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1. Birth

Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator was born around the year 69 a. C., She took charge of the government of
Egypt at the end of the IV century a. C. Forged alliances and became romantically involved with the
Roman military military Julio César and Marco Antonio, until his death in the year 30 a.C.

2. Cleopatra's Children

In 47 a. C., Cleopatra had a son with Julius Caesar, was called Caesarion. But Cesar never recognized him
and there was a lot of ongoing historical debate about whether he was really his father. Later, he had
three children with Antony: the twins Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene and another son, Ptolomeo

3. Macedonian Lineage and her reign in Egypt

Cleopatra's father was King Ptolemy XII. His mother may have been, in part, a descendant of Africans. In
51 BC, died Ptolemy XII, leaving the throne to Cleopatra, 18, and his brother, Ptolemy XIII, 10 years, so they
had complications. Cleopatra fled to Syria, to form an army to return in 48 BC, and face her brother in

4. Cleopatra and Caesar

Around 48 a. C., the war between Julius Caesar and Pompey consumed Rome. Pompey sought refuge in
Egypt, but by order of Ptolemy he was murdered.

Caesar followed Pompey to Egypt, where he fell in love with Cleopatra, then, she had access to military
support to dethrone her brother. After the defeat of Ptolemy, Caesar restored Cleopatra to the throne.
Cleopatra followed Caesar back to Rome, but returned to Egypt in 44 BC. C., after his murder.

5. Cleopatra and Mark Antony

In 41 a. C., Marc Antonio, sent to find Cleopatra so he could answer questions about his loyalty to the fallen
leader of the empire and it was when Antonio fell in love with her

Antonio battled for control of Rome. His rival was Octavio. Antonio saw in Cleopatra the opportunity to
obtain financial and military support. Cleopatra in exchange for his help, sought the return of the eastern
empire of Egypt.

6. Defeat by Octavian

In 34 a. C., Antonio returned with Cleopatra to Alexandria. They were on the thrones with their children.
Antonio was antagonized with his rival by declaring Césarión as the son and legal heir of de César instead
of Octavio.

In 31 BC, Cleopatra and Antony united his armies to try to defeat Octavius. This resulted in a defeat for the

7. Death

After the defeat by the Roman Octavius, Mark Antony, believing that Cleopatra was dead, committed

Cleopatra died after supposedly being bitten by a snake, although the truth is unknown. After his death,
Cleopatra was buried next to Antonio.

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