Feminist Review Trust Application Form

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Grant Application Form

Applicant Name(s) (note 1) Red por la Infancia

Address (one only please):

Edificio República, Tucumán 1, 4th floor, C1048
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

Telephone No.: Contact name:

+54 1151396904 Paula Watcher

Email address: Please repeat email address:

paula@redporlainfancia.org paula@redporlainfancia.org
_________________________________ ________________________________

Date of application: Application Round (note 2)

31/01/2018 1

Title of project (note 3)

Map of access to justice in cases of sexual abuse in childhood

Total funding requested (note 4) £ 15,000

Country where grant will be used, if different from above –______________


What is Red por la Infancia?

We are an organization whose main goal is to help all children develop as full human beings
and build non-violent, more inclusive, equitable and fair societies, with solid and transparent

What do we believe in?

We believe in a world without violence where children exercise their human rights and live
their lives with equity, dignity and respect.

How do we do it?

Arming agents of change determined to eradicate violence through innovative programs that
produce root changes.

THE PROJECT (note 5)
Problem Analysis

In Argentina 9.1 million children and adolescents (NNA) are victims of violence and almost 2
million children and adolescents are victims of sexual abuse. However, the lack of official
statistics hinders a precise estimate. Likewise, we have a system that does not respond with
due diligence, does not respect due process, revictimizes and does not protect the C&A; that
is managed by patriarchal prejudices and gender stereotypes that lead to the impunity of the
In order to comply with the obligations deriving from international commitments regarding the
cessation of violence and the protection and safety of the child victims, as well as the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is necessary to create a baseline study that allow
us to dimension the problem and monitor the quality of institutional response to the victims
once they file the complaint as well as the effectiveness of the system to protect them and
repair their rights violated according to international human rights standards.
This baseline will provide reliable data to the State to set an action plan with realistic goals
based on the reality of the field in relation to the 2030 agenda of the United Nations SDGs.
The project ends with a document that includes periodic monitoring reports, strengths and
weaknesses detected, along with a series of recommendations and suggested action plans
to improve the quality of the response that Justice provides to the C&A.

Project Objective

Establish a baseline to determine and monitor the effectiveness with which the State
complies with its obligation to offer an effective remedy to investigate, prosecute and punish
human rights violations, protecting and respecting the rights of children and adolescents
victims of abuse.

Project Summary

In order to comply with the obligations deriving from international commitments regarding the
cessation of violence and the protection and safety of the child victims, as well as the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is necessary to create a baseline study that allow
us to dimension the problem and monitor the quality of institutional response to the victims
once they file the complaint as well as the effectiveness of the system to protect them and
repair their rights violated according to international human rights standards.

This baseline will provide reliable data to the State to set an action plan with realistic goals
based on the reality of the field in relation to the 2030 agenda of the United Nations SDGs.

The project ends with a document that includes periodic monitoring reports, strengths and
weaknesses detected, along with a series of recommendations and suggested action plans
to improve the quality of the response that Justice provides to the C&A.

Previous Initiatives

Currently Red por la Infancia receives cases of victims derived by various organizations,
professionals and/or media. Our leaders collect information on the cases while they
empower the victims and provide them with the necessary resources in order to facilitate
their access to justice and stop the violation of their rights. Using new ICTs, we will launch a

mobilization campaign that will invite all victims to participate actively in monitoring, providing
all the information we need to assess the degree of access to justice and respect for the
human rights that one faces in each jurisdiction.


Analyzing violations of human rights based on the real cases that are brought to us every
day supposes an innovative approach in many aspects. On one hand, the limitations in the
monitoring and analysis that result from the lack of statistical information or the serious
deficiencies in them are overcome. But more interesting is the way in which we overcome
these barriers.

We turn the suffering of the victims into a powerful source of information and social change,
while contributing to judicial literacy and the empowerment of children and women in their
role as protective mothers by allowing them to take a proactive role in monitoring of their
own cases.

