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`Lesson Plan

Environmental Science

Sessions Session 1 (Tue, February 6, 2018) Session 2 (Thu, February 7, 2018) Session 3 (Fri, February 8, 2018)
Topics Energy Resources Energy Resources Quiz: Air Pollution
Learning Objectives  explained how the energy is produced and distributed;  recalled the concepts of atoms, protons,
 differentiated between renewable and non-renewable energy resources; neutron, electron with it’s mass number and
By the end of the lesson, the  explained the benefit and disadvantages of energy resources; and the early atomic theory;
student should have:  described the solutions to save the energy.  answered the quiz with 95% accuracy; and
 demonstrated honesty in answering the quiz.
Materials  Slide presentation on Energy Resources  Quiz paper.
 Videos about Energy Resources (Source: )
References Andaya, C.V.(2008).Understanding the earth through environmental science. Quezon City: C & E Publishing.
Assessment  Formative  Venn Diagram  Direct questions  Summative
 Presentation  Group discussion
Procedures A. Preparation A. Preparation A. Preparation
 Greeting the students, asking one of the students to  Greeting the students, and ask one of the  Greeting the students, and ask one of
lead the prayer. students to lead the prayer. the students to lead the pray.
 Explaining the students about the learning  Recalling the past session.  Recalling the past session.
objectives. B. Practice (Continued)  The teacher orients the class of the
B. Presentation  Continue the past session’s presentation proper behavior during quiz.
 A video about energy resources is presented (Source:  Group activity (Venn diagram): B. Practice: Pre-quiz o Teacher induct the students to sit by  Teacher distributes the quiz.
o What can you say about the video? their groupmates  Parts of the quiz:
o What does it means? o Teacher hands the students a o Multiple choices :10
 Interactive discussion worksheet contains a Venn Diagram o Essay: 5
o What type of transportation do you use? o Teacher wrote on some glossaries o Identification: 10
o Who pays for the gas when you ride in a car? about energy resources C. Practice: Post quiz
o Students groups the glossaries into  Students exchange their paper.
o Where does gasoline came from?
the Venn diagram
o Do you think it’s enough to fulfill everyone’s  Discussion of the answers.
o Students answer the questions
needs?  Students check the paper of their
o Discussion of the answer.
o Have you ever had your parents that tell classmates.
C. Purposeful closure
you to turn off the light or stop wasting D. Purposeful closure
 Generalization of the topic.
electricity? Why conserving electricity is  Asking for feedback.
 Ask one of the students to lead the pray.
o Asking if there are any parts of the
quiz they find hard to answer.
 Presentation about energy resources
 Asking one of the students to lead the pray.
C. Practice:
 Direct questions
- Which energy source captures the energy
from the air?
- This renewable energy source may cause
significant environmental damage, such as
flooding, and the destruction of the fish and
wildlife habitats, if not used carefully, what
type of energy am i?
- This form of energy is made by using the
heat from the earth’s core, what kind of
renewable energy am I talking about?
- This energy source is made by burning plant
or animal material directly or by feeding it
to micro-organism that use it to make
biogas, who am i?
- Which energy sources uses the light and
heat from the sun?
- This type of energy give us more energy in
one second than people have used since the
beginning of the time, what is that?
D. Purposeful closure
 Generalization of the topic.
 Ask one of the students to lead the pray.
Assignments Inform the students to study for quiz tomorrow about
air pollution.

Checked by:

Adora Marie M. Peralta Mr. Melencio G. Bernardino Jr.

Cooperating Teacher Principal

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