Rbs em Venezuela

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22 September 2010

Emerging Markets Strategy | Latin America

Alert | Venezuela
The conflict of credit analysis
„ On reviewing the investment strategy ahead of the carry returns while Venezuela remains an obvious
congressional elections, our view is that investors outlier.
should opportunistically buy on the prospects of a
relief rally with current sovereign debt prices trading „ The favourable technicals amidst resilient
at cheap levels. external risk appetite is critical since we
assume that President Chavez will become
„ We adopt an opportunistic short-term trading more pragmatic to assert more political control
strategy for Venezuelan sovereign debt. For the without deviating from the current
strong technical position, on the consolidation macroeconomic policy mix and the imminent
of an external risk rally, we assume some supply slowly digested but still an overhang
laggard catch up gains for the highest yielding postponed until next year.
credit on the relief of an uneventful election and
the digestion of imminent supply. „ On the break above key resistance levels on the
SPX with support from a more pro-active Fed, this
„ We are forced to trade Venezuelan credit risk for its could jump start gains on the lower credit quality
high contribution to indexed returns, though remain laggards.
cognizant of our medium-term strategy of a
“structural offer” to “sell into strength” for a credit „ On prospects of resilient external risk we expect the
that seems on track towards a deeper 5Y Venezuela/Argentina CDS spread premium to
economic/political crisis. decline closer to 250bp from current levels of 525bp
based on current levels on SPX (1,000bp on
„ The congressional election results are a test to the Venezuela 5Y CDS) with stop/loss of 660bp. It is
dominance of the Chavez Administration with the worth mentioning that Venezuela is trading at
opposition polling at around 50% support at the historic worst levels to Argentina with a lot of bad
national level and will likely take around 30% of the news already discounted in current prices.
congressional seats. There is a high margin of error
for the difficulty of measuring the representation at „ When we regress 5Y CDS against Brazil 5Y CDS
the congressional level, however the low popularity and log WTI with a dummy variable on the PdVSA
of Chavez suggests that the risk is for higher and sovereign supply for past 12 months then
support for the opposition. Venezuela 5Y CDS should be closer to 1,000bp.

„ The recent relative underperformance of Venezuela „ This should also coincide with recent highs on
credit risk should reverse if 1.) elections occur benchmark USD’2038 of around 59 from current
without major incident, 2.) planned $3bn in PdVSA prices of 53.for 3-MO potential total returns of
issuance comes sooner rather than later and, more 12.9%. (The low cash price and liquid benchmark
importantly, 3.) the external risk appetite remains bonds remain our preference on the curve).
resilient with investors unable to forfeit the high

Siobhan Morden
Head of Latin America Strategy
+1 203 897 7944
Bloomberg: RBSR<GO>
The Royal Bank of Scotland

Venezuela | conflict of credit The favourable technicals amidst resilient external

analysis – technical strength risk appetite is critical since we assume that
President Chavez will become more pragmatic to

Emerging Markets Strategy | Latin America | 22 September 2010

The technical position remains quite strong in terms of
assert more political control without deviating
Venezuela representing a dominant market
from the current macroeconomic policy mix and
capitalization within the benchmark EM indices and
the supply overhang only postponed until next
the highest yielding sovereign credit against
widespread compressed yields. If external risk
remains stable then investors are eventually forced to
reduce their underweight exposures and
The main question is how will
opportunistically trade their exposure so as not to Chavez react?
forfeit the high carry returns (Venezuela contributes These congressional elections are significant on the
around 0.77% to the 5.7% EMBIG YTM as of end prospects of a shift of the balance of power with
August). Venezuela has been absent from the latest President Chavez dipping to his lowest approval
risk rally with the 5Y CDS spread widening out to ratings and the first opportunity for the opposition to
worst levels versus Argentina, interrupting the high garner congressional representation since their
correlation to external risk trends. boycott of the 2005 elections. There is broad-based
consistency amongst the pollsters that the opposition
should garner around 50% of the national vote and
Venezuela | relative underperformance
around 30% representation of congressional seats.
-100 1250 There is a high undecided vote of around 37% that
0 may deliver a surprise, however the previous
100 tendency of the undecided tended to align with the
200 1150 general voting tendencies. In fact the lower overall
popularity of President Chavez himself at 45% versus
400 1100
50% voting tendency on the back of the economic
1050 distress suggests the risks favour a better than
700 1000
expected showing for the opposition. This may prove
4-May 8-Jun 13-Jul 17-Aug 21-Sep a pyrrhic victory.


