A Fortune To Share by VASH YOUNG

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A Fortune to Share


VasK Young


Printed ut the "Terang Express" Olttce, Teiang, Vic., Aust.

A Fortune to Share
by Vash Young

H13 following address was given read and I found that my new self

T by Vash Young, of New York,

one of the leading producers oi
the the Equitable Ivife Assur­
had inherited the following riches
My Inheritance: Unselfishness, op­
ance Socicty of the United States, to timism, fearlessness, contentment, de-
the business interests of Louisville, eision. forgetting the past, confidence
Kentucky. in tin* future, dominion over business
That is the subject of my address— troubles, kindness and patience at
“A Fortune to Share.” In explanation home, rejoicing in tlie other fellow’*
I would like to say that while you success, freedom front false appetites
may not know it and I may not look and desires, and many other riches of
it. i am, in reality, fabulously wealthy. a similar nature. I took this inherit­
Ami my riches are not the kind ance out into the business world and
that take wings and fly away. My (t made me successful beyond my
wealth cannot be affected by bank fondest hopes. I started giving it
failures, stock market crashes and away to people with whom 1 came in
business depressions. It is permanent contact and tin* more I gave tin' innto
and unlimited, so you are all welcome 1 received. It is a fortune 1 can
jo any part of it you may want, never deplete, so I am more than
I aquired this great wealth through happy to share it with you.
the death of an old .associate of mine. Djvidimr Up: 1 think the best w aj
Now you may think it rather strange for me to share my fortune is to
for mn to tell gleefully about tlio show you just how it can be used in
death of an oM friend. 1tut this is practical everyday affairs. Kor in ­
one funeral over which I can be very stance, at the time I inherited my
happy, as you will soon see. Thia wealth I had a very comfortable posi­
old associate had treated me Very tion fl-s eastern manager of a largo
badly while he lived, but at his death publishing house. Hut I suddenly felt
he more than made up for everything. capable of doing much bigger things.
Now I do not mind telling you who So with a wife and child to look af'er
this old associate was. lie looked and less than 100 dollars in the bank,
just like me and hg had the same I resigned my nice comfortable posi­
name as mine., ^ ^ s , a matter of fact tion without having another one to go
lie was my former: sell:. Yes, after a to. I went home that night and told
long suffering illness, my former self Mrs Young what I had done. Instead
Anally gavo up tho ghost and died, of throwing up her hands in despair
and I would liko to tell you what was she threw them around my neck and
burled w ith him : Selfishness, pessi­ wo joyfully danced a jig around our
mism, fear, worry, indecision, regret­ compartment. You see. I had pre­
ting the past, <loubting the future, viously shared by fortune with her
stewing about business, being irritable and we felt ready for bigger things.
at home, envying the other fellow,
TH® Morning After
slavery to false appetites and desires,
and a lot of other Junk too numerous The next morning was one of the
to mention. Thjrse things were all most important mornings of my life.
very definitely buried with m y fo rm e r W ith no job, little or no money, and
*olf. After the funeral the will was a wife and child to look after, I was

