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Treen cycnine 20205 forty Riigure Cae asedVe.e She a + SERRE oe notcs ens TO AUIOWNE st007 Scag AUTOTUNE ‘AT NEAT ANOENT CAL 9900 AUTOTUNE PID TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER INSTALLATION AND OPERATING MANUAL Tne CAL 9900 mictoprocestor based Yarn sel pont Temporcitre controler provides proce & YX poaoae ‘Sonal who minum of eating op. he Svonced Autokine aigorinm snes ©” (KEV CONTENTS GUIGET: z fre Cont porwrelorsoulcmatcaly Seen cone Soon Mee cae The simple setting up procedure below is nermaty suficien, spaciaised apptc- hans may noed ihe comprehensive 3900 features covered in ths marWal step ntotured parameters Auotine ts press Bro access lewdowomatcaty Rircion © Yostes fora Imei” 9.2" agen Sana SugGelritle \G- dee PReapeceeh Sea 8-880 ese fropertonai cycle tne 08 819 ae ree Coleutcted but for safety recsons needs pres ro cuance ee Re Spano aes we a - Fa. 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Protected (© Operating mode Parameter © Norma! operation Nor suse Ar 2 Sen Aen r 3 mas: 4-100 Maniarseat % USER SETINGS incrotectes 1 Manual Reset (SUTIN PO) 1% stops (rox #107°/SO% prop bard) 2 spr Actus! ° pops Factory satting S* Frode rust be setetes incton W belere acing £2 odo nia) OF'O" | Fercton sromode crn) RS" | Senge Deviotonaom — 1-2 | o- wre figeaen 4-8 | Caotaagy 7 | es (Sensor renga Fn 6) 3 sPitock © Urocuees OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS — Potectod: 4. SPI Propotional eycie time 9 20106 1 33ee P Te WP tise 2 See W idisce 5 ihe 1S Sie ec $ Qperationar Paper ue Ho $ Scbse At yaiu 3 one totes! 3 Sbene 1m calevioled 9 Pane valve 5 SPI meporional $P1 Hyslereus Bana/Bain InON/GF mode Zee ce ase ae oes ie oa x . = Ss & 2 oe & Be a ise oe S ad os St, i E Ey Fd ib % 1oOe Bay & Mvowe 6 SPI Derivative time/Rate ise eee 8 os ae 16 & Atvotue eveunun-o 3 Botected Functions: [Ai fascara exc) see Stings Functions U2 may be locked a mamaty otter Sting To prevent tampemng. See {4 Paramoior ok 4 At volves (moried @ ) {As cole on the latest AT. nun Fn opt HB, SBI Parameter OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS. continuo 7 SPIDAC apexcoch corto! © 1x proobone § 39 P oe 8 49 2 10 2 335 7 & Arvolue a5 : 8 SPlintegral time © smn 8 O2mn ? oF $ ima 2 88mm To Bn 3 Sin 1 Bian 2 Zim B Sin Simin Bo Sinn 3 idm . 4 teow uu § atvoue 9 Sensor etter conection stops (227° man) 10. SP2PIoportional eycie ime © ONO 9. 300 P fee To fee 2 bie IP tesee 3 ie 12 to sce 2 Dee Non jinect ranges 5 Stee fer Coot srateay 8 O0siec Cie ase sos Md 2.20% 8 Ber 13 Soew eee 11 SP2Poportional sF2 Hraerosis Bonar in ON/OFF moce 2eRCR 128% Be Chee i ex & ie & ce ae 2h ie e 2 ios. ign oi a ® rd = oe Bee oe rs is i 100% oe 12 WBA..L09p break alarm - ree ° ow 2% 32min Pin fo damn 2 omn WP somn 3 amin 2 mn 2 gun 13 20mm 5S ann Recommended 8 idm Inia! voting 3 sm 10 2 Operational a oom integral ime” 15 Rotet Functions © - 24 to factory fonings © Noma! P Retet Functon 22 ot rose meee FB Bete 5 Locating Functions Fincborro's the Srogram made enty point Prassing Ah ncrements “¥ mova dract 0 Function 8 FBeoeonar fo Nhe Puchans ots pressed 9 aula nor vou Te (Farchonr's 12 38 ore Urusoss a opt 2 SE raromoter IMMAL CONFIGURATION. tected 16 Sensor Select and Range Tobie ange Table e Focton wet Sen Type Factory set ange (5R) we ic. Fa 1 YS Wo sho iho bi 988 83 ee Sh 288 5 