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FORTNER, ASHLEY Educator at Tom C Gooch Elementary School

ID# 80932

Reviewed By ASHMORE, KIM (Leadership) Overall Score 84.0

Observation Date 05/16/2016

Observation Type Full

Post-Obs. Conference 05/18/2016

Educator's Section  

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Reviewer Educator


05/18/16 05/18/16

Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments


Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments

1.1 Demonstrates Knowledge Of Content, Concepts, 1× 2.0 Reviewer Comments:

And Skills Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/17/2016 at 10:22 AM
  TEI Rubric- Demonstrates solid content expertise by accurately
identifying and explaining prerequisite knowledge, key concepts,
skills, and intra-disciplinary content relationships to students.
Consistently uses content-specific language and tools to convey
critical information at an appropriate level of rigor.

1.2 Demonstrates Knowledge Of Students 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/18/2016 at 10:19 AM
  Unit objectives and lesson plans seamlessly reflect knowledge
of each individual student’s skills, language proficiency,
backgrounds, cultures, interests, learning styles, and special
needs. Actively seeks and obtains this knowledge from a variety
of sources, including parents, students, and colleagues. Teacher
obtains information about my students through anecdotal notes,
classroom made tests, CIRCLE assessment, checklists, and
observations. parents are provided with a survey at the
beginning of the year to acquire more information about the
students, and communicate with parents consistently to gain
more knowledge about their background, culture, and special

1.3 Plans Or Selects Aligned Formative And 1× 2.0 Reviewer Comments:

Summative Assessments Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/17/2016 at 10:26 AM
  TEI Rubric- Nearly all assessments are planned or selected prior
to designing instructional activities. Nearly all assessments and
corresponding standard(s) are tightly aligned in rigor, and the
assessment method is at an appropriate level of rigor. Almost
always, summative assessments are generally aligned to unit
goals and developed prior to formative assessments. Almost
always, formative assessments are generally aligned to lesson
objectives and scaffold toward summative assessments.
Develops multiple types of assessments to measure student
Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments

1.4 Integrates Monitoring Of Student Data Into 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Instruction Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/18/2016 at 10:20 AM
  All assessments5 are planned or selected prior to designing
instructional activities. All assessments and the corresponding
standard(s) are tightly aligned in rigor, and the assessment
method demonstrates a high level of rigor. Without exception,
summative assessments are tightly aligned to unit goals and
designed prior to formative assessments. Without exception,
formative assessments are tightly aligned to lesson objectives
and clearly scaffold toward summative assessments. Develops
multiple types of assessments to measure student learning.
Students actively participate in the development of
assessments when appropriate. Teacher created 5 other
assessments to administer throughout the year to track growth
on a regular basis, besides CIRCLE, OWL, etc.

1.5 Develops Standards-Based Unit And Lesson Plans 1× 2.0 Reviewer Comments:
Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/17/2016 at 10:26 AM
  TEI Rubric- Unit objectives 8 most of the time: Align to end of
year expectations and interim goals that will be mastered in
each unit. Align9 summative assessments to end of unit
expectations10 Allocate appropriate amount of instructional
time based on knowledge of student performance levels and
goals. Align to prior and next grade level and/or same subject
area taught by different teacher to ensure appropriate
progression of rigor and concepts across grades and subjects
Lesson plans usually: Identify lesson objectives that are
measureable and scaffold toward formative
assessments.Include instructional strategies that give students
multiple opportunities to engage in appropriate level of rigor
required by objectives and formative assessments. Align
learning experiences with instructional outcomes and
differentiate to ensure appropriateness for all learners


Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments

2.1 Establishes Clear, Aligned Standards-Based 3× 2.0 Reviewer Comments:

Lesson Objective(S) Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/16/2016 at 3:42 PM
  TEI Rubric - Consistently and effectively establishes clear
standards based lessons - Focuses students at the beginning
and throughout the lesson explains - what they are learning, why
its important, and what mastery looks like. - Most students can
demonstrate through their actions or comments that they

2.2 Measures Student Mastery Through A 3× 2.0 Reviewer Comments:

Demonstration Of Learning (DOL) Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/16/2016 at 3:43 PM
  TEI Rubric -Consistently and effectively develops a clear and
understandable and rigorous DOL, to measure student mastery
or growth in knowledge and skill relative to the standards -DOL
can be completed within 5-10 minutes -DOL can be completed
independently by all or nearly all students -Most students
demonstrate a high level of mastery -Teacher consistently and
effectively uses data to guide instructional decisions

2.3 Clearly Presents Instructional Content 3× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/18/2016 at 10:24 AM
  Consistently and effectively presents the content and purpose:
Correctly in a logical, coherent fashion To support the
learning of the posted objective(s) Building on content
previously mastered24 Uses multiple, effective strategies25 and
academic language to emphasize key concepts with no
irrelevant information. All or nearly all students demonstrate that
they understand the content, and most understand it at a high
level of rigor26. Instructions and procedures for participating in
activities are clear to all or nearly all students.

