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Use and Accuracy of Diagnostic Imaging by Hospital

Type in Pediatric Appendicitis
AUTHORS: Jacqueline M. Saito, MD, MSCI,a Yan Yan, MD, WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Because pediatric
PhD,b Thomas W. Evashwick,a Brad W. Warner, MD,a and appendicitis is challenging to diagnose, computed tomography
Phillip I. Tarr, MDc (CT) is used frequently. Childhood radiation exposure is
Divisions of aPediatric Surgery, bPublic Health Sciences, and associated with increased risk of cancer. Ultrasound avoids
cPediatric Gastroenterology, Departments of Surgery and
radiation exposure but is less sensitive for appendicitis than CT.
Pediatrics, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis,
WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: Controlling for referral bias, evaluation
KEY WORDS at a community compared with a children’s hospital is associated
appendicitis, pediatrics, diagnostic imaging, computed
tomography, ultrasound
with higher CT and lower ultrasound use before appendectomy. CT
and ultrasound accuracy for appendicitis in children varies with
CI—confidence interval
hospital type.
CT—computed tomography
OR—odds ratio
WBC—white blood cell
Dr Saito was responsible for study conception and design; data
acquisition, analysis, and interpretation; manuscript drafting
and critical revision; and final approval of the submitted
manuscript. Dr Yan performed data analysis and interpretation, OBJECTIVE: Accurate, timely diagnosis of pediatric appendicitis minimizes
manuscript critical revision, and final approval of the submitted unnecessary operations and treatment delays. Preoperative abdominal-
manuscript. T. W. Evashwick performed data acquisition,
manuscript critical revision, and final approval of the submitted pelvic computed tomography (CT) scan is sensitive and specific for appen-
manuscript. Dr Warner was responsible for data interpretation, dicitis; however, concerns regarding radiation exposure in children obligate
manuscript critical revision, and final approval of the submitted scrutiny of CT use. Here, we characterize recent preoperative imaging use
manuscript. Dr Tarr was responsible for study conception and
design, data interpretation, manuscript drafting and critical
and accuracy among pediatric appendectomy subjects.
revision, and final approval of the submitted manuscript. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed children who underwent opera-
www.pediatrics.org/cgi/doi/10.1542/peds.2012-1665 tions for presumed appendicitis at a single tertiary-care children’s hos-
doi:10.1542/peds.2012-1665 pital and examined preoperative CT and ultrasound use with subject
Accepted for publication Aug 24, 2012 characteristics. Preoperative imaging accuracy was compared with post-
Address correspondence to Jacqueline M. Saito, MD, MSCI, operative and histologic diagnosis as the reference standard.
Division of Pediatric Surgery, Washington University, One RESULTS: Most children (395/423, 93.4%) who underwent an operation
Children’s Pl, Suite 5S40, St Louis, MO 63110. E-mail:
saitoj@wudosis.wustl.edu for appendicitis during 2009–2010 had preoperative imaging. Final
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
diagnoses included normal appendix (7.3%) and perforated appendicitis
(23.6%). In multivariable analysis, initial evaluation at a community hospital
Copyright © 2013 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
versus the children’s hospital was associated with 4.4-fold higher odds of
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have
no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose. obtaining a preoperative CT scan (P = .002), whereas preoperative
FUNDING: The project described was supported by award
ultrasound was less likely (odds ratio 0.20; P = .003). Ultrasound and CT
UL1RR024992 from the National Center for Research Resources sensitivities for appendicitis were diminished for studies performed at
and the St Louis Children’s Hospital Foundation – Children’s community hospitals compared with the children’s hospital. Girls were
Surgical Sciences Institute. The content is solely the responsibility
4.5-fold more likely to undergo both ultrasound and CT scans and were
of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official
views of the National Center for Research Resources or the associated with lower ultrasound sensitivity for appendicitis.
