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E-Health Patient Record Management Information System

 Lee Allen, Dr.
 Le et al (2009) developed the E-Health Patient Management System. This

was a project from the University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science. This thesis deals with
the creation of an electronic, low cost, health care system primarily intended for use in Southern Africa.
From the researcher’s observations and interaction with hospitals within South Africa, they have noticed a
need to update the systems currently in place. Currently, hospitals deploy a paper based record
management system, relying heavily on files that are easily lost and are inefficient to use, ultimately to
the detriment of the patient. Hospital are becoming far more overcrowded and the possibility of human
errors when processing the paper-based files is very real. Through the researcher’s interaction with a real
healthcare worker, they have devised a web interface that allow the creation of “E-Health Patient Record
Management Information System”, the ability to view ECG readings and the ability to add and read past
doctor consultation notes. The researchers developed a system that also handles administration task by
regulating who has access to what data within the system, as well the creation and deletion of users of the
system. Emphasis has been placed on creating a user-friendly system, as most healthcare workers are not
familiar with computerized system. As a result, when using the system, more time can spend consulting
with patient and it is easier to query past data.

E-Health Patient Record Management Information System, in their study they developed an electronic
system that will help the hospitals in Southern Africa. Patient Record is a confidential record that is kept
for each patient by a healthcare professional or organization. This system computerized all the patients
records and help lessen human error on recording. Similar to our concept, the system will be a web-based
and help lessen the work of the hospital staff. The system will be a user-friendly. The advantages of their
study is that the system has ability to view ECG readings.

It is similar to the proposed system of the researcher’s

Similar to the propose design by the researchers,

The advantages of their study is that the system has ability to view ECG readings.

Computerized recording system will help t

The main purpose of the medical record is to provide a summary of a person's contact with a healthcare
provider and treatment provided to ensure appropriate healthcare.
This is for better improvement and more effective approach in monitoring and recording patient.

From the related literature posted above, it is related to our proposed study in which deals recording the of
the patient information, appointment scheduling and have its own unique graphical representation of

Patient Record Management System

Kayonde Richard, Kagere Allen Mildred, Toili Mercyline., et al (202) developed Patient Record
Management System. This was a project from Department of Computer Science, Makerere University.
Patient Record Management System, this project is developed for maintain information about patients.
This project is made in Microsoft visual studio 2008 version 3.5, designing is made by and the
back end used is SQL server 2000. It is highly secure is not accessible by all user, it is only accessible by
the user itself and the administrator who run the hospital. Patient can apply for admit in the hospital
through online and can get appointment to the doctor for a particular date visit. There is certain data has to
maintain of the particular patient form which doctor can easily track the details and get patients cure and
after all it will generate the report of the patient. The project is Web based Patient and Hospital
documents management software system. PRMS has been designed modularly using state-of-the-art web
Technology & Platform. The integrated modules of this software package have been developed using the
world’s fastest database SQL Server 2000 and latest ASP.NET Technology. The system can be operated
by every user who knows how to operate WWW Internet on browsers like Internet Explorer. Learning
curve, Installation and operation complexity is much less compared to similar software developed for
Windows, proprietary Technologies.

Patient Record Management System, in their study they developed a system that can be use an online
system. The patient can apply for admit and make appointment with the doctor for a particular visit
through online process. This system is a highly secure that only can manage it is the user itself and the
administrator of the hospital. It is similar to our proposed study in which deals recording the of the patient
information, appointment scheduling and have its own unique graphical representation of report. The
advantages of their study is that the system is an online and the patient can apply for admit and get
appointment through online process.

Similar to our study, It is similar to our study that can

The advantages of their study is that the system is an online and the patient can apply for admit ang get
appointment through online process.

 Lee Allen, Dr.
 Le et al (2009) developed the E-Health Patient Management System.

This was a project from the University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science.


Abhishek Gupta, Shailesh Kumawat, et al., (April 2016) developed the Automatic Plant Watering
System. This was a project from the Department of EE, SKIT Jaipur, India. This project is taken up as
India is an agriculture oriented country and the rate at which water resources are depleting is a dangerous
threat hence there is a need of smart and efficient way of irrigation. In this project the researchers have
implemented sensors which detect the humidity in the soil (agricultural field) and supply water to the field
which has water requirement. The project is PIC16F877A microcontroller based design which controls
the water supply and the field to be irrigated. There are sensors present in each field which are not
activated till water is present on the field. Once the field gets dry sensors sense the requirement of water
in the field and send a signal to the microcontroller. Microcontroller then supply water to that particular
field which has water requirement till the sensors is deactivated again. In case, when there is more than
one signal for water requirement then the microcontroller will prioritize the first received signal and
irrigate the fields accordingly. It is programmed in such a way that it will sense the moisture level of the
plants and supply the water if required. This type of system is often used for general plant care, as part of
caring for small and large gardens. Normally, the plants need to be watered twice daily, morning and
evening. So, the microcontroller has to be coded to water the plants in the greenhouse about two times per
day. People enjoy plants, their benefits and the feeling related to nurturing them. However, for most
people it becomes challenging to keep them healthy and alive.

