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UB/TIB Hannovet RN 864 INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 527-3 First edition 1995-08-01 Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 3: Test conditions for films and sheets Plastiques — Détermination des propriétés en traction — Partie 3: Conditions d'essai pour films et feuilles Reference number 180 527.3:189518) ISO §27-3:1995(E) Foreword ISO (the Intemational Org n for Standardization) is a woridwide standaras bodies (ISO member codies). The work Standards is normally carriea out through iSO mber boay interestea in a suoject for 16 has been established has the right to be jernational organizations, gover in ligison with |SQ, also teke part in the work. iSO of preparing technical committees. & which @ technical commi repres and no collzbor the international Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on ali matters of electrotechnical standardization, al committees are tion as en International ‘member oocies cas: internetional Standarcs adopted by the tect ‘ationai Stencarc ISO 527-3 wes prepared by Technics! Commirtee 61, Plastics, Subcommiree SC 11, Products. wi C f 1$0 827, it cance's anc replaces ISO f pans endation R/527:1966, as well as (SO 1184:1883, of wnicn it con "utes a technical revision, 'SO 527 consists of the following pans, under the Plastics — Determination of tensile properties: — Part 1: General principles — Part 2: ions for moulding and extrusion plastics — Part 3: Test conditions for films and sheets — Part 4: Test conditions for isotropic and orthotropic fibre-reinforeed plastic composites — Part 5: Test conditions for unidirectional fibre-reinforced plastic composi pusication may be reprocuces oy any means. eectfonie oF mecnancal, nclveing ene rom the publster, INTERNATIONAL STANDARD © ISO Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 3: Test conditions for films and sheets 1 Scope 4.1. This part of ISO 527 specifies the c determining the tensile properties of plastic films or sheets less than 1 mm thick, based upon the general principles given in pi NOTE 1 For sheets greater than 7 mm thick, the user is referted to part 2 of this international Standarc. 1.2 See ISO 527-1, subciause 1 is part of ISO 527 is not normally suit ing the tensile properties of: ble for 2) cellular materiais; 2). plastics reinforced by textle fibres. 1.4 See ISO 527-1, subclause 1.5. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO 527. At the time of publication, the ecitions indicated were valid, All standards are subje: 10 revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 527 are encouraged 0 investigate the possiti stancards ity of applying the most recent ecitions of icated below. Members of IEC and 1SO maintain registers of currently valid International ‘Standards, |SO 527-1:1883, Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 1: General principles. ISO 4591:1982, Plastics — Film and sheeting — De- termination of average thickness of a sample, and average thickness and yield of a roll, by gravimetic techniques (gravimetric thickness) ISO 4593:1993, Plastics — Film and sheeting — De- termination of thickness by mechanical scanning. 3. Principle See ISO 527-1, clause 3. 4. Definitions See iSO 527-1, clause 4. 5 Apparatus See ISO 827-1, clause 5, subject to the folowing a itional requirements: in 5.1.2, the tensileesting machine shall oe capable ‘of maintaining the speeds of testing as specified in table 1 of ISO 827-1. itis normal for fis anc sheets to be tested at a speed of 5 mm/min, 50 mmimin, 100 mmjmin, 200 mmjmin, 300 mm/min _ or 500 mmjmin. The information contained in ISO 627. subclause 9.6, also applies. ISO 527-3:1995(E) In 5.1.5, when testing thin sheets or film material, the specimen shall not carry the weight of the extensometer. In 5.2, devices compiying with the requirements in ISO 4893 shall be used for measuring the thickness, except in the case of very thin film (less than 0,01 mm thick) or embossed film. In those cases, the thickness shell be determined by the method speci fied in [SO 4581. When iSO 4581 is used, the average thickness of the film sample shail be taken as the thickness of the test specimen. 6 Test specimens 6.1 Shape and dimensions 6.1.1 The preferred form of test specimen for the determ nsile properties by this method is fa sttip 10 mm to 25mm wide and not less then 150 mm long (specimen type 2 — see figure ©1so having two parallel gauge marks, 50 mm apart, on the central portion of the specimen. Some film materials have @ very high elongation at break which may result in them being outside the stfetching capacity of the testing machine. in such cases, it is permissible to reduce the initial distance between the gras 10 50 mm. 6.1.2 When required by the specification for the material under test or for routine quality-control test Gumo-bell specimen types §, 18 and 4 of tne shape and dimensions shown in figures 2, 3 and 4 may be used. These specimens are convenient to produce ‘and permit rapié quality-control testing, Specimen type 5 (figure2) is recommended for fi ang sheet with 2 very nigh si break. Specimen type 4 is recommended for other types of flexible thermoplastic sheet. Specimen type 18 (figure3} is recommended for rigic sheets. j—Seuge meres, ° b Wich: 10 mm to 28 mm Thickness: <1 1, Gauge lenge L tial distance between gf > 180 mm, 50 mm 4, Overall iength Figure 1 — Sper iso ISO 527-3: io be NZ case nares a >, Wiath of narrow parallebsided portion: 6 mm = 0,4 mm Width at