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Mental health aspects of women’s

reproductive health
A global review of the literature
Mental health aspects of women’s
reproductive health

A global review of the literature

WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health : a global review of the literature
1.Mental health. 2.Mental disorders - complications. 3.Reproductive health services. 4.Reproductive
behavior. 5.Women. I.World Health Organization. II.United Nations Population Fund.
ISBN 978 92 4 156356 7 (NLM classification: WA 309)

© World Health Organization 2009

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Acknowledgements v

Foreword vii

Chapter 1 Overview of key issues 1

The global burden of reproductive ill-health 2
Researchers’ views 3
Women’s views 4
Focus and framework of the current review 4
Reproductive rights 4
Gender, rights and reproductive mental health 5
Chapter 2 Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period 8
Mental health and maternal mortality 9
Maternal deaths by inflicted violence 11
Mental health and antenatal morbidity 12
Mental health and postpartum morbidity 15
Biological risk factors for postpartum depression 18
Psychosocial risk factors for postpartum depression 18
Maternal mental health, infant development and the mother-infant
relationship 27
Summary 30
Chapter 3 Psychosocial aspects of fertility regulation 44
Contraceptive use and mental health 45
Mental health and elective abortion 51
Summary 59
Chapter 4 Spontaneous pregnancy loss 67
Mental health and spontaneous pregnancy loss 67
Medical treatment of spontaneous pregnancy loss 71
Summary 74
Chapter 5 Menopause 79
Mental health and the perimenopausal period 79
Menopause: a time of increased risk for poor mental health 81
Well-being in midlife and the importance of the life course 84
Summary 86
Chapter 6 Gynaecological conditions 89
Non-infectious gynaecological conditions 89
Infectious gynaecological conditions 92
Malignant conditions 100
Summary 104
Chapter 7 Women’s mental health in the context of HIV/AIDS 113
Gender and the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS 113
Gender-based violence and HIV/AIDS 115
Migration and HIV/AIDS 117
Mental health and HIV/AIDS 118
Summary 121
Chapter 8 Infertility and assisted reproduction 128
Causes of infertility 129
Psychological causation of infertility 130
Psychological impact of fertility 131
Psychological aspects of treatment of infertility using assisted
reproductive technology 133
Psychological aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum
period after assisted conception 136
Parenthood after infertility and assisted reproduction 138
New technologies and their implications 139
Summary 140
Chapter 9 Female genital mutilation 147
Health effects of female genital mutilation 148
Summary 154
Chapter 10 Conclusions 158
Overview of key areas discussed 160
Annex WHO survey questionnaire on the mental health aspects of
reproductive health 167

Photo credits
Cover © River of Life Photo Competition (2004) WHO/ Liba Taylor
page 2 © WHO/ C. Gaggero
page 17 © River of Life Photo Competition (2004) WHO/ Joyce Ching
page 23 © WHO/ Yassir Abo Gadr
page 25 © River of Life Photo Competition (2004) WHO/ Dinesh Shukla
page 52 WHO/Maureen Dunphy
page 58 © River of Life Photo Competition (2004) WHO/ Abir Abdullah
page 69 © River of Life Photo Competition (2004) WHO/ Nathalie Behring-Chisholm
page 91 © River of Life Photo Competition (2004) WHO/ Masaru Goto
page 114 © 2000 Liz Gilbert/David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Courtesy of Photoshare
page 117 © River of Life Photo Competition (2004) WHO/ Douglas Engle
page 118 © River of Life Photo Competition (2004) WHO/ Veena Nair
page 129 © WHO photo
page 135 © River of Life Photo Competition (2004) WHO/ Cassandra Lyon
page 148 © River of Life Photo Competition (2004) WHO/ Katerini Storneg
page 152 © River of Life Photo Competition (2004) WHO/ Ahmed Afsar
page 165 © WHO photo

T he World Health Organization, the Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society, WHO Collaborating
Centre, Australia, and the United Nations Population Fund wish to express their deep gratitude to
the numerous experts who contributed to the development and finalization of this project starting with
the main authors of this Review who are: Susie Allanson, Fertility Control Clinic, Wellington Parade,
East Melbourne, Australia; Jill Astbury, School of Psychology, Victoria University, Australia; Mridula
Bandyopadhyay, Mother & Child Health Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University,
Australia; Meena Cabral de Mello, Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development, World
Health Organization; Jane Fisher, Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society, WHO Collaborating Centre
in Women’s Health, University of Melbourne, Australia; Takashi Izutsu, Technical Support Division,
United Nations Population Fund; Lenore Manderson, Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society, WHO
Collaborating Centre in Women’s Health, University of Melbourne, Australia; Heather Rowe, Key Centre
for Women’s Health in Society, WHO Collaborating Centre in Women’s Health, University of Melbourne,
Australia; Shekhar Saxena, Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence, World Health
Organization; and Narelle Warren, Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society, WHO Collaborating Centre
in Women’s Health, University of Melbourne, Australia.

The respondents of a mail survey who contributed directly or indirectly to the research evidence included
in this Review are gratefully acknowledged. They are: Ahmed G Abou El-Azayem, Eastern Mediterranean
Regional Council of the World Federation for Mental Health, Egypt; Mlay Akwillina, Reproductive
Health Project, Tanzania; Mary Jane Alexander, Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, USA;
Faiza Anwar, Women’s Health Educator, Australia; Victor Aparicio Basauri, WHO Collaborating Centre,
Spain; Lara Asuncion Ramon de la Fuente, National Institute of Psychiatry, Mexico; Carlos Augusto de
Mendonça Lima, Service Universitaire de Psychogériatrie, Switzerland; Christine Brautigam, Division for
the Advancement of Women, United Nations; Jacquelyn C Campbell, Johns Hopkins University, USA;
Amnon Carmi, International Center for Health Law and Ethics, Haifa University, Israel; Rebecca J Cook,
University of Toronto, Canada; Dilbera, DAJA Organization, Macedonia; Mary Ellsberg, Violence and
Human Rights Program at PATH, USA; Sofia Gruskin, Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and
Human Rights Harvard University School of Public Health, USA; Emma Margarita Iriarte, Tegucigalpa,
Honduras; Els Kocken, WFP, Colombia; Pirkko Lahti, World Federation for Mental Health, Finland; Els
Leye, International Centre for Reproductive Health, University Hospital, Belgium; Regine Meyer, Health
& Population Section, GTZ, Germany; Alberto Minoletti, Ministerio de Salud, Chile; Jacek Moskalewicz,
Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Poland; Vikram Patel, London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, UK; Pennell Initiative, University of Manchester, UK; Ingrid Philpot, Ministry of Women’s
Affairs, New Zealand; Joan Raphael-Leff, Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, UK;
Tiphaine Ravenel Bonetti, Reproductive Health, Kathmandu, Nepal; Jacqueline Sherris, Reproductive
Health, PATH, USA; Johanne Sundby, University of Oslo, Norway; Susan Weidman Schneider, LILITH
Magazine, USA; and Susan Wilson, National Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology,

The following peer reviewers provided much constructive critical assessment during the long development
phase: this work has benefited greatly from their comments, suggestions and generous advice. Natalie
Broutet, Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization; Meena Cabral
de Mello, Department of Child and Adolescent Health, World Health Organization; Jane Cottingham,
Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization; Lindsay Edouard,
Technical Support Division, United Nations Population Fund; Jane Fisher, Key Centre for Women’s
Health in Society, WHO Collaborating Centre in Women’s Health, University of Melbourne, Australia;
Sharon Fonn, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa; Takashi Izutsu, Technical Support Division,
United Nations Population Fund; Elise Johansen, Department of Reproductive Health and Research,
World Health Organization; Paul Van Look, Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World
Health Organization; Lenore Manderson, WHO Collaborating Centre for Women’s Health, Department of

Public Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia; and Vikram Patel, London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, UK, and Chairperson, Sangath, Goa, India; Arletty Pinel; Technical Support Division,
United Nations Population Fund; Shekhar Saxena, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse,
World Health Organization; Iqbal Shah, Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health
Organization; Atsuro Tsutsumi, National Institute of Mental Health, Japan; Andreas Ullrich, Department
of Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion, World Health Organization; and Effy Vayena, Department of
Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization.

Hope Kelaher, WHO intern, provided much research assistance and Kathleen Nolan, Key Centre for
Women’s Health in Society, Australia, assisted with the editorial process. We are indebted to Pat Butler,
WHO consultant for patiently editing this publication.

This production of this publication would not have been possible without the funding support extended
by the United Nations Population Fund. For further information and feedback, please contact:

Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society

WHO Collaborating Centre in Women’s Health
School of Population Health
University of Melbourne
Tel: +61 3 8344 4333, fax: +61 3 9347 9824
Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 791 21 11, fax: +41 22 791 41 60
Department of Reproductive Health and Research
World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 791 4447, Fax: +41 22 791 4171
Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development
World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 791 3281, Fax: +41 22 791 4853
United Nations Population Fund
220 East 42nd Street, NY, NY 10017
Tel: 1-212-297-2706


T he World Health Organization and the United Nations Population Fund in collaboration with the
Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society, in the School of Population Health at the University of
Melbourne, Australia are pleased to present this joint publication of available evidence on the intricate
relationship between women’s mental and reproductive health. The review comprises the most recent
information on the ways in which mental health concerns intersect with women’s reproductive health. It
includes a discussion of the bio-psycho-social factors that increase vulnerability to poor mental health,
those that might be protective and the types of programmes that could mitigate adverse effects and pro-
mote mental health. This review is our unique contribution towards raising awareness on an emerging
issue of major importance to public health. Its purpose is to provide information on the often neglected
interlinks between these two areas so that public health professionals, planners, policy makers, and pro-
gramme managers may engage in dialogue to consider policies and interventions that address the multiple
dimensions of reproductive health in an integrated way.

A complete review would examine all mental health aspects of reproductive health and functioning
throughout the lifespan for both men and women. However, the potential scope of the topic of reproduc-
tive mental health far outstrips the available evidence base. Most research into the mental health implica-
tions of reproductive health has focussed on a relatively small number of reproductive health conditions
experienced worldwide and has investigated most usually, married women of reproductive age. A more
comprehensive review is thus not possible yet. The focus on women in this review is not only because of
the lack of evidence and data on men’s reproductive mental health but also because reproductive health
conditions impose a considerably greater burden on women’s health and lives. The review comprises the
most recent data from both high- and low-income countries on the ways in which women’s mental health
intersects with their reproductive health. The framework for analysis employed here is informed by two
interconnected concepts: gender and human rights, especially reproductive rights.

Dramatic contrasts are apparent between industrialized and developing countries in terms of reproductive
health services and status. These include access to contraception, antenatal care, safe facilities in which to
give birth and trained staff to provide pregnancy, delivery and postpartum care; the diagnosis and treat-
ment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV, infertility treatment, and care for unsafe or
unintended pregnancy. Around the world, reproductive health initiatives aim to address the complex of
economic, sociodemographic, health status and health service factors associated with elevated risk of mor-
bidity and mortality related to reproductive events during the life course. At present, the central contribut-
ing factors to disparities in reproductive health have been identified as: reproductive choice; nutritional
and social status; co-incidental infectious diseases; information needs; access to health system and serv-
ices and the training and skill of health workers. The most prominent risks to life are identified as those
directly associated with pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, including haemorrhage, infection,
unsafe abortion, pregnancy related illness and complications of childbirth. There is however, very limited
consideration of mental health as a determinant of reproductive mortality and morbidity especially in the
developing regions of the world.

Mental health problems may develop as a consequence of reproductive health problems or events. These
include lack of choice in reproductive decisions, unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortion, sexually trans-
missible infections including HIV, infertility and pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, stillbirth,
premature birth or fistula. Mental health is closely interwoven with physical health. It is generally worse
when physical health including nutritional status is poor. Depression after childbirth is associated with
maternal physical morbidity, including persistent unhealed abdominal or perineal wounds and inconti-

Mental health is also governed by social circumstances. Women are at higher risk of mental health prob-
lems because they:

 carry a disproportionate unpaid workload of care for children or other dependent relations and house-
hold tasks;
 are more likely to be poor and not to be able to influence financial decision-making;
 are more likely to experience violence and coercion from an intimate partner than are men; and
 are less likely to have access to the protective factors of full participation in education, paid employ-
ment and political decision-making.
Health care behaviours including compliance with medical regimens such as anti-retroviral therapy (ARV)
or appropriate use of contraceptives are diminished in the context of mental health problems. Poor mental
health can be associated with risky sexual behaviour and substance abuse through impaired judgement
and decision-making which can have dramatic consequences on reproductive health including height-
ened vulnerability to unintended pregnancy, STIs including HIV, and gender-based violence.

There is consistent evidence that women are at least twice as likely to experience depression and anxiety
than men are. They are also more prone to self harm and suicide attempts, particularly if they have expe-
rienced childhood abuse or sexual or domestic violence. Adolescent girls with unplanned pregnancies are
at elevated risk of suicide, as are women suffering from fistula, a childbirth injury caused by lack of emer-
gency obstetric care. Suicide is a significant but often unrecognised contributor to maternal mortality, for
example in Viet Nam, up to 14% of pregnancy-related deaths are by suicide. People living with HIV/AIDS
have higher suicide rates, which stem from factors such as multiple bereavements, loss of physical and
financial independence, stigma and discrimination, and lack of treatment, care and support.

More recently the adverse effects of poor maternal mental health have become the subject of renewed at-
tention and concern because of increased awareness of the high rates of depression in mothers with small
children in impoverished communities. About 10-15% of women in industrialized countries, and between
20-40 % of women in developing countries experience depression during pregnancy or after childbirth.
Perinatal depression is one of the most prevalent and severe complications of pregnancy and childbirth.
The effects of depression, anxiety and demoralization are amplified in the context of social adversity and
poverty. These conditions have a pervasive adverse impact on women’s health and wellbeing and caretak-
ing capacity, with effects on the home environment, family life and parenting. They compromise women’s
capacity to provide sensitive, responsive and stimulating care, which is especially important for infants
and children. Children of depressed mothers have poorer emotional, cognitive and social development
than infants and children of non depressed mothers especially when the depression is severe and chronic
and occurs in conjunction with other risks such as socioeconomic adversity. There is new evidence sug-
gesting that maternal depression in developing countries may contribute to infant risk of growth impair-
ment and illness through inadvertent reduced attention to and care of children’s needs.

At present, the number of women having access to care that incorporates their mental health concerns is
quite dismal. Even though the relationship between mental health problems and reproductive functions
in women has fascinated the scientific community for some time, it is well recognized that mental health
promotion, social change to prevent problems and develop acceptable treatments are under-investigated.
This is particularly true for developing countries where the intersecting determinants of reproductive
events or conditions and the mental health problems faced by women are simply not recognized. For
example many women have questions and concerns about the psychological aspects of menstruation, con-
traceptive technologies, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, infertility and menopause. Feelings
about hysterectomy or the loss or termination of a pregnancy may have a major impact on reproductive
choices and well being. Sexual abuse is a frequent feature in the history of women with co-occurring
mental health problems but is not addressed systematically. Survivors of gender-based violence commonly
experience fear, anxiety, shame, guilt, anger and stigma; as a result, about a third of rape victims develop
post traumatic stress disorder, the risk of depression and anxiety disorders increases three- to four-fold,
and a proportion of women commit suicide. Other types of gender-based violence such as female genital
mutilation (FGM), trafficking of girls/women, sexual abuse and forced marriage, commonly cause mental

health problems. Besides encouraging the non tolerance of these practices, we must address the needs of
those who are already victims and afflicted with these conditions.

Not only are feasible and cost effective interventions possible, but early detection and diagnosis of mental
health problems can be undertaken by trained primary health care workers. Both simple psychological in-
terventions such as supportive, interpersonal, cognitive-behavioural and brief solution focused therapies
and when needed, psychotropic medications can be delivered through primary health care services for the
treatment of many mental health problems. It has been shown, for example, that:

 the treatment of maternal depression can reduce the likelihood of maternal physical morbidity and
mortality along with the likelihood of physical and mental or behavioural disorders in their chil-
 the reduction of illicit drug-injection or the treatment of mood disorders can reduce the risk for HIV
and AIDS and other STIs, unintended pregnancy and gender-based violence; and
 the treatment of depression, anxiety and trauma reactions results in better physical health, quality of
life and social functioning of survivors of domestic violence.
Health care providers can involve the family, partner and peers in supporting women as agents of change in
the family environment. The social environment, including health systems, and community organizations
can be made more aware and receptive to the mental health problems of women and families. In many
settings, culture-bound religious or other healing rituals which have shown to be effective can also play
an important role.

Women’s sexuality and reproductive health needs to be considered comprehensively with due consideration
to the critical contribution of social and contextual factors. There is tremendous under-recognition of
these experiences and conditions by the health professionals as well as by society at large. This lack of
awareness compounded by women’s low status has resulted in women considering their problems to be
’normal’. The social stigma attached to the expression of emotional distress and mental health problems
leads women to accept them as part of being female and to fear being labeled as abnormal if they are
unable to function.

The World Health Report 2005: Make Every Mother and Child Count (WHO, 2005) recognizes the importance
of mental health in maternal, newborn and child health, especially as it relates to maternal depression and
suicide, and of providing support and training to health workers for recognition, assessment and treatment
of mothers with metal health problems. The International Conference on Population and Development
(ICPD) Programme of Action and the Beijing Platform for Action urged member states to take action on
the mental health consequences of gender-based violence and unsafe abortion in particular so that such
major threats to the health and lives of women could be understood and addressed better. In addition,
the mental health aspects of reproductive health are critical to achieving Millennium Development Goal
(MDG) 1 on poverty reduction, MDG 3 on gender equality, MDG 4 on child mortality reduction, MDG 5
on improving maternal health and MDG 6 on the fight against HIV and AIDS and other communicable
diseases. Moreover, humans are emotional beings and reproductive health can only be achieved when
mental health is fully addressed as informed by the WHO’s definition of health and the definition of right
to health in the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

In response to these mandates, the present document has reviewed the research undertaken on a broad
range of reproductive health issues and their mental health determinants/consequences over the last 15
years from both high- and low-income countries. Evidence from peer-reviewed journals has been used
wherever possible but has been augmented with results of a specific survey initiated to gather state of
the art information on reproductive and mental health issues from a variety of researchers and interested
parties. Valuable data from consultant reports, national programme evaluations and postgraduate research
work was also compiled, analyzed and synthesized.

Where evidence exists, suggestions have been made regarding the most feasible ways in which health
authorities could advance policies, formulate programmes and reorient services to meet the mental

health needs of women during their reproductive lives. Where gaps in the evidence are identified,
recommendations are made about the areas and topics of research that need to be investigated. It is
noteworthy that the evidence base everywhere, in both high- and low-income countries, has major gaps
but there is a large divide between the amount of research undertaken and the health conditions chosen
for research in low income compared with middle and high income countries. There is lack of information
on chronic morbidities that are experienced disproportionately by women living in resource-poor and
research-poor settings. It is important that lack of evidence and research on the mental health effects
of such conditions predominantly affecting women in low income countries is not taken as implying
that there are no mental health consequences of these conditions. All these facts justify the necessity of
investigating and understanding the mental health determinants and consequences of reproductive health
and the mechanisms through which the common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety
disorders can be prevented and managed in low income countries as a matter of priority.

We hope that this review will draw attention to the substantial and important overlap between mental
health and reproductive health, stimulate much needed additional research and assist in advocating
for policy makers and reproductive health service providers to expand the scope of existing services to
embrace a mental health perspective. Policy makers as well as service providers face a dual challenge:
address the inseparable and inevitable mental health dimensions of many reproductive health conditions
and improve the ways in which women are treated within reproductive health services, both of which
have profound implications for mental as well as physical health. It is time that all reproductive health
providers become sensitized to the fact that reproductive life events have mental health consequences and
that without mental health there is no health.

Jill Astbury, Research Professor, School of Psychology, University of Victoria, Australia

Meena Cabral de Mello, Scientist, Department of Child and adolescent Health and Development, WHO

Jane Cottingham, Coordinator, Gender, Reproductive Rights, Sexual Health and Adolescence, WHO

Jane Fisher, Associate Professor, Key Center for Women’s Health in Society, University of Melbourne, Australia

Takashi Izutsu, Technical Analyst, Technical Support Division, United Nations Population Fund

Arletty Pinel, Chief, Reproductive Health Branch, United Nations Population Fund

Shekhar Saxena, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, WHO


Overview of key issues

Jill Astbury

“Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its
functions and processes. Reproductive health therefore implies that people are able to have a
satisfying and safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide
if, when and how often to do so. Implicit in this last condition are the right of men and women
to be informed and to have access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of family
planning of their choice, as well as other methods of their choice for regulation of fertility which
are not against the law, and the right of access to appropriate health-care services that will enable
women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth and provide couples with the best chance
of having a healthy infant. In line with the above definition of reproductive health, reproductive
health care is defined as the constellation of methods, techniques and services that contribute to
reproductive health and well-being by preventing and solving reproductive health problems. It also
includes sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal relations,
and not merely counselling and care related to reproduction and sexually transmitted diseases”.

Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, para 7.2
(UNFPA, 1994)

M ental health as a component of reproduc-

tive health has generally been - and still is
- inconspicuous, peripheral and marginal. The
& Walker, 1998; Hotopf et al., 1998). It is the
most frequently encountered women’s mental
health problem and the leading women’s health
lack of attention it has received is unfortunate, problem overall. Rates of depression in women
given the significant contributions of both men- of reproductive age are expected to increase in
tal health and reproductive health to the global developing countries, and it is predicted that,
burden of disease and disability. by 2020, unipolar major depression will be the
leading cause of DALYs lost by women (Murray
Of the ten leading causes of disability world- & Lopez, 1996). More than 150 million people
wide, five are neuropsychiatric disorders. Of experience depression each year worldwide.
these, depression is the most common, ac- Reproductive health programmes need to ac-
counting for more than one in ten disability-ad- knowledge the importance of mental health
justed life-years (DALYs) lost (Murray & Lopez, problems for women, and incorporate activities
1996). Depression occurs approximately twice to address them in their services.
as often in women as in men, and commonly
presents with unexplained physical symp- Reproductive health conditions also make a
toms, such as tiredness, aches and pains, diz- major contribution to the global burden of dis-
ziness, palpitations and sleep problems (Katon ability, particularly for women, accounting for

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

21.9% of DALYs lost for women annually com- and laws. It would seek to explain the prevalence
pared with only 3.1% for men (Murray & Lopez, and severity of reproductive mental health prob-
1998). An estimated 40% of pregnant women lems and their intercountry variations. Such a
(50 million per year) experience health prob- review is impossible at present, because the nec-
lems directly related to the pregnancy, with 15% essary evidence is simply not available.
suffering serious or long-term complications. As
a consequence, at any given time, 300 million There are several possible reasons for the lack of
women are suffering from pregnancy-related a comprehensive database on reproductive men-
health problems and disabilities, including anae- tal health. First, the obvious lack of integration
mia, uterine prolapse, fistulae (holes in the birth between mental health and reproductive health
canal that allow leakage from the bladder or rec- may reflect an enduring intellectual habit of
tum into the vagina), pelvic inflammatory dis- mind-body dualism. The study of women’s bod-
ease, and infertility (Family Care International, ies and reproductive events has generally been
1998). Further, more than 529 000 women die rigidly separated from the study of their minds,
of pregnancy-related causes each year (WHO, including how women might think, feel and re-
2006). spond to these events and experiences. Second,
efforts to examine the mental health implica-
A global review of the interaction between re- tions of reproductive health have focused on a
productive health and mental health is poten- relatively small number of sexual and reproduc-
tially a vast undertaking, since each is in itself a tive health conditions. For example, a Medline
large, specialized field of clinical, programmatic search for papers published between 1992 and
and research endeavours. Moreover, there are March 2006 found more than 1500 papers on
multiple points of intersection between mental postnatal depression, but none on depression
health and reproductive health: for example, following vaginal fistula.
psychological issues related to pregnancy, child-
birth and the postpartum period, and the mental Third, there is a significant divide between the
health effects of violence, including sexual vio- amount of research undertaken and the health
lence, adverse maternal outcomes, such as still- conditions studied in low-income countries,
births and miscarriage, surgery on and removal compared with middle- and high-income ones.
of reproductive organs, sterilization, premarital Chronic morbidities, including vesicovaginal
pregnancies in adolescents, human immunode- fistula, perineal tears or poorly performed epi-
ficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired im- siotomies, and uterovaginal prolapse, are much
munodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), menopause more common among women living in resource-
and infertility (Patel & Oomman, 1999). poor and research-poor settings. It is important
to bear in mind that the lack of evidence and re-
search on the mental health effects of conditions
that predominantly affect women in low-income
countries does not imply that there are no men-
tal health consequences of these conditions.

Fourth, the evidence base everywhere - in both

high- and low-income countries - has significant
gaps. Thus, the true impact on women’s mental
health of the multiple reproductive health con-
ditions experienced over the course of their life
cannot currently be ascertained.
A complete review would examine all mental
health aspects of reproductive health and func-
tioning throughout the lifespan for both men The global burden of reproductive
and women. Such a review would consider in ill-health
detail the relationships between mental and re-
Reproductive health conditions are estimated to
productive health at all levels, beginning with
account for between 5% and 15% of the over-
the individual and encompassing the effects of
all disease burden, depending on the definition
interpersonal relationships, and community and
of reproductive health employed (Murray &
societal factors, including cultural values, mores
Lopez, 1998). Even the higher figure is likely to

Chapter 1. Overview of key issues

be an underestimate, for several reasons. First, a bearing is meagre. Moreover, men’s reproductive
number of conditions are not included in the cal- health and the inter-relationships between wom-
culations. These include fistulae, incontinence, en’s and men’s reproductive health are seriously
uterine prolapse, menstrual disorders, non-sexu- underinvestigated.
ally transmitted reproductive tract infections, fe-
male genital mutilation, and reproductive health
morbidities associated with violence. Second, Researchers’ views
as Murray & Lopez (1996) note, there is a lack To augment the evidence obtained from peer-
of data on the epidemiology of important non- reviewed journals, to ascertain the extent of
fatal health conditions, such as those mentioned overlap between mental and reproductive health
above, especially in low-income countries. Third, research, and to obtain further information on
co-morbidities, such as the combination of poor unmet research needs, a questionnaire was sent
mental and poor reproductive health, have not to 246 researchers around the world, working in
been assessed in terms of their contribution to either reproductive health or mental health. The
DALYs. For example, suicidal ideation may be questionnaire sought information about research
the outcome of a calamitous sequence of disabil- being undertaken on the epidemiology, determi-
ities, initiated by obstructed labour resulting in nants and outcomes of reproductive health and
organ prolapse or fistula; the calculation of bur- mental health (Annex 1).
den of disease and disability in such a context
is particularly difficult. Dependent co-disability, Respondents were asked to send copies of any
whereby one disability increases the likelihood relevant reports or publications to assist with
of another developing, is extremely difficult to the review, and to suggest which aspects of re-
quantify (Murray & Lopez, 1996). productive mental health required increased
attention. Only 31 responses were received - a
The available evidence on reproductive mental very low response rate of just over 12%. These
health conditions comes overwhelmingly from responses supported the view that reproductive
middle- and high-income countries, conveying mental health is underinvestigated. Less than a
the false impression that such conditions do not quarter (8/31) of those who responded reported
affect or concern women in low-income coun- that they had investigated the impact of repro-
tries. Certain physical aspects of women’s repro- ductive health on mental health, and only four
ductive health, however, including fertility and had been involved in policy, programmes or
its control, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation, services addressing both women’s mental health
receive significant attention in low-income coun- and their reproductive health.
tries, often in line with the narrow goals of popu-
lation control policies. Unfortunately, the mental Just over half of the respondents (16/31) identi-
health effects of these reproductive health condi- fied aspects of reproductive mental health that
tions are neither considered nor measured. The required increased attention. The two most im-
mental health and emotional needs of women portant broad areas suggested for further inquiry
are seen as being outside the scope of reproduc- were gender-based violence, specifically domestic
tive health services, which consequently provide violence (7/31), and maternal morbidity and gy-
no support or assistance in this regard. Even naecological conditions generally (5/31). Within
in Safe Motherhood Initiatives, “safety” is nar- these areas, a number of concerns were raised,
rowly defined as physical safety, and the links including access to safe abortion in the context
between safe reproductive health care practices, of the threat of violence towards women seeking
treatments or services and the mental health of a termination of pregnancy, impairment of sex-
mothers are rarely considered. Mental health ual health as a result of violence and abuse, and
often appears to be considered an unaffordable lack of control over contraceptive choice and the
“luxury” for women in resource-poor settings. prevention of sexually transmissible infections,
including HIV. Gynaecological topics requiring
Another deficiency in the existing evidence base further investigation included unexplained vagi-
derives from the fact that research on reproduc- nal discharge, fistula, cervical cancer preven-
tive health has predominantly been carried out tion, and pregnancy-related issues, such as fear
on married women of childbearing age. Evidence of childbirth, multiple pregnancies, and infertil-
on the reproductive health of single women, ado- ity. Premenstrual tension and menopause were
lescent girls, and women past the age of child- mentioned as problems of the female reproduc-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

tive cycle that warranted further investigation, tions place on women, it is imperative to identify
and some respondents urged a stronger focus on the relevant risk factors. The framework used for
adolescent health, sex education and high-risk the analysis is informed by two interconnected
behaviour in relation to both unwanted preg- concepts: gender and human rights, especially
nancies and infections. One respondent urged reproductive rights. Because of the inextricable
that sexual enjoyment for women should be an relationship between health and human rights,
objective of reproductive health programmes. the latter must be taken into account in any at-
Others commented on the importance of inves- tempt to understand reproductive mental health.
tigating all reproductive mental health topics The public health goal of ensuring the conditions
with due regard to the psychosocial context in in which people can be healthy overlaps with the
which they arose and an awareness of the ad- human rights goal of identifying, promoting and
ditional problems faced by particular groups of protecting the societal determinants of human
women. Such groups included indigenous wom- well-being (Mann et al., 1999).
en, the elderly, the homeless, women living in
rural or remote areas, persons with disabilities
and those belonging to stigmatized or margin- Gender analysis is necessary to elucidate
alized groups, including women with mental how and why gender-based differences
health problems who were also parents. influence reproductive mental health.
Areas for study include:

Women’s views  risk and protective factors;

 access to resources that promote and
Little research is available on women’s own per- protect mental and physical health,
ceptions of their mental health or on their health including information, education,
priorities. For women themselves, mental health technology and services;
is critically important. One study reported that
 the manifestations, severity and fre-
women’s interest in mental health concerns ac-
quency of disease, as well as health
tually outweighed their interest in reproductive
health. Avotri & Walters (1999), in their study
of women in the Volta region of Ghana, West  the social and cultural determinants
Africa, found that psychosocial problems relat- of ill-health/disease;
ed to a heavy burden of work and a high level  the response of health systems and
of worry predominated over reproductive health services;
concerns. Women attributed their psychosocial  the roles of women and men as formal
distress to financial insecurity, financial and and informal health care providers.
emotional responsibility for children, heavy
workloads and a strict gender-based division of
labour that put a disproportionate burden on Reproductive rights
them. In another study of HIV-positive women,
mental health and well-being was the main fo- Reproductive rights comprise a constellation
cus of participants’ concerns (Napravnik et al., of rights, established by international human
2000). rights documents, and related to people’s abil-
ity to make decisions that affect their sexual
and reproductive health (Sundari Ravindran,
Focus and framework of the current
2001). Two conferences in the 1990s were criti-
review cal in promoting reproductive rights. The first
was the International Conference on Population
The mental health aspects of women’s reproduc-
and Development (ICPD), held in Cairo in 1994,
tive health are the focus of this review, not only
which produced a “Programme of Action” raising
because of the lack of evidence on men’s repro-
issues of reproductive rights and health concern-
ductive mental health but also because repro-
ing family planning, sexually transmitted dis-
ductive health conditions impose a considerably
eases and adolescent reproductive health.. This
greater burden on women’s health and lives.
was followed by the Fourth World Conference
To identify and reduce the emotional distress on Women (FWCW), in Beijing in 1995, which
and poor mental health associated with the sig- acknowledged women’s right to have control
nificant burden that reproductive health condi- over their sexuality, and articulated concepts

Chapter 1. Overview of key issues

of reproductive rights and health (Sundari Although human rights violations are recog-
Ravindran, 2001). nized as having a negative impact on mental
health (Tarantola, 2001), there have been sur-
Reproductive rights include the basic rights of prisingly few investigations of women’s mental
all couples and individuals to decide freely and health, including reproductive mental health, in
responsibly the number, spacing and timing relation to their human rights (Astbury, 2001).
of their children, to have the information and Nevertheless, the higher risk of depression
means to do so, and to attain the highest pos- among women clearly underlines the importance
sible standard of sexual and reproductive health. of using a gender and rights perspective.
They also include their right to make decisions
concerning reproduction free of discrimination,
coercion and violence, as expressed in human Gender, rights and reproductive
rights documents (UNFPA, 1994 (para 7.3)). mental health

The current review focuses on the common

All the major causes of death and disability asso-
mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety
ciated with pregnancy, including haemorrhage,
and somatic complaints. This focus is based on
infection, eclampsia, obstructed labour and
the evidence that depression is the most impor-
unsafe abortion, are potentially preventable or
tant mental health condition for women world-
treatable (Berg et al., 2005). A denial of the right
wide and makes a significant contribution to the
to timely and appropriate reproductive health
global burden of disease. Women suffer more
care is a critical factor in increasing mortality
often than men from the common disorders of
and morbidity rates among women of reproduc-
depression and anxiety, both singly and as co-
tive age. Identifying and analysing violations of
rights in relation to health contributes a new
perspective to the socioeconomic and structural
factors usually considered within a social mod-
el of health. Research that looks only at socio- Reproductive rights include:
economic indicators of risk fails to examine the
“normative orders” that influence those indica-  the right to life;
tors. The use of a rights-based approach offers a  rights to bodily integrity and secu-
powerful lens to examine those normative orders rity of the person (against sexual vio-
and how they hamper women (in this instance) lence, assault, compelled sterilization
in realizing their right to good mental health in or abortion, denial of family planning
relation to reproduction (WHO, 2001). services);

Adding a gender and rights perspective helps to

 the right to privacy (in relation to
move away from a stereotyped conceptualiza-
tion of reproductive health problems as “wom-  the right to the benefits of scientific
en’s troubles”. A gender and rights perspective progress (e.g. control of reproduc-
moves beyond biological explanations of wom- tion);
en’s vulnerability to mental disorder to consider  the right to seek, receive and impart
their vulnerability to a range of human rights information (informed choices);
violations. This vulnerability has little to do with  the right to education (to allow full
biology and much to do with gender-based ine- development of sexuality and the
qualities in power and resources. From a gender self);
and rights perspective, improvements in wom-
 the right to health (occupational, en-
en’s reproductive mental health are contingent
on the promotion and protection of women’s hu-
man rights rather than the paternalistic protec-  the right to equality in marriage and
tion of women as the “weaker sex”. This perspec- divorce;
tive does not deny the role of biology; rather it  the right to non-discrimination (rec-
considers how biological vulnerability interacts ognition of gender biases).
with, and is affected by, other sources of vulner- (Sundari Ravindran, 2001)
ability including gender power imbalances, and
how these can be remedied (WHO, 2001).

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

The gender-related nature of the most common References

mental disorders becomes even clearer when it is
Astbury J (2001) Gender disparities in mental
appreciated that high rates of depression, anxi- health. In: Mental health: a call for action by
ety and co-morbidity are significantly linked world health ministers. Geneva, World Health
to gender-based violence and socioeconomic Organization.
disadvantage, situations that predominantly af-
Astbury J, Cabral de Mello M (2000) Women’s
fect women (Astbury & Cabral de Mello, 2000).
mental health: an evidence based review. Geneva,
These same factors have pronounced negative
World Health Organization.
impacts on a wide range of reproductive health
conditions (Berer & Ravindran, 1999). Avotri JY, Walters V (1999) “You just look at our
work and see if you have any freedom on earth”:
The current review does not attempt a compre- Ghanaian women’s accounts of their work and
health. Social Science and Medicine, 48:1123-
hensive examination of reproductive mental
health; rather it is a first step in bringing this im-
portant but neglected issue to the attention of a Berer M, Ravindran TK, eds (1999) Safe
wide readership. Evidence indicates that depres- motherhood initiatives: critical issues.
sion is closely linked with a disproportionate ex- Reproductive Health Matters. London: Blackwell
posure to risk factors, stressful life events, and Science.
adverse life experiences that are more common Berg M et al (2005) Preventability of pregnancy-
for women and that also affect their reproduc- related deaths. Results of a statewide review.
tive health (Patel & Oomman, 1999; Astbury & Obstetrics and Gynecology, 106:1228-1234.
Cabral de Mello, 2000). If these risks serve as Family Care International (1998) Safe motherhood
markers of multiple violations of women’s hu- action agenda: priorities for the next decade.
man rights, it is imperative to name these viola- A summary report of the Safe Motherhood
tions. It is in their remedy that many risks for Technical Consultation held in Sri Lanka,
women’s reproductive mental health will be October 1997.
eliminated or reduced. Hotopf M et al. (1998) Temporal relationships
between physical symptoms and psychiatric
disorder: results from a national birth cohort.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 173:255-261.

This review addresses the following Katon WJ, Walker EA (1998) Medically
aspects of the reproductive health and unexplained symptoms in primary care. Journal
mental health of women of Clinical Psychiatry, 59 (Suppl. 20): 15-21.
Mann JM et al. (1999) Health and human rights. In:
 Mental health dimensions of preg- Mann JM et al., eds, Health and human rights,
nancy, childbirth and the postpartum New York and London, Routledge.
Murray CJL, Lopez AD (1996) The global burden
 Psychological aspects of contracep- of disease. Boston, Harvard School of Public
tion and elective abortion. Health (for the World Health Organization and
 Mental health consequences of mis- the World Bank).
carriage. Murray CJL, Lopez AD (1998) Health dimensions
 Menopause and depression. of sex and reproduction. Boston, Harvard
School of Public Health (for the World Health
 Gynaecological morbidity and its im-
Organization and World Bank) (Global Burden
pact on mental health.
of Disease and Injury Series, Vol. III).
 Mental health in the context of HIV/
Napravnik S et al. (2000) HIV-1 infected women
and prenatal care utilization: Barriers and
 Infertility and assisted reproduction. facilitators. AIDS Patient Care & STDs,
 Mental health and female genital mu- 14: 411-420.
tilation. Patel V, Oomman NM (1999) Mental health
matters too: gynaecological morbidity and
depression in South Asia. Reproductive Health
Matters, 7: 30-38.

Chapter 1. Overview of key issues

Sundari Ravindran TK, ed. (2001) Transforming WHO (2001) Integration of the human rights of
health systems: gender and rights in reproductive women and the gender perspective. Statement of
health. A training curriculum for health the World Health Organization. Geneva, 57th
programme managers. Geneva, World Health Session of the United Nations Commission on
Organization. Human Rights, Agenda item 12.
Tarantola D (2001) Agenda item 10. Economic, WHO (2006) Making a difference in countries:
Social and Cultural Rights. Statement by Strategic approach to improving maternal and
Dr Daniel Tarantola, Senior Policy Advisor newborn survival and health. Geneva, World
to the Director-General World Health Health Organization (http://www.who.
Organization. int/making_pregnancy_safer/publications/
UNFPA (1994) Programme of Action of the
International Conference on Population and
Development, Cairo, 5-13 September 1994. New
York, United Nations Population Fund.


