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Teaser One: The Bridge Demolition

Battle February 1978

Teaser One: The Bridge Demolition
Battle February 1978
C. S.

Grant with the first in an exciting depending on the playing time and is that which is derived from
new series of wargame scenarios space available. This may produce two running wargame campaigns.
armies such as: Such actions may range from
and their solutions. small scout actions and
General 'A' skirmishes to full-scale battles.
An Introduction to the Series Whatever their nature, they have
The sources of inspiration for 2 regiments of light infantry 4 one thing in common — they are
wargames are numerous. However, if at 2 points each part of a long-term plan and pose
one may be permitted to generalise, it 3 regiments of line infantry 9 other factors and considerations
is possible to divide war-games into at 3 points each than the short-term destruction
four categories. The first is the simple 1 battery of artillery at 2 2 of the enemy The engagements
conflict type of game which involves points each may be fof long-term strategic
two sides, each with the object of Total points 15 benefits, protection of lines of
defeating the other by inflicting more communication, delaying actions,
casualties on one's opponent than General 'B' preludes to larger battles,
one receives oneself. Such a game deceptions or a hundred other
can be conducted in a variety of ways. 1 heavy cavalry regiment at 4 situations. It may require minimal
Terrain can be selected impartially or by 4 points losses to be sustained, towns or
each player selecting and placing a bridges to be kept intact, or
2 light cavalry regiments 6 involve other factors which will
number of terrain elements alternately at 3 points each
on the table. An example of this influence one's actions and plans.
1 light infantry regiment at 2 2 All these and many other con-
procedure would be as follows: points
"Each player has agreed to select siderations add a new, exciting
1 line infantry regiment at 3 3 and realistic element to
three items of terrain. Player 'A' wins points
the throw to start and selects a small wargaming.
wood which he places in the top right Total points 15 The process of campaigning,
corner. Player 'B' in his turn places a while immensely rewarding, may
small hill in the centre, 'A' a village Thus two armies are arrived at however be a long one, requiring
and so on. (The result is shown in with a degree of balance (depending frequent contact with one's
diagram 1). The two players then on the sanity of the generals' choice) opponent and a degree of paper
throw the dice to see on which side of but with scope for individuals to work. To provide some of the
the table they will arrive. What may exercise their character, consider the elements of the campaign
opponent's character and make situations, without the continuity
have appeared to be a favourable allowances for the terrain.
terrain from where one stood placing and length of time required, there
A more complex method of choosing is a fourth type of war-game. This
items on the table may often seem the armies, but one of particular value
less advantageous when viewed from may, at the risk of labelling, be
in Ancient wargaming where there are called 'situation' wargaming. It is
another angle, in particular the one a profusion of classes of soldiers,
from which one's army is to arrive." with this type of wargame that this
arms and weapons, is for each type of and other articles of this nature
The terrain selected, there are a figure to be given an appropriate points
number of ways in which one can will be concerned. 'Situation'
value. One may then select units of wargames are those which present
select the contending armies. The differing sizes and types.
easiest method is, of course, to The outcome of these deliberations both sides in a particular scenario
produce two identical sides, but this and preparations is invariably a first with given forces and aims. In this
has obvious limitations. Other rate wargame. way many of those additional
methods are aimed at producing The second of our sources of elements present in campaign
differing sides without achieving an wargaming is found in re-fighting encounters may be reproduced to
undesirable imbalance famous battles. This is a most add more versatility and realism to
One's selection must, of course, be enjoyable and rewarding process the encounter/confrontation war-
limited by the figures, units and where a particular battle is researched, game.
numbers one has available. One the terrain is reproduced on the table When I first considered writing on
simple way to produce two armies is and the armies scaled down war-game situations, the
to give units of a standard size a accordingly. Dispositions relate to the consideration of a title was by no
value in points, for example: opening of the battle and moves means the least of my problems. For
then commence. One can either follow example "Tactical Problems for War-
Light infantry regiment (3 officers and the plans of the warring generals, or gamers" is pretentious to say the
24 men) - 2 points attempt in one's humble way, with the least, and suggests that there is a
Line infantry regiment (5 officers and benefit of hindsight, to do better. specific problem which has a
