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Edition 2017
General ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Equipment and specification .................................................................................................................. 7
Personal equipment .................................................................................................................................. 9
Bench Press and rules of performance ...............................................................................................11
Weighing in ...............................................................................................................................................15
Order of competition ................................................................................................................................17
Referees .....................................................................................................................................................20
Insurance ...................................................................................................................................................23
Memberships in national WRPF............................................................................................................24
Approval to the competition...................................................................................................................25
Formula of definitions an athlete who is strongest ..........................................................................26
Duties of the organizers of competition ..............................................................................................27

Bench Press among the athletes with the physical features

and performance rule WRPF Page 2

1. "WRPF / World Raw Powerlifting Federation" (further - WRPF) recognizes the following
lifts among athletes with physical features in competitions:

1.1. Lifts:
1) Bench Press
1.2. Approval the competition and their results

WRPF recognizes only those results in the Bench Press, which were carried out in
accordance with these technical rules on the organization officially approve competitions.

2. The participation of athletes with physical features in competition sports federation WRPF
and conditions of their admission.

2.1. To the competitions in the Bench Press allowed athletes with physical features:

1) athletes with a single or double amputation of the lower limb, with amputation at the
ankle or above, up to the isolation at hip level.
Note: athletes with amputation at footstep level or toes of feet are the compete on a
common basis,
2) wheelchair-using athlete with spinal cord lesion, with a significant decrease in the
mobility of the lower limbs of a permanent nature, or with paralysis of the lower
limbs, and moving in a wheelchair or using crutches with saved the active functions
of the upper extremities.
Note: athletes with a curvature of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis), do not having
a disability are the compete on a common basis,
3) other athletes with the defeat of the musculoskeletal system, with the motor paresis
of the lower extremities, arthrosis of the foot, ankylosis or limitation joint mobility,
shortening of the lower extremity is not less than 5 cm., Etc.,
4) athletes with cerebral palsy, including children - cerebral palsy, mild to severe
muscle tone, brain diseases non-progressive nature with a dysfunction of the
musculoskeletal system,
5) athletes with amputation upper limb or limbs, with prostheses and / or special
devices for safety for the athlete to capture and / or clamping a bar. Before the start
of the competition the central referee must checking this special devices and allow to
use of on the platform.

2.2. Terms of admission of athletes with physical features of the competition:

1) In the case of a disability a Head coach of Team / athlete coach / athlete provides to the
organizers of the competition an application / medical certificate, with a doctor's
signature and seal of the hospital, indicating the disability groups and, if possible, the
diagnosis of disease. Otherwise, head coach of Team / athlete coach / athlete must
provide at the weigh-in to the competition organizers the original medical certificate
MSE (Medical and social expertise).
Note: in the absence of the above documents, the athlete to competitions is not
allowed. He can take part in competitions on a general basis, but only in the

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resolution of the Chief Referee of the competition and this athlete must pay the
entry fee.

2) In the absence of disability, athlete may be allowed to compete in the following cases
- if he was disabled since childhood or disability has been removed. At the weigh-
in is provided having lost effect (old) reference MSE, which contains the category
of "disabled child" or a reference MSE specifying the last validity of the disability,

Note: in case of false data on the state of health of the athlete, who apply to WRPF
sports federation competitions, as well as the concealment of medical contraindications,
the entire responsibility for the consequences rests with the athlete who puts his
personal signature on the card at the weigh-athlete. The competition organizers, referees
and other officials of sports federations WRPF responsibility for the consequences do
not bear responsibility.

3) Bodyweight Categories among athletes with physical features


Weight Class Kilograms

up to 48 kg 0-48,00

up to 52 kg 48,01-52,00

up to 56 kg 52,01-56,00

up to 60 kg 56,01-60,00

up to 67,5 kg 60,01-67,50

up to 75 kg 67,51-75,00

up to 82,5 kg 75,01-82,50

up to 90 kg 82,51-90,00

up to 100 kg 90,01-100,00

up to 110 kg 100,01-110,00

up to 125 kg 110,01-125,00

up to 140 kg 125,01-140,00

over 140 kg 140,01 to unlimited

Bench Press among the athletes with the physical features

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Weight class Kilograms

up to 40 kg 0-40,00

up to 44 kg 40,01-44,00

up to 48 kg 44,01-48,00

up to 52 kg 48,01-52,00

up to 56 kg 52,01-56,00

up to 60 kg 56,01-60,00

up to 67,5 kg 60,01-67,50

up to 75 kg 67,51-75,00

up to 82,5 kg 75,01-82,50

up to 90 kg 82,51-90,00

over 90 kg 90,01 to unlimited

Note: At the discretion of the organizers of the competition the age and weight
categories can be combined, in order to increase the value of competition titles.

4) Age Categories among athletes with physical features

Age Categories: (men and women)

- Sub-Junior:
younger 13-15 y.o.,

middle-age 16-17 y.o.,

older 18-19 y.o.;

- Juniors: 20-23 лет;

- Men and women - open: 24-39 y.o.;
- Men and women - masters: 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 y.o., 80 y.o. and upwards.
Note: At the discretion of the organizers of the competition the age and weight
categories can be combined, in order to increase the value of competition titles.

5) The composition of the teams to participate in competitions

Each officially registered team may submit a minimum of seven (7) and a maximum of
an unlimited number of athletes to participate in competitions and calculating team
score. These athletes may act in different weight categories for both men and women.
Bench Press among the athletes with the physical features
and performance rule WRPF Page 5
All team members must be registered in the first weighing. Team roster can be
confirmed list of teams, signed Head coach of team.

