Training Process

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Training Process

Topic Description Method Time Lead

Welcome and Welcome participants, introduce workshop duration and objective Presentation 5 MTK
Objective minutes
Workshop Ask Question “What do you expect from this 3 hour workshop?” Brainstorming 5 MTK
Expectation Main Facilitator brainstorm and co-facilitator take notes down on flipchart/ color minutes
What is Group into three and face participant each other and ask each other on Group Work 30 MTK,
Facilitation? 1) Name, project name, township and what is facilitation? minutes KMT,
Wrap up their discussion and deliver Key Message – Facilitation is a process that PPT
encourages participation, ownership and creativity from all involve. It distributes the
leadership so that the results are effective. Reflection of daily work!
Co-Facilitation – is a partnership where two or more facilitators take joint
responsibilities for filling the facilitator role. The purpose is to enable and maximize
group and individual learning or help the group achieve other ends (eg. get
Group Reflection “What has been your experience with Co-Facilitation? And What’s
worked and what hasn’t?”
Conclude: Importance of co-facilitation and feed-back.

Content Vs. Process 3 Group Work on “Preparation of Betel leaves” . Group Work 20
Choose someone who knows how to do it? (Instructor) minutes
Choose someone who will assist?
After group work, conclude Process and Content.
Key content : Process vs. Content
Facilitators are process experts; they are as interested in the “how?” as much as the
“what?” To produce quality output, you must arrive at it functionally.
About Process
Process refers to the way a discussion is happening, independent of the subject
matter or issue being talked about. Basically, process talks about how a group works
together. It includes how members talk to each other, how they identify and solve
problems, how they make decisions, and how they handle conflict. It takes into
account group dynamics, non-verbal messages, and situational elements.
When facilitator steer the process, he may use different tools and methods. In his
methods, there are tools and methods that diverge thinking, concept, assumption
and goals. This is divergent tool which is goal seeking. When Facilitator usually look
for goal oriented and focus, use convergent.

Role of Facilitator Different between Teacher, Trainer and Facilitator. Presentation 15

Let participants understand the stand points of these three. minutes
1) Teaching only – one way, sometimes two ways, content expert
2) Stand both Content and process, two ways, content expert
3) Process only – process expert
Facilitator – Explore ideas, make process easy, record, multiple ways, action points
and explore follow up plan.
Reflection on Daily Work.
“Where do you stand most?”

Tea Break
Facilitator’s Skill Brainstorm the participants on what they think the most important skills of a facilitator. Fish bowl 30
List down and Highlight the most important three. method minutes
Listening , Observation and Questioning.
Skill 1, Listening – Play a video “ Listening skill”
Skill 2 and 3, Choose a facilitator and let him facilitate the group.
Facilitate question “ What are the good attitudes for Development Worker?
There will be observers and participants to play their own roles.
Useful facilitative What methods have they used in their work? Presentation 15
method List down and introduce with Presentation, Brainstorming and workshopping. minutes
Finish the session with power point.
Highlight the key concept and assure why these methods are useful and common.
Reflective Exercise Group into three and provide case study for group work exercise. Role Play 50 PPT
Instruct to select lead and co-facilitators and limit the time for the preparation and minutes
Role Play.
Wrap up with adult learning cycle and why experiential learning is a key.
Q& A Discussion 10 PPT
Workshop Give workshop evaluation form to each participant and set the time to finish filling in. Format 10 MTK
Evaluation minutes

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