in as tight a hole, perhaps, as anyone in from scratch as a common ordinary

here today. In fact, outwardly, I was agent on a strictly commission basis.
in a “hell of a fix”— if you will pardon But right here I would like to let you
the expression. Cut inwardly I was in a little secret— I did not go to
in a “heaven of a fix.” Outwardly, I sell life insurance. I went out to use
was almost poverty stricken and my inheritance of sane thinking and
busted. Inwardly, I was richer than right acting. I went out to give and
any monarch on his throne. I men­ not to get. I went forth as a bundle
tally rolled up my sleeves and chal­ of ideas—a bundle of qualities, if you
lenged negative thinking- to a death please, which X knew would make mo
battle. successful if I lived and practised every
I did something that morning that day. I was so busy expressing these
every troubled business man in the qualities that I did not have time to
world could do with extreme profit at worry or fret about my condition
this time. I analysed my situation. Things began to happen In my
I realised that I was sternly up ag­ favor. Successful men and women not
ainst it, and that I had to do some­ only started buying irom me our
thing Intelligently and quickly. So I sent mo to their friends. "WHtera
carefully considered two courses that bega.n referring to me in newspapers
were open to me. One course was to and magazine articles. I was called
get panicky, to reason that I had made upon to address insurance meetings
a mistake in resigning my position, in different parts of the country. My
to b e c o m e depressed and fearful, to clients gave me a testimonial lun­
view the future with pessimism and cheon at one of the large New York
doubt, to wonder bow long 100 dollars hotels. The American Magazine asked
would Inst, to become completely filled me for a story and in the September
,,T, ’ f ,n jtvt rc<;entTnonf im pa­ 1:rjs, issue I told some of mv experi­
tience, discouragement, a.nd so on. ences unih’r the title, “I (Jot Tired of
Friends, T hnd just enough common Ileing a Fool.” Seemingly many
ordinary horse sense to figure out that others had become tired of being
this course of notion would utterly foolish, beeau^o a flood of letters
ruin mo. So I quickly abandoned it. o:-me in from all parts of the country
Th<\n I contemplated the other about the story and they are still
course that was open to me. The first coming i.n. even though the article is
thins* to do was to quit thinking about now over two years old.
myself-, to forget the past and the Today I have everything I need. I
future, and to concentrate on today. I have a comfortable home and a well-
calmly realised that I had always had established business. I have loads of
a place to sleep, something to eat, and good friends; I am in perfect health
something to wear. As these three and have a bright outlook on life. I
things were all I needed, and as I had tell you these things .not to brag—far
always had them, why worry th a t from it—but to illustrate w hat a little
some day I would not have them? commonsense w ill do in times of
R ight then and there I got rid of trouble. I am wholly convinced that
fear and self and the rest was com­ the only lack there is is the lack of
paratively easy. I took every weak right thinking in times of stress.
and fearful thought that came to me Now let's take a look at general con­
and literally shook it to death. It ditions today. Ju st what has hap­
was a great battle, but w ith my “For­ pened. To me. the answer is very
tune of right thinking’* to support me, plain. It is simply this: The getting
I won out. habit has been rudely interrupted.
To hasten the story along, I Anally Just let me repeat that statement,
engaged in one of the most highly “The getting habit has been rudely
competitive businesses in the world— interrupted.” This is not a new
the life insurance business. I started experience, for the “getting habit” has

been interrupted periodically down stacles. We appreciate your confid­

through the a pres and always will be. ence and support, and during this re­
You simply cannot stabilise “self in ­ adjustment period we are taking steps
terest.” The “getting habit” is always to give you the biggest run for your
in trouble because it never gets quite money that you have ever received.
enough to satisfy it. It goes merrily We are going to give you better mer­
along for a while and then comes an chandise, better prices and better ser­
interruption similar to that which we vice. We realise that you have many
are experiencing today. problems to meet and we want to help
Take the stock market crash, for you to solve them. Sincerely yours,
MV'tance. The “getting habit" was United States Kusiness.”
responsible for that. Investors were That kind of messgae from business
not satisfied with a fair return on would havo met with a public* re­
their i.nv« stments. They were waiting sponse b. cause it lias in it the “giv­
to get more. The result was that self ing* instead of the “getting qualities.”
interest expanded beyond its own The “giving” habit is in harmony
limits, and finally burst. Fictitious with the eternal law of things. It
values vanished over-night. Material governs bnsim-^s whether business
wealth took wings and Hew away. The wants to be governed by it or not. It
poor old “getting habit” with only the is the best business stabiliser that we
weak pro]) of “self interest” to lean can employ at this time. To me, the
upon faltered and fell to the ground. “giving habit” simpl.v means giving
Pessimism and depression swept over a good account of ourselves each day
the land and paralysed business. And, — in other words, “giving” instead of
lo and behold, another panic was on. “get ting.”
Wih on the “getting habit"' caught W hile returning home from work
its breath again it started right off one evening last summer I saw a
on its same old course. For instance, perl’eet example of the “giving habit.”
this appeal was sent out to the public: A group <>f small hoys wen* standing
“Huy now and bring back prosperity.” on the sidewalk and in the middle of
There were two little words omitted tli<> group was a little* follow w ith an
from that appeal which should havo iee cream eono. Instead of eating the
been added to it. The appeal should corn* himself, he was passing it around
have* read, “Hay now and bring ba?k to the others. I shall never forget the
prosperity— to me.” Then it would at enraptured look on his little face as
least have been honest. My friends, he saw his eono rapidly disappearing
the appeal fell on deaf ears beeauce as it went the rounds. lie was hap­
it was selfish and the public was not pier far than his companions, who
inspired by it. The "getting habit” were greedily eating his ice cream. I
is a bit dumb when it comes to get­ started to pass on and the the
ting out of a hole.- It is always worn thought came to me that I m ust not
out, disgruntled and unhappy. let this perfect example of “giving”
This .is not so w ith the “giving go unrewarded. So I bought each ono
habit.” This habit is never unhappy of the boys a cone, but for the “giver”
nor distressed because it hacTnt any­ I bought two cones and tucked a
thing to get. Please ponder that quarter into his surprised hand.
statement a little. The “giving habit’' You might say, “Well, Mr Young,
has nothing to get. W h at if business that example is alright for that little
had sent out an appeal to the public street urchin, but we are practical
that read something like his: “There business people confronted with some
is nothing to be alarmed about. W e very serious problems and we w ant
are 120.000,000 strong in a rich and something tangible for grown-ups.”
fertile land. W o have half the gold All right, here Is another illustration
that is in the world, half the m ach­ which shows the power behind the
inery, and the will to overcome ob­ “giving habit”. One day a business