48 men) - 3 points Whether the battle is Thermopylae, specific answer, whereas this may
Heavy cavalry regiment (4 officers and Agincourt, Fontenoy, Austerlitz or not be the case. Furthermore I am
24 men) Gettysburg, there is tremendous reminded of the maxim that "tactics
4 points enjoyment and satisfaction to be is the opinion of the senior officer
Artillery battery (2 guns) - 2 points gained from re-fighting actual battles, present," and would therefore not
not to mention the occasional presume to attempt "answers" to
Each general may select an army of surprise. such problems. Moreover, some of
say, 15 points, the size of the army The third category of wargame action the scenarios are not problems but
Teaser One: The Bridge Demolition
Battle February 1978
merely "stage settings" for a battle, and side before the bridge blows up.
so the term "problem" is therefore Blue's forces have marched through the
misleading. After much consideration it night on two main roads arriving on the Next month: Teaser 1 — "A bridge
is hoped that "Table Top Teasers" as a title table at A and B. However, their order of too far".
embodies some of the enjoyment as well arrival and the route each unit arrives
as head scratching which they are from is somewhat enveloped in the fog of
intended to provide. war and the confusion of the night march.
Finally, these situations are designed
for others to try, and it is hoped that To this end, cards should be prepared
someone will put pen to paper and and placed in envelopes as follows:
produce an account of their experiences
with a "teaser" for this magazine. Card 1 — 2 infantry regiments.
Card 2 — 2 infantry regiments.
Teaser One:
Card 3 — 2 infantry regiments.
The Bridge Demolition
Card 4 — 1 battery of artillery.
Period Card 5 — 1 battery of artillery.
Card 6 — 1 regiment of light infantry.
"Horse and Musket" though no doubt it
could be adapted to modern wargaming Card 7 — 1 regiment of heavy cavalry.
and, with a little more “difficulty” to Card 8 — 1 regiment of heavy cavalry.
ancient periods.
At the start of move one Blue throws
Terrain one dice for each card in turn. "Odds" the
force on the card in the envelope arrives
As shown in the map. The river is im- at A, "evens" the force arrives at B. He
passable except by means of the bridge then throws a further dice to show which
(diagram 2). playing period the troops concerned
arrive on, for example for a throw of five,
Forces the envelope is opened and troops con-
cerned move onto the table at move five
Red Army: from either A or B as designated.
2 regiments of heavy cavalry The envelopes with the marked cards
3 regiments of line infantry are plain, so neither Red nor Blue know
1regiment of light infantry what they contain. Blue marks the result
2 batteries of artillery of the dice throws on each envelope,
1 troop of engineers i.e. period 3, position B. The game may
now unfold.
Blue Army:
Special Rules
1 regiment of light cavalry The time taken to prepare the bridge for
2 regiments of heavy cavalry demolition is obviously critical. The game
6 regiments of line infantry will have no purpose if it is too easy for
2 regiments of light infantry either Red or Blue to achieve their aim.
2 batteries of artillery The factor will depend on the rules used,
but as a guide it is suggested that the
General Situation time taken to prepare the bridge should
be twice as many periods of time as a
Blue forces have broken through thirty line infantry regiment of Blue would take
miles to the north. Red is re-organising to reach it unopposed.
to counter attack in two days, but has There should be uninterrupted move
been caught off balance. In order to periods for the engineers working on the
give himself time to prepare he has to bridge. If they have to abandon work
delay Blue. In this particular sector the because of enemy activity or casualties in
bridge at X must be destroyed before it a specific period, then that period will not
falls into Blue's hands. Last night a rear count towards the preparation of the
guard with engineer support from the Red demolition.
forces arrived at the bridge and is to For those whose appetite for
prepare and demolish it today. Blue has excitement is still undiminished one can
been advancing through the night add a further factor. Once the demolition
pushing at best speed to take the bridge. is complete, Red throws one dice for the
effect on the bridge. A scale may be
Opening Narrative devised along the following lines:
6 — bridge is destroyed at once.
At first light all Red forces are as shown 5 — bridge is destroyed at once.
on the map. Blue forces on the table 4 — bridge is destroyed at the end
consist of one regiment of light cavalry in of next move.
four squadron groups for scouting 3 — bridge is destroyed in two moves
purposes. The first move of work on the time.
bridge will be move one. 2 — rewiring is required — two clear
moves of work.
Blue Force's Aim 1 — faulty work — three clear
moves of work required for rewiring.
To take the bridge intact.
Red Force's Aim
While Red's aim is clearly to destroy the
To destroy the bridge before Blue takes it. bridge before the enemy seize it, the
better general will attempt to bring as
Special Factors many of his troops to safety on the south

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