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Customer Info objects Tables

/BIC/M - View of Master data Tables

/BIC/P - Master data Table, Time Independent attributes
/BIC/Q - Master data Table, Time Dependent attributes
/BIC/X - SID Table, Time Independent
/BIC/Y - SID Tabel, Time Dependent
/BIC/T - Text Table
/BIC/H - Hierarchy Table
/BIC/K - Hierarchy SID Table

Standard Info objects Tables (Business Content):

Replace "C" with "0" in above tables.

Ex: /BI0/M - View of Master data Tables

Standard Infocube Tables :

/BI0/F - Fact Table(Before Compression)

/BI0/E - Fact Table(After Compression)
/BI0/P - Dimension Table - Data Package
/BI0/T - Dimension Table - Time
/BI0/U - Dimension Table - Unit
/BI0/1, 2, 3, .......A,B,C,D : - Dimension Tables

BW Tables:

BTCEVTJOB - To check List of jobs waiting for events

ROOSOURCE - Control parameters for Data source
ROOSFIELD - Control parameters for Data source
ROOSPRMSC - Control parameters for Data source
ROOSPRMSF - Control parameters for Data source
RSOLTPSOURCE - Replicate Table for OLTP source in BW
RSDMDELTA - Data mart Delta Management
RSSDLINITSEL, RSSDLINITDEL - Last valid Initialization to an OLTP Source
RSUPDINFO - Infocube to Info source correlation
RSUPDDAT - Update rules key figures
RSUPDENQ - Removal of locks in the update rules
RSUPDFORM - BW: Update Rules - Formulas - Checking Table
RSUPDINFO - Update info (status and program)
RSUPDKEY - Update rule: Key per key figure
RSUPDROUT - Update rules - ABAP routine - check table
RSUPDSIMULD - Table for saving simulation data update
RSUPDSIMULH - Table for saving simulation data header information
RSDCUBEIOBJ - Info objects per Infocube
RSIS – Info source Info
RSUPDINFO - Update Rules Info
RSTS - Transfer Rules Info
RSKSFIELD - Communication Structure fields
RSALLOWEDCHAR - Special Characters Table(T Code : RSKC, To maintain)
RSDLPSEL - Selection Table for fields scheduler(Info package's)
RSDLPIO - Log data packet number
RSMONICTAB - Monitor, Data Targets(Infocube/ODS) Table, request related info
RSTSODS - Operational data store for Transfer structure
RSZELTDIR - Query Elements
RSZGLOBV - BEx Variables
RXSELTXREF, RSCOMPDIR - Reports/query relevant tables
RSCUSTV - Query settings
RSDIOBJ – Info objects
RSLDPSEL - Selection table for fields scheduler(Info package list)
RSMONIPTAB – Info Package for the monitor
RSRWORKBOOK - Workbooks & related query genuine id's
RSRREPDIR - Contains Genuine id, Report Name, Author, etc...
RSRINDEXT - Workbook ID & Name
RSREQDONE - Monitor: Saving of the QM entries
RSSELDONE - Monitor : Selection for expected requests
RSLDTDONE - Texts on the requested info packages & groups
RSUICDONE - BIW: Selection table for user-selection update Infocubes
RSSDBATCH - Table for Batch run scheduler
RSLDPDEL - Selection table for deleting with full update scheduler
RSADMINSV - RS Administration
RSSDLINIT - Last Valid Initializations to an OLTP Source
BTCEVTJOB -To check event status(scheduled or not)
VARI - ABAP Variant related Table
VARIDESC - Selection Variants: Description
SMQ1 - QRFC Monitor(Out Bound)
SM13 - Update Records status

T Code : LBWQ -> QRFC related Tables


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