6) Calculation of team points

Team points are awarded only for the first ten places, with the following points: 12, 9, 8,
7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. All competitors, ranked below 10th receive one point for the team
event. Team victory is awarded to only one of the three teams with the highest number
of points. In case of equal number of points, the winner is the team who has more first
places. In case of equal number of points scored by the two teams, and an equal number
of first places, the winner is determined by the number of second, third, fourth and etc

7) Entry fee for athletes with physical features in the sports federation competitions WRPF

Athletes with physical features of the first and second disability group, competing in
competitions WRPF sports federations are fully exempt from payment of the entry fee.
The exception is specified in these Technical Rules.

Bench Press among the athletes with the physical features

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Equipment and specification

1. Platform

Lifts shall be carried out on a platform measuring between of a minimum of 2.46m X

2.46m (8x8 feet). The surface of the platform must be flat, firm and level and covered with a
material of non-slip smooth carpet (i.e. free from irregularities and projections). The surface
of the platform can be covered with rubber mats or other similar material. During the
competition lifts on the platform prohibits the presence of other persons than the Athlete,
assistants, three referees and other officials, if the need arises. Any action by cleaning or
installation of the platform should doing only an assistants. On the all national and
international competitions, must necessarily be a pedestal for rewarding athletes. For the
safety of competitors and spectators who attend the competitions, competition area can be
separated along the perimeter of the rope / tape etc. During the lifts on the platform prohibits
the presence of other persons than the athlete, assistants and three referees. The coach /
personal assistant is allowed to be in the competition area, at the same time it should not
interfere with the referees, assistants and spectators. Any action on the regulation of
equipment on the platform made with the only approval of the central referee or the
competition organizer.

2. Bars

All bars have to be an Olympic type (the thickness of the bar of 29 mm to 30 mm,
length 2200 mm). On the bar shall be a diameter machined marking or the bar taped so as
to measure 81 cm between marking or tape.

3. Collars

Collars must be used in competitions. Must weigh 2.5 kg each.

4. Discs

Discs should be used in weight from 1.25 kg to 50 kg. Discs weighing 0,25 kg, 0,5 kg
and 1 kg can be used only for the establishment of records. The heaviest disks must be
installed facing inwards, the other discs - outwards, in descending order weight of discs:
heavier discs inward (toward the center of the bar), and the lighter discs to the edge.

5. Bench

On the Bench Press competition among athletes with physical features can be
used the two types of benches: standard and special wide.

5.1. Standard bench

In the warming up room are provided at least two (2) standard bench.

Standard bench for Bench Press must have a strong design and provide maximum
stability and conform to the following dimensions:

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1) Length - not less than 1.22 m and shall be flat and level.
2) Width - not less than 29 cm and not exceeding 32 cm.
3) Height - not less than 42 cm and not exceeding 45 cm measured from the floor to the
top of the padded surface of the bench without it being depressed or compacted.
4) The height of the uprights, which must be adjustable, shall be a minimum of 82 cm to
a maximum of 100 cm measured from the floor to the bar rest position. The height of the
uprights, which not adjustable, shall be a minimum of 87 cm to a maximum of 100 cm
measured from the floor to the bar rest position.
5) Maximum width between insides of bar rests shall be 1.10 m.

5.2. Special wide bench

If the organizers of the competition have the opportunity to provide the athletes with
the physical features of a special wide bench, then this shall be indicated in the Statement
of competition, and additionally announced at the weigh-in. The special wide bench can
be 1 piece or composite.

The special wide bench should have a sturdy design and provide maximum stability and
conform to the following dimensions:

1) Length (1 piece or composite) - not less than 210 cm, must have a strong design and
provide maximum stability. Composite bench should not be parts sally up or down of
drowning. Prefix of composite bench should be fully included in the basic bench and
don't have large gaps.
2) The width of the front section of the bench – 29-32 cm; the width of the main part –
61 cm (at a distance of 70 - 71 cm from the top of the bench until its completion), the
width of the projections – up to 15,5 cm from each side.
3) Height – up to 42 from 50 cm., measured from the floor to the top of the padded
surface of the bench without it being depressed or compacted. In the case of
composite bench must be guarantee that the height of the main bench and his
attachment are the same throughout the length and width.
4) The height of the bench with adjustable height racks should be from 82 cm to 100 cm.
The height of the racks with non-adjustable height should be from 87 cm to 100 cm.
The height is measured between the floor and bar, which lies on the racks.
5) The maximum width between the inner parts of the rack should be 110 cm.

6. Lights

A system of lights shall be provided whereby the referees make known their
decisions. Each referee will control a white and a red light. These two colours represent a
“good lift” and “no lift” respectively. For emergency purposes, i.e. a breakdown in the
electrical system, the referees will be provided with small white or red flags with which to
make known their decisions.

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Personal equipment

Check personal equipment athlete is not carried out.

Responsibility for compliance with the rules of use of equipment rests with the
athlete and his coach. Informing athletes on the use of approved equipment (if held) begins
one hour, but not later than half an hour before the competition. In the case of establishing a
new record of the central referee shall immediately, immediately, after the lift ending, must
to check equipment of athlete and weight of bar on the platform. In the case of an athlete
used non-approved equipment - a record is canceled, the lift is also considered unsuccessful.