National Institutes of Health. Funded by the National Institutes CONCLUSIONS: Widespread preoperative imaging did not eliminate unnec-
of Health (NIH).
essary pediatric appendectomies. Controlling for factors potentially associ-
ated with referral bias, a CT scan was more likely to be performed in
children initially evaluated at community hospitals compared with the child-
ren’s hospital. Broadly-applicable strategies to systematically maximize di-
agnostic accuracy for childhood appendicitis, while minimizing ionizing
radiation exposure, are urgently needed. Pediatrics 2013;131:e37–e44

PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 1, January 2013 e37

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Accounting for 84 000 hospitalizations through the use of the minimal dose Data Collection and Study Variables
per year in the United States,1 appen- to obtain an adequate image.13 How- Data were extracted from institutional
dicitis is the most common surgically- ever, children undergoing CT scans at electronic medical records and man-
treated cause of pediatric acute nonpediatric hospitals might still re- aged by using REDCap, a Web-based
abdominal pain. Because of nonspecific ceive inappropriately high radiation database hosted at Washington Uni-
symptoms, examination findings, and doses.14 Moreover, the use of CT scans versity School of Medicine.17 Variables
laboratory abnormalities, the definitive has markedly increased over the past included site of initial evaluation, age,
diagnosis poses many challenges, es- decade.8,15,16 gender, race/ethnicity, primary in-
pecially in young children.2 Several Here, we assessed contemporary pre- surance source, duration of abdominal
nonsurgical conditions, such as gas- operative imaging in the evaluation symptoms, weight, height, white blood
troenteritis, urinary tract infection, of children who underwent operation cell (WBC) count, percentage of neu-
pneumonia, and ovarian pathology, can for appendicitis at a major urban trophils, and preoperative radiographic
mimic appendicitis.3 Such diagnostic children’s hospital. CT and ultrasound imaging findings and diagnosis. Dura-
difficulty contributes to the occurrence accuracy in diagnosing appendicitis tion of abdominal symptoms was de-
of “negative” appendectomy, or finding were evaluated with regard to specific termined from a review of emergency
a normal appendix during operation, in patient characteristics. unit and admission notes. BMI percen-
3.7%4 to 13%5 of cases. Expeditious di- tile by age and gender was calculated
agnosis of appendicitis is a priority, by using the Centers for Disease Con-
because prolonged appendiceal inflam- METHODS trol and Prevention Children’s BMI Tool
mation progresses to gangrene or for Schools.18 Underweight was de-
Design and Study Population
perforation, which is associated with fined as ,5th percentile, overweight
lengthy recovery and greater risk of This retrospective, single-institution, co- 85th to ,95th percentile, and obese
complications.6 hort study was conducted to examine $95th percentile for BMI by age and
imaging utilization and accuracy in pe- gender.19 Neutrophil count was calcu-
To enhance accuracy in diagnosing ap-
diatric subjects who underwent an op- lated from the product of WBC count
pendicitis, imaging studies are obtained
eration for appendicitis. After obtaining and percentage of neutrophils. Perfo-
often during evaluation of children
Washington University Human Re- ration of the appendix was assigned
with acute abdominal pain. Preoperative
search Protection Office approval, according to the surgeon’s operative
abdominal pelvic computed tomography
subjects treated at a tertiary-care report. Negative appendectomy was
(CT) scan is highly sensitive and specific7
children’s hospital were identified defined as (1) operation with pre-
and widely available. Disadvantages
from physician billing records by Cur- operative diagnosis of appendicitis,
include associated cost and radiation
rent Procedural Terminology code and (2) minimal or no histologic evi-
exposure, up to 25 mSv per study.8 Ab-
and hospital operative logs by pro- dence of appendiceal acute inflam-
dominal ultrasound is also highly spe-
cedure name. To capture subjects mation if the appendix was removed, or
cific but lacks radiation exposure; with a preoperative diagnosis of acute
however, ultrasound sensitivity is vari- normal appendiceal appearance if left
appendicitis who had a normal- in place. Radiographic impression and
able,7,9 and availability is less consis- appearing appendix and did not un-
tent.10,11 findings were derived from written
dergo appendectomy, procedures coded radiologist reports or surgeon’s im-
Recent concerns about pediatric radio- for diagnostic laparoscopy and Meckel pression as recorded in the admission
graphic imaging have emerged from the diverticulectomy were screened for study note when the radiologist written re-
association of ionizing radiation expo- inclusion. Included subjects had un- port was not available.
