Summative 17-18

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FORTNER, ASHLEY Educator at Tom C Gooch Elementary School

ID# 80932

Reviewed By ASHMORE, KIM (Leadership) Overall Score 100.0

Observation Date 12/01/2017

Observation Type Full

Educator's Section  

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Reviewer Educator


12/04/17 12/06/17

Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments



1.1 Demonstrates Knowledge Of Content, Concepts, And 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Skills Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:38 AM
  Demonstrates extensive content expertise by effectively and
accurately identifying and explaining prerequisite knowledge, key
concepts, skills, and connects through different disciplines. Uses
specific content language and tools to creatively convey
information at high level of rigor. Extensive awareness and plans for
common student misconceptions.
Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments

1.2 Utilizes Formal And Informal Knowledge Of Students 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:
In Lesson Design Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:38 AM
  Unit objectives and lesson plans show knowledge of student's skills,
language differences, interests and special needs. Teacher
differentiates content based on individual skills. Actively seeks and
obtains the knowledge from a variety of sources

1.3 Plans And Selects Aligned Formative And Summative 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:
Assessments Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 10:47 AM
  Nearly all assessments are planned or selected prior to designing
instructional activities, nearly all assessments and corresponding
standards are tightly aligned in rigor, and the assessment method is
at appropriate level of rigor. Summative assessments are aligned to
unit goals and developed prior to formative assessments. Develops
multiple types of assessments to measure student learning.

1.4 Analyzes And Integrates Student Performance Data 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:
To Inform Instructional Decisions Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 10:47 AM
  Consistently and effectively identify student deficiencies and act on
data through re-teaching and adjusting lessons design until
students meet mastery and beyond. Frequently and routinely,
records student progress gathered from indicator 1.2 and 1.3, using
a system that allows for meaningful and useful analyses of student
progress towards mastery. Leads and models for others how to
effectively analyze and reflect on quantitative and qualitative data
as part of a team and independently. Can describe and provide
evidence for where all or nearly all students are relative to interim
and annual goals. All or nearly all students know their progress
towards mastery.
Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments

1.5 Develops Appropriately Challenging Standards-Based 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Units And Lessons That Accommodate Prerequisite Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 10:48 AM
Relationships Among Concepts And Skills   Unit objectives (all or nearly all of the time) • Align to end of year
expectations and interim goals that will be mastered in each unit •
Align summative assessments to end of unit expectations • Allocate
appropriate amount of instructional time based on knowledge of
student performance levels and goals • Align to prior and next grade
level and/or same subject area taught by different teacher to ensure
appropriate progression of rigor and concepts across grades and
subjects Lesson plans usually: • Identify lesson objectives that are
measurable and scaffold toward formative assessments • Include
instructional strategies that give students multiple opportunities to
engage in appropriate level of rigor required by objectives and
formative assessments • Align learning experiences with
instructional outcomes and differentiate to ensure appropriateness
for all learners • Include opportunities for remediation and
enrichment • Integrate technology, when appropriate to enhance
mastery of goals and objectives



2.1 Structures Well-Organized Objective Driven Lesson 3.3 × 3.0 Reviewer Comments:
And Content Appropriate To Standards For Subject, Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:00 AM
Grade, And Level   Without exception, effectively establishes clear standards based
lesson objectives: *aligned to the curriculum maps & assessments
*moves students toward grade-level and/or developmental levels of
mastery. Without exception, instructional goals are appropriately
demanding for grade, course, time in school year, and/or IEP goals
Focuses students at the beginning and throughout the lesson so
that all or nearly all students can clearly explain based on their
subject, grade, and level: *what they are learning beyond simply
repeating back the posted objective *why it is important beyond
simply repeating the teacher’s explanation *how to connect it to
prior knowledge and/or their own lives *how the objective fits into
their broader unit and course goals
Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments

2.2 Ensures Mastery Of Learning Objective Appropriate 3.3 × 3.0 Reviewer Comments:
To Standards For Subject And Grade Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:00 AM
  -Without exception, effectively develops a clear, understandable, and
rigorous method to measure student mastery or growth (DOL or exit
ticket); Mastery can be identified at lesson closure in a manner
appropriate to mode of instruction; Can be completed independently
at a high level by all or nearly all students; Checks for understanding
are seamlessly embedded in the lesson to determine pace and
whether or not key steps or concepts need to be discussed further
before moving on; Gets an accurate reading of understanding from
every check; Consistently and effectively makes adjustments using
data gathered from checks, to meet the student needs, without
taking away from the flow of the lesson.