1. Suits

Athletes with physical features to perform the Bench Press must wear suit an
unsupported type. The suit shall be one-piece stretch material (eg, Lycra (20%) or a cotton-
elastic (up to 10% elastic) and without any patch and lining, must wear it over a t-shirt. The
suit straps must be worn over the lifter’s shoulders at all times in all lifts in all competitions.
Suit can be any color, monochrome or multicolored. There must be legs to the suit, length of
which shall not exceed the mid-thigh (the median line defined between the crotch and the
top of the kneecap). Allowed to wear one-piece unsupported suit from stretch material, such
as aerobics suit with straps and trousers length from 10 cm up to the entire length of the
legs. Trouser leg may have footstraps. Suit can be any color, monochrome or multicolored.
Using suit with sleeves or high cut trousers (like a swimsuit) is prohibited.

2. T-Shirt

A t-shirt must be worn under the lifting suit by all lifters. Under the suit athlete must
wearing a t-shirt, provided that the sleeves do not cover the elbows. Any logos and signs,
except for inscriptions insulting - allowed.

3. T-shirt and sweatpants (shorts)

Athletes with physical features, allowed compete in sportswear, consisting of two

parts - for the upper and lower parts of the body. They can be put on a t-shirt and
comfortably close-fitting sweatpants / shorts, however the T-shirt must be tucked under a
sweatpants / shorts.

4. Belt

Competitors may wear a belt. If worn, it shall be on the outside of the lifting suit.
Width of belt maximum 10 cm / 4.12 inches at the widest part. Thickness of belt maximum
13 mm / 1/2 inch. There are no limitations regarding the construction and materials from
which the belt is made.

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5. Shoes

Shoes shall be worn. Prohibited the use of shoes with metal spikes and plank, as well
as sneakers, shale, flip-flops. Permit to perform Bench Press with a shoe in prostheses or
ortheses with boots / shoes with orthotic devices.

6. Wrists wraps

Wrists wraps shall not exceed 1 m in length and 8 cm in width. Permission is granted
to use only one pair of wraps. A loop may be attached as an aid to securing. The loop shall
not be over the thumb or fingers during the actual lift. A wrist covering shall not extend
beyond 10 cm/4 inches above and 2,5 cm/ 1 inch below the center of the wrist joint.

7. The fixing belt

Athletes with physical features, the compete at the Bench Press on plain or special
wide bench, allowed to be attached to the bench with a special fixing belt. The number of
belt - one to two. Attaching the fixing belt to a bench allowed from ankle to hip level.
Fixing the feet should be made under visual supervision of judges by an athlete or his a
coach / personal assistants.

8. The pillow or wedge

Athletes with physical features permitted to use a pillow or wedge placed under the
die-hard knee / knees. Dimensions pillow or wedge must comply with the personal anatomy
athlete. The official note of the use of pillow or a wedge entered the competition card of the
athlete during weighing or the warming up.

9. General

1) No foreign substances may be applied on the platform or equipment.

2) Allowed to use a spray adhesive only on the clothing of athlete.
3) The use of oil, grease or other lubricants on the body, or personal equipment is strictly
forbidden. Baby powder, resin, talc or magnesium carbonates are the only substances
that may be added to the body and attire.
4) The powder should be used only in the platform area.

10. Additional requirements for women.

Women can wear underwear factory (melting or brifsy or panties), and a bra, on
condition that he does not give additional advantages. You can use tampons, napkins and
other feminine hygiene products.

Bench Press among the athletes with the physical features

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Bench Press and rules of performance

Before the competition all referees, appointed by the refereeing committee of WRPF
sport federation for running referees on competition among athletes with physical features,
can be trained according to the technical rules of the competition.
The central referee shall assist in competitions to the athletes with physical features,
in their struggle with the weight on the bar, to give the opportunity to realize their
opportunities, in controversial cases, it is recommended to take the side of the athlete.

Bench Press

1. On the competition in the Bench Press should be used:

1) standard bench and attachment to it, which will be added in the case of a special wide
2) one-piece special wide bench (if not used set-top box).

2. The bench shall be placed on the platform with the head facing the front to a central
referee. View the bench, who was stated at the weigh-athlete must be indicated on the
card. Announcing the weight and height of the bar stands for an athlete who preparing to
go on platform, the referee-speaker announces also the kind of bench (standard or
special). Assistants-insurers have to insert a prefix to the basic bench, then set the bar
weight and height racks and report it to the central referee, who checks the evenness and
levelness composite bench and weight on the bar. The central referee is personally
responsible for the accuracy of installation the bench and weight on the bar. When
ready, he tells the referee-speaker of the "Bench is ready", "Weight is ready". After that
the speaker calls an athlete to the platform.

3. Athletes with physical features, who used to move the wheelchair, have the right to
unimpeded access to the platform on their own or with the help of an assistant.
Organisers may provide for the installation of low walkways, ramps or special gutters.
In the absence of such an opportunity, the athlete assistance is provided by his personal
assistants. The athlete is solely responsible for the behavior, perform the necessary
functions of their personal assistants in all time in competitions.

4. After each attempt, the athlete for one (1) minute is obliged to declare the weight for the
next attempt, and transmit a request to the Secretary-table. This minute is counted from
the moment when an athlete has left the platform. If the athlete does not submit an
application for the following approach, secretary-referee must:

4.1. In the case of a successful attempt:

1) automatically lift the weight of the second or third approach in the Bench Press
on 2,5 kg,
4.2. In the case of an unsuccessful attempt to leave the previous approach weight in any

Bench Press among the athletes with the physical features

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5. Starting position of athletes on the bench depended on its type.

