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Grahas in Nakshatras

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Khoo Hock Leong

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Surmising the Characteristics of Grahas Placed in Nakshatras


Post 15 Jan 2009


Although I do not have the info on any website which gives a description of the effects of various
Nakshatras have on Grahas, one can easily make a guess.
For example, if Rohin the Nakshatra on fertile imagaination has Mercury in it, most likely the person
would be full of ideas. He practically can conjecture concepts to its full fructification or implementation
stage. If Mars is there as well, the conjecture may turn into practical reality like having the idea
implemented through manufacturing.

Moon in Dhanista means the person is very emotional and the person won't feel secure unless he has
plans all laid out before him that enable him to seek riches.

Venus in Pushya the person is interested in Philosophy but only on an appreciative level mabye through
leisure reading and not like Jupiter in there who would use the Philosophy principles as a guide to
everyday living and his interaction with other people.

Saturn in Shravana means the person (especially the third Pada) is not only an expert in higher
knowledge but he actually delve into the details (Saturn is certainly a hard task master).

Jupiter in Shatabisha the person fights aggressively especially if the person feels that ethical or moral
principles is being violated against him. But because Shatabisha is also a healing Nakshatra towards
general humanity, the person would educate (Jupiter) the masses on why he reacted as such.

Sun in Adra the person has struggles with this father to some extent. Adra is a Nakshatra for activitities
like breaking of binds (both figuratively and literally).

Rahu in Ashlesha the person is very clear with what other people are thinking (because of Rahu) but
other people do not know what he is thinking (because of Ashlesha).

As you may have guess, the above placements describe my chart (not the Mars with Mercury though, my
Mars is in Bharani). For more details of my chart, you can go to the Yogas section where I posted a
message entitled "My Chart Brimming with Yogas".



Khoo Hock Leong

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Disseminating Knowledge


Post 15 Jan 2009

Hi Shobha

No, not at all. You are quite right in stating your intentions because after all you are the initiator of the
message. You have an aim before you post the message.

However, as this is a blog and readers access to these messages for information, my contribution is for
their information and see also whether I can assist you to do your own analysis assuming you eventually
cannot get the software or the website that you are seeking. And what better way to let them know that
what I said is the truth (ie. verication), than to use my chart as an example.

Hope you eventually get the software or website that you are looking for.






Re: Surmising the Characteristics of Grahas Placed in Naksha


Post 11 Jul 2011

Khoo Hock Leong wrote:


Although I do not have the info on any website which gives a description of the effects of various
Nakshatras have on Grahas, one can easily make a guess.

For example, if Rohin the Nakshatra on fertile imagaination has Mercury in it, most likely the person
would be full of ideas. He practically can conjecture concepts to its full fructification or implementation
stage. If Mars is there as well, the conjecture may turn into practical reality like having the idea
implemented through manufacturing.

Moon in Dhanista means the person is very emotional and the person won't feel secure unless he has
plans all laid out before him that enable him to seek riches.

Venus in Pushya the person is interested in Philosophy but only on an appreciative level mabye through
leisure reading and not like Jupiter in there who would use the Philosophy principles as a guide to
everyday living and his interaction with other people.

Saturn in Shravana means the person (especially the third Pada) is not only an expert in higher
knowledge but he actually delve into the details (Saturn is certainly a hard task master).
Jupiter in Shatabisha the person fights aggressively especially if the person feels that ethical or moral
principles is being violated against him. But because Shatabisha is also a healing Nakshatra towards
general humanity, the person would educate (Jupiter) the masses on why he reacted as such.

Sun in Adra the person has struggles with this father to some extent. Adra is a Nakshatra for activitities
like breaking of binds (both figuratively and literally).

Rahu in Ashlesha the person is very clear with what other people are thinking (because of Rahu) but
other people do not know what he is thinking (because of Ashlesha).

As you may have guess, the above placements describe my chart (not the Mars with Mercury though, my
Mars is in Bharani). For more details of my chart, you can go to the Yogas section where I posted a
message entitled "My Chart Brimming with Yogas".