Pregnancy, childbirth and the

postpartum period
Jane Fisher, Meena Cabral de Mello, Takashi Izutsu

I n 1997, following a conference to address

the gross disparities in maternal mortality
rates between resource-poor and industrialized
In the industrialized world, as pregnancy and
childbirth have become safer and maternal mor-
tality rates have declined, awareness has grown
countries, a number of international organiza- in the clinical and research communities of
tions, including the World Health Organization, psychological factors associated with health in
World Bank, and United Nations Population pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum pe-
Fund, and government agencies established riod. While there are historical references to dis-
the Making Pregnancy Safer (Safe Motherhood) turbed behaviour associated with childbirth, it
Initiative (Tinker & Koblinsky, 1993). Dramatic was not until the 1960s that systematic reports
contrasts were apparent between industrialized were published of elevated rates of admission to
and developing countries in terms of access to psychiatric hospital in the month after parturi-
contraception, antenatal care, medi- tion (Robinson & Stewart, 1993).
cal facilities for childbirth, and In 1964, Paffenberger reported the
trained medical and nursing staff nature and course of psychoses fol-
to provide pregnancy and obstetric lowing childbirth (Paffenberger,
health care. The multifaceted ini- 1964) and in 1968 Pitt (1968) de-
tiative aimed to address the com- scribed an atypical depression ob-
plex economic, sociodemographic, servable in some women following
health status and health service childbirth. These reports stimulated
factors associated with an elevated the substantial research of the past
risk of death related to pregnancy. four decades into the nosology of
Centrally important contributing psychiatric illness associated with
factors were identified as: repro- human reproduction. The determi-
ductive choice; nutritional status, nants and adverse effects of poor
co-existing infectious diseases; mental health during pregnancy,
access to information; access to childbirth and the postpartum year
services; and training and skill of are now the subject of considerable
health workers (Lissner, 2001). attention and concern. The 2001
The most prominent risks to life were identi- World Health Report was devoted to the burden
fied as those directly associated with pregnancy, of mental ill-health carried by individuals, fami-
childbirth and the puerperium, including haem- lies, communities and societies, and the need for
orrhage, infection, unsafe abortion, pregnancy accurate understanding of risk factors and prev-
illnesses, such as pre-eclampsia and gestational alence in order to introduce effective prevention
diabetes, and complications of delivery. The ini- and treatment strategies (WHO, 2001). Most re-
tiative, however, gave very limited consideration search has been conducted in Australia, Canada,
to mental health as a determinant of maternal Europe, and the United States of America; rela-
mortality or morbidity tively little evidence is available from developing

Chapter 2. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

Mental health and maternal mortality Southern India (Aaron et al., 2004). In these
settings, women often have more limited edu-
The predominant focus in endeavours to reduce cational opportunities than men, less access to
maternal deaths has been on the direct causes financial resources and control of expenditure,
of adverse pregnancy outcomes - obstructed la- restricted autonomy and greater likelihood of
bour, haemorrhage and infection - and on the being threatened with violence. It is suggested
health services needed to address them (Stokoe, that these gender disparities are linked to poorer
1991; Maine & Rosenfield, 1999; Goodburn & mental health and higher risk of despair and
Campbell, 2001). Much less attention has been consequent self-harm (Brockington, 2001; Ji,
paid to mental health as a contributing factor to Kleinman & Becker 2001; Batra, 2003; Fikree
maternal deaths. In particular, violence - in the & Pasha, 2004; Kumar, 2003). Completion
form of self-harm or of harm inflicted by others of suicide in South and East Asia is related in
- during pregnancy or after childbirth has been part to the lethality of the method of self-harm,
under-recognized as a contributing factor to ma- in particular self-poisoning by pesticides and
ternal mortality (Frautschi, Cerulli & Maine, herbicides, which are readily accessible in ru-
1994). The 2001 World Health Report identified ral farming communities (Pearson et al., 2002;
a highly significant relationship between expo- Fleischman et al., 2005).
sure to violence and suicide (WHO, 2001).
It has been argued that pregnancy is a period
Despite close investigation, rates and determi- of stable mood and relative emotional well-be-
nants of suicide in pregnancy or after childbirth ing and that pregnant women are, therefore, at
have proved difficult to determine, because of lower risk of suicide than non-pregnant women
the extent to which the problem is underesti- (Marzuk et al., 1997; Sharma, 1997). In indus-
mated or obscured in recording of causes of trialized countries, rates of suicide in pregnancy
death or because systematic data are unavailable have declined over the past 50 years, a change
(Brockington, 2001). Socially stigmatized causes attributed to the increased availability of con-
of death are less reliably recorded and probably traception, affordable and accessible services for
under-reported (Radovanovic, 1994; Graham, the termination of pregnancy, and reduction in
Filippi & Ronsmans, 1996). Postmortem ex- the stigma associated with births to unmarried
aminations after suicide do not always include women (Kendell, 1991; Frautschi et al., 1994).
the uterine examination necessary to confirm
pregnancy and studies that have examined pri-
mary records in addition to death certificates Summary reviews have found that suicide
have identified significant under-recognition in pregnancy is not common; however,
(Weir, 1984; Brockington, 2001). Investigations when it happens, it is primarily associated
of suicide in women often fail to report pregnan- with unwanted pregnancy or entrapment
cy status or consider it as an explanatory factor in situations of sexual or physical abuse
(Hjelmeland et al., 2002; Pearson et al., 2002; or poverty (Brockington, 2001; Frautschi,
Hicks & Bhugra, 2003). There are substantial Cerulli & Maine, 1994).
apparent intercountry variations in rates of sui-
cide. Maternal mortality data combine records of
deaths occurring during pregnancy and up to 42
days after the end of a pregnancy and, in many Suicide is disproportionately associated with
settings, specific data regarding suicide or par- adolescent pregnancy, and appears to be the last
asuicide in pregnancy are unavailable. In indus- resort for women with an unwanted pregnancy
trialized countries, there is generally an excess of in settings where reproductive choice is limited;
male to female deaths by suicide (Brockington, for example, where single women are not legally
2001). However, in the countries of South and able to obtain contraceptives, and legal pregnan-
East Asia for which data are available, the ratio cy termination services are unavailable (Appleby,
is reversed, especially among younger women, 1991; Frautschi, Cerulli & Maine, 1994). Young
who have suicide rates up to 25% higher than women who fear parental or social sanction, or
men (Lee, 2000; Ji, Kleinman & Becker, 2001; who lack the financial means to pay for an abor-
Phillips, Li & Zhang, 2002). Overall, suicide tion, or who cannot obtain a legal abortion may
accounted for 50-75% of all deaths in women attempt to induce abortion themselves. Women
aged 10-19 years in a 10-year period in Vellore, who do this by self-poisoning, use of instru-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

ments, self-inflicted trauma, or herbal and folk deaths in the United Kingdom in 1997-99 - more
remedies are at increased risk of death by mis- than any other single cause (Oates, 2003b). In
adventure (Smith, 1998). Investigations in three Sweden, teenage mothers aged under 17 years
districts in Turkey found that suicide was one of were found to be at elevated risk of premature
the five leading causes of death among women death, including suicide, and alcohol abuse
of reproductive age, and was associated with age compared with mothers aged over 20 years
under 25 years and being unmarried; pregnancy (Otterblad Olausson et al., 2004). The deaths
status was not reported (Tezcan & Guciz Dogan, were not only associated with severe mental ill-
1990). Ganatra & Hirve (2002), in a population ness, but were also related to domestic violence
survey of mortality associated with abortion and the complications of substance abuse. Two
in Maharashtra, India, found that death rates large data linkage studies found that, compared
from abortion-related complications was dis- with childbirth, miscarriage and, more strongly,
proportionately higher among adolescents, be- pregnancy termination were associated with in-
cause they were more likely than older women creased suicide risk in the following year, espe-
to use untrained service providers. In addition, cially among unmarried, young women of low
a number of adolescents had committed suicide socioeconomic status. These findings were at-
to preserve the family honour without seeking tributed to either a risk factor common to both
abortion. Young women from minority ethnic depression and induced abortion, most probably
groups are at increased risk of suicide in preg- domestic violence, or depression associated with
nancy (Church & Scanlan, 2002). loss of pregnancy (Gissler & Hemminki, 1999;
Gissler, Hemminki & Lonnqvist, 1996; Reardon
There has been relatively limited investigation et al., 2002).
of suicide after childbirth, but in industrialized
countries reported rates are lower than expected, There have been very few systematic studies
and usually associated with severe depression of suicide after childbirth in developing coun-
or postpartum psychosis (Appleby, Mortensen tries. In a detailed classification of cause of
& Faragher, 1998). 2882 deaths during pregnancy or up to 42 days
Attachment to the postpartum, in three provinces in Viet Nam in
The British Confidential infant appears to 1994-1995, the leading cause (29%) was exter-
Enquiries into Maternal reduce the risk of nal events, including accidents, murder and sui-
Deaths found that maternal suicide in mothers of cide. Overall 14% of the deaths were by suicide
deaths from psychological newborns (Appleby, (Hieu et al., 1999). Lal et al. (1995) reviewed 219
causes, most usually suicide, 1991), but popula- deaths among 9894 women who had given birth
were at least as prevalent as tion-based com- in three rural areas of Haryana, India, in 1992,
deaths from hypertensive parisons indicate and found that 20% were due to suicide or ac-
disorders of pregnancy that the rate of sui- cidental burns. Granja, Zacarias & Bergstrom
when data collection was cide among women (2002), in a review of pregnancy-related deaths
extended to twelve months who have just given at Maputo Central Hospital, Mozambique, in
postpartum, and that, birth is not signifi- 1991-1995, found that 9 of 27 (33%) deaths not
overall, suicide was the cantly different from attributable to pregnancy or coincidental illness
leading cause of maternal the general female were by suicide. Seven of the nine suicide deaths
death (Department of suicide rate (Oates, were in women aged less than 25 years. In the
Health, 1999). 2003a). Maternal United Kingdom, the report of the Confidential
suicide is associ- Enquiries into Maternal Deaths recommended
ated with a height- that all maternal deaths should be classified
ened risk of infanticide (Brockington, 2001). as occurring by violent or non-violent means
Confining assessment of maternal mortality to (Department of Health, 1999). The Centers for
the first 6 weeks postpartum probably leads to Disease Control and Prevention and the American
underestimation of maternal mortality from sui- College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now
cide, which may occur much later in the post- recommend that the definition of maternal death
partum period (Yip, Chung & Lee, 1997). should include any death of a woman while she
is pregnant or within one calendar year of termi-
Suicide in combination with other deaths at- nation of the pregnancy, and that these should be
tributable to psychiatric problems, particularly classified as to whether or not they occurred by
substance abuse, accounted for 28% of maternal

Chapter 2. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

violent means (American College of Obstericians children and living in refugee camps in the
and Gynecologists, 2003). North West Frontier Province of Pakistan had
a mental disorder and that 91% of these women
Although completed suicide may be rare, par- had suicidal thoughts. Fisher et al. (2004) found
asuicide - thoughts of suicide and attempts to that, among a consecutive cohort of 506 women
self-harm - is up to 20 times more common attending infant health clinics six weeks post-
(Brockington, 2001). Parasuicide is more preva- partum in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, 20%
lent in women than men in most countries. It acknowledged thoughts of wanting to die.
is associated with low education and socioeco-
nomic status, but predominantly with childhood Intense grief reactions can accompany preg-
sexual and physical abuse, and sexual and do- nancy loss and may increase parasuicide rates.
mestic violence (Brockington, 2001; Stark & Parasuicide rates are 93 times higher in the
Flitcraft, 1995). In pregnancy, suicidal ideation year after treatment for ectopic pregnancy than
and attempts at self-harm are significantly more among non-pregnant age-matched controls;
common in women with a history of childhood this is interpreted as a response to the loss of
sexual abuse than those without such a histo- the pregnancy and the potential loss of fertility
ry (Bayatpour, Wells & Holford, 1992; Farber, as well as damage to self-regard, and recovery
Herbert & Reviere, 1996). Women with a his- from unanticipated surgery (Farhi, Ben-Rafael &
tory of sexual and physical abuse in childhood Dicker, 1994). Although no systematic evidence
are also more likely that those without such a is currently available, Adamson (1996) has sug-
history to have attempted suicide prior to preg- gested that parasuicide and suicide may also be
nancy (Farber, Herbert & Reviere, 1996). Past consequences of the profound distress that ac-
physical abuse is itself a risk factor for pregnan- companies vesicovaginal fistula in women in
cy in adolescence (Adams & East, 1999). Both some developing countries.
unwanted pregnancy and parasuicide are more
common in adolescents without a psychiatric
history who have experienced physical or sexual Maternal deaths by inflicted violence
“dating violence” (Silverman et al., 2001). In ad- Deaths of women during pregnancy or within 42
dition, women who attempt suicide in pregnancy days of termination of pregnancy, from causes
are significantly more likely to have been subject not related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or
to domestic violence (Stark & Flitcraft, 1995), its management, are termed pregnancy-related
and suicide attempts by self-poisoning are most deaths. Deaths from inflicted violence have been
likely to occur in the early weeks of an unwel- underascertained in standard recording of ma-
come pregnancy (Czeizel, Timar & Susanszky, ternal mortality, which is limited to pregnancy
1999). and the first 42 days postpartum. Violence-
related maternal deaths are under-reported in
Appleby & Turnbull (1995) found that rates of routine data collection and are often inaccurately
self-harm treated in hospital in the first postna- regarded as incidental or chance events (Granja,
tal year were low in the United Kingdom, and Zacarias & Bergstrom, 2002)
argue that maternal concerns for infant well-
being are protective. The Edinburgh Postnatal A number of meticulous studies, using detailed
Depression Scale (EPDS), a widely used screen- scrutiny of primary health, coronor’s court
ing and research instrument, has a specific item and hospital records in addition to death cer-
assessing the presence and intensity of suicidal tificates, have had remarkably consistent find-
ideation (Cox, Holden & Sagovsky, 1987). Most ings (Dannenberg et al., 1995; Fildes et al.,
studies using this instrument have not presented 1992; Gissler & Hemminki, 1999; Horon &
data specifically related to this item, but one of Cheng, 2001; Parsons & Harper, 1999). Fildes
the scale’s developers (Holden, 1991; Holden, et al. (1992) found that the leading cause of
1994) has reported that women who are severely death during pregnancy or after childbirth in
depressed commonly have a positive score on one American county (accounting for 46.3% of
it. There is a small emerging body of literature pregnancy-related deaths) was trauma, includ-
on postpartum parasuicide in developing coun- ing homicide (57% of them) and suicide (9%).
tries, which suggests that it is not uncommon. Dannenberg et al. (1995) reported that 39% of
Rahman & Hafeez (2003) report that more than deaths of pregnant or newly delivered women in
one-third (36%) of mothers caring for young New York City were not directly related to the

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

pregnancy, 63% of which were by homicide and behaviours, in particular substance abuse, fail-
13% by suicide; women from minority ethnic ure to attend antenatal clinics, and increased risk
groups were at heightened risk. In the county of of adverse obstetric outcome. Conventionally,
Maryland, USA, Horon & Cheng (2001) found pregnancy has been regarded as a period of gen-
that 20% of all pregnancy-related deaths were by eral psychological well-being for women, with a
homicide, which was the leading cause of such lower rate of hospital admissions for psychiatric
deaths in 1993-1998. Pregnancy was not record- illness (Oppenheim, 1985; Kendell, Chalmers
ed on 50% of the death certificates, so linkage & Platz, 1987), reduced risk of suicide (Marzuk
of multiple vital records was essential for ac- et al., 1997) and lower rates of panic disorder
curate identification. Parsons & Harper (1999) (Sharma, 1997). However, Viguera et al. (2002)
found that 51% of non-maternal deaths in North reported that risk of recurrence of bipolar affec-
Carolina followed domestic violence, and that tive disorder was not diminished in pregnancy.
obstetric care providers were not aware of the
severe risks faced by these individuals. Gissler Depression in pregnancy
& Hemminki (1999) reported that one-third of
deaths in Finland in the year after childbirth or Llewellyn et al. (1997) suggest that certain symp-
termination of pregnancy were attributable to toms of depression, including appetite change,
homicide, more commonly following induced lowered energy, sleep disturbance and reduced
abortion than a live birth. Otterblad Olausson libido, are considered “normal” in pregnancy
et al. (2004) showed that violence inflicted on and their psychological significance is therefore
adolescent mothers contributed to increased underestimated. A range of psychosocial factors
premature mortality later in life, compared with has been associated with depression in pregnan-
older mothers. cy, including unwanted conception, unmarried
status, unemployment and low income (Pajulo et
In developing countries, intimate partner vio- al., 2001; Zuckerman et al., 1989). Certain early
lence or violence from other family members experiences within
is associated with increased maternal mortal- the family of origin,
Despite the impression of
ity, although systematic representative interna- in particular re-
well-being in pregnancy,
tional studies are unavailable. Granja, Zacarias called conflict and
comparable rates of depres-
& Bergstrom (2002) found that 37% of preg- divorce, appear to
sive symptoms have been
nancy-related deaths in their investigation in increase depressive
found among pregnant and
Mozambique were by homicide and 22% were symptoms and con-
non-pregnant women. Large
accidents. Batra (2003), in describing deaths tribute to reduced
systematic studies have
from burning among young married women in personal resources
shown that rates of depres-
India, noted that 47.8% of the deaths were sui- (Bernazzani et al.,
sion in late pregnancy are
cide, with torture by in-laws the most common 1997). Three sourc-
as high or higher than rates
explanatory factor. es of support appear
of postpartum depression
to influence mood
(Zuckerman et al., 1989;
In general, these studies concluded that maternal in pregnancy: the
Da Costa et al., 2000; Evans
mortality could be accurately ascertained only if woman’s own par-
et al., 2001; Josefsson et al.,
causes of death were expanded to include deaths ents, in particular
due to violence inflicted by self or others. her mother; her
partner; and her
wider social group, including same-age peers
Mental health and antenatal (Berthiaume et al., 1996; Brugha et al., 1998;
morbidity Pajulo et al., 2001).
In contrast to the substantial investigations of
Only a few studies of the prevalence of antenatal
women’s psychological functioning after child-
depression in South and East Asian, African or
birth, relatively little research has been devoted
South American countries are available. Chen et
specifically to mental health during pregnancy
al. (2004) surveyed pregnant women attending
(Llewellyn, Stowe & Nemeroff, 1997). Research
antenatal clinics at a Singapore obstetric hospi-
has generally focused on the risks for the fetus of
tal, and reported that 20% had clinically signifi-
poor maternal mental health, in terms of adverse
cant depressive symptoms. Young women and
alterations to the intrauterine environment, risky
women with complicated pregnancies were at

Chapter 2. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

elevated risk. Lee et al. (2004a) found that 6.4% nal anxiety in pregnancy has adverse effects on
of 157 Hong Kong Chinese women in advanced birth weight (Texiera, Fisk & Glover, 1999) and
pregnancy were depressed. Fatoye, Adeyemi & on later behavioural and emotional problems
Oladimeji (2004) found higher rates of depres- in the children (Glover et al., 2002; Glover &
sive and anxious symptoms in pregnant wom- O’Connor, 2002; O’Connor, Heron, & Glover,
en than in matched non-pregnant women in 2002; O’Connor et al., 2002). These recent stud-
Nigeria. Depression was associated with having ies have been criticised because, in assessing
a polygamous partner, a previous termination of anxiety in the last trimester of pregnancy, they
pregnancy, and a previous caesarean birth. In a failed to take into account the mother’s knowl-
small study of 33 low-income Brazilian women, edge of the health and development of her baby
Da Silva et al. (1998) found that 12% were de- acquired through antenatal care. Anxiety is likely
pressed in late pregnancy, and that depression to be higher in women who know that their in-
was associated with insufficient support from fant’s intrauterine development is compromised
the partner and lower parity. Chandran et al. (Perkin, 1999). Sjostrom et al. (2002) found that
(2002) interviewed a consecutive cohort of 359 maternal anxiety did not affect fetal movements
women registered for antenatal care in a rural or fetal heart rate in late pregnancy. Brooke et al.
community in Tamil Nadu, India, and found (1989) demonstrated that smoking in pregnancy
that 16.2% were depressed in the last trimester. was the main determinant of low birth weight
Rahman, Iqbal & Harrington (2003) established and that psychological and social factors had no
that 25% of pregnant women attending services direct effect independent of smoking.
in Kahuta, a rural community in Pakistan, were
depressed in the third trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women are generally encouraged to
Risk was increased among the poorest women modify their self-care and personal habits to
and those experiencing coincidental adverse life ensure optimal maternal and fetal health. This
events. includes advice to alter their diet, avoid alcohol,
stop smoking cigarettes, gain a specified amount
Anxiety in pregnancy of weight, exercise (but not to excess), rest, relax
and have regular health checks. The evidence for
There has been a widely held belief that anxi- some of this advice is poor, and the recommen-
ety in pregnancy is harmful to the fetus and dations have been criticised for failing to take
contributes to adverse obstetric outcomes. The into account personal circumstances and social
incidence of anxiety disorders is the same in realities (Lumley & Astbury, 1989). It is diffi-
pregnant women and those who are not preg- cult for women to ensure adequate nutrition for
nant (Diket & Nolan, 1997). Subclinical levels of themselves if they are poor or have restricted ac-
anxiety vary normally through pregnancy, with cess to shared resources (Nga & Morrow, 1999).
peaks in the first and third trimester, and are Smoking and substance abuse in pregnancy are
specifically focused on infant health and well- associated with depression arising from conflict
being and childbirth (Lubin, Gardener & Roth, in marital and family relationships, domestic
1975; Elliott et al., 1983). Anxiety in pregnancy is violence and financial concerns (Kitamura et al.,
higher among younger, less well-educated wom- 1996; Bullock et al., 2001; Pajulo et al., 2001).
en of low socioeconomic status (Glazer, 1980). Women who smoke in pregnancy have poorer
Elevated anxiety may have adaptive value as a nutritional intake (Haste et al., 1990). Both
maturational force in impelling women to pre- physical and sexual abuse are predictive of sub-
pare for a major life transition (Astbury, 1980). stance abuse in pregnant adolescents (Bayatpour,
In a detailed and comprehensive review, Istvan Wells & Holford, 1992). Pregnant women who
(1986) concluded that there was little evidence are dependent on opiates and have a co-mor-
to support the contention that, in humans, ma- bid diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder
ternal stress or anxiety influenced either neona- (PTSD) are more likely than those without PTSD
tal health or obstetric outcome. He commented to have a history of sexual abuse and to have ex-
further that previous research had failed to ac- perienced severe conflict in their family of origin
count for the complex interactive effects of pov- (Moylan et al., 2001). Poorer health in pregnancy
erty, age and reproductive choice in attributing and delay in accessing antenatal care are linked
poor pregnancy outcomes to women’s mental to insufficient social support (Webster et al.,
health. However, recent investigations have re- 2000).
visited the issue, with suggestions that mater-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

