Pre School For 1 To 5 Yo

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Förskola engelska

Pre-school from 1-5 years of age

Pre-school and pedagogical care (family day-care) is offered to children between the ages
of 1 and 5 when parents are working or studying. Children that need special support for
their development can get childcare even if their parents do not study or work.
Pre-school and pedagogical care (family day-care) is also offered 15 hours a week to children whose parents
are unemployed or are on parental leave/receive childcare allowance with siblings.
General pre-school for children from 3-5 years of age without the need for supervision is provided in the
form of pre-school for three hours a day during school terms.
The pre-school is governed by a curriculum. The curriculum contains pre-school values and assignments as
well as goals and guidelines.

You can receive help with your application at the City Civic hall or at the Civic hall in Skäggetorp.

Family centre
The Family centre is a meeting place in which the family services of the municipality and county council are
all located under one roof. The Family centre has an open pre-school where you can meet other parents and
their children.
Family centres are located in Ekholmen, Berga, Lambohov, Ryd, Valla, Skäggetorp and Ljungsbro.

Childcare allowances
The municipality of Linköping has introduced a municipal childcare allowance. The purpose of the childcare
allowance is to improve the range of choices for parents who would like more time with their small children.

 The childcare allowance is offered to parents with children who are one year or more but not yet
three years old, who are registered residents of the municipality.
 The child for which a family is granted childcare allowance cannot, during the same period, be
registered in a municipally financed pre-school.
 In total, 250 full days of parental leave must have been taken out before allowance can be granted.
 The childcare allowance cannot be combined with certain remunerations, for example, parental
allowance, disability benefits, unemployment benefits or other kinds of income support.

The municipality has accident insurance for children involved in activities arranged by the municipality of

Administration: Education administration
Visting address: Apotekaregatan 13 C
Postal address: 581 81 Linköping
Telephone: 013-26 38 00

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