Any thoughts on following :

Lagna Dhan

Sun - PK Magh

Moon - DK Mool

Mars - AK PPha

Mercury - PiK PPha

Jupiter (R) - BK PBha

Venus - MK Asre

Saturn - AmK Puna

Rahu - GK Jye

Ketu Rohi


Khoo Hock Leong

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Frequent Contributor

Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 11 Jul 2011

Hi Ashcan

Lagna in Dhanistan shows a person motivated to seek others for team work or to have far flung contacts
so as to achiever higher loftier aims which usually has connotation of gains along with the achievement
of these objectives. They are well tuned to the beat of everyday life and thus manage to get their
contacts easily eg. they mix around freely at the right cocktail parties or attend the appropriate gala
shows. They are not the kind to stay at home and have a quiet Saturday evening unless there are other
sombre planets like Saturn or Ketu in the Ascendant.

Sun in Magha means the person can easily lord others and likes it as well and as if it is his birthright. He
can carry both a carrot and stick at the same time and would not hesitate to use the stick if the situation

Moon in Moola has the mind to ferret out deep secrets of others and they like research work, Vedic
Astrology etc. They have an intuitive understanding of the psychology of others. They can be war-like if
the situation warrants.

Mars in Poorva Phalguni works hard for the objective of having a laidback life that they want when they
retire. They resent people who interfere with their goals and objectives and would not tell the intruder
to butt out if unnecessary wanton interference in their private affairs is detected. They get very bigoted if
their airms and objectives are blocked by others unnecessarily.

Mercury in Poorva Phalguni likes to try new things which can make life a comfort (and not a chore). They
are the first to try new things in the market especially if the advertising slogan for that gadget promises a
lot of useful things that can benefit them. Luxuries are a must for them.

Jupiter in Poorva Bhadrapada has a strict sense of right and wrong and not many people are aware of the
cudgel they carry behind their back. The light of Jupiter somewhat destroys the darkness of this
Nakshatra so the person can achieve enlightenment easily and need not go through tapas for an
excessive period. The people are wise and more than other Poorva Bhadrapada, they do put their
wisdom into practice.

Venus in Alesha are exotic lovers even to their enemies if it means subduing them with intoxication.
Their dressing shows they are mysterious creatures and they create this sense of aura of mystery to
entice would be suitors, not revealing themselves everything before marriage. These people have
profound knowledge (Venus as the teacher of the Asuras and Alesha as the snake which signifies
wisdom) and make good authors on topics like metaphysics, spirituality etc. They appreciate these
subjects too. These people, more than any others, are not to be taken at their face value.

Saturn in Punavarsu shows a person who is very service oriented. They will do as the boss bid and I for
one would like to have them as my workers. Work keeps them alive and in their greatest depression,
they find solace and meaning through work. Work can be said to rejuvenate their lives. They are dutiful
and full of obligation and they the ones to count on for support for any sustenance of life like a
breadwinner as they have a soft spot for the underdog or all those who are down and out.

Rahu in Jyestha are mighty warriors and the protect their love ones fiercely. They can overreact. A lot of
setbacks in life is to be expected as Rahu is in its fall here as well. The events can be calimitous and can
drench the native in a downpour. Yet this position is a powerful placement and if they can control their
tyranny they can reach the top very easily. They are not averse to using trickery or underhand means in
their lives like in the negotiating table. But the fame and glory promised for this position is usually


Khoo Hock Leong

Frequent Contributor

Frequent Contributor

Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 11 Jul 2011

To continue ....

Ketu in Rohini shows a person who tends to get more and spiritual as he ages. The spirituality never
leaves him but will flourish day by day. He holds steadfast views where religious or spiritual matters are
concerned. Building of temples or setting up religious instiutions or just forming a relgious grop in his
immeidate environment can give him intense satisfaction.

Warmest Regards

Hock Leong





Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 11 Jul 2011

Thanks Hock !!

Looks like my stars in right nakshatra's,

I do see lot of traits in me. I used to get very upset for few seconds, speak offensive and then mellow
down. With time I have learned to use my strengths in positive way which is helping me.

And ofcourse my interest in astrology has grown up with each day. I can interpret it though it has started
making some sense. :)





Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 11 Jul 2011

hi KHL

how can the following be interpreted in mentioned NKs

Aquarius Lagan :-

Lagan in Satabhisaj NK

Sun in Moola NK

Moon in Pushya NK

Mars in Mrig NK

Mercury in P. Ashadha NK

Jupiter in Revati NK

Venus in Vishakha NK

Saturn in Pushya NK
Rahu in Vishakha NK

Ketu in Kritika NK

Kind regards


May Sai Bless All !


Khoo Hock Leong

Frequent Contributor

Frequent Contributor

Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011

hi mannu

Your Lagna in Satabhisaj shows your are a thinker and a class of your own. You also like Astrology a lot.
You can be fierce if provoked but you seldom are. People need to know you long enough in order to
know you better. But you are friendly since it is under Aquarius.

