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Kind Greetings Parking Ticket Administrators, Et al.

On December 8, 2017, Officer Abrego, Serial Number 005105, Beat 00672, Agency 56 issued
Citation Number 4322167452 by mail to the Post Office Box of Queen Searles who is living
with physical limitations and is experiencing serious life stressors that have affected her normal
psychological processes. She has State of California Disabled Plates. Ms. Searles is also a
Department of Mental Health (DMH) client who is living through current episodes of PTSD that
trigger extreme anxiety attacks, which could escalate into full-blown Panic Attacks, if not
immediately quelled with meditative therapeutic coping strategies. Proven techniques, for which
Ms. Searles has received professional psychological therapy and guided instructions include;
counseling sessions, deep breathing, mental imagery, grounding and/or talking to loved ones and
friends (To read a supporting article; see the included Hyperlink that must be copied
and pasted into the browser). When driving, at the onset of such attacks, Ms. Searles identifies
safe parking zones and duly exits traffic as expeditiously as possible in an effort to avoid deadly
accidents and/or causing injury to herself, other motorists, and/or pedestrians, as well as to avoid
causing costly property damage.

On December 8, 2017, as can be witnessed by the included video, Queen Searles was working
tenaciously to employ every strategy that she could to avert an ensuing panic attack, including,
the aforementioned coping skills, calling on the HIGHEST NAME for KING JESUS, YESHUA,
as well as engaging Facebook Live audiences. Portions of said live broadcast are included
herewith for evidential consideration (See included Flash drive and/or click on the YouTube
video link ).

Queen Searles is especially proud of, grateful for, and most respectful of the Mayor of Los
Angeles, Honorable Eric Garcetti’s, Citywide Executive Directive Number10, Vision Zero
Initiative, wherein he mandates that “saving human lives” and “safety” is our number one
priority. Thus, she avoids using prescribed psychotropic medications and refrains from driving
when experiencing “medical emergencies.” Mayor Garcetti further “orders” that, “the
Department of Transportation and the Police Department shall develop a plan to enhance traffic
calming,” and also makes prioritization of reducing traffic fatalities involving older adults and
children a major goal of the Vision Zero Initiative.”
tive_10_Vision_Zero.pdf?1440454405 must copy and paste link into browser)

In January of 2017, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) highlighted the responsibility of
everyone in the justice system, including police, to ensure that people with psychological
disabilities are treated fairly in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The
ADA prohibits discrimination against those with disabilities during interactions. Accordingly,
the Federal DOJ published a new guidance and issued Directives with ‘specific examples’ which
states in part:

Pursuant to the ADA, state and local government criminal justice entities — including
police…must ensure that people with mental health disabilities or (intellectual and
developmental disabilities) are treated equally… the Justice Department is outlining those

ADA obligations and encouraging law enforcement and other relevant entities to review
their policies and procedures. Specifically, the criminal justice system must take steps to
make sure that communication with individuals who have developmental disabilities is as
effective as with those who are typically developing, the guidance indicates. This could
include allowing the use of assistive technology or merely employing more simplified
language and ‘patience.’

What’s more, “reasonable modifications” to regular procedures might be necessary to

prevent discrimination. For example, “if a person does not pose a significant safety threat,
it may be prudent to allow “time and space to calm the situation,” the Justice Department

The DOJ further outlines necessary Systemic Considerations, including appropriate training to
indoctrinate personnel with the ability “to execute their ADA responsibilities in a manner that
keeps staff, individuals with disabilities, and members of the community safe; promotes public
welfare; builds trust with the community; respects the rights of individuals with disabilities;
ensures effective use of criminal justice resources; and contributes to reliable investigative and
judicial results.”

The PEACE OFFICER OATH OF OFFICE, State of California, California Constitution Article
20, Sec. 3. Misc. Subjects states in Part as follows:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm)… that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the
Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California; that I take
this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will
well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter.”
( must Copy and Paste link)

The LAPD Motto is:

"To Protect and to Serve"

The Mission Statement of the LAPD is as follows:

It is the mission of the Los Angeles Police Department to safeguard the lives and property
of the people we serve, to reduce the incidence and fear of crime, and to enhance public
safety while working with the diverse communities to improve their quality of life. Our
mandate is to do so with honor and integrity, while at all times conducting ourselves with
the highest ethical standards to maintain public confidence.