sure with subsequent development of dergone appendectomy for acute ab-
cancer.12 Increased solid cancer risk dominal pain or operation for a
was found in survivors of the Hiroshima preoperative diagnosis of acute ap- Data Analysis
and Nagasaki nuclear bomb detonations pendicitis between January 1, 2009 and Statistical analysis was performed by
with exposure .50 mSv and when ex- December 31, 2010. Excluded subjects using SPSS Statistics GradPack (version
posure occurred at ,6 years of age. The were ,1 or .18 years at the time of 17.0, IBM Corporation, Somers, NY) and
Image Gently campaign by the Alliance operation, had incomplete medical SAS (version 9.3, SAS Institute Inc, Cary,
for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging/ records, or underwent appendectomy NC). The primary outcome was pre-
Society for Pediatric Imaging has pro- incidentally or for chronic abdominal operative imaging (none, ultrasound
moted radiation exposure reduction pain. only, CT only, both ultrasound and CT),

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and independent variables included appendectomy for acute abdominal hospital. The 2 groups did not differ in
age, gender, BMI percentile, race/ pain during the study interval. Char- terms of gender, BMI percentile, per-
ethnicity, primary insurance type, du- acteristics of the cohort are summa- centage of neutrophils, and neutrophil
ration of abdominal symptoms, WBC rized in Table 1. Almost all children count. Also, final diagnosis distribution
count, neutrophil count, and percent- underwent laparoscopic appendec- of subjects referred from community
age of neutrophils. Univariate analyses tomy (n = 396, 93.6%), and 9 (2.3% of hospitals did not differ from those
included x 2, Fisher exact, t test, Mann- laparoscopic procedures) underwent primarily evaluated at the children’s
Whitney U test, and multinomial logistic conversion to an open approach. The hospital.
regression. Multivariable analysis was proportion of negative appendectomy Only 28 (6.6%) subjects underwent an
performed with multinomial logistic was low (n = 31, 7.3%). Perforated ap- operation without preoperative imag-
regression to control for confounders pendicitis was found in 23.6% (n = 100) ing, whereas 64 (15.1%) had both CT
and referral bias. Independent varia- (Table 1). Sixteen children diagnosed scans and ultrasound (Table 2). Uni-
bles included in the model had asso- with perforated appendicitis were variate analysis of preoperative imag-
ciation with the dependent variable treated with intravenous antibiotics ing utilization by multinomial logistic
(P , .20) in univariate analysis and/or followed by delayed (interval) appen- regression demonstrated significant
were potential confounders. Level of dectomy (3.8% of entire cohort, 16.0% differences by the site of initial evalu-
significance was set at P , .05. of perforated appendicitis subjects). ation, gender, race/ethnicity, BMI per-
Imaging accuracy was assessed by Subjects who were initially evaluated at centile, symptom duration, and WBC
comparing CT and ultrasound impres- a community hospital were younger count. Of note, among subjects initially
sion regarding the appendiceal ap- (10.7 6 3.6 vs 11.8 6 3.7, mean 6 SD, P = evaluated at community hospitals, 10
pearance(normal/indeterminate, acute, .003), more frequently white (P , .001), underwent CT scan and 30 had ultra-
complicated/perforated) to final di- and insured with Medicaid/government sound at the children’s hospital. Among
agnosis (normal, acute/gangrenous source (P = .045) than those evaluated subjects who were initially evaluated at
appendicitis, or perforated appendici- initially at the children’s hospital. There the children’s hospital, the primary
tis) as the reference standard. In- were trends toward shorter duration physician ordered imaging studies (17
determinate studies were included with of abdominal symptoms (1.7 6 1.4 vs CT scans, 2 ultrasounds) that were
normal findings (ie, not appendicitis). 2.0 6 1.9 days, P = .10) and higher performed at another facility.
