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Mimi Sheller Drexel University

abstract This article offers an overview of the field of mobilities research, tracing its theoretical
antecedents and contrasting it to theories of globalization, nomadism and flow. Mobilities theory places
an unprecedented emphasis on (im)mobility, moorings, dwelling and stillness as much as movement,
speed, or liquidity. The article then outlines key themes and research areas within the field, including
mobility systems, mobility capital and movement-space; and lastly presents innovations in mobile
methodologies and directions for future research.
keywords (im)mobility u infrastructure u mobile methods u motility u remediation

Over the past decade a new approach to the study of begins to occur in new ways across a wide range of
mobilities has been emerging across the social sci- mobile devices and ‘smart’ environments, there is a
ences, involving research on the combined move- new convergence between physical movement of peo-
ments of people, objects and information in all of ple, vehicles and things; information production, stor-
their complex relational dynamics. It emphasizes the age and retrieval; wireless distributed computing and
relation of such mobilities to associated immobilities communications; and surveillance and tracking tech-
or moorings, including their ethical dimension; and it nologies. These sociotechnical transformations raise
encompasses both the embodied practice of move- new substantive issues for the social sciences, while
ment and the representations, ideologies and mean- also being suggestive of new theoretical and method-
ings attached to both movement and stillness. ological approaches.
Mobilities research combines social and spatial theory Mobilities research overlaps with some aspects of
in new ways, and in so doing has provided a transfor- globalization studies, communications research,
mative nexus for bridging micro-interactional research migration and border studies, tourism studies, cultur-
on the phenomenology of embodiment, the cultural al geography, transport geography and the anthropol-
turn and hermeneutics, postcolonial and critical theo- ogy of circulation, but it also differs in its scope, foci
ry, macro-structural approaches to the state and polit- and methodologies from each of these. In the socio-
ical-economy, and elements of science and technology logical literature the term ‘mobility’ is usually equated
studies (STS) and new media studies. with the idea of ‘social mobility’, referring to an indi-
Although mobility is historically significant, and vidual’s categorical movement up or down the scale of
hence not unique to contemporary times, the world is socioeconomic classes. But there is also a case for
arguably moving differently and in more dynamic, advancing sociological understandings of spatial
complex and trackable ways than ever before, while movement, cultural circulation and informational
facing new challenges of forced mobility and uneven mediation (topics respectively emphasized in human
mobility, environmental limits and climate change geography, anthropology and media studies). Unlike
and the movement of unpredictable risks. Many parts the rich tradition of sociological study of social mobil-
of the world seem to stand on the cusp of major trans- ity (which will not be addressed here), the new trans-
formations in existing sociotechnical systems of disciplinary field of mobilities research encompasses
mobility and communication, despite the apparent research on the spatial mobility of humans, non-
‘lock-in’ of certain historical structures such as the sys- humans and objects; the circulation of information,
tem of automobility (Dennis and Urry, 2009; Dudley images and capital; as well as the study of the physical
et al., 2011; Urry, 2007). As mobile connectivity means for movement such as infrastructures, vehicles

© 2011 The Author(s)
© 2011 ISA (Editorial Arrangement of Sociopedia.isa)
Mimi Sheller, 2011, ‘Mobility’, Sociopedia.isa, DOI: 10.1177/205684601163

Sheller Mobility

and software systems that enable travel and commu- 2007). Yet they do not entirely agree with such
nication to take place. Thus it brings together some ‘epochal’ claim-making (Savage, 2009), nor with
of the more purely ‘social’ concerns of sociology currently popular images of a flat world of global
(inequality, power, hierarchies) with the ‘spatial’ con- connectivity or a smooth world of global ‘Empire’
cerns of geography (territory, borders, scale) and the (Hardt and Negri, 2000). As Sheller and Urry
‘cultural’ concerns of anthropology and media stud- (2006b: 210) put it: ‘we do not insist on a new
ies (discourses, representations, schemas), while “grand narrative” of the global condition as one of
inflecting each with a relational ontology of the co- mobility, fluidity or liquidity. The new mobilities
constitution of subjects, spaces and meanings. paradigm suggests a set of questions, theories, and
Furthermore, mobilities theory also builds on a methodologies rather than a totalising description of
range of philosophical perspectives to more radically the contemporary world.’ It delineates the context in
rethink the relation between bodies, movement and which both sedentary and nomadic accounts of the
space. It draws on phenomenology to reconsider social world operate, and it questions how that con-
embodied practices and the production of being-in- text is itself mobilized, or performed, through ongo-
motion as a relational affordance between the senses, ing sociotechnical and cultural practices.
objects and kinesthetic accomplishments. It draws These initial critiques of sedentary metaphors
on Foucauldian genealogies and governmentalities to and state territorial forms of power evoked what
address the meanings of (im)mobility, discourses and some argue was a non-reflexive embrace of deterrito-
visual representations of speed and slowness, and the rialization, nomadism and rhizomatic transgression
production of normalized mobile subjects. And it (e.g. in the influential work of Gilles Deleuze and
draws on postcolonial theory and theories of politi- Felix Guattari [1983], or Paul Virilio on dromology
cal economy to rethink the performative politics of [1997]). This kind of ‘nomadic theory’ rests on a
racial difference, secured borders and the governance ‘romantic reading of mobility’, and ‘certain ways of
of migration, sea-space and air-space. This article seeing [arise] as a result of this privileging of cosmo-
first traces the theoretical antecedents to the study of politan mobility’ (Kaplan, 1996; and see Sheller,
mobilities, showing how it goes beyond existing 2011 on cosmopolitanism and mobilities). For
approaches to globalization, nomadism and flow; mobilities researchers today it is not a question of
then it outlines some of the key themes and research privileging flows, speed, or a cosmopolitan or
areas within the field, in particular the concepts of nomadic subjectivity, but rather of tracking the
mobility systems, mobility capital and performed power of discourses, practices and infrastructures of
movement-space; and finally it addresses the emer- mobility in creating the effects of both movement
gence of mobile methodologies and future directions and stasis. Mobilities are of course the sine qua non
for research. of globalization; without extensive systems of mobil-
ity – and globalist, or neoliberal, claims for opening
markets and states to external flows – social process-
Beyond globalization, nomadism and es could not take place at a global scale nor be imag-
flow ined as such. Yet mobilities research is neither a claim
that all the world is mobile now, nor a forgetting that
The current mobilities turn should not be confused the colonial world economy has long entailed exten-
with the use of metaphors of flow and liquidity in sive global mobilities – e.g. of slaves, of commodi-
social theory, which have for some time captured the ties, of print and images and of capital (Sheller,
attention of social theorists concerned with emergent 2003, 2004b) – and, crucially, continues to entail
social processes in a world perceived to be increasing- many forms of immobility, both voluntary and
ly globally interconnected. Manuel Castells (1996), forced. Critical mobilities research instead interro-
for example, famously theorized the ‘space of flows’ gates who and what is demobilized and remobilized
as distinct from the ‘space of places’. Zygmunt across many different scales, and in what situations
Bauman suggested that there are ‘reasons to consider mobility or immobility might be desired options,
“fluidity” or “liquidity” as fitting metaphors when we coerced, or paradoxically interconnected (Adey,
wish to grasp the nature of the present, in many ways 2010).
novel, phase in the history of modernity’ (Bauman, The claim to a new mobilities paradigm, then, is
2000: 2). Mobilities theorists share their critique of not simply an assertion of the novelty of mobility in
traditional sociological imagery of the social world as the world today (although the speed, intensity and
an array of separate ‘societies’, bounded entities or technical channeling of various flows is arguably
sedentary containers of geographical propinquity greater than ever before). Research in this field is in
across which separate ‘cultures’ circulate in a largely fact highly engaged with revealing what is at stake in
face-to-face ‘metaphysics of presence’ (Urry, 2000, debates over differentiated mobility, including

Sheller Mobility

debates over globalization, cosmopolitanism, post- the (old) mobility paradigm could be linked to a
colonialism and emerging forms of urbanism, sur- ‘bourgeois masculine subjectivity’ that describes
veillance and global governance of various kinds of itself as ‘cosmopolitan’; and pointed out that ‘mobil-
mobility. If movement and spatial fixity are always ity and fixity are figured differently depending on
co-constituted, then mobilities are a central aspect of national spaces and historical periods’ (Skeggs, 2004:
both historical and contemporary existence, and are 48). Yet recent critical mobilities research also moves
always being reconfigured in complex ways to sup- on from this kind of disavowal of power, and funda-
port different modes of trade, interaction and com- mentally affirms the kind of analysis in which
munication, as was recognized by early sociological ‘Mobility and control over mobility both reflect and
theorists such as the Chicago School of urban sociol- reinforce power. Mobility is a resource to which not
ogy in the early 20th century. Social mobility and everyone has an equal relationship’ (Skeggs, 2004:
infrastructures of human, technological and infor- 49). It is not a question of privileging a mobile sub-
mational mobility were as crucial to the existence of jectivity, but rather of tracking the power of dis-
ancient imperial cities, seafaring empires of early courses and practices of mobility in creating effects
modernity and 19th-century industrializing cities as of both movement and stasis, and uneven distribu-
of the modern megacities today (not to mention of tion of ‘network capital’ (Elliott and Urry, 2010);
non-urban rural and island locations [Vannini, thus these critiques have been absorbed into the new
2011]). mobilities paradigm, which takes the position that
Mobilities research encompasses not only corpo- power relations are at the heart of the field. Critical
real travel of people and the physical movement of mobilities research is crucially concerned with fric-
objects, but also imaginative travel, virtual travel and tion, turbulence, immobility, dwelling, pauses and
communicative travel (Urry, 2007), enabling and stillness, as much as speed or flow, and examines how
coercing (some) people to live more ‘mobile lives’ these textured rhythms are produced, practiced and
(Elliott and Urry, 2010). By bringing together stud- represented in relation to the gendered, raced,
ies of migration, transportation, infrastructure, classed (im)mobilities of particular others (Ahmed et
transnationalism, mobile communications, imagina- al., 2003; Cresswell, 2006; Tolia-Kelly, 2010). But
tive travel and tourism, new approaches to mobility this is not merely an empirical project; it also chal-
are especially able to highlight the relation between lenges certain fundamentals of social science episte-
local and global ‘power-geometries’ (Massey, 1993), mology.
thus bringing into view the political projects inher- While acknowledging and engaging with the
ent in the power relations informing processes of macro-level political, economic, cultural and envi-
globalization (and associated claims to globality, flu- ronmental aspects of globalization, the new mobili-
idity, or opening). This sensitivity to power differ- ties paradigm also differs from theories of
ences originates partly out of anthropological studies globalization in its analytical relation to the multi-
of migration, diasporas and transnational citizenship scalar, non-human, non-representational, material
(e.g. Basch et al., 1994; Ong, 1999), and partly out and affective dimensions of social life. The move
of trenchant postcolonial feminist critiques of the toward complexity theory within mobilities research
bounded and static categories of race, nation, ethnic- is suggestive of non-actor-centered processes of feed-
ity, community and state within much social science back, self-organization and tipping points, which
(e.g. Ifekwunigwe, 1999; Kaplan and Grewal, 1994). may shape dynamic processes in ways that are not
Anthropologists have been prominent in the study of directly caused by reflexive modern humanist sub-
‘routes and roots’ (Clifford, 1997), ‘scapes’ jects and their agency. As Urry argues, ‘All systems
(Appadurai, 1996) and transnational connections are dynamic, processual and generate emergent
(Hannerz, 1996). These concerns with differential effects and systemic contradictions, especially
mobilities inform contemporary geographies of through positive feedback mechanisms’ (Urry, 2008;
mobility that focus on the history of mobility, its cf. Dennis and Urry, 2009). Thus mobilities theory
modes of regulation and the power relations associ- branches off into complex systems theory in ways
ated with it – in short, the politics of mobility (Adey, that are deeply grounded in materiality, and depart
2009b; Cresswell, 2006), if also its poetics from the traditions of social theory that focus on
(Cresswell, 2011). structure in relation to (human) agency. This is relat-
New directions in mobilities theory are also a ed to the post-humanist turn in some Anglo-
response to several important feminist critiques of American theory (e.g. Hayles, 1999; Law and
nomadic theory, which pointed out that it was Hassard, 1999), which is highly critical of
grounded in masculine subjectivities, made assump- Enlightenment liberalism and its theory of history as
tions about freedom of movement and ignored the progress, as well as the crucial turn toward non-rep-
gendered production of space. Skeggs argued that resentational dimensions of pre-conscious processing

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(Thrift, 2008), as discussed further below. Henri Lefebvre’s ‘rhythmanalysis’, urban theorists
Complexity theory offers recourse to unintentional today argue not only that bodies and objects shape
causal processes and implicates causal mechanisms cities through their rhythms of movement (Edensor,
possibly beyond human control, quite unlike the still 2011), but also that new mobile communications
humanist impulses of much contemporary social systems are transforming urban temporalities, lead-
theory. Yet mobilities research still maintains a strong ing to new forms of ‘networked urbanism’ (Graham
interest in human interactions with space, with and Marvin, 2001: 30–3), ‘networked place’
objects and with others, including a whole host of (Varnelis and Friedberg, 2006), or ‘net-locality’ (De
intermediaries and hybrid inter-embodiments; and it Souza e Silva and Gordon, 2011). ‘Critical mobility
brings these theoretical perspectives back down to thinking’ in the field of urban studies now calls for
ground, so to speak, by leveraging them toward ‘re-conceptualising mobility and infrastructures as
thinking about what is at stake in specific social are- sites of (potential) meaningful interaction, pleasure,
nas and policy debates such as sustainable transport, and cultural production’ (Jensen, 2009), where peo-
climate change and migrant justice movements. ple engage in ‘negotiation in motion’ and ‘mobile
sense making’ (Jensen, 2010).
At the largest scale, John Urry argues that the
Mobility systems, mobility capital and complex character of mobility systems stems from
movement-space the multiple fixities or moorings often on a substan-
tial physical scale that enable other things to be fluid
Mobilities research has taken seriously ‘the material (Urry, 2007). There are interdependent (and inter-
turn’ and ‘the spatial turn’ in the social sciences. mittent) systems of immobile material worlds and
Influenced by social studies of science and technolo- especially some exceptionally immobile platforms
gy, in particular actor-network theory and Bruno (transmitters, roads, stations, satellite dishes, air-
Latour’s (1987) analyses of ‘immutable’ and ‘mutable ports, docks, factories) through which mobilizations
mobiles’, mobilities theorists pay close attention to of locality, labor and capital are performed – some-
the infrastructures, technical objects, prostheses and times on a global scale – and rearrangements of place
embodied practices that assist (or disable) mobility and scale materialized and spatially fixed (Hannam
(Büscher et al., 2010; Latour, 1993). Everything et al., 2006). The increase in cross-border transac-
from shoes and bikes, mobile phones and motor tions and of ‘capabilities for enormous geographical
vehicles, passports and satellites, software code and dispersal and mobility’ go hand in hand with ‘pro-
embedded sensors, are part of the sociotechnical nounced territorial concentrations of resources nec-
assemblages or human/material hybrids that perform essary for the management and servicing of that
mobile systems and support specific mobility dispersal and mobility’ (Sassen, 2002: 2). Such infra-
regimes (Dodge and Kitchin, 2011). This is not to structures and concentrations of mobile capital –
say that philosophical approaches are unified, as the linked to what David Harvey described as ‘spatial
field is still open to lively debate. While some writers fixes’ and later elaborated as ‘spatio-temporal fixes’
focus on the relation between mobility and immobil- (Jessop, 2006) – at one and the same time enhance
ity, between movement and infrastructural moor- the potential mobility of some, while detracting
ings, and between speed and stillness, others critique from the mobility potential (or ‘motility’) of others
these dualistic modes of thinking (Bissell, 2007; by leaving them in a relatively slower or intentional-
Bissell and Fuller, 2009). The work of Gilles Deleuze ly disconnected position.
has also been influential on thinking about assem- Walls, borders, check-points and gated zones are
blages, flows, circulations, and ‘media ecologies’ crucial to the new mobility regimes that produce the
which are both social and natural, technical and securitized corridors, cocoons and bubbles through
informational, human and non-human (Fuller, which certain ‘global’ flows travel, even as they evict,
2005; Parikka, 2010, 2011). splinter, or slow other flows (Cwerner et al., 2009;
Along with spatiality and materiality there is also Graham and Marvin, 2001). Thus mobilities
a growing interest in temporalities. Temporalities of research attempts to account for not only the quick-
slowness, stillness, waiting and pauses, are all part of ening of liquidity within some realms, but also the
a wider sensuous geography of movement and concomitant patterns of (risky) concentration that
dwelling in which human navigation of embodied, create zones of connectivity, centrality and empower-
kinesthetic and sensory environments are crucial ment in some cases, and of disconnection, social
(Dant, 2004; Jensen, 2010; Merleau-Ponty, 1962). exclusion and inaudibility in other cases. This links
Thus mobilities research ranges from the individual mobilities research to the field of critical border stud-
body up to the most complex systems. Building on ies (Cunningham and Heyman, 2004), which
Georg Simmel’s ideas of ‘urban metabolism’ and understands borders as constituted by the regulation

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of mobility, i.e. of how they are legally and illegally is crucial to processes of globalization, effectively
crossed by people, by goods and by cultural flows. being created by particular forms of globalized
We can think of various kinds of ‘offshoring’ process- demobilizations and remobilizations (in the process
es, moreover, as producing ‘states of exception’ of ongoing spatial fixes, temporal fixes and spatio-
(Agamben, 1998), where normal rules governing the temporal fixes).
mobility of people, capital, or information are sus- Encompassing not only human mobility, but also
pended (along with certain rights claims and forms the mobility of objects, information, images and
of citizenship) to allow for particular kinds of global capital, mobilities research thus includes study of the
financial mobility and interregional commodity infrastructures, vehicles and software systems that
flows (Baldacchino, 2010; Sheller, 2009). enable physical travel and mobile communication to
Complex global mobility systems also go hand- take place at many different scales simultaneously.
in-hand with tightly coupled systems that are subject Systems of transportation and communication have
to sudden immobilization, as seen, for example, in been one important area of research. Sheller and
several major disruptions of the air transport net- Urry (2000) argued that sociology’s view of urban
work across Europe in 2010, whether due to volcanic life has failed to consider the overwhelming impact
ash clouds or common snowstorms (see special issue of the automobile in transforming the time–space
of Mobilities 6(1)); or in the collapse of urban mobil- ‘scapes’ of the modern urban/suburban dweller. A
ity systems as seen in the aftermath of Hurricane number of important studies of automobility
Katrina in New Orleans or the January 2010 earth- (Merriman, 2007; Packer, 2008), historical geogra-
quake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, requiring military phies of road systems and bicycling (Furness, 2010;
mobilization to restore the circulation of road sys- Merriman, 2009) and ethnomethodological studies
tems, airports and aid personnel and materials (see of driving and passengering (Dant, 2004; Laurier,
Graham, 2010 on militarized urbanism; and Cowen, 2011; Laurier et al., 2008) have begun to address this
2010 on critical geographies of logistics). Forced lack. Research on the sociocultural dimensions of air
migration and statelessness are also crucial dimen- travel and airports has also generated a new subfield
sions of contemporary global (im)mobilities, of ‘aeromobilities’ research (Adey, 2004a, 2004b,
whether due to war and occupation, or global warm- 2009a; Adey et al., 2007; Cresswell, 2006; Cwerner
ing and climate change (see special issue of Mobilities et al., 2009; Salter, 2008; Sheller, 2010; Urry, 2007).
6(3)). Peter Adey especially emphasizes the sociotechnical
With an emphasis on the relations between production of air-space, the ways in which it is
mobilities and immobilities, scapes and moorings, embodied and practiced, and its affective and expe-
movement and stillness (Hannam et al., 2006: 3), riential dimensions (Adey, 2010; Budd and Adey,
the frictions of differential mobilities are at the heart 2009). Aeromobility is ‘a complex enfolding of the
of recent mobilities research. Differential capacities social and technical’ and it remains ‘a space whose
and potentials for mobility are analyzed via the con- embodied, emotional and practiced geographies
cept of ‘motility’, defined as ‘the manner in which an remain to be adequately charted’ (Adey et al., 2007:
individual or group appropriates the field of possibil- 774). All of these practiced geographies come
ities relative to movement and uses them’ together to form ‘movement-space’ of various kinds.
(Kaufmann and Montulet, 2008: 45). A person may Macnaghten and Urry argue that there are
have a high degree of motility without actually mov- ambivalent and contested ‘affordances’ that ‘stem
ing (for example a well-connected professional who from the reciprocity between the environment and
works from home), or they may be among the the organism, deriving from how people are kinaes-
‘mobility pioneers’ who live highly spatially distrib- thetically active within their world’ (Macnaghten
uted lives yet seek sameness everywhere (Kesselring and Urry, 2000: 169). Like walking, biking, or rid-
and Vogl, 2008); while another may be involved in ing, driving and flying can be included among the
much physical displacement, but have low motility active corporeal engagements of human bodies with
in terms of capacities, competencies and choices, the sensed world, suggesting many different kinds of
especially if that movement is involuntary (for exam- affordances between varied bodies, vehicles, and
ple someone caught in the grips of a human traffick- ‘movement-space’ (Thrift, 2003), and the affects and
er). Here one can also begin to conceptualize feelings that these produce. These feelings are neither
‘mobility capital’ (Kaufmann et al., 2004) as the located solely within the person nor produced solely
uneven distribution of these capacities and compe- by the car (or bike, or skateboard, or bus, etc.) as a
tencies, in relation to the surrounding physical, moving object, but occur as a circulation of affects
social and political affordances for movement (with between different persons, different vehicles and his-
the legal structures regulating who or what can and torically situated mobility cultures and geographies
cannot move being crucial). Uneven mobility capital of mobility: ‘Motion and emotion’ are ‘kinaestheti-

Sheller Mobility

cally intertwined and produced together through a are anticipatory rather than reactive. Pervasive data-
conjunction of bodies, technologies, and cultural surveillance and forms of continuous real-time cal-
practices’ (Sheller, 2004a: 227). Thus there is a grow- culation – referred to by Nigel Thrift as
ing interest in the affective affordances of place and ‘qualculation’ (Thrift, 2008) – create an artificial
the multi-sensory performance of places, mobiles world that is increasingly sentient, and potentially
and immobiles of various kinds, which leads into adaptive. This suggests a fundamental change in the
issues of non-representational theory (Thrift, 2008). everyday practice of mobility, as we delegate coordi-
New mobile media are further reshaping urban- nation to smart and intelligent environments, or lean
ism and its ‘technoscapes’ and ‘mediascapes’, creating on them to support already learnt habits and rou-
new affordances for people to navigate public places tines. Most importantly for the purposes of social
and built environments, generating new forms of research, these developments are changing the nature
urban spatiality, transmediality and public interac- of the empirical, reconfiguring the relationship
tion. The concept of ‘technoscape’, derived from between observer and observed, and reinventing
Arjun Appadurai, emphasizes ‘that contemporary methods. Mobilities research leads us to see that
landscapes are shot through with technological ele- along with the political and material relations that
ments which enrol people, space, and the elements structure the world, social science itself – what we do
connecting people and spaces, into socio-technical with it and what it does – is also at stake here.
assemblages – especially the transportational tech-
nologies, such as roads, rail, subways and airports,
but also the informational technologies such as signs, Empirical evidence: Mobile methods
schedules, surveillance systems, radio signals, and
mobile telephony’ (Sheller and Urry, 2006a: 9). Both Mobilities research as described above promotes
people and information, bodies and data, move interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary study, requiring
through these technoscapes within the software- multiple methods that can address the intertwined
embedded and digitally augmented urbanism that practices of many different kinds of contemporary
some describe as ‘remediated’ space (Graham), (im)mobility at a variety of scales, including public
‘hybrid space’ (De Souza e Silva), or ‘networked and private transport systems; tourism, migration
place’ (Varnelis and Friedberg). Screens and sensors and border studies; mobile communications and
emerge everywhere, moving with us as we move, software-supported infrastructures; automobility,
such that computing will ‘become a pervasive part of aeromobility, velomobility and various kinds of pas-
the urban environment, with even the most mun- sengering (e.g. Laurier, 2010, 2011; Laurier et al.,
dane device having some computing power and 2008); children’s mobilities, elderly mobilities and
some ability to communicate with other devices, so studies of gendered mobilities (Uteng and Cresswell,
producing a constant informational hum’ (Amin and 2008); walking, climbing, dancing, biking and other
Thrift, 2002: 102). The notions of ‘cybercities’ and forms of trained bodily movement (Cresswell and
‘digital cityscapes’ (De Souza e Silva and Sutko, Merriman, 2011; Dewsbury, 2011; Lee and Ingold,
2010) describe a form of contemporary urban devel- 2006; Spinney, 2009, 2011); and studies of the reg-
opment that ‘involves the intimate recombination of ulation, governance and legal structures pertaining
urban places, the corporeal presence of people’s bod- to all of these. Also important are the in-between and
ies, physical mobilities, and complex, multi-scaled liminal places at which movement is paused, slowed,
mediations by all sorts of ICT and mobility systems’ or stopped: borders, airports, toll roads, hotels,
(Graham, 2004: 113). motels, detention centers, refugee camps, etc.
Here issues of surveillance and privacy, algorith- (Mountz, 2010). Mobilities research in its broadest
mic prediction and ‘premediation’ (Grusin, 2010) sense concerns not only physical movement, but also
emerge as crucial research areas. The various systems potential movement, blocked movement, immobi-
throughout a modern city are beginning to maintain lization and forms of dwelling and place-making
persistent memories of their own use, communicate (Büscher and Urry, 2009). Issues of uneven motility
with each other about their status, and even recon- and of mobility rights, ethics and justice have
figure themselves based on dynamic needs become crucial to the field (Bergmann and Sager,
(Greenfield, 2006). High-density broadband will 2008; Cresswell, 2006, 2011; Uteng and Cresswell,
make Open Data Cities increasingly possible. 2008). It especially requires attention to subaltern
Within a dynamic urban infrastructure, city-scale mobilities (and immobilities), as well as recognition
services like power (smart grids), data (ubiquitous of the importance of uprooting, dwelling, ‘homing’
computing) and transportation (ITS) will soon and ‘grounding’ (Ahmed et al., 2003; Sheller,
begin to adapt in real-time to the changing needs of 2004b).
the public, according to proponents. Such systems One of the most important contributions of

Sheller Mobility

mobilities research is the lively experimentation with immobility, dwelling and place-making, social scien-
multiple methods, and the creation of new ‘mobile tists are showing how various kinds of “moves” make
methods’ that can capture, perform and even inter- social and material realities.’ The mobilities turn,
vene in processes of movement as they happen (see they continue, ‘open[s] up different ways of under-
Büscher et al., 2010; Fincham et al., 2010; Mobilities standing the relationship between theory, observa-
6(2)). As Eric Laurier notes, in these emerging tion and engagement. It engenders new kinds of
mobile methodologies ‘research topic and research researchable entities, a new or rediscovered realm of
resource are confounded, and profitably so’ (cited in the empirical and new avenues for critique’ (Büscher
Büscher et al., 2010: xiv). The generative focus on et al., 2010: 2).
mobilities has led to methodological innovation, as One important area of interest within recent
researchers have pushed to find empirical evidence work focuses on the micro-mobilities of the body,
pertinent to the study of mobilities and to invent from forms of dance, to the bodily rhythms and
instruments up to the task of measuring the chang- motion in activities such as bicycling, rock climbing,
ing nature of time, space and movement. Some have or walking (Vergunst, 2010); another concentrates
called for new analytical orientations and new on particular subjects, such as tourists, commuters,
methodologies in order to study especially the more passengers, or refugees (see Cresswell and Merriman,
ephemeral, embodied and affective dimensions of 2011). Empirical data collection includes everything
interlocking relational (im)mobilities that are not from time–space diaries and participant-observation
captured using traditional methods (see e.g. Adey, to the use of mobile video, autobiographical narra-
2009b; Cresswell and Merriman, 2011; Hannam et tive and bodily immersion of the researcher in
al., 2006). New ‘mobile methods’ are emerging to try mobile activities, or for that matter, moments of
to capture some of these complex, dynamic process- paused mobility (Fincham et al., 2010; Vannini,
es, including cyberethnographies, following-the- 2009, 2011), while others examine how interactive
thing, participant-observation on the move such as technologies generate new modes of empirical
walk-alongs (Myers, 2011), drive-alongs (Laurier, research. Büscher’s (2006) work on mobile visualiza-
2010), being ‘mobile-with’ (Bissell, 2009), mobile tion and interactive design and research processes,
video ethnography (Spinney, 2011) and various phe- for example, is suggestive of the ways in which meth-
nomenological approaches, in addition to forms of ods are performative, bringing into being the realities
mapping, visualization, future scenario building, that they are alleged to merely observe (Majima and
action-research and arts-based urban interventions Moore, 2009). By working collaboratively with
into what André Lemos (2009) calls informational designers using mobile visualization technologies,
territories. the social researcher becomes a part of the design
Sheller and Urry’s article ‘The new mobilities process, just as technical visualization becomes part
paradigm’ called for new research methods that of the research process (and its presentation). Other
would be ‘on the move’ and would ‘simulate inter- researchers draw on innovative visual methodologies
mittent mobility’ (Sheller and Urry, 2006b: 217). combined with group walking experiences to explore
Their ‘mobile methods’ included: interactional and the affective and material dimensions of both interi-
conversational analysis of people as they moved; or homescapes and exterior landscapes, particularly
mobile ethnography involving itinerant movement for transnational migrant communities (Myers,
with people, following objects and co-present 2011; Tolia-Kelly, 2006, 2008).
immersion in various modes of movement; after the But these are not the only methods employed in
fact interviews and focus groups about mobility; the mobilities research. There are historical, comparative
keeping of textual, pictorial, or digital time–space and cross-national approaches that are more con-
diaries; various methods of cyber-research, cerned with the historically and regionally specific
cyberethnography and computer simulations; imagi- patterns of large-scale mobility systems such as
native travel using multimedia methods attentive to motorways (Merriman, 2007) and cycling infra-
the affective and atmospheric feeling of place; the structure (Furness, 2010), transnational flows of
tracking of affective objects that attach memories to people (Mountz, 2010, 2011) and global military
place; and finally methods that measure the spatial logistics (Cowen, 2010). There are also deeply
structuring and temporal pulse of transfer points and ethnographic and ethnomethodological studies of
places of in-between-ness in which the circulation of the daily experiences of (im)mobility for different
people and objects are slowed or stopped, as well as groups of people, including understanding how fair-
facilitated and speeded (Sheller and Urry, 2006b; see ly mundane forms of travel and transport are accom-
also Urry, 2007). Advancing this program, Büscher plished (see Laurier et al., 2008; Vannini, 2009,
et al. argue that ‘Through investigations of move- 2011). More traditional transport geographies have
ment, blocked movement, potential movement and also begun to focus on mobilities, flows and spaces

Sheller Mobility

(Knowles et al., 2006), and there has been recogni- ods to open up a new place for social investigation in
tion by transport geographers of the need to ‘bridge contemporary worlds-in-making. A crucial emerging
the quantitative-qualitative divide’ (Goetz et al., area of research concerns the ways in which cities are
2009) by embracing the more qualitative work asso- being transformed by embedded technologies, digi-
ciated with the new mobilities paradigm. The cur- tally augmented spaces and ambient environments
rently lively interface between transport geography that many have begun to describe as ‘remediation’
and mobilities research has the potential to stimulate (Bolter and Grusin, 1999) of the material environ-
transformative research agendas that intervene in ment with digital technologies. Here mobilities
public policy debates that will reshape modes of research intersects with media ecologies and software
transport decision-making and investment in the studies (Fuller, 2005, 2008) and current work on the
future. Mobilities research has also been recognized ‘internet of things’ (Bleecker, 2006), mobile gaming
as an important addition to the fields of migration (De Souza e Silva and Gordon, 2011) and ‘sentient
studies (Blunt, 2007) and tourism studies (Hannam cities’ (Crang and Graham, 2007), but also should
and Knox, 2010). In every case the expansive and not leave out how new mobile technologies might
innovative outlook of the mobilities paradigm (if we reconfigure connections within and between non-
call it that) lends new insights to existing research urban and ‘peripheral’ localities (Sheller, 2009;
fields, bringing to light alternative perspectives and Vannini, 2011).
unnoticed relationships. Ultimately, social theory and social research can
draw on mobile locative arts, mobile gaming prac-
tices and social networks, not only to develop better
Conclusion: Future directions understandings of these hybrid spaces and net-
worked places as they emerge from contemporary
This article has given a broad overview of the field of practice, but also to transform social research itself,
mobilities research. While it connects to important its modes of practice and forms of dissemination.
currents within sociology that began to focus on Collaborative methods such as ‘ethnographically
globalization, flows and liquidity in the 1990s (as informed design, future laboratories and living labs,
well as to certain historical traditions within urban and interdisciplinary, collaborative analysis’ can be
sociology), the ‘mobilities turn’ is distinct from these creatively facilitated by research groups such as the
in its philosophical orientations, its empirical diver- Smart Cities Lab at MIT, or the new Mobilities.lab
sity, its transdisciplinary openness and its method- at Lancaster University ‘to enrich understanding of
ological innovations. It breathes new life into old complex socio-technical phenomena and to practi-
sociological questions, while bringing a more mobile cally inform policy, design, and socio-technical
sociology to the forefront of contemporary social sci- change’ (
ence. It has generated exciting conversations between lab/about.htm). Mobilities research ultimately can
sociologists, geographers, anthropologists, architects, help to reshape academic practice in the 21st centu-
urban planners, media and communication theo- ry, marshaling new kinds of institutional connectivi-
rists, artists, and many other related fields. It also has ty, political commitments and methodological
the potential to inform a wide range of public policy cross-fertilization to generate transformative hybrid
issues because it addresses so many concerns of approaches to the social-spatial-cultural matrix in
urgent relevance, such as: refugees and border poli- which we move, dwell and build the future.
tics (Amoore and Hall, 2009; Mountz, 2010); sus-
tainable transportation and livable cities (Dudley et
al., 2011; Freudendal-Pedersen, 2009); cybercities
and surveillance (Adey, 2004b; Graham, 2004); the Annotated further reading
effects of mobile social networks on urbanism (De Adey P (2010) Aerial Life: Spaces, Mobilities, Affects.
Souza e Silva and Gordon, 2011; De Souza e Silva Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
and Sutko, 2010); climate change and future fuel Compelling historical analysis of the making of air
systems (Urry, 2008, 2011); critical geographies of space, aerial bodies, and ‘aereality’ that brings togeth-
logistics (Cowen, 2010); transnational raced and er non-representational theory, embodiment, affect,
gendered spatialities (Tolia-Kelly, 2010). and materiality with a sensitivity to warfare and colo-
While these may appear as disparate subjects nial violence.
when viewed from particular disciplinary perspec- Büscher M, Urry J and Witchger K (2010) Mobile
tives, what mobilities research does is to break down Methods. London and New York: Routledge.
disciplinary silos and thereby enable us to begin to Good introduction to recent methodological chal-
see the connections across topics and scales, and to lenges and emerging mobile methods, which are said
to be producing a new realm of the empirical.
recognize the potential for more experimental meth-

