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2.3 SYNTHETIC SEISMOGRAMS ‘The most conventional synthetic seismograms are calculated using log information. First, sonic and density logs are edited and corrected for the effects of the surroundings, and the sonic is readjusted with the help of the vertical times from the check shot operations. Then it is possible to transform the velocity V(z) and density p(z) logs, functions of depth, into V(#) and p(t) logs, functions of two-way iraveltime through the zones which have been logged. In this way, we obtain a discrete set of velocity V; and density p; values as a function of time, finely sampled to avoid losing any information, From the velocity and density distribution (V;, ;), synthetic seismograms can be computed at various frequencies and sample periods corresponding to different acquisition geometries, with or without multiple events, allowing for the effects ‘of transmission losses and/or the intrinsic attenuation within the medium. By acquisition geometry we mean the relative positions of the source and receiver. ‘The simplest synthetic seismogram is the impulsive seismogram which is equal to the sequence of reflection coefficients rj: pis Vier + piVi It would correspond to a reflection seismic trace recorded at normal incidence with one source and one receiver on the surface and a geology consisting of horizontal, plane, isotropic and homogeneous layers. The source would be a Dirac delta function and there would be no multiples nor losses by transmission or intrinsic attenuation within the layers traversed, To simulate a realistic source, the impulsive seismogram is convolved with a signature representing the source wavelet. The resulting synthetic seismogram is directly comparable with the seismic reflection trace from CMP stack. The synthetic seismogram without multiples enables the primary seismic reflectors to be identified on the surface seismic reflection data. Since CMP stack generally removes multiples, the tie is generally better with a multiple-free synthetic seismogram than with a synthetic seismogram that includes multiples. Figure 2.9 is an example of a synthetic seismogram obtained from an acoustic impedance log, the product of the velocity and density logs. Illustrated in order are: A: acoustic impedance log (computed from velocity and density logs) as a function of time; B : seismic section in the neighborhood of the well; C:: synthetic section with a time-varying wavelet; D: reflection coefficient series deduced from the acoustic impedance log: E : the seismic trace at the well; F G H : synthetic seismic trace; : various estimates of the actual seismic wavelet as a function of time; : the stacked wavelet. 155 Chapter 2 » ACOUSTIC LOGGING (ogo “[e 19:7uepay zye) r9joxum jeundo oy ouuayop oF osn si! pu MHEITOWSIaS sNOyNUAS Gz |INTL orosd tros3 ee09 wo=2 oro matte tan sana
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