acquaintance telephoned and asked had a boy whom he would like to

me to so to lunch with him. During place in some insurance and he asked
the luncheon he told me that on the me to let him know what it would
day previous his wife’s mother had cost. I submitted an illustration
died and that his wife had become based upon a 25,000 dollar policy.
prostrated with grief. He said that After examining the figures, Mr
she had been crying constantly for Campbell said. “I will take a quarter
about twenty-four hours and that no of a million.” A little dazed by this
one could console her. The funeral sudden and unexpected development,
was to be held the next day and it T humbly accepted Mr Campbell’s in ­
was very important for her to assume vitation to spend the evening in his
certain responsibilities. Tie then home in T„archmont, where we drove
stated that he would consider it a in his Rolls Koyee car. The next
great favor it X would ride out to her morning we brought his son, who was
home with him and attempt to do or then only fourteen years old, into New
say something that would relieve the York and had him examined for the
sitini t ion. insurance. A few days later Mr Camp­
1 <1i«l not stop to figure out whether bell telephoned and asked me to find
it was a profitable thins: for me to out the largest amount of insurance
do or not or wether I had the time ever placed on a boy. I discovered
in which to do it. As a matter of that .lackie Coogan had 4!>0,000 dol­
fact I had a very busy afternoon lars in force at that time. Thereupon
scheduled, but I promptly forgot all Mr Campbell said, “Get me half a
about my own interests and told this million.” A few days later while at
man that I would be ^lad to go with luncheon he calmly announced that
him. It did not take me long to pot he had decided to increase the insur­
his wife's tears dried w^th just a ance to three-quarters of a million,
little eommonsense reasoning, and I and to cap the climax a little later ho
was told later that twenty minutes told me that he wanted a million dol­
ft<t I left his home she was up and lars of insurance on his boy. The
dressed and in full posession of her­ linal count was 1 0G.~,000 dollars and
self. The next day the funeral went there was never any selling on my
off harmoniously and I forgot all part. In fact, T tried on several occa­
about the incident. sions to restrain him from taking on
However, the invisible law that re­ so much, but the law that rewards
wards the “giving habit” did not for­ the “giving habit” was working over­
get the incident. The brother of that time and the result was beyond im ag­
woman happened to bo Frank E. ination.
Campbell, the well known undertaker One of the most distressing situa­
in New York. W hen lie heard the tions confronting the country today is
story of what had happened to his the unemployment problem. I have
sister he wanted to meet tlie man who great sympathy for anyone who is out
had done something1 that no one else of work and have helped dozens of
could do. A meeting was arranged, men and women to find employment.
and one of the first things Mr Camp­ As a matter of fact, Saturday is
bell asked me was, “Do you get paid “trouble day” in m y office. I devote
for doing things of that sort?” I said, that day to people who are in dis­
“Mr Campbell, T don’t get paid in tress and usually the only ones T hear
gold, but I get paid in other ways from on Saturday are people who aro
that mean more to me than gold.” lie having trouble of one kind or another.
said, “Well, it’s gold I am talking There are exceptions, however, and
about. It is about time that you got there was a very amusing one just
paid in real tangible form for things last Saturday. My telephone rang
of this kind.” about 1 o’clock and as usual I ans­
Then Mr Campbell explained that he wered with a cheerful “Good m orn­