Whether or not President Chavez accepts these
Source: RBS results and whether there is a more pragmatic
economic policy shift to address his recent
We would attribute this relative underperformance to decline in popularity are the more important
both the event risks of the upcoming elections and the takeaways than the actual results.
threat of imminent supply. This relative
underperformance should subside if 1.) elections
occur without major incident, 2.) planned $3bn in Venezuela | How do you rate the work of
President Chavez for the well-being of country?
PdVSA issuance comes sooner rather than later and,
more importantly, 3.) the external risk appetite 100%
remains resilient with investors unable to forfeit the
high carry returns while Venezuela remains an
obvious outlier.
On the break above key resistance levels on the SPX
20% threshhold
with support from a more pro-active Fed, this could
jump start gains on the lower credit quality laggards. 0%
Feb-99 Apr-01 Jun-03 Aug-05 Oct-07 Dec-09
On prospects of a short-term rally we would expect
the 5Y Venezuela/Argentina CDS spread premium to Approval (very good/good/fair to good)

decline closer to 250bp from current levels of 525bp Source: RBS, Datanalisis
based on current levels on SPX (1,000bp on
Venezuela 5Y CDS). This should also coincide with Political pragmatism
recent highs on benchmark USD’2038 of around 59
Unfortunately, there are no signals to suggest a
from current prices of 53.for 3-MO potential total
passive acceptance or a more conciliatory approach
returns of 12.9%. When we regress 5Y CDS against
from the Chavez Administration. The fact that
Brazil 5Y CDS and log WTI with a dummy variable on
President Chavez altered the electoral rules to allow
the PdVSA and sovereign supply then Venezuela 5Y
for an over-representation of those districts with
CDS should be closer to 1,000bp.
Chavez supporters (hence the wide difference

The Royal Bank of Scotland

between the national votes and the much lower could be a slowdown in the private sector
expectations of representation of the opposition in interventionism, however the recent policy actions do
congressional seats), suggests a pragmatic approach not suggest a more pragmatic approach to economic

Emerging Markets Strategy | Latin America | 22 September 2010

for a further concentration of power. There is already policy management. Any steps to correct the
pending legislation that might be forced through policy imbalances would incur a short term
during the interim period, before the new congress political cost and more importantly run contrary to
takes office next year, called the “Communal Power the ideology of the Chavez Administration with
Law” that weakens the legislative branch and disables still internal conflict amongst the cabinet between
the recently empowered opposition. This becomes the ideologues and the pragmatics. There is even
more of a risk if Chavez loses the 2/3 majority in the risk that a stronger than expected Chavez victory
congress. There is even the prospect of a more would encourage a more ideological bias in macro
severe option whereby President Chavez convokes a policy management.
national referendum to call for early presidential
elections, capitalizing on the still wide margin between
Venezuela | 5Y CDS spread regressed against
his support at 45% against the closest opposition rival Brazil 5Y CDS, log WTI and dummy for supply
at Governor Henrique Capriles at 10% (or the
spontaneous Datanalisis poll on voting tendencies 1600
across all viable candidates that has Chavez at 23% 1400
versus Capriles at 6.5%). 1200
If there is no abrupt shift in economic policy 900
mismanagement, then the trend will likely continue for 700
further erosion in President Chavez’s support heading 600
into the 2012 presidential elections. It is also worth
Sep-09 Nov-09 Jan-10 Apr-10 Jun-10 Sep-10
mentioning that support is approaching critical levels
towards the recent lows of 31% in 2002. This more
radical approach of a constitutional assembly would Source: RBS
only likely occur if the opposition gains a much
stronger showing closer to 50% representation of This suggests more of the same in terms of new
congress. Although a forceful backlash from issuance pressures and real economy pressures that
Chavez is unlikely, more radical actions should would only elicit at best a reactive policy response
not come as a surprise from investors with once these pressures become more acute. Even on
already a lot of skepticism priced into the bonds. the divided cabinet we assume that policymakers
slowly adjust under duress so as not to completely
undermine their political survival.
Venezuela | What do you consider is the main
problem facing the country at this time?
The market remains most sensitive on the timing of
0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% new supply to fund the Sitme market as opposed to
any rationale approach for FX flexibility. The local
Personal insecurity/increase in delinquency
press continues to reference upcoming PdVSA
High cost of living/less income/inflation
issuance that was recently announced by President
Chavez ($3bn) that will fund the Sitme market. If we
Scarcity of goods
assume average daily turnover for a maximum of
USD50mn/day then this suggests that the new
Economic crisis
issuance would easily provide sufficient USD through
Electricity shortages
the end of the year. It is clear that the strategy for
Sep-10 Aug-10 Jun-10
serial issuance is only postponed until next year and
Source: RBS, Datanalisis
will remain a constant overhang until when/if Cadivi
supplies more USD or allows for more FX flexibility.
Reactive economics – at best
There have been some signs of flexibility on the
economic front with an attempt to re-open the borders
with Colombia and the signals of fiscal conservatism,
which is unusual considering the weak popularity and
approaching elections. There has been only 7.5%y/y
increase in fiscal spending through 1H 2010,
translating into an 18.1% decline in real terms. There

The Royal Bank of Scotland

Emerging Markets Strategy | Latin America | 22 September 2010

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