PDP Proposal

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EPC4403 Plan or Proposal: PDP

Student name: Zainab Hadi ID number: H00269781

Khalifa A School Setting:

Khalifa A public school is a huge primary girls’ school in Khalifa City, it’s next to Central Mall. This school is surrounded by houses,
other schools and hospitals. It’s close to a major highway exit. Khalifa A school includes classes from grade 1 to grade 5, and the
students’ age range are between 6-10. This school has 93 teachers and 1109 students. The school is for students who live in Khalifa
City and Shakbout City. Next year, a new school will be open in Shakhbout City and some students will be moved to the new school
next year.
EPC4403 Plan or Proposal: PDP

Previously stated development needs

Personal development interests
MCT recommendations MST recommendations
1. Fall 2015: 1. Fall 2015:
• Concentrates in the teaching and learning • Remind students that there is no space
part of the lesson. in a compound word.
• Giving more detailed instructions.
During my teaching, I think students are
• Reinforcing concepts is very important.
always struggling while learning new
2. Fall 2016:
concept in English. I think it’s important to
2. Fall 2016: • Think about the new language that
use student’s mother tongue language to
• Remember to check that all students are students may not know and may need
help them on understanding new topics
listening and attentive when you are for the lesson.
while teaching second language.
giving instructions.
3. Spring 2017:
3. Spring 2017: • Challenging students suitably
• Time Management
My goal:

• Involving the use of L1 in l2 classroom.

-Implement strategies to control use of L1.

Firstly, I chose that area of research because during my studies at college which are all English courses, I wish if I could have an
Arabic explanation of the new topics that I’m learning. For example, on the Managing Innovation and Change course, I learned about
leadership styles and I found it hard to understand each style. Thus, I search for it online in Arabic. It helps me a lot and makes it
much clearer for me. Secondly, on my previous teaching practice, my MST asked me to translate Arabic for the students a new topic
in Science. I noticed the students’ reaction has changed Positively and it makes a more sense for them. And finally, my MCT’s and
MST’s recommendation was to focus on teaching and learning part, giving more detailed instructions, think about the new language
that students may not know. Therefore, I believe that involving first language will makes it clearer for the students to learn a new
topic in second language class.
EPC4403 Plan or Proposal: PDP

Action to take Time Evidence Outcome*

frame and
1. • Research on Use of L1 in L2 classroom. Before TP Provide references, and links of the I achieved the outcomes on
• Research on Bilingual approach. videos researching about using L1 in
• Research on strategies to apply the use of Provide summary and note are taken L2 classroom, bilingual
L1 in L2. from the videos approach and some strategies
• Watch videos of teachers use L1 in L2 on using the L1. However, I
Classroom. still need to look for more
• Research on Arabic E-learning. strategies and videos of
teacher using the L1. Also
looking for Arabic E-learning
2. Meet my MST to discuss my goal, and my previous Week 1 Record the meeting/ I discussed with my MST
feedback from my mentors of the problems on Take notes about my action research
teaching and learning, and thinking about the new topic and she was interested
language that students may not know. Strategies I to see me applying. She
have tried and their results and the goals I have. discussed with me about the
Discuss the levels of the students and who can let students who spoke fluently
to translate for the other students. in English like Osha, Noor and
3. Search for Arabic videos, pictures about the topic I Week 2 Save the documents on folder I achieved the outcome by
will teach that will be help the students to searching online for videos
understand. Recommendations and pictures about “Filtering
a water” however, the type of
pictures, and videos that are
available is not good as the
English ones.
4. Reflect on how the class work, the effective Every lesson Reflections I applied three strategies,
strategies. Photos translate new vocabularies,
Take some pictures. Feedback from Students using Arabic videos, and I
EPC4403 Plan or Proposal: PDP

Feedback from MST/MCT gave each student a stick they

can use to raise their hand
when they want to use
Arabic. Every lesson I collect
data of the students who use
the sticks, translating English
vocabulary to Arabic and
taking some pictures.
5. Interviewing 4 students from each class. Week 3 Using survey monkey to record the I achieved part of this
results outcome. I interviewed 4
stunts from 2D, I still need to
do with the other class.
6. Meet local teacher from different classroom and Week 4 Take notes from the teacher I did not get the chance to
discuss the use of L1 in L2 classroom. And discuss interview Emarati EMT.
what strategies have they applied and what was Because at the beginning of
the results of it. the practice, on September,
school was busy trying to get
ready planning for the new
curriculum and the new
changes that happened on
ADEC and MOE. Secondly, the
Chinese event comes, the
evaluations and the
inspectors start. So, I could
not manage to find time to do
my interviews.
EPC4403 Plan or Proposal: PDP


Action 1: I learned from the first action which is researching, the research shows that students from different countries around the
world, thought using the bilingual approach is making them feel comfortable, and feel self-confident. Some teachers are also use the
bilingual approach to teach second language because it helps the students to learn a new concept.

Action 2: the dissection with my MST helps me to know more about the high students and the low students in English (See appendix
2, action 2). I also learned from my MST how to apply the strategy of using Arabic in English classroom. For example, to make the
strategy more affective, I decided to give a present for one student randomly for who has interacted with the strategy on the right

Action 3: This was an interesting action for me. There is a lack of Arabic learning videos especially for kids. Like cartoon learning
videos, or translated videos from English to Arabic. What I found on YouTube is only a boring way of teaching children a topic. For
example, a man is explaining how to filter the water (See appendix 3 action 3). Students find it difficult because the man was
speaking very fast.

Action 4: I applied three strategies for the students to find out what helps the students most. For the stick when asking for help, I
think it was the most effective strategy because it allow students to think wisely and choose their stick when they really need from
teacher to explain something in Arabic (see appendix 4, action 4). Also translating the new vocabularies on the board was an
effective strategy, from the survey question I did, 5 out of 8 want me to translate the new vocabulary from English to Arabic. With
the last strategy I used, students respond was as I expected. Arabic learning videos are lack of excitement. I could not find any
cartoon videos about filtering the water, the only video I found was a man doing the experiment. Student respond that the man
speaks very fast.

Action 5: I did an interview with students via Survey Monkey by asking them 10 questions (See appendix 5, action 5). The results
were impressive, students are aware about the importance of learning English. A student answered that she wants to learn English
because she thought when she will grow up she can have a job if she learned English. 5 out of 8 went to learn English for themselves.
However, nearly 60% of the students think they can learn more in Arabic classes, and they want the English teacher to use Arabic to
translate a new vocabulary.
EPC4403 Plan or Proposal: PDP

Final reflection:
I really liked working on this action research, because one of my biggest struggles on learning is being knowledgeable enough of
what I’m learning especially when it’s a big and new topic, or a complex term like in Science, or about theories in Education. I was
surprised that this problem is globally, and it faces every student learn a second language, and it’s normal because everyone can
learn better from their first language.

During my teaching practice from my first semester, the most thing I was trying to do is to not speak Arabic at all so students don’t
start speaking Arabic during the class. However, I started to realize when one of student try to explain for the class something in
Arabic, I can see students’ reaction how it changes positively, because they are aware about what they are learning. So, this
semester, I implement three different strategies to find out what works the best.

First strategy, I apply it for four weeks, I gave each student four stick on the first week. Students can use the sticks for asking in
Arabic if they need, I think it was the most effective strategy because it allowed students to think wisely and choose their stick when
they really need the teacher to explain something in Arabic. Also translating the new vocabularies by writing the words on the board
was an effective strategy. I found out that this strategy was effective because from the survey questions I did, 5 out of 8 want me to
translate the new vocabulary from English to Arabic.

The last strategy I used, I showed them a video about filtering the water, and I asked them did you understand from the video?
Students responds as I expected, Arabic learning videos are lack of excitement. I could not find any cartoon videos about filtering the
water, the only video I found was a man doing the experiment. Student respond that the man speaks very fast.
EPC4403 Plan or Proposal: PDP

Appendix 1: Action 1
20th of September 2017
Arabic E learning http://www.alefbata.com/worksheets?landing2=worksheets&k=9&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9Zn1j9-71wIVjZztCh29-
Science E-learning site: https://www.kids.almo7eb.com/play-20888.html
Bilingual approach in the classroom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6PwrSSZ3co
Cambridge bilingual education: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxrEZ2LDXrg

Appendix 2: Action 2: 28th of September 2017

*Notes from MST:
1)Observe students.
2)Talk to students.

High level students:

Grade 2C: Osha/Alreem/Shujoon.
Grade 2D: Noor/Noof/Latifa.

Appendix 3: Action 3:
Science Video Note from MST
“Weather”: 2nd of October 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVO3KgkKkYw
“Filtering the water” 2nd of November 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7SfpOuFG14
EPC4403 Plan or Proposal: PDP

Appendix 4: Action 4:

Student’s interaction with the strategy’s applied and data.

Appendix 5: Action 5:
Pictures as sample of students interviewed.
Results of students’ answers:

MCT’s/MST’s feedback:

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