ing.” The call was from a man whom is some money to get through the day
I had not seen for over two years, and and here is my address. If you w ill
he asked me if ho could see me for a come to my home at 8 o’clock tonight
few minutes. Assuming1 that he was I will be glad to have a little talk
in diflieulty of some kind, I sug­ with you.”
gested that he como right on up. Promptly at eight o’clock he showed
This seemed a little inconvenient for up. We had some guests and were
him so we spent some time discuss­ just finishing our dinner, but Mrs
ing- tiie best hour for the appointment, Young sat him right down at the
lie finally came to m y ollice and com­ dining room table and gave him a
pletely dumfoundod me by saying good Christmas dinner. After ho had
that he had had an exceptionally gooel finished I took him into my study and
year in business and wanted to take got his .story. lie had been out of
out some more insurance. I apolo­ work for several months and had got
gised to him for not offering to call so shabby that it was impossible for
at his otlice and then we both had a him to even sen anyone—much less
good laugh over the business. get. a job.
Christmas Incidents I said to him, “Son, you haven’t
I lind that tin*- best way of getting been unemployed all these* months.
people out of trouble is to change Von have been working overtime. You
their thinking. For instance, about have bee n toiling and slaving, but
9.no last Christmas Eve as I was re­ for tin* wrong boss. You have been
turning home, a man slopped me on working for failure, eliscouragement,
the street and asked if I would help fear, worry, lack, and so on, and tho
him get something to eat. 1 noticed sad part e>f it is that there* has been
that he was a young fellow so 1 said, no salary or income attached to your
“Surely, son. I will help you get some­ labors.
thing to eat. Hut you are pretty young You seem to be destitute* and w ith­
to be doing this sort of thing. You out funds, but I am going te> tell you
have* a long* way to go yet and this how to become* rich e»ve*rnight. I
is not the best way to go.” I then want you to deposit the* following
cheered him up the best way I could, thoughts in your menial bank right
gave him some money and went on now: 1 am not afraid, I am a success
my way. The next morning, which and not a failure, I have* an inexhaust­
was Christmas Day, a very unusual ible supply e)f courage, ability, energy,
tiling occurred. I lol/t home e irly conlide'ue’e, inlellige*nce. perseverance
to call upon my brother, who has two and se> forth to draw upon, Ills faco
line boys, and I wanted to see them brighle*ne*d up and I knew that he had
with their Christmas things. I stop­ grasped the* idea.
ped for a bite of breakfast in a one- Then I said, “Take e>ff yemr coat.”
arm lunch room in the Grand Central lie took off his and I took off mine*
station. As I sat down in one of the and tried it e>n him. It was a gooel fit,
chairs, T was greatly surprised to see so I said, “There is a* new suit for
my young friend of the night before you.” Then with Mrs Young’s help I
sitting opposite me, got together some shoes, socks, under­
I was quirk to notice that he had wear, shirts, ties, collars, ha»mlker-
gotten a shaves during tho night, ehiefs—in fact a complete new w ard­
which increased my interest in him. robe? and gave them to him. I also
I greeted him cordially, and asked paid his room rent for one week, and
him if he would have something to gave him some money to buy food for
eat, to which he replied that he was some days. As he was leaving my
too discouraged to oat. Whereupon I home I said, “Son remember ono
said, “Son, I guess wo w ill have to thing. Before you can be unemployed
prove to you that your Heavenly your Heavenly Father would have to
Daddy is looking out for you. Here go out of business. As this can never

