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CASE: Asian Games

For managing law and order during the Asian Games, 1982 police force has been requisitioned from the
various central police organizations like CRPF, BSF, ITBP and other states such as Haryana, Himachal
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Orrisa and Gujrat. Besides this there are 10 batallions of Delhi Police available
for deployment. The outside and the local force have been stationed at various places in the Union
Territory of Delhi. The figures are in the number of section (10 Men) available for deployment.

Place Abbreviation Force (Section)

New Police Lines NPL 400
Jharoda Kalan JK 160
Pitam Pura PP 160
Model Town MT 90
Police Training School PTS 90
Old Police Lines OPL 120
New Kotwali NK 20
Kamala Market KMT 120
Parliament Street PST 240
Rajpura Lines RPL 120
Shakarpur SP 120
Moti Nagar MN 120
Mehram Nagar MRN 240
Total 2000

The force is to be deployed at various stadia on the day of events. The requirement of the force has been
calculated keeping in view the factors like capacity of the stadium, traffic problems, security of VIPs and
participants etc. The requirement of force is also mentioned in number of sections.

Stadium Abbreviation Force (Section)

Chhatrasal CS 60
Delhi University DU 40
Indraprastha IP 400
Yamuna Velodrome YV 40
Talkatora Indoor TKI 80
Talkatora Swimming TKS 80
National NS 240
Hall of Sports HS 60
Harbaksh HB 60
Shivaji SV 60
Jawaharlal Nehru JLN 500
Hauz Khas HK 20
Games Village GV 60
Ambedkar AK 200
Tughalkabad Range TR 40
Golf Club GC 20
Karnail Singh KS 40
Total 2000

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The cost of transportation of one section, i.e. 10 Men from every location to each stadium has been
calculated as shown in the matrix below.

It is assumed that the availability and requirement of force is equal, i.e. 2000 section. It will not be
possible on any day during the games as all stadia are not having games on all the days. Hence, there will
always be a surplus force available. Consequently dummy stadium will have to be planned everyday so as
to absorb the utilization force. The cost (in Rs. 100s for 10 persons – one section) matrix for the
movement of the police force is given below:

NPL 2 1 13 12 15 15 16 14 25 20 14 22 24 11 35 16 10 400
JK 28 31 36 37 130 30 35 36 16 42 30 35 36 40 50 35 36 160
PP 15 14 26 25 28 28 28 17 38 33 17 35 37 24 48 29 23 160
MT 4 3 15 14 17 17 18 16 27 22 16 24 26 13 37 18 12 90
PTS 26 24 15 16 13 13 12 15 15 12 15 33 3 16 10 17 16 90
OPL 7 2 8 7 10 10 11 13 20 15 9 17 13 6 30 11 6 120
NK 11 6 4 3 6 6 7 9 16 11 5 13 15 2 26 7 4 20
KMT 13 8 3 4 4 4 5 5 21 16 2 25 25 1 24 10 2 120
PST 15 12 5 6 2 2 4 5 16 10 12 12 12 4 22 4 3 240
RPL 4 1 11 10 13 13 14 14 23 18 12 20 22 9 33 14 8 120
SP 19 16 3 4 7 7 6 5 21 12 8 18 18 5 30 8 8 120
MN 10 12 16 17 13 13 15 16 20 20 15 25 25 14 35 18 12 120
MRN 30 28 18 19 15 15 15 16 6 22 15 12 12 20 20 20 20 240
Requirement 60 40 400 40 80 80 240 60 60 60 500 20 60 200 40 20 40 2000

Suggest an optimal transportation schedule of the police force so as to minimize the total transportation

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