (I
wanted to play safe but at the same time did not wish
to loose this chance of flaunting my assets and teasing
him).I had put almost all my dresses
on the bed and in walked Adi, smiling, displaying her
tennis ball size hard teen choonchi. She said, Didi I
thought that let me pick up the pills from you before
you disappear with Jiju and after that
one does not when you become free, winking at me. I
pinched her uthti hui choonchi and said, no I have all
the care for my young sis, take it from the purse, it
is in the outer pocket. She picked
one packet pf pills and kept it in her purse She looked
at the various dresses lying on cot and asked me, `hey
didi what is bugging you.' And I told her my problem.
She laughed and said, Didi you are
on the horns of a dilemma'. Yes I admitted `I want to
feel horny and make him horny but also prevent my self
from his Horn.' She thought for a minute and came up
with a unique suggestion. She offered that
I can wear her @jeans with a tight tank top. I looked
at my plump hips and said, but Adi, they will hardly
fit me. She laughed and said, `Exactly that is why it
will make him hard. You had told that
he is both a boob purush as well gaand man. My @jeans
will ensure at least later part.' And will you go nude
from here swinging your naked
chootar rani, I teased her. She had answer for
everything. No didi, I will wear your sexy pants. They
may be slightly loose but they will gave a chance to
anybody and everybody to push hi s hand inside my
pants, with the pill now I feel free safe and more
daring. It was decided that both of us will undress
together. I had already removed
my sari and undid my blouse. Adi pulled my saya and I
pulled her @jeans. Basanti had divested me of my panty
but Adi's choot was still hidden under panty. I removed
it in one sweep and hugged her. Before
she could resist I was doing ragdai ghisai of her choot
with mine. She was enthusiastically responding. She
opened my bra too and I
lifted her top. I was surprised her young boobs were
not hidden under any bra so our boobs too met. Adi was
endowed with a beautiful pair of knockers. They must
have been 32 but her cup size was c and
on her slender frame for a 17 year old teen they were
fabulous. I rubbed them with my 36d jugs and teased her
tits with mine and just titillating touch made both our
tits erect. My one hand was holding
her back and other was caressing her young teen small
and firm chootar. I kissed her on lips and she tried to
move her head away but 3-4 attempts and we were licking
sucking and nibbling each others lips. My choot kept on
grinding hers and now my fingers too have joined in
rubbing her labia. She was enjoying every minute of it.
Now her choot was not a passive participant but was
kissing caressing and brushing my choot with desire and
authority. Soon
there were some sound of steps and we had to stop our
Sapphic play.
Adi made me wear her @jeans. Our heights were same but
my hips were plump and with our joint efforts it could
go up. With great difficulty it could rise over my
pelvic bone and was almost hung there. Adi opened a
button on top and that made it a bit
comfortable. However, it did open my front and choot
was only a few inches away. Adi had ensured that I do
not wear any panty and so I could feel Jeans rubbing on
my chootar. I thought that at least my
big voluptuous choonchis should be covered in a bra as
tank top was too thin for that. But Adi will have none
of it and I was made to wear my thin tight yellow top
just over my boobs. My hard firm proud
choonchis were raising their heads and I was looking
more provocative than a bay watch girl. Adi pinched my
tits very hard and they become steel erect. Now there
was a clear invitation, `hey come
and squeeze me, written over my boobs". Top was
inadequate to cover my choonchis so to expect it from
hiding my flat fair tummy and deep navel was too much.
When I looked rear of me in mirror, I was awe struck.
Front was nothing. Adi's @jeans were too little for
containing my sexy swinging ass. Crack of my chootar
was so evident, that even from a distance one can
clearly identify it and my being without panty only
accentuated it. My long slender legs blooming into
heavy hips, every curve and full shape was being shown
in that literally hip hugging jean. I picked up a Lycra
jacket which again was nadequate but gave me a sense of
hiding me. Adi giggled and
said, if I know about Jiju this will not be with you
for much time. Adi wore my pants. And soon there was a
knock and Ravi entered. Adi was going out. He not only
brushed and squeezed her young choonchis
but as Adi expected, his adventurous hands ventured
into her loose pant from rear, measured heights of her
pretty chootar and explored pleasant depths.
I hugged Jiju and taunted, `you told mausa ji that you
will be coming within half an hour and it has been
exact one hour where were you lost kahin meri nanad,
Gita aur Guddo ke Bhonsade main dubaki to
nahin laga rahe the. But after the last night marathon,
I think you must have been drained so it could not have
been that.' When he looked at me he almost fainted. He
tried to garb my buttocks but I
moved in a flash. We came out but before riding on bike
he just removed my Lycra jacket. I pushed out my
already hard proud boobs and said, bolo jija main kaisi
lagti hun.. He tried to grab my boobs
but I rode on the bike and told hey let us start, mausa
ji is coming and poor Jiju had to start. I had hugged
him from behind and now my tits were piercing his back.
Jiju had selected a rough rode and my
tight jean was biting into my chootar but my bouncing
boobs were rubbing against his back too. Iwsa teasing
jiju continuously with my remarks about my nands, with
my body and he was unable to do
anything about it. I touched his front part and bulge
in his pant was ominous. I was caressing it
appreciatively and jested, I must ask sasu ji that she
did chudai with how many horses and donkeys for
how long to get a beta endowed with such huge Lund. Now
Jiju had enough. He told me in no uncertain terms,
salli lagta hai kal ka gaand marana bhul gayi aaj aisa
gaand marunga ki 2 din tak chal nahi
paogi. Bye this time we had arrived at place where
reception was arranged. I was ahead and Jija was
following me. Showing crack of my gaand and flaunting
my chootar, I moved it in big circles, squirming
wriggling it. I moved my gaand in nice wide circles and
to make impact clear, using my hands on my ass, I
pulled them apart. Innocently I looked back at Jiju and
said, `But Jiju, my gaand seems to be all right. You
must have dreamt or yes n it is not your mistake apne
Guddo ki gaand mari hogi, vah subah limp kar rahi thi.
Dhokehe se apni bahna ki ggand mar li it is al right,
mistake but a beautiful mistake. He tried to grab me
but giggling and flaunting my chootar I ran to the
place where caters were doing there job. Now in front
of them I knew I was safe. Barbeque was ready. I took a
sheek kabab and rolled it between my juicy lips and
licked it as I'm licking a hard Lund. I drooled over it
and said ohh delicious. I could see tent pole rising in
Jiju's pants but kept safe distance.
We confirmed that everything was as per schedule. Then
we moved towards bar provided by Amit, Jiju's friend.
One long legged big boob bar maid was already there and
setting bar up. We hugged,
kissed and discussed arrangements. When I was looking
at different brands of wine Jiju whispered in her ear.