1) Bench Press on standard bench

The lifter must lie on his back with head, shoulders and buttocks in contact with the
bench surface. The feet must be flat on the floor/ plinth. This rule does not apply to
athletes with amputation of the limb (limbs), compete without prostheses. In order to
reduce unwanted spastic movements and increase support permitted the fixing belt
attached to the bench. To provide a solid support legs, the athlete may use plinths (disks,
blocks, platforms, etc.). Their size should not exceed 45cm x 45cm. When selecting any
position of legs, any part of the soles should be in contact surface platform or plinth, if
they are used.

2) Bench Press on special wide bench

Athletes must lie on his back, spread out one's legs (if possible) or lay prosthesis
along the bench, head, shoulders and buttocks in contact with the bench surface. Rule
relating to heels, does not apply to athletes with amputated limbs or those athletes who
can not stretch your legs by the anatomic or medical condition.
Athletes with physical features can be attached with one or two fixing belt to the
bench (to avoid unwanted spastic movements), as well as under the bent legs may
underlay cushions or wedges that are allowed to be used by judges when weighing.
Athletes with an amputation of lower limbs, with damage to the spine and other athletes
with physical features can perform the Bench Press with a shoe in prostheses or ortheses
with shoes.

6. Athletes with physical features from the moment he was called to the platform, is given
two (2) minutes before the start of lift. The coach or personal assistant (assistants) are
allowed to assist the athlete on the platform when entering and when leaving the
platform. During the lift coach or personal assistant (assistants) may remain in the
vicinity of the platform (if they do not assist in removing the bar from the racks),
without impeding the visibility of the referees, jury and spectators.

7. On the platform may be from two to six assistants. The athlete may request the help of
assistants in removing the bar from the racks. The bar served on straightening arms,
rather than on the chest. At the request of the athlete in removing the bar from the racks
may be assisted by a personal assistant, who after the bar removed from the racks must
immediately leave the platform, so as not to interfere with the work of the central

8. The distance between the hands on the fretboard, which is measured between the
forefingers must not exceed 81 cm (32 inches). Permission is granted to use reverse grip,
but in this case the distance is measured between the little fingers.

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9. After removing the bar from the racks on straightened arms, the lifter must lower the bar
to the chest, hold it motionless, after which the central referee will signal the audible

10. Signal the audible command consists of the word «Press» and should be given
immediately after the stop bar on the chest. The lifter must then return the bar to straight

11. When held motionless in this position the audible command “Rack” shall be given
together with a backward motion of the arm. During the press the bar may be a slight
slant of the bar (no more than 12 cm / 5 inches), but the course of the hands should not
be terminated before the end of the movement, and "inclusion" elbows must take place,
if possible, at the same time. Upon completion of the lift in athletes with physical
features of the bar can be in a not completely horizontal position.

12. Athletes with physical features that can not fully straighten the arms at the elbows by
anatomic or medical reasons, can compete in the Bench Press, if the loss of this ability
no more than 20 degrees in each elbows. The athlete or official coach / representative
team must notify the problems with straightening arms at the elbows when weighing.
The corresponding entry is made in the personal card competitor. Only in this case, the
mode will be met by all the rules when arms "unlocked" at the elbows.

The representative of the judicial committee attend at the weigh-in, must be officially
informed about each athletes having trouble straightening arms to the referee-secretary,
filling the personal card. The representative of the judicial committee is required to hold
an appropriate instruction to all the central and side referees appointed for the
competition on the Bench Press among athletes with physical features.

Athlete, before each lift, coming on the platform and approaching the bench, with a
special gesture reminds all three judges that he can not fully straighten the arm at the
elbow due to an anatomical deformation or disease (gesture consists of capturing the
palm of one hand wrist the other arm or crossing palms of the hands). A referees are
strictly forbidden to require the athlete lying on a bench and ready to lift - the approach
and demonstrate the ability to straighten hands.

13. It is allowed to stop the bar during the upward movement, but strictly prohibited
movement of the bar down.

14. Permitted head movement during the lift.

15. Leg movement on the platform is not considered a violation, but does not allow a
complete separation of the feet from the surface of the platform. This rule does not apply
to athletes with limb amputation, compete without a prosthesis, and to the athletes, who
keep your feet on weight.

16. Buttocks should be in contact with the surface of the bench throughout the lift.

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17. After the lift the athlete must leave the platform within one (1) minute after the shot
fixing belt and rose from the bench on their own or with the help of a coach / personal
assistant (assistants). However, judges should give more time to those athletes who have
a serious defeat of the musculoskeletal system and can not move independently without
assistance. In this case, the coach / personal assistants are obliged to do everything
possible to help the athlete as quickly as possible to leave the platform. In this case, the
judge did not apply any sanctions to the athletes and their coaches.

18. If an athlete has to going to the platform itself behind him, then he is given time to rest
from the three (3) to eight (8) minutes. To establish the fourth (record) attempt, or if a
flight consist of 2 to 5 athletes use the same temporary rules.