te it 1SS0 te be $f 888 ke oa 8 i BB oS & $B BS HS 188 at #88 ee ise fob 1550 Ree we m0 9 F2o200 400 400 0 ange minimum: O°C/32°F Fecage Tonio Fete sot O5C/30°6 Mimiin ovaisie 200°C/°6 LUnear process inpulsDlaplay WO -20nv 12 9 23omy 13 3 “3omy Me —20my 13 6 20m © Disables P Probing range min -200°) 18 Display resolution © Nomat¢ P MSortfe) sea9e Pisotings basen O1F forged 8 = 350" sh selection fies Coser wan on 8) 1 Biopeaing nase Borate snow ngs PF Seen a 2 Devotion glorm ~ tow § fatsege germ = See 3° IER eop creas $ Samay 20. $7 Senso: breok © Upscale P Serra 21 SP2 Sensor break © vpicale P Bhrsceie 22. °C/°F (Note Changs top fascia) © 5S jfoctoy eet Pee Legtretel by Function 15 23 Software verton rember 24 Configured range (CR) adjustment Hebe 8 cchstmont vo0 42 (Goo Range fable n Fanchon 1) 19 RANGES euncnons secumny Tp advanced fnctons ae tnd for Basten ccm argrase tea itso precede a "IRD ACCESS TO ADVANCED aess P 10 ever PaoGtaM MODE sop 2 press ¥ 10 Go pect SHINCION 8 Step 3 Press 8. HOD HE FOR 5 s9e TOACCES ADVANCES inncrons {Chir pnt Fn 38) V8.2 ADVANCED FUNCTIONS _ Potectos Fn Opt 2, Qt parameter 26. SPI Heat Power timit P Baa i i ; ; ; veo nee 27 cost P Bean, ¢ i eps fe pe SG Decrease laten vowgar ERE 28 521 Output 9 wacs goer “eo Bake 3 32 oindetormeiton 28 tenon day sn ° tomes ie 4 ona pot at 3 25 senapan at seve (152/162 m9 Note ‘Widen’ Fr 18/Opt 8 resols AL functions, excoprn 22 13.4 MontToR OPERATION rw/ocMD 34 $2 Latch atoms toma 0 ‘saect P tet Toso morotor Boer Cnt for $2 ONFOFE mod Fo BOE DS VA Jog fren! ron 8 naeiopio 37 S010 MSkgrseztonnont —_38/0p11 puwenosnes aro eaanostiet Ona | ga ony Ranore 3-49 Mode 8 Sor vo a2 14. PROGRAM secumTY LOCK PERFORMANCE MONITOR (PM) Tobemade by quate tecmncan 02 har ceetcte Bee pease ang o 38 Star monitor Ey sant hominid Stal dered st bel torons oe ° of tcop! ater sel ue Furcions '3.Gan Be Ph Paltclod gard Torauira te polct Rookings oe roset on subsequent fom unlocked to aud poston SOMOPAS ora Soca yee ‘ove FEE] + Locke cor remove ino Roars temperotxe variance (01) Ey cones 40. Teosironam ompscise rciery EA 41 Gear irinenu temperate (2676) 18) IMERNAL nak GANS 42 eos Oy Oy68 Monitor 00 Theie operational modtcaton neu o2 Serereimyon Tapani ee AUTOTUNE TUNING DATA Fa 8 Bismee neeama boas Qversnoot/ungeango! C7) ers otasics chee Ton tno oe oem fomodie cow wih osea) Sienaner 2 os medse cover ‘output ache a8 - : eeteconi tes bo UE STIS BOS LEB rey iE a 4 cn 2 2 tap moe cow on apie op. aaa 8 Su Root remove sere ovad somogha 50 Spare PRESS to FO & n protruding tongue 13.3 DIAGNOSNCS Functions 38 - 49 0.0! win machine destgrert : Srl os nosso Boog FERFORMANCE MONITOR (PA) 1S sei Momooseny poscton cred ciple rier a eh Cer pos atx ovo8 carnage 183 Monitors ond delays minimum and older snes Ue Aka ang 2250 we Gewaton ro Otsc ree Stele tmparcnirer ore nwostc ‘ee nce por a Byrnerterende (Ht sruboer Yo minrne Shisoanes) L 8.2 supply votoge Conversion ‘in nk) j : SEE eee cetera ' Soong vlogs Sete sorstng gilconctacn cous Oarags is we operation ft two inks Sones ogy pons Fa 7 Pastormenee mocitor (PM Fr 3 SR operation tt DUT CYCLE MONITOR ¢OCM) Mortons percentage power usadia the 1° [| _$#00 FUNCTION/OPTION RECORD Bonapeporatmgcree Araaae 4 [a= Ergo aurmers calico one meee? Gra avonune co Coo [AUTOTUNE TUNING DATA na 43.40) aa ‘Simrnsyse te) Foe Coot strategy: A change n od causes {Rorenow ahe ednest Gnd