Diana Gomez Resume Cover Letter

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return address
747 W. Mariposa St.
Newman, California 95360
May 3, 2018

inside address
To Whom this may Concern
Mock Interview Day
Yolo Middle School

Dear Interviewer:
Please consider me as a candidate for your law firm . I heard about this opening on the Newman
Newspaper listed under “Jobs”. When I graduate from Orestimba High School, I want to get into Law School
to become lawyer, and earn my Bachelors Degree.
As my enclosed resume states, I am currently attending Yolo Middle School with a GPA of 4.0. In my
classes i'm learning about 7th grade math, history, science, and English Language Arts. Some extra classes i’m
taking Spanish, learning how to speak, read and write fluently, I also take Choir. In my 7th grade year I have
learned a lot on how to deal with the real world, and how to survive in real world situations. I used to be in
GATE, which is a program that you do National History Day. I did this 3rd through 6th grade.
Please contact my references for any further questions you have on my application to your law firm. I
had a pleasant time writing to you about why I would be perfect for the job . My enclosed resume includes
contact information where I can be reached.

Diana Gomez

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