The Cohen weighted k statistic was
initial total WBC count (15.8 6 4.9 Multivariable analysis of preoperative
determined for the cohort overall
vs 14.8 6 5.4, P = .051) in children ini- imaging revealed significant differences
and by subgroups, including location
tially evaluated at a community hospi- by site of initial evaluation (Table 3). Age,
where the imaging study was per-
tal in comparison with the children’s gender, race/ethnicity, BMI percentile,
formed, and subject age, gender, and
weight classification by BMI percentile;
95% confidence intervals (CIs) were TABLE 1 Cohort Demographics Overall and by Site of Initial Evaluation for Acute Abdominal Pain
calculated by using normal approxima- Variable Overall, n = 423 Community, n = 218 Children’s, n = 205 P
tion or exact method where appropri- Age, y 11.25 6 3.70 10.74 6 3.61 11.80 6 3.73 .003
ate. Sensitivities for any appendicitis
Female, n (%) 170 (40.2) 88 (40.4) 82 (40.0) .94
(acute or perforated) and perforated BMI percentile 61.90 6 30.88 62.19 6 30.39 61.57 6 31.48 .85
appendicitis were calculated. Specific- Race/ethnicity, n (%) ,.001
ity, positive predictive value, and nega- White 345 (81.6) 193 (88.5) 152 (74.1)
African American 56 (13.2) 16 (7.3) 40 (19.5)
tive predictive value were not assessed, Other 22 (5.2) 9 (4.1) 13 (6.3)
because the cohort did not include Insurance, n (%) .045
patients who had general abdominal Medicaid/government 127 (30.0) 77 (35.3) 50 (24.4)
Private 283 (66.9) 134 (61.5) 149 (72.7)
pain who underwent imaging to eval- None/self-pay 13 (3.1) 7 (3.2) 6 (2.9)
uate for appendicitis and no operation. Symptom duration, days 1.86 6 1.68 1.73 6 1.43 2.00 6 1.91 .10
WBC count, K/mm3 15.32 6 5.17 15.80 6 4.90 14.81 6 5.42 .051
Final diagnosis, n (%) .64
RESULTS Normal 31 (7.3) 17 (7.8) 14 (6.8)
Acute 292 (69.0) 146 (67.0) 146 (71.2)
We identified 423 children who un- Perforated 100 (23.6) 55 (25.2) 45 (22.0)
derwent an operation for the pre- Age, symptom duration, BMI percentile, and WBC count are expressed as mean 6 SD. Percentage for gender, race/ethnicity,
operative diagnosis of appendicitis or insurance, and final diagnosis represents column percentage.

PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 1, January 2013 e39

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TABLE 2 Univariate Analysis (Multinomial Logistic Regression) for Predictors of Preoperative agreement with final diagnosis than
Imaging Use those performed at the children’s hos-
Preoperative Imaging None Ultrasound Only CT Only Ultrasound and CT P pital. CT scans in older and nonobese
Overall, n (%) 28 (6.6) 113 (26.7) 218 (51.5) 64 (15.1) children had the highest weighted k, but
Initial evaluation, n (%) ,.001
the paucity of studies limited the calcu-
Community 10 (4.6) 19 (8.7) 164 (75.2) 25 (11.5)
Children’s 18 (8.8) 94 (45.9) 54 (26.3) 39 (19.0) lation of k in underweight children.
Age, y 11.93 6 3.38 10.72 6 3.87 11.53 6 3.45 10.95 6 4.26 .175 Sensitivity for any appendicitis was high
Gender, n (%) .001 overall but trended lower in CT scans
Female 8 (4.7) 42 (24.7) 80 (47.1) 40 (23.5)
Male 20 (7.9) 71 (28.1) 138 (54.5) 24 (9.5) performed at community hospitals than
Race/ethnicity, n (%) .011 at the children’s hospital (P = .07) (Table
White 19 (5.5) 84 (24.3) 192 (55.7) 50 (14.5) 5). CT sensitivity for perforated appen-
African American 5 (8.9) 22 (39.3) 19 (33.9) 10 (17.9)
Other 4 (18.2) 7 (31.8) 7 (31.8) 4 (18.2)
dicitis was low overall and significantly
BMI percentilea 77.12 6 24.68 55.24 6 30.51 64.93 6 30.60 56.39 6 31.64 .003 lower in CT performed at community
Symptom duration, days 1.29 6 0.68 1.54 6 1.17 1.80 6 1.52 2.88 6 2.65 ,.001 hospitals.
