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Gifted and Talented Program

Product Abstract

Each student in the Independent Research Program must carry out an authentic, advanced research project, which is capable of evaluating its
quality, authenticity, and novelty. The following information, written by the student, provides an overview of the project proposal as planned.

Student: Megan Kinner Date: May 14, 2018

Research Title: The Complex Relationship Between Sports & Politics

Internship/Mentor: WBAL Sportscaster Keith Mills

Purpose: To gain professional sports media experience and to understand what encompasses the relationship between
politics and sports and how Americans view different aspects of the relationship.

Product: Discuss the relationship between sports and politics in a podcast, website, and article to help people have a
greater understanding, so they can make an informed opinion on the matter.

Novelty of Product: Recently, people have seen that sports and politics are connected through athlete’s political
statements however, there is more to the relationship then the recent athlete’s protests. This research encompasses all that
is the relationship between sports and politics, including how athletes using their platform to advocate for social injustices,
politicians using sports to improve their approval rating, and the Olympics using athletes to represent their countries in
sporting events. Distributing this research through a podcast, an article and, a website, will allow for parents, players, and
coaches to obtain the information needed to improve organized youth sports through making youth sports more accessible,
and properly training coaches.

Audience: Sports Fans

Procedure or Method:

1. Intensively researched topics related to sports to decide what subject of sports to study; ultimately deciding on the
relationship between sports and politics as my topic.
2. Secured mentor and internship with Keith Mills, sportscaster for WBAL TV and Radio.
3. Read a collection of scholarly articles and journals on the relationship between sports and politics, finding that the
two are connected through the Olympics, athletes protesting, and politicians associating themselves with sports to
improve their approval rating.
4. Observed, spoke on, and contributed information to various WBAL 1090 radio shows, including Baltimore Ravens
post game shows, a Ray Lewis Special, and a Draft special by logging multiple Ravens Press Conferences, ranking
prospective players, and finding and editing audio clips.
5. Compiled over 30 annotations of scholarly articles and journals.
6. Consulted with mentor throughout my research process.
7. Articulate the ways in which sports and politics are connected, providing examples, and explaining the different
reactions people have to the relationship, and the overall effect of the relationship.
8. Designed a website that covers the information gathered throughout the school year, and explains the skills I have
learned through my internship.
9. Composed an article containing my research on specifically the controversy surrounding the infamous national
anthem protest.
10. Distributed an article through the school newspaper to educate students about

Teacher’s Signature: Students Signature:

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