She prepared a drink for us. I took it but slowly I was
feeling a bit dizzy. I moved towards DJ and to my
surprise, it was again a girl. Jiju suggested to me
that let us dance. DJ told that dance floor has not
been yet set up but it is in the hall inside and she
will put some music there. We
went there and she put a fast number. Jiju told her
that e will manage and bolted the room from inside. He
increased the volume. Drink has gone to my head and
with so much music I was not much in
control. Betag was `take take me baby' and we started
dancing. Soon we were grinding against each other and I
again started showing my
boobs. I was swinging moving them, gyrating them, as
dancers in B grade movies do. I lifted my top a bit and
let him have a peep and it was followed by movement of
my chootar. I would have put some
professional pole dancers and strippers to shame. But I
was not letting Jiju grab me. But this lund teasing had
to come to an end Jiju grabbed me and pushed me against
a settee. I rested my hands to
prevent me from falling and he grabbed me from behind.
I kept front part rested with it to make some token
resistance but he was looking to take revenge on other
hand. When I looked towards him he was looking a
different man. His eyes were red shot, his breathing
was hard and erection has almost torn his pants. He
tried to pull down my @jeans but it was entfarishtad in
my kulha (pelvic bones). He used his both hands to
lower it, while his body was pressing mine against
settee. With full force he succeeded to pull it down
and it went just below my chootar and got entfarishtad
in my knees again. He opened his pants and now I know
Rinu your phuddi
is going to be fucked as it ahs never been. But his
Lund was hitting at my chootar. My firm gori gori gaand
was pressed against his naked thighs. He rubbed his
palm against my gaand and suddenly I felt
spank against my gaand. It was more as a joke but I
shrieked. Did it hurt? I knew it has not but teasing
him I said very much Jiju like yesterday's film. He
said ok now I know what you want and he
increased volume of music and it was almost deafening.
His second spank was much harder, and with third force
increased. I was shrieking like a banshee. But with
deafening music soon I become
soar and his spanks continued. Now they were covering
areas close to my asshole. Soon he stopped. His raging
monster was hitting my Gaand
and I was apprehensive ki aab meri gaand ki khair
nahin. He put some spit on supra and pushed it on my
asshole but without shoving it inside he shifted the
position and soon it was in my choot. My choot
spread and took his bulbous supara. My choot was wet
teasing him and his massive Lund made it further wet.
He pulled my top and my mast choonchis came out. His
hands started doing ragdai ghisai and his
other hand was playing and soon I forgot about pain and
my choot was soaking wet. Soon it welcomed Jiju's Lund
and devoured it full. In no time Jiju has started doing
chudai in full speed. There was a
throbbing ache in my chootar but joy of chudai had
overcome it. When I had almost believed that ki aab
meri gaand bach gayi, he withdrew it and in full force
shoved it in my tight gaand. Now his Lund was
wet in my soaked choot and it helped in his huge
bulbous supara gaining an entry. It almost tore my
gaand. I cried in pain but he kept on pushing
relentlessly. I tried to spread my legs to spread my
hole but jean was so much tied in knees that nothing
was possible.
Now as I was unable to spread my legs and there was no
lube (wetness from my choot was only a partial help) my
sphincter was giving a lot of resistance and I was
feeling as somebody has shoved a handful of red chili
in my gaand. I was moving wriggling trying my best to
ensure that supara may come out of my gaand but all
efforts failed.
I was crying horse, my nails were dug deeply in sofa
and I was moving my chootar but Jiju's Lund was safely
lodged in my gaand. He gave another push and it went
in. Pain continued but it glided with
slightly less resistance, thanks to oil jokingly poured
in my gaand by Basanti. Unlike yesterday night, there
was no lube and my legs were constricted making my
tight hole much tighter and Jija was not taking any
pause. Within 3-4 thrusts Lund was fully inside and
then he start doing manic chudai. Pain was beyond ords.
Soon his fingers
held my clit and he started rubbing pulling pressing
and pinching it. His fingers also invaded my choot and
in one shove he pushed two. His attack on my clit made
me go wild and although pain was no
less, I could not control coming very fast. Now his
fingers within my choot started moving and he had
already located my `that `spot. One finger will tap
there and other will push the thin part dividing
my choot from my gaand. I was going bonkers. This joy
being so extreme was also almost painful. And soon he
thrust third finger too in my choot and spread them
like trisect. Soon he was moving it
rubbing inner walls of my choot and his Lund too was
frantically maroing my gaand. I was overwhelmed by this
mix oof pain and pleasure buts on my gaand got adjusted
to his massive huge Lund and I was moving my chootar
and started moaning. He got the point and
started rubbing my `spot' inside my choot. My choot too
responded by squeezing his fingers and soon I came
second time and it triggered his climax too. His cum
was flowing on my bruised chootar. He slowly
pulled it out and I pulled back my jean. There was no
panty to save welt and redness of my chootar and it was
being roughed up by @jeans. Suddenly there was a knock
and we came out. DJ was asking
about music experience and Jija complimented her. We
drove home on bike and as road was blocked; he drove
through a very rough road, which further made mincemeat
of my fucked gaand. When we entered
into our room Jiju realized that I'm angry.
He tried to placate me but I kept silence. He lauded my
stunning beauty and said that you were teasing me so
much and I lost all sense looking at your swinging
beautiful ass. There was a line
of smile at my face but I turned and again become
sober. He held my hands and said,' Rinu, look at a
stone, it is chisel and pain it goes through which
makes it an exquisite statue, a bud when it
blooms, spreads it's petals goes through pangs.. I'm
sorry to cause you pain but you were looking so sexy...
and especially your chootar ki main thumhari gaand
marne se apne ko nahin rok saka. Now it was
impossible for me. I giggled, hugged him and kissed him
directly on his lips. I said Jiju; it appears ki
bachpan se apko grand marne ki aadat hai. And he
admitted without blushing and said, yes when I was
in class 8th first time, but I cut him short and said,
that was your last chance now my pati may come and
reclaim me. However, in the same vain he said, he said;
don't worry main uski bhai gaand
maar lunga. I could not control my laugher imagining
what Jiju had said. I challenged him and said, Jija if
you can do that I will shoot it with my handy cam and
then you can bugger me as many times
as you want. He felt so happy that he squeezed my
chootar and I cried in pain. Ouch it hurts I yelled. He
left me but I pulled down my @jeans and showing my
fucked gaand towards him wiggled it. When he
tried to grab me I pulled it up. He said, I will bugger
my salli and her pati both and we joined in laughter. I
teased him saying Jiju it appears too good to be true
but if it happens I will be most
thrilled as I will have something to tease him with,
for entire life, but right now you must report back to
mausa ji who will be waiting for you. I took a cold
bath to sooth my nerves, shampooed my
hair and put lotion deep inside my gaand and on my
chootar to sooth them. As it was still hurting, it was
not possible for me to wear anything tight so I wore
saya and sari, tying them lightly and my
blouse of course was low cut showing of my boobs with
deep cleavage as ever.
