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(10 marks)

Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text.

Teliti nota-nota di bawah dan gunakan maklumat yang diberi untuk

melengkapkan teks.


Day/Date : Thursday / 31 March 2016

Time : 12.00 noon – 1.20 p.m

Venue : Media Room

The competition is open to the level two pupils of Sekolah Kebangsaan


Those who are interested may give your names to the teacher-in-
charge, Miss Geetha.

The Secretary,

English Language Society,

Based on the notice given complete the text below with the correct information.

Berdasarkan notis yang di beri ,lengkapkan teks di bawah dengan maklumat

yang betul.

The English Language Society of Sekolah Kebangsaan Sutera will be having a

______________________________ (1) The competition is on Thursday,

_____________________(2). It is from _____________________________(3) to 1.20 p.m. It

will be held at the _________________________________________(4). The competition

is open to the level two pupils of the school. Those who are interested can give

their names to the teacher-in-charge, ____________________________________ (5).

Section B

Question B (i)

Study the brochure about to choose a birthday present for your sister and answer
the following question in the spaces provided.
Teliti risalah di bawah tentang memilih hadiah kepada adik kamu dan jawab
soalan berikut di ruang yang disediakan.

List three types of food

that serve in the

birthday party

i. _____________



ii. _______________________________________________________________________
iii. _______________________________________________________________________

Question B(ii)
Lily’s sister is celebrating her 10th years old birthday. She wants to buy a birthday
present for her sister. She has RM 50. In your opinion, which present should she
choose? Give at least three reasons why she chooses that present

Write your answer between 50 and 80 words.

Adik Lily akan menyambut hari jadi yang ke 10. Dia hendak membeli sebuah
hadiah kepada adiknya. Dia ada RM50. Pada pendapat kamu, mana satu hadiah
yang akan dia pilih? Beri sekurang-kurangnya tiga sebab mengapa dia memilih
hadiah itu.

Tulis jawapan kamu antara 50 hingga 80 patah perkataan.



























Section C
[25 marks]

This section consists of two questions. Answer one question only.

Bahagian ini mengandungi dua soalan. Jawab satu soalan sahaja.

Question 1

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help
you. Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to
100 words.

Tulis sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan

perkataan-perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu.di ruang yang
disediakan. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah antara 80 hingga 100 patah

hanging car backyard talking

racquet wiping swing quality time

basket children

Begin your story with:

Last Saturday, Ramli and his family were spending their time together. Ramli
helped his father washing his new car. He……..

Question 2

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help

you. Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to

100 words.

Tuliskan sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh

menggunakan perkataan-perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu. Tulis

jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah

antara 80 hingga 100 patah perkataan.

weekend – Aida – family – beach –

sister – built – sandcastle – brother

– swam – sea

enjoyed – and – home – evening























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