Causes for Disqualification of a Bench Press:

1. Failure to observe the Chief Referee’s signals at the commencement, during or

completion of the lift.
2. The gap between the buttocks from the surface of the bench, and complete separation of
the legs / feet from the surface of the platform or the soles of the feet of the original
fixed point of contact with the bench.
3. Heaving, or sinking the bar into the chest or abdominal area after it is motionless in such
a way as to make the lift easier (any downward movement of the whole of the bar in the
course of being pressed out), after central referee command "Press".
4. The movement of the bar down after receiving the judge's command center "Press".
However, if the bar on the chest athlete having a disease of the central nervous system
or spinal column due to spastic involuntary body movements and / or hands, had a slight
inertial motion up or down, the weight can be good.
5. Any, substantial by nonuniformly, with a skew of more than 12 cm / 5-inch movement
of the hands during lifting. The exception to this rule is made for athletes, who in weigh
declared about the impossibility of straighten the arms at the elbows.
6. Deliberate contact between the bar and the racks in order to make the lift easier.
7. Any contact of the lifter’s feet with the bench or its supports. This rule does not apply to
athletes performing Bench Press on a conventional bench in a prostheses or ortheses /
orthotic devices.
8. Help from assistants between the commands of referee.
9. The responsibility for the personal assistant, helping athlete in removing the bar from
the racks rests with the athlete. Assistant that helps athlete in removing the bar from the
racks , must immediately leave the platform, because it limits the review to the central
referee. Failure to do so may lead to the fact that the attempt will not be counted.
Assistant that helps athlete in removing the bar from the racks , must follow safety rules
when leaving the platform.

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Weighing in

1. Rule of weighing in one of two mandatory sessions

Weighing of participants should be carried out 24 hours before the start of the
competition in the respective weight category. Initial weighing lasts an hour and a half. Re-
weighting is carried out in two hours and ends half an hour before the start of the
competition in the respective weight category. This two weighing sessions are mandatory.
The possibility of further sessions of the preliminary weighting stay on the decision of the
Organizing Committee of the competition. Information about all sessions of the weighing
should be brought to the attention of athletes and coaches. All athletes respective weight
category must pass the weigh-in during one of the two compulsory or further (if provided)
sessions that are carried out in the presence of at least one certified referee of WRPF sport

2. Registration of athletes with physical features when weighing

2.1. The documents that shall be presented at the weigh-in

1) Before the procedure, weighting the athlete must present a passport, documents
confirming the limited capacity (the original MSE reference) and a medical
certificate of admission to the competition;
2) Organizations participating in the competition may submit an application,
including full name Athlete (fully), the date of birth (in full), and a serial number
of MSE, group disability and, if possible, the diagnosis of the underlying disease
leading to disability or physical features, as well as a mark on the admission of
the doctor.

The application must be signed by the head of the organization or the head coach
of the team, as well as the physician medical-sports clinic and stamped by the
organization, the personal round seal of physician, stamp clinic.

2.2. Card of participant of competition

Card of participant of competition shall contain the following information:

1) The name and date of the competition;
2) Full name of the athlete;
3) The date, month and year of birth of athlete, his age and age category;
4) The weight of the athlete with accurate to a 0.05 kg and weight category;
5) Membership to the sports organizations / sports school, city, region, country;
6) Weight first attempt;
7) The height of the racks in the Bench Press (specified immediately prior to the
competition, during the warming up on the platform);
8) Additional information: the need for the plinths, the inability to straighten your
hands in the Bench Press, etc .;
9) E-mail address and telephone number of the athlete or his coach;

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10) Information about the sporting performance of an athlete, his hobbies, titles and
records, etc.

3. General

3.1. Weighing competitors among athletes with physical features should be carried out,
if possible, out of turn and line up in a queue. Team members must be weighed in
the presence of Head Coach / Team Representative. Procedure of weighing provides
that the weighting was conducted by members of the Organizing Committee of the
competition, or their designated representatives. The presence of a representative of
the judicial committee of the WRPF sport federation is desirable.
3.2. The referee who conducts weighting should help the athlete with physical features
undergo this procedure in accordance with his capabilities. Particular attention must
be paid to athletes who can not stand on the scales yourself (can not keep his
balance, have an amputation lower limb (s), was moving in a wheelchair and etc.).
3.3. To simplify the procedure of weighing organizers can use scales with a wide
platform or a special scale with a chair. In the absence of special scales, the referee
in weighing must help the athlete to undergo this procedure on conventional scales.
Coach / personal assistant / assistants / members of the team, who know features this
athlete might help the referee to carry out weighing procedure. To athletes of one
team are allowed to help each other during weighing.
3.4. If an athlete is weighed during the first weigh-in and fit into the boundaries of the
weight category specified in the preliminary application, this weight is recognized as
final, re-weighting for any purpose is not permitted. If the athlete's weight is outside
the boundaries of the declared weight category, to a smaller or larger side, then he is
allowed to participate in competitions in the weight category that is was defined in
3.5. Athletes may be weighed nude or in underwear. The athlete with the physical
features that will compete in prostheses or ortheses / orthosis with shoes must be
weighed in the prostheses (without shoes or in it) or ortheses (with shoes or without
it), in the card indicates the weight that was recorded on the scales. If an athlete
with an amputation will participate in the competition without the prosthesis, his
weighed without prostheses, in the card indicated a "clean" the weight of the athlete
without any addition / compensation.
3.6. In competitions in which women are competitors, the weigh in procedure may be
altered to ensure that lifters are weighed by officials of their own sex. Male athlete
may request that are weighed by the referee of their own sex.
3.7. If at the time of weighing are recorded athletes with the same weight, and they are
gaining the same total at the end of the competition, they have to go through re-
weighting. To an athlete who weighs less, is awarded first place, and which weighs
more - the second place. However, if after re-weighing their weight is the same, then
the first place divided between them and each of them gets the prize. In this case,
following them athlete will be in third place, etc.