When I came down, jija was reciting arrangements at
reception place and the hard work which he had done
with me to ensure everything is ok(of course, omitting
most important, `Hard' work he put). I joined him,
standing very close to him innocently and my hands were
caressing teasing his ass. Before he could finish Mausa
ji thanked us and supplied a fresh list of chores to be
completed immediately. My fingers were moving in the
crack of his gaand and I
pinched his gaand very hard. He could not retaliate as
Mausa ji told him to leave immediately. When he turned
back towards me I showed him my raised thumb. Suddenly
I heard a commotion at gate. Neelu Didi had arrived
with her khasam and she was given a traditional welcome
by gallis by our Bhabhis. Her khasam was called by his
initials KD. Neelu didi looking towards me rushed and
hugged me hard. As expected first thing her hands
measured were my boobs. She exclaimed, Vow your
choonchis are really mast. I thanked her saying Didi it
was because of you my guru ji. She laughed and said now
Jiju KD will come and take Bur Dakshina I mean Guru
Dakshina from you. I quizzed her and what were you
doing we were all waiting for both of you. She laughed
and said, arre what I was doing, I was
doing chudai with your Jiju for last 20days
uninterrupted 5 times a day. I asked and how is he. Her
laugher continued nd she said, squeezing my choonchi,
you really wanted to how is HIS. Let me tell you it is
longer than usual but what makes even chinars like me
to devour it is its thickness. It is real thick.
thicker than anything your choot would have devoured
till now. (I got afraid but I
remembered what Maa told me before I left with my
groom, patting my choot, banno, such big babies come
out of this choot and no lund can ever be even patch on
the size of babies. So you must have full
faith that your choot will gulp it smilingly. Yes pain
will be there but it is the real joy. Most of pain is
in the mind and if girl says that she is too tight or
cannot take a lund as it is too thick, my
advice will be that's he is being chinar and she should
be fucked hard. So go ahead and enjoy, just spread your
legs as much as possible, and there should be desire to
enjoy and give enjoyment to
Lund which is doing chudai). And he is not one of those
polite types. He likes chudai and he likes it raw and
rough, Neelu didi continued. Two more things, as he has
seen your picture, he got
aroused and he also knows that it was he who should
have split and tore your kunwari bur .Therefore his
thick Lund is in a raging mood to do jabardast chudai
of your choot. And secondly for last two days
I[`m going through `those'days so he is having a fast.
I cut her short and giggling told her, don't bother
didi he will have feast after. Voice of Dulari was very
loud and her words made me look
towards Jiju. I could listen:
Unche chbootra pe baith ,KD salla kare apni behanna ka
mol, Arre Divya ka mange 5 ruppaya, Mona meri anmol,
Arre Mona ke jobana ka arre unki choonchi ka mange 5
rupiya aur choot hai badi anmol Arre Nandoi Sale khaye
apni bahna ki chudai, apni Mona ki hudai,
Aare vo to marayen Gaand, KD salla Bhandua hai
(Sitting on a pedestal, KD is haggling for his sisters;
he is asking 5 Rs for Divya and says Mona is priceless.
He asks for 5 Rs for boobs of Mona and says her choot
is priceless. oh Khasam of my sister in law, you are
living on the earning of your sister Mona `s fucking
and you too are getting buggered, KD is a pimp.)
KD jija was very tall just like a hunk, with very broad
shoulders and powerful limbs. I know any girl will love
to melt in her arms. He crossed barrage of his salhajs,
and came towards me. Neelu didi
tried to introduce me but he said that he could smell
me for a distance. He hugged me hard and when he left
me, I teasingly dropped my anchal showing my proud
joban peeping from my low cut choli. He
was breathless. He jested are they real and now I made
my pallu go down fully exposing my joban. Amazingly he
questioned, are they real. I jested; pakad kar dekh
lijiye and he did not need second
invitation. He grabbed my choonchi. Meanwhile Madhu
Bhabhi too arrived there. She goaded him. Arre Nandoi
ji, sirf ek kyon dono pakad lijiye. He caught choonchi
of Madhu Bhabhi too and squeezed it
hard. Dulari teased him, aare it is the advantage of
sasural chahe salli ki choonchi pakdo ya salhaj ki. He
said yes ya to yahna saliyan hain ya salhaj .Meanwhile,
maa dropped in and joining in the spirit she banter.
Hey don't for get Saas, but if damads do what you are
doing with salhaj and salli, saas to will not mind and
everybody joined in laughter.
Soon Ravi Jija joined us and both of them were teasing
me. I too was responding saying, you never know, real
owner may come tonight.
Both of them said in unibeta, he was trespasser,
beautiful property which we should have enjoyed first,
he got. Ravi Jiju told KD about our talk about that how
ravi jiju will bugger my pati and KD burst into
laughter. He said, hey I will join too and moving
towards me he said, salli ji aap ki to aaj sandwich
banani hi hai. Even if your pati turns up he will be no
match for our joint strength so maximum he can do is
get buggered and see our pretty salli get buggered and
fucked together. Salli ji aap dar to nahin rahi. I put
my hands below my boobs and pushing them out further,
challenged both my
Jijus hey kaun salli darti hai. Dekh lungi aap dono
logon ko sath sath. There was a phone and Rashmi bhabhi
called me in. After talking for some time when I came
out I had a long face. What happened, everybody asked.
I did not answer but Rashmi Bhabhi spoke, smiling bad
news for Rinu but good for her Jijas. Her pati is not
coming today. Ravi and KD consoled me, arre we are
there and you will treat us as your pati, Cheenu is not
here and Neelu is out of
action so just smiled. I showed a weak smile but KD
Jiju tickled me and I giggled. So this good news for us
will last how long. I smiled and said not much. His
train for today was cancelled due to fog, but
he will catch another train in the morning and be here
by evening and we will have to leave by day after
tomorrow early morning.. `Salli is very smart so she is
giving us hint, make hay while sun shines. So tonight
is the time,' commented KD. No I never
meant that. But both of them hugged me and kissed me on
either cheek cupping my boobs. Before things would have
further warmed up, there was voice of Mausa ji looking
for Ravi with a new set of
instructions and he had to leave. Neelu didi too left
to meet some of her local relatives with her pati.
In the evening we all reached place for reception in
time. I was dressed in a pink choli and skirt like
lenhga. My choli had only one string to tie it and it
was more exposing than hiding my choochees. Of
course I had a Chunri which only accentuated the peaks
and inflamed the desire of onlookers. I along with
Madhu Bhabhi and Adi were receiving the guests. Madhu
bhabhi in traditional sari tied below
her navel and concealing partly her joban and Adi in a
tight top and short skirt were really looking exciting.