In addition to social factors, participation in those carried out for social reasons, after which
prenatal genetic screening and diagnosis can psychological morbidity is low (Adler, 2000).
also generate anxiety (Green, 1990a). This oc- Termination of a planned and wanted pregnancy
curs independently of the results of the test, and is likely to have a different meaning, and research
is worse if there is a long interval between the findings for one group cannot be generalized to
test and the result becoming available (Green, the other. Decision-making about first-trimester
1990a). The anxiety can be modified by skilled abortion for fetal abnormality is complicated by
genetic counselling and psychosocial support, the fact that many affected pregnancies, if left,
but may persist (Keenan et al., 1991). Although will terminate spontaneously (McFadyen et al.,
screening may be beneficial, anxieties are un- 1998). There is no evidence on the psychologi-
necessarily aroused by false-positive results for cal aspects of forced termination of pregnancy,
women whose fetus is actually healthy. Normal or pregnancy termination associated with sex
results in follow-up tests do not always provide selection, in settings with restrictions on family
effective reassurance (Marteau et al., 1992). size and a preference for male children.
False-negative results of prenatal screening,
encouraging parents to believe they are giving Cultural preferences and mental health in
birth to a healthy child, have a modest adverse pregnancy
effect on parental adjustment, which may still be
evident 2-6 years after the birth (Hall, Bobrow & In many cultures, there is a preference for sons
Marteau, 2000). In the past decade, research has rather than daughters; the psychological conse-
focused on the determinants of informed, au- quences of this for pregnant women have not
tonomous decision making and uptake of serv- been systematically investigated. Country-level
ices, but not on the emotional consequences of sex ratios are skewed in favour of males in China,
participation in prenatal genetic screening and India and the Republic of Korea (Fathalla, 1998;
diagnosis. There is currently no evidence of the Bandyopadhyay, 2003). Clinicians can use tech-
psychological impact of increased surveillance niques such as ultrasound, amniocentesis, and
during pregnancy on the overall experience of chorionic villus sampling to determine fetal sex,
pregnancy and the postnatal period. Systematic and female fetuses may subsequently be aborted
investigations are difficult because services are selectively (Kristof, 1993). Although legislation
changing rapidly. prohibits this practice, it is known to persist.
Women can be blamed for sex determination
Termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality is and may not be able to make a free choice about
relatively rare, but can have significant and last- continuing or terminating a pregnancy (Fathalla,
ing psychological consequences (Green, 1990a). 1998; Bandyopadhyay, 2003). The birth of a
There is little social understanding or support daughter was found to contribute independently
for either parents or the health professionals in- to postpartum depression in women in India
volved (Kolker & Burke, 1993). Hunfeld et al. and Pakistan (Patel, Rodrigues & DeSouza,
(1997) compared 27 women with a history of 2002; Chandran et al., 2002; Rahman, Iqbal &
late pregnancy loss (after 20 weeks) due to fe- Harrington., 2003); it is therefore reasonable to
tal abnormality, who subsequently had a live speculate that mental health during pregnancy
birth, with 27 mothers of newborns without may also be adversely affected by the family and
such a history. Those with prior pregnancy loss social reaction to the conception of a daughter.
had significantly greater anxiety and depression
than women without such a history; this was in- Inflicted violence and mental health in
terpreted as re-evoked grief about the previous pregnancy
loss. They also perceived their infants as having
more problems and were more anxious about Violence is estimated to occur in between 4%
infant care (Hunfeld, Wladimiroff & Passchier, and 8% of pregnancies (Petersen et al., 1997),
1994; Hunfeld et al., 1997). Prenatal screening although higher rates have been reported: 11%
and diagnosis can now be carried out early in in South Carolina between 1993 and 1995
pregnancy, and little is known about the psycho- (Cokkinides et al., 1999); 13.5% in an American
logical consequences of first trimester termina- prenatal care programme (Covington et al.,
tion of pregnancy for fetal abnormality. Most re- 2001); 15.7% among women attending an ante-
search on first-trimester abortion has focused on natal clinic in a hospital in Hong Kong, China
(Leung et al., 1999); and 22% among women

Chapter 2. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

attending a routine antenatal clinic in Nagpur, there is continuing theoretical consideration of

India (Purwar et al., 1999). the extent to which perinatal psychological dis-
order should be regarded as a normal process.
Women who are the victims of domestic violence However, there is now substantial evidence that
during pregnancy, including verbal aggression women’s mental health can be compromised by
and minor and severe physical abuse, are sig- childbirth and that some women experience psy-
nificantly more likely to rate their relationship chiatric illness. Debate continues about whether
with their male partner as poor (Cloutier et al., psychiatric illnesses occurring in pregnancy or
2002). Investigations have focused on the links after childbirth are clinically distinct from those
between violence and adverse maternal and neo- observed at other phases of the life cycle, and of
natal outcomes, with relatively little emphasis the relative etiological contributions of biological
to date on mental health (Petersen et al., 1997; and psychosocial factors. There is now a consist-
Shumway et al., 1999). However Muhajarine & ent view that psychological disturbance follow-
D’Arcy (1999) found that women who had ex- ing childbirth can be conceptualized as fitting
perienced physical abuse in pregnancy reported one of three distinct conditions, of differing se-
higher stress and more coincidental adverse life verity: transient mood disturbance, depression
events, while Webster, Chandler, & Battistutta and psychotic illness.
(1996) reported that they were more likely to be
taking antidepressant medication than women Postpartum blues or mild transient mood
who had not experienced violence. Stewart & disturbance
Cecutti (1993) found that abused women in a
range of prenatal care settings were significantly Maternity, third day or postpartum blues are a
more emotionally distressed than non-abused phenomenon occurring in up to 80% of women
women. in the days immediately following childbirth
(Pitt, 1973; Kennerley & Gath, 1986). The syn-
Eating disorders and pregnancy drome is characterized by a range of symptoms,
most commonly a lability of mood between eu-
There has been much less exploration of other phoria and misery, heightened sensitivity, tear-
psychological conditions in pregnancy. However, fulness often without associated sadness, rest-
there is evidence that women with an eating lessness, poor concentration, anxiety and irrita-
disorder - anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa bility (Yalom et al., 1968; Stein, 1982). Disturbed
- may be unwilling to disclose these conditions sleep (Wilkie & Shapiro, 1992), feelings of un-
during routine care. They are at increased risk of reality and detachment from the baby have also
miscarriage and intrauterine growth retardation, been reported (Robinson & Stewart, 1993).
and may have co-morbid depression and anxiety There have been a small number of specific tran-
(Franko & Spurrell, 2000). scultural studies of the nature and incidence of
postpartum blues, which have reported rates in
non-Anglophone countries ranging from 13% to
Mental health and postpartum
50% (Howard, 1993; Kumar, 1994). Sutter et al.
morbidity (1997) reported
In becoming a mother, a woman often has to a rate of 42.5% The birth of an infant
relinquish her autonomy, personal liberty, oc- in a sample of demands a dramatic
cupational identity, capacity to generate an in- French moth- adaptation by
come, and social and leisure activities in favour ers. Very lim- women.
of caring for the infant. The adaptation to her ited evidence is
new required roles, major responsibilities, mov- available about
ing from being in the childless generation to the postpartum blues in developing countries.
parent generation, increased unpaid workload Davidson (1972) reported that 60% of newly de-
and, for some, harm to bodily integrity through livered women in Jamaica were tearful or sad,
unexpected adverse reproductive events places while Ghubash & Abou-Saleh (1997) found that
great demands both on individual psycho- 24.5% of Arab women met the criteria for a clini-
logical resources and on existing relationships. cal case of psychiatric morbidity using the WHO
Psychological disequilibrium is normal during Self Reporting Questionnaire on the second day
life transitions and in adapting to change, and after birth.

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

The coincidence of the maternity blues with the ment is similar, there is a divergence of views as
major hormonal changes associated with partu- to whether puerperal psychotic episodes in an
rition has led investigators to look for a biologi- individual with an existing diagnosis of bipolar
cal basis to the condition, but findings are gen- affective disorder should be understood to be
erally inconsistent (Robinson & Stewart, 1993; the same as first episodes following childbirth
Steiner, 1998). Similarly, there is no consistent (Pfuhlmann, Stoeber & Beckmann, 2002). Risk
evidence for the contribution of parity (Kendell of recurrence after subsequent pregnancies is
et al., 1981), obstetric factors (Condon & Watson, between 51% and 69% (Pfuhlmann, Stoeber &
1987; Oakley, 1980), hospital or home as place Beckmann, 2002).
of delivery (Kendell et al., 1981; Pop et al., 1995),
or personal or family history of mood disorder There is continuing conjecture about the relative
(O’Hara et al., 1991) to the incidence or sever- contributions of biological and psychosocial etio-
ity of the condition. The distress peaks between logical factors to the development of postpartum
three and five days postpartum, and usually psychoses and the possibilities of meta-analysis
resolves spontaneously without specialist inter- to elucidate this are restricted by methodologi-
vention. However, in some women a more per- cal limitations in existing studies (Pfuhlmann,
sistent and severe depression develops. There is Stoeber & Beckmann, 2002). However, the
some evidence that the more severe symptoms of timing of onset of the illness, family history
blues, including early self-reports of feeling de- and molecular genetic studies support an un-
pressed, having thoughts about death or being derlying biological etiology, with childbirth as
unable to stop crying, predict later development the precipitating factor (Pfuhlmann, Stoeber &
of depression (O’Hara et al., 1991; Sutter et al., Beckmann, 2002). Postpartum psychosis has
1997). Steiner’s (1998) summary review con- been associated with primiparity, personal or
cluded that the evidence base was insufficient to family history of affective psychosis, unmarried
predict, diagnose, prevent, treat or give prognos- status and perinatal death of an infant (Kendell,
tic indicators for the maternity blues. 1985; Kendell, Chalmers & Platz, 1987). The
contribution of obstetric factors is not clear, but
Postpartum psychotic illness there is some evidence that caesarean delivery
increases the risk of postpartum psychosis and
A very small group of women (approximately of relapse after subsequent births (Kendell et
1 or 2 per 1000) develop an acute psychosis al., 1981; Nott, 1982; McNeil & Blenow, 1988).
within the first month postpartum; this is the Puerperal and non-puerperal episodes of psy-
most severe psychiatric illness associated with chosis are predicted most strongly by a history
childbirth. Relative lifetime risk and incidence of psychotic episodes and by marital difficulties
are usually calculated in terms of psychiatric (Marks et al., 1992).
admissions for treatment of psychotic illness
after childbirth. The risk for women of experi- Systematic international comparisons of the
encing a psychotic illness is highly elevated for prevalence, clinical characteristics and course
the first thirty days postpartum and remains el- of postnatal psychotic illnesses, including in de-
evated, but at a lower rate, for two years follow- veloping countries, are not available. However,
ing childbirth (Kendell, Chalmers & Platz, 1987; in all countries in which studies have been
McNeil & Blenow, 1988). Clinical characteristics conducted, psychotic illnesses following child-
include acute onset and extreme affective varia- birth have been identified (Howard, 1993;
tion, with mania and elation as well as sadness, Kumar, 1994). Investigations of women admit-
thought disorder, delusions, hallucinations, dis- ted to hospital with postpartum mental illness
turbed behaviour and confusion (Marks et al., in countries outside Western Europe and North
1992; Pfuhlmann, Stoeber & Beckmann, 2002; America report higher rates of puerperal psycho-
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, sis. Schizophrenia is reported more commonly
2002). Postpartum psychoses are most accurately than affective illness in those settings, but these
construed as episodes of cycloid affective illness; patterns may reflect intercountry differences
rates of schizophrenic psychotic episodes are not in diagnostic criteria (Howard, 1993; Kumar,
elevated postnatally (Brockington, Winokur & 1994). Both Howard (1993) and Kumar (1994)
Dean, 1982; Kendell, Chalmers & Platz, 1987; highlighted the higher incidence in develop-
Brockington, 1992; Kumar, 1994; Pfuhlmann, ing countries of puerperal psychoses associ-
Stoeber & Beckmann, 2002). Although treat- ated with organic illness, including confusional

Chapter 2. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

states related to fever from infections or to poor category of postpartum depression, and classi-
nutrition. Ndosi & Mtawali (2002) described fies depression after childbirth as a depressive
a case series of 86 women who developed psy- episode of either mild (four symptoms), moder-
chosis within six weeks of giving birth in the ate (five symptoms), or severe (at least five symp-
United Republic of Tanzania; the incidence rate toms, with agitation, feelings of worthlessness or
of 3.2 per 1000 was approximately double that guilt or suicidal thoughts or acts). Although on-
reported in industrialized countries. Most of the set within one month of giving birth is specified
women were young and primiparous; co-exist- for an episode to be labelled as postpartum de-
ing anaemia and infectious illnesses were com- pression in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic
mon and 80% of the illnesses were categorized and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM
as organic psychoses. IV) (American Psychiatric Association 1994), it
is not distinguished nosologically from depres-
There is much less evidence about the complex sive episodes in general (Cramer, 1993; Paykel,
reproductive mental and physical health needs 2002).
of women with pre-existing chronic severe men-
tal illness (Kumar, Hipwell & Lawson, 1994). While there is debate about whether depression
Although people with schizophrenic illnesses following childbirth is a clinically distinct con-
appear to have reduced fertility and smaller fam- dition, there is consistent evidence that 10-15%
ilies, this effect is less marked for women than of women in industrialized countries will expe-
for men, and many are parents (McGrath et al., rience non-psychotic clinical depression in the
1999; Nimgaonkar, 1998; Nimgoankar et al., year after giving birth, with most developing it
1997). Among those with severe chronic men- in the first five weeks postpartum (Cox, Murray
tal illness, frequency of sexual activity may be & Chapman, 1993; O’Hara & Swain, 1996;
normal, but contraceptive use may be lower and Epperson, 1999). Severe depression, needing
autonomous reproductive decision-making com- inpatient treatment, occurs in 3-7% of women
promised (Thomas et al., 1996; Cole, 2000). The after childbirth (O’Hara & Zekoski, 1988).
multiple psychosocial difficulties experienced by
those with severe chronic mental illnesses can
have adverse effects on the formation of mother-
infant attachment. The children of parents with
psychiatric illnesses are at increased risk of ne-
glect or inadequate care and the later develop-
ment of psychopathology (Kumar, Hipwell &
Lawson, 1994; Nimgoankar et al., 1997; Oates,
1989; Cole, 2000).

Postpartum depression

Over the lifespan, on average, women experi-

ence major depression between 1.6 and 2.6 times
more often than men. This difference is most It is still not clear whether postnatal depression is
apparent in the life phase of caring for infants a continuation of an existing state, or first occurs
and young children (Epperson, 1999; Astbury, after delivery. There is also a lack of clarity over
2001). Depression arising after childbirth has at- how long the postpartum period should be con-
tracted substantial research interest in the past sidered to last, and therefore for how long after
40 years, and there is now an extensive literature delivery a depression can be regarded as specifi-
on its nature, prevalence, prediction, course and cally postnatal in onset (Cooper & Murray, 1997;
associations with risk and protective factors. Paykel, 2002). There is a clustering of new cases
around childbirth, which is argued to be distinc-
Postpartum depression is a clinical and research tive (Cramer, 1993). DSM IV specifies within a
construct used to describe an episode of ma- month of parturition, but Nott (1987) found that
jor or minor depression arising after childbirth the highest incidence of new cases occurred 3-
(Cox, 1994; Epperson, 1999; Paykel, 2002). The 9 months postpartum. Chaudron et al. (2001)
International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10) demonstrated that 5.8% of cases of depression
(WHO, 1992) does not have a specific diagnostic identified at four months postpartum were not

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

apparent at one month. Most conceptualizations in support of a biological etiology (Stowe &
take a categorical approach, in which individuals Nemeroff, 1995). However, summary and sys-
are classified as satisfying the criteria for a clini- tematic reviews have concluded that, although
cal case, or are regarded as well. Some authors, some women may be particularly psychological-
however (Green, 1998; Romito, 1989; Fisher, ly vulnerable to hormonal change, a direct link
Feekery & Rowe- between hormones or other neurochemicals and
Postpartum depression is Murray, 2002), ar- postpartum depression has not yet been demon-
characterized by the persist- gue that adjustment strated (Robinson & Stewart, 1993; Hendrick,
ent presence for at least two processes, includ- Altshuler & Suri, 1998; Scottish Intercollegiate
weeks of cognitive and affec- ing transient dys- Guidelines Network, 2002).
tive symptoms including: low phoria and symp-
mood, guilt, despondency, toms of depression, Two medical conditions may contribute to al-
self-deprecation, anhedonia, can be observed in tered mood after childbirth. The incidence of ab-
impaired concentration, ir- most women post- normal thyroid function is higher in the first six
ritability, elevated anxiety, partum, and that a months postpartum (7% versus 3% in the wider
rumination and social with- continuum of emo- population) (Hendrick, Altshuler & Suri, 1998;
drawal. The somatic symp- tional well-being or Epperson, 1999). Although most women with
toms of sleep and appetite a broad spectrum postpartum depression have normal thyroid
disturbance are also present, of adjustment ex- function, fatigue, lowered mood and impaired
but are not uncommon in periences may be volition have been associated with hypothy-
normal postpartum adjust- a more accurate roidism, while agitation and excessive weight
ment (Campbell & Cohn, conceptualization. loss are linked to hyperthyroidism. Postpartum
1991). Mood in the first haemorrhage and lactation are associated with
year after child- iron deficiency anaemia, which contributes to
birth is dynamic fatigue and lowered mood (Epperson, 1999).
and determined by multiple factors (Gjerdingen These conditions are often under-recognized.
& Chaloner, 1994; Evans et al., 2001). In prac-
tice, it is common for any episode of depression
Psychosocial risk factors for
during this period to be regarded as linked to
the birth (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines postpartum depression
Network, 2002). Postpartum depression is of se- The prevalence of schizophrenia and bipolar af-
rious public health concern because of its dem- fective disorder, for which there is evidence of ge-
onstrated adverse consequences on the develop- netic vulnerability, is similar in men and women.
ment of maternal confidence and the cognitive, Patel (2005) argues cogently that sex differences
emotional and social development of their infant in the prevalence of depression and anxiety can-
(Murray, 1997; Murray et al., 1999). not be attributed to “over-simplistic biological or
hormonal explanations for the female excess be-
Biological risk factors for postpartum cause few biological parameters show this degree
depression of variability”. He concludes that women’s vul-
nerability to depression is attributable to social,
The causes of depression in the postpartum peri- economic and cultural factors beyond individual
od are still the subject of controversy, debate and control. Evidence that a range of psychological,
research. Broadly, the arguments concern the social and economic factors contribute to post-
relative contributions of biological and psycho- partum depression is more substantial than that
social factors. The evidence for a biological con- for biological explanatory models. Nevertheless,
tribution is derived from a number of sources. associations between risk factors and conditions
Biochemical hypotheses hold that the dramatic cannot be interpreted as causal links, and there
hormonal changes that follow childbirth and are is a general view that postpartum depression is
involved in lactation may precipitate or maintain unlikely to be attributable to a single cause, but
depression (Hendrick, Altshuler & Suri, 1998; is probably the outcome of the interaction of a
Epperson, 1999). Links between postpartum number of risk and protective factors (Cramer,
depression and a history of premenstrual mood 1993; O’Hara & Swain, 1996; Wilson et al., 1996;
change or increased familial vulnerability to af- Beck, 2001; Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
fective illness and alcohol dependence are cited Network, 2002).