Sea pop Foo Vitegrt comes inked prop bonds to 2 ebidds og 50% hoot 3 Brcmnome bos change autos nlogral remave trop bones own mei Seabonee 8 «4 Winmun atet acrioved (4a = ftot vor coat stotegy wragral Ste) ‘Sabites wg. So% co: 2 Girattet Sead band mowhout 174 SEMNING ue ROUNINE FOR-HEAT COOL id zone procedure) un Aolune A (Set vere Floportns cyeietme, Fn 4/Opt 1S Ree Srv crc ren mato Comeatioe wih swterng Gove! wed G8 oc output OF of re sage) When temperature tabie at ‘P esis coo! sx Fn19/0pt7 1 Salt Ceol ren tos gatn ‘ote form 160 neste ot Biop band wou (vow fo 3) Fn 1 + Sager cool cree ima onion inet somal neckgmand/ Sornarneartgas, Shek Rene see. Reais fame causmar se fete erent ser, ree FE cots emeain fi Seger” ais TERESI alte toning coasg dee Sw oon ime SES or wee See Seip t0ropi 9 Fevanng PoE ge cosg Sea I Sac uy Sree Sees FEU ES Stee arene ee aoe josevey Frroededt of hect init fr 26/Opt Contact CAL tor more application Sevice and data t required “VBINONES ON OMMER FUNCTIONS Function item, Fd. Pom mode (Opt 3) rns. Temeoromy Sete Stouts oft Diy 8 ond ost emmertirs sue orig a en tesa He nate a piv ees seecuarees ow Bac = ee $21 $0} point tock ‘Sops ubuinotend ocutimert Botranamiasion (Mit 00% bros bond, accuracy #53 coniguraion orgs wre theo Roctoupe! ie erctle e 2900 citron match (To Remote’ reosrg) SENSOR ERROR CORRECTION: Fn 9 Frouioes conecton of one ange Reade iat abo" 14° S01 (a) conection at Fn Sensor span adjut: Fr 36 Nenad Botetian wie wo Sosatmant Me Set"0 \ chaos temperatye rowatss a Gaenegt eto ee 2 fan af te lowar fomgaratue T nota Ie grortt poten Hoo era Honcte a ep ot oper teomcta 12 ons Example Threads Treg Boor” oo Ror fremeta! Bs fee = Be 8 ‘4 Caleylation of span ent 4 Satqultion of span acs pea Format fn 35-= (22 x cecosn 2) en ag 0 52) (428) 280° TMP ENS = BOE BOF (Fr 243) 23 -3 20 F365 = 8° Set 58) Fn 35 '.Aspan not entored in En 26 mediately ‘changes tne reading. ckow tre To Staple of 2 an Sox Gusts corct wwinn@ thon choce ot Teton eror (Seas check roadrgs and cession epost recosary Fn 16 Unesr process inputs Spknd BO Pa Paces ito. ‘ee moc (bets Wom CAL) Iie mote moc provcios fegln versity when sig 16 BSS n nee’ pus Fr 17 Negative temperature rangin for ype nGaOO oo ted baow O“CazeF oie neroaed tangeo 200°C IF fray etiset MO venoe Fn 18 Display resolution Sheet on tt bon! ond other tues sel 90°F ag OU A Hirer = 1000 ia navn Fn 26 SP1 Hea! power tim shag war Cat Pach Fn 27 $P2.Co0l power limi rare menfrum Soong power Sutieo pron cond mn Rear coot 2) ID MANUAL TUNING cube “\. Proportional eycie ime: Fre 4/10 Batbrminer the eye rote of The Ootput Output device Recommended OO Intene 1S awe minum roo Gree win aerated fSocloct 8 susbe ss Tose Engr output S05 s00 marvach ‘deo! 109 tong eat) 2 Proportional band/Gain: Fr 5/11 EeSetne our otcston ascareg GRP Soott Toonanew ‘Too wide (reliotes” (Sowa wp one espero) 3. Integral tme/Reset: Fn 8 oo AuSrchoay conects Stet arcs Eised'by popertoral coma! Pe pe Too short Too long [Stereos ane (Sw natn up ond exacts ‘escomey 4. Derivative time /Rate: Fr & Siperesser overtno! ord spaces ‘ofporce to dstubances ne ee... Too Jong Toe short (Staten ones Glow wer up an Svercorech) fessonae under Sorect 5. DAC approach contol: fr 7 ‘unos wer op esarocrstcg Brow Coron aha ave “ettng ™ cose" Yo a0! Bont) set thet iendar very ramato ram Rooter [eo fe Too smatt Too 1orge {oreitoo) (owes For urutuol