This also implies a conceptual innovation regarding the role of the victims as part of the
solution and protagonists of the change. Being our primary source of information, victims are
the epicenter, the agent of change from which all baseline and monitoring information is

Performance indicators

Short-term results indicators:

­ The population has a first impression of the magnitude of the problem and the
resources that each court assigns in order to address it and the victims are provided
with an effective reference material
­ Greater awareness and sensitivity of this problem in the population
­ Victims are provided with resources that help them monitor their cases

Medium-term results indicators:

­ The baseline study allows the identification of critical junctions, the visibility of the
problem, which together with dissemination generate an incentive and the necessary
influence to awake the commitment of the interested parties and a call to action by
state agents.
­ Greater awareness and sensitivity of this problem in the population which favors an
increase in dissemination and complaints, as well as a greater legal literacy regarding
the victims.
­ Victims now have an online tool for monitoring their cases and a monitoring
mechanism is available to determine to what extent the Judicial Branch respects the
standards of human rights in cases of sexual abuse against C&A.

In 12 months we expect an improvement in the indicators of respect for human rights of at

least 1%

Long-term results indicators:

­ The baseline study allows a sustained commitment to monitoring by the Judicial

­ Improving respect for rights and lowering the rate of impunity generates greater trust
in the Justice system, which allows greater trust in Justice.
­ Permanent monitoring allows a sustained improvement in the quality of the Justice
and the respect of the victims’ human rights.

Monitoring and Evaluation


­ Number of visits to the website of the baseline study

­ Dissemination and repercussion of the baseline study in the media
­ Conformation of the referents network
­ Creation of collaborative work tables and frequency of work meetings.
­ 10% increase in dissemination and repercussion in the media
­ 10% increase in the number of admission applications
­ Legal literacy survey every 6 months.
­ Designation of the Child’s Ombudsman
­ Conformation of a judicial training program in perspective of gender and human rights
­ Survey of victims’ trust in Justice
­ Conformation of a permanent monitoring team with adequate resources under the
responsibility of the Child's Ombudsman (figure established by law)

FUNDS BEING SOUGHT and PROPOSED BUDGETS: please state in UK currency:



ii. OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDING – please list other grants already received and
your other funding applications awaiting a decision (as appropriate) (note 7)

- Ashoka Changemakers and the Ford Foundation have awarded our project with the first
place in the ‘Social Innovation Challenge regarding Human Rights in Latin America’

- We have the funding from the Local Initiatives Fund of the Embassy of Canada for the
publication of the 'Guide for resources and guidance for victims of sexual abuse in childhood'


Give a detailed budget, in sterling, for the funds requested (note 8)

I. Personnel: £5520
II. Training / Seminars / Workshops, etc.: £2030
III. Costs of Audiovisual and Printed Productions: £1900
IV. Services Hired / Consultants: £1840
V. Equipment: £500
VI. Monitoring and evaluation: £1900
VII. Indirect Costs (administrative costs): £1310

Total costs: £15000

Explain in detail the component parts of the budget (note 9)

A project of this magnitude is strongly supported by a professional team dedicated fully to the
achievement of it. Given the seniority and expertise required to carry it out successfully, we
need to incorporate well paid professionals into this project.

For its part, the communication area is central to this project, which means that both the design
of the pieces of communication and their dissemination, both online and offline, require a
considerable amount of money, as shown in the budget table.

It should be noted that Argentina has suffered a marked inflationary process over the last 15
years, which makes it a country where human resources are very expensive for civil society
organizations, especially with regard to expert personnel.

We understand that this project can be expensive, but at the same time we see it as an
investment, since completing this map would leave installed capacity for the monitoring and
systematization of the data of nowadays sexual abuse in Argentina.

What is the significance of the Trust fund to your project? (note 10)

We are eager to collaborate with The Feminist Review Trust in the realization of this project,
given its commitment to respect for Human Rights of women and C&A (children and
adolescents) and to achieve a cessation of violence against women and girls.