ends: 25 mm zt mm. Thickness: < 1 mm fq Gauge lengin: 25 mm = 0,25 mm 4 L Length of narrow parale'sided portion: 33 mm = 2mm Initial distance between grips: 80 m 4 Overalt lengen: > 118 mm Small radius: 14 mm ry Large radius: 25 mm x 2mm Figure 2 — Specimen type 5 Dy b Geuge maries Wiath of narrow parallehsided portion: 10 mi Wath at ends: 20 mm Thickness: <1 mm Gauge length: $0 mm x 0.5 ‘Length of narrow paralie'siced portion: 69 mm = 0,8 mm 192 between grips: 115 mm = 5 mm (Overall length: > 180. mm, Racius: > 60 mm. Figure 3 — Specimen type 18, ISO 527-3:1995(E) Wisth of ni Wiath at ends: 38 mm Thickness: < 1 mm Overall iengin: 152 mm yore yy ‘Small radius: 22 mm Large radius: 25,4 mm ‘ow paraliel-sided portion: 25,4 mm Gauge length: 50 mm = 0.5 mm Initial distance between grips: 73,4 mm. e©1so Gouge marks 0.1 mm Figure 4 — Specimen type 4 6.2 Preparation of specimens 6.2.1 The test specimens described in 6.1.1 shail be cut or punched so that the edges are smooth and free ion with a low-power magni fer is mended to cneck the absence ot notches, Razor biaces, suitable paper cutters, scaipeis or ones cevices capacie of cutting the specimens 1 proper width and producing straight, clean, paralie| ie imperfections shall be usec. Punch gies shall be kept sharp by regular honing, and @ suitecie backing material snali be used with punch cies to ensure a clean-cut edge. 6.2.2 The test specimens cescrived in 6.1.2 shall oe obtzined oy the use of punch dies, using suitaole backing material to ensure ¢ clean-cut edge. Dies shall be kept sharp by reguiar honing, ang the edges of the specimen shail be examined with a low-power mag- ensure the absence of notenes. Discard any specimen with obvious imperfections on the cut edges. 6.3 Gauge marks See 1SO 52; suociause 6.3, King cevice used to produce tne gauge mars @ shali nave two parallel eages which are ground oth and true, 0,05 mm 10 0,10 mm wide at the eage and beveled at an angie of 15 5 ink stamp may also 0¢ used to appiy ink to the aree of the gauge marks, before or after producing them with the marking device, using an ink of a suit able contrasting colour that has no celeterious effect on the film being tested. 6.4 Checking the specimens Discard any test specimen with obvious imperfections on the cut edges. 6.5 Anisotropy ‘The properties of certain types of film material may vary with direction in the plane of the film (anisotropy). , it is essential 10 prepare two groups 180 of test specimens with their major axes respectively parallel and perpendicular to the direction of orien tation of the fil: 7 Number of specimens See ISO 527- clause 7 8 Conditioning See ISO 527-1, ciause 8 9 Procedure See ISO 527-1, clause 8. 10 Calculation and expression of results See 1SO 627-1, clause 10, excent for “10.3 Modulus calculation”, and "10.4 Poisson's ratio, u” ISO 527-3:1995(E) 11. Precision The precision of the test method is not known be cause interlaboratory data are not aveiigole, When interlaboratory data are obteines, a precision state ment will be added at the following revision. 12. Test report The test report sh include the following inform: al_a reference to this part of !SO 527, including the ype of speci 1d the test speed, written in the following suinetses per 9} 20g). see [SO 827-1, clause , bj tO al INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 527-3:1995 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2 Published 2001-04-18 .MTERMATONALORGANZATGN FOR STANOAAGIEATION + MEXEYHAPORHARQPFANEALAR NO CTANEAPTHGAUA + ORGANSATION NTERNATOAALE GE NOFMALSATION UB/TIB Hannever RN 864 Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 3: Test conditions for films and sheets Se TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2 Plastiques — Détermination des propriétés en traction — Partie 3: Conditions d'essai pour films et feuilles RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 2 Technical Corrigendum 2 to Intemational Stancard ISO 527-3:1995 wes prepared by Technical Commitee ISO/TC 61, Plastics, Subcommittee SC 11, Products. Page 3 Figure 3 (last line of key) Afier*r Radius: > 60 mm", ada “(recommended racius: 60,0 ICS 83.140.10 Ret. No. ISO 527-3:1995/Cor.2:2001(E) © 180.2001 ~ Ain Printea in Switzeiana INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 527-3:1995 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Published 1998-06-15 | TERNATIONAL OAGANZATIN FOR STANOAROATION » MEXAVHAPORHA GHANLAMMR NO CTAMGAPTIIAGINA ORGANSSATIN INTERNATIONALE OE NORMALISATION VBITIB Hannover RN 86s Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 3: Test conditions for films and sheets TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Plastiques — Détermination des propriétés en traction — Partie 3: Conditions d'essai pour films et feuilles RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 1 Technical Corrigendum 1 to International Standard ISO 527-3:1985 wes prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 61, Plastics, Subcommittee SC 2, Mechanical properties. Page 4 Figure 4 Correct the value of £ (initial distance between grips) trom 73,4 mm to 98 les 83.140.10 Ref. No. ISO 527-3:1995/Cor.1:1998(E) Descriptors: pasts, films, plastic sheets, tests, determinaton, tensile properties, testing conditions, test specimens. © 180 1998 Printed in Switzenand ISO 527-3:1995(E) ©1so ICS 83.140 Descriptors: = 5. fms, plastic sneets, tests, cetermination, tensie properties, testing conditions, Price vased 28

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