Sun in Moola shows your interest in various knowledge and you read widely in all subjects and in depth.
Together with your Langa in Satabhisaj makes you an ideal research worker. Sun is Sagittarius here so a
person thinks broadly as well.

Moon in Pushya further adds to the academic field indicated by Lagna and the Sun. You are very
thorough in your work and have high principles too and should make a name for yourself. Pushya is good
for the Moon since not only is the Moon in Cancer which grants a person with a good emotional makeup
but Pushya the deity is Jupiter and Moon exalts Jupiter so the deity of this Nakshatra is thereby

Mars in Mrgha is in its own Nakshatra and the person is a hard worker. Mrigha is a soft Nakshatra so your
agressiveness is lessened somewhat (and I mean only somewhat). You can have high sexual attraction to

Mercury in Poorva Ashada shows you are never at a loss for words when it comes to argument (but I
guess only when provoked because of your Lagna in Satabhisaj needs to be aroused). You have an active
mind and always tackles each piece of work with full preparation (as if akin to going to war) and you do it
well. Mercury here is in Sagittarius and gives a good intellect. A further boost to your inclination in the
academic field.

Jupiter in Revati shows you are a kind soul and would help anyone whom you know on an acquaintance
level without a moment's hesitation. Jupiter here gives boundless compassion as you are able to see
through a person's suffering beyond its physical manifestation. This placement of Jupiter also adds to
research (besides spiritual) insights.

Venus in Vishakha shows that your loved ones take up much of your time and you differentiate them
from other ordinary folks. They are your goals in life and your other goals include having congenial
relationships with others although sometimes you may find it difficult to obtain because you seldom mix
freely (other placments also come into play). Yet you are friendly in a sort of "making an effort" kind of
way, though not natural, but I guess once they break through the barrier, your Moon and Jupiter shows
you are a nice person.

Saturn in Pushya is strong. Gives much blessing in all areas ruled by Saturn. You are disciplined and
persevering. You are a good service worker. With Moon here in Pushya here as well, shows your mind is
very straightforward and to the point and you have no time to play fancy games or indulge in idle talk
(Mercury in Poorva Ashada likewise). Are you holding a high position by the way in the corporate world?
Even if not, you are well respected in society.

Rahu in Vishakha (with Venus) inflates your need to have congenial relationships with others. But less
passionate people would take to their heels and run away. But for those who stay and accept your love
and affection, you have much to give.
Ketu in Krittika (in Aires or Taurus?) If in Aires, you can have an explosive temper at times. In Taurus, not
so much. Krittika purifies things as it is ruled by Agni and Ketu has a purifying effect as well. This shows
you are a religious person which is in tandem with other Nakshatra placements.

On the whole your Nakshatra placemetns are very good.

Warmest Regards

Hock Leong





Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011

Last edited by shiranffs on 14 Jul 2011, edited 1 time in total.



Site Administrator

Site Administrator

Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011

Dear Khoo ,

Can you please point me out to a resource (i.e. name of a book or an URL) which would contain the
complete list of planets in Nakshatras ?

Thanks and regards,


I am a student of this subject , and hence I might be wrong in my calculations. Kindly seek other opinions
too , before coming to a conclusion.


Khoo Hock Leong

Frequent Contributor

Frequent Contributor

Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011

Hi Spidey

The interpretation here is fully my own. I don't follow any book.

But Saptarishis every now and then has extrated from a classic to publish periodically for each Nakshatra
- they hae not completed the extraction series yet. They have stopped at a particualr nakshatra.

The book most authoritivate on this and use by Saptarishis Astrology editorial board is Ravana Samhita.

Warmest Regards
Hock Leong



Site Administrator

Site Administrator

Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011

Dear Khoo,

I was curious about some Nakshatra placements in my own chart ; that's the reason I was asking .

If you don't mind , can I ask you about some Nakshatra placements in my chart ?

Thanks and regards,


I am a student of this subject , and hence I might be wrong in my calculations. Kindly seek other opinions
too , before coming to a conclusion.


Khoo Hock Leong

Frequent Contributor

Frequent Contributor

Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011




Site Administrator

Site Administrator

Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011

Dear Khoo ,

I am curious about the following placements -

1) Mercury in Dhanishtha

2) Venus in Sravana

3) Rahu in Punarvasu and Guru in Swati (there is a nakshatra exchange here)

Thanks and regards,


I am a student of this subject , and hence I might be wrong in my calculations. Kindly seek other opinions
too , before coming to a conclusion.