Ravi Jija too was there with us welcoming guests. We
were hugging kissing smooching and
sometime even lightly squeezing choochees of guests.
Gita came in a tight suit but her teen boobs were well
covered under dupata. Adi pulled it of and handed over
to me and from me it passed to Madhu
bhabhi and soon disappeared. I and Adi cupped her
choochees and showing it her brother Ravi Jija teased
him, see how beautiful are kabootars of my nanad. Long
legged big boob bar maids were ensuring
that everybody gets his or her drink. We had decided
that success of party depends upon how everybody enjoy,
but enjoyment of males depend upon female company and
to what extent they go. And one good
way of making females let their hair (and defenses
down) is to make them inebriated and draw them to dance
floor There was wine and cherry and other drinks for
ladies, being serve by boys tall lanky
and dressed in tight skin hugging dresses. Still some
of them were playing hard to get and for that Rashmi
Bhabhi and Adi had planned to spike there drinks. Those
girls which were finicky or were
ensuring to stay away from boys were especially
targeted and made almost loose all control. I saw Sonal
and Rupa and pointed them to Jiju, who became 1000 watt
bulb. He shook hands with them and I went
and whispered something to Adi. She went ahead and took
charge of them. They even refused to go near the bar
but Adi brought some cans of coke (already laced
liberally) and broke seal in front of them,
took one herself and gave one to me. Now Sonal and Rupa
took there cans and guzzled it. Ravi jija was
meandering around them. Neelu didi and KD Jiju came but
they were herded towards Chavi Bhabhi and
her pati. Suddenly I saw Amit Jiju and he drew me
towards dance floor. Suddenly music accelerated and
lights dimmed. We were dancing very fast grinding our
bodies against each other. My Chunri I had given
to Rashmi Bhabhi. Soon Amit's fingers were sliding on
my back which was fully open in my backless choli. He
gripped it and pushed me towards himself. Now my jobans
were rubbing against his broad chest.
My choli was not only backless and low cut but had a
lot of exposure from side too which give chance to
wandering fingers of Amit Jiju to cup my boobs directly
and my tits responded by raising there heads. His other
hand had grabbed my chootar and started caressing it
slowly. Tempo of dance changed and soon his fingers
were inside my lenhga, trying to caress both sides of
my labia. Lights have dimmed
and using the chance his one finger slid into my wet
choot. I too responded by pressing his bulge hard. We
kept on dancing and he was finger fucking me, cupping
my choonchi. I was on the verge of
climax, then suddenly music stopped and lights came. It
was time to change partners. I saw Adi and Madhu Bhabhi
standing outside dance area. I pulled them both and
made Adi dance with Amit Jiju. Soon
again music had peaked and when I looked towards Amit
scene was almost same with only difference being Adi
replacing me. She to was enjoying his fingers and
responding warmly. Looking at it Madhu
Bhabhi griped me and started acting like a "male" dance
partner, squeezing cupping my boobs. I started rubbing
my thighs against hers. After change in music I went
out to look after guests. We made
almost everybody dance. I saw Ravi Jiju and KD Jiju,
teasing Rashmi Bhabhi. I dragged them to dance floor.
By this time it was really crowded. There were many
dance areas with pools of darkness in
between and there were certain dark area outside which
we called as cozy nooks for getting nookies. And for
more adventurous there were dark woods outside. KD
started dancing with Rashmi Bhabhi and Ravi Jiju was
with me. By this time all most everybody was kissing
rubbing body or squeezing. KD did not wait for lights
to go out and his fingers were in. I could see with
side glance that Adi and Geeta were dancing merrily
with two friends of groom, my brother. Ravi too was
hugging me and I was rubbing front of his pant. Just
before lights dimmed I saw both boys moving towards
woods and Adi almost
dragging Gita towards it. And this time Ravi not only
shoved his fingers in my choot but his thumb was also
following rhythm of music and rubbing my clit. My hands
were also now fully rubbing his Lund.
It went on and on. In the next round we changed
partners and KD was more bold and adventurous. Both KD
and Ravi wanted to Dance with Sonal and Rupa but they
were shy. We came out of dance floor and
started chatting with them. Adi and Gita had come back
and Gita was looking like a cat which has just eaten
canary. I and Adi went to Sonal and Rupa and asked them
to dance. They were hesitant, but Adi
told it will be only girlz round. I and Rinu didi will
dance with you two. We started dancing and Adi was to
take initiative. She started grinding against Rupa and
by this time there was so much crowd that there was no
way they could stop. I too started rubbing my boobs
against Sonal and soon I discovered a positive
response. I pushed her further close. My hands
caressing her inner thighs went up and found her panty.
I pushed it aside and slowly started teasing her labia.
She was shaking but with so much crowd pressure she
could not evade me. I found some wetness and tip of my
fingers parted her choot and touched inner areas. My
other had entered her top and found her tits hard. Once
I realized how hot she is I squeezed her tits and
pushed my fingers deeper. I smiled at Adi who was
giving same treatment to Rupa. I pulled out panty of
Sonal in oone sweep
and when it came down put my feet on it we stopped for
a minute but I got it removed and started dancing agin.
When light dimmed, KD and Ravi replaced us and soon
were up to there tricks. Soon Rupa and Sonal were
enjoying it so much that they were stuck like glue with
KD and Ravi. Madhu Bhabhi had to tell them that there
Jiju was waiting
for them. Our plan was to make Chavi Bhabhi dance to
with her nandoi. When Sonal and Rupa came back to dance
area we whisked away Chavi Bhabhi to dance with KD and
Ravi. And everybody enjoyed it.
Mausa ji had imposed a curfew of 11 PM and it was
already pass. So we closed the festivities. Actually
everybody was so hot that they were looking forward to
get some real action including Chavi Bhabhi.
Neelu Didi had to go to her relative place and she has
already left with Amit (who was hot for her). Ravi and
KD promised to drop Sonal and Rupa but before they
left, they told me that they will be back within an
hour so I should be ready for there joint assault. When
we came back to house, two friends of my brother wanted
to go back home but I told them it is very late and
they must stay
back. I told Gita to use small room on roof (which we
used as dressing room for Ratjaga). Adi and Gita went
with them to ensure they are comfortable and surely
they were to ensure each other's comfort during night.
Sex was hung like a thick curtain in the air.
There were no words but actions were the key. When I
came down where ladies were sleeping, Basanti was
massaging Rashmi Bhabhi with her one hand in and Gunja,
nanad of Basanti was doing service of Madhu
Bhabhi. Maa and manjhali mausi were teasing and doing
pranks with Bade Mausa ji and Phupha of Cheenu. I came
back and lied down in my room, feeling a bit lonely. I
knew that Ravi and KD Jiju might come but with Rupa and
Sonal in hot mood they will not the miss the chance of
chudai. I freshened up and wore a baby doll. It just
had a one string to unfasten. I drank a hot cup of
coffee laced with brandy and lied down. I took bottle
of Vaseline and covered my choot well.
