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Jorge Luis Valencia

563 Margaret Court Merced, California 95340

T: (209) 947-1300
E: ​

January 24, 2018

Walmart Corporation
3055 Loughborough Dr 
Merced, CA 95348

Dear Whom It May Concern:

I am interested in the position of Cashier that is available in your store in Merced California. I saw on your website that
you are holding application for cashiers. I am graduating from El Capitan High school and so I believe that I am a
good candidate for the job.

I am very nice and work well with others. I am very creative and will be able to handle most things given to me and
with my desire to do think differently than how it is normally, I can doing it fun. I have been in multiple plays and so I
know how to have a smile on my face and how to be nice to others.

I would you take the time out of your day to interview me and if you see that I am not right for the company then that is
alright. I am just hoping that you will give me a chance so see that I believe that I could be a good addition to your


Jorge Luis Valencia  

Jorge Luis Valencia

Enclosure​ ​[​the word ​enclosure ​tells the employer you’ve included other documents such as your resume​]

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