How are you planning to carry forward the work and the achievements of your project, after the end of
the Trust funding? If your project will end at the end of the funding, what is your exit plan?

What happens in childhood continues to have important effects 30, 40 and even 50 years
later. Chronic depressions; drugs abuse; somatizations; unwanted pregnancy; repetition of
learned violent behaviours; school failure; etc., are just some of the consequences of child
abuse. But these relationships are hidden by time, shame, secrecy and social taboos that
prevent discussing these issues.

Empower the victims so that they can watch over the fulfilment of Human Rights in their own
cases, providing them with the tools to overcome the obstacles posed by the system and

assist them by connecting them with the necessary professionals and/or referents; also
providing the possibility for them to have economic autonomy that allows them to move
forward, is to make the victims the protagonists of the change. It is to convince them that
they have the power to get out of their situation and generate a change for themselves.

Articulating this empowerment with key referents to create the first diagnostic map, will allow
us to have a correct dimension of the magnitude of this problem and obtain the necessary
data for a correct delineation of institutional and legislative reforms and the setting up of
effective public policies. The index of respect for Human Rights will allow society to
challenge the judicial branch to improve the quality of justice it imparts and its respect for
Human Rights.

Turning victims' solitary suffering into valuable information, into a tool for social change,
together with the task of engaging other key actors in the process, helps to reaffirm our idea
that we can all be agents of change, that respect of Human Rights is never an unattainable
or unapproachable task and that victims with a proactive and constructive attitude have the
power to awake empathy and commitment in others to generate the synergy of the social
change they seek. This model, therefore, is easily replicable to other Human Rights and
other regions.

Please include any other information which you think may be relevant or helpful for the

Democratic Context

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 50% of the world's children are victims
of some type of violence and that one out of every 5 girls and one out of every 13 children is
abused before the age of 18. In Argentina this amounts to 9.1 million children and
adolescents (C&A) victims of violence and almost 2 million children and adolescents who are
victims of sexual abuse.

Proposed Implementing Partner(s)

The partners with whom we will collaborate in the execution of the project are:

- Salud Activa

- Wingu

- Huridocs

- Idealistas.org

- Ashoka

- Congrega

- Reuters Thomson - Beccar Varela Study

- Ashoka Changemakers and Ford Foundation

REFERENCES (note 12)
Please provide the names, email addresses and job title or position and organisation if
applicable, of two referees:

Paula Watcher María Pazo

Executive Director President
paula@redporlainfancia.org maria.pazo1975@gmail.com

APPLICANTS CV: Individual applicants should insert a short (2 page) CV of each named
applicant (note 13)
OR DETAILS OF ORGANISATION: Please insert a description of your organisation
including website address

Other applicants:




The organization emerged as a response to women who needed effective accompaniment in

order to be able to sustain the critical route of access to justice and cease with the violation
of human rights that they faced after reporting the sexual abuse of children at their charge.
We provide accompaniment and advice, advise the decision makers about good practices
and new approaches to the problem, and collaborate with public agencies so that they can
provide more and better services. We also promoted actions that improved legislative quality.

Together with prestigious CSOs of Argentina, we published the first ‘Guide of resources and
guidance for victims of sexual abuse in childhood’ with the funding of the Local Initiatives
Fund of the Embassy of Canada, which was declared of national interest by the Congress of
the Nation.

Likewise, we presented a project for a baseline study in the Social Innovation Challenge
regarding Human Rights in Latin America, organized by Ashoka Changemakers and Ford
Foundation, achieving the first prize.


Have you applied to the Trust before? If so please give details of date of application, title of
project and whether you were funded.

Title of project and date of previous application

Bid Successful Not successful

________________________ ________________________________

Email this form to administrator@feminist-review-trust.com. We only accept email

applications. (note 15)

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