On second thought I spread my gaand to and pushed two
fingers with lube in that area too. I was rubbing my
both ends and thinking about huge thick weapon of KD I
lied down. Sleep enveloped me fast. But soon enough I
could feel somebody holding me. Before I could turn
myself my skirt was up and KD Jiju was in. I welcomed
him by raising my long slender leg and parting it. KD
had already undressed and his Lund was coated in
Vaseline. It was very thick and he shoved with full
force. I could not suppress my scream. However, Ravi
Jija who had unfastened my top and was squeezing my
choonchi had pushed his semi erect Lund between my lips
and chances of my scream coming out was eliminated. KD
jija was holding my slender waist and now seeing
that any chances of scream have been cut he pushed with
full force.
In spite of lubrication and my legs fully spread, his
Lund was so thick that my choot was getting bruised and
first time I had doubts on my maa's contention that no
Lund is thick enough for choot
rani. Ravi Jiju was rubbing and squeezing my choonchi
and KD was rubbing my clit and soon chudai started in
full frenzy. It must have been some times when my choot
fully devoured and pin subside. Jiju
brought out Lund for a minute and I quizzed hey how
both of you came back so early. What happened to Rupa
and Sonal. Ravi Jiju told that when they had drove
almost half distance and they were fingering
teens hard making them ripe for chudai, girls saw a car
coming and they raised there hands. It was there
Sonal's daddy who was going somewhere. He picked them
and thanked us. This gave them a chance to change pose.
Now KD Jija was in missionary pose and Ravi Jiju had
shoved his Lund in my mouth which
I was sucking greedily. (Henceforth I will refer Ravi
as Jiju and KD as Jija). Jija has put my legs on his
shoulder and pushed two pillows under my gaand. My
choot was now fully open and although it
was still felling torn and stretched beyond endurance,
it was enjoying rubbing it was getting from he Lund. He
was sucking and biting my choonchi and with powerful
thrusts his Lund was doing
jabardast chudai. I was sucking Jiju's Lund with gusto.
He was holding my head and fucking my mouth. My hands
were caressing and fondling his big balls and my tongue
was rubbing his shaft. My fingers went on to caress his
hole of gaand and one finger
penetrated inside. It would be wrong to see that pain
has subsided but now pleasure has over taken. I was
pushing my chootar in response to powerful thrusts of
Jija (KD) who was built like a body
builder and his muscles were packed with power, and my
choot too though extended beyond limit was trying to
squeeze his Lund. Jiju (Ravi) has almost shoved his
Lund deep inside and I could taste his pre cum. My
cheeks were fully bloated. I could feel throbbing of
Jiju's Lund and knowing that he is on the verge of
explosion, I pushed my finger in his gaand with a full
thrust pressing his sensitive point. And it was too
much for him. He flooded my mouth and although I drank
most of it, some of it fell on my cheeks and
choochees. Jija pinched my clit and I too exploded. He
was doing chudai in frenzy and he came soon. He not
only filled my choot with his cum but pulled out his
Lund and sprayed my tummy and boobs also
with cum.
I was surprised with jija (KD). His Lund was still
almost erect. Both Jiju put me on their lap and were
kissing, biting me. One choonchi will be squeezed by
jija and other will be crushed by Jiju.
Jija will use both his hands to fondle my boobs softly
and Jiju will push his fingers in my choot. It will be
wrong to say that we got aroused as Jija and Jiju were
having erection almost continuously.
However, Jija left us and went for pee. Jiju told me
something and I giggled. When he came back from
bathroom, Jiju was lying and I was over him kissing him
biting his checks and titillating his tits.
Soon I came down and took his huge Lund between my hard
boobs and started fondling caressing and squeezing it
with my boobs. His supara was open and teased his
peephole with my steel hard eraser
like big nipples. I kissed and sucked his balls and my
tongue went behind and I sucked his asshole. Meanwhile
Jiju was caressing my labia and his two fingers were
fucking my choot slowly. After
getting lubricated they traveled deep inside my gaand.
I came over him and my choot was teasing him. Jija was
sitting nearby and enjoying this scene, without
joining. I will spread my choot show it
to Jija and Jiju and when he will push his gaand to
thrust it I will just let my choot kiss his supara and
pull it away. It went on and on but in one swoop Jiju,
held my waist and pulled me down and his
mighty majestic Lund went inside my choot. Now I too
pressed myself and soon my clit was getting rubbed by
base of his Lund. I was lying with my boobs rubbing and
Jiju had captured me in his powerful arms. I was
enjoying slow chudai. Soon I could see that Jija was
not there and I discovered his presence right behind me
as he started
caressing my ass. He pushed a finger inside my asshole
and second finger joined soon. I was squirming,
wriggling but it was of no use.
His thumb went deep inside spreading my sphincter
muscle. After fucking me with his two fingers and thumb
for some time he withdrew them and his two fingers
stretched my gaand. I could feel a thin
nozzle and he emptied a tube of K Y jelly. I was trying
to get us but Jiju had gripped me hard. Jija pushed his
supara but it could not make its way. He again
stretched my gaand got his supara trapped
and holding my slender waist with full powerful thrust
shoved his Lund. Jiju was acting in unibeta that
gripped my lips between his lips and bit it. I almost
fainted. But Jija mercilessly pushed it
further and paused only when half of his Lund was deep
inside. My body was twitching wriggling with pain. I
was abusing Jija , teri behan Mona ke Divya ke Bhonse
main gaand main gadhe ka lund na
dalvaiya to kahna Sali chinar ke bhandue. Jiju started
caressing my back and only after almost 5-6 minutes I
got used to ache in my gaand. Now Jiju started fucking
me slowly caressing my boobs and
Jija was pinching pulling my clit. When both of them
realized that I had started enjoying again Jija shoved
and this time he kept on pushing till his Lund was deep
inside my gaand. Jiju was caressing
my hair stroking patting me. Pain continued but I was
now enjoying it. With a very slow motion Jiju raised me
up and brought me down on his Lund and my choot was
enjoying this slow chudai. After some
time, Jija ne bhi gaand marana shuru kar diya. Jiju
will pull Lund inside and Jija will bring it outside
and when Jija will shove his Lund in my gaand right up
to base Jiju will pull it out of choot. It
continued and continued. Sometimes both of them will do
maslai ragdai of my choonchi and sometimes my clit will
get double assault. I came twice but double assault
continued. Jija came first in my
gaand and after his cream filled my gaand it was Jiju
who came in my choot. Jija brought out his Lund and
lovingly patted it on my checks.
