Title: Investigation of Agriculture Related Problems of Rural Women in District Layyah

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Title : Investigation of Agriculture Related Problems of Rural Women in

District Layyah


Agriculture industry is a back bone of Pakistan and women contribute 51.6% of the total
population in Pakistan. Survey in 2014-15 revealed that rural females play a major role in crop
production, farming and livestock. Women contribution is mainly increase in rice, cotton,
vegetables, pulses and cultivation day by day in Pakistan. Therefore, women need to support of
Government as well as private and other agencies. The main objective of present study is to
explore the problems faced by rural women in performing agricultural activities. Present research
will be evaluated in one Tehsil of district Layyah, Punjab, Pakistan. Multistage sample technique
will be used for selection of areas and respondents from selected zone. At 1st stage, 2 Union
Councils will be taken by using sampling techniques. At 2nd stage, 4 villages will be taken by
using sampling techniques. At 3rdstage, 30 household women from each village will be chosen
easily. Total sample of one hundred and twenty women(respondents) will be taken. Data will be
recorded through a prepared Questionnaire method. Data will be analyzed by using suitable
statistical analysis for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results will be presented in form of thesis.
In Asian countries percentage of total employed female in agriculture sector is greater
than male worker. Women are very active in agricultural field, playing their major role as
household heads, agriculture laborers and manage their domestic activities. They participate in
all type of laborious activitiessuch as livestock management, crop production technologies i.e.
weeding, sowing, harvesting, threshing, drying, winnowing, husking, grinding and storage.In
contradiction to male counterparts their participation in agricultural activities in limited as they
manage water, fetch their families, distance places for fuel, cleaning, cooking, participate in
domestic and household activities (Human Development Report, 2002).

Mostly, development support has failed to reach women in the backward areas, both in
relative and absolute terms due to these both reason: (1) different development programmers are
mainly focus on men power as producers (2) a lack of awareness and wrong assumptions about
the participation of women in agriculture (BOSADP, 2005).

In a developing world, equal opportunity and womenempowerment are major tools to

attain sustainable developments of different societies. In spheres of life as well as socio-political
spheres, it would not make both of them equal partners (United Nations, 2004).

Participation of women is mostly high in rice, vegetable, cotton and pulses. In Punjab and
Sindh, cotton and rice cultivation account for one third of women participation annually in
agricultural activities. It has been predicted that women contribution in cotton and rice areas is
23.55 % and 29.28 % of labor, respectively. (Qadri&Jehan, 1982; UNDP, 1997). Women are
involve in different cotton operations, such as manuring, weeding, hoeing, thinning, cotton
cleaning, storage of cotton and stick removing) (Asghar, 1994).

Likewise women are efficient in sowing, seed bed preparation, fertilizer application,
tilling, fodder cutting, transplanting, drying, intercultural operation, husking, storing cereals and
fodder, threshing, harvesting the crops (vegetable and fruits) and selling these agricultural
commodities (PARC, 1988; World Bank, 1989; Shah & khan, 2004).

In a previous study, contribution of rural women in household and agricultural activities

were evaluated by using three point namely ‘Mostly’, ‘Occasionally’ and “Not at all’ and
allocated 3, 2 and 1, scores respectively. Ranking of different activities performed by women
were assessed and frequency of responses was tabulated, multiplied and added together to
require the total score (Sailaja& Reddy, 2003). In livestock sector women also do many odd jobs
like making dung cakes for fuel, milking goats, sheep, buffaloes, and cows.

During the flood days, women play a major role in rebuilding of their homes, trying to
save animals from diseases, constructing dams and other related work. Women are also provided
their services in different industries flower cultivation, basket making, silk manufacturing, and
rope making. They are found in each sector of life, just like flies. They are positively doing their
duties and affectively play role in treating their families and fields equally (Suman, 1998).

Previous statistical data showed that women contributes with determination in livestock
activities and poultry department. Eggs, meat, and leather many other provision are obtained
from agriculture department by appropriate involvement of women. Women contribution in
agriculture sector with passion, subsidizing their efforts in various department of agriculture
activities. They take part in collecting raw materials from fields and transported to the male in
the factories where it further processed for final products. Most of the rural population cannot
live without their active involvement in agriculture department. So without women’s
participation, journey towards success cannot be accomplished (Govt. of Pakistan, 2004).

 To evaluate socio-economic characteristics of village women.
 To study participation of women in agriculture sector.
 To exploit awareness of female household about agricultural activities.
 To suggest factorsto address the issue of femalerole in agriculture department.
Muhammad (2003) found that women generally contributed in different types of
activities comprising crop sowing, harvesting, management, catering, and post harvesting

Nazir (2003) observed the different families had 54.0 % of the respondents had seven to
ten family members and 34.0 % of the respondents had three to six family members. He further
demonstrated that 70.0 % to 30 % respondents related to non-agricultural and agricultural sector
respectively. Participate in all field activities such as transplanting, harvesting, sowing, weeding,
post- harvest operation, drying, husking, winnowing, grinding and storage. In Pakistan village
women do laborious tasks in addition to normal household activities of taking care of their
children, cooking, fetching water and fuel, construction cleaning and maintaining the house.
Result during the surveys revealed that women works twelve to fifteen hours per day several
economicand household activities.

Akmal and Taj (2004) monitored the meat production that increased by 38 % with 8.7 %
growth rate per year and milk production enhanced by 6.5 % per year. It concluded that linear
shift in growth of agriculture including horticulture and livestock sector. This study revealed that
women contributed their major role in decision making and other related activities to livestock.
Nutshell is that except eating, women are involved in particularly all livestock related activities.

