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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

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Websphere TOCF(EE) Setup

IBM Websphere

This document is to con gure listeners in TOCF(EE) which can be deployed in websphere application server. Here we
 (/SitePages/Home.aspx)
have taken sample as Batch le listener and mqseries listener.
 (/SitePages/T24Intelligence.aspx)
Install T24 RA:

Resource Adapters
 (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx)
à Install tocfT24ra-ra.rar using default values
 (/Support/DashBoard.aspx)

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 Resource adapters > T24RA > J2C activation speci cation

                        à Set activation speci cation which is used by the RA to con gure a speci c endpoint instance 1/27
3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

                                    - NAME:            T24 Resource Adapter

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jca/t24ResourceAdapter

In this case, we are going to create separate connection factories for separate message driven bean in order to
process the batch le listener and mq series listener requests separately. Create separate connection factories as
given below.

Resource adapters > T24RA > J2C connection factories                    

                        à De ne new JCA connection factory for BFL

                                    - NAME:            T24 JCA Connection Factory BFL

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jca/t24ConnectionFactoryBFL

                         à De ne new JCA connection factory for MQ

                                    - NAME:            T24 JCA Connection Factory MQ

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jca/t24ConnectionFactoryMQ

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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

 Resource adapters > T24RA > J2C connection factories > T24 JCA Connection Factory > Custom properties

                        à Con gure JCA connection properties. 

 Resource adapters > T24RA > J2C connection factories > T24 JCA Connection Factory > Connection pool properties

è  Set the connection pool min / max size.

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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

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Con gure JMS Messaging Using Default Messaging Provider

 Service Integration Bus > Buses 4/27
3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

                        à Create new Service Integration Bus:   BrowserBus


Service Integration Bus > Buses > BrowserBus

                        à Switch to tab 'Local Topology' and add a new Bus member

 Note : Stop and Restart the Application Server in order to take e ect the changes.

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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

In this case, we are going to create two di erent JMS request queues each one for accepting requests from BFL and
MQ and two di erent JMS response queues each one for accepting responses from OFS MDB. In order to access
these JMS queues, the JMS connection and queue connection factories should be created as given below.

Resources / Resource Adapters/ JMS > Connection factories                            

                        à Create a new JMS connection factory using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider' for BFL.

                                    - NAME:            T24 JMS Connection Factory BFL

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jms/t24CxFactoryBFL

                                    - Bus:               BrowserBus

 Resources / Resource Adapters/ JMS > Connection factories                            

                        à Create a new JMS connection factory using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider' for MQ.

                                    - NAME:            T24 JMS Connection Factory MQ

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jms/t24CxFactoryMQ

                                    - Bus:               BrowserBus

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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

 JMS > Queue connection factories                       

                        à Create a new JMS Queue connection factory using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider' for BFL

                                    - NAME:            T24 Queue Connection Factory BFL

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jms/t24QueueCxFactoryBFL

                                    - Bus:               BrowserBus

JMS > Queue connection factories                       

                        à Create a new JMS Queue connection factory using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider' for MQ

                                    - NAME:            T24 Queue Connection Factory MQ

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jms/t24QueueCxFactoryMQ

                                    - Bus:               BrowserBus

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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

JMS > Queues                       

                        à Create a new JMS request Queue for BFL using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider'

                                    - NAME:            T24 OFS Queue BFL

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jms/t24OFSQueueBFL

                                    - Bus:               BrowserBus

                                    - Queue name:   Create Service Bus Integration destination à t24OFSQueueBFL

JMS > Queues                       

                        à Create a new JMS request Queue for MQ using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider'

                                    - NAME:            T24 OFS Queue MQ

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jms/t24OFSQueueMQ

                                    - Bus:               BrowserBus

                                    - Queue name:   Create Service Bus Integration destination à t24OFSQueueMQ

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à Create a new JMS response Queue for MQ using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider'
                                    - NAME:            T24 OFS Reply Queue BFL 9/27
3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jms/t24OFSReplyQueueBFL

                                    - Bus:               BrowserBus

                                    - Queue name:   Create Service Bus Integration destination à t24OFSReplyQueueBFL

à Create a new JMS response Queue for MQ using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider'