I went to bathroom and came back. Jija lovingly pulled
me in his lap and said kyon Rinu aab to gussa nahin ho.
I said in mock anger if anybody something as thick in a
man's gaand then he will realize,
you feel that women can take any amount. Jija laughed
and said, I don't know about other purush but one
purush we had promised will take
this thickness, patting his monstrous Lund he jested.
Who, I could not guess. One who is coming to morrow,
your pati and all of us laughed. I said yes that I will
not mind and for that I will kiss
this lovely Lund. I kissed Jija's Lund and said for
that it has permission to do anything. I was slowly
kissing his supara licking it right up to balls and
coming back again to tease his pee hole. He made me sit
on his lap and spreading my choot and tolerating all
the pain biting my lips I took his Lund. He was making
me swing and I was enjoying it. He then made me go on
all fours. My head was in pillows, and he spread my
legs and slowly glided his Lund in my
choot which was fully stretched. His one hand was
caressing my choonchi and other was testing my clit but
soon slow chudai became a merciless pounding of my
choot, caressing of choonchi became crushing with full
force and teasing lead to pinching and pulling of my
clit. But I was enjoying it so much. I was begging more
of it, hann Jija please aur jor se chodo kas kar
chodo..ohhh. He was treating me like a rag doll. He
must have changed 5-6 positions but
chudai continued. I was holding a chair and he was
standing and in every shove he will push his lund right
up to base and again pull out almost fully. I must have
cum umpteen times. Fucking in this
manner he came. This time he brought his Lund and
sprayed my hair and back with his cum. I could not get
up for some time. Jiju came and lifted me.
He opened a fresh bottle of whisky and we took swing
from bottle directly. We finished the bottle fast.
After some time I got energy back. Now it was turn of
Jiju who was kissing and caressing me. I looked at Jija
who was looking glum feeling that he might have hurt
me. I smiled at him and kissed him on the lips. I
jumped back to his lap and his face bloomed. I went
over and kissed his Lund and he was
sucking my choot. Soon we were doing 69. I was
controlling moment and enjoying flick of his tongue but
now Jiju invaded my gaand and again I was made a
sandwich. Soon I was brought over Jija's Lund who
started fucking me in choot and Jiju's Lund was in my
gaand. During entire night I was fucked 4 times each by
both. Thrice I was buggered and my all holes took there
share and Jija even fucked my choonchis too. When I got
up, after a short sleep it was quiet late. My body was
covered with bruises and cum. I washed got ready fast.
However when I arrived in the house situation was
almost same. Rashmi Bhabhi was
preparing tea with basanti and their play of night was
almost continuing. Basanti pinched my chootar and it
hurt after such gaand marai. I squeezed her choonchi in
retaliation. Adi came and I
winked at her and she blushed. I kissed her on lips and
Rashmi bhabhi too grabbed her choonchi. Day, soon
become after noon. Some guest had gone and some were
going. I went back to my room as it was time for my
pati to arrive. I took a bath and was getting ready. I
was sitting in front of dressing table to get ready
when both Jija and Jiju arrived.
Smilingly Jiju bolted the room. I think there is still
time for a quickie. I protested, no I know both of you,
your quickies are twice as long as normal time taken by
any body and I have to finish my make up. My gaals are
full of last night's bite and scratches. Both laughed
and said but what we will do about it and opened there
Raging Lund made my mouth water too. I pulled Jiju`s
lund and kissed it. I admitted yes I agree and it is
the duty of salli to take care of such handsome
problems. Let me see what I can do and I gulped
Jiju's Lund. My freshly heena colored hands were
rubbing Jija's Lund. Soon Jiju pulled out his Lund and
it was turn of Jiju to shove his Lund but I wavered. He
lifted my saya suggesting he can take my
choot while Ravi Jiju is making me suck his Lund. I
refused saying, no my both holes are very sore. I said
I can take your lund but not full as it is too thick.
Jija came closer and silently pinched my
nose which almost stopped my breath and as I opened my
mouth, he shoved his Lund inside. Jiju was holding my
head firmly therefore I could not even pull it back. I
was making gurgling sounds, tried to
move my hands away but it was firmly being pushed from
both sides. My face become red and I stretched my
checks, pulled my lower jaw further down and took
almost half of his Lund only then he left. My
hands were caressing stroking his Lund and squeezing
his ball to expedite his cumming. He was rubbing
scratching my choonchi. Soon again it was turn of Jiju
and this time he pinched my nose but now
with practice soon I was deep throating him and I had
started enjoying it so much that I for got ticking of
clock. My cheeks were bloated, my throat was aching and
my jaw was in pain but I continued
sucking vigorously. When I realized time is not much I
further made a frantic effort and my hands too were
pumping hard. Jiju came in my mouth but he brought it
out and sprayed it on my face which covered the makeup
I had done. Soon it was turn of Jija and he too did a
facial for me. He also asked me to stick my tongue out
and on it both of them poured their left over cum. Jija
took some on his hand too and rubbed over my choot.
There was knocking from outside. It was voice of maa
who was reprimanding me for taking so much time in make
up. Neither there was time nor I was permitted and I
just spread it along with makeup on my face and came
down. Jija said now you must offer a kiss on your
cheeks to your pati in front of everybody and he will
discover a new taste. Jiju said and a kiss on
his lips also with your tongue. With cream on that its
taste will be different. When I came down, Gita ccosted
me. She teased Sayan ji ke liye aaj khas makeup hua
hai. It is shining so much Bhabhi. I pinched her
chootar and said it is a special cream designed by my
Jiju and your brother Ravi. Ravi Jiju jar Gita ke gala
par bhai alga divine Na and it was time for Ravi Jiju
to blush.
I was sitting along with Jija and Jiju. Adi, Madhu
bhabhi and Basanti too were there and they were teasing
me for my wait for my pati. Jiju brought me in his lap
and hugged me hard. Squeezing my
choonchi he said let your pati come but you will be in
my lap only. Bell sounded at door and my heart said it
must be him. His youngest salli, Adi went ahead to open
the door. Jiju increased hi grip on my
joban but behold, when door open it was Cheenu didi and
even I was hardly able to recognize her. She was
totally transformed. Her choochee had got an up lift
(and may be some silicon) and few inches more she
would have challenged Pam. She was dressed in a tight
top and a skirt. She was looking straight from
centerfold of Playboy. Her hips also had broadened but
most important was attitude. I went ahead and
hugged her and she without waiting for a minute rubbed
her boobs on mine and kissed my cheeks. Hiding behind
her was my pati whom Adi
grabbed and I introduced her"your choti salli". He
pressed her choti choti choonchi. Cheenu didi enquired
from me." Ghonta Ravi ka mja loota mare amrd ke sath".