applcaions exoauesra aon sponge ERIS on Aton a8 ison o) {or ett ions Fr 15/Cpt fi a/Oa (ON/OFF No (Gan cldw pisces 15 ase) 2. Take revere feodings of enpituso A AE Tio porod T a (Dlogrosties Fra 38/99 moy nee) 3 S01 PD volues ‘Set opt value Fratopcyes 1 soc Neat time (ersae sree wh PaBige Ax 1521008 nowt Bond/San “Cont range, er Fn ervotve Tae Nox? Nineleare 5 sore Fn 8 niogol 1 min Next Trefaes—&m renga Fn7 0a Rorcosh ‘actor sot 38 eterna oy Underwntes 9 or wo, £73 ony MN & ees re 28-000, 8 iSborreres ne onductve ours of ation Should be otectiely aurea ‘ecordance wih 81019 Cae + Scupmer Seip ing suse be within o Gfouraca edonet Sense snoaths Hrould be bondes to ground "not be eceesa, bie pars cule not be accesso ‘aePEu! ise tol MEnack contol label he Soroct sian vliaga fo your Spsteaton 2. Connoetine ato own on the ‘poem 4. Rgcormmnded we 320 tor mois Wega orc outputs 32/02 ant (eAtC OSES red tos aos shuv ot 790 5. Faso wh 2 ro RID cn extort inkrecqured betwann connections 6, MESriaNT ns recommended hat Rfotorence suppressors ae led sees tly Crtac te ang tay nears “APPLICATION FAULTS 1 Saacr Chace sarin Sat HARIDIEIOO Check sonior Soi? Shot Cong HES(Bloop Chock contas Gctee Se Roser AUIOIUNE AT/PT TUNIS CYCLE FAULTS ‘Austra run i borat Prowaus veoos eo rane EES Outscte te it atcha Rasa EES Grahoct excess itches eset FE? Grable to a Autotune, lches lose! Sern SNIOH made SOFTWARE FAULTS 8 Cosucten cote Bapoce a 89 Shem ator hopioce unt press, VA togethor to rset llehedt menage item sepa sire. ioscton rapes SERFS ow Eaocsmee Secerreemmnaeere ioe ees RareNames, ‘tes 28086 rtd te fg pe OC 27 EdStBo: CRS Reuitance memometen BIDIETOS 2 wre pore 3 we DIN A760 SG SECTS Bore mr near proces 1 sda re ant atieton tu eget taslocre wi be fepored or roeioeed ot 0 hage 2 ‘to are no tna erence ps i Ths wevtonly 9 00 Pw ompered wih a assectodto ‘breatave neat MOS, Coneson Sromermane, a Garpanarl ncn wen or sage Soret wh tis waranty 458 comely wh his waranty me eaSenbs Sn ues mare oy ‘Slob aatied persnet 5 Norn GAL Contos or A Sorgct ee a apr om Puce pre poe Desned WC Tectia! Sandon, aoc OK ‘QUTPUT MODULE - Dual slandars Mein output se1 oar stand 54/280 Voe yostve Polrome Sc-optona: ‘Alarm/Cool channel ou) Recaptoncra Be SU Zamna noricited $2 feistve Biome sScoptonat — SV/ema non-soated 19900 Controller output module -ypes i ourputse2 SY code 230V Betay seuncre gowere fooy Sa" Solace Somer Se” Rey Sauce eagere Se SS” Haake Somer feioy ROSIE SeiGaC Sov 1 Roti Stace a Inet fo ereure fat he ee . a aa ELA comm v2 rome ears see, Sa v2 MECHANICAL Mop aee 9 16D pone cutout 4 SbihecSuoia none cutoy Fg mouag eo se fee t Eom. ‘2g pnst The panel jock 5 Ra's 8 Rie atiaten ove ond scons fhercrecive fon noon sh 7. Gebrng: Peguredupe wit Saati codiseenhy Somat cuagacrensnics PID Poremeters Eopbanice ip eyelet Portia set Ccprwoae cork Renee ™ ¢ GENERAL 1c Sippy tage: sy of 200V #15 sacar OVA, Mieraiccteoie) DitelLeDOtplay SEAGH Toren aren cranes eet sar Re aro. Gere" lencuee evra, reg on Seer ew Se Beet a EP BRR new Beer ne Be Ensen: Ensocen on Eo ippat aon ove ren es BREA TENSE. fennel poyenont CAL Controls Ltd uy teas food, Hitchin Hens, S65 187, UK Tel 440) 146B-436103 exe 8 (0) 68-<51001 CAL Controls Inc 1580 Saitwaukes Avena, Liber. 60048 Tek: (G47) 660-7080 "Ta (647) 816-6052 AL Coma ptey of contecu Sapsaee Saaremaa

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