Sheller Mobility

Cresswell T and Merriman P (eds) (2011) Geographies of Appadurai A (1996) Modernity at Large: Cultural
Mobilities: Practices, Spaces, Subjects. Farnham and Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: University
Burlington, VT: Ashgate. of Minnesota Press.
Excellent overview of practices like walking, running, Baldacchino G (2010) Island Enclaves: Offshoring
dancing, driving and flying; spaces like roads and air- Strategies, Creative Governance, and Subnational Island
ports; and subjects like commuters, tourists and Jurisdictions. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University
refugees, by some of the leading thinkers in the cul- Press.
tural geography of mobilities. Basch L, Glick Schiller N and Szanton Blanc C (1994)
Kaplan C (1996) Questions of Travel: Postmodern Nations Unbound: Transnational Projects, Postcolonial
Discourses of Displacement. Durham, NC: Duke Predicaments, and Deterritorialized Nation-States.
University Press. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach.
An early and influential feminist critique of post- Bauman Z (2000) Liquid Modernity. Cambridge: Polity.
modern nomadic theories, which helped to shape Bergmann S and Sager T (eds) (2008) The Ethics of
new approaches in the subsequent mobilities turn, Mobilities: Rethinking Place, Exclusion, Freedom and
attended more carefully to power, exclusion, and dif- Environment. Aldershot: Ashgate.
ferential experiences of travel and movement. Bissell D (2007) Animating suspension: Waiting for
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Bureaucracy at the Border. Minneapolis: University of Bissell D (2009) Moving with others: The sociality of
Minnesota. the railway journey. In: Vannini P (ed.) The Cultures
Award-winning study of recent border-practices and of Alternative Mobilities: The Routes Less Travelled.
the production of the (im)mobilities of refugees and Farnham and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 55–70.
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Mimi Sheller is Professor of Sociology and director of the Center for Mobilities Research and
Policy at Drexel University. She is founding co-editor of the journal Mobilities, and author of
the books Consuming the Caribbean (Routledge, 2003), Democracy After Slavery (Macmillan,
2000); and forthcoming Citizenship from Below (Duke University Press). She is co-editor with
John Urry of Mobile Technologies of the City (Routledge, 2006), Tourism Mobilities (Routledge,
2004) and a special issue of Environment and Planning A on ‘Materialities and Mobilities’.

résumé Cet article propose une vue d’ensemble du champ de la recherche mobilités, retraçant ses
antécédents théoriques et l’opposant aux théories de la mondialisation, le nomadisme, et la fluidité.
Mobilités théorie met l’accent sans précédent sur les (im)mobilités, amarrages, le logement et le quiétude
autant que le mouvement, la vitesse, ou de liquidité. Il décrit ensuite les principaux thèmes et domaines
de recherche dans le domaine, y compris les systèmes de mobilité, les capitaux mobiles, et l’espace-mou-
vement, et enfin présente des innovations dans les méthodes mobiles et directions pour la recherche
mots-clés (im)mobilité u infrastructure u méthodes mobiles u motilité u re-médiation

resumen Este artículo ofrece una visión general del campo de la investigación movilidad, la local-
ización de sus antecedentes teóricos y contrastándola con las teorías de la globalización, el nomadismo, y
el flujo. La teoría de movilidades tiene un énfasis sin precedentes en la (in)movilidad, amarres, vivienda
y quietud tanto como el movimiento, la velocidad o la liquidez. A continuación, describe los temas clave
y áreas de investigación en el campo, incluyendo los sistemas de movilidad, la capital movilidad, y
movimiento-espacio, por último presenta innovaciones en las metodologías de móviles y direcciones para
futuras investigaciones.
palabras clave (im)movilidad u infraestructura u métodos móviles u motilidad u re-mediación


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