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Federal Aviation


Date : September 1~ , 2016

To: Aircraft Accident File BHM- ATCT- 0113

?rom : Atlan~a Air Route Traffic Control Center

Subject : INFORMATION: Partial Transcript

Aircraft Accide nt , N447SA
Tuscaloosa , AL, August 14 , 2016

This transcri p tion covers the Atlanta Air Route Traf:Lc Control Center (ARTCCl
R13 R position for the t ime peri od from August 14 , 2016 , 14 52 UTC , to August
14 , 2016 , 1656 UTC.

Agencies t-Jaking Transmissi ons Abbreviations

K447SA, ?.:t.31
Atlanta Air Route Traffic Control
Center , Montgomery Sector
Birmingham Air Traffic Control Tower BHf.l

I certify that t~e :ollowing is a true transcription o f the recorded

conversat i ons pertaining to the subject Aircraft Accident involv ing N447SA .

Julie Lueder
Qualitv Control Prog ram Analys t
Atlanta ARTCC

lt, 52
(1'1 53 -1 521 )
1522 : 49 K44 7SA a tlanta center :our :our seven sierra alpha one t wo

1522 : S4 R13 november four four seven sie rra alpha atlanta center roger
montgomery ·( all montgomery altimeter three zero o ne two

1522 : 58 N44 7SA three zero one t wo

( 1524 - 1539)
BHM- ATCT- 0 11 3
N44 7SA

Page 2 of 5

15 40 : 19 N44 7Sf. atlanta :ou~ :ou~ seve~ sierra alpha

15 40 : 23 R1 3 and uh november four fou r seven s i e ~ ra al pha go ahead

1540 : 26 N44 7SA uh up ahead about ten miles i might do some small
deviat ing (uni n tel ligible )

1540 : 32 !U3 november four four seven ah sie~~a alpha deviation left
and right when able direct to o x fo ~d

1540 : 37 N4'1 7SA roger th a~ we should get back on course

154 1
(1542-1 551 )
1552 : 18 N447Sf.. seven sie r~ a alpha ' s direct o x fo r d

1552 : 22 ?U 3 ah november seven sicr~a a lpha thank you

(1 554 -1 558)
1559 : 42 N447SA atlanta center seven sie rra alpha i may need to ~ake an a
· (land) a landing i ' m losing my fue l pump

1559 : 50 R13 seven s i erra a lpha can you make it to tuscal oosa

1559 : 55 N447SA uh yeah i should be able to make it to tuscal oosa

155 9 : 58 R.l 3 seven alpha clca ~ ed to tango cha~lie lima via

s i e~ra
di~ect descend a~d mainLain si x thousand

1600 : 19 R13 novembe~ four :our seven sie~~a alpha clea r ed d i rect to
tuscaloosa airpo ~ t tango charlie lima ~ainta i n ah s ix

1600 : 48 t\44 7SA i ' m cleared direct tuscaloosa

1600 : 51 R1 3 o kay seven sierra alpha i got you t ha t ti me ah tuscaloosa

ah ~aintain si x thousand is there anything else you need

BHM- ATCT- 0 113

?age 3 or 5

at this time

1601 : 00 N4'l7Si\ not right now but ah i ' m working on it i ' m jusL tryi ng to
get her t.rimmed up bu t i just got. a lot o[ manifold
p:: essu re loss

1601 : 18 Rl3 seven sierra alpha roger and i also i do have an airpo~t
over at you:: three o ' clock about eight miles ah then
tuscaloosa is dead ahead at ah t we~ty miles

160 1: 28 N4'l 7SA nah tusca l oosa ' s pe r fect

1601 : 30 R13 okay tha nks that ' s good

1603 : 04 ~13 ~ovember :our fou r seve~ sierra alpha urn if if you can
make it to tuscaloosa that ' s great ah i ' m gonna put you
on birmingham approach ' s frequency and let them handle
you ah handle you all the way into the airport is there
anything else that you might need from me

