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1 PROMOTION STRATEGY.................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Segmentation .................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Targeting ........................................................................................................................ 2
2 ANALYSIS OF ADVERTISEMENT ..................................................................................... 3
2.1 Appeals ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Messages .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Banner .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Flyers ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.5 Creativity .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.6 Creative Brief ................................................................................................................... 6
2.6.1 The objective ............................................................................................................. 6
2.6.2 The target audience ................................................................................................... 6
2.6.3 The message theme ................................................................................................... 7
2.6.4 The support ............................................................................................................... 7
3 SUPPORTING THEORY ....................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Executional Frameworks .................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Message Strategies ........................................................................................................... 8
4 BUDGETING .......................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Action plan ..................................................................................................................... 10
5 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 11

Deciding on a marketing communications strategy is one of the primary roles of the
marketing manager and this process involves some key decisions about who the
customer is, how to contact them, and what the message should be. These quest ions
can be answered using a three stage process, which is equally relevant for all
elements of the marketing mix:-

1.1 Segmentation

- Through segmentation, we can identify niches with specific needs, mature markets to find our
participants of this program, we will deliver more focused and effective promotional messages to
our target market.
- For this program, we will focus on low achiever student. We will identify the student based on
the segment that we provides.

1.2 Targeting

- The list below refers to what’s needed to evaluate the potential participant that will join the
 Criteria Size: We will focus on lower achiever students in DRB-Hicom University

 Difference: The different between this group between others is the CGPA/GPA that
the student get.


The advertising design show that the person hiking the hills and almost success to
complete his hiking. This picture means close to the advertising tagline “Never Give Up”. Never
Give Up is the main point to show the audience that this activities main courage them to always
go for it and never give up in any obstacle that they face. Meanwhile, the description “ Go over,
go under, go around, or go through. But never give up”, is to encourage the audience to do
anything to past the obstacle except give up.

Based on this advertisement, we actually try to motivate the audience to do something

that they never think about it, to tell them that nothing is impossible if they do not quit easily.
We also try to put on rational appeal, highlight the audience what they will get if they never give

By using the rational appeal, we can focus on the individual’s functional, utilitarian or
practical needs for for the audience. This appeal able to emphasize the characteristics and
features of our advertisement and how it would give benefic to the participant of this event.

The hilltop is unique as it is rather devoid of trees, which is an uncommon sight amongst
tropical rainforest. Remnants of burnt out tree trunks indicate that the area may have been
ravaged by a forest fire and the trees did not grow again. It offers a good view of the surrounding
area and has become a popular picnic and photography spot. On a breezy day, the view once you
reach the top is excellent.

The entrance starts at left from an oil palm estate opposite a Rabbit Fun Land. The estate
owner cashes on the glut of visitors during weekends and public holidays by charging RM 2 per
vehicle that parks on his grounds.

From the peak, you get a spacious view of the plains, coated by a mixture of rain forest,
oil palm plantations, villages and towns, along with distant mountains. At dawn, mist rising from
the ground from the warmth of the sun envelops the landscape in a carpet of white, evoking a
surreal atmosphere. The view is really nice!

2.1 Appeals

• An appeal is the motive to which an advertisement is directed; it is designed to stir a person

toward a goal the advertiser has set.

• In this Boot Camp ads used a rational appeals which is give benefits such as good health and
automatically can improved the lower achiever students to always don’t give up to get the good
result in their exam.

2.2 Messages

The messages may be carried in this program are, each student have to try to achieve something
that they feel impossible to achieve by themselves. The key to achieve is they must never give up
and keep trying no matter what happen or what types of obstacle they will face.

We will spread this advertisement using a few channels;

2.3 Banner

 A banner we will design to spread the program advertisement to make student aware
about out program.
 On the banner, we also put a few important information such as, phone number, date
of the program and name of the person in charge for the program.
 This banner we will put on few focus are student such as at the cafeteria, in front of
main gates to the university and at the university village.

2.4 Flyers

 To create more awareness among students, we also spread flyers about the program to
student two weeks before the date.
 This way to make sure that all students know about this program and can make a
decision either to join or not

2.5 Creativity

Creativity is at the heart of everything we do our ability to transform strategic thinking about this
program into ideas enable us to develop creative communications between students and the
advertisement so that more awareness can be create. The creativity that we use also suitable with
the current target of student that we target as our participant, so that the student can easily adapt
with the word of the advertisement. We have to make sure that the advertisement able to
communicate with the students.

2.6 Creative Brief

2.6.1 The objective

To encourage lower achiever students to join Let’s Excel Program, Boot Camp on 16th – 18th
September 2016 at Broga Hills, Semenyih, Selangor for helping them in their studies. The main
reason we held this program is to attract student who have lower achiever in academic or in their

2.6.2 The target audience

 Based on the advertisement design, focusing on lower achiever students to join this Boot
Camp at Broga Hills, Semenyih rather than higher achiever students for helping them in
their studies.
 The target students that we like to target is the students that have pointer lower than 2.9.
to motivate them that is never too late to achieve more than 3.0, what is important is
never give up.
 This program to encourage them to work hard and never give up to achieve something in
their life. It also to show them that they can achieve anything is possible if they keep
fighting and never give up.

2.6.3 The message theme
- The message theme of this Boot Camp advertisement was that hiking Broga Hills,
Semenyih will make our body healthy.
- When our body health, the process of learning at school by high achiever students are
more easier and automatically their result in every exam can be improved.