bo, you are employed all the time things again at night and take them
expressing Him. Remember to draw home again with you if you must, but
upon your new bank account when for heaven’s sake don’t carry them
you need it.” About a week later this around with you all day long because
young fellow called upon me one even­ they w ill not do you any good. This
ing and I could hardly recognise him. man caught the idea and the next
He was all dressed up and cleaned, morning he sent me by messenger a
and excitedly told me that he had a great long list of things—negative
job. I said, “That’s fine son. how did things if you please— which he had
it happen?” His reply was, “Well, I mentally checked at the station that
was com ini? over from ]3rook3yn the morning. He went out with a new
other morning and I heard one man spirit and in short time had a new
say to the other, “Mr So-and-so is job.
looking for a man to do some office Thor#* is no use denying that condi­
work." I immediately remembered tions must have been very bad all
wiiat you told me about my bank ac­ over the world, and heroic efforts
count and T drew out a largo hunk of have been made to normalise them.
courage and said to this man, “ Would Kings, Dictators. Presidents, Gover­
you mind giving me the name and nors. Mayors and local business org­
address of this man who is looking anisations have called many confer­
for someone to do office work. I can ences to cope with tlie situation. But
do that kind of work and need a job wo are still in turmoil and confusion.
very badly,” After a little question­ Therefore, let us imagine her*' today
ing this man gave him the namo of that the Supremo. P.eing of heaven and
his friend and this young chap went earth ealled a gigantic meeting to be
down and got the job. A oil can call attended by all the peoples of the
Hir-1 what you want. e rth. T am persuaded that His in v i­
Lot's take the case of the man a tation Would read something like this:
littV higher up tin* ladder. An ac- “.My Dear Children.—After centuries
inaintam v of mine in Xew York who of patient but vain waiting for you to
had always made between Mfl and get your earthly affairs harmoniously
*nto«(» dollars a year, suddenly lost his settled, I have decided to hold an open
position through no particular fault meeting in the Kingdom of Heaven,
jf His own. In talking over his situa­ to which you are all invited. At this
tion with him one day he admitted mooting, I will toll you exactly the
that he was quite worried about the cause of all your troubles, and then
future. T handed him a piece of paper will give to each nation and each in ­
and told him to put down the thoughts dividual a simple formula for living
that were racing through his mind a happy and successful life. W hile
every day. The particular list he everyone is cordially invited to this
made up as follow: Fear that he meeting, there are certain restrictions
would not be able to find another job; that I must place on each invitation.
the fear that his savings would be Kverj'ono who attends must leave be­
exhausted; wondering what his friends hind the following traits of character:
would think; resentment over his Selfishness, pride, greed, envy, malice,
situation; chagrin and disappoint­ dishonesty, jealousy, intolerance, fear,
ment; and an almost constant fit of worry, pessimism, depression, hate,
the “blues/ anger, otc. A ll who come to the meet­
Sane Advice ing with their consiousness entirely
I finally held up the complete list freed from these unlovely things w ill
before him and said, “Now when you be welccomed in. Those, however, who
come into the Grand Central station attempt to bring any of those things
tomorrow morning just take this list will be refused admittance. Time of
over to one of the baggage stands meeting—now. Place of meeting—
and check it there. Pick up these your own conciousness.”

The day for the big meeting has however, you have busily engaged in
arrived. I am further persuaded that expressing My counterfeit, who is
a kind and patient Heavenly Father made up of the things that I told you
would opem fho meeting’ something not to bring to this meeting. Now in
after this fashion: — order to make it easy for you to be
“My dear Little Flock.— I am happy like Mo, I will toll you just what I
to moot with you and it is particularly am. I am love, unselfishness, patience,
gratifying to me that so many of you kindness, justice, intelligence, ability,
were willing to qualify for attendance tolerance, charity, peace, joy, brother-
at this mooting. I am sorry that you linoss, and so forth. This is the
have been having so much trouble “ Kingdom of Heaven” and it is within
all down* through the ages, and I you—now. I W t preach it—live it.
thought it was about time for Me to Finally, dear children, draw nigh to
got you rill together and tell you Mt' and I will draw nigh to you.”
wherein the difficulty lies. Before go­ Friends, don’t you agree that this
ing any further, however, I want to is just about what the Alm ighty
give you a big surprise. In your pre­ would say to us if Ho called us to
sent state of oonsiousnoss you are get her? If there is an Almighty (and
not only in the Kingdom of Heaven who will say that there is not)? is it
with Mo, but you are yourself the not reasonable that He must bo ex­
Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom pressed? Wo have been expressing
of Heaven is not a locality but rather His demoralised opposite, and we aro
a stale nf being. It is the opposite of working over time on that particular
those thiiurs tb; t T told you not to Job today. That is the trouble with
brlmr to this meeting. Through My us. If tin* Bible had declared tho
Beloved Son, I told you that the K in g­ "Kingdom of hell** is within yon, a
dom of (Sod or Heaven was within '-•Teat many p-'ople would understand
you. Xow about your troubles—they that uiui’li better than the “Kingdom
have a :l enme about by a national and of Heaven" is within you. Hell is not
individual false sense of ownership. a. Sunday proposition to a lot of
For eenluries I have been sending My people, but rather a daily and hourly
ebildren into the world with nothing affair. So it should be with Heaven.
and taking them out with nothing— Tiie “ Kingdom of Heaven’’ is simply
materially speaking. This in itself a state of being. It. is the direct op­
should prove to you that everything posite of all the grief and disaster we
belongs to Me. But, unfortunately, see between the cradle and tho grave.
both as nations and individuals you Tt is about time for the people of
have considered that certain parts of the world to realise this and begin
the earth and the things therein be­ to honor tho Alm ighty in tho things
longed to you. You have always been wo think and do.
struggling to “got” thing and then Two Important Points
fighting and quarreling over your And now you will be glad to know
fancied possessions which, in reality, that I am almost finished. I just
belong to Mo. And now I will givo want to point out two more things
you a simple plan for living a suc­ to you. One is this: It is a pet con­
cessful and happy life—both nation­ tention of mine that if men and
ally and individually. ^n the first women were ordered to do some of
chapter of your Bible you are told the foolish things they do each day,
that I made you to My likeness and they would rebel against the orders.
image. This is the truth and I want In this connection a prominent man
you to go about your affairs as My regarded himself as having been saved
image and likeness— in other words, from a drunkard’s grave by his wife
in everything you say and do. It who, before their marriage, made him
should be plain to you that I must bo promise that he would get drunk
expressed. Instead of expressing Me, every Thursday night. It was not
3 0328 10659822 9
S ta te U b r a r y o t V > c to a a fortune to share

long before he begged permission to “Thank God for what I have.” instead
become a total abstainer. of, “P lease God give me a lot more."
I'or instance, what if you were ord­ Try to make somebody happy for the
ered to do the following: Get up in day before leaving the house. Dis­
the morning and start thinking about regard the weather; you can’t do any­
yourself right away. If things haven’t thing about it anyway. Go out to
gone just right at home be sure to ‘‘give’’ and not to “get.” Don’t engage
get in a couple of nasty digs at some­ in pessimistic talk. Forget yourself
one before leaving the house. Kick and think of the other fellow. If you
are an employer tell your employees
about the weather. Regret the past.
Worry about the future. Be envious that your institution is in business to
of the other fellow. B e co m e irritated stay. Assure faithful employees that
when things go against you. Acknow­ their jobs are safe. W arn careless
ledge that conditions are bad. Be employees that they must give better
pessimistic and depressed. Stew service. If you are an employee be
about business. W ish that you were sure that you are grateful for your
in some other town, Blame somebody job. liealise that you are paid for
else for your hard luck. Put off until your “thinking.” Be w illing to let
tomorrow things that should be done your employer see your thinking and
today. Plan your work when you your acting at any time during the
working day. Tie a booster instead of
should bo working your plan. Finally,
enlist all of y o u r , thinking against a kicker. He convinced that you are
you instead of in your favor. If you in the best town in the world. F in ­
received visible instructions to do ally, enlist all of your thinking in
your favor instead of against you.
these things you would not do them.
W hy obey the invisible instructions? I would like to close with this little
verse from Scripture:— ,
In conclusion may I suggest a plan "Give and it shall be given unto you;
that almost anyone can use to ad­ good measure, pressed down and
vantage? ]t is this:— shakeVi together, and running over,
(let up in the mornings and say, shall men give into your bosom.”

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