                                    - NAME:            T24 OFS Reply Queue MQ

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jms/t24OFSReplyQueueMQ

                                    - Bus:               BrowserBus

                                    - Queue name:   Create Service Bus Integration destination à t24OFSReplyQueueMQ

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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

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 JMS > Activation Speci cation                               

                        à Create a new Activation speci cation using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider' for BFL
                                    - NAME:            T24 OFS Message MDB BFL 11/27
3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jms/t24OfsMessageMDBBFL

                                    - Destination JNDI NAME: jms/t24OFSQueueBFL

                                    - Bus:               BrowserBus

JMS > Activation Speci cation                               

                        à Create a new Activation speci cation using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider' for MQ

                                    - NAME:            T24 OFS Message MDB MQ

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jms/t24OfsMessageMDDMQ

                                    - Destination JNDI NAME: jms/t24OFSQueueMQ

                                    - Bus:               BrowserBus

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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

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 Install TOCF(EE): 
Before installation of tocfee, we need to create batch le and mq series listeners in the tocfee.ear pack. Please follow
the below steps: Yes 13/27
3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

1)     tcserver.xml (which is present inside the tocfee.ear\tocfplugin-ra.rar) 

You can open tocfplugin-ra.rar resource adapter archive with winzip and view the tcserver.xml.   The adapter must
be a "TOCF" adapter type.  After setting up the tcserver.xml, just zip up the rar again and copy this le to the deploy
directory - in the next step toc istener-ejb.jar will activate this inbound resource adapter.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


<!-- GLOBUS Connector communications server LISTENERs de nitions -->

<!-- T&R Department 2002 -->
<!-- Please check the installation documentation for a detailed description of this le -->


       <!-- Type TOCF will process requests using the message endpoint that activated the plugin e.g. TOCFListener-
ejb.jar -->

       <ADAPTER id="T24.BFL" type="TOCF" active="true">
            <MAX_SESSION> 5 </MAX_SESSION>
            <MIN_SESSION> 1 </MIN_SESSION>

       <ADAPTER id="T24.MQ" type="TOCF" active="true">
            <MAX_SESSION> 5 </MAX_SESSION>
            <MIN_SESSION> 1 </MIN_SESSION>



              Sample Formatters converting charsets

        <MESSAGEFORMATTER id="Thai2UTF" type="charsetformatter">


        <MESSAGEFORMATTER id="UTF2Thai" type="charsetformatter">

            <TO>CP838</TO> Was this page

Yes 14/27
3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)


        <LISTENER id="BFL" type="batch lelistener" active="true">


<LISTENER Name="MQ" type="mqseries" active="true">       














2)     ejb-jar.xml (which is present inside the tocfee.ear\toc istener-ejb.jar\META-INF) 

Deploy the TOCFListener message driven bean (toc istener-ejb.jar)

This MDB is responsible for activating a TOCF "inbound" resource adapter and providing con guration to the
resource adapter.  If you unzip this .jar you will see an "ejb-jar.xml" le that contains the following xml.  The
important part is the activation con g – you are telling the tocfplugin-ra.rar which plugin you want to activate. 

        <message-driven id="MessageDriven_OFSListenerMDBBFL">

            <display-name>OFSListener Bean</display-name>
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            <activation-con g>

                <activation-con g-property>

                    <activation-con g-property-name>listener</activation-con g-property-name>

                    <activation-con g-property-value>BFL</activation-con g-property-value>

                </activation-con g-property>

            </activation-con g>

            <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_OFSListenerMDB_jmsQueueConnectionFactoryBFL">





                <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_OFSListenerMDB_t24OFSQueueBFL">

                                <description>OFS queue</description>





                <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_OFSListenerMDB_t24OFSReplyQueueBFL">

                                <description>OFS reply queue</description>






        <message-driven id="MessageDriven_OFSListenerMDBMQ">

            <display-name>OFSListener Bean</display-name>



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            <activation-con g>
Yes 16/27
3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

                <activation-con g-property>

                    <activation-con g-property-name>listener</activation-con g-property-name>

                    <activation-con g-property-value>MQ</activation-con g-property-value>

                </activation-con g-property>

            </activation-con g>

            <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_OFSListenerMDB_jmsQueueConnectionFactoryMQ">





                <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_OFSListenerMDB_t24OFSQueueMQ">

                                <description>OFS queue</description>





                <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_OFSListenerMDB_t24OFSReplyQueueMQ">

                                <description>OFS reply queue</description>





In addition to activating the TOCFPlugin this MDB is the message endpoint "TOCF" that you con gured in the
"tcserver.xml".   OFS messages are received from the TOCF adapter and placed onto the OFS request queue.  This
MDB then waits for OFS responses on the OFS response queue and hands them back to the "TOCF" adapter.