2.4 Checks For Academic Understanding 2× 2.0 Reviewer Comments:

Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/16/2016 at 3:44 PM
  TEI Rubric -Consistently checks for academic understanding (in
small group) -Gets and accurate reading from the class's
understanding from almost every check -Effectively makes
adjustments using data gathered. (Try using response cards or
other multiple response strategies that will give you a quick
check whether the whole group understands during whole group
lessons, introductions, and instructions)
Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments

2.5 Engages Students At All Learning Levels In 3× 2.0 Reviewer Comments:

Rigorous Work Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/16/2016 at 3:44 PM
  TEI Rubric - Consistently and effectively adapts the content and
process of instruction based on general performance levels so
that most students are able to access content at appropriate
level of rigor. -Consistently uses more than one instructional
strategy -Engages all or nearly all in the lesson -Promotes
students mastery -Promotes positive active involvement

2.6 Activates Higher-Order Thinking Skills 2× 2.0 Reviewer Comments:

Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/16/2016 at 3:44 PM
  TEI Rubric -Appropriately, consistently, and equitably uses a
variety of higher order thinking questions that push students
beyond initial thinking. -Most students can synthesize the
content -Generally provides helpful and positive suggestions
that encourage students to use higher order thinking responses



3.1 Maximizes Instructional Time 3× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/16/2016 at 3:45 PM
  TEI Rubric - No loss of instructional time due to inappropriate
behavior -Efficient routines and procedures run smoothly with
minimal prompting from the teacher -Transitions run smoothly
with some teacher prompting -Students are never idle waiting on
the teacher - students have something meaningful to do when
they finish their work. -Teacher praises positive behavior - no off
task behavior.

3.2 Maintains High Student Motivation 2× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/16/2016 at 3:45 PM
  TEI Rubric -Keeps all or nearly all students engaged and
effectively uses a variety of engagement strategies. - students
are highly motivated and take ownership of their learning.
Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments

3.3 Maintains A Welcoming Environment That 2× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Promotes Learning And Positive Interactions Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/16/2016 at 3:45 PM
  TEI Rubric - Without exception, maintains a welcoming and safe
classroom environment that drives learning, promotes positive
interactions, respects the unique needs of all learners. - students
are encouraged to adjust the physical space or use resources to
advance learning.



4.1 Models Good Attendance For Students 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/17/2016 at 10:27 AM
  TEI Rubric- Has very good attendance (misses 5 or fewer days).
Always is in compliance with the attendance policy DEC (Local).
Almost always leaves directions and lessons for substitutes.
Almost always meets deadlines and is on time.

4.2 Follows Policies And Procedures, And Maintains 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:
Accurate Student Records Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/18/2016 at 10:27 AM
  Without exception, complies with DISD and local school policies
and procedures. Proactively initiates the development of school-
wide operating procedures. System for maintaining accurate
records is efficient, and students participate in its management.

4.3 Engages In Professional Development 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/18/2016 at 10:28 AM
  Proactively seeks out and participates in job-embedded
professional development. Models self-reflection on practice
and seeks feedback from peers. Effectively implements the
feedback in the classroom. Teacher has over 450 hours of
professional development for this year.
Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments

4.4 Engages In Professional Community 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/18/2016 at 10:29 AM
  Collaborates at least weekly with colleagues to plan units, share
teaching ideas, review student work and progress, and seek
feedback on instructional practices. Establishes working
relationships with all colleagues in ways that demonstrate
leadership, integrity, respect, flexibility, fairness, and trust. Has
an in-depth understanding of the school action plan: actively and
consistently participates in planning sessions and models for
others to meet designated performance goals and overcome
performance gaps. Meets daily with the team, and engaging in
helping the two way dual language start, PTSA president, etc.

4.5 Establishes Relationships With Families And 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Community Score . ASHMORE, KIM   05/18/2016 at 10:31 AM
  Uses effective, timely, and multiple forms of communication with
all parents regarding student expectations, progress and/or
concerns every week during the school year. Establishes
collaborative partnerships56 with families and community to
enhance the instructional program in a manner that
demonstrates integrity, confidentiality, respect, flexibility,
fairness and trust. Uses remind to message with parents,
parents are actively involved in the classroom daily. Meets daily
with the team, and engaging in helping the two way dual
language start, PTSA president, etc.





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