I replied moving my eyes , " kiska mard mare Jiju hain
aur mera haq hai but you tell tumne mare mard ke sath
to nahin". She pinched my chootar and said, " kya pata,
ho sakta hai." Our conversation stopped as my pati was
being welcomed in a barrage of gallis by his salhajs.
Basanti was in lead , singing, Aya Behan chod
aya,Rashmi Bhabhi too joined, unki behana mange 4 aana
choonchi dabvane ka 8 ana tang uthane ka 1 Ruppaya rat
chudvane ka. Even Adi had learned some gallis and was
singing with gusto. But he kept on grabbing cupping Adi
and Basanti hugged him from behind, and
started pushing as if she is buggering him. She
taunted, itte din late aye ho apni bahna ke Bhonsade
main ghuse the kya chalo late hone ki saja hia ki late
kar sari salhaj se gaand marvao. I left him to mercy of
his salhajs and took Cheenu didi to Chavi
Bhabhi. She was stunned to see the beauty of Chavi.
After some jokes I again asked, hey tell me how you and
my pati came together. She giggled and said yes we came
together and it gave me sufficient hint.
By the time Madhu and Rashmi Bhabhi had joined leaving
my pati with Adi, Basanti and Gunja who kept on teasing
him. Madhu bhabhi and Rashmi bhabhi started their
treatment and Chavi bhabhi joined also. Both, Madhu and
Rashmi Bhabhi had taken care of her top. They grabbed
her choonchi and were doing ragdai maslai.and went
ahead to pinch her nipples hard. Chavi Bhabhi too had
learned many tricks in our sangat. She lifted her skirt
and shifted her panty to one side. Her two fingers
slided inside in one shove and she was rubbing her clit
Soon Cheenu didi confessed. She told us that due to fog
her flight arrived late and he train had left. When she
arrived at the station, this train too was also
whistling. She boarded first AC but conductor
told him that only a two birth coupe is there in which
one perbeta is travelling. She had no choice and when
conductor took him to the coupe, he saw my pati. Of
course, Cheenu was so changed that he
could not recognize her. They had met only few times.
Cheenu was given the upper birth. When conductor left
and he bolted door from inside, Cheenu didi blurted
will you mind going o top I mean I have no objection
but I feel lying down better. He laughed and than she
understood and blushed. She said I don't mean that Now
he was laughing and teasing. He asked, I will take what
ever position I mean place you suggest just be
comfortable. There was some problem with the blower and
coach was very cold. Cheenu didi was dressed very
inappropriately and he offered hi coat to him. She just
to become
comfortable tried to drop a pill which will send her
sleeping. But she had brought some female versions of
Viagra and in her hurry she pooped that. She realized
but by that time it was melting in her
blood. They sat close and just tow arm her my pati put
his hand on her shoulders. One thing led to another and
soon she was in her most comfortable position, down and
my pati was on top as she requested but with his lund
in he choot. A first AC coupe is very strange palace
and makes strangers bedfellows almost like politics.
Perbetas know that they are not going to meet after
that night, they are saved from any interference and
when everybody else is trying hard to sleep. They are
hard. Cheenu didi admitted that ki vah tin baar jhadi
tab jakr my pati came. And betan it was followed by
second round. After that they were tired and started
asking each others name where they are going like co
passengers. Cheenu was surprised to learn that
he is going to same mohalla. Cheenu told about Mausa
ji's name and asked if house where he is going is
closer. My pati laughed and said that he is going there
only and said that his wife must be very angry
that he could not reach his brother in laws reception
even. Cheenu said but she is also going there and it is
too much of coincidence. My pati too got surprised, and
said you know my wife Rinu. Now
Cheenu teased him and said thoda thoda. She hugged him
hard and said I'm Cheenu. And it made my pati to bite
her cheeks hard. To celebrate it they fucked again
twice. Now there was no hurry as train becoming later.
Now Cheenu sucked him hard. As I was away for almost
one week my pati was hungry and so was Cheenu. Cheenu
told that my mard not only fucked her twice but
buggered her also. And once she
decided to dominate also by going on top as she was an
elder salli.
Cheenu didi had brought some interesting toys for Chavi
There were dildos and vibrators of various types. But
best were some double dildos and strap ons. I tried a
double dildo with Madhu Bhabhi. I pushed one part in me
and shoved tip in choot of Madhu bhabhi. Rashmi bhabhi
put strap on Chavi bhabhi and goaded her to try it with
Cheenu didi. And she rode on her hard. Cheenu too was
enjoying. We were just teasing playing with each other
and we heard the voice of maa that it is time for train
for Madhu Bhabhi. I
pulled it fast. Adi was ready with luggage and my pati
was following her like a lamb, as first time he had got
a choti salli. Dildo which I had brought out from Madhu
Bhabhi's choot kept in Adi `s bag saying
a gift from me. I invited both Madhu bahbi and adi to
visit us. Adi told that during March as there will be
Boards exam her school will be closed. As she is in std
XIth her exam will be held only in April therefore she
will have a long holi holidays. Holi is on 6th march
this year so may be that time she can come. Madhu
Bhabhi also nodded and said that anyways her pati will
be away for a 10 day training
trip so both of them will come during holi. They will
come on 4th and spent a week with us. I could see bulge
in my pati's pant and Adi rubbing and teasing him
saying Jiju apki pichkari ka sara rang abki holi main
nikal lungi. He went to drop them at station.
Cheenu didi was closeted with her pati and my Jiju for
long. I and Rashmi Bhabhi pulled them away. KD Jija was
also eyeing Cheenu didi and saying that he will get her
pound off flesh tonight. Cheenu didi
laughed and said you can take all the flesh. Most of
the guests had gone and it was decided that we will
also leave next day by morning train. It was dinner
time and gallis time and Basanti and Rashmi
bhabhi took the lead in abusing there nandoi. KD Jija
was given galli with name of her sister saroj sunita
and sarala. Basanti sang ,
Saroj Rani hain Pakki chinar unke gahr main dod dwar ek
jaye age dossr pichvade bach anhi koi naua
kanahar( Saroj , sister of KD is a top slut, she has
tow doors , one in front and other behind, she has
not left any body waterman, barber everybody enjoys
her) . Rashmi Bhabi taragted my pati, main tummse puchu
tumhri bahna ke bil min tumhari Guddo ke bil main unki
bur main kya kya amay mhallle ke ab
gadhe samay tumhare sab salle samaye ( I ask what your
sister takes in her choot, in her fuddi, she take lund
of of all the donkeys of her area she devours lund of
all your brother in laws ). We all knew it is last
night together and it made it very hot.
Cheenu was grabbed by my pati and KD Jija and as I was
made to devour two Lund together last night Cheenu was
fucked and buggered.