As can be witnessed by the video, Ms. Searles is an elderly motorist, who presented no “safety
threat;” and was pulled over for less than 3 minutes to obviate an ensuing panic attack, which
could have placed herself or others in danger had she continued driving without taking time to,
“calm the situation.” Officer Abrego gave her no consideration for the disabilities plaguing her
and he gave no indication that he was planning to issue a citation. When Ms. Searles noticed
Officer Abrego standing outside of her vehicle, she immediately and humbly asked if she must
leave. Upon the officer’s response, obligingly and without hesitation or argument, she peacefully

By neglecting to provide Ms. Searles with a reasonable accommodation and thereafter sending
her a ticket by mail, Officer Abrego evades his legal and ethical responsibilities of the PEACE
OFFICER OATH OF OFFICE, which he duly swore to uphold. He was aware that Ms. Searles is
an elderly motorists living with disabilities and as such, she qualifies for “reasonable
modifications” as outlined by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in accordance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Officer Abrego not only disregards the Justice
Department’s directives and ‘specific example,’ he violates his duly sworn fiduciary duty to
uphold the “Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California by
obviating standard Due Process.” If Officer Abrego was going to issue a ticket he should have
said, “Ms. there is no parking from 4:00 P.M. to 9:00 A.M. And I’m issuing you a citation,” right
there on the spot.

Additionally, sending a citizen a ticket in the mail who is courageous enough to display
Disability Plates in this day and age of extreme discrimination against disabled, elderly, and
homeless citizens; demonstrates indifference to the Mayor’s Vision Zero Initiative to make
saving lives, safety and reducing traffic fatalities involving elder citizens a priority, as well as to
the LAPD Motto, “To serve and protect.” Furthermore, it is a breach of public confidence and
the ethical standards of the LAPD Mission Statement.


Queen Searles

Parking Authorities
Mayor Eric Garcetti
Et Al.

The following is a Courtesy copy Queen Searles Testimony taken from the Evidentiary

I, Queen Searles hereby Affirm that the footage herein contains actual excerpts from
the Facebook Live Broadcast on December 8, 2017. As can be seen in the video, Officer
Abrego did not even acknowledge his presence until I asked if I had to move. I had no idea
that Officer Abrego had the intent of issuing a ticket, as he could have easily responded that
when he stated the time parameters. I thought that when an officer sees that a citizen has
Disability Plates, they would at minimal approach the vehicle, introduce themselves, and
ask the driver if they need help or whether they are experiencing a medical emergency. If I
had any clue that the officer was planning to issue a ticket, I would have humbly explained
the situation. However, because the ensuing Panic Attack was averted, I moved

It is also my belief that when police officers are dealing with citizens who are challenged
with physical and /or mental disabilities, they have a fiduciary responsibility to perform
their duties pursuant to the following authorities:

1. The American's with Disabilities Act;

2. The U.S. Department of Justice Guidance, which is written in accordance with the ADA
and states in part that, police officers must make "reasonable modifications to regular
procedures to prevent discrimination and gives as a specific example, "if a person does not
present a safety threat, it may be prudent to allow time and space to calm the situation;"

3. The State of California's PEACE OFFICER OATH OF OFFICE, which states in part, I
will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the
Constitution of the State of California"

4. The Los Angeles Police Department Motto, which is "To Protect and to Serve," as well as
to uphold with highest integrity;

5. The LAPD Mission; "to safeguard the lives and property of the people...and to maintain
public confidence."

It is universally known that the U.S. Constitution, as well as the Constitution of the State of
California both contain "Due Process" Clauses, which begin with PROPER NOTICE. By
issuing a disabled citizen a ticket in the mail, who is obviously living from their vehicle,
Officer Abrego is in violation of basic Due Process.

As can be seen in the video I, Queen Searles, was sitting behind the wheel, posing no
"safety threat," attempting to read the posted and difficult to see, read and comprehend
ambiguous sign, while my family, who joined me on Facebook live, helped me through a
devastating anxiety attack. It was, and is always, my intent to honor Mayor Eric Garcetti's
Vision Zero Initiative; to make safety, saving human lives, and reducing traffic fatalities
involving older adults and children a priority. I hereby request that citation number
4322167452 issued on December 8, 2017 via mail by Officer Abrego be discharged upon
review of my testimony and this evidentiary video with excerpts recorded live on December
8, 2017.

Respectfully Submitted,
Queen Searles

I Am hereby further requesting that the Los Angeles Department of Transportation and all
necessary city officials initiate the process to change the current signage in the vicinity of
1717 W. 6th Street to be redesigned to be more universally inclusive of L.A.'s diverse
citizenship and those who visit, not only one of America's most prominent cities, but one of
the WORLD'S most pivotal cities. I have created and include for your consideration the
following suggested design. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


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