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Common Features of All Cells
All cells, whether they are prokaryotic or eukaryotic,
have some common features.
The Features of Prokaryotic Cells

•Have membrane surrounding DNA; have nucleus

•Have internal membrane-bound organelles
•Are larger; 10-100 µm in diameter
•Have more complex structure
•Comprised of algae, protozoa, fungi, animals,
and plants
•Marker identifikasi: 18S rRNA
Sel Eukariot

2011/10/24 Charis Amarantini – Biologi Sel

13/2/2013 7
A Closer Look:
Compare the Components of Plant and Animal Cells
Sel Hewan
Sel Tumbuhan
External Structure of Eukaryotic Cells

• Glycocalyces
• Never as organized as prokaryotic capsules
• Helps anchor animal cells to each other
• Strengthens cell surface
• Provides protection against dehydration
• Function in cell-to-cell recognition and
Eukaryotic Cell Walls
• Fungi, algae, plants, and some protozoa have cell
walls but no glycocalyx
• Composed of various polysaccharides
–Cellulose found in plant cell walls
–Fungal cell walls composed of cellulose, chitin,
and/or glucomannan
–Algal cell walls composed of cellulose, proteins, agar,
carrageenan, silicates, algin, calcium carbonate, or a
combination of these
Eukaryotic Cell Walls
Eukaryotic Cytoplasmic Membrane
• All eukaryotic cells have cytoplasmic membrane
• Is a fluid mosaic of phospholipids and proteins
• Contains steroid lipids to help maintain fluidity
• Controls movement into and out of cell
–Uses diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, and
active transport
–Performs endocytosis; phagocytosis if solid
substance and pinocytosis if liquid substance
–Exocytosis enables substances to be exported from
Eukaryotic Cytoplasmic Membrane
Membran Sel dan Dinding Sel

Membran (Plasma) Sel:

- Terdiri atas: transporters, signal receptors
- engulfs particles by endo-, phago- and exocytosis
(prokaryotes limited to absorption of nutrients)
• Found in plant and bacterial
• Rigid, protective barrier
• Located outside of the cell
• Made of cellulose (fiber)
• Function: provides support
and protection to the cell
• Found outside the cell
membrane in plant cells
Fungsi transport Biomembran
Konsep 1: Osmosis - Movement of Water Across Membranes

Osmosis (movement of water across

membranes) depends on the relative
concentration of solute molecules on either
side of the membrane.
Fungsi transport Biomembran
Konsep 2: Selective Permeability of Membranes

Some solutes cross the membrane

freely, some cross with assistance, and
others do not cross at all.
A few lipophilic substances move freely across
the cell membrane by passive diffusion. Most
small molecules or ions require the assistance
of specific protein carriers to transport them
across the membrane. Large molecules do not
cross intact cell membranes, except in certain
special cases
Fungsi transport Biomembran
Konsep 3: Passive and Active Transport
Most biologically important solutes require protein carriers to cross cell
membranes, by a process of either passive or active transport.

Active transport uses energy to move a solute "uphill"

against its gradient, whereas in facilitated diffusion, a
solute moves down its concentration gradient and no
energy input is required.
Fungsi transport Biomembran
Konsep 4: Mechanisms of Active Transport
Active transport can occur as a direct result of ATP hydrolysis (ATP pump) or by
coupling the movement of one substance with that of another (symport or

Active transport may move solutes into the cell or out of the
cell, but energy is always used to move the solute against its
concentration gradient.
Fungsi transport Biomembran
Konsep 5: ATP-powered Pumps
ATP-powered pumps (ATPases) couple the splitting, or hydrolysis, of ATP with the
movement of ions across a membrane against a concentration gradient.

ATP is hydrolyzed directly to ADP and inorganic

phosphate, and the energy released is used to
move one or more ions across the cell
membrane. As much as 25% of a cell's ATP
reserves may be spent in such ion transport.

The Na+-K+ ATPase pumps Na+ out of the cell

while it pumps K+ in.
nervous system activity, and supplies energy
needed for other types of transport such as
symport and antiport.

Ca++ ATPases are responsible for keeping

intracellular Ca++ at low levels, a necessary
precondition for muscle contraction

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