3)     ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi (which is present inside the tocfee.ear\toc istener-ejb.jar\META-INF) 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

< xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="""ejbbnd.xmi" xmlns:org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb="ejb.xmi"

  <ejbJar href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#EJBJar_TOCFListenerMDB"/>

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ng_OFSListenerMDBBFL" activationSpecJndiName="jca/t24PluginsResourceAdapter">

    <enterpriseBean xmi:type="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb:MessageDriven" href="META-INF/ejb-
jar.xml#MessageDriven_OFSListenerMDBBFL"/> Yes 17/27
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    <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_OFSListenerMDB_jmsQueueConnectionFactoryBFL"jndiName="jms/

      <bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-


    <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_OFSListenerMDB_t24OFSQueueBFL" jndiName="jms/t24OFSQueue

      <bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ResourceRef_OFSListenerMDB_t24OFSQueue"/>


    <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_OFSListenerMDB_t24OFSReplyQueueBFL"jndiName="jms/t24OFSRe

      <bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ResourceRef_OFSListenerMDB_t24OFSReplyQueue"/>



ng_OFSListenerMDBMQ" activationSpecJndiName="jca/t24PluginsResourceAdapter">

    <enterpriseBean xmi:type="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb:MessageDriven" href="META-INF/ejb-

    <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_OFSListenerMDB_jmsQueueConnectionFactoryMQ"jndiName="jms/

      <bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-


    <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_OFSListenerMDB_t24OFSQueueMQ" jndiName="jms/t24OFSQueue

      <bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ResourceRef_OFSListenerMDB_t24OFSQueue"/>


    <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_OFSListenerMDB_t24OFSReplyQueueMQ"jndiName="jms/t24OFSRe

      <bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ResourceRef_OFSListenerMDB_t24OFSReplyQueue"/>




As de ned Message driven bean in ejb-jar.xml, the corresponding MDB's has to be de ned in the websphere
descriptor le ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi.
Was this page
4)     ejb-jar.xml (which is present inside the tocfee.ear\tocfOFSmessage-ejb.jar\META-INF) 

Yes 18/27
3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

Deploy the OFS message driven bean (tocfOFSmessage-ejb.jar)

This MDB is responsible for getting a requests from request queue and give to T24 via TOCF resource adapter.  

<message-driven id="MessageDriven_OfsMessageMDBBFL">

            <display-name>OFSMessage Bean</display-name>






            <activation-con g>

                <activation-con g-property>

                    <activation-con g-property-name>acknowledgeMode</activation-con g-property-name>

                    <activation-con g-property-value>Auto-acknowledge</activation-con g-property-value>

                </activation-con g-property>

            </activation-con g>

            <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_jmsQueueConnectionFactoryBFL">

                                <description>T24 Queue Connection Factory</description>





            <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_t24ConnectionFactoryBFL">

                <description>T24 JCA Connection Factory</description>





            <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_t24OFSReplyQueueBFL">

                <description>OFS reply queue</description>



                <res-auth>Container</res-auth> Was this page


        </message-driven> Yes 19/27
3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

<message-driven id="MessageDriven_OfsMessageMDBMQ">

            <display-name>OFSMessage Bean</display-name>






            <activation-con g>

                <activation-con g-property>

                    <activation-con g-property-name>acknowledgeMode</activation-con g-property-name>

                    <activation-con g-property-value>Auto-acknowledge</activation-con g-property-value>

                </activation-con g-property>

            </activation-con g>

            <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_jmsQueueConnectionFactoryMQ">