Chapter 2. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

A personal history of mood disorder, previous has been found to distinguish depressed from
psychiatric hospitalization, and anxious or de- non-depressed women in Hong Kong, China
pressed mood in pregnancy are consistently (Chan et al., 2002), India (Chandran et al., 2002;
found to be predictive of postpartum depres- Rodrigues et al., 2003), Pakistan (Rahman, Iqbal
sion (O’Hara et al., 1991; Webster et al., 1994; & Harrington, 2003), Brazil (Da Silva et al.,
O’Hara & Swain, 1996; Wilson et al., 1996; 2003) and Viet Nam (Fisher et al., 2004).
Beck, 2001; Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
Network, 2002). Although this phenomenon is Some authors have suggested that depressed
widely observed, the factors that contribute to women are more likely to be irritable and so-
disturbed affect in women are not well under- cially withdrawn, and that for this reason they
stood. Studies consistently assess prevalence of may be difficult for their partners to relate to, or
psychiatric illness, in particular mood disorder may be providing less care for their partners, or
and alcohol dependence in the family of origin may perceive their relationship as poor (Cramer,
(Stowe & Nemeroff, 1995), and report elevat- 1993). Boyce, Hickie & Parker (1991) stated that
ed rates in those with postpartum depression. a woman who is depressed postnatally “may be
However, histories of abuse or exposure to vio- particularly incapable of evoking additional care
lence have rarely been considered or assessed. and support from her partner” or “may tend to
Poor parental care, especially poor maternal choose a partner incapable of providing care
care and neglect in childhood (Boyce, Hickie & or to behave in a way which elicits uncaring
Parker, 1991; Boyce et al., 1998; Douglas, 2000), responses from her intimate”. The alternative
and childhood sexual and physical abuse (Buist proposition - that the behaviour of male part-
& Barnett, 1995; Buist & Janson, 2001) contrib- ners contributes to maternal depression - has not
ute to adult depression and appear to be associ- usually been considered.
ated with postpartum mood disorders. Women
who have been sexually abused in childhood Although there have been some investigations
have increased anxiety about their own chil- into whether men’s mental health might also be
dren’s safety and feel inhibited in providing inti- adversely affected by childbirth, overall there
mate parenting to their infants (Douglas, 2000). has been much less systematic examination of
perinatal psychological functioning in men than
A poor relationship between the woman and in women. Marks & Lovestone (1995) postulat-
her partner is now regarded as a major predic- ed that men may feel excluded from the intimate
tor of depression after childbirth (Romito, 1989; relationship between mother and infant, and
O’Hara & Swain, 1996; Cooper & Murray, 1997; themselves become depressed or anxious. Men
Beck, 2001; Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines are not at elevated risk of psychotic illness after
Network, 2002). The problems in this relation- the birth of a baby (Marks & Lovestone, 1995).
ship have been variously conceptualized as: Rates of depression among men in the post-
increased marital conflict (Kumar & Robson, partum period appear to be low: less than 5%
1984); men being less available after deliv- among Portuguese fathers 12 weeks postpartum
ery, and providing insufficient practical sup- (Areias et al., 1996); 1.2% among Irish fathers
port (O’Hara, 1986) or poor emotional sup- six weeks postpartum (Lane et al., 1997); 3%
port (Paykel et al., 1980; Dimitrovsky, Perez- among fathers in the Avon Longitudinal Study
Hirshberg & Istkowitz, 1987); poor adjustment of Pregnancy and Childhood (Deater-Deckard et
or unhappiness (Webster et al., 1994); low sat- al., 1998); and 2.8% among Australian fathers
isfaction (Beck, 2001); insufficient involvement four months postpartum (Matthey et al., 2000).
in infant care (Romito, 1989); and holding rigid In one study, severe postpartum intrusive stress
traditional sex role expectations (Wilson et al., symptoms were found in 9% of mothers and 2%
1996). The relationship with the partner also of fathers (Skari et al., 2002). Condon, Boyce &
appears to significantly affect the time taken to Corkindale (2004) conducted one of the first-
recover (Gjerdingen & Chaloner, 1994). Very ever systematic prospective studies of men’s psy-
similar findings have emerged from transcultur- chological well-being, involving 312 first-time
al studies. A poor quality of marital relationship fathers. They found that the greatest level of psy-
- variously described as inability to confide in an chological symptoms was during mid-pregnancy,
intimate partner or lack of support, or arguments and that there was actually some improvement
and tension in the relationship - is centrally re- in mood by three months postpartum. Overall,
lated to women’s mental health postpartum, and only 1.9% of the sample had a clinically signifi-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

cant score on the EPDS at three months after the way responsible for their own victimisation”. The
birth. The authors suggest that distress may be literature has generally failed to acknowledge or
expressed in other ways, perhaps as increased examine the social factors, including financial
alcohol use or irritability, but that men actually dependence and desire to maintain the integrity
experience little mood change during the period of their relationship, that prevent women from
of their partner’s pregnancy and after the birth. leaving violent relationships.
Matthey et al. (2001) suggest that distress may
be under-reported by men, and that screening
instruments may require different cut-off scores
to detect clinically significant symptoms in men
and in women.

Violence against women by their intimate part-

ners has been described as “the most prevalent
… gender-based cause of depression in women”
(Astbury, 2001). Criticism, coercion, control,
humiliation, and verbal or physical violence by
an intimate partner on whom the woman is de-
pendent, is causally linked to depression and
anxiety (Astbury, 2001). Unfortunately, most re-
search on the etiology of postpartum depression
has not assessed the effect of coercion, intimida- Broader social factors are also associated with de-
tion and violence by the intimate partner. Boyce, pression after childbirth. Poor social support, in-
Hickie & Parker (1991), Schweitzer, Logan & cluding having few friends or confiding relation-
Strassberg (1992), and Matthey et al. (2000), ships and lack of assistance in crises, is related
using the Intimate Bonds Measure (Wilhelm & to postpartum depression. General dissatisfac-
Parker, 1988), found that women whose partner- tion with available support, rather than specific
ships were characterized by high levels of con- characteristics or number or quality of relation-
trol and low levels of care were at increased risk ships, appears to be relevant (Boyce et al., 1998;
of postpartum depression. However, fear of in- Beck, 2001; Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
timidation and actual experience of abuse were Network, 2002). Postpartum depression has
not ascertained. A prospective cohort study of been found to be more common among young
838 parturient Chinese women in Hong Kong, mothers and single women (Paykel et al., 1980;
China (Leung et al., 2002), using the Abuse Feggetter, Cooper, & Gath, 1981; Webster et al.,
Assessment Screen, found that 16.6% had been 1994). Having a first child at over 30 years of age
abused in the previous year. Among women has also been implicated (Dennerstein, Lehert &
who had experienced domestic violence, higher Riphagen, 1989; Astbury et al., 1994; Chaudron
scores on the EPDS were reported 2-3 days after et al., 2001), and it is possible that women who
delivery, 1-2 days after discharge from hospital, have babies at a different time than most of their
and six weeks postpartum than among those peers have social needs that are not met. Social
with no experience of violence. There was no disruption associated with recent immigration
difference between the two groups of women in or relocation, especially if compounded by being
terms of sociodemographic factors, although the unable to speak the local language and under-
abused women were more likely to report that stand and obtain local services, also heightens
their pregnancy had been unplanned. Women the risk of difficulties in adjusting to parenthood
admitted to an early parenting service were sig- (Howard, 1993; Webster et al., 1994; Fisher et
nificantly more likely to be depressed if they had al., 2002; Parvin, Jones & Hull, 2004).
experienced an act of physical violence in the
International studies have also found that a lack
previous year, or if they percieved their partners
of practical assistance from family, including
as critical and coercive (Fisher, Feekery & Rowe-
dedicated care during the early postpartum pe-
Murray, 2002). Stewart & Robinson (1996), in a
riod, is more commonly reported by women who
review of the literature on violence, identified a
are depressed than those who are not depressed
tendency to promote the idea of “female maso-
(Mills, Finchilescu & Lea, 1995; Chandran et
chism … [suggesting] that women are in some
al., 2002; Inandi et al., 2002; Rahman, Iqbal &

Chapter 2. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

Harrington, 2003; Rodrigues et al, 2003; Fisher problems, can make the psychological adjust-
et al., 2004; Lee et al., 2004). If this practical ded- ment to parenthood more difficult and distress-
icated support is available from a supportive and ing (Kumar & Robson, 1984; O’Hara and Swain,
uncritical person, it is psychologically protective 1996; Boyce et al., 1998; Beck, 2001; Scottish
(Rahman, Iqbal & Harrington, 2003; Fisher et Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, 2002). In
al., 2004; Lee et al., 2004b). Problematic relation- developing countries, bereavement or serious ill-
ships with the partner’s family, especially criti- ness in the family, the partner not having an in-
cal coercion from the mother-in-law, have been come, housing difficulties, crowded living con-
found to be more common among women who ditions and lack of privacy are associated with
are depressed in both qualitative (Rodrigues et higher rates of maternal depression (Chandran
al., 2003;) and survey investigations (Chandran et al., 2002; Patel et al., 2002; Rahman, Iqbal &
et al., 2002; Inandi et al.,, 2002; Rahman, Iqbal Harrington, 2003; Fisher et al., 2004). The dis-
& Harrington, 2003; Fisher et al., 2004; Lee et tress associated with an unwanted or unwelcome
al., 2004b). pregnancy does not necessarily diminish during
pregnancy, can persist postpartum, and be asso-
Although some have argued that socioeconomic ciated with depression (Kumar & Robson, 1984;
status is not associated with postpartum depres- Warner et al., 1996; Scottish Intercollegiate
sion (Paykel et al., 1980), this claim has not been Guidelines Network, 2002). The contribution
tested accurately since young, poorly educated of sexual violence or forced intercourse to un-
women in low-status occupations are less like- wanted pregnancy and depression has not been
ly to be recruited to, and retained in, studies. examined.
Women receiving obstetric care in the private
health care sector - who are likely to be of higher Certain aspects of personality are also impli-
socioeconomic status - consistently have a bet- cated in the propensity to become depressed,
ter mood in pregnancy and the postpartum year particularly at times of major life transition, in-
than those receiving care in the public sector cluding childbirth. These include: heightened
(Kermode, Fisher & Jolley, 2000). Groups found sensitivity to the opinions of others; over-eager-
to be more likely to be depressed include: partu- ness to please; lack of assertiveness and timidity,
rient women who are unemployed or in low-sta- obsessiveness; and excessive worrying (Boyce,
tus unskilled occupations (Zelkowitz & Milet, Hickie & Parker, 1991; Boyce & Mason, 1996;
1995; Righetti-Veltema et al., 1998; Chaudron Grazioli & Terry, 2000; Scottish Intercollegiate
et al., 2001; Rubertsson et al., 2005); those who Guidelines Network, 2002). A meta-analysis
do not have a job to return to after a period of by Beck (2001) identified low self-esteem as an
maternity leave (Warner et al., 1996); and those independent risk factor for postpartum depres-
who have to resume employment sooner than sion. However, the familial, social and cultural
desired or work for more hours than desired factors that contribute to personality develop-
(Gjerdingen & Chaloner, 1994). Social disadvan- ment in women, including a propensity to be
tage exerts pervasive adverse effects that may not uncomplaining, compliant, and unassertive and
be distinguishable in settings where poverty is to have a low sense of entitlement, have not been
endemic. However, there is consistent evidence considered in relation to these findings.
that maternal mental health is directly affected
by poverty in resource-poor countries (Cooper Physical health and postpartum
et al., 2002). Limited education reduces women’s depression
access to paid occupations and secure employ-
ment. Women living in poverty and experiencing The contribution of intrapartum experiences to
economic difficulties, who have low education postpartum mood has been considered, using
and no access to employment that allow them two approaches. Some investigators have con-
time to care for their infant, are more likely to be structed composite scores to assess cumulative
depressed (Chandran et al., 2002; Inandi et al., exposure to obstetric interventions, and then
2002; Rodrigues et al., 2003; Fatoye, Adeyemi & correlated the scores with later mood (Oakley,
Oladimeji, 2004; Fisher et al., 2004). 1980; Elliott et al., 1984; Astbury et al., 1994).
Others have examined the impact of particular
Adverse life events coincidental with childbirth, procedures. In general there is no correlation
such as bereavement, serious illness in the fam- between cumulative exposure to obstetric pro-
ily, conflict with friends, or serious financial cedures and mood (Elliott et al., 1984; Astbury

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

et al., 1994), but there is consistent evidence that Large community surveys have not found an ef-
certain modes of delivery - particularly instru- fect of early discharge from maternity hospital
mental intervention in vaginal birth (e.g. for- (Brown, 1998; Thompson et al., 2000), but 20%
ceps) and caesarean surgery - can have adverse of women admitted to a residential service for
psychological consequences (Green, 1990b; treatment of early parenting difficulties consid-
Campbell & Cohn, 1991; Boyce & Todd, 1992; ered that their maternity stay had been too short
Hannah et al., 1992; Brown & Lumley, 1994; (Fisher et al., 2002).
Fisher, Astbury & Smith, 1997; O’Neill, Murphy
& Greene, 1990). These have been variously Premature birth and the birth of an infant with
conceptualized as depression, disappointment, disabilities are highly distressing events that can
grief and dissatisfaction; however, mode of de- lead to depression (Calhoun & Calhoun, 1980;
livery does not appear to contribute independ- Kumar & Robson, 1984). Women with a mul-
ently to postpartum depression when other risk tiple gestation have increased risk of ill-health,
factors are taken into account (Johnstone et al., pregnancy loss and premature or operative birth,
2001). Emergency surgery during childbirth, in all of which are associated with anxiety in preg-
particular caesarean section, can induce acute nancy. Because of the competing and major de-
stress reactions and disrupt the first encounter mands of caring for more than one infant, multi-
between mother and infant (Fisher, Astbury ple births are also associated with increased risk
& Smith, 1997; Righetti-Veltema et al., 1998; of postpartum depression and complicated grief
Rowe-Murray & Fisher, 2001, 2002). There is reactions (Fisher & Stocky, 2003).
emerging evidence that childbirth events can
lead to post-traumatic stress disorders, but the Infant factors and maternal mental health
effect is not direct and appears to be moderated
by quality of care and of personal support (Ayers Investigations of both infant development and
and Pickering, 2001). In addition to being asso- mother-infant interaction have presumed that
ciated with prolonged physical recovery and fa- infants are essentially normative and that vari-
tigue, surgery can also compromise the develop- ations in developmental outcomes primarily re-
ment of maternal confidence (Garel et al., 1990; flect parenting factors (Murray & Cooper, 1997).
Brown & Lumley, 1994; Rowe-Murray & Fisher, Cross-sectional cohort comparisons have found
2001). that mothers who are depressed are significantly
more likely to report excessive infant crying and
Poor physical health after childbirth contributes disturbed infant sleep and feeding than moth-
to poor mental health (Gjerdingen & Chaloner, ers who are not depressed (Milgrom, Westley,
1994; Brown, 1998). Physical problems related & McCloud, 1995; Armstrong et al., 1998a;
to the birth can persist for months and are of- Righetti-Veltema et al., 2002). Some authors
ten undiagnosed and untreated (Gunn et al., have interpreted this as indicating that the be-
1998). Not breastfeeding has been associated haviour of depressed mothers increases the like-
with increased likelihood of postpartum de- lihood of disturbed infant behaviour (Milgrom,
pression (Warner et al., 1996; Eberhard-Gran Westley & McCloud, 1995; Righetti-Veltema et
et al., 2002) and may be an early indicator of al., 2002). However, others acknowledge that the
vulnerability (Eberhard-Gran et al., 2002). The care of an unsettled, crying infant, who resists
effects of length of stay in hospital after child- soothing and has deregulated sleep, undermines
birth on physical and psychological recovery maternal confidence and well-being and may be
are equivocal. Profound fatigue is widespread relevant to the onset of maternal depression and
among mothers of newborns (Brown, 1998), but to disturbances in mother-infant interaction.
is often considered normal or trivial, despite its These inter-relationships have not yet been well
adverse impact on daily functioning (Milligan conceptualized and are generally under-investi-
et al., 1996). Excessive tiredness has been re- gated, but evidence is emerging that they may
garded as symptomatic of depression (Stowe be more significant than has previously been ac-
& Nemeroff, 1995), but an alternative view is knowledged (Cramer, 1993; Murray & Cooper,
that it is associated with the unrecognized and 1997; Armstrong et al., 1998b).
unpaid workload of caring for a newborn baby.
Exhaustion may lead to depression in women Babies are born with distinguishable variations
whose workload is neither acknowledged nor in intrinsic characteristics or temperament, and
shared (Fisher, Feekery & Rowe-Murray, 2002). these exert a significant effect on the infant’s in-

Chapter 2. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

teractions with the environment, especially with feels appropriate. They are told to distinguish
caregivers (Oberklaid et al., 1984). Nine dimen- their infant’s cries, and discern whether these
sions of infant temperament have been identified are indicating pain, hunger, a startle reaction or
in comprehensive interview- and observation- fatigue. However, there is little empirical sup-
based rating studies of large samples of infants: port for the notion that cries are in fact specific
motor activity; regularity of sleeping and feed- or distinguishable, and in reality parents have
ing patterns; response to unfamiliar people or to use other contextual and behavioural cues to
stimuli; ease of adaptation to change; intensity decode them (Craig, Gilbert-Macleod & Lilley,
of emotional reactions; threshold to reaction; 2000). Mothers most often attribute infant cries
overall mood; distractibility; and persistence to hunger, and the widespread contemporary ad-
(Oberklaid et al., 1984; Sanson et al., 1987). vice to “feed on demand” may promote the no-
Infants are more temperamentally difficult when tion that babies only cry when hungry (Craig,
they: have little rhythm in sleeping and feed- Gilbert-Macleod & Lilley, 2000). Excessive pro-
ing patterns; are easily aroused; have difficulty longed crying is often presumed to be because
in adapting to changes in the environment; and of gastrointestinal pain, but gastrointestinal pa-
react with great intensity. Hopkins, Campbell & thology is rarely found on clinical investigation.
Marcus (1987) compared 25 depressed mothers Inconsolable crying, deregulated behaviour and
of six-week-old babies with 24 non-depressed resistance to soothing are usually difficult to ex-
mothers of the same age, socioeconomic status plain, and are now thought to be early indica-
and religious affiliation. They found that the in- tors of a difficult temperament (Barr & Gunnar,
fants of the depressed mothers had more neo- 2000). Up to 25% of mothers of 4-6-month-old
natal complications and were less adaptable and infants report that their babies cry for more than
fussier than those of the mothers who were not three hours a day (Beebe, Casey & Pinto-Martin,
depressed. 1993). Mothers can feel ineffective and helpless
caring for an inconsolable infant. Confidence
can diminish rapidly and they are less likely to
experience their infants as a source of positive
reinforcement (Beebe, Casey & Pinto-Martin,
1993). Excessive infant crying is associated
with earlier cessation of breastfeeding, frequent
changes of infant formula, maternal irritability,
poor mother-infant relationship, deterioration in
the familial emotional environment, and height-
ened risk of infant abuse (Wolke, Gray & Meyer,
1994; Lehtonen & Barr, 2000). Infant feeding
difficulties, including refusal of breast or bot-
tle, frequent small feeds, and multiple overnight
waking for feeds, frequently occur in conjunc-
tion with deregulated sleep and persistent cry-
ing (Barber et al., 1997). Parents of inconsolable
infants receive less positive reinforcement from
the infant, such as laughing or responding to
soothing, and have greater exposure to the nega-
tive stimulus of infant crying. This can reduce
their confidence in their ability to parent, and
may increase the likelihood of postpartum de-
pression (Mayberry & Affonso, 1993). It is not
surprising that longitudinal studies have shown
Infant crying is highly arousing to carers, but
that infant sleep problems precede maternal de-
there is wide individual variation in the amount
pression (Lam, Hiscock & Wake, 2003)
and intensity of infant crying and fussing in
the first year of life (Lehtonen & Barr, 2000).
Contemporary advice on infant care encourag-
es mothers to trust their intuition and do what