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Order of competition

1. These officials are appointed by the organizers of the competition:

1) Speaker (referee-informant);
2) The Controller of time (the timekeeper);
3) The Secretaries;
4) The assistants on the platform;
5) Other individuals, if necessary.

2. The Round System

2.1. The athlete, who declared attempt with less weight, gets the right to speak first.
Weight of bar can not be changed after the announcement about that it was set. Is
also prohibited within the same approach to set weight is less than the weight, which
was approaching the previous competitor, except in rare cases - if the athlete or
coach discovered establishment of incorrect weight and It did not take place the
execution attempt.
2.2. If athletes have ordered the same weight on the attempt, in the same flight and
attempt, a participant having a smaller own weight, acts first.
2.3.Changing weights on the first approach in the any exercise must be no later than 5
minutes before the start of the first approach in lift in which the declared those
athletes. Number of re-changing not limited.

3. Order of attempts

An athlete can not perform a second attempt, not by running in front of this first attempt;
third attempt should be preceded by the second attempt. Each lifter will take his first attempt
in the first round, his second attempt in the second round and his third attempt in the third
round. Allowed the implementation of the fourth attempt, but only after the previous three
are successful, at least one attempt should be successful. The fourth attempt may be allowed
by the main referee / organizers of the competition only for setting the record. The fourth
attempt may be allowed at the discretion of the organizers of the competition, with no time

4. The procedure for increasing the weight of the bar between a successful attempts

During the competition, the weight of the bar must be a multiple of 2.5 kg. Increasing the
weight of the bar between the first and the second attempts should be at least 5 kilograms
(men), and between the second and third attempts - 2.5 kilograms.

5. Errors during the installation of weight on the bar:

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1) If the weight of bar was smaller than ordered, and the attempt is successful, the
competitor may accept the result of this attempt, or try again with the ordered weight.
If the athlete wants to try again, this can be done at the end of the round.
2) If the weight of the bar was larger than ordered and attempt has been successful, this
approach is counted. However, after that attempt, weight of bar can be reduced, if
necessary to other athletes. If the attempt was unsuccessful, the lifter will be granted a
further attempt at the correct weight.
3) If on the ends of the bar set a different weighting, or if there has been any change in
weight on the bar or discs during the attempt, or in the platform emerged damage and
attempt failed, the athlete will be granted a further attempt at the correct weight.
4) If the Speaker erred in declaring the weight of the bar is more than necessary for the
athlete, the weight on the bar must be reduced to the ordered and the athlete is
allowed to perform attempt.

6. Requirements for registration of records among athletes with physical features

6.1. Competitions must be approved by the WRPF sport federation.

6.2. All referees on the platform must be certified referees in WRPF sport federation.
6.3. National records can be installed on any approved competitions, under the following
- the necessary formation of athletes with physical features in a separate division,
- presence at competitions all certified referees of WRPF sport federation
(minimum one of them international or national category), who must judge attempts,
where are set a new records.
6.4. Athlete / his coach / official representative of team must fill in the registration form
of record. The form must be completely filled in and sent by mail or through online
applications on the official website WRPF sport federation.

7. Rewarding after the competition.

7.1. The procedure for awarding the athletes with physical features should be organize so
that all the winners and prize-winners were awarded in a solemn ceremony.
7.2. If it possible, organizers should foresee ramps for athletes in wheelchairs and / or
stairs for athletes with physical features. If you are unable to install ramps and / or
stairs, the award shall be carried out in close proximity to the podium, but in any case,
not apart from it.
7.3. For making an award, organizers can invite a leaders of WRPF sport federation,
distinguished guests, leading sportsmen of federation and the best athletes with
physical features.
7.4. Master of awarding Ceremony should take into account the possibility of athletes
with physical features, calling the athlete for awarding clearly, loudly and slowly, to
do everything in their power so that the athletes have felt all the solemnity of the

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7.5. It is desirable to provide additional time for photographing athletes who are on the
podium, and that they can be photographed with the heads of WRPF sport federation,
honored guests, top athletes and other officials of the competition.

8. Violations, according to which an athlete can be disqualified

8.1. Any athletes or representative, who by reason of his misconduct upon or near the
competition platform is likely to discredit the sport, should be officially warned. If the
misconduct continues, the Jury, or Referees in the absence of the Jury, may disqualify
the lifter or coach and order the lifter or coach to leave the venue. This rule is valid,
even if the athlete has finished the participating in the competition. Any athlete /
representative who caused intentional physical harm to a referee, an official of
competition or official of WRPF sport federation will be immediately, for life, ban
from participating in all competitions this organization. Any athlete / representative,
which causes significant damage to the equipment, on which the competition is held,
or which the interfere to participate of other athletes in these competitions, will be
disqualified from the competition for a period determined by the President of the
WRPF sport federation.
8.2. Any valid referee of WRPF sport federation may be removed permanently because
of actions against or in favour of an athlete.
8.3. If an athlete / representative causes physical harm to the official of competition, the
athletes - competitors or spectators, the organizers of the competition no later than
three days from the time of the incident are obliged in writing to inform the President
of the WRPF sport federation indicating the names of the participants of the incident.

