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————————— U . (2) [SCREEN Co-onainavig)* : | whe wae & Bay aesuin 5 vse Ccbinlly mtn tne Oi 4 “ wy Vou: Sidwmiel within tre ploatie shut a Comepiele Om home Tus, tae picture fs Ore ‘ vas, Oe monitou , q mavnan odin ania i Upton perpen, & | Lg Dy oe res 7 mages, “Toe [BeFuat Dipiay arse | om rey sajer [Je a mecfengtien gion , soy oy welal[E] & helgnt [A] tae intnndtiale soup a" pies 4 oe se of aan as [6 Keli] as mate st Ul, usltiin UL Secten atta, ra Pt aes pee @ [Obpley aaa] Bataan eth, oe eee 38] Alou, we attitbuli to the monte seen | planes 5,6) Coorelinals yor LS] tasental t tps S tone fe é tif Oe hitom 14? sonny a ot hes GT cen Taraaseiwe ven] vwwolve eqyere 5 | a Mews grabhica “bat . if is Ob ul is Dawe Pa a me aug oi pen esl 4 . CHER Co-onninaris)": > . a a adn tis wy As, we pie unig a li O sapmemet pace cauug, [azigen ]. oe 7 gt te aA Wwe Mmtute o perep eaall waar, cas [aoe “ Wis te tos semis x, na cy lon tt Apu fic be Beye fleet] wo % fou TY] ats). Root Rk RE wi. unt ren Of 8 | ama “ + Ditnowustiin bo Lame ee je ty 3 N+ Kudole cbiont rwwolve @ Mang apie “bbl seractfotnndont aa geomet Gantwah v7 fos e le 9 mat ee an oye eed mn wre oh eee imeromect G Me cohen! Im lam wd fete Cgtnachion abpheahers s » rs :ponents in wwe perform translations, rotations, and scali to fit the picture com their proper positions. cfotations, oiler how the matrix representanc jon Oe reo josie can he reformulated 9 that such Wasson Sequences can be efficiently processed. : - nces can be efcenty Pron each ofthe basic transformations can PE pressed in the general matrix form P= My:P+M: G15) with coordinate positions P and P’ represented as column vectors, Matrix Mi 5 Jy 2 array containing multiplicative factors, and Ma is a ‘two-element column 2y containing translational terms. For translation, Mi is the ident) matrix. For rotation or scaling, MM. contains the translational terms associated with th transformations so that the Maan eet eatin are obtained directly from the initial Coordinates, there eliminating the calcilaion of intermediate coorai- 3 Te be able to do this, we need to reformulate Eq, 5-15 to eliminate the matrix addition associated with the translation terms in M2- We can combine the multiplicative and translational terms for two-dimen sional geometric transformations into a single matrix representation ing the 2 by 2 matrix representations to 3 by 3 matrices. This allows us to SUP ia ine formation equations as matrix multiplications, providing that we also e pand the matrix representations for coordinate positions /T express any two-di- Prensional transformation as a matrix multiplication, we represent ‘each Cartesian, MeMinate position G, y) with the homogeneous coordinate triple (rw YM, where —~ i at (5-16) seh yee ‘Thus, a general homogeneous coordinate representation can also be written as co zl). For tWo-dimensional geometric transformations, we can choose the ho- miogeneous ih to be any nonzero value. Thus, there is an infinite num- te of equivalent homogeneous representations for ench coordinate point (x,y) Aconvelient choice is simply to seth = 1. Each two-dimensional position is then represented with homogeneous coordinates (x,y, 1)- Other values for parameter h are needed, for