But Ravi Jiju was richer. I along with Rashmi bhabhi
provided him company for night. Rashmi Bhabhi teased
me. Salliyon kya tumhi jija ka maja le sakti ho salhaj
ko nandoi ka lund nahi chauiye. And ia
ccepted yes she has as much right on her Nandoi's Lund
as I have on my jija. Both of us stripped Ravi Jiju and
kissed and licked his Lund together. Rashmi Bhabhi will
lick the balls and I will suck the shaft. Some times
two sahelis sharing a lollipop we will lick his supara
together. We were kissing his asshole rubbing his ,
Lund on our gore gore gaal and Jiju could not take it
further. He made me go
on all fours and in one shove his mighty lund was doing
chudai of my bur. Rashmi bhabhi was caressing my
choonchi, pinching my tits and will goad her nandoi to
chodo mujhe hard. With so much teasing Jiju was like a
bull and his lund was ramming my choot like a piston.
My choot too was greedily squeezing it rubbing it and I
was moving my chootar.
I must have come twice or thrice but Jiju was not going
to cum.
Rashmi Bhabhi who was caressing his gaand pushed her
fingers inside hard. She started fucking him and soon
her finger pressed her pressure point and he came, no
he exploded. His Lund kept on cuming
and it not only flooded my choot but my thighs were
also drowned.
After that it was number of Rashmi Bhabhi. Jiju while
fucking her tried to finger fuck he big gaand but
bhabhi protested too much. I winked at him and
whispered to concentrate on fucking her choot. Now
Jiju brought her almost close to orgasm but stooped. He
will flirt with her clit pull her nipples and rub her
clit with base of his Lund. Now Bhabhi was begging for
his lund. Jiju made her go on all
fours and fucked her hard. I too was pulling her tits
as if I'm milking her. Bhabhi kept on coming but Jiju
continued her chudai unabated. She was exhausted and
only then he spilled. He came not
only in her choot but brought out his Lund and made her
big choonchis white. I spread it around. Bhabhi was
lying with Jiju's cum in her choot and thighs. I told
Bhabhi that I can not let Jiju's precious cum
go waste. I went over her and started lapping and
licking her cum filled choot. My fingers will caress
her labia and my tongue with silken touch will just
tease her choot. Soon she was mad. She was begging me
to suck her hard and who was I to deny my bhabhi. I
parted her choot lips and pushed my tongue deep. I was
licking wall of her choot full of feel of Jiju's Lund
and made taste double. Soon she too had started licking
me and we continued doing 69. When I paused for a
breather and looked up Jiju was sitting with his Lund
in full erection looking at our Sapphic play. But his
eyes were riveted on Bhabhi's gaand. I knew what he
wanted. I gave him a thumbs up sign
and pointed toward sBhabhi's gaand. He nodded smiling.
Who was to deny y Jiju. My tongue came out and fro
rubbing her clit I went to her asshole. She was
wriggling but my tongue was teasing Bhabhi here. I took
out a lot of saliva and let my tongue took it to
Bhabhi's asshole. At that time my fingers were rolling
pulling pinching her pink swollen clit so she was going
mad. Bhabhi too was sucking my choot hard. I brought
back my tongue to choot and again
pushed it in. I lubricated it with Bhabhi's russ and
Jijus; cum still in Bhabhi's s choot and brought it
back to bhabhis gaand. After licking her there for some
time my fingers took charge and I slowly
pushed one finger in. Bhabhi was almost going berserk
with my sucking and licking. Now my tongue was fucking
her choot and index finger was
fucking her gaand. When she will be on the brink I will
lift my face from her choot blow a bit and start very
slowly. But I realized time
is ripe. I took her clit between my lips and started
sucking. I had called Jiju closer whose Lund was almost
near Bhabhis gaand. My lips were sucking nibbling
tongue was flirting and she was on the verge. I parted
her gaand and Jiju now his Lund coated with Vaseline,
pushed.I bit her clit and she came. And at the same
time Jiju shoved his Lund in side her gaand, tearing
her sphincter. She could not do anything as my full
weight was on her and with my full force I was holding
her chootar. Jiju too was holding her waist and in
second attempt half of Lund was in. She was abusing me
and screaming Chinar,
khud to gadhe ka Lund ghontati hai, abhi to meri gaand
main ungli bhin nahi gayi thi. I was giggling and
telling her Bhabhi Nandoi ka maja lena hai to poora lo
na. I began licking her softly and Jiju was
paying fyll attention to bhabhi;s choonchi, with full
knowledge that now his lund is securely riveted in her
gaand and whatever wriggling she may do she can not get
it out. Bhabhi too reconciled and started enjoying her
gaand marai. After waiting for some time Jiju shoved
full lund and was buggering her in frenzy. I got up and
was enjoying
the view. Bhabhi started enjoying this new experience
and soon was moaning. Jiju had started finger fucking
her with three fingers in he
bur deep. It went on and on. When Jiju came, he again
after flooding her gaand brought rest of cum on her
choonchi.And surprisingly even Neelu didi was not
spared in spite of her condition. When KD was fucking
Cheenu hard, my pati came to go to
bath room and Neelu didi was coming out and soon he not
only made her suck him but fucked her sexy choonchi.
Thus all of us enjoyed our Jijus.
Next day was time for parting. I winked at Ravi and
said You promised something special for my pati and
they promised next time surely it will be done. We all
laughed except my poor pati, who was saved. I invited
Ravi jija to come to us and my pati too extended it to
Cheenu didi. Ravi was looking forward and gladly
accepted. Neelu didi pinched me and said, chinalo tum
don ne maja liya aur main hi bhukhi rah gayi. My pati
told KD Jija hey why you don't come along with Neelu
too first time all the sisters will be together in
holi. And KD looking at me and Cheenu and understanding
what chances Holi will bring accepted saying holi is on
6thMarcha and we will be there by 4th march on
Thursday. I asked Chavi, what is your programme; you
will be coming back on 3rd from Honey moon. My brother
said, actually
I have taken too much leave and I will be reporting
back on 4th but that is a non family station so I can
not keep her there we were thinking about it may be
.Chavi Bhabhi interjected and said may be I
can go to my parents place. We all laughed Neelu didi
squeezed her choonchi and said Banno bahhot din tak
bahiyon se choonchi dabvaai holi main. I said hey why
don't you drop Chavi at my place it is in
your way too. They agreed. Cheenu teased her , hey
bhabhi teen nandoi se mukabla hoga. I jested , ek aage
se , Neelu didi said doosara piche se aur Rashmi Bhabhi
completed teesara munh main. And
we all laughed. Cahvi bahbi becoming barve said what do
you feelsalhaj Salli se kamjor nahi hoti.
When we were going Ravi Jija whispered in my ears," Jao
jao bhukhe sher se pala padega". And I smiled, dreaming
about coming holi on 6th March.


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