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1) YF_WF_XWF_PL : XWF - Invoice Dashboard , It helps in downloading the Invoices

also. It is somewhat similar to Document Link J6NY.

2) YF_WF_XWF_COM : Tetra Pak Web Approval Maintenance in XWF similar to
3) /opt/vim_7ax8 : IDH tool admin / workflow details from ICC
4) YF_WF_XWF_PDFMON - PDF Invoicing Monitoring Report: Here we can see how the DP
work flow has been initiated or not.
5) /OPT/APPR_COA : Table for the COA
6) /PTGWFI/R_LIX_CLEANUP_WFS_NEW : Program to Clean the unnecessary Blocked items
7) /OPT/VIM_T802 : Table to see the process type and Option IDs.
8) SWIA: Tcode to execute an Work item ID of an DOC ID.
9) /OPT/VAN_SYNC_JOB : Program to sync the VIM Analytics
10) /PSYNG/ER - SW: Emergency Repair (TM) -User
11) YFVIMCOA: Tcode to view eHR hierarchy of User ID or upload the COA hierarchy
12) /OPT/VIM_1HEAD: Table to view the archive id on the basis of doc id.
13) /OPT/VIM_IF_UPDATE_STATUS : Function module to change the status of doc id
14) /PSYNG/ER : Emergency access in PE1 tcode
15) /OPT/VR_ANALYTICS_750_INIT : Program to update the Current role and agent in
Doc ID.
16) /OPT/CT_PMC_RG00 : Table contain the Workflow id details
17) /OPT/CR_PMC_REG_UPDATE : program update the workflow ids from the above
18) /OPT/VIM_1EXT_H : Table showing the fields which have been populated successfully in
Document Id after OCR scanning.
19) /ors/usermap : Table showing COA user detail tab
20) HRUS_D2 : Table to view the Substitutes
21) GBR roles in SU01D
- FN02
- FN03 - local invoice processor
- FN05
- FN08
- FN06
- FN38 – Tax expert
- SM21 - PR creator
- SM23 – Goods receiver
- SM24 -GR/IR clearing
- SM22 - PO create
- TE01

22) Staging table program

/OPT/IR_DL_PO_TO_STG_TABLES Program to update PO in Staging table

/OPT/VIM_STG_POH PO Header Table
/OPT/VIM_STG_POI PO item Table
/OPT/VIM_STG_LIF Vendor table
/OPT/IR_DL_VENDOR_TO_STG_TABLE Program to update Vendor in Staging table


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