1603 : 19 N1Jij7SA no i don ' t believe so i can go to birmingham we ' re pret t y

stable here i ' m just taking it slow

1603 : 25 ~13 okay yeah a nice slow descent ' s a pproved whatever you need
ah · (c o~) seven sierra alpha contact birmingham approach
one two zero p oi~t one :ive one t wo ze ::o decimal o ~e five
and ah we ' ll Lalk to you later

1603 : 37 N4'17SA r oger that one two zero one five fo r birmingham seven
sierra alpha
1614 : 45 maxwell bi::mingham seve~ ~ine six birmingham

1614 : 49 R13 maxv:el l

1614 : 50 BHM hey do you know did you get how many souls were on board
for seven sierra alpha

3!-iM- ATCT- 0 113

?age 4 of 5

1614 : 53 !U3 i did not:

1614 : 54 3!-i~! you d id noc alrig ht thank you

161 5
(161 6- 1620 )
1621:4 9 BP.M maxwell birmingham seven ninety si x

1621 : 50 Rl3 ma xwel l - - - maxwe ll go ahead

1 621 : 53 BHH hey that ah nove mbe r fou r fou r seven s i erra alpha

1621 : 56 :u3 yes

1 62 1 : 56 BHH do you guys know where he departed and where he wa s

intend ing to land

1621 : 59 Rl3 ah i ' ll have to look ic up :or you we 'l l get we ' ll get
that info r mation co you

162 2 : 03 BHM a l right

1 622 : 0,; Rl3 probably just ah ca ll sup to sup a nd let them wor k it out

1622 : 07 a:m that yeah that sounds great just so y ' all ~n ow he didn ' t
ma ke jt

1622 : 09 i:U3 (unintel ligible) okay t ~anks

1622 : 10 ye p

1622 : 11 R13 alright so he he was not going to tuscaloosa or i g inally

wa s he not no he was goi ng somewhere else o kay so we may
hey ah eric they wan t to k~ ow his ah i don ' t know why
they don ' t they want to know his o riginal des tinat i o n
we ll now he just timed o ut of the he just timed out
yea h(unintelligib1e J i ' m gonna t ry to do (unintell i g ibl e )
o kay

BH~I-i\TCT - 0 113

?age 5 of 5

I 62 5 : 11 !U3 southwes: sa:ellite two thirty four bi r mingham maxwe ll

1625 : 1ts 3 Hl·l satellite

1625 : 11, Rl 3 yeah novembe r fou r four seven sier r a a l pha h is o riginal
de pan:ure ai::-po r t was kissimmee f l orida

1625 : 20 BHM ki ss immee

1625 : 2 1 Rl 3 ye p

1625 : 21 BHtvl okay

1625 : 22 Rl 3 he was originally destined [or ah o x ~ord mississi pp1

that ' s a ~ ~ ~ i:orm oscar x ray

1625 : 29 BHr·l okay and ~i ssi~~ee ' s ah india sierra mike

1625 : 32 Rl3 that ' s cor ::-ect

1 625 : 33 3H~I a lright tha n ks

1 625 : 31\ Rl3 t ha n ks

1625 : 34 BHr-1 (unintelligi b le)

1 626
(1627 - 1655)
1 656

~ nd o: Transc::-ipt

· This portion of the copy o: the recordina is not entirely clea::- , b~t thi s
rep resents the best interp retation possible ~nder the circumstances .

Federal Aviation

Date : September 12, 2016

To : Aircra ft Accide nt File BH ~-ATC T - 0 11 3

Fro m: Atlanta Air rtoute Tra: ric Control Center

Subject : INFORMATION: ?artial Transcript

Aircra ft Accident , N~~ 7SA
Tuscal oosa , AL, August lt; , 2016
This t ranscript ion covers the Atlant a Air Route Traf:ic Control Ce nter (ARTCC )
D13 D pos itio n for the t ime per i od from August 1~ , 2016 , 1530 UTC, to Augu st
1~ , 2016 , 1634 UTC .