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

Cultural specificity of postpartum mood ability to confide in the partner and insufficient
disturbance practical support from the partner (Matthey,
Barnett & Elliot, 1997; Stuchbery, Matthey &
There is debate about whether the ways depres- Barnett, 1998) or from parents or the wider so-
sion and other mood disturbances are expressed cial circle (Fuggle et al., 2002).
are universal or culturally determined (Jenkins,
Kleinman, & Good, 1991). In cultures in which Studies using structured clinical interviews or
discussion of emotions is proscribed, or in which screening questionnaires have been conducted
distress is associated with shame or stigma, de- in a range of non-English-speaking countries, to
pression may be manifested as non-specific so- establish the incidence and correlates of clinical-
matic symptoms (Ng, 1997). It has been argued ly significant depressive symptoms in the early
that culturally prescribed ritual forms of peri- postpartum period. In Europe, the following in-
partum care for women are psychologically pro- cidence rates were found: 8.7% in Malta (Felice
tective (Cox, 1996; Howard, 1993; Manderson, et al., 2004); 14% in Iceland (Thome, 2000);
1981; Stern & Kruckman, 1983). Socially struc- 9% in Italy and 11% in France (Romito, Saurel-
tured peripartum customs are characterized as Cubizolles & Lelong, 1999); 11.4% in Sweden
providing dedicated care, an honoured status, and 14.5% in Finland (Affonso et al., 2000); and
relief from normal tasks and responsibilities, 29.7% in Spain (based on clinical case criteria
and social seclusion for the mother and her in the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ))
newborn (Howard, 1993; Kumar, 1994; Stern (Escriba et al., 1999). In Singapore, 3.5% of post-
& Kruckman, 1983). Stern & Kruckman (1983) partum women satisfied the criteria for a clini-
concluded that ethnographic studies in cultures cal case, but 86% had some depressive symp-
where such customs were observed showed little toms three months postpartum (Kok, Chan &
evidence of postpartum depression. Ratnam, 1994); in Hong Kong, China, 13.5% of
postpartum women had a diagnosable psychi-
More recent studies have used validated screen- atric illness (Lee et al., 2001); and in Japan the
ing and diagnostic tools to investigate whether incidence was 17% (Yamashita et al., 2000). In
postpartum depression is a culture-bound con- Israel, Glasser et al. (1998) found that 22.6% of
dition. While there is still debate about appro- women had EPDS scores in the clinical range at
priate methods of measurement, it appears that six weeks postpartum.
- if the complexities of translation, literacy levels
and familiarity with test-taking are taken into Some comparable investigations have been un-
account - structured interviews and screening dertaken in resource-poor countries; these are
instruments, such as the Edinburgh Postnatal summarized in Table 2.1. Contrary to previous
Depression Scale, can be used cross-culturally beliefs, very high rates of depression - 2-3 times
(Clifford et al., 1999; Laungani, 2000; Small, those in industrialized countries - were observed.
2000). There is little evidence to support the notion that
women in developing countries do not experi-
A number of studies have compared peripar- ence depression (Moon Park & Dimigen, 1995;
tum experiences, rates of depression, and risk Patel & Andrew, 2001; Fisher et al., 2004)). The
factors in groups of different ethnicity living in finding of high rates of postpartum depression
industrialized countries. Fuggle et al. (2002) in developing country contexts challenges the
examined small groups of Bangladeshi wom- anthropological view that ritual postpartum
en living in London and Dhaka with English care protects women. It appears that this asser-
women, and found an overall rate of depression tion may be an oversimplification and warrants
of 11.5%, with no difference between groups. more comprehensive and detailed investigation .
Matthey, Barnett, & Elliot (1997) reported that Even where it is culturally prescribed, ritual may
there were no differences in scores in the clinical not be available to all women (Inandi et al, 2002;
range on the EPDS between Vietnamese, Arabic Fisher et al., 2004). Observation of postpar-
and Anglo-Celtic women living in south-west tum rituals, including lying over heat, wearing
Sydney. Despite some variation in the ranking warm clothes and using cotton swabs in the ears
of the contribution of different risk factors by to protect the body against “cold”, and taking
ethnic group (Stuchbery, Matthey, & Barnett, herbal preparations, was no less common among
1998), the risk factors identified as relevant to Vietnamese women who were depressed than
all groups were highly consistent. They were: in- among those who were not (Fisher et al, 2004).

Chapter 2. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

Still, increased care that provides dedicated, physical violence from a partner are at greatly in-
practical support for a defined period, especially creased risk of becoming depressed after child-
from the woman’s family of origin, may be pro- birth. Wider family relationships are also impli-
tective (Moon Park & Dimigen, 1995; Rodrigues cated, but as yet the evidence available is lim-
et al., 2003; Lee et al., 2004). In contrast, rit- ited. However, problematic relationships with
ual care that imposes control and restricts the the partner’s family, especially critical coercion
woman’s autonomy might actually be harmful from a mother-in-law, have been reported to be
(Chan et al., 2002; Fisher et al., 2004; Lee et al., more common among women who are depressed
2004b). in both qualitative investigations (Rodrigues et
al., 2003) and survey investigations (Chandran
While differences in instruments, sampling and et al., 2002; Inandi et al., 2002; Rahman, Iqbal
method of data collection may have contributed & Harrington, 2003; Fisher et al., 2004). In ad-
to the range of rates of depression found, ques- dition, a lack of practical assistance from the
tions assessing psychological state were mean- family, including dedicated care during the early
ingful and recognizable to women in these stud- postpartum period, is more commonly reported
ies (Fisher et al., 2004). In countries where most by women who are depressed than those who
women give birth without being attended by a are not depressed (Mills, Finchilescu & Lea,
skilled health worker, hospital-based samples are 1995; Chandran et al., 2002; Inandi et al., 2002;
highly biased and likely to under-represent the Rahman, Iqbal & Harrington, 2003; Rodrigues
experiences of the poorest women. For example, et al., 2003; Fisher et al., 2004). If practical dedi-
in East Africa, only 32.5% of women give birth cated support is available, it is psychologically
attended by health professionals, while in West protective (Rahman, Iqbal & Harrington, 2003;
Africa the figure is 39.7%; many of these take Fisher et al., 2004).
place in community clinics, and are accessible
only to relatively wealthy women (WHO, 2005).
Most women in these settings give birth at home,
assisted either by family members or by tradi-
tional birth attendants. It is probable, therefore,
that the city hospital-based samples used by Cox
(1983) in Kampala (Uganda), Aderibigbe, Gureje
& Omigbodun (1993) in Ibadan (Nigeria), and
Regmi et al. (2002) in Kathmandu (Nepal) rep-
resent relatively advantaged women whose rates
of poor mental health are likely to be similar
to those of women in rich countries. There are
striking similarities between the risk factors for
depression identified in these investigations and
There is consistent evidence that maternal men-
those that are well established in the industrial-
tal health is also influenced by socioeconomic
ized world.
factors (Cooper et al., 2002). Limited education
reduces women’s access to paid occupations and
The first is that a poor quality of relationship
secure employment. Women living in poverty
with the intimate partner is consistently found
and experiencing economic difficulties, who
to distinguish depressed from non-depressed
have low education and no access to employ-
women postpartum (Mills, Finchilescu & Lea,
ment that allows them time to care for their in-
1995; Chan et al., 2002; Chandran et al., 2002;
fant are more likely to be depressed (Chandran
Rahman, Iqbal & Harrington, 2003; Rodrigues
et al., 2002; Inandi et al., 2002; Rodrigues et
et al., 2003; Da Silva et al., 2003; Fisher et al.,
al., 2003; Fatoye, Adeyemi & Oladimeji, 2004;
2004). This relationship is variously described
Fisher et al., 2004).
as inability to confide in, or lack of support from,
the partner, or arguments and tension in the re-
Coincidental adverse life events, including be-
lationship. Intimate partner violence has not
reavement or serious illness in the family, the
been specifically assessed in most investigations
partner not having an income, housing diffi-
of risk factors for postnatal depression. However,
culties, crowded living conditions and lack of
Patel et al. (2002) demonstrated unequivocally
privacy are also associated with higher rates of
that women who are exposed to intimidation or

Table 2.1 Postpartum mental health in developing countries
Authors Sample Setting Measures Results
Cox, 1983 183 parturient women Kasangati Hospital, Kampala, Goldberg’s Standardised Psychiatric 10% depressive illness, 3 anxiety
Uganda Interview, 3 months postpartum disorders
Aderibigbe, Gureje & 162 pregnant women University College Hospital, Ibadan, General Health Questionnaire 28, 14% postpartum psychiatric caseness
Omigbodun, 1993 Nigeria Psychiatric Assessment Schedule at 6–8
weeks postpartum
Ghubash & Abou-Saleh, Consecutive cohort of 95 New Dubai Hospital, United Arab EPDS score ≥12 on day 7, and Present 24.5% (of which 17.8% was
1997 parturient women Emirates State Examination score ≥ 5 at 8 and 30 depression) on day 7; 15.8% at
weeks postpartum week 8
Nhiwatiwa, Patel & Consecutive cohort of 500 Periurban settlement, Zimbabwe Shona Symptom Questionnaire, Revised 16% met criteria for psychiatric case
Acuda, 1998 pregnant women Clinical Interview Schedule (85% of which was depression)
Cooper et al., 1999 147 parturient women Obstetric clinics in Khayelitsha, a Structured clinical interview for DSM IV, 34.7% major depression
periurban township, South Africa 2 months postpartum
Inandi et al., 2002 2514 women who had given Women selected systematically from EPDS score >12 27.2%
birth in the previous year villages in five relatively undeveloped
provinces of eastern and central
Regmi et al., 2002 Consecutive sample of 100 Hospital postnatal clinic, Kathmandu, EPDS score >12 and DSM-IV structured Prevalence of depression: 12% in
postapartum women and Nepal. Comparison group of nurses clinical interview, 2–3 months postpartum postpartum women and 12.5% in

40 non-postpartum women and their friends comparison group
Patel, Rodrigues & Consecutive cohort of 270 District hospital, Goa, India General Health Questionnaire 12, EPDS 23% depressive disorder at 6–8 weeks
De Souza, 2002 pregnant women and Revised Clinical Interview Schedule, postpartum
6–8 weeks and 6 months postpartum

Chandran et al., 2002 Cohort of 359 pregnant Tamil Nadu, India EPDS score >12, 6–12 weeks postpartum 11%

Rahman, Iqbal & Consecutive cohort of 632 Southern Kahuta, Pakistan WHO Schedule for Clinical Assessment 28% depressive disorder 12 weeks
Harrington, 2003 pregnant women in Neuropsychiatry and structured postpartum
Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

questionnaires, in late pregnancy and

12 weeks postpartum
Rahman et al., 2003 Consecutive cohort of 172 Immunization clinic, Rawalpindi, WHO Self-reporting Questionnaire - 20, 40% met SRQ-20 criteria for clinically
mothers and infants Pakistan Assets Questionnaire, and structured significant mental distress
questionnaires, 9 months postpartum
Fisher et al., 2004 Consecutive cohort of 506 Immunization clinics at Hung Vuong Structured interview including EPDS, 32.7% (EPDS score >12)
women Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital 6 weeks postpartum
and Maternal and Child Health and
Family Planning Centre, Ho Chi Minh
City, Viet Nam
Chapter 2. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

maternal depression (Chandran et al., 2002; of postnatal anxiety disorders, despite evidence
Patel et al., 2002; Rahman, Iqbal & Harrington, of substantial co-morbidity with depression
2003; Fisher et al., 2004). Social support from (Barnett & Parker, 1986; Stuart et al., 1998).
peers, including companionship and opportuni- The relevance of post-traumatic stress disorders
ties to confide, has not been systematically as- to mental health in pregnancy, and the poten-
sessed in many of these studies; however, Mills, tial of childbirth and other reproductive events
Finchilescu & Lea (1995) and Rahman, Iqbal & to evoke post-traumatic stress reactions, remain
Harrington (2003) demonstrated that women underexplored (Fisher, Astbury & Smith, 1997;
who lacked it were more likely to be depressed. Wijma, Soderquist & Wijma, 1997; Boyce &
Condon, 2001). Research into the determinants
A comprehensive assessment of the links be- of postpartum onset of panic disorder, and the
tween reproductive experiences and mental links between maternal experience and a his-
health in developing countries is not yet avail- tory of an eating disorder, are only now being
able, However, evidence is emerging that women considered.
who have adverse obstetric experiences, includ-
ing operative birth, poor postpartum health and
difficulties in breastfeeding, are more likely to Maternal mental health, infant
report depressive symptoms in the immediate development and the mother-infant
postpartum period (Mills, Finchilescu & Lea, relationship
1995; Fatoye, Adeyemi & Oladimeji, 2004;
Fisher et al., 2004). Depression after childbirth, through its negative
impact on the mother’s interpersonal function-
There are also some risk factors that appear to be ing, disrupts the quality and sensitivity of the
more common in cultural contexts where wom- mother-infant interaction. This can have adverse
en face restrictions related to strong gender-role effects on the emotional, cognitive and social
expectations. Lack of reproductive choice, in- development of the infant. Postnatal depres-
cluding about use of contraceptive, contributes sion reduces the sensitivity, warmth, acceptance
to unwanted pregnancy, which in a number of and responsiveness of the mother to her infant
these investigations was associated with a great- (Murray et al., 1996a).
er likelihood of depression (Inandi et al., 2002;
Fisher et al., 2004). In cultures with a strong At the same time, the infant’s own sensitiv-
preference for sons, giving birth to a daughter ity to its interpersonal environment, including
was consistently associated with depression the lowered mood and social behaviour of the
(Patel et al., 2002; Inandi et al., 2003; Fatoye, mother, exacerbates the effect of reduced mater-
Adeyemi & Oladimeji, 2004), particularly for nal sensitivity. An infant is less likely to form a
women who had already given birth to a daughter secure emotional attachment if the mother is de-
(Rahman, Iqbal & Harrington, 2003). The social pressed or insensitive (Murray, 1992; Murray &
and psychological complexities faced by women Cooper, 1997). Examinations of the behaviour of
caring for an infant while living in their par- infants in face-to-face interactions with their de-
ents-in-law’s multigenerational household have pressed mothers have reported fewer positive fa-
not been systematically examined. It is known cial expressions, more negative expressions and
that autonomy, especially in regard to house- protest behaviour, higher levels of withdrawal
hold finances, is linked to mental health. Power and avoidance, more fussing, and an absence of
disparities between a woman and her mother-in- positive affect (Field et al., 1990). Two-month-
law may restrict her autonomy, especially during old infants whose mothers were depressed had
the period of increased dependence that follows higher rates of disrupted behaviour and were
childbirth; this may contribute to poor mental more likely to avoid contact with their mothers
health (Chan et al., 2002; Chandran et al., 2002; than comparison infants (Murray et al., 1996a).
Lee et al., 2004b). Effects are more marked in socioeconomically
disadvantaged populations, in particular among
The focus on postpartum depression has exclud- adolescents and those who are single. In lower-
ed consideration of other relevant expressions risk populations, there are fewer differences
of psychological distress in women after child- in the mother-infant interactions of depressed
birth. In particular, relatively little attention and non-depressed mothers (Campbell, Cohn,
has been devoted to the nature and prevalence & Meyers, 1995; Murray et al., 1996a). The link

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

between postnatal depression and impairment of and more attentional problems than those whose
the mother-infant relationship has been reported mothers had been well (Hay et al., 2001). Possible
in middle- and high-income countries, such as confounders, such as parental intelligence, so-
the United Kingdom (Murray, 1992; Murray & cial disadvantage and later mental health prob-
Cooper, 2003) and the United States of America lems in the mothers, did not alter the effect of
(Field et al., 1990), and in a low-income cohort maternal postnatal depression on the children’s
in South Africa (Cooper et al., 1999). intellectual status. Luoma et al. (2001) assessed a
group of school-age children whose mothers had
Independently of the adverse effects of poverty, been depressed, according to the EPDS, antena-
crowded living conditions and infectious dis- tally, postnatally or currently. They found that
eases, maternal depression contributes to infant depression present both during pregnancy and
failure to thrive in resource-poor settings (Patel after childbirth was strongly predictive of behav-
et al., 2004). Patel, Desouza & Rodrigues (2003) ioural problems in the children at 8-9 years of
examined the impact of maternal depression 6- age. The worst child outcomes were predicted by
8 weeks postpartum on the subsequent growth a combination of prenatal and recurrent mater-
and development of infants in Goa, India. nal depression (Luoma et al., 2001).
Compared with controls, infants of depressed
mothers were more than twice as likely to be A meta-analysis of nine studies (Tatano Beck,
underweight at six months of age (30% versus 1998) found small but significant adverse effects
12%) and three times more likely to be short for of maternal postpartum depression on the cog-
age (25% versus 8%). They also had significantly nitive and emotional development of children
lower mental development scores, even after ad- older than one year. However, other investiga-
justment for birth weight and maternal educa- tors have found no association between postna-
tion (Patel, Desouza & Rodrigues, 2003). Anoop tal depression and adverse child development
et al. (2004), in a case-control study in a rural in women who are socially advantaged (Murray
community in Tamil Nadu, India, found that in- et al., 1996b). When social adversity is taken
fants whose weight was 50-80% of the expected into account, statistical differences between
weight for age were significantly more likely to depressed and non-depressed groups often dis-
have a mother who was depressed than infants appear (Murray et al., 2003). Hay et al. (2001)
of normal weight. found that breastfed children of women who had
been depressed postpartum did not have verbal
These effects do not necessarily remit when or mathematical cognitive deficits. Similarly,
maternal mood improves. There is consistent Sharp et al. (1995) found that breastfeeding was
evidence of poorer cognitive development in a reliable predictor of intellectual functioning
preschool-age children of mothers who were in three-year-old children, as measured by the
depressed postnatally (Lyons-Ruth et al., 1986; McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities. These
Murray, 1992; Murray et al., 1996). Young boys findings on the importance of breastfeeding for
whose mothers were depressed postnatally were cognitive development are important, because
found to have poorer cognitive development and mothers who are depressed are more likely to
to display more antisocial behaviour, overactiv- stop breastfeeding early (Cooper, Murray &
ity and distractibility compared with boys whose Stein, 1993).
mothers were not postnatally depressed (Cogill
et al., 1986; Murray et al., 1996b; Sinclair & The sensitivity of fathers is also a crucial medi-
Murray, 1998). ating factor. Sensitive fathers reduce the impact
of maternal depression and reduced respon-
Hay et al. (2001) examined the long-term conse- siveness, especially for temperamentally reac-
quences of maternal depression in a community tive infants. Conversely, maternal sensitivity is
sample of 132 11-year-old children from south reduced and risk of depression is increased if
London, whose mothers had completed psy- the partner behaves aggressively either during
chiatric interviews three months postpartum. pregnancy or postpartum (Leung et al., 1999;
Children, especially boys, whose mothers had Crockenberg & Leerkes, 2003). In general, the
been depressed had significantly lower intelli- long-term adverse effects of maternal depression
gence scores, and a higher rate of special edu- on child cognitive outcomes are mostly confined
cational needs, including difficulties in mathe- to socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, and
matical reasoning and visuomotor performance, are worse for boys.