WBC count, K/mm3b 15.63 6 3.73 15.57 6 5.60 15.65 6 5.03 13.66 6 5.17 .06
Ultrasound accuracy for appendicitis
Percentage reflects row percentage for site of initial evaluation, gender, and race/ethnicity. Mean 6 SD for age, BMI
percentile, symptom duration, and WBC count is listed. Insurance type was not significantly different among the preoperative was fair overall (Table 6). The rarity
imaging groups (P = .31). with which ultrasound was performed
a BMI percentile missing in 51 subjects (12.1%).
b WBC count missing in 5 subjects (1.2%). at community hospitals precluded cal-
culation of weighted k for this sub-
symptom duration, and WBC count P = .01), whereas CT alone was asso- group. Ultrasound-weighted k was
were included in the model because of ciated with white race (OR 5.39; 95% CI higher in the oldest age group (age,
significant association in univariate 1.31–22.19). Higher odds of obtaining 13–18 years) and boys. Ultrasound
analysis or to adjust for referral bias/ both ultrasound and CT scan preop- sensitivity for any appendicitis was
confounding. Compared with no pre- eratively was found with female gender moderate overall and was significantly
operative imaging, ultrasound alone (OR 4.51; 95% CI 1.47–13.82; P = .008), lower in studies performed at com-
was less likely (odds ratio [OR] 0.20; lower BMI percentile (OR 0.98; 95% CI munity hospitals and on girls (Table 7).
0.96–1.00; P = .03), longer symptom du- Ultrasound detection of perforated ap-
95% CI 0.07–0.58; P = .003), and CT scan
ration (OR 1.81; 95% CI 1.15–2.86; P = .01), pendicitis was generally poor. The high
alone was more likely (OR 4.37; 95% CI
and lower WBC count (OR 0.87; 95% CI proportion of normal/indeterminate
1.70–11.19; P = .002) with initial evalu-
0.78–0.97; P = .01). ultrasound studies (57/177, 32.2%) ac-
ation at a community hospital in com-
counted, in part, for the fair accuracy
parison with the children’s hospital. Agreement between the CT impression
and low sensitivity for appendicitis.
Preoperative imaging with ultrasound and final diagnosis was moderate over-
alone was less likely with higher BMI all (Table 4). CT scans performed at Among subjects who underwent both
percentile (OR 0.98; 95% CI 0.96–0.99; community hospitals tended to have less ultrasound and CT scans, ultrasounds
were often normal or indeterminate
TABLE 3 Multivariable Analysis (Multinomial Logistic Regression) of Initial Evaluation Location (44/64, 68.8%), whereas few CT scans
Impact on Preoperative Imaging With Adjustment for Other Variables were normal or indeterminate (9/64,
Preoperative Imaging Ultrasound Only CT Only CT and Ultrasound 14.1%). Most subjects underwent ul-
OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P
trasound before CT (46/64, 71.9%);
normal/indeterminate ultrasound in-
Initial evaluation
Community 0.20 0.07–0.58 .003 4.37 1.70–11.19 .002 0.99 0.34–2.98 .99 creased the odds of CT 17-fold (95% CI
Age, y 0.88 0.76–1.02 .08 1.03 0.90–1.18 .66 0.88 0.76–1.03 .11 7.7–37.0). Normal/indeterminate ultra-
Female gender 1.53 0.52–4.50 .44 1.30 0.47–3.59 .61 4.51 1.47–13.82 .008 sound and CT scans were found in 2
White 2.63 0.59–11.71 .20 5.39 1.31–22.19 .02 4.48 0.75–26.66 .10
subjects with appendicitis and 5 sub-
African American 3.29 0.48–22.50 .22 3.26 0.50–21.08 .22 4.42 0.48–40.58 .19 jects who had negative appendectomy.
Other Ref. Ref. Ref.
BMI percentile 0.98 0.96–0.99 .01 0.99 0.97–1.01 .16 0.98 0.96–1.00 .03
Symptom duration, days 1.16 0.74–1.84 .52 1.44 0.93–2.24 .11 1.81 1.15–2.86 .01 DISCUSSION
WBC count, K/mm3 0.96 0.87–1.06 .39 0.98 0.89–1.07 .65 0.87 0.78–0.97 .01
In this cohort of children operatively
ORs and 95% CI for imaging (ultrasound only, CT scan only, ultrasound and CT) compared with no imaging (reference [Ref.])