Agencies t·laking Tran smiss i ons Abbrevia t. i o:-JS

At lanta Air ~oute Tra:fic Control Rl3

Center , 1·lonLgowery Sector
Nt1'i7S.l\ , Pi\31 Nt,'l 7S.;
Atla nta Air Route Traffic Control Dl 3
Center , ~ontgome r y Sector Radar
As sociate
Birmingham AJr Traffic Contro l Tower BHM

I ce r t i! y tha: the foll owing is a true transcription o~ the recorded

conversations pertaining to the subject Ai rcraft Accide nt involv ing N'l4 7SA .

Julie Leeder
Qualit.y Cont r ol Program Analyst
A:.. l an t a l1RTCC

(153 1- 1 559)
1600 : 51 Rl3 i got you that time ah tuscaloosa ah maintain six t housand
is there a~ything else you need at this :ime

1601 : 00 N4t, 7SA not right now be: ah i ' m wo rking on it i ' m just tryi~g Lo
geL her ~~i~mec up bu~ i ~us~ got a lot of manifold
press u re loss
Bnl'l- ATCT - 0 113

?age 2 of 3

1601 : 18 :u3 seven sierra alpha r oge r and i also i do have an airpcr:
over at your three o ' clock about eight ~iles ah then
tuscaloosa i s dead ahead at ah twenty miles

1601 : 28 N447SA nah tuscaloosa ' s perfect

1601 : 30 R13 o kay tha ~ks ~ha~ · s good

1601 : 56 Dl3 satellite thirty [our line maxwell

1601 : 57 3H t·! birmingham

1601 : 58 Dl3 t~is is ma x ~c 11 you got a seco~d

1602 : 00 013 four four seven sierra a l pha just lost his fuel pump he
has ~ot declared an emergency he said he is wor king some
mechanical ah :ucl issues he thinks tuscaloosa airport is
just ~ine over another airport ah just to let you kno~
that ' s ~hat ' s going on with him he ' s working the iss~e
and he ' s your con~rol on wha tever you need

1602 : 19 BP.<-l o kay thank you vc~y much did he say it was the fuel pump

1602 : 21 D13 he lost. ~is :'..lel pump yes

1602 : 22 3Ht-l okay thank you

1602 : 23 D13 b d

1602 : 23 3Hl'l (unintell igib1e)


1603 : 01\ Rl3 november :our (our seven sierra alpha um i: if you can
make it to tuscaloosa that ' s great ah i ' m gonna put you
on birmingha~ approach ' s ~requency and let them ha~dle
you ah handle you all the way into the airport is there
anything else that you migh t need from me

1603 : 19 N447SA no don ' t believe so i can go to birmingham we ' re pretty

i3Ei'l-.l\TCT - 0113

?age 3 of 3

stable here i ' m just ta~i~g it slow

1603 : 25 ~13 o kay yeah a nice slow descent ' s approved wha tever you need
ah ·( con) seven sier ra alpha contac t birmi~gham approach
one t wo zero poinL one f i ve one t wo zero decimal o ne five

1603 : 36 D13 birmingham ni~c si x

1603 : 39 BHf'·l birmingham

1603 : 40 D13 hey ah can you let me know when seven sierra alpha lands
there at tuscal oosa

1603 : 43 BHM yes i ;-: ill

1603 : 4'1 013 tha~ i: s b d

1603 : 45 (unintelligible)
(1605 -1 633)

End of Tra~script

· This portio~ of the copy o : the reco rding is ~ot enti re ly clear , but tn1s
represents the best interpretation possibl e under the circumstances .

Federal Aviation

DaLe : August 19, 2016

To : Aircraft Accident ~ile BHM- ATCT- 0113

From : Birmingham Airport Traffic Control To wer

Subject : INFORMATION: Partial Transcript

Ai rcraft Accident , N447SA
Tuscaloosa , AL , August lt. , 2016
This transcription covers che 3irmingham Airport Tra~~ic Control Tower (ATCT J
SR AP position for t~e time period :rom August 1~ . 2016, 1531 UTC , to August
l tl , 2016 , 1656 UTC .