2.3 Explains Instructional Content Clearly And Cohesively 3.3 × 3.0 Reviewer Comments:
Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:30 AM
  Consistently and effectively presents the content and purpose -
Correctly in a logical, coherent fashion - Supporting the learning of
the posted objective(s) - Building on content previously mastered -
Supporting all student populations based on their subject, grade,
and level - Supporting cross-curricular learning - Allowing for
student input

2.4 Engages Students In Appropriately Challenging 3.3 × 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Content Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:30 AM
  Consistently, effectively, and equitably •Adapts content and process
of instruction based on specific performance levels, interests,
learning styles, and diverse cultures so that most students are able
to access content at a high level of rigor •Uses a variety of higher
order questions and suggestions that push students well beyond
initial thinking, and consistently provides multiple opportunities to
extend responses and learning Purposefully and effectively uses
multiple response and instructional strategies that: •Engage all or
nearly all students and linked to objective •Promotes student
mastery •Are appropriate to all or nearly all student populations All
or nearly all students are utilizing authentic dialogue, discussion,
and are asking themselves and other students appropriate higher
order thinking questions that explain, analyze, classify, compare,
evaluate, represent, synthesize the content, and evaluate diverse


Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments

3.1 Organizes Classrooms To Allow For Optimal On Task 3.3 × 3.0 Reviewer Comments:
Instruction Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:32 AM
  -no loss of instructional time due to off task behavior -efficient
routines, rules, and procedures run smoothly with students
assuming responsibility with minimal prompting from the teacher -
orderly, efficient and seamless transitions between activities,
getting the most out of every minute. -students share responsibility
for management of the classroom and routines Students are never
idle waiting for the teacher. Students, who finish early, are always
further engaged in meaningful tasks with no disruption to other
students All classroom materials and supplies are always organized
so they are easily accessible to the teacher and all students without
disruption of the lesson. Class space consistently supports and
extends: lesson content, instructional delivery, peer interactions

3.2 Establishes, Communicates, And Maintains Clear 3.3 × 3.0 Reviewer Comments:
Expectations For Student Behavior Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:32 AM
  All or nearly all students are self-directed to follow behavior
expectations and behaviors -teacher consistently responds to off-
task behavior resulting in positive change, with almost all students
exhibiting self-direction in response to behavioral expectations All
or nearly all strategies are timely, specific, sensitive to student
needs, proactive and preventative All or nearly all students are
appropriately praised for their efforts utilizing an external or intrinsic
motivational system.

3.3 Maintains A Respectful Academically Accountable 3.3 × 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Classroom Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:32 AM
  Keeps all or nearly all students engaged by actively and effectively
using a variety of engagement strategies where students are
encouraged to take risks Without exception maintains a welcoming
classroom environment that drives learning, promotes positive
interactions, respects unique needs of all students, incorporates
student’s developmental diversity into learning opportunities All or
nearly all students are highly motivated, take ownership of their
learning, assuming responsibility All or nearly all students
collaborate positively with each other and encourage each other’s
efforts and achievements.


Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments

4.1 Models Good Attendance For Students 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:32 AM
  Has excellent attendance (misses 5 or fewer days) Always in
compliance with the attendance policy DEC (local) Days utilized for
benefits-approved leave and religious holidays do not negatively
impact this component of this indicator Always leaves clear
directions and lessons for substitutes. Always meets deadlines and
is never late.

4.2 Follows Policies, Procedures, And Maintains Accurate 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:
Student Records Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:32 AM
  Without exceptions, complies with Dallas ISD and local school
policies and procedures; Proactively initiates the development of
school-wide operating procedures; system for maintaining accurate
records is efficient, and students participate in its management.

4.3 Exhibits A Commitment To Continual Professional 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Growth Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:33 AM
  Proactively seeks out and engages in current research based job-
embedded professional development activities. Accurately reflects
on practice and welcomes feedback. Consistently implements new
strategies from feedback, self-reflection, and professional
development resulting in improved student achievement

4.4 Engages In Collaborative Relationships With 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Colleagues To Support Learning Community Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:33 AM
  Collaborates at least weekly with colleagues to plan, share teaching
ideas, progress, and seek feedback. Establishes a pattern of working
relationships with all colleagues in ways that demonstrate integrity,
respect, flexibility, fairness and trust. Has a good plan of the school
action plan and consistently participates in implementing aspects
of the goals to overcome performance gaps, offers suggestions on
ways to improve aspects of the action plan and ways to help
achieve the goals listed in the action plan.
Domain / Indicator Weights Score Comments

4.5 Establishes Relationships With Families And 1× 3.0 Reviewer Comments:

Communities Through Meaningful Ongoing Score . ASHMORE, KIM   12/04/2017 at 11:33 AM
Communication   Uses effective, consistent, timely, and multiple forms of
communication with all parents regarding student expectations,
progress and concerns at least monthly during the school year.
regularly and proactively engages families and community in the
instructional program throughout the school year. Establishes
collaborative partnerships. Encourages family involvement in
classroom and school wide activities and in student learning.





Extended comments Reviewer: ASHMORE, KIM

PRAISE - What were the instructional strengths of the lesson and what did that look like with respect to student actions?
12/04/2017 at 11:38:55 AM
I am impressed with your drive for continuous learning and integration of technology within the classroom. Your classroom management with routines and
procedures is very impressive.
QUESTION - Which indicator has the most potential to be improved that ties into what the teacher could have said, asked,
or done to push students to more clearly & accurately understand the concept and why?
12/04/2017 at 11:38:55 AM
How could you find opportunities to provide support to other teachers who are struggling in the area of classroom management and procedures?
POLISH/NEXT STEP - What specific instructional practices will you and the teacher develop over the next cycle? (include
clear actions, owners and timelines)
12/04/2017 at 11:38:55 AM
Model for others and video your daily routines so we can share them with staff members who are struggling with classroom management and routines.

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