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1. Referees on the platform

The referees shall be three in number, the center referee and two side referees. All
referees are equal against each other. Decision of referees cannot be changed and without

2. Responsible of the center referee

The center referee is responsible for giving the necessary signals for all three lifts.

3. Location of referees on the platform

The three referees may seat themselves in what they consider to be the best viewing
positions around the platform.

4. Interaction of referees and assistants

The three referees may seat themselves in what they consider to be the best viewing
positions around the platform without the need to bend, move and do not leave your seat
(chair). A judge should not to ask assistants to shift so that he (the judge) was clearly seen an
athlete how he lifted, that do not pose a security threat to the athlete. Safety athlete on the
platform is placed on the first place, but the hands of assistants (insurers) should not turn a
blind review.

5. Specificity of the refereeing

All three referees responsible for the actions that take place on the platform and actions of
the athlete. However, the central judge, unlike the side judges, has no advantages with
respect to certain aspects of the determination of the correctness of the exercise. So each
referee is responsible for his area of review.

6. If an assistant blocked view for referee

If an assistant inadvertently blocked view on the lift for the referee, then the referee
evaluates lift in favor of an athlete.

7. The referees duties

Before the contest, the three referees shall jointly ascertain that:

1) The platform and competition equipment comply in all respects with the rules.
2) Bars, discs and collars are checked for weight and comply in all respects with the
technical rules for 12 months prior to the competition.
3) The athletes weigh in within the limits of weight and time for their bodyweight category.
4) Ensure that all information concerning the existing rules, brought to all competitors and
they are informed about the time of the competition.

During the contest the three referees must jointly ascertain that:

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1) The weight of the loaded bar agrees with the weight announced by the speaker. Referees
may be issued with loading charts for this purpose. It is their joint responsibility.
2) On the platform the lifter’s personal equipment complies with the rules. If any referee has
reason to doubt a lifter’s integrity in this respect he must after completion of the lift,
inform the Chief Referee of his suspicions.

8. The referee actions, if he sees the errors during the lift

The referee, who noticed a mistake in the lift, must give the signal, after the ending of the
lift. A referee shall not attempt to influence the decisions of the other referees, except, if an
error endangers an athlete or assistants. Any an athlete have a right to lodge a complaint
against (in writing) about incompetent refereeing, to the president of the sport federation
WRPF, regarding the violations, which athlete noticed on competitions approved by this
organization. Front office of sport federation WRPF must give a formal response on every
complaint (in writing), within two weeks.

9. An athlete actions for determine of violations committed by his

An athlete with the physical features (or his coach), who got a red light, has a right resort
to a referee, to clarify the reasons for why was the red light, only after the ending of his lift
(before the next athlete will be invitation following it on), but not in any other period of time.
A referee is obliged of clearly and briefly to comment the violation, for prevent the delay of
the competition.

If the evaluation was the 2 to 1 of referee, an athlete (or representative) has the right to
appeal, within one minute (if there a video of his lift, in a good quality, on which you can
identify an error of referee, only). The athlete (or representative) hand over to the referee the
video and a security deposit in the amount of 1 000 Russian rubles.

If the fact of erroneous decisions of the referee is acknowledged, the security deposit is
returned immediately to the athlete (or representative), and the athlete is given an additional
attempt at the end of the round, that going in at the moment (if before the end of this round,
left only three (or less) performances of other athletes, before his additional attempt will be a
break of three minutes). Evaluation in a controversial attempt can not be changed of referee.

In case, if a jury acknowledges the correct evaluation of the referee, or if on the video is
impossible clearly and accurately to determine the correct lift of athlete, additional attempt is
no given to the athlete, a security amount is not refundable and give to the cashier for further
expenditure, to the discretion of the Chief Judge of the competition.

10. Influence a referee on the decision of the other referees

A referee shall not attempt to influence the decisions of the other referees. No
circumstances should not influence on the decisions making for all athletes. All athletes
should be in the same conditions.

11. Interaction between the referees

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The referees may consult with each other or with any official of competition in order to
accelerate the competition or bug fixes. Consultations should be short and general, so as not
to interfere with the competition. The athlete is not responsible for mistakes of officials of
the competition. All misunderstandings are interpreted in his favor. For referees are strictly
forbidden to argue with each other during the competitions, except in places that a specially
designated for this (judging room).

12. Referees will be uniformly dressed as follows:

Winter: Dark blue blazer or jacket with appropriate WRPF badge on the left breast,
trousers with a white shirt and appropriate WRPF tie. White shirt – polo is allowed.
Summer: Grey trousers with a white shirt and appropriate WRPF tie is allowed. White
shirt - polo is allowed.

Winter: Dark blue blazer or jacket with appropriate WRPF badge on the left breast, skirt
or trousers and a white blouse or shirt. White shirt - polo is allowed.
Summer: Dress, skirt or trousers and a white blouse or shirt. White shirt - polo is allowed.

13. Rights of officials of sport federation WRPF

The President has the right to amend and supplement the Technical Rules, if that became
necessary. He also decides on the competence of the Supervisory Board in performing its
duties and has the right to disband and appoint the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board makes the final decisions in all activities of sport federation

The Panel of Referees is responsible for the testing of new judges and makes the final
decision on the results of the competition in the provided of the responsible if the person of
the Supervisory Board is absence. The Panel of Referees, in conjunction with the competition
organizers, instructs the referees appointed to officiate the competition among athletes with
physical features.