Tanzo and Sachs (2004) stated that women encountered great risks mostly in those areas
where toxic chemicals are used and exposure in high quantity, they are forced to work in such
areas and overlook those tasks that vacant for men, who migrated for another farm jobs and left
the farming for their wives. Excluding this study, not much research data is available in literature
for determining the physical injury and accidents related to agriculture.

Trach (2004) claimed that cattle production was mostly in hands of women with
insufficient resources. Urea treatment is one of the good methods for rice straw storage. But
small scale production of cattle, is the major reason for non-adaptation of this technology for
livestock. He also concluded that farmers at small scale were not disposed and modified their
Alam and Manzoor (2005) studied that nearly seventy percent women in Pakistan forced
to work in agriculture sector and yet their participation remains undocumented and unnoticed.
They further observed that so many women were participate in farm activities such as hoeing,
weeding, sowing, picking, stick collection of cotton, milking, feeding of animals, grass cutting,
seed separation from fibers, grading and packing of fruits and many other activities.

Geological Survey of Pakistan (2005) examined the survey of agriculture and resulted
that these survey gave the accurate indication of women’ contribution in labor force of
Baluchistan in agriculture department. During this survey, 28.2 % of all family members, work
in crop fields and livestock production systems. Mostly involved in livestock department in
which women made total activities. Women’s contribution in livestock production of Baluchistan
that varied according to socio-economic setup. As Baluchistan is situated of barren and arid land,
receive a few rains annually.

Saghiret al., (2005) observed that village women play main role in livestock sector.
Actually working women need appropriate diet during work, but women give not much attention
on their health and food. Women spend their most of time in agriculture fields and less time
spends in their homes with their children. They provides all facilities of health and food to their
families but no proper time and attention to their health then suffering in many sever diseases
like chronic diseases and ultimately destroy their personality and families.

Javedet al., (2006) carried out a research on women’s contribution in livestock and crop
production systems in Faisalabad, Punjab Pakistan. Study was conducted in total 125
respondents were selected and random samples were selected and then interviewed with well-
prepared interview schedule.

Forastieri (2007) examined the important issues for example source of income or means
of subsistence for 70% of world’s needy rural populations. Instead of all efforts, women became
accountable for household small cropping and food production with poor technology. Women
were carried approximately 60- 80% of ploughing, clearing fields, weeding, sowing, threshing,
harvesting, food processing, storage, livestock keeping, milk and dairying processing. It had
been assessed that 50% of laborcomplicatedwith constraints in food security such as soil erosion,
water logging, salinity, power, water availability, seed services,fertilizer, credit, market
fragmentation, small frames, crop framing, tenancy, livestock raising, household management
and post-harvest activities.

Buvineic (2008) stated that women do farming jobs properly. In many countries,
Government provides chance to rural women, for grow products with improved opportunity so
that women would sale these products under self-supervision, the reason behind this confidence
established in women and they do superior work in development of farming, also enhanced their
position in home, rural economy and society.

Naz (2008) investigated that in backward zones of Pakistan, female had been carryingan
agricultural activity with courage due to this job is not a child’s play. In these zones, female
favored to live in 4 wall boundaries of homes, nowsituations had been very strongly altered.
Now days they preferred to live in backward areas in order to provide healthier food
commodities and other establishment of life to nation.

Jamali (2009) stated that role of village women in agricultural based activities. In
Pakistan, it was documented that these women have been energetically contributed in agriculture
and associated fields. Rural women’s tasks ranged between crop production system to harvesting
them and in livestock to rearing and raising animals. Instead of daily routine work such as
cleaning homes, cookingand other works. Women were found to be meaningfullyintricate in all
aspects of country’s agricultural department, but their struggle and prospective was

Tiwari (2010) observed that Indian economy is mostly dependent on agriculture sector
and >70% of population living in backward and rural areas that totally engaged in agriculture.
Between rural population, women are relatedindirectly or directly with agriculture department.
They play main role in agricultural development and associated fields i.e. crop and livestock

Grison (2011) over viewed the contribution of female in village zones, improvement
could not be attained in each domain of life. Agricultural farming was imperfect without female.
They had been bearing agriculture department with full willpower. We could say, not only in
thisfield but inmany fields women had been contributingsincerely.
Tyaboet al., (2014)conducted a study to evaluate the range of involvement of women in
agricultural farming at Niger state in Nigeria. 120 respondents were selected randomly and
interviewed through questioner in line. Results indicated that adult women with age limit of20-
40 years are majority that contributed in agricultural actions. This research revealed that all
respondents have shares in harvesting and threshing.


Methodology is an organizedexplanation and “logic in use” of tools and technique

employed during the evaluation of research and relies on collection of suitable information and
knowledge about the procedure under study. Methodology is a method of explicitprocedure and
rules at which research is depend and contradictory to claims are assessed. This research will be
carried out from one Tehsil of district Layyah. At 1st stage, 2 Union Councils will be taken by
using reliable sampling techniques. 4 villages will be taken by using suitable sampling technique,
at 2ndstage. At 3rdstage, 30 household females from every village will be taken. Total sample of
120 respondent’s females will be chosen. Data will be recorded through a prepared
Questionnaire method. Data will be analyzed by using suitable statistical analysis for Social
Sciences (SPSS). Results will be presented in form of final thesis.

Statistical Analysis
The data will be collected and prepared for further processing and ready for analysis. The
data will be analyzed with a suitable statistical analysis.

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