Chapter 2. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

Most of the research into the impact of mater- emotional well-being during pregnancy and af-
nal postnatal depression on child development ter childbirth, most interventions have not in-
has been done in developed countries. The re- volved family members. A single session during
cent findings in developing countries of the the postpartum hospital stay, in which women
close relationship between the mental health of could talk with a midwife about their experience
mothers and the physical and mental develop- of caesarean or forceps-assisted delivery, did not
ment of their children are of vital importance to reduce the rate of depression (Small et al., 2000).
both child health and maternal and reproduc- Two recent systematic reviews have concluded
tive health programmes, especially in areas with that the research base on preventive interven-
high rates of poor infant growth. tions is extremely limited, and there is currently
no compelling evidence to support the introduc-
Prevention and treatment of maternal tion of any of the interventions that have been
mental health problems tested in primary prevention trials (Lumley &
Austin, 2001; Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
In spite of the high prevalence of perinatal mood Network, 2002).
disorders, there is relatively little systematic data
about the efficacy of prevention and treatment There have been a number of randomized con-
strategies (Boath & Henshaw, 2001; Lumley & trolled trials of treatments for postnatal depres-
Austin, 2001). Most mild depression in the post- sion, but many are limited because of high rates
partum year resolves as mothers gain more ex- of loss to follow-up, a short follow-up period, or
perience and their potential bias because most eligible respondents
confidence grows. refused to participate (Hoffbrand, Howard, &
While identification and ef-
However, more se- Crawley, 2001; Ray & Hodnett, 2001). Both phar-
fective treatment of perinatal
vere depression can macological and psychological treatments have
psychological disturbance are
persist, becoming been found to reduce the severity of symptoms
important, there is an equally
chronic or recurring and the duration of depression (Appleby, Koren,
vital need to reduce the risk
from time to time & Sharp, 1999). Decisions about prescribing
factors that render women
(Cooper & Murray, pharmacological treatments - usually antide-
vulnerable to depression and
1995). pressant medication - have to be weighed against
anxiety. Reduction of poverty,
the potential harm to the fetus or infant, as the
attention to the human rights
A range of interven- drug may be transmitted through the placenta
of reproductive choice, per-
tions to prevent the and in breast milk. Most women prefer a non-
sonal safety and equality of
development of de- pharmacological approach (O’Hara & Swain,
access to education, and oc-
pression have been 1996). Psychological approaches, combining
cupational conditions that ac-
tested in randomized problem-solving strategies, supportive empathic
knowledge women’s multiple
controlled trials; listening, and opportunities to focus on past and
roles and provide secure and
most have had only present relationships, either in groups or indi-
family-friendly employment
a modest or negligi- vidually, are more effective than routine care in
can help ensure good mental
ble effect. Screening reducing depression. A randomized trial com-
health during pregnancy, in
questionnaires ad- paring non-directive counselling, cognitive be-
childbirth, and while caring
ministered during havioural therapy, psychodynamic therapy and
for a newborn baby.
pregnancy to iden- routine primary care found short-term improve-
tify women at risk of ments in maternal mood with all treatments;
becoming depressed however, only psychodynamic therapy signifi-
after childbirth have low positive predictive val- cantly reduced depression (Cooper et al., 2003).
ues, and reviewers have concluded that there None of the benefits of treatment were evident
is insufficient evidence to introduce screen- by nine months postpartum; treatment did not
ing as part of routine antenatal care (Lumley prevent subsequent episodes of depression; and
& Austin, 2001). “Preparation-for-parenthood” in the long term the benefits were not superior
groups for women during pregnancy did not to spontaneous remission (Cooper et al., 2003).
prevent postpartum depression, except when MacArthur et al. (2002) demonstrated that spe-
partners were included in at least one session cifically trained community health visitors could
(Gordon & Gordon, 1960; Elliot et al., 2000). provide care for mothers of newborns that led
Although the quality of a woman’s relationships, to reduced rates of depression at four months
in particular with her partner, is central to her postpartum compared with women cared for by

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

health visitors who had not been trained. Short- paternal, familial or social factors, with an in-
term benefits were also apparent in the pilot test creased risk of misattribution of causality and
of a randomized trial of increased peer support victim-blaming (Wilson et al., 1996)
for women at high risk of developing depression
(Dennis, 2003). Teaching mothers how to soothe
their infants and settle them to sleep, either in Summary
clinics or during home visits, improved maternal
Future research
mood (Armstrong et al., 1999, 2000; Hiscock &
Wake, 2002). In Taiwan, China, women who 1. Research attention has focused dispropor-
attended weekly support group meetings had tionately on mental health after childbirth,
lower scores on the Beck Depression Inventory, compared with mental health during preg-
less perceived stress and improved perception of nancy, which warrants more comprehensive
interpersonal support than controls who did not investigation.
attend group meetings (Chen et al., 2000). It is 2. There is increasing evidence about the pre-
generally agreed that a team approach, involv- dictors, prevalence and correlates of poor
ing primary care providers, allied health work- postpartum mental health in developing
ers and specialist mental health practitioners, countries, but investigations have yet to be
as well as a range of health facilities, is needed conducted in some of the poorest countries.
(Brockington, 1992; Barnett & Morgan, 1996). 3. The contribution of maternal mental health
While there have been a number of trials of to maternal mortality should be ascertained,
treatments for postnatal depression, relatively covering events up to one year postpartum.
few have been designed to improve developmen- 4. Interventions to prevent the development
tal outcomes for the child. Murray et al. (2003), of psychopathology after childbirth have
in a comparison of home visits by professional focused almost exclusively on women.
health visitors trained to provide one of three Emerging evidence suggests that strategies
psychotherapies to depressed mothers of new- involving partners may be more effective,
borns, found that non-directive counselling fos- but these need to be designed and appropri-
tered more sensitive mother-infant interactions ately evaluated.
among those who were experiencing social ad- 5. Randomized controlled trials are needed of
versity than psychodynamic or cognitive behav- treatments for depression, during pregnancy
ioural therapies. At four months, mothers who and after childbirth that are suitable for use
received counselling reported fewer difficulties in primary care settings.
in various aspects of their relationship with their 6. Investigations of infant development follow-
infant, such as play, separation and management ing maternal depression should ascertain
of infant needs for attention, compared with and control for the contribution of social ad-
those who received routine primary care. This versity.
benefit was sustained in more positive mater-
nal reports of infant emotional and behavioural 7. The contribution of intimate partner vio-
functioning at 18 months. However, there was lence and coercion to women’s perinatal
no significant impact of any of the treatments on mental health has been neglected and war-
cognitive development or emotional and behav- rants inclusion in future investigations.
ioural adjustment at home or in school when the
children reached 5 years of age (Murray et al.,
2003). 1. Risk factors for poor mental health should be
ascertained as part of routine primary peri-
In conclusion, mental health is inextricably natal health care.
linked to maternal mortality and morbidity, but 2. Mental health is integral to safe motherhood,
has been generally neglected in initiatives to im- and should be included in all future initia-
prove maternal health. In the field of perinatal tives, programmes and recommendations for
mental health, a disproportionate emphasis has standard care.
been placed on identifying the correlates and
consequences of poor maternal mental health,
and much less on exploring the contribution of

Chapter 2. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

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Psychosocial aspects of fertility

Contraceptive use – Jill Astbury
Elective abortion – Susie Allanson

T he availability of safe, reliable, acceptable

and affordable contraceptive methods has a
profound impact on women’s health, including
One of the most serious consequences of un-
intended pregnancy is unsafe abortion. Unsafe
abortions, performed by people not trained in
their mental health. It has been estimated that medicine and usually carried out in a clandes-
some 123 million women, mostly in developing tine manner, contribute significantly to mater-
countries, are not using contraception, despite nal mortality and morbidity in developing re-
an expressed wish to space or limit the number gions of the world. It is estimated that 19 million
of their births (Ross & Winfrey, 2002). At least unsafe abortions took place in the year 2000, i.e.
350 million couples worldwide do not have ac- approximately one in ten pregnancies ended in
cess to the full range of modern family planning an unsafe abortion, giving a ratio of one unsafe
methods (WHO, 2002). abortion to about seven live births. Almost all un-
safe abortions take place in developing countries
Contraceptive use interacts with mental health (Ahman & Shah, 2004). Safe abortion, carried
in two main ways. First, the methods them- out by qualified and trained medical practition-
selves may have a direct effect on mood, through ers in a proper medical environment, is a simple
biological, biochemical or hormonal pathways. and inexpensive procedure (WHO, 2003)
Second, decision-making about the initiation
and continuation of contraceptive use may lead This chapter has two sections. The first summa-
to conflict between partners; this, in association rizes the evidence on the direct effects of vari-
with other social determinants, can contribute ous contraceptive methods on women’s mental
to depression and anxiety in women. Such de- health. The relationship between depression in
cision-making is likely to be influenced by be- women and the psychosocial factors that prevent
liefs about gender roles, autonomy and women’s or make it difficult for them to control their fer-
reproductive rights. To date, most research in tility are reviewed. Central to this discussion is
the field has examined the direct effects of con- the question of women’s ability to act independ-
traceptive methods on psychological distress ently, and how a gender-based lack of power
or disorder. The need for increased research on and control can affect their freedom to make
sexuality, gender roles and gender relationships contraceptive choices, without duress from their
in different cultures, and in particular the effects male partners or state reproductive health poli-
of discrimination and violence against women, cies, and can undermine their mental health and
was identified in 1993, as one of the eleven rec- emotional well-being. The contraceptive needs
ommendations of the International Symposium of women with severe chronic mental illness are
on Contraceptive Research and Development also considered. The second section addresses
for the Year 2000 and Beyond (International the psychological aspects of elective abortion.
Symposium on “Contraceptive Research &
Development for the year 2000 and beyond”,
Mexico City, 1993).

Chapter 3. Psychosocial aspects of family planning

Contraceptive use and mental health to and immediately following discontinuation

(Civic et al., 2000). A double-blind, randomized,
Effects of contraception on mental health placebo-controlled trial on the effect of postnatal
administration of the long-acting injectable
Methods of contraception can be classified as: progestogen contraceptive, norethisterone
modern and reversible (oral contraceptive pills, enantate, in a hospital in Johannesburg, South
emergency hormonal contraception, intrauterine Africa, concluded that women receiving
devices (IUDs), injectable contraceptives, such injectable progestogens in the postnatal period
as depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), are at an increased risk of depression (Lawrie et
levonorgestrel implants (Norplant), and male al., 1998).
and female condoms); modern and permanent
(male and female sterilization) or traditional (co- Larger systematic investigations have not reached
itus interruptus and abstinence). Different meth- the same conclusion. A prospective cohort study
ods have different impacts on rates of psycho- of more than 900 users of contraceptive im-
logical disorder and on mood. Hormonal contra- plants (Westhoff et al., 1998) reported no signif-
ceptives have been most thoroughly studied for icant increase in depression scores over 2 years
their possible effect on psychological function- of use. A multicentre study on the relationship
ing, followed by sterilization. between depressive symptoms and two different
hormonal contraceptive methods, DMPA and
A recent survey in five European countries levonorgestrel implants, found no significant in-
(France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United crease in such symptoms after one year of DMPA
Kingdom), of more than 12 000 randomly se- use or two years of implant use (Kaunitz, 1999).
lected women between 15 and 49 years of age, Moreover, a five-year follow-up post-market-
confirmed that oral contraceptives were the ing surveillance study, conducted in 32 family
most widely used method of contraception, planning clinics in eight countries (Bangladesh,
and were associated with high levels of satisfac- Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Sri
tion for more than 90% of the women surveyed Lanka, and Thailand) from 1987 to 1997, came
(Skouby, 2004). to the conclusion that rates of mood disorders,
anxiety and depression were similar in women
Studies in Malaysia, Nigeria and the West Indies using levonorgestrel implants and in those using
did not find any negative psychological sequelae hormonal methods containing estrogen (Fraser
among women using contraceptive implants, et al., 1998). Women are most likely to cease us-
who reported high rates of satisfaction (Arshat ing implants because of concerns about weight
et al., 1990; Rattray et al., 1997; Arowojolu & gain, headache, raised blood pressure or men-
Ladipo, 2003). However, evaluations in the strual problems (Glantz et al., 2000; Arowojolu
United States have reported cases of major de- & Ladipo, 2003).
pression and panic disorder developing in wom-
en with no prior psychiatric history (Wagner A placebo-controlled double-blind study in
& Berenson, 1994; Wagner, 1996). A study in Scotland and the Philippines found that the pro-
London, England, which explored acceptabil- gestogen-only pill had adverse effects on sexual
ity and reasons for discontinuation of implants, functioning and was associated with some im-
found that 5% and 3% of women reported side- provement in well-being in both the centres
effects of depression and mood swings, respec- (Graham et al., 1995). In its review of evidence
tively, and 6% of the women gave mood swings to determine eligibility criteria for use of hormo-
as the main reason for discontinuing use of the nal contraceptives, WHO (2000) concluded that
contraceptive (Erskine et al., 2000). there was no evidence to suggest that women
with a history of depression should be excluded
A population-based prospective study of users from using hormonal contraceptives.
of DMPA in the United States, which looked
specifically at effects on depressive symptoms, Much of the research on the psychological ef-
found an increased likelihood of reporting de- fects of other methods of contraception, includ-
pressive symptoms among both DMPA users ing female sterilization and IUDs was carried
and discontinuers, in comparison with non-us- out in the 1970s and 1980s, and therefore lies
ers. Women who had discontinued DMPA use outside the timeframe of the current review.
had more severe depressive symptoms prior Rather more research has been conducted on the

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

psychological effects of voluntary sterilization. (Neuhaus & Bolte, 1995). Guidelines for prester-
In a survey of 1466 German women (Oddens, ilization counselling emphasize the importance
1999; den Tonkelaar & Oddens, 2001), 92% of of providing accurate information regarding the
those who had undergone sterilization and 59% actual surgical procedure and possible physical
of IUD users were satisfied with these forms of health consequences, including failure rates and
contraception, and reported general improve- risk of ectopic pregnancy. They also recommend
ments in their sexual relationships. Negative involving both partners in decision-making,
effects on mood were most usually attributable presenting male sterilization as a viable option,
to lack of confidence in the effectiveness of the and screening for the possibility of poststerili-
method, rather than to side-effects. Khanam, zation regret (Association for Voluntary Surgical
Mullich & Munib (1993) assessed psychiatric Contraception, 1996).
symptoms in 100 Bangladeshi women who had
been sterilized, and found that 20% were clini- Psychosocial determinants of
cally depressed, but that this mood disturbance contraceptive use
was more likely to be attributable to coincidental
adverse life events, relationship problems and a Reproductive rights and family planning
family history of psychiatric illness than to the
procedure. A comprehensive review of studies in Contraceptives are crucial to women’s ability to
Asia, Latin America, North America and Europe exercise their reproductive right to control their
(mainly United Kingdom) conducted up to the fertility and to make decisions about whether,
mid-1980s found that most women do not ex- when and how often to become pregnant. Yet,
perience any significant change in sexual activ- women’s ability to exercise this right and to
ity, and some experience increased sexual en- protect themselves against sexually transmitted
joyment once the risk of pregnancy is removed disease is contingent on their status and posi-
(Philliber & Philliber, 1985). Most women re- tion within the family and the broader society.
ported minimal or negligible change in the qual- The right to sexual and reproductive health is
ity of the marital relationship after female sterili- linked to other important human rights, includ-
zation and few women regretted being sterilized. ing economic and social rights and the right to
However, negative psychological effects were education. Both the International Conference on
found among certain groups of women, includ- Population and Development (ICPD) (UNFPA,
ing those who had been coerced into being steri- 1994) and the Fourth World Conference on
lized, those who did not understand the con- Women (FWCW) (United Nations, 1995)
sequences of sterilization or who experienced stressed that the empowerment of women and
health complications after the procedure, those the provision of comprehensive reproductive
who disagreed with their partner about the steri- health services were critical to the improvement
lization, and those whose marriage was unstable of women’s health throughout the world. The
before sterilization (Philliber & Philliber, 1985). concept of reproductive health goes beyond con-
Hence, adverse psychological effects were more sideration of the biological factors involved in re-
likely to occur as a consequence of violations of production to encompass the cultural and social
reproductive rights, including the right to accu- context. Government policies determine who
rate health information and the right to give free has access to health care, including reproduc-
and informed consent to medical intervention, tive health care. Social and religious disapproval
than to the procedure itself. of sex outside marriage, or of certain forms of
contraception, may influence government policy
More recent research confirms the importance to and lead to strict criteria regarding eligibility for
psychological well-being of women being given government-funded reproductive health care,
adequate information before the procedure, and and restrictions on the types of contraceptive
feeling they have been able to make their own methods available.
decisions, without pressure from either part-
ners or health care providers (Neuhaus & Bolte, Much of the evidence that informs the plan-
1995). The timing of the sterilization procedure ning and provision of family planning services
is also relevant; women who were sterilized im- is based on data collected from married wom-
mediately after childbirth, Caesarean section or en aged 15–49 years, who have participated in
abortion had an increased incidence of psycho- Demographic and Health Surveys, which have
somatic complaints and depressive symptoms been conducted so far in 70 countries. In many

Chapter 3. Psychosocial aspects of family planning

countries, good quality evidence is available For the latter to be achieved, male involvement
only for married women of childbearing age should not be relied on as a means of increasing
and for the methods of fertility control offered female compliance with contraceptive use or of
by government or donor-funded family planning legitimizing (albeit inadvertently) male control
programmes. Sexually active unmarried wom- over contraceptive decision-making. Moreover,
en face the same health risks as their married male involvement in family planning, when the
counterparts, related to pregnancy and sexu- male involved is physically, sexually or emotion-
ally transmissible infections. Due to this gap in ally violent towards his partner, is dangerous and
data collection, many unmarried women who may exacerbate the woman’s risk of violence.
could benefit from the services offered by family
planning programmes may not be adequately at- Unmet need, contraceptive intentions and
tended to. However, over the past ten years, the actual behaviour
provision of services to women has become less
discriminatory in terms of age and marital sta- The relationship between broader situational and
tus. For example, while services to unmarried interpersonal determinants of contraceptive use,
adolescents were once illegal in many countries decision-making and the development of emo-
(Eschen & Whittaker, 1993), recent recognition tional distress, depression and other psychologi-
of their health needs has led to an increase in cal disorders in women has not been adequately
the number of adolescent reproductive health investigated. This is puzzling, because there is
services. evidence of the importance of decision-making
and control to mental health. Programmes to in-
Male involvement in the control of women’s
crease contraceptive use need to be based on an
fertility accurate understanding of the multiple determi-
nants involved.
Gender inequality persists in most spheres of
life (UNDP, 2003), including decision-making Most research on predictors of contraceptive
around contraceptive use and participation in demand, and the magnitude of and reasons for
family planning. Few contraceptive methods unmet need for contraception, has been con-
are delivered through systems that emphasize ducted with women. Unmet need has been de-
the equality and responsibility of both part- fined as the number of non-pregnant women
ners (Humble, 1995). The ICPD Programme of who are not currently using contraceptives but
Action (UNFPA, 1994) and the Beijing Platform who wish to limit family size plus the number
for Action (United Nations, 1995) articulated of pregnant women who report that the preg-
“the basic right of all couples and individuals to nancy was unwanted or untimely. The availabil-
decide freely and responsibly the number and ity of contraceptive methods may be a necessary
spacing and timing of their children and to have condition for their use, but alone is insufficient.
the information and means to do so …”. Researchers have sought to quantify the extent
of unmet need, as well as the disparity between
Historically, reproductive health and fam- women’s stated intention or desire to use con-
ily planning programmes have sought to slow traceptives and their subsequent behaviour, and
down population growth in order to achieve the reasons for this.
national development objectives. With this goal,
women have been the main targets of efforts to Studies in different contexts (India, Kuwait,
promote participation in family planning and to Nigeria, Somalia, eastern Turkey) have found
increase uptake of reliable contraceptive meth- that, while a majority of women expressed a de-
ods. While male involvement in family planning sire to use contraception, many did not actually
programmes is now being increasingly promot- do so. Often, the women gave no explanation for
ed, women remain the predominant users of the this discrepancy, but those who did cited fear of
contraceptive methods offered. Fertility control side-effects, not having a need, not being mar-
therefore presupposes control of women’s be- ried, religion and the need for more children.
haviour in relation to contraceptive use. Male in- Among some women, religious teachings, their
volvement in family planning programmes may status relative to men, and the impact of an oral
serve to increase the level of gender-related con- tradition in forming attitudes contributed to the
trol over women’s bodies rather than assist in the low uptake of family planning services. Other
realization of gender equality in family planning. women mentioned not having the approval of

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

The ICPD Programme of Action (UNFPA, 1994) emphasized the importance of male
responsibility and participation, stating:

Men play a key role in bringing about gender equality since, in most societies, they
exercise preponderant power in nearly every sphere of life. The objective is to pro-
mote gender equality and to encourage and enable men to take responsibility for their
sexual and reproductive behaviour and their social and family roles. Governments
should promote equal participation of women and men in all areas of family and
household responsibilities, including, among others, responsible parenthood, sexual
and reproductive behaviour, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, and shared
control in and contribution to family income and children’s welfare.