example, in matrix formulations of three-dimensional viewing transformations. “The term homogeneous coordinates is used in mathematics to refer to the ef- fect ofthis representation on Cartesian equations. When a Cartesian point (x,y) is converted to a homogeneous representation (xj, Yar M), equations containing x and y, such as tx, y) = 0, become homogeneous equations in the three parame ters 2, yy, and h. This just means that if each of the three parameters is replaced tyany value ‘v times that parameter, the value v can be factored out of the equa ‘Expressing positions in homogeneous coordinates allows us to represent all geometie transformation equations as matrix multiplications. Coordinates are he —eemahinactatoet F . ae LOE er yerag eco SaaS] $ 8 | eens ang [foes bana] moni” pallet p Upton n tty the we sated tack Gantzatam pporoieval, ony) fifo megerous coordinate “dpe Ons Hn? ween ee EE See Lo jee — © Lm ne + Thus, o wruiak homogenous coorsliavalt pra aionr? Caan alao be "ead sonar ae ag [Carre hry, hd « Fo a [kD quomtiic Hau x J wat Cane nadine Urs homngonons porsmaeter [hu ] do be pane Lin Vode SD Tey, tue o on_dopinite bo aysvaline Murrgsraaes ideatrntialios a ON ae af) fost waa u weply te wet CET] Four aA pos? in thew werartiol url nou glneou manana FO D_] “t Osu. e Tu tur Remogerabina Coanadinoi | th uated Ua nattiematl earrtaliqn, On Certtic & spate to Be ype y thi = , tawll, + yen 0. 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TE). ay Choate ah ee Reagee Ht! din? Ye > ¥IL aoa) we haan Pearl a fia* GFT | aan * The waeaat J amaintt ow ne oF (MHD, fees —oO + The dintomen puso [5] & Mm aerator a (gl \ phe beatoanee FE © the actu wine om [g] 4 CED \ > Nw [Geral tA at Hf nee bjs Cine _& diatarcts vadera Ant + whom [Do] > BRE] tee Une pincee a ) + woin [OIE] > EZE) the eatae piruk 4 (Tt) “tS eifewe 4 deb > (yy) - Wyjt-y) = dy By -1 dt = AMC uj+!) t26- yi —I Sasa oateg () by (4) 4 Wrolroducry ctreintbn varlate £a*] [4i = S* Cs] Chasbcp re vation 1D * dt de [4 Ot Ox41) + Ob- ay,-LD = Qbunj;- 2h Tet Anas 8G Be be Voy; - Racy: +e © BL tim wid tre lela vir t= Mey iy _ @ [R-Tyetve Bae Bide | Beate Cx Bby + bxtdb-) Sune Pin iH] we naw: Gig Ais BAY oti 96) - 40% CY: Hid diy, = ai + day - BAe Gi fi? — ©: ap Cases ‘ Coun pink in tre Flop pind T] Cire ofp 20) Dl fi *) ¢ fi Oia, = olf 4304 ah ] Tf tos pout io te [hello pint § [Gai Sean donewening 0 poe both prvel eH tun nie cLinplay ner MK” pupuieset a quaduirati cod pomr Ratu “te suprerints a Atgion wuld Yao atte: com veniam uispiile mo pont . Scam comucxting 2 pomr imvotwes LLumimetiag Ate pho thor combeima tt pare —> Scan Lenuexnng @ aBaghr tr a svnughr dont emai be cuyined y tvoo wd poms gan eg. Too we poms art (rns) 2 (Map). un ward by dunthe The my Tue eg" ay tH favs count % alk fe pom snot ewok point ic blw treer theo (mur) Uatng “tat eq ay 6 oniaign yw, YF meth wha ee Ay = th m ae b + omg) mptgape rwe om pm z “ Vvobus a yey Amoregnrealny HK from %=H) to m= mH + By Acan conuethyy thre Colelataab my volo Us —ALpscneut tre UA” gn ao aaquuare 1 pricela® ! ~ wu 4 4 . Gus Te ewet pannin ay a gitar Line ant (212) & (6)! » Compute gach vette 4 y as 9 Alps prom 06 Z 4 plots -tue MeUld =) fFisty m= OYny 2 ow 4 18 23 wy, G¢ 45° 4} dunt =) ye mth 12 1s 18 5 6 ps 4 SE pra unt éunnrahve gigi ([optr Hroy % oon] ewolpouh (me) Yo) oad (Mm, Yn) y Tnpu- Lune 2 Aur pinel position (meri) 5) catautale sLep mois AY] bx . ; | 8) cane ms) + Atpent es gottening Aliph MME (omar Yn) in MAAS ie etm 2 od vets ~ mt) pine at positon (Meas Rourd (fuer) Bu case ml?) s dupe He fotierieg Aaps unbl (rAn3 YnyH a Ud « + Men = Heth a Yeniccudet | ina tlcringaai resin ( Romel Cractt 1) yt) | ~ all Lt Spa example \ 4 9 pur cooresmates Ade (213) owd B C138) «ok th aug DDO 2) way era) Wendy) Ud . @ 2B 2 & LO vi é \2-2 fo \rn) <1 > Ye wer 5 tet) Gan SYD se Xk 4 pened ‘frrone) gent ae 2 3 2 3 veure Y 3 | Bs 3 4 xy 4 4 4 5) 4s 5 5 6 5 6 5 71 65 7 6 8) 6 g 6 9) es 4 G Io} 07 10 7 WW t W ge 2 \ yo e cuiaebhy Joolew WS dlecisien yosdoble bxesennowis Ue Genvalisd ges ene Tur Bourenhan's al yitirin we amettur Stata neato} sen conuerston ae. > Tne advantage % , Hite ae ah caleulotows + Mevi auets wg ee oe ap eau sup ec blo qa aris ay arti -amteavals 0 ity 4 are Wo Ot ca Nie dor “ay Fe » i ieee re oa : nt From flu above the q worw-mate om “tt mrosmmsonced r mpt) ve tm 2 marb d ew me Wet Wis muti) oe A I YE 2m (me I+ b- gre ond opps = (ye =H m (yer) - mim tl) 7% Wa tan use que tp mate oo Srmpu clecisum a bv pivet do dma +o tue mrotmmatitel ano Tn Ame olusiee Bo tame OM HE 4, IV tHe two pix) posineve + whads Auman depp = 2 Ce tl) ~2yy 2b -I bea aubshiule yn wath oly Il ii. ay cond dn Ode 4 Suu clixpowmos Folv tre ed pomin } tee Cleon = chopper = 29K + (M4) = yy +2 =I A (drown ~ dapper af +(mry 7 2Y +b ~1 qe) * Se y = Day ae ~ aay 2d Ye + 2bde -4ehe 2 Ady a = 2d Ye TH Cc So, a dedsien pasar Pe yer tt 1 sup ge llibe he = dx( Aewer— okupper) = Baye Me = Don +e 4a ia pr user paranvle ~, bo ae some 0 Tor eltawanr ~ “PPA 4 je Ura pred) otRUIII pe so er gus PRY pixel. i Je yw ow AK Akep rH pw dus pararner we Pray = DAY Mea Dalrte nay FC Subang Pe from rhe wae oP ~m,) — wae ( -4uJ) . Par - Pe * Day (Men we) Yeti kre iy Hers So. pur, Met vn game 00 (3 ne tee MH (1) = Ute) q B _. oe I {er decincon pasarutr of, ig lie oi Croryo) vo quer 9 R= roy- dm enind obs tut eg”, tw go As Nowe, Weeepng in mo). sap! - pur we end pone a 1H um si ink Jom (Mero) owmg He r end pear oo stp - Pee pont (rer fs) sip’ Coreulake 1 constant dm = ALO 9 Ye ath ound Day” A oud get Ta fies von ier OuweY pesarets ap ge Bae Oe A sag Ab K=O- At 90 Be oberg yy i, SBP] pt mg pe in plowed us (met? Yu) Good eo z a eat pore pwr Yh ®P 1 x gine pt pad & (mets Jet Pent = Past Loy ~ adn for, MI , fra gue -oishanae, ap CL yp walle Amoseronboy ee See pe eA fae — a2 a Age fry >] : SS dee 2Bn- ay Perr = Pe + Dd — 2dy (Mer,-) AF Pe 0 => Magy = A Next coolness = (Cathy, 4) PL dd Day Me lent eoordivere (4,41) | 4 Frosh poine (35, 240) owl pony (43,48) aw Mine awing ‘Jbyesenhars atte " =) dv = $ ye 5, | Ddy-dx= Jo -B = 2. | ha 2 fy yd, 40 Neh commas + MectH, Yt] = (34/44) R= Pet Day ~Idy | = DWE 28 * £tis -K 3a -4 | PAO , 80 Aexb Coormmate MANSY > (375 4)) Pre P+ dy = -4YFaxS5 = 6 re, 42 AE met = (8% 2) t= Bt ddy - Be = 6 +2xS-2*F =0 fyed , 42 Ne Het Yth = (8443) fue Ps + 2ay 2d 20.4 2nS-2Kk - 6 L by a sige 4 — : @ Ro ps NC (MH qn) = (40,43) i Poe Put aay | = -642x5 = Y (mets Ye > (4 L44) Po = Pe + Day 2el y+)p-& = 6 72) do Ne (met yet = 2,8) 2 Pe Day dal " ce trie-% = & Ryo, NE Contry) = (ID , \ | z Dogz gus ted \ “ Apo