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Alumni News


The Bowery Mission Alumni Program

Staying Connected

Someone You Should Know

Alumni Pro- You may not know who years Paul used his own van to Over the Years
gram Goal: Paul Beyer is but if you’ve transport fruits, vegetables and
When he first began solic-
eaten a meal at the Mission, baked goods from Pennsylvania
iting for donations, Mr. Beyer
he’s affected your life. to 227 Bowery.
• To devise a compre- says he did so by word of
The Man in the Garden Mr. Beyer had been making mouth. Then word got around
hensive program good money selling furniture, that he was on the up and up,
In 1960 there was a man
being a locksmith and doing that he wasn’t reselling, that
that meets the long- who would go into the City
various other jobs when the call every single item went to the
from Pennsylvania to preach
finally came for him to come on Mission and the donations
term spiritual, social to men at the Mission. He
staff full-time in 1985. began to multiply.
decided at some point that he
and career needs of needed help. One day as he When he turned 65 he Over the years he has
was traveling back to Lancas- thought about retiring. After seen the Mission grow with
our graduates and ter County he saw a man much thought, he said to him- the times. The clients, he says,
produces testimonies tending his garden. That man self , “If the Lord put me in this, are becoming more educated
was Paul Beyer. He went to I’m staying in it.” And stay in it and some of the men come
of continued recov- him and asked for help. Paul he has. Transporting such back to visit.
went inside to ask his wife goodies as two tons of apple
ery, restoration and Here’s looking forward to
about it and she said okay. sauce that a church donated just
another fifty years.
Paul had never heard of the last month and two tons of
revival in their lives. Bowery Mission. green beans that were donated a Live simply. Love generously. Care
week ago. In September of deeply. Speak kindly.
A Jack of All Trades
2007 alone, Mr. Beyer hauled Leave the rest to God.
For the first twenty-five 68,000 pounds of food.

Inside this issue: Words of Faith

Someone You 1
Should Know Now I become myself. A Christian is one who is on the
Darkness cannot drive out
It’s taken time, many years and darkness, only light can do way, though not necessarily very far
Words of Faith 1 places. that. Hate cannot drive out along it, and who has at least some
Answered Prayers 2
I have been dissolved and hate, only love can do that.
shaken, dim and half-baked idea of whom
and Requests
-Martin Luther King, Jr. to thank.
Alumni Fall Hap- 2 Worn other people’s faces...
-May Sarton - Frederick Buechner

Family Restoration 2

Answered Prayers and Requests

John Brudermann, a Mission alumnus and Director of Outreach at the Bowery Herb Carruthers, chef at the Mis-
Mission underwent a liver transplant in early October. This is a tremendous an- sion, is at home recovering from ill-
swer to prayer as John has been ill for some months. Please continue to pray for ness. Pray for Herb that he fully recu-
John, his continued healing, and for his wife and daughter. perates.
Meghan Brennan, daughter of
Terry Brennan, vice-president of Op-
erations, is home recuperating from
John with Bowery Mission open heart surgery.
President and CEO Ed Morgan
Please pray as the Mission prepares
at an event held in John’s
for its busiest day of the year, Thanks-
honor in June 2007.
giving. During this week, we serve
The Mission outreach truck hundreds of meals and organize more
goes out to New York City’s than eight hundred volunteers. Please
parks an average of five times a pray for the staff at the Mission as
week. they prepare.

Alumni Program - Fall Happenings

Friday, October 26th, 7 Come be a part of this fascinating Mentoring Opportunities
p.m. at 41-51 Avenue D, Transitional seminar on what it takes to have a
If you have been out of the Mission
Center Graduation and Reunion All healthy relationship with the opposite
for two or more years and would like
Transitional Center graduates are in- sex.
to give back in some way, please con-
vited! Food and music!
December, 2007 sider being a mentor!
Saturday and Sunday the 27th and
Thursday the 6th, 6 to 9 p.m. Mentors commit to connecting to
28th - 2nd Annual Alumni Retreat
Alumni Christmas Potluck their graduates once a month, attend-
at Paradise Lake Retreat Center
ing a training session and attending
All alumni and their children are in-
November, 2007 one alumni event per year.
vited to this potluck. Last year, we
Saturday the 10th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. sang carols, every child received a gift For more information contact Alumni
Marriage, Dating and Sex: What’s and graduates had an opportunity to Services at 212.684.2800 ext. 164.
the Big Deal? reconnect during the holidays.

Family Restoration Seminar Held

On Saturday, October 13, 2007 spouses and what it means to be a 19, 2008. For more information, log
the alumni program held its family good parent when one isn’t living with on to
restoration seminar for men with chil- their children.
Several attendees remarked that
Facilitated by Dominic Lewis, asso- talking through the issues were help-
ciate pastor of New Song Community ful. “I’m happily married”, an attendee If you are an employer looking for em-
Church in Harlem, the day long semi- named Alexander said, “but it’s good ployees or an employee looking for a new job,
nar dealt with such topics as consis- to be reminded that I can be better.” please contact our Employment Network at
tency in parenting, how to establish
The second part of this three ses-
and maintain relationships with ex-
sion seminar will be held on January

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