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Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011

hi khl,

your insight on my planets in nakshartas

Ascendant (virgo) Hasta-3

Sun Poorva-4

Mercury Magha-3

Venus Swati-2

Mars Chitra-3

Jupiter Pushyami-2

Saturn Magha-4

Moon P.Sada-3

Rahu Uttara-3

Ketu U.Bhadra-1




Khoo Hock Leong

Frequent Contributor

Frequent Contributor

Re: Grahas in Nakshatras

Post 12 Jul 2011

Hi bman

I will get back to you.

Warmest Regards

Hock Leong



Frequent Contributor

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Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011

Khoo Hock Leong wrote:

Hi Spidey

The interpretation here is fully my own. I don't follow any book.

But Saptarishis every now and then has extrated from a classic to publish periodically for each Nakshatra
- they hae not completed the extraction series yet. They have stopped at a particualr nakshatra.

The book most authoritivate on this and use by Saptarishis Astrology editorial board is Ravana Samhita.

Warmest Regards
Hock Leong

Hi Mr. Khoo

is it possible to give details of the publishers of this book?

Nothing is free except God's Grace.



Registered User

Registered User

Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011

Khoo Hock Leong wrote:

Hi bman

I will get back to you.

Warmest Regards

Hock Leong

thanks and warmest regards


Khoo Hock Leong

Frequent Contributor

Frequent Contributor

Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011

Hi Spidey

Mercury in Dhanista shows you are an ideas person. You are someone who thirst for knowledge and not
ivory tower knowledge but knowledge that is useful and practical.

In areas of commerce, your business ideas can be put to good use to garner huge success. Co-operative
and team ventures would also be favourable because Mercury is a group planet.

Public speaking, bargaining, negotiation etc. all these are your forte.

If Mercury is in Capricorn it will garner status and fame in the corporate world, but if in Aquarius you will
be in the forefront of spearheading something new like technology, new business processes, new social
groups etc.

Venus in Sravana shows you have a soft spot for the downtrodden. You are also very tender to your loved
ones and very compassionate and understanding to those who are your friends. Still Sravana is in
Capricorn and you do not wear your heart on your sleeve and hence not openly demonstrative where
love matters are concerned and only people who know you well would understand this true nature of
Guru in Swati and Rahu in Puna shows that you try to pick out good ideas related to metaphysics (like
astrology), finance, philosophy or even to get in touch with good contacts (Jupiter is the karaka of the
11th) which is to your benefit (Jupiter is the karaka of good fortune) and more often than not give you
luck (Jupiter is the karaka of the 5th) and these help to rejuvenate your well-being so that you are never
down and out (Rahu in Puna). In fact you gain spiritually each day (Puna is a spiritual Nakshatra) and
materially you are periodically rejuvenated (Puna covers material rejunvenation and not as rich as
Pushya). So materially, you can comfortably get by (Rahu expands Jupiter and Jupiter is the karaka for

Warmest Regards

Hock Leong


Khoo Hock Leong

Frequent Contributor

Frequent Contributor

Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011

Hi Kandhan

You can email to the editorial board of Saptarishis Magazine. I believe the website do provide you with
an email contact on how to get in touch with the editor.

I myself am trying to get the book but not at the moment.

May eons back, there was some exchange between two forum members on some material on Planets in
Nakshatras. I believe it is the same book (because there are not many books in the market which cover
this topic ie. Planets in Nakshatras).
You can do an intelligent search I suppose like Nakshatra, Planet etc. But it is still too general. Hopefully
anyone who read this post can respond.

But do get in touch with saptarishis Editorial Board.

Warmest Regards

Hock Leong



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Re: Grahas in Nakshatras


Post 12 Jul 2011

Dear Khoo:

I have a question on how much importance should be given to the nakshatra in which the graha is?

For eg: if sun for a person is exalted and he sits in the star of sukra who is debilitated, how much
weightage for the sun and how much for sukra. I wanted to know approximate values since I know it is
difficult and depends on individual horoscope.

Also how about having planets in nakshatras of sun, mars, mercury and moon as in my case.

Three planets are in star of mars(guru, ketu and budha), 3 in moon(sun, saturn and venus), 2 in
mercury(moon and rahu) and one in sun(mars). Is their specific significance or is there a general
significance of a planet being in the star of sun or any other planet.



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