pwd. | z gee wh Pe CIRCLE DRaWwing AL@eRI THM —— SS = Ee Sean Converting a Circle aes —— ho cele 6 tdisanit : a te % & — bymmenical fa frag thle gene YY Ugeriam can take advontage 24 tus cur etedy Aymciy to plot eight points fr wath vabr +a tat alpeniven Calertlaty. Cav Eight way dagen coy ue Masd by AtHlecting 2ach calewtaked Pont coun) Ce rr FY) ene pone poo coloutabed wl tee a eet algeriinm — gene mnoie povils Courtel I fowrrd bay estievy (oy *° To Aummosiese Pee tory tee (ry) Pe (yO “2 tw i CYrPy P (y 3) is % > im ye (ig) fe: (>1/-4) Gn au two sromolard mitroots sesonaeaa al, auparg a write contd at Tr erigin ( efining 2 Caife orn Pelymensiak Mettsoof ua eg” * eile Ya Pac wh, yo = TR % cooreliviale dh gs : ye te wele wads With frie muthod , enuh % ecorcrinale au te Aeckn- , from 9Q)'te ust als Pound by shepping me fromr O 19 Ai amol tay y Coorronale dy pouna fay Cvrodeccbivy =— (ret fe LA 5 af Age. ® Set Ke chr Kad vosudbjes > ELE — Aaclurs Uns) = covrbinates oy tier eae tenkee Heo : Am Akep Arse . Herd = af OY Ter 2 to clueaming Whutnutr gytiu else os bee Th > Heng Krum Atop Atay conuerke » diy Comput Ye Ee i Poe tu tight poinls found fy dap wit espe fo tue cna WK, ot Are cuir Cry) cooretmoits Pree (mans yrs) fur (oth), “Ute pur (yrhsers) oF La Pur [-yrhs 28) Pr (yah, 74) pur (rien, Ure) fir (ath, “YtK) w) druternmsr mere l wi) Go te hp w)- omeine meftrog @ Aefsaing a ecere airy ee sbuie fhaskin ad a Gy Ancor emNee aur “| Bagonomedi« functabve + re cos® pL wrer® en me rain ye amd wh, 62 Une ogee > wule fades He mM CoOURAL I? Y werunats | fy ae mutnod, & uo Atippecl jm 0 t Ty £ pach vole 24 m ey da calutatel . Lip. a) Qer Wu jraniah vow ables ar othele reli (Wily = toordinates 21 Atak erele Cer Rp sup HH Sent Ay «EA Y)y ®=0 @) 9D 7 Bevel trom SP UW) Compute Ke Tse | Ye rin dy Pus Ae eign poraa «four by Aapravesleny cot the cevtu (nyt) , or fu, tonne (my) Coovdinaliz Plo (Fb, wR) foe [rh yt kh) Pier [yth, %+k) por [ths ete) Plot (~Yrh , 2 k) Pei (Y th tk) Pur ( -%th, gtk) Pur (mth, yt) w Ovutamint =O = B +L vi) Con sop wy . , oO ae] CIRCLE DRAWING ALGO !> “4 tia is & symmibiat Ary taale = Serunating clgoutron comm bane [nails] of We feimet.'s sym t ri spe. foe eae valine al Une alyoultinwn Colentety . -Fgl Pre (% 4) Pa = Cy? Py = Cy) Py = (-%5 4) Pez C-%s-f) Pgs Cy, Pye GY, 7 Pg = (%, -%) © Pe Cu, lesa) 2 Oey) Hloull ramen” be fount 5 DIRS mundo agdaing a cae water war uy [td ie mms mee ase Vala, © s curint Re potebnall Mek walca “iPon. ccs de y woauract fay Tab soe Risacwamtage | t—° Computation, Of Ge alans [sine] 4 [Ge] a wm mow 3 tram ors CalenkaHown Wautual oy O foot muner. 9) [Bxesentin s crscee Ay orzmed [27 Sram | Bresenbara's akyouk tom “ Fellows 2 9 A - cule & unt . | tne e8-wiay tymmdny ef 0 goruae emhoupe a [F5" angie] D) pian este only home to lw = af pos eo gin, ome TE ERE], me sa mae oly te fre] ¢ Ly) obeation. oe oe ©0000 fa [ree Seas toa pole Brcatnhannia Mgt FYI Sew dt apse my te Sal, —> wilh We ctersatlace by chore pluls cn ‘ue uunolc trae face tw feast distance Greta vias post thoceatt to, eee delta abet ext, at ogi hs. taro otto £- = move te tre [GE] wbeeetlow. [rt] vi ‘ ee : 8 hn a Ore ae y | or he dbueTions Tore) unit . oo sy ee Coordinalis Oy Cte, [dak Stam tornueslin 3) MA upon enteninnp step As me tooradnaris