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Y dogs are much better than humans

Im restricting this discourse to dogs as most of what follows is mainly based on the my personal
experiances with the above mentioned creatures. Dogs and humans have roamed the face since time
immemorial . there have been numerous descriptions of dogs and their relationships with human beings
in human literary and artistic works for a very long period . the relationship has become so divine that
humans the most ingrateful and detestable of all of gods creation to set foot on earth have given the
title –“ mans best friend”

The veto power of the P5 has been the subject of great criticism the main reason is that most of the
time it favours the interests of the powerful few over the others. A perfect example of this would be the
fact that the US has alone used its veto power 32 times whenever resolutions that are critical of Israel’s
position with respect to the Palestine problem a number that is more than the number of times the
option has been used by all the permanent members since 1982,as according to john j.Mearsheimer.
this is nothing but the work of unrivalled hegemony as it is seen Israel had the US whereas the Palestine
had no such friend.

Not just the US , but also Russia has used the option of veto to further its own political gains with a total
disregard to the rest of the world , it vetoed against Imposing resolutions against the Syrian government
during the Syrian civil world . it also used the veto to its personal advantage of vetoing its own invasion
of crimea in 2014. The veto was used despite thirteen members of the permanent council. When it was
in the form of soviet union it vetoed against the imposing of restrictions for shooting down of the
Korean air lines flight 007 in the year 83. About the incident and Russia vetoing it to save its very skin the
report statedn

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