With specific reference to family planning, the Programme of Action states:

Actions are recommended to help couples and individuals meet their reproductive
goals; to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the incidence of high-risk
pregnancies and morbidity and mortality; to make quality services affordable,
acceptable and accessible to all who need and want them; to improve the quality
of advice, information, education, communication, counselling and services; to
increase the participation and sharing of responsibility of men in the actual
practice of family planning; …

The publication, Selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use (WHO, 2002), refers to the
importance of improving access to high quality care in family planning, and “ensuring that men’s
and women’s rights and perspectives are taken into account in the planning, management and
evaluation of services; promoting the widest availability of different contraceptive methods so that
people may select what is most appropriate to their needs and circumstances”.

the husband or a religious leader, or a belief ference between husband and wife resulted in
that family planning was a sin and that use of women having an ineffective role in decision-
contraceptives had side-effects. In other stud- making and a low position in the family. Fear of
ies the negative attitudes of husbands and of the the husband’s disapproval is known to be a key
women themselves were critical factors in non- reason for discontinuation of use of contracep-
use of contraception (Roy et al., 2003; Orji & tion among women (Jain & Bruce, 1994).
Onwudiegwu, 2002; Comerasamy et al., 2003;
Sahin & Sahin, 2003; Shah et al., 2003). Erci Men’s suspicions about the motives of family
(2003) investigated decision-making power and planning campaigns can also determine whether
perception of status within the family among their wives are allowed to participate in family
more than 300 women in Erzurum, Turkey. planning. Hasna (2003) investigated attitudes
Women had lower rates of decision-making than towards family planning in a Palestinian refugee
men in almost every domain surveyed, except camp and found that men were more suspicious
selecting clothes. Men predominated in all deci- than women. Men regarded family planning
sions related to family planning, including the projects as coercive and a mechanism of war,
use of birth control and family size. Women’s designed to further dispossess and eradicate
perception of their position in the family was Palestinians. At the same time, male status was
significantly related to their decision-making partly related to the exercise of control over fam-
status, which was governed by age, educational ily size, wives and children. Another study, in
level and employment status. A low level of edu- rural Bangladesh, reported that decisions about
cation, inadequate income and a large age dif- acceptability of long term contraceptive meth-

Chapter 3. Psychosocial aspects of family planning

ods were governed by the number of living male tions (Dixon-Mueller, 1989:147). Various forms
children and by husband’s preferences for more of violence, including verbal abuse and sexual
children (Nayer et al., 2004). coercion, reduce contraceptive use and result
in increased rates of unwanted pregnancy and
The beliefs and behaviour of health care provid- termination of pregnancy (Gazmararian et al.,
ers may also influence contraceptive use. Fears 2000; Jewkes et al., 2001; Rickert et al., 2002;
regarding the side-effects and safety of IUDs Cabral et al., 2003).
were expressed by 44% and 69%, respectively,
of 107 Navajo Indian health service providers, There is substantial evidence that intimate part-
in response to a question about why they did not ner violence, including sexual violence, has mul-
recommend this form of contraception to their tiple negative physical, mental and reproductive
clients (Espey et al., 2003). While most health health effects (Heise & Moreno, 2002; Jewkes,
care providers in a New Delhi health care fa- Purna Sen & Garcia-Moreno, 2002; Krug et al.,
cility were familiar with emergency contracep- 2002). Multiple mental disorders can result from
tion, very few knew about timing of doses or violence, including depression, anxiety, dys-
efficacy (Tripathi, Rathore & Sachdeva, 2003). thymia, stress-related syndromes especially post-
Oral contraceptives are widely used in India, but traumatic stress disorder, phobias, substance
discontinuation rates are high. A low frequency use and suicidal ideas (Kilpatrick, Edmunds,
of field worker visits was found to be strongly & Seymour, 1992; Campbell & Lewandowski,
associated with discontinuation, and 70% of the 1997; Resnick, Acierno & Kilpatrick, 1997;
women who discontinued did not use any other Roberts et al., 1998; Campbell & Soeken, 1999;
contraceptive method, despite wishing to avoid Astbury & Cabral de Mello, 2000). Sexual vio-
pregnancy (Roy et al., 2003). lence, in particular, carries an increased risk of
a range of sexual and reproductive health prob-
It is inaccurate to conclude that inconsistencies lems, including unintended pregnancy, abor-
between intentions to use contraception and ac- tion, sexually transmissible infection including
tual behaviour indicate that “women failed to human papillomavirus and human immuno-
adhere to their intention” (Roy et al., 2003). If deficiency virus (HIV) infection, urinary tract
women’s intentions are the only predictors as- infection, chronic pelvic pain, fibroids, vagi-
sessed, other influences on their contraceptive nal bleeding and cervical dysplasia (Springs &
behaviour may be overlooked. Service providers Friedrich, 1992; Lechner et al., 1993; Plichta &
and researchers need to recognize the potential Abraham, 1996; Resnick, Acierno, & Kilpatrick,
impact of gender and gender inequality and to 1997; Letourneau, Holmes & Chasendunn-
consider whether women possess sufficient in- Roark, 1999; Coker et al., 2000). In addition,
dependence to make and implement decisions sexual violence is associated with decreased
about contraceptive use. It is imperative to de- use of preventive health care, cervical screening
termine whether, in reality, women possess suf- and antenatal care, as well as poorer pregnancy
ficient autonomy and decision-making power outcomes for both the woman and her offspring
and resources to formulate and implement their (Springs & Friedrich, 1992; Coker et al., 2000;
preferences and intentions. Gazmararian et al., 2000).

Violence and control of contraceptive

The use of coercive control by violent partners
decision-making is known to extend to areas of behaviour that
family planning programmes seek to modify,
Sexuality and sexual violence have been large- such as decision-making around contraception.
ly ignored in family planning programmes A comparative study in the USA on the sexual-
(Sundstrom, 2001). Some of the earliest research ity of college students, the circumstances of first
on the links between contraceptive use and sex- intercourse, including the use of contraceptives,
ual violence was carried out in Latin America. and psychological reactions to first intercourse,
Women reported having little control over their reported highly significant differences between
husband’s use of contraception and anger when men and women. Overall, 38.5% of women, but
they refused to use it. Some of this was related only 8.8% of men said they had felt coerced to
to “a sense of deep depersonalization, humilia- have their first sexual encounter (p ≤ 0.0001);
tion and physical dissatisfaction” because their 63.2% of women and 57.4% of men reported that
husbands mistreated them during sexual rela- they did not use birth control during first inter-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

course. Women did not use contraception be- be used in relationships characterized by a his-
cause the intercourse was unplanned, and men tory of conflict (Cabral et al., 2003).
because contraception was not available to them
(Darling, Davidson & Passarello, 1992). Contraception and women with
serious mental illness, substance use or
In a review of sexual relations among young peo- intellectual disability
ple in developing countries (WHO, 2001a), many
studies highlighted the fact that sexual activity Women who are mentally ill or who abuse alco-
of young women was not always consensual. In hol or drugs may be unable to consent to sexual
the majority of case studies included in the re- activity, are less likely to use contraception effec-
view, between 5% and 15% of young women re- tively, and are at high risk of sexual exploitation
ported a forced or coercive sexual experience. In (Hankoff & Darney, 1993). They are as likely
several case studies, the figure was higher: 21% to be sexually active as women without mental
among adolescents in Selibe Phikwe, Mahalapye illness (Nimgoankar et al., 1997). Hypomanic
and Kang, Botswana (Kgosidintsi, 1997); 20% behaviour is associated with risky sexual behav-
among secondary school students in Lima, iours, including intercourse with multiple part-
Cusco and Iquitos, Peru (Alarcon & Gonzales, ners and rates of unplanned pregnancy are high
2001); and 41% among young women attending in women with severe mental illness (Hankoff &
night study centres in Lima, Peru (Villanueva, Darney, 1993). Compliance with methods that
1992). Among women working in an export require regular self-administration, particularly
zone in the Republic of Korea, 9% reported that oral contraceptives, is lower in women with psy-
their sexual debut had been forced by a fac- chiatric illness. Since some hormonal contracep-
tory supervisor or colleague (Kwon, Jin & Cho, tives may alter mood and contribute to depres-
1994). In a case study in Manila, Philippines, 6% sion, it is recommended that they are not pre-
of unwed mothers reported that their pregnancy scribed to women who are currently depressed
had resulted from rape, and another 7% that it (Hankoff & Darney, 1993). However, health
had resulted from sex in exchange for money to professionals are less likely to discuss contracep-
support a drug habit (Bautista, 2001). In rural tion with women who have serious psychiatric
areas of north and north-east Thailand, three of illness (McCandless & Sladen, 2003), and provi-
11 sexually active adolescent females reported sion of contraception is problematic for groups
that their sexual debut was a result of force or who do not attend routine medical or reproduc-
pressure from their partner (Isarabhakdi, 2001). tive health services.
An investigation in South Africa (Jewkes et al.,
2001) found that pregnant teenagers were sig- The reproductive health, rights and contracep-
nificantly more likely than their non-pregnant tive needs of women with intellectual disabili-
counterparts to have experienced forced sexual ties have been the subject of extensive legal, ethi-
initiation and to have been beaten, and were less cal and health care deliberations in the United
likely to have confronted partners when they States (Paransky & Zurawin, 2003). The con-
discovered they were unfaithful. cerns of parents and carers regarding pregnancy
and menstrual management have in some cases
Inconsistent use of condoms and prescription led to women being surgically sterilized or un-
contraceptives was associated with verbal abuse dergoing hysterectomy (Diekema, 2003). The
of young women, aged between 14 and 26 years, women’s capacity to make autonomous decisions
attending family planning clinics in south-east and to care for children is not always clear, and
Texas, USA. Clients who had used dual contra- the rights and wishes of the individual women
ception (such as a barrier and a hormonal meth- have to be protected as far as possible (Diekema,
od) during the last intercourse were less likely 2003). Newer medical options, including hor-
to have experienced verbal abuse (Rickert et al., monal implants, permit less invasive and revers-
2002). In a study of 600 American women at- ible management of fertility and menstruation
tending sexual health clinics, personal control (Paransky & Zurawin, 2003).
in the relationship was predictive of female con-
dom use when male condoms were not used. Extensive research on the situations that trig-
Male and female condoms were more likely to be ger clinical depression has revealed critical ar-
used in relationships in which women reported eas of overlap with intimate partner violence.
having more control, but both were less likely to Situations or events that engender depression are

Chapter 3. Psychosocial aspects of family planning

typically characterised by a sense of loss, defeat, clandestine abortions in both developing and
humiliation and entrapment, diminished self- developed countries are likely to be unrecorded
esteem, and poor coping and decision-making (Huntington, Nawar & Abdel-Hady, 1997; Kaye,
ability. Identical psychological effects are caused 2001; Ahman & Shah, 2002; Rossier, 2003).
by violence (Brown, Harris & Hepworth, 1995; Estimates suggest that 26 million legal abortions
Astbury & Cabral de Mello, 2000). Family plan- and 20 million illegal abortions were performed
ning programmes need to extend their explana- worldwide in 1995, with one pregnancy ter-
tory models for unmet need and non-use or in- mination for every three live births (Henshaw,
consistent use of contraceptives to include the Singh & Haas, 1999). WHO estimates that
possibility that intimate partner violence may be 19.7 million unsafe abortions took place in
a major cause of low rates of contraceptive use 2003, almost all of which were in the developing
and several poor reproductive health outcomes. world, resulting in approximately 66 500 deaths
(WHO, 2007). Some countries, e.g. Ireland and
Women’s decision-making latitude, including Poland, report near-zero legal abortion rates but
their control over participation in family plan- these figures say nothing about the number of
ning programmes and use of contraception, is clandestine abortions and the extent to which
critically linked to their emotional well-being women travel to nearby countries for abortion
and their status in the family. Support from (Henshaw, Singh & Haas, 1999).
health professionals for autonomous decision-
making is associated with fewer psychosomatic The United Nations (1999; 2003) has collected
complaints and depressive symptoms. information on the legal status of abortion in
countries throughout the world, and has com-
pared the legal grounds on which abortion is
Mental health and elective abortion
permitted in developed and developing coun-
The direct and indirect societal and personal tries. The respective percentages of developed
impact of elective abortion varies widely from and developing countries that permit abortion
country to country, because of differences in le- on specific grounds are as follows: to save a
gal, social, political, religious, cultural and med- woman’s life (96% and 99%); to preserve physi-
ical restrictions, stigma and practices (Henshaw, cal health (88% and 56%); to preserve mental
Singh and Haas, 1999). In many countries, wom- health (85% and 54%); in cases of rape or in-
en cannot access legal, safe, timely or affordable cest (83% and 32%); in cases of fetal impairment
abortion, and they resort to unsafe, clandestine (83% and 27%); for socioeconomic reasons (77%
or “backyard” abortions by unqualified practi- and 19%); on request (67% and 15%). Abortion is
tioners, or to unsafe self-inflicted procedures. totally prohibited in four countries, three in the
Unsafe abortion is one of the major causes of developing world and one developed country.
preventable death (WHO, 2005). Safe abortion Laws that permit abortion to protect a woman’s
is a simple and inexpensive procedure (WHO, health, and more specifically her mental health,
2003), with surgical vacuum aspiration the pre- suggest recognition of the potential serious ad-
ferred method in the first twelve weeks of ges- verse impact on women’s mental health of hav-
tation and medical abortion (using mifepristone ing to continue with an unwanted pregnancy.
and a prostaglandin) possible in early pregnancy However, such legislation may be implemented
(WHO, 2003). At abortion providing services leniently, accepting a broad definition of health
with medically trained practitioners, women and mental health, or in a highly restrictive fash-
usually simultaneously access contraceptive and ion, by requiring that women demonstrate sig-
other health services, ultimately decreasing the nificant physical or psychiatric pathology (Aries,
abortion rate and improving their reproductive 2002; de Crespingy & Savulescu, 2004; Pinter,
health (Henshaw, Singh & Haas, 1999). 2002; Whittaker, 2002). Legislation may also
include gestational limits. Little is known about
It is difficult to obtain reliable estimates of abor- the incidence of clandestine early abortions (up
tion rates because there have been few compre- to twelve weeks’ gestation) versus later abortions.
hensive epidemiological studies, the terminol- In countries with liberal abortion legislation,
ogy used to describe elective abortion is often estimates suggest that more than 90% of legal
ambiguous (e.g. induced miscarriage, menstrual abortions are early (British Medical Association,
regulation), induced abortion may not be dis- 2005; Chan & Sage, 2005).
tinguished from spontaneous abortion, and

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

The following discussion of the mental health as- In Chile, where an estimated 160 000 to 300 000
pects of abortion is limited in a number of ways. illegal abortions are performed annually, Casas-
First, the special cases of late abortion and abor- Becerra (1997) reported on 40 women pros-
tion following a diagnosed fetal abnormality are ecuted for performing abortions, 12 prosecuted
excluded. Second, the causes of the unintended as accomplices, and 80 prosecuted for having an
pregnancy are not examined, notwithstand- abortion. Of this last group, eight had sought
ing the fact that the biopsychosocial context of abortion following rape, many were subsequent-
conception may have an impact on the woman’s ly imprisoned, all were poor and all underwent
subsequent decision-making and adjustment to high-risk procedures involving the insertion of
the pregnancy. Variations in women’s access to instruments such as knitting needles and rubber
contraceptive methods, contraceptive fallibility, catheters. The majority of women were reported
education, economic security, and vulnerability to the authorities by the public hospital where
to violence, may all exert independent effects on they had sought treatment for abortion-related
mental health. Third, there is no detailed exami- complications. Casas-Becerra noted that upper-
nation of the impact on women’s mental health and middle-class women could afford a private,
of having their requests to abort a pregnancy confidential procedure performed by trained
denied. A rigorous, longitudinal study in the doctors. In nineteen other Latin American coun-
Czech Republic to examine the effects of denied tries, an estimated 3.4 million abortions are
abortion (David et al., 1988; David, Dytrych & performed annually, the majority of which are
Matejcek, 2003; Kubicka et al., 2003) found that clandestine and unsafe. In Mexico, 136 women
women go to great lengths to obtain an abortion who went to a public hospital emergency room
when one is initially denied. A significant minor- with post-abortion complications reported pu-
ity of women who were twice denied abortion in nitive, unsympathetic treatment from medical
a pregnancy experienced difficulties with long- staff, breaches of their privacy and confidential-
term adjustment and mother–infant attachment ity, and the withholding of pain relief (Langer et
and their children had higher rates of long-term, al., 1997).
adverse developmental and emotional conse-
quences than those born to a matched cohort of
mothers who desired the pregnancy. Sigal (2004)
has made similar observations in a 50-year study
of unwanted babies in Quebec, Canada.

Abortion milieu

An ecological model (Krug et al., 2002) suggests

that the mental health aspects of abortion may
be inextricably linked to the particular “abortion
milieu” (Stotland, 1996). Where the abortion mi-
lieu is legally restricted, risk is stratified along
economic lines, with poor women more likely
to resort to unsafe abortion (Whittaker, 2001; Several countries, including Ethiopia
Herrera & Zivy, 2002). The medical consequenc- (Gebreselassie & Fetters, 2002) and Kenya
es of unsafe or incomplete abortion can include (Onyango, Mitchell & Nyaga, 2003) have sought
haemorrhage, sepsis, genital and intra-abdom- to reduce complications following unsafe abor-
inal injury, pelvic inflammatory disease, toxic tion by improving the medical response post
reaction, pain, infertility and death (Ba-Thike, abortion. Women’s health advocates have gen-
1997; Huntington, Nawar & Abdel-Hady, 1997; erally sought reform of restrictive abortion laws
Langer et al., 1997; Boonthai & Warakamin, (Hessini, 2005).
2001; Whittaker, 2002). Women may also face
adverse legal, social and psychological conse- Maternal mortality and morbidity rates have
quences including poverty, shame, social exclu- improved in developing countries that have le-
sion and imprisonment, and may even be driven galized abortion (Hardy et al., 1997); an asso-
to commit suicide (Casas-Becerra, 1997; Herrera ciated improvement in mental health may also
& Zivy, 2002). be expected. Nevertheless, studies in India
(Duggal, 2004; Gupte, Bandewar & Pisal, 1997;

Chapter 3. Psychosocial aspects of family planning

Ramachandar & Pelto, 2002), Puerto Rico clarity and the risks run by both women and
(Azize-Vargas & Aviles, 1998), Mozambique abortion providers in terms of potential prosecu-
(Hardy et al., 1997) and elsewhere suggest that tion and restricted abortion access (de Crespigny
“legalisation is an imperfect indicator of the & Savulescu, 2004; National Health and Medical
availability of services providing safe abortion” Research Council, 1996).
(Hardy et al., 1997:108). Puerto Rico has one of
the world’s most liberal abortion laws, but a low Worldwide, abortion providers and women seek-
documented incidence of abortion. In explain- ing abortion are under threat from anti-abortion
ing this, Azize-Vargas & Aviles (1998) point to groups (Cavenar, Maltbie & Sullivan, 1978;
high rates of contraceptive use and sterilization, Woodhouse, 1982; Rizzardo et al., 1991). When
limited official support, information or services accessing abortion providing health clinics,
for abortion, and no government subsidy for the women can face verbal abuse, intimidation and
cost of abortion. Most women surveyed believed violence from people protesting their opposi-
that abortion was illegal. Since abortion was le- tion to abortion outside abortion-providing clin-
galized in India in 1972, government-run mo- ics (Clapman, 2003; Dean & Allanson, 2004).
bile hospital camps and the private sector pro- Approximately one and half million abortions
vide abortions, but many clandestine abortions are performed annually in the United States of
continue to be performed annually by unquali- America. The activities of anti-abortion groups,
fied practitioners. Women have complained that who believe once a woman is pregnant she must
the hospital camps lack privacy (initial registra- continue the pregnancy no matter what her cir-
tion and waiting areas may be in the open air cumstances, have led to a significant reduction
and publicly visible), and women have been in abortion services, denial of public funding,
verbally abused, coerced into surgical steriliza- increased legal restrictions and a well-funded
tion, or denied abortion on spurious grounds network of Crisis Pregnancy Centres which
(Ramachander & Pelto, 2002). use a variety of strategies to delay and dissuade
women from terminating a problem pregnancy.
In countries with comprehensive health sys- (Castle & Fisher, 1997; Dean, 2006; Medoff,
tems and liberal abortion laws, women can at- 2003). United States women who have abortions
tend an accredited medical facility for a medical have been portrayed by anti-abortion groups as
abortion, or for the ten-minute surgical abortion “selfish, sexually irresponsible, unfeeling and
procedure under general or local anaesthetic. morally blind individuals who kill their own
The cost of the abortion may be subsidized by children for convenience” (Fried, 1997: 41). In
the government. Women can receive emotion- this milieu, Fried (1997) has observed American
al support from staff, family and friends, and women turning to unsafe abortion practices, in-
do not face a threat of death, serious illness or cluding ingestion of poison and violence, either
prosecution. An estimated 180 000 pregnancy self-inflicted or inflicted by others. In Thailand,
terminations are performed annually in Great anti-abortion rhetoric has labelled women who
Britain. The Royal College of Obstetricians and have an abortion as “morally corrupt” and exem-
Gynaecologists (2000), with support from the plifying “unrestrained hedonism, vice and temp-
National Health Service, regularly updates its tation” (Whittaker, 2001). During parliamentary
evidence-based guidelines on best practice in debates on abortion in Sri Lanka, women were
medical and psychological care of women seek- “variously assumed to be promiscuous and con-
ing an elective abortion. In Australia, an esti- niving, or vulnerable and needing protection”
mated 85 000 women terminate a pregnancy (Abeyesekera, 1997).
each year, although the national data do not dis-
tinguish between procedures following missed Use of certain words and definitions within the
abortion and elective abortion (Chan & Sage, scientific community may also serve to restrict
2005). Most of the population supports safe, le- or expand women’s reproductive options, and
gal abortion services (Kelly & Evans, 2003) and indirectly impact on women’s physical and men-
the government subsidizes the cost. However, tal health. Definitions and semantics can im-
there is some variation between Australian states plicitly and explicitly reflect value judgements.
in abortion laws, with most requiring demon- Medical and social assumptions of maternity are
stration that continuation of the pregