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Read the following text and do the task listed below :

consumption: consumo nuts: nueces olive: aceituna
garlic: ajo oil: aceite plenty: bastante

Super Food- Do you eat it?

Eat the right food and you can be healthier. But what is the best food?

Berries, such as blueberries and strawberries, are the number one fruit. They are good for your
heart and for your memory. They also fight illnesses such as cancer. For Vitamin C
consumption, have an orange every day.

Some vegetables are super food. Broccoli is a good example. It´s high in vitamin C and it fights
cancer. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and this vitamin is good for your skin. Eat garlic often
because it´s a natural medicine. It is important to eat plenty of nuts because they are good for
your memory. Oil fish, such as salmon and sardines, is very good for your heart. Olive oil is also
good for it.

Lastly, are there any super drinks? Well, green tea is certainly one. A nice cup of green tea after
your meal is good for your health and it can protect you from illnesses. Finally, don´t forget to
drink a lot of water. It doesn´t have any vitamins or it doesn´t give you any energy, but it´s very
important for you.

Next time you go shopping, check your basket for these types of food. Eat some super food
and live longer.

According to the text “ Super Food - Do you eat it ?” answer the following questions. Look at the
example below:

1) What are berries good for? They are good for your heart and memory.

2) What fruit and vegetable are good for Vitamin C consumption ?__________________
3) What vegetables are good for your skin? _____________________
4) What dried fruits are good for your memory? __________________________
5) Which food is not good for your heart, according to the text?
a) blueberries b) broccoli c) olive oil d) salmon
6) What drink is healthy and can protect you from illnesses?
a) coffee b) tea c) green tea d) water
7) Does water contribute in the level of energy you receive?
a) Yes, it does. b) No, it doesn´t.


Fill the gaps ( ___) to complete the following “ Health Problems” Pictionary. Use the Key
Words from the box below. Look at the example:

Cough - sneeze - stomachache - toothache - sore throat - headache

1) Cough____ _ 2) _ __________ ___ 3)______________

4) _____________ 5) _ __________ ___ 6)_______________

Complete the conversation with The Simple Present or The Present Continuous using the verbs given
in brackets. Look at the example below:

Dan: What (1) do__you usually (2) __________ (do) to stay healthy?
Kate: Well, actually, I (3) _______________( not think ) about my health very much , but
right now I (4) ___________(5)__________________( try ) to lose some weight.
Dan: So, (6) _________(7) ______________(eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables these days?
Kate: Yes, fruit and vegetables , and no junk food. But it’s not easy. My husband and I both
(8)_____________(love) junk food.


Match the following “ health problems list” ( 1 to 5 ) with the corresponding “ piece of advice” ( a to e)
Look at the example below:

1.- I have a terrible stomachache this a.-_____ You should try a natural sleep
morning. inducer or take a bath before sleeping.
2.- I have a sore throat and it really hurts b.- _____ You can do yoga and try some
when I swallow. relaxing activities on weekends, such
as going for a walk in the park and
listening to new age music .

3.- I don´t feel very well. I think I have stress. c.- ______You have to make an
appointment with the doctor.

4.- I ’m suffering from insomnia these days. d.-______You could drink a cup of hot
lemonade with some honey.

5.- I have a runny nose and I’m coughing e.- 1_____ You should drink a
a lot lately. I guess I’m getting the flu. chamomile tea or place a hot
water bottle on your stomach.

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