Respiratory Failure and ARDS

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Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, 8 th Ed Respiratory Disorders (Acute) mikEL rlh mantong

o Change in compliance reflexively stimulates the

RESPIRATORY FAILURE increased ventilation.
Respiratory failure is an alteration in the function of the respiratory o Ventilation is also increased as a response to
system that causes the partial pressure of arterial oxygen (Pao 2) to hypoxemia.
fall below 50 mm Hg (hypoxemia) and/or the partial pressure of o Ultimately, if treatment is unsuccessful, the Paco 2
will increase, and the patient will experience both
arterial carbon dioxide (Paco2) to rise above 50 mm Hg
an increase in Paco2 and a decrease in Pao2.
(hypercapnia), as determined by arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis.  Etiology includes:
Respiratory failure is classified as acute, chronic, or combined acute o Cardiogenic pulmonary edema (left ventricular
and chronic. failure; mitral stenosis).
o Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Underlying causes of ARDS include shock of any
etiology; infectious causes, such as gram-negative
Classification sepsis, viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia;
Acute Respiratory Failure trauma, such as fat emboli, head injury, lung
contusion; aspiration of gastric fluid, near
 Characterized by hypoxemia (Pao2 less than 50 mm Hg) drowning; inhaled toxins, such as oxygen in high
and/or hypercapnia (Paco2 greater than 50 mm Hg) and concentrations, smoke, corrosive chemicals;
acidemia (pH less than 7.35). hematologic conditions, such as massive
 Occurs rapidly, usually in minutes to hours or days. transfusions, post-cardiopulmonary bypass; and
metabolic disorders, such as pancreatitis, uremia.
Chronic Respiratory Failure
Ventilatory Failure with Normal Lungs
 Characterized by hypoxemia (decreased Pao 2) and/or
hypercapnia (increased Paco2) with a normal pH (7.35 to Characterized by a decrease in Pao2, increase in Paco2, and a
7.45). decrease in pH.
 Occurs over a period of months to years allows for  Primary problem is insufficient respiratory center
activation of compensatory mechanisms. stimulation or insufficient chest wall movement, resulting
Acute and Chronic Respiratory Failure in alveolar hypoventilation.
 Hypercapnia occurs because impaired neuromuscular
 Characterized by an abrupt increase in the degree of function or chest wall expansion limits the amount of
hypoxemia or hypercapnia in patients with preexisting carbon dioxide removed from the lungs.
chronic respiratory failure. o Primary problem is not the lungs. The patient's
 May occur after an acute upper respiratory infection or minute ventilation (tidal volume times the number
pneumonia, or without obvious cause. of breaths per minute) is insufficient to allow
 Extent of deterioration is best assessed by comparing the normal alveolar gas exchange.
patient's present ABG levels with previous ABG levels  The carbon dioxide (CO 2) not excreted by the lungs
(patient normals). combines with water (H2O) to form carbonic acid (H2CO3).
This predisposes to acidemia and a fall in pH.
 Hypoxemia occurs as a consequence of hypercapnia. When
Pathophysiology and Etiology the Paco2 rises, the Pao2 must fall unless increased amounts
of oxygen are added to the inspired air.
Oxygenation Failure  Etiology includes:
o Insufficient respiratory center activity (drug
Characterized by a decrease in Pao2 and normal or decreased Paco2.
intoxication, such as opioid overdose, general
 Primary problem is inability to adequately oxygenate the anesthesia; vascular disorders, such as cerebral
blood, resulting in hypoxemia. vascular insufficiency, brain tumor; trauma, such
 Hypoxemia occurs because damage to the alveolar- as head injury, increased intracranial pressure).
capillary membrane causes leakage of fluid into the o Insufficient chest wall function (neuromuscular
interstitial space or into the alveoli and slows or prevents disease, such as Guillain-Barré, myasthenia
movement of oxygen from the alveoli to the pulmonary gravis, poliomyelitis; trauma to the chest wall
capillary blood. resulting in multiple fractures; spinal cord trauma;
o Typically, this damage is widespread, resulting in kyphoscoliosis).
many areas of the lung being poorly ventilated or
nonventilated. Ventilatory Failure with Intrinsic Lung Disease
o Consequences are severe ventilation-perfusion Characterized by a decrease in Pao2 and decreased pH.
imbalance and shunt.  Primary problem is acute exacerbation or chronic
 Hypocapnia results from hypoxemia and decreased progression of previously existing lung disease, resulting in
pulmonary compliance. Fluid within the lungs makes the CO2 retention.
lung less compliant or stiffer.
Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, 8 th Ed Respiratory Disorders (Acute) mikEL rlh mantong
 Hypercapnia occurs because damage to the lung Nursing Assessment
parenchyma and/or airway obstruction limits the amount
of CO2 removed by the lungs.  Note changes suggesting increased work of breathing
o Primary problem is preexisting lung disease usually (tachypnea, diaphoresis, intercostal muscle retraction,
chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or severe asthma. fatigue) or pulmonary edema (fine, coarse crackles or rales,
This limits CO2 removal from the lungs. frothy pink sputum).
 The CO2 not excreted by the lungs combines with H 2O to  Assess breath sounds.
form H2CO3. This predisposes to acidemia and a fall in pH. o Diminished or absent sounds indicate inability to
 Hypoxemia occurs as a consequence of hypercapnia. In ventilate the lungs sufficiently to prevent
addition, damage to the lung parenchyma and/or airway atelectasis.
obstruction limits the amount of oxygen that enters the o Crackles indicate ineffective airway clearance, fluid
pulmonary capillary blood. in the lungs.
 Etiology includes: o Wheezing indicates narrowed airways and
o Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) bronchospasm.
(chronic bronchitis, emphysema). o Rhonchi and crackles indicate ineffective secretion
o Severe asthma. clearance.
o Cystic fibrosis.  Assess level of consciousness (LOC) and ability to tolerate
increased work of breathing.
o Confusion, rapid shallow breathing, abdominal
paradox (inward movement of abdominal wall
Clinical Manifestations during inspiration), and intercostal retractions
 Hypoxemia restlessness, agitation, dyspnea, disorientation, suggest inability to maintain adequate minute
confusion, delirium, loss of consciousness. ventilation.
 Hypercapnia headache, somnolence, dizziness, confusion.  Assess for signs of hypoxemia and hypercapnia.
 Tachypnea initially; then when no longer able to  Determine vital capacity (VC), respiratory rate, and
compensate, bradypnea negative inspiratory force (NIF) and compare with values
indicating need for mechanical ventilation:
 Accessory muscle use
o VC < 10 to 15 mL/kg.
 Asynchronous respirations
o Respiratory rate > 35 breaths/minute.
o NIF < 15 to 25 cm H2O.
 Analyze ABG and compare with previous values.
Diagnostic Evaluation o If the patient cannot maintain a minute ventilation
sufficient to prevent CO2 retention, pH will fall.
 ABG analysis show changes in Pao2, Paco2, and pH from o Mechanical ventilation or noninvasive ventilation
patient's normal; or Pao2 less than 50 mm Hg, Paco 2 greater
may be needed if pH falls to 7.30 or below.
than 50 mm Hg, pH less than 7.35.
 Determine hemodynamic status (blood pressure,
 Pulse oximetry decreasing Sao2.
pulmonary wedge pressure, cardiac output, Svo 2) and
 End tidal CO2 monitoring elevated.
compare with previous values. If patient is on mechanical
 Complete blood count, serum electrolytes, chest X-ray, ventilation and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP),
urinalysis, electrocardiogram (ECG), blood and sputum venous return may be limited, resulting in decreased
cultures to determine underlying cause and patient's cardiac output.

Nursing Diagnoses
 Impaired Gas Exchange related to inadequate respiratory
 Oxygen therapy to correct the hypoxemia. center activity or chest wall movement, airway obstruction,
 Chest physical therapy and hydration to mobilize and/or fluid in lungs
secretions.  Ineffective Airway Clearance related to increased or
 Bronchodilators and possibly corticosteroids to reduce tenacious secretions
bronchospasm and inflammation.
 Diuretics for pulmonary congestion. Nursing Interventions
 Mechanical ventilation as indicated. Noninvasive positive-
pressure ventilation using a face mask may be a successful Improving Gas Exchange
option for short-term support of ventilation.  Administer antibiotics, cardiac medications, and diuretics as
Complications ordered for underlying disorder.
 Administer oxygen to maintain Pao2 of 60 mm Hg or Sao2 >
 Oxygen toxicity if prolonged high Fio2 required. 90% using devices that provide increased oxygen
 Barotrauma from mechanical ventilation intervention concentrations (aerosol mask, partial rebreathing mask,
nonrebreathing mask).
Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, 8 th Ed Respiratory Disorders (Acute) mikEL rlh mantong
 Monitor fluid balance by intake and output measurement,  Teach patient about medication regimen.
urine specific gravity, daily weight, and direct measurement o Proper technique for inhaler use
of pulmonary capillary wedge pressure to detect presence o Dosage and timing of medications
of hypovolemia or hypervolemia. o Monitoring for adverse effects of corticosteroids:
 Provide measures to prevent atelectasis and promote chest weight gain due to fluid retention, polyuria and
expansion and secretion clearance, as ordered (incentive polydipsia due to hyperglycemia, mood changes;
spirometer, nebulization, head of bed elevated 30 degrees, report to health care provider
turn frequently, out of bed).
 Monitor adequacy of alveolar ventilation by frequent Community and Home Care Considerations
measurement of respiratory rate, VC, inspiratory force, and
 Encourage patients at risk, especially the elderly and those
ABG levels.
with preexisting lung disease, to get yearly influenza
 Compare monitored values with criteria indicating need for
immunizations and pneumococcal pneumonia
mechanical ventilation (see section titled Nursing
Assessment). Report and prepare to assist with noninvasive
o Pneumococcal vaccine is 60% to 70% effective in
ventilation or intubation and initiation of mechanical
preventing bacteremic pneumococcal infections in
ventilation, if indicated.
adults and children at least age 2 years.
STANDARDS OF CARE GUIDELINES o If a person received their first pneumococcal
vaccination before age 65, they should be
Respiratory Compromise revaccinated at age 65, if more than 5 years have
When caring for patients at risk for respiratory compromise, elapsed since the previous dose.
consider the following assessments and interventions:  Vaccinate people over age 2 and with the following
 Be aware of the status of the patient when assuming care conditions for pneumococcal pneumonia, as recommended
so comparison can be made with subsequent assessments. by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
 Perform thorough systematic assessment, including mental o Chronic cardiovascular disease (including heart
status, vital signs, respiratory status, and cardiovascular failure).
status. o Chronic pulmonary disease (eg, emphysema).
 Document patient's condition to provide a record for o Diabetes.
continuity of care. o Alcoholism.
 Evaluate for signs of hypoxia when anxiety, restlessness, o Chronic liver disease (including cirrhosis).
confusion, or aggression of new onset are noted. Do not o Cerebrospinal fluid leaks.
administer sedatives unless hypoxia has been ruled out by o Asplenia (including functional asplenia such as
performing respiratory assessment. sickle cell disease).
 Notify appropriate health care provider of significant o Immunocompromised people (including human
findings of hypoxia cyanosis, circumoral pallor, rapid and immunodeficiency virus [HIV]).
shallow respirations, abnormal breath sounds, change in o People living in environments at higher risk for
behavior or level of consciousness. Request assessment pneumococcal disease (Alaskan natives, certain
and intervention by health care provider as indicated. American Indian populations, and residents of
 Use extreme caution in administering sedatives and opioids nursing homes and long-term care facilities).
to patients at risk for respiratory compromise.  Immunize annually for influenza in the following groups,
Maintaining Airway Clearance according to the CDC:
o People age 50 and older
 Administer medications to increase alveolar ventilation o Immunocompromised patients
bronchodilators to reduce bronchospasm, corticosteroids o Residents of nursing homes or chronic care
to reduce airway inflammation. facilities
 Perform chest physiotherapy to remove mucus. Teach o People with cardiovascular disease
slow, pursed-lip breathing to reduce airway obstruction. o People with diabetes mellitus
 Administer I.V. fluids and mucolytics to reduce sputum o Patients receiving long-term aspirin therapy
viscosity. o Pregnant women who will be in the second or
 Suction patient as needed to assist with removal of third trimester of pregnancy during flu season
secretions. o Health care workers
 If the patient becomes increasingly lethargic, cannot cough o Household contacts of people at risk
or expectorate secretions, cannot cooperate with therapy,
or if pH falls below 7.30, despite use of the above therapy, Evaluation: Expected Outcomes
report and prepare to assist with intubation and initiation
of mechanical ventilation.  ABG values within patient's normal limits
 Decreased secretions; lungs clear
Patient Education and Health Maintenance
 Instruct patient with preexisting pulmonary disease to seek
early intervention for infections to prevent acute
respiratory failure.
Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, 8 th Ed Respiratory Disorders (Acute) mikEL rlh mantong
SYNDROME Clinical Manifestations
ARDS is a clinical syndrome also called noncardiogenic pulmonary  Severe dyspnea, use of accessory muscles.
edema in which there is severe hypoxemia and decreased  Increasing requirements of oxygen therapy. Hypoxemia
compliance of the lungs, which leads to both oxygenation and refractory to supplemental oxygen therapy.
ventilatory failure. Mortality is 50% to 60% but is improved with  Severe crackles and rhonchi heard on auscultation.
early intervention.

Diagnostic Evaluation
Pathophysiology and Etiology
 The hallmark sign for ARDS is a shunt; hypoxemia remains
 Pulmonary and/or nonpulmonary insult to the alveolar- despite increasing oxygen therapy.
capillary membrane causing fluid leakage into interstitial  Decreased lung compliance; increasing pressure required
spaces. to ventilate patient on mechanical ventilation.
 Ventilation-perfusion ([V with dot above]/[Q with dot  Chest X-ray exhibits bilateral infiltrates.
above]) mismatch caused by shunting of blood (see Figure  Pulmonary artery catheter readings: pulmonary artery
11-1). wedge pressure >18 mm Hg.
 Etiologies are numerous and can be pulmonary or
nonpulmonary. These include (but are not limited to):
o Pneumonia, sepsis, aspiration.
o Shock (any cause), trauma. Management
o Metabolic, hematologic, and immunologic  The underlying cause for ARDS must be determined so
disorders. appropriate treatment can be initiated.
o Inhaled agents smoke, high concentration of  Ventilatory support with PEEP will be instituted. PEEP keeps
oxygen, corrosive substances. the alveoli open, thereby improving gas exchange.
o Major surgery, fat or air embolism. Therefore, a lower oxygen concentration (Fio 2) can be used
to maintain satisfactory oxygenation.
 Fluid management must be maintained. The patient may
be hypovolemic due to the movement of fluid into the
interstitium of the lung. Pulmonary artery catheter
monitoring and inotropic medication can be helpful.
 Medications are aimed at treating the underlying cause.
Corticosteroids are used infrequently due to the
controversy regarding benefits of usage.
 Adequate nutrition should be initiated early and

 Infections, such as pneumonia, sepsis.
 Respiratory complications, such as pulmonary emboli,
barotrauma, oxygen toxicity, subcutaneous emphysema, or
pulmonary fibrosis.
 GI complications, such as stress ulcer, ileus.
 Cardiac complications, such as decreased cardiac output
and dysrhythmias.
 Renal failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Nursing Interventions
 Care is similar to patient with respiratory failure (page 281)
and pulmonary edema (page 416). Also see Mechanical
Ventilation, page 261.

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