To solve this problem, Researchers made a project for those who cannot water the plant due to
their busy schedule or when they go outside for long time. The system automation is designed to be
assistive to the user.

Automatic plant watering system, in their study they developed a system that implemented a
sensor which detect the humidity in the soil and supply water to the field which as water requirement.
Once the field gets dry sensors sense the requirement of water in the field and send a signal to the
microcontroller. Microcontroller then supply water to that particular field. In case, when there is more
than one signal for water requirement then the microcontroller will prioritize the first received signal and
irrigate the fields accordingly. As people enjoy plants, their benefits and the feeling related to nurturing
them. However, for most people it becomes challenging to keep them healthy and alive. To solve this
problem, Researchers made a project for those who cannot water the plant due to their busy schedule or
when they go outside for long time. Similar to our study, you can do other works even when your
watering the plants. You don’t have to worry if too much water will go to the plants, because when the
moisture content of the soil is already at optimized level it will turn off the sprinkler immediately.

Arduino based automatic plant watering system with artificial sunlight, in their study they
developed a system that will make gardener works easily. Watering is the most important cultural practice
and most labor intensive task in daily greenhouse operation. Watering systems ease the burden of getting
water to plants when they need it. This project uses watering sprinkler system because it can water the
plants located in the pots. The advantages of their study is that it can minimize the labor of every
gardener. It is similar to our system as it is programmed in such a way that it will sense the moisture level
of the plants and supply the water if required.

Similar to our study, the system will be develop in a

Suat Hayri Ugurbas et. al (2016) developed the Electronic Medical Record (EMR). This was a
project from the Zonguldak Karaelmas University Hospital.As people become more educated, hence
people become more aware of the quality of their life especially something that is related toward their
health. The poor service in health care would give an effect towards the development of our country. To
receive a treatment from government hospitals, patients sometimes need to wait for hours. While for
administration's task they need to keep track a huge number of filing where all details on patients were
being kept, sometimes it leads to data. redundancy and .an additional workload. To solve this problem,
Researcher’s developed a web-based concept of Electronic Medical Records. That is why Electronic
Medical Records is being proposed. Electronic Medical Records is develop using a web-based, concept.
This system is develop using JavaServerPages (JSP) and is design using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX.
With the existence of this system, the registration process would avoid – data redundancy, records
keeping on patient details can be find faster and time waiting for patient before received a treatment from
doctor could be lessen, this is because all manual task that happen in Hospital is being convert to
computerized type of system.

Based on the researcher’s concept and the three existing project or three related literature,
solution provide using a car, au,, eVenue Technology. It has been designed and develop to
solve the problem associated with rentals leasing space, establishment or other thing that are open to
patient record management system. This was a project from Department of Computer Science, Makerere

Patient record management systems in hospital today necessitate a competent administration when
handling patients, generating reports from cashier, patient details which serves as a key factor for the
flow of business transactions in St Francis Hospital Nsambya. Unfortunately the current Record
management system leads to misplacement of drug details, payment details, and late release of reports
and insecurity to records. to solve the problem of the current system, the researchers developed a
patient record management system that will computerize all the records about patients, staff and drug

This research project is aimed at computerizing all the records about patients, staff and drug suppliers.
In order to achieve this goal, a thorough System Study and investigation was carried out and data was
collected and analyzed about the current system using document and data flow diagrams. The concept
of report production has been computerized hence, no more delay in report generation to the hospital
manager. Errors made on hand held calculators are dealt out completely. The method used to develop
the system include iterative waterfall model approach, dataflow, logical and entity relationship diagram
were used to design the system and finally the language used were MySql, php, HTML, Css and

The absence of a well established information system to serve patient and staff has led to
inconveniences. This has tantamount to the loss of patient and staff records. This is basically because of
the weakness of the existing system which includes over reliance on paper based work. Paper files
consume a lot of the office space, slow recording, processing and retrieval of patient details. Accessing
and sharing of information by different departments is difficult due to poor information management.
This project is basically designed for St Francis Hospital Nsambya hospital. This hospital provides a lot of
services to patients which includes; Daily treatment of patients, Admission of patients, Keeps records
about inpatients and outpatients respectively, Billing of patients by use of a billing system and other
services, with departments that include radiography and ultra sound, pathology, pharmacy, inpatient
and outpatient, causality and dental which information will be used for making reports for researchers
in various departments, drug/ stock taking unit at the central pharmacy and medical practitioners. The
following are the language confined within the system to enable development and implementation. The
database implementation was achieved using Mysql for the database development, server side scripting
was done in java embedded in html, and java web server wills facilitate simultaneous processing.