are listed. Reference categories are children’s hospital for site of initial evaluation, male for gender, and other for race/
treated for presumed appendicitis at
ethnicity. OR is change per unit specified for age, BMI percentile, symptom duration, and WBC count. a single, tertiary-care children’s hospital,

e40 SAITO et al
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TABLE 4 Accuracy of Preoperative CT characteristics that potentially influ- evaluation of adult acute abdominal
Impression Compared With Final enced the likelihood of interfacility pain.24 Finally, practitioners might have
Diagnosis: Agreement (Weighted k)
transfer. In addition, we found that CT greater confidence in CT scans in
CT Scan k 95% CI n
and ultrasound studies performed at comparison with ultrasound; a pre-
Overall 0.54 0.44–0.64 282 community hospitals in comparison vious survey of North American pedi-
Study location
Community 0.48 0.36–0.60 196 with the children’s hospital had di- atric surgeons in 2004 demonstrated
Children’s 0.69 0.54–0.85 86 minished accuracy for diagnosing ap- preference for CT over ultrasound in
Age, y pendicitis. appendicitis evaluation.25 However, our
1–6 0.35 0.05–0.65 30
7–12 0.56 0.40–0.71 104 Variation in diagnostic imaging use for finding of more frequent ultrasound
13–18 0.58 0.44–0.72 148 pediatric appendicitis by initial evalu- use in the children’s hospital may re-
Weight category
ation location might stem from multiple flect conscious avoidance of ionizing
Underweight/normal 0.58 0.46–0.70 169
Overweight 0.60 0.34–0.86 42 factors, such as availability of imaging radiation exposure. Interestingly, sub-
Obese 0.31 0.02–0.60 44 or the perceived need for diagnosis jects who had both CT scan and ultra-
Gender confirmation. First, compared with ul- sound were more likely to be female
Female 0.60 0.47–0.74 120
Male 0.49 0.35–0.63 162 trasound, the ready availability of and to have lower BMI percentile, lon-
CT scans may account for frequent use ger duration of symptoms, and lower
in community hospitals. CT use for pedi- WBC count. Ultrasound may have
the majority underwent preoperative atric abdominal pain evaluation has served to evaluate for gynecologic pa-
imaging. Diagnostic imaging selection markedly increased over the past decade thology in girls. The longer duration of
and accuracy varied with the site of in emergency departments, particularly symptoms might have increased the
initial evaluation. Controlling for fac- nonpediatric-focused departments.15,16 perceived urgency to establish the di-
tors potentially associated with referral By contrast, ultrasound use over time agnosis of appendicitis, although lower
bias and illness severity, the perfor- has remained constant16; decreased or WBC count would not be expected with
mance of preoperative abdominal-pelvic inconsistent availability of emergent ul- advanced or perforated appendicitis.
CT scan was significantly associated trasound within community hospitals Rather, imaging with both CT and ul-
with initial evaluation at community might contribute to this pattern.10,11 trasound might have been obtained in
hospitals, whereas abdominal ultra- Second, concern over diagnostic errors clinically confusing cases, the identity
sound was more likely obtained with might prompt CT use. Appendicitis is of which cannot be discerned in ret-
initial evaluation at the children’s among the leading diagnoses associated rospect. In many instances, CT scans
hospital. Variation in CT use by hos- with pediatric diagnostic errors22 and followed nondiagnostic ultrasound,
pital type has been reported,20,21 and, malpractice claims.23 Low physician as recommended in several previous
here, we extend the observation by risk tolerance among emergency studies.26–28
examining ultrasound in combination medicine physicians has been associ-
Despite frequent use, CT accuracy was
with CT use and adjusting for subject ated with more frequent CT use for
reduced when performed in the com-
munity setting. Although overall CT
TABLE 5 Accuracy of Preoperative CT Impression Compared With Final Diagnosis: Sensitivities for sensitivity for any appendicitis was
Any Appendicitis and Perforated Appendicitis
similar to previous reports,7 CT scans
CT Scan Any Appendicitis Perforated Appendicitis
performed at the children’s hospital
