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Exercise 3

1. He _______________________ ( play ) this song over and over again.

2. Jenny what ______ you ________ ( do ) ? I _______________________ ( speak ) to my mum
3. We ____________ ( cross) the border right now .
4. They ____________ ( not play ) chess ,they _________ ( read) books.
5. It’s full moon so dogs _____________( bark ) at it .
6. __________you __________( play ) cards ?
7. ______ she _________ (practice) piano ,now ?
8. They _____________ ( not move ) in right now .
9. I________________ ( buy) all we need for dinner.
10. What ______ you _____ ( do ) now ?
11. I ______________ ( prepare ) for lessons .
12. ________ you _________ ( sing) while you ___________ ( take) a shower??
13. No, I______________ ( not sing ) .
14. What _____ he _____ ( do ) ???
15. He ____________________ ( recover ) from the race .
16. It _____________ ( not rain ) today .
17. We _____________ ( run ) out of time .
18. Where ______ she _______ ( dance) today ?
19. She _______ ( not throw) away anything.
20. Boys ______________ ( make) a plane and girls ____________( bake) cakes.
21. Right now, we ________( speak) about history .
22. She _______________ ( not smoke) cigarettes anymore.
23. He _____________ ( break) the law all the time.
24. We _____________( move) to new home right now.
25. I _____________ ( change) my daily routine .
26. She __________________ ( wear) bikini .
27. We ________________ ( not pack) for trip .
28. Den _______________ ( make) cocktails, he is bartender now.
29. I________________ ( listen) to the music and he is _____________ ( watch) football match.
30. They _______________ ( do) their homework now, because later they ______________( go)

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