Convection 1

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Calculation of heat transferred through a composite wall

1. On the Tools menu, click Options, then click the Calculation tab and tick on the Iteration

2. In the spreadsheet "Calculations"

a. Insert the parameter values in thye yellow cells
b. Turn the "SWITCH" ON (set the value in the cell G1 (red cell) equal to 1)
c. Iterate (by pressing F9) until the value of wall temperature (T 4) in the cell F34 (grey cell) is constan
d. To recalculate for different parameter values turn the "SWITCH" OFF (set the value in the cell G1 eq

Equations that are being used in the calculations

Calculation of the heat transfer coefficient "h" in natural convection

Nu=a(Gr Pr)
Calculation of the temperature drop in the wall

R ho
ΔT ho = ΔT overall
Calculation of the total resistance to heat transfer

∑ R= h A +∑ k Aj + h 1A
i j=1 j o

Calculation of the overall heat transfer coefficient

A∑ R
e Iteration box. On Maximum iterations box write 1000.

(grey cell) is constant

value in the cell G1 equal to 0) and repeat steps 2a to 2c
Calculation of heat transfer
through a composite wall

Input data
Characteristic dimension (wall height), L= 1 m
Inside air temperature, Ti= 60 oC
Outside air temperature, To= 20 oC
Outside wall temperature (assumed), T4= 35 oC
First layer thickness, Δx 1= 0.002 m
Second layer thickness, Δx 2= 0.05 m
Third layer thickness, Δx 3= 0.002 m
First layer thermal conductivity, k1= 45 W/moC
Second layer thermal conductivity, k2= 0.045 W/moC
Third layer thermal conductivity, k3= 45 W/moC
Wall surface area, A= 4 m2
Inside surface heat transfer coefficient, hi= 15 W/m2oC
Constant for Nu=a(Gr Pr)m a= 0.59
Constant for Nu=a(Gr Pr) m= 0.25

Derived data

Physical properties of air

Air film temperature Err:523 o
Density Err:523 kg/m3
Spesific heat Err:523 J/kgoC
Thermal conductivity Err:523 W/moC
Viscosity Err:523 Pa s
Volumetric expansion Err:523 1/K

Calculation of heat transfer coefficient in natural convection

Gr= Err:523
Pr= Err:523
GrPr= Err:523
Nu= Err:523
ho= Err:523 W/m2K

Calculation of resistances
Inside convective resistance, Rhi= 0.016667 oC/W
Conductive resistance 1, Rw1= 1.11E-05 oC/W
Conductive resistance 2, Rw2= 0.27778 oC/W
Conductive resistance 3, Rw3= 1.11E-05 oC/W
Outside convective resistance, Rho= Err:523 oC/W
Total resistance, ∑R= Err:523 oC/W

Calculation of outside wall temperature

ΔTho, Err:523 oC
T4 correction Err:523 oC
T4 (corrected) Err:523 oC

Calculation of the overall heat transfer coefficient
U= Err:523 W/m2K
Calculation of heat transferred through the wall
q= Err:523 W

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