Agencies Eaking 7::ansm~ssions Abbreviations

Atlanta Air ~o~te Tra::ic Control ZT:.. i·:Xr

Center , Max~ell Sector
Birmingham Approach Control , South SR
N447SA , PA31 N447SA
Atlanta Air Route Traffic Control ZTL UNi<
Center , Unknm·m
Tuscaloosa Federal Contract Tower , TCL TCL
Birmingham Approach Control , Departure DR

I certify that the following is a true transcription of the r ecorded

conversations pertaini ng to the sub ject Aircraft Accident involving N447SA .

;o!i chael Grosse

Support Specialist
Birmingham Air Traf!ic Control 7ower

( 1532 - 1600)
160! : 5t. ZTL MXF satellite thirty !o~r line maxwell

1601 : 58 SR birmingham
BH!-i-ATCT- 0113

?age 2 of 7

1601 : 59 ZTL MXF this is ma xwell you got a second

1602 : 00 SR yes

16 02 : 01 ZTL MXF four four seven sierra alpha just lost his fuel pump he
has not declared an emergency he said he ' s working
mechanical uh fuel issues he thinks tuscaloosa airport is
just fine over another airport um just let you know
that ' s what ' s going on wit h him he ' s working the issue
and he ' s your control on whatever you need

1602 : 19 SR okay than k you ve r y much you said it Has the fuel purn9

1602 : 21 ZTL MXF he lost his fuel pump yes

1602 : 22 SR o kay thank you

1602 : 23 ZTL 1~X F r d

1602 : 24 SR k b

1603 : 37 ZTL MXF birmingham ninety six

1603 : 4 0 SR birmingham

1603 : 41 ZTL MXF hey uh can you let me know when seven sierra alpha lands
at tuscaloosa

1603 : 44 SR yes i will

1603 : 45 ZTL MXF thanks r d

1603 : 46 SR k b

1603 : 49 N4~7SA bi:::mingham approach this is four four seven sierra alpha
i ' m at one zero thousa nd descending i nto tuscaloosa got a
right fuel pump out

BHM- ATCT - 01 13
N447 SA

Page 3 of 7

1 603 : 58 SR november four four seven sierra alpha birmingham approach

say your approach request: ac tuscaloosa birmingham
altimeter t hree zero one four

1604 : 07 N44 7SA three zero o ne four and i ' l l le t yo u know i ' m just
descending slowl y right now direct tuscaloosa

160 4 : 12 SR november four four sierra correction four four seven

· sierra alpha descend and ma intain fou r t housand and
advise if you need any assistance

1604 : 20 N44 7SA four thousand and as long as i ca n take it slow we ' ll be

160 4 : 24 SR r oger

1605 : 59 SR b i rmi ngham

1606 : 00 ZT L UNK just 1·1ant to ve rify you ' re combined up for seven sierra
al pha on t he poi nt ou t to the south

1606 : 02 SR yes yes

1606 : 03 ZTL UNK thanks (unin telligible) y

1606 : 0 4 SR k b

1606 : 37 SR november s e ve n sierra alpha descend and maintain t Ho

thousand three hundred we just tal ked to t he tower and
they said a s long as you can get be low t HO thousa nd fi ve
hundred you should be able to get the visual

1606 : 47 N447SA roge r that i ' m going to t HO thousa nd th r ee hund r ed a nd i

may be

1606 : 50 SR november seve n sierra alpha ve r i fy tHO thousand three


BHM- ATCT- 0113

Page 4 of 7

1606 : 55 N<i47S.l\ two thousand three hundred


1607 : 21 N447S.l\ (uni ntelligible) approach tuscaloosa i may be

(uni ntelligible) dange r because urn i can ' t believe it but
maybe (unintelligible)

1607 : 34 SR november seven sierra alpha say again

1607 : 37 N447SA i may be losing both engines here (unintelligible)

1607 : 51 N4 4 7Sl\ i ' m not losing both engines but i lost both fue l pumps

1607 : 55 SR november seven sierra alpha roger that um the tuscaloosa

airport now about twelve o ' clock and about one three
miles urn any runway you want you can have urn novembe r
seven sier r a alpha

1608 : 07 N447SA is there anything else closer

1608 : 10 SR seven sierra alpha that is the closest airport uh in the

vicinity of you the ne xt closest course would be behind
you at bibb county

1608 : 20 N447SA okay i ' m gon na do my best

1608 : 22 SR (un i ntelligibl e) roger that

1608 : 23 N40SA i have no po~o1er

1608 : 53 SR novembe r seven sierra alpha in uh descend and maintai n two

thousand three hundred your right lined up for uh runway
three zero at tuscaloosa right now if you just keep it
steady uh it ' s about twelve o ' clock and about si x miles
or seven miles now

1609 : 07 N447SA okay i don ' t know if i ' m gonna make it

1609 : 15 N447SA i ' m losing lots of altitude quic kly

BHN- ATCT- 0113

Page 5 of 7

1609 : 29 Nt'l<l7SA what ' s the ceiling here

1609 : 31 SR the ceiling in the area is t ~o thousand five hundred


1610 : 23 SR november four four seven sierra alpha tuscaloosa airport

now twelve o ' clock and about five mi les and i see you out
of four thousand one hundred correct

1610 : 31 N44 7SA yeah i just don ' t know if i ' m gonna make i t

1610 : 34 SR seven sierra alpha you just hold it up um it ' s it ' s twelve
o ' clock you ' re li ned up for runway three zero as soon as
you get out of that uh ceiling you should get it i n sight

1610 : 42 N4 4 75.1:1. i kno w i just don ' t know if i can make it that many miles
on this speed and this altitude drop

1610 : 52 N447Sl\ i don ' t know if we can make it on this altitude drop

1610 : 56 SR novembe r seven sierra alpha roger just try as best you can
pl ease just keep it level

1611 : 00 N<i47SA keeping it level

1611 : 07 SR seven sierra alpha also runway sorry highway twenty fifty
ni ne is on your right and left side right now if uh you
need it

16 11 : 18 N447SA i do n ' t know with this ceiling

1611 : 35 N447SA i got you on final now

1611 : 38 SR november seven sierra alpha ru01·1ay three zero cleared to

la nd runway runway three ze r o

1611 : 48 SR november seven sierra alpha you copy


1612 : 29 TCL i ' ve got him in sight looks like he ' s got the altitude to

BHM- ATCT- 0113
N44 7SA

Page 6 of 7

make it

1612 : 31 SR r o ger that we ' re hoping thank you


1613 : 15 s~ seven s ie rra alpha keep you r gear do~ n

1613 : 17 N44 7S.ll. it ' ll s l o w me down

1613 : 20 $~ r oge r

1613 : 21 DR he doesn ' t want to put it down he ' s af r aid it ' s go n na slow
him dovm

1613 : 28 short final now

161 4
(1615 - 1 624)
1625 : 11 ZTL MXF west sate ll ite t wo t hirty f our birmingham maxwell

1625 : 14 SR satellite

1625 : 15 ZTL MXF yeah november fou r four seve n s i e rra alpha his o riginal
departure ai r por t 1-1as kissimmee florida

1625 : 20 SR kissimmee

1625 : 21 ZTL MXF yeah and he was o r iginally destined fo r ah o x fo rd

mississippi that ' s uniform o sca r xray

1625 : 29 SR o kay ki ssimmee ' s india sie rra mike

1625 : 32 ZTL MXF t ha t ' s correct

1625 : 33 SR alright thanks

1625 : 34 ZTL MXF than ks

BHM- ATCT- 011 3

Page 7 of 7

1625 : 35 SR tango mil:e

(1627- 1 655 )

End o f Transcript

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