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Leaving Cert Higher Notes

2016 You are staying with a Spanish family in A Coruña for two weeks while
doing a language course.
Leave a NOTE in SPANISH for your friend including all of the following points:
1. Say that your phone isn’t working and you have to get it repaired today.
2. You had planned to go to dance class this evening but will not be able to go.
3. Ask if they can ring the dance teacher to tell him that you won’t be there.
4. You hope to be home by 8.30 pm.

2015 Your Spanish friend is staying with you for a month. It’s the football final
Leave a NOTE in SPANISH for your friend including all of the following points:
1. Say that you have gone to the football final in Aughrim.
2. Tell him that Pat Murphy will pick him up around two o’clock.
3. Remind him to wear the yellow team jersey.
4. After the match, there will be soup and sandwiches in the sports complex.

2014 You are staying with your Spanish friend in Sevilla for two weeks.
Leave a NOTE in SPANISH for your friend including all of the following points:
1. Say that you have been given tickets to a bullfight this evening.
2. You would like to go as you have never been to one before.
3. The last bus leaves at midnight.
4. Say you will text him/her if you miss that bus.

2013 You are spending July in Alicante doing a Spanish language course.
Leave a NOTE in SPANISH for your host family including all of the following points:
1. Explain that you have been invited to an end of course party.
2. Tell them that you are really looking forward to going for tapas and a drink.
3. Say that you will be home late but that you have a key.
4. Tell them to call you on your mobile if there is any problem.

C. Mongan
Important phrases for notes

➢ Te dejo este recado para decirte

➢ Le dejo este recado para decirle
➢ Os dejo este recado para deciros
1. Pretértio Perfecto & Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto: had planned, have gone etc.

Pretértio Perfecto & Pretérito Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto

yo he yo había
tú has hablado tú habías hablado
él/ella/usted ha aprendido él/ella/usted había aprendido
nosotros/-as hemos nosotros/-as habíamos
vivido vivido
vosotros/-as habéis vosotros/-as habíais
ellos/ellas/ustedes han ellos/ellas/ustedes habían

Regular: ado/ ido eg: hablado/ venido


Verb Participle Meaning

abrir abierto 'open(ed)'

cubrir cubierto 'covered'

decir dicho 'said'

descubrir descubierto 'discovered'

escribir escrito 'written'

-facer1 -fecho —

hacer hecho 'done, made'

morir muerto 'died, dead'

C. Mongan
The past perfect tense is used when a past action was completed prior to another
past action. Expressions such as
● “ya” - I still hadn’t left even though/ I should have
● “antes”, I had seen the film/ before she mentioned it
● “nunca”, I had never been there/ until I went with my family
● “todavía” I still hadn’t left for work/ when she rang
● “después” I had seen the film/ after she spoke about it
will often appear in sentences where one action was completed before another.
*Basically whenever you see any of these words in a translation use the
pluscuamperfecto (había, habías, habían etc. + past participle)!!*
Past Particples in past exam Notes
Say that you had planned to go to dance class this evening but will not be able to go.

Say that you have gone to the football final in Aughrim.


Say that you have been given tickets to a bullfight this evening.

You would like to go as you have never been to one before.


Explain that you have been invited to an end of course party.


Say that you have gone to town early to buy a present for your sister

C. Mongan
2. Future: won’t be there (will not), there will be, will text, will be home

Can avoid with Voy a + Infinitive or changing phrase eg:

I will not be there (at the dance class):

➢ No estaré allí
➢ No puedo asistir a la clase
➢ No voy a asistir a la clase
Future in past exam notes

Tell him that you will meet him at the school gates at about five


Tell him that Pat Murphy will pick him up around two o’clock.
Say that you will be home late but that you have a key.
After the match, there will be soup and sandwiches in the sports complex.


3. Si clauses: I will text if I miss the bus, ask if they can , call on your mobile if there
is any problem

IF + PRESENT → FUTURE ie: If I can I will- Si hay un problema, te llamaré

Si clauses in past exam papers

Say you will text him/her if you miss that bus.
Tell them to call you on your mobile if there is any problem.


C. Mongan

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