Sensitivity P Sensitivity P were somewhat more sensitive than
Overall 249/262 95.0% 42/73 57.5% at referring institutions. For perforated
Study location .07 .045
Community 169/181 93.4% 24/49 49.0%
appendicitis, CT studies from the
Children’s 80/81 98.8% 18/24 75.0% children’s hospital had significantly
Age, y .42 .77 higher sensitivity. One potential reason
1–6 26/28 92.9% 6/11 54.5%
7–12 95/98 96.9% 16/30 53.3%
for diminished accuracy is that multi-
13–18 128/136 94.1% 20/32 62.5% detector CT, which is used at the child-
Weight category .23 .17 ren’s hospital, might be less available
Underweight/normal 145/155 93.5% 30/46 65.2%
at referring community hospitals. Multi-
Overweight/obese 80/82 97.6% 9/20 45.0%
Gender .78 .35 detector CT offers the advantages
Female 102/108 94.4% 20/31 64.5% of improved resolution through thinner
Male 147/154 95.5% 22/42 52.4%
sections and coronal reconstructions

PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 1, January 2013 e41

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TABLE 6 Accuracy of Preoperative was much lower than previously accuracy. For ultrasound, Butler et al33
Ultrasound Impression Compared
With Final Diagnosis: Agreement
reported in a meta-analysis.7 Ultra- found a decreased likelihood of visu-
(Weighted k) sounds performed at community hos- alizing the appendix with increased
Ultrasound k 95% CI n pitals were less sensitive for the abdominal wall thickness and retro-
Overall 0.33 0.22–0.44 177 detection of appendicitis and perfora- cecal appendix location, and Schuh
Study location tion. Although children evaluated at the et al34 found diminished accuracy for
Community — — 16 children’s hospital frequently un- appendicitis in children who were
Children’s 0.36 0.24–0.48 161
Age, y
derwent ultrasound alone, fair to obese in comparison with children who
1–6 0.27 0.002–0.55 28 moderate accuracy combined with were lean. Abo et al9 identified a trend
7–12 0.29 0.10–0.49 67 a low negative appendectomy rate toward decreased ultrasound sensi-
13–18 0.38 0.22–0.54 82
implies that clinical impression, de- tivity in overweight and obese children,
Weight category
Underweight/normal 0.33 0.20–0.47 120 rived from symptoms, physical exami- but no difference in CT sensitivity. In
Overweight/obese 0.36 0.14–0.59 34 nation findings, and laboratory results, this cohort, ultrasound sensitivity for
Gender influenced clinical decision-making
Female 0.28 0.14–0.43 82
any appendicitis was not affected by
Male 0.40 0.21–0.55 95 when ultrasound findings were not obesity; however, few obese children
—, values unable to be calculated. definitive. Evaluation by a pediatric had ultrasound, possibly because of
surgeon has been previously shown to low confidence in the diagnostic utility
have comparable accuracy to imaging of ultrasound for these children. Girls
that could enable visualization of the studies in the assessment of children had significantly lower ultrasound
appendix.29 Lack of intravenous con- for appendicitis.32 However, evaluation sensitivity for any appendicitis compared
trast,30 suboptimal intravenous contrast by a pediatric surgeon often neces- with boys. This gender difference might
bolus timing, and patient movement, es- sitates transfer to a tertiary-care or reflect the use of ultrasound to exclude
pecially in younger children, may have children’s hospital. gynecologic causes of abdominal pain
affected the quality of CT scans per- Patient-specific factors impacted both rather than to diagnose appendicitis.
formed at referring hospitals in com- CT and ultrasound accuracy. Trends To reduce reliance on CT scans, di-
parison with the children’s hospital. toward diminished CT accuracy were
Finally, the interpretation of CT by general agnostic algorithms and clinical scor-
associated with younger patient age, ing systems have been developed.35–39
versus pediatric radiologists may con- obesity, and male gender, although k
tribute to the CT accuracy difference.31 Most of these were validated in child-
was not significantly different, possibly
Technical quality of imaging and radiol- ren’s hospitals, and differing thresh-
because of the small numbers of
olds for imaging and operation were
ogist type were not specifically captured studies. For ultrasound, k trended
in this study. found even with the same scoring
lower in younger and female children.