oy [Tow [ome tl, 9) | (vane gm [OTD] Ou following Matanus tam lt Caleubaliel G4 1 — [BC1D= (%; rae, [6e) = Gar Hye Wd" -A* 1 avalae xitl yD e 6. tyke Or Bhraenbarn's Chole The pon [O) - provi a Kleine meagumument Wh dislann ine to “tou : snip yl Cage OE Bee ate des Stnw [OCD ] « wl aude be [rue] (ka (Oucteiote| Batu ut) ee eeay LEE Ge ede = 1a small 0 oecitionn vartaole [A] ray Sey oe polio | — Dpreause covmurions cance he tare hai dj AES ey) 4 f(y, 1d" - 9 *] —O 2 Adak bi TOugea to paul t + iz Do “abe noon Dages tpad o DI] 0I< Joc] pout [Fo] te cusses. + wom [ESD] ~ > [er] z (eso) plu [F) ie Ne wes tdi. Laan dan ioutae n iiage estes moma [apa Blot) 4 yee Ges!" an*| [By-Tisine Bee A — = = t a [Bin Ai RO + apy Gig IO 7 BOO TH Ged ] wSuinte ae Apart Kr = A a= ai = AC uta + fir t Pint! 2 yin TR g egret) net lo yprdyinn PAYEE, ACI UtaK:) yr Eye Mtg) ABH BRL + BY — BYigy Obey ye ert ay; Bigg i = 4G FALE YD ROY a = YD 4 6 . Aine = Os Have + BLYE, =H) - ACyz,, HITE * 4 & tre croien pir Cie. deo) then [Y. = ] Sue — G4 FE a b s ei pe tip A fee ." ol fae eyxre | | pay Bo a L Pyare & TO POINT CjiRcKe ALGORITHM | i9 - 96 te base on tw ‘ na tetchy we Spakiot smtatiowtip betiuen Gar drbits eo ead ao eee of nactine [Ke] Qutresl ot ww wrigtr '- J mye aay te ae <0 for Coy) crate rw cbrete = 0 fr Cuy) Om tw twits 70 aad Cy outside Ure Unite =O = Now Comin te wrdinrals of Be [e- [Fagquey] 6/0 [PRAT 4 EAL pasty ) ber wd) This ie colt aw aie pe: Gwe une te dune & beta prmenmnet + = oc w-L)2 (yt (yy -n~/G Pe f[ritls Yi 4)? (+ (8 4y “ fon 4 * [Pe] in FEE] Amiel pe és [aioe] oe cine (ase is anes we choot pexet [1] * i fpe) & free 2 mick pc & [outate) ts anche Cor on Ox Con equal Bo) 4 we wosx pixet fs] arg Us elOser to the lowe — Wy [Re clediaton partner jen tre next sp afi - prey = = Bian = Cert + Hees Ze —@ - Sire [a2 x, +! ], te nares pe . Pia” fe 2 (Catt = Cup +(Yin “LY - oy t) = aft atan; - uflmicdxy tuk 4d gig, -y te 95 § on ts Sip ai # Yer “Y wf Yi ROMA) UF Gl HD Sins 2 Cre OGD ET +O) “Gin “HD “iy #94 pix [F] te choose 2 [Pad oe tows ery] * Ty pixel (8) { eleopeen > [Pizo Mis owes Yisr= Git] Peon. Thus Pas Pe + C4; 41) +1 it Peso pit a Out) +1 8G, if :z0 A U3e taar Continut to simmplity thin Ca tune ae ne sm 4 if A Beas tye = oy Cone ce) a eal ss oe Cnet ay bias x [aye oie Bas cee ed ia ss wp — Brusuaranr ‘dine ig plaiting’ hoon eee ea dele anny Wr olUmrongtuate Hae Bo plo w!s, ea chuterm ining position ateng the cd cle. guar pa quar per quocttent- yrorn x= 0 +O xy. 3-garD = -19 Uy weld, o be B97 , neo Os GID AY . RL Fe] Me Ye | Metro 5 (i Py + 4Xo +e o | - eis ie. eS erieyxote 2 7! 1 f-u | tre 2,10 ’, 40 2.f-7 4 2,1lo 3,10 P= peu, 46 3] 13 | 37° 4,4 er euer ts a7! yf-s {9 579 2, 5 {17 5,4 6,8 ed ea 6] 14] 8 7 wg +376: 8 #3 0 Cyn Pt 4(%3 dat . 134 4[(3-yrle = a+ 12-4orle > -F : py dy +6 ange lere = 1 Poe po Pet (ede) He 2 int Y (oy tle zgi-le oft Exam ple 2 Gwe r= we Fete, Cet (09) 3 amy (mevtyy is ques at add tune my, a a awd aw (oa TS - ert porns ) Refer — Y Yu ey at te piloting: 1-3 a t-te bent 04 fo ~-4 yale eco =) =! p= P+ 243 = 94 2K04 3 apes EO 2 pe t3 he ra40%3 -6 = 2 to a? ee tye fate (Me—Ya}r€ o gre (srts 2 orlyts = Py t 2%y4 43 aa pre yt> Sy Br ar8 0 coe retms sd * © z gan (BO) ~ Ae Pos

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