Patient Record is a confidential record that is kept for each patient by a healthcare professional or

A medical record is a confidential record that is kept for each patient by a healthcare professional or
organization. It contains the patient's personal details (such as name, address, date of birth), a summary
of the patient's medical history, and documentation of each event, including symptoms, diagnosis,
treatment and outcome. Relevant documents and correspondence are also included. Traditionally, each
healthcare provider involved in a patient's care has kept an independent record, usually paper based.
The main purpose of the medical record is to provide a summary of a person's contact with a healthcare
provider and treatment provided to ensure appropriate healthcare.
Electronic Medical Record System

Suat Hayri Ugurbas et. al (2016) developed the Electronic Medical Record System (EMRS). This
was a project from the Zonguldak Karaelmas University Hospital. As people become more educated,
hence people become more aware of the quality of their life especially something that is related toward
their health. The poor service in health care would give an effect towards the development of our country.
To receive a treatment from government hospitals, patients sometimes need to wait for hours. While for
administration's task they need to keep track a huge number of filing where all details on patients were
being kept, sometimes it leads to data. redundancy and .an additional workload. To solve this problem,
Researcher’s developed a web-based concept of Electronic Medical Records System. Electronic Medical
Records System is develop using a web-based, concept. This system is develop using JavaServerPages
(JSP) and is design using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. With the existence of this system, the
registration process would avoid – data redundancy, records keeping on patient details can be find faster
and time waiting for patient before received a treatment from doctor could be lessen, this is because all
manual task that happen in Hospital is being convert to computerized type of system. The computerized
system helped the hospital to do work more effective and efficiently. The staff can update the patient
record easily. If the costumers come to the same clinic more than a time, the staffs could find the patient
record without any difficulty. If the searching record is easy, the update task is easy as well. The update
task is faster and more efficient compared to the manual system.

Electronic Medical Record System, in their study they developed a web-based concept. This
system developed to help lessen the work of the hospital workers. With the use of the system registration

This system computerized all the patients records and

The computerized system will give the opportunity for the companies to do work more effective
and efficiently. The staff can update the patient record easily. If the costumers come to the same clinic
more than a time, the staffs could find the patient record without any difficulty. If the searching record
is easy, the update task is easy as well. The update task is faster and more efficient compared to the
manual system.
Another advantage is having this computerized keeping record system, information for a
particular period of time can be compiled quickly. With the manual system, it takes time to locate the
information from each file and compile it into a report.

E-Health Patient Record Management Information System

 Lee Allen, Dr.
 Le et al (2009) developed the E-Health Patient Management System. This

was a project from the University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science. This thesis deals with
the creation of an electronic, low cost, health care system primarily intended for use in Southern Africa.
From the researcher’s observations and interaction with hospitals within South Africa, they have noticed a
need to update the systems currently in place. Currently, hospitals deploy a paper based record
management system, relying heavily on files that are easily lost and are inefficient to use, ultimately to
the detriment of the patient. Hospital are becoming far more overcrowded and the possibility of human
errors when processing the paper-based files is very real. Through the researcher’s interaction with a real
healthcare worker, they have devised a web interface that allow the creation of “E-Health Patient Record
Management Information System”, the ability to view ECG readings and the ability to add and read past
doctor consultation notes. The researchers developed a system that also handles administration task by
regulating who has access to what data within the system, as well the creation and deletion of users of the
system. Emphasis has been placed on creating a user-friendly system, as most healthcare workers are not
familiar with computerized system. As a result, when using the system, more time can spend consulting
with patient and it is easier to query past data.

E-Health Patient Record Management Information System, in their study they developed an electronic
system that will help the hospitals in Southern Africa. Patient Record is a confidential record that is kept
for each patient by a healthcare professional or organization. This system computerized all the patients
records and help lessen human error on recording. Similar to our concept, the system will be a web-based
and help lessen the work of the hospital staff. The system will be a user-friendly. The advantages of their
study is that the system has ability to view ECG readings.

It is similar to the proposed system of the researcher’s

Similar to the propose design by the researchers,

The advantages of their study is that the system has ability to view ECG readings.

Computerized recording system will help t

The main purpose of the medical record is to provide a summary of a person's contact with a healthcare
provider and treatment provided to ensure appropriate healthcare.

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