Organizers of the competition are responsible for carrying out of competitions, the
appointment of judges and other personnel for the competition. The organizer of the
competition is a part of the any Commission on the competition. Organizers of the
competition are responsible for sending the competition results to relevant organizations, in
particular to the President of the sport federation WRPF.

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The WRPF do not provide accident, medical, or liability insurance for lifters or spectators
at meets. The WRPF assume no liability for injury, damages, personal losses or death
resulting at an event.

A proof of insurance is an insurance policy obtained on the time of the competition.

WRPF recommended to the organizers of the competition to provide an opportunity to

insure on the duration of the competition in the amount of $ 500 for each day of the

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Memberships in national WRPF

All athletes, referees, and other officials of the competition have to be active members of
their national WRP Federation on the day of the tournament.

Heads of national offices could set annual Federation membership fee (the "Fee"). The
fee amount could be specified in the Competition Rules. The payment is made by athletes at the
registration (during the Technical rules book WRPF Page 12 weighing procedure). Payment by
the referees is made after the initial assignment of judicial category, or at the at the registration
of the participants, before beginning of the referee work.

Fee is made once a year and valid through 12 months from the date of payment. After this
period the fee has to be re-paid.

In international competitions all the athletes and referees should be members of the
national WRPF offices. If WRPF office in the current country does not exist, they should come
to the national federation of the country which holds the tournament by paying the annual
membership fee. The same rule applies to foreign participants, referees at any tournament of
national WRP Federation.

All members of the WRPF must be entered into a one database. This database is available
in every tournament at weighing secretary. Secretary have to conduct verification of participants
in this database in registering participants. If athlete from other country participates in
competitions and if it is necessary, organizers can request the member’s database of the national
department WRPF from this country.

In order to apply for opening a regional department of WRPF, you must submit your
application in any form. Sending a request by e-mail and leaving
contacts for feedback.

The President of WRPF one and the only makes the decision to open a National Office.

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Approval to the competition

The organizer of the competition shall not later than three (3) months, to apply for
running the competitions by version WRPF in writing or by e-mail, to obtain authorization. The
President of WRPF is obliged to give an answer, within five (5) days. Athletes with physical
features of the first and second group of disability are exempt from any fees by order of front
office WRPF.

At the discretion of the President WRPF, the organizers of the competition are should to
reimburse representative (s) of WRPF for accommodation and travel to the venue of the
competition, up to the moment when the representative of the WRPF leave the venue of

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Formula of definitions an athlete who is strongest

Formula of Glossbrenner used to determine the strongest athlete on competitions which

authorization WRPF sport federation.

Age coefficient of Glossbrenner (for the veterans) is can be used in competitions to

determine the strongest athletes in order to ensure a level playing field for athletes with physical
features of different age class.

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Duties of the organizers of competition

1) Organizers of the competition are required to be courteous and polite to all athletes,
including with the athletes with physical features.
2) The organizers of the competition may take part in the competition as athletes and
representatives of athletes.
3) The maximum number of athletes per day:

One platform, Powerlifting competitions: a maximum of 70 athletes per day. If

participate 50 or more athletes in the day, the participants should be divided into two
sessions: morning and afternoon, or three sessions: morning, afternoon and evening.

Two platform, Powerlifting competitions: a maximum of 140 athletes per day. If

participate 100 or more athletes in the day, the participants should be divided into two
sessions: morning and afternoon, or three sessions: morning, afternoon and evening

Three or more platforms can be used in competitions, at the discretion of the organizers.

One platform, Single Lifts competitions: a maximum of 150 athletes per day. If involved
50 or more athletes in the day, the participants should be divided into two sessions:
morning and afternoon, or three sessions: morning, afternoon and evening.

Three or more platforms can be used in Single Lifts competitions, at the discretion of the

4) The organizers of competitions may not use their position to influence the decision of
5) The organizers of the competition are can not to speak in a rough tone with any of the
officials of the competition, athletes and spectators.
6) The organizers of the competition must send scoresheet copy to Secretary General of
WRPF by e-mail, within 3 days.
7) The organizers of the competition can provide a video recording of the competition, in
particular, that it was clearly visible lights of referees.
8) The organizers should not give advantage to any athlete, team or coach. They should
make all the decisions, regardless of their relationship with the athletes, teams and
9) The sound of music should not prevent the participation of the athletes and for the work
10) Competitors are prohibited to warming up on the equipment of competition installed on
the platform. The athlete may be disqualified if his do not comply with this requirement.
However, the organizers must allow athletes with physical features can used a platform
for measurement the rack heights in the Bench Press, as well as the option to install the
plinths and the possibility of using the fixing belts etc.

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11) At the discretion of the President WRPF, the organizers of the competition are should to
reimburse representative (s) of WRPF for accommodation and travel to the venue of the
competition, up to the moment when the representative of the WRPF leave the venue of
12) All the results of weighing and sequence of performances of athletes with physical
features must be declared immediately after weighing. It is desirable also to provide a
regulation / competition schedule to head coach / team representative.
13) The organizers of the competition are required to draw up a list of equipment that will be
used during the competition on the platform and in the warming-up room.
14) The organizers of the competition shall provide the athletes a chalk in the warming-up
room and on the platform.
15) At the discretion of the organizers, on the national and regional competitions the
commands of referees can be replaced by a similar command in the national language.

Note: Failure to comply with any provisions of these requirements leads to the imposition
of sanctions on the organizers of the competition, including the denial to running of theirs
competitions throughout the year.

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