2.6.4 The support

- The support claims in this ad Boot Camp at Broga Hills, Semenyih are from the words
“Never Give Up”. From this word, we can concluded that the high achiever students who
joined this camp will never give up hiking Broga Hills, Semenyih no matter how they
going through during hiking such as “go over, go under, go around, or go through but
never give up” until they arrived at the top of the hills.


In this advertisement, we use Executional Frameworks as our theory to design this


3.1 Executional Frameworks

 An executional framework signifies the manner in which an advertising appeal will be

presented. It should be chosen in conjunction with an advertising appeal and a message
strategy. There are 7 different executions that can be used such as animation, slice-of-life,
testimonial, authoritative, demonstration, fantasy and informative.
 For this advertisement, we use effective message and informative executions to advertise
our program so that we can influence the student to join us. We also use rational appeals
as a combination to our theory to make sure our advertisement more successful.
 While almost any execution can be used with any appeal and message strategy, there are
logical combinations and there are some combinations that do not work well together.

3.2 Message Strategies

 Message strategies can be divided into three main categories that correspond with the
three components of attitude such as cognitive, affective, and conative.
 For this advertisement, we use a cognitive message strategy presents rational arguments
or pieces of information to our students. Cognitive message strategies are designed to
influence the cognitive component of attitude, which deals with beliefs and knowledge.
Cognitive message strategies can be divided into five types – generic, preemptive, unique
selling proposition, hyperbole, and comparative.
 Advertisements that invoke feelings or emotions are affective message strategies. These
messages attempt to enhance the likeability of the program, recall of the message, and
comprehension of the message.

The two basic tasks of marketing communications are message creation and message
dissemination. Media planning supports message dissemination. Media planning helps
you determine which media to use such as television programs, newspapers, bus-stop
posters, in-store displays, banner ads on the Web, or a flyer on Facebook. It also tells you
when and where to use media in order to reach the desired audience. Simply put, media
planning refers to the process of selecting media time and space to disseminate
advertising messages in order to accomplish marketing objectives.

For this event, the media planning that we choose to promote this program are through
flyers, banners and social media like Facebook and Whatsupp. We choose this channel
because it is a suitable with our promotion budget to promote this event.

The printing cost for the flyers and banner are:

Printing Media Numbers of Total cost

Banners 2 80 x 2= RM 160.00
Flyers 100 0.20 x 100= RM 20

We distribute our flyers to 100 target students that we think is the best candidates to join
our program. Meanwhile for the banners, we hang the banners in a few strategic place
that all students can see the banners. Important information also we put in the flyers and
banners to make sure the audience gets enough information to do the decision.

4.1 Action plan

Gantt Chart

TASK / WEEK 1 2 3 4 5
Preparation and Planning
Develop program proposal
Approve program proposal
Recruit program team
Promotional Marketing
Distributed Flyers
Hanging Banner at strategic place
Let’s Excel Program

Based on the Gantt Chart, for the first week of the preparation for the Let’s Excel
Program, we develop the program proposal. In the proposal with conclude all the objective of the
program and the list of budget that we need to succeed the program. All the result that we decide
for the program had been discuss in the meeting. Second week of the preparation, we already
sent the proposal to be approved by the management of Drb-Hicom University (Dhu). After a
few adjustment on the proposal, our proposal had been approved by the management and we
start recruit program team to help us managed this program.
The second stage of the preparation is Promotional Marketing. My team and I, start the
promotional marketing in week three until the end of week four. In that time we do the marketing
to build awareness among the student about the program. The activities that we do for marketing
our program were we distribute flyer about the program to our selected target market for the
program. About 100 flyers had been printed for distribution. Next, we also create 2 banner for
the program and hanging the banners at the strategic place that we thing can get student attention
to the program.
After that, we had been finalized our participant for the program and at the same week in
week five, we lunch the Let’s Excel Program at Broga Hills campsites.

To appeal is basic and it is the central idea of the advertisement. The copywriter,
the photographer, the artist, and the layout man cannot begin their work on particular
advertisement until they know the appeal that is to be used. Their efforts must be directed
at the task of effectively communicating the appeal to the reader, viewer or listener. All
the elements of the advertisement- headline, copy, illustration and layout must be
consistent with the appeal. The copywriter exercises his discretion in deciding what
elements to use, and in what manner. The most satisfying method is usually to display the
elements in such a way as to achieve a pleasant and well structured copy. For instance,
the headline should ideally present a selling idea and is displayed in such a way and
position as to attract reader’s attention. The copy text is the selling position where the
copywriter reasons, argues with, convinces, frightens, amuses or appeals to the reader.
Ideally, the text should grow out from the Headline, so that there will be unity of purpose.
The illustration which can be a photograph, line illustration or a sketch should
complement the other elements so that there will be a concordant context.
For the conclusion, in this assignment the best appeal should bring out the
uniqueness of the product or services and serve as a strong reason for patronage. When
an advert fails to persuade, often it is because the writer failed to give adequate selling
points to convince the prospective buyer. Unique selling point definitely plays a very
important role in the effectiveness of promotional campaigns and the advertising
industry will benefit immensely if this technique is more widely applied. Its wider
application will necessitate a more detailed knowledge of the products and services in
order to determine the salient and unique product attributes that consumers will use to
satisfy their perceived needs.


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