system.35,36 Unfortunately, both symp-
In contrast to CT scan sensitivity, ul- Previous studies have examined the
toms and physical examination as-
trasound sensitivity for appendicitis impact of obesity on ultrasound and CT
sessment have low correlation among
practitioners,40,41 which could account
TABLE 7 Accuracy of Preoperative Ultrasound Impression Compared With Final Diagnosis: for the variable cut points. To address
Sensitivities for Any and Perforated Appendicitis
CT use within community hospitals,
Ultrasound Any Appendicitis Perforated Appendicitis
clinical decision tools are needed that
Sensitivity P Sensitivity P are applicable to practitioners with
Overall 114/159 71.7% 19/43 44.1% varying levels of pediatric or surgical
Study location .01 .50
expertise at all points of evaluation. The
Community 5/13 38.5% 0/2 0%
Children’s 109/146 74.7% 19/41 46.3% identification of children likely to have
Age, y .38 .80 appendicitis (high pretest probability)
1–-6 21/27 77.7% 3/9 33.3%
would potentially avoid CT scans before
7–12 44/58 75.9% 8/18 44.4%
13–18 49/74 66.2% 8/16 50.0% transfer to a center for operative
Weight category .50 ..99 treatment, while also limiting un-
Underweight/normal 78/108 72.2% 14/32 43.8% necessary transfers. Assessment of the
Overweight/obese 20/31 64.5% 4/8 50.0%
Gender .03 .36 reasons for obtaining CT would inform
Female 46/73 63.0% 8/22 36.4% how to best reduce CT use. Optimal
Male 68/86 79.1% 11/21 52.4% imaging may depend on multiple factors,

e42 SAITO et al
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such as patient age, gender, body habitus, subjects were not recorded with suffi- within subgroups precluded multivari-
symptoms, potential alternate diagnoses, cient consistency to permit a detailed able analysis of CT and ultrasound
accuracy of imaging modality for patient analysis of imaging utilization with accuracy.
subtype, and specific hospital resources. regard to clinical presentation. Conse-
The value of diagnostic confirmation in quently, the few subjects who did not
avoiding unnecessary interfacility trans- have imaging during initial evaluation CONCLUSIONS
fer, hospital admission, operations, and may have had more obvious clinical The near universal use of preoperative
treatment delays must be balanced evidence of appendicitis. Nonetheless, imaging was associated with a low
against the harm of radiation exposure the high imaging utilization implies that proportion of negative appendectomy in
from CT, and costs to maintain ultrasound at least some CT scans and ultrasounds children who underwent operation for
technical proficiency and to provide pe- were confirmatory rather than essen- presumed appendicitis. Preoperative CT
diatric expertise. tial. The selection criteria for the cohort use was significantly higher in children
The retrospective and single-center were chosen to capture negative ap- initially evaluated at community hospi-
study structure presents several limi- pendectomies; despite this, the pro- tals in comparison with the children’s
tations. Additional similar analyses in portion of operations performed for a hospital, whereas ultrasound use was
other sites will ascertain the generaliz- normal appendix may be underesti- significantly lower. Potential targets to
ability of our findings. We cannot address mated if the appendix was not removed. streamline the evaluation for pediatric
what specific impact imaging had in the Whether community physiciansobtain appendicitis include algorithm de-
evaluation of children with possible ap- imaging in children with suspected velopment with broad validity to de-
pendicitis; the value of normal imaging in appendicitis routinely or selectively crease reliance on preoperative imaging
preventing an unnecessary operation or to confirm the diagnosis before in- and radiation exposure while avoid-
hospital transfer could not be assessed terfacility transfer for operative care ing unnecessary hospital transfers,
with this cohort. The initial symptoms cannot be determined from this study. admissions, operations, and missed
and physical examination findings of Finally, the limited number of subjects diagnoses.

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Use and Accuracy of Diagnostic Imaging by Hospital Type in Pediatric
Jacqueline M. Saito, Yan Yan, Thomas W. Evashwick, Brad W. Warner and Phillip I.
Pediatrics 2013;131;e37
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-1665 originally published online December 24, 2012;

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Use and Accuracy of Diagnostic Imaging by Hospital Type in Pediatric
Jacqueline M. Saito, Yan Yan, Thomas W. Evashwick, Brad W. Warner and Phillip I.
Pediatrics 2013;131;e37
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-1665 originally published online December 24, 2012;

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
has been published continuously since . Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by the
American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois,
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