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Manage your class with Classcraft

Tutorial Workshop

EDUI 6210 – ISD Project Winter 2018

Renita Singh
Classcraft Tutorial Workshop 2

Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
About ........................................................................................................... 3
Module 1: Getting Started ................................................................................................... 4
Part 1: Creating a Classcraft account ..........................................................................................4
Part 2: Creating a Classcraft Classroom ......................................................................................5
Part 3: Adding student data .........................................................................................................6
Adding Student Information Manually ................................................................................................. 6
Adding student through Google Classroom .......................................................................................... 7
Module 2: Introducing Students to Classcraft ..................................................................... 8
Part 1: Reviewing the game ......................................................................................................8
Part 2: Reviewing Game Features .................................................................................................... 9
Part 3: Creating Teams .................................................................................................................... 9
Classcraft Tutorial Workshop 3

Welcome to Classcraft for Teachers!

We will embark on this journey of gamifying our classroom for the purpose of engaging students
in their learning, while stimulating good behavioral skills within the environment. We will cover
topics such as getting started, entering student data into Classcraft, and establishing teams for
collaborative work.

This is a game-based, fantasy-themed approach to teaching. It has been designed with the
student in mind. Encouraging participation, good behavior and the all necessary 21 st-century
skills such as collaboration, all the while creating a fun working environment where the student
is engaged and learning. Students have a say in their characters they select, and get to work with
their team of classmates. There are special “powers” and “adventures” that the characters
embark upon, while continuing their academic learning. Parents are in the loop with access to
Classcraft and can participate in the school activities and game experience at home.
Classcraft Tutorial Workshop 4

Module 1: Getting Started

Module 1 begins with creating a Classcraft account for yourself as a teacher. Once that is
established, you can then add your different classes. Each class will have its own name and you
will add students into each of them. You will learn how to enter student data manually or share
with your Google classroom data, making it easier on yourself.

Part 1: Creating a Classcraft account

1. Go to

2. Click on “Start Playing” link on the top right-hand corner of the page

3. This will then take you to a screen where you can click on “Teacher”. Once you have
selected this the first time, this screen will not come up for you again. This helps you be
faster when logging on in the future. For your students, they will select “Student” to
begin playing the game.

How exciting…you are now ready to begin creating your own classroom!
Classcraft Tutorial Workshop 5

Part 2: Creating a Classcraft Classroom

1. Click on “+ New Class” to create a new class of students. This will take you to a screen
where you get to designate a class name. You can ask your students for input here as to
what class name they would like.

2. Enter your new class name in the rectangular box.

3. Click “Next” to continue. You now have a designated class set up. If you have multiple
classes, you can assign names to all of them similarly.

4. Click on Class Duration and select dates for this class. You will have to click on the
year and a calendar will show up. At this point you need to select the year it is starting.
Once you select the year, the month calendar will appear. You need to select the month
you would like it to start. Once you select the month, the day calendar will show up.
You will need to select the day that the class will begin.

5. Click on “Hours/week” and type in how many hours you would like your students to
spend on Classcraft. The application is present to 2.5hours, but you can change this

6. Click “Next” to continue.

Awesome Job! You have now established a given class for a given time period. We are
now ready to input individual student information into this newly formed class.
Classcraft Tutorial Workshop 6

Part 3: Adding student data

At this point you can begin entering student data manually, or through Google

Adding Student Information Manually

1. Click on “Student Database” which is to the right of the screen. This will take you to a
screen that will allow you to manually enter all your students.

2. Click on the first line where is currently says “Stephanie” and begin typing student’s first
name. The example is shown in gray, but you can type right over it.

3. Click on last name where it currently says “Carmichael” and begin typing student’s last
name. The example is shown in gray, but you can type right over it.

4. Hit “Enter” or “Tab” to move to the next line.

5. Enter all the information for each student. Enter Name, email, username and class.
Username is the name each student will use to log into Classcraft. Some teachers to use a
standard username that students use for other purposes, such as their google classroom
Classcraft Tutorial Workshop 7

6. Click on “Next” to continue.

Adding student through Google Classroom

If you already have a Google Classroom set up, then you can very efficiently import all that
information into Classcraft. You will not have to enter each student information separately.

1. Click on “Google Classroom” which is to the right of the screen.

2. This will take you to the google login screen. From here you will select your google
account which contains your Google Classroom.

3. Follow the prompts of importing your student data from Google Classroom.

You now have a classroom in Classcraft, complete with all your student information. Let’s now
bring the kids into the picture. Let’s see what they think about this fun approach to learning.
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Module 2: Introducing Students to Classcraft

In this module, you will be able to introduce Classcraft to your students using the videos that are
provided in Classcraft.

Part 1: Reviewing the game

Click on the small icon on the bottom right of your class name. This will bring you to a selection

1. Click on “Introducer” to get to the next page with the video.

2. Click on “Start” to get to the video page (which looks like the video you see on this
screen). You will want to go the route of “start” key so that you can then show students
the other features of Classcraft.
3. Play video by pressing on the gray arrow (play) button.
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Part 2: Reviewing Game Features

1. Click through the next few pages using the “Next” button to review the following:
a. Experience Points, Health Points and Sentences
b. Characters
c. Warrior Characters
d. Healers Characters
e. Mages Characters

** Each of the character pages will show students the powers that the characters have together
with how many points of health and healing they have.

2. You will then come to the “Teams” page. This is where you will begin arranging your
students into teams.

Part 3: Creating Teams

1. Click on “Next” key to begin creating teams

2. Have your students from Team 1 select a name, team crest and a background for their
a. You will then enter that into box labeled “1. Pick a Team Name”.
b. Click on the crest they have chosen.
c. Click on the background they have chosen.
3. Click “Next” and you will see the team name with the crest and background that they
have selected. See example below of a team who selected “Awesome Avengers” for
their name.
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4. Click “Next” and repeat steps 2 and 3 for each additional team.

5. You will then come to a screen where you can “Set Up Your Characters”. You as the
teacher will decide if students will select their characters or if you will.

a. Click on “Students Create” if students will select their characters.

b. Click on “Teacher Creates” if you the instructor will be selecting their characters.

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