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Issued by Canon Europa N.V.

NP6030, NP6025 No.: 6030-020 Rev. 3
DATE: 03.01.96

Major quality issues Quality upgrade/production efficiency

Field quality problems Miscellaneous


A new drum kit and transfer corona assembly have been introduced which provide measures to prevent
black lines on images and drum scratches.
Black lines on images/drum scratches
(1) If all the waste toner (toner + paper powder) scraped off of the cleaning blade is not sent to the waste
toner receptacle assembly, residual paper powder is caught on the tip of the cleaning blade, causing
scratches on the drum and subsequently black lines on images.
(2) Due to the difference in the peripheral speed between the drum and the transfer corona roller, and the
pressure of the transfer corona roller, paper powder may scratch the drum, causing black lines on
[Factory measures]
(1) A drum kit has been introduced with improved waste toner processing performance so that paper
powder does not remain on the tip of the cleaning blade.
(2) A transfer corona assembly has been introduced whose the roller pressing pressure is decreased.
Measures for servicing
Perform (1) or (2) below when the above phenomenon occurs.
(1) Use the new drum kit with improved waste toner processing performance.
Note: The identification method of the new drum kit, the new individual drum kit package and the
copier package box containing the new drum kit is shown below.

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6030-020 Rev. 3
1) New drum kit
Round identification seal (gold)

A round identification seal (gold) has been

affixed on the right side of the service label on
the drum kit cover.
Implemented starting with lot No. 319281.
3 The identification seal (gold) has been abolished
for attachment starting with lot No.471101 as it
Service label was judged that the identification has been made
thoroughly in the field.

2) New drum kit package box

A round identification seal (gold) has been
Round identification affixed on the side of the lot no. In addition, the
seal (gold) same seal has been provided next to the lot no.
at the side of the box containing five drum kits
for servicing.
3 Implemented starting with lot No. 50125XXX.
The identification seal (gold) has been abolished
for attachment starting with lot No.50718XXX
as it was judged that the identification has been
made thoroughly in the field.

Kit that comes Round identification

with copier seal (gold)

See Affected machines

3 *
3) Copier package box containing new drum kit
A round identification seal (gold)* has been affixed on the main order label on the copier package box.

(2) Replace the transfer corona assembly with the new one, or replace both the front and rear pressure
springs of the transfer corona assembly with new ones. The replacement method for the pressure springs
is as follows:
1) Take out the transfer corona assembly.
2) Remove the front/rear of the bushing cover and front/rear of the arm, and take out the transfer roller
(see the Service Manual, p. 4-46).

3) Take out the front (gold)/ rear (silver + yellow on the middle) of the transfer roller bushings and
replace the compression springs with new springs at the front (red on the entire length) and rear
(silver + red on the middle).

Note 1. When removing the transfer roller bushings, use care so that the bushings are not damaged.
Note 2. Do not mix the front and rear compression springs.
Note 3. Using the water, solvent, etc., to clean the transfer roller will likely cause undesirable effects on
the roller material. Thus, make sure to perform cleaning using a dry cloth. Cleaning must be in one
direction only, i.e., from the front side to the rear side of the roller or from the rear side to the front side

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6030-020 Rev. 3
Service parts

Old Inter- P.C.

No. Description Part number Q’ty change-
New ability
Old Transfer corona assembly FG5-1806-000 1→0 580-
1 No Yes
New Transfer corona assembly FG5-1806-030 0→1
Old Spring,compression, front FS5-2411-000 1→0 580-3
2 Note 1
New Spring,compression (note 2) FS5-2416-000 0→1
Old Spring,compression, rear FS5-2412-000 1→0 580-16
3 Note 1
New Spring,compression (note 3) FS5-2417-000 0→1

Note 1. Interchangeable by replacing both items at the same time.

Note 2. Compression spring (front side); Red paint on the entire length.
Note 3. Compression spring (rear side); Red paint on the middle.
Affected machines (‘’Japanese version’’)

• Affected machine numbers on the main order label on the copier package.
With new drum kit With new transfer corona assembly

NRD38916 and later NRD38916 and later

PRF 02431 and later PRF 02431 and later
RRH04272 and later RRH04079 and later
URK04217 and later URK04217 and later
NCH00935 and later NCH00001 and later
NAK01221 and later NAK01221 and later
NBV16953 and later NBV16150 and later

• Affected lot nos. of individual drum kit package (drum kit included in copier & service drum kit)
50125XXX and later
• Affected lot nos. on the drumkit.
319281 and later
<Attachment of an identification seal (gold)>
On copier package

With a seal (gold) Without a seal (gold)

NRD38916 and later

PRF 02431~03224 PRF 03225 and later
RRH04272~04829 RRH04830 and later
URK04217~04326 URK04327 and later
NCH00935~06026 NCH06027 and later
NAK01221 and later
NBV16953 and later

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6030-020 Rev. 3
On kit package

With a seal (gold) Without a seal (gold)

50125XXX and later 50718XXX and later

On drum kit

With a seal (gold) Without a seal (gold)

319281XXX and later 471101XXX and later

Affected machines (‘’LPS version’’)


220V CAA 14546 and later

240V DAA 07104 and later


220V CBA 01351 and later

240V DBA 00701 and later

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