                                <description>T24 Queue Connection Factory</description>





            <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_t24ConnectionFactoryMQ">

                <description>T24 JCA Connection Factory</description>





            <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_t24OFSReplyQueueMQ">

                <description>OFS reply queue</description>





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5)     ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi (which is present inside the tocfee.ear\toc istener-ejb.jar\META-INF) 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Yes 20/27
3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

< xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="""ejbbnd.xmi" xmlns:org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb="ejb.xmi"

  <ejbJar href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#EJBJar_OfsMessageMDB"/>

  <ejbBindings xmi:type=""
xmi:id="MessageDrivenBeanBinding_OfsMessageMDBBFL" activationSpecJndiName="jms/t24OfsMessageMDBBFL">

    <enterpriseBean xmi:type="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb:MessageDriven" href="META-INF/ejb-


    <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_jmsQueueConnectionFactoryBFL"

      <bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ResourceRef_jmsQueueConnectionFactory"/>


    <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_t24ConnectionFactoryBFL"

      <bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ResourceRef_t24ConnectionFactory"/>


    <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_t24OFSReplyQueueBFL" jndiName="jms/t24OFSReplyQueueBFL">

      <bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ResourceRef_t24OFSReplyQueue"/>



  <ejbBindings xmi:type=""
xmi:id="MessageDrivenBeanBinding_OfsMessageMDBMQ" activationSpecJndiName="jms/t24OfsMessageMDBMQ">

    <enterpriseBean xmi:type="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb:MessageDriven" href="META-INF/ejb-


    <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_jmsQueueConnectionFactoryMQ"

      <bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ResourceRef_jmsQueueConnectionFactory"/>


    <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_t24ConnectionFactoryMQ"

      <bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ResourceRef_t24ConnectionFactory"/>


    <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_t24OFSReplyQueueMQ" jndiName="jms/t24OFSReplyQueueMQ">

      <bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ResourceRef_t24OFSReplyQueue"/>

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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

As de ned Message driven bean in ejb-jar.xml, the corresponding MDB's has to be de ned in the websphere
descriptor le ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi.

Enterprise Applications

                        à Install tocfee.ear using default values.

The following warnings can be ignored at this stage:

ADMA0114W: Resource assignment with JNDI name eis/com.temenos.tocf.common.jca.OFSMessageListener is not

found …

ADMA0114W: Resource assignment with JNDI name jca/t24PluginsResourceAdapter is not found …

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name queue/requestQueue and type javax.jms.Queue, with JNDI name

jms/requestQueue is not found...

ADMA0115W: Resource assignment of name queue/responseQueue and type javax.jms.Queue, with JNDI name

jms/responseQueue is not found…


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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

Enterprise Applications > TOCF(EE)_EAR > Manage Modules > TOCFPLUGIN > Resource Adapter > J2C Activation
speci cations > com.temenos.tocf.common.jca.OFSMessageListener

                        à Set activation speci cation for the TOCF(EE) Plugin component

                                    - NAME:            T24 Plugin Resource Adapter

                                    - JNDI NAME:   jca/t24PluginsResourceAdapter

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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

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Enterprise Applications

                        à Start TOCF(EE)_EAR
Yes 24/27
3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

 Start the jbase_agent : 

Start the jbase_agent with port number(20002) on the host( speci ed in the custom properties of T24 JCA
connection factory. 

Resource adapters > T24RA > J2C connection factories > T24 JCA Connection Factory BFL > Custom properties 

Put the SWIFT messages in the directory which you have speci ed in <DIR_IN> batch lelistener and the messages
will be processed via batch lelistener. 

For example, we created a text le called r1_swift.txt which contains the actual SWIFT message and put it in the
<DIR_IN> directory. 

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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

 The message has been processed and record has been created in SWIFT.IN.LIST. 

Start the jbase_agent with port number(20003) on the host( speci ed in the custom properties of T24 JCA
connection factory. 

Resource adapters > T24RA > J2C connection factories > T24 JCA Connection Factory MQ > Custom properties

 Put any sample messages in the directory which you have speci ed in MQ input queue and the messages will be
processed via mqseries listener. 

For example, we have a sample enquiry message and put it in queue INQ and you can get the output in OUTQ. 

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3/19/2018 How to configure listeners in websphere using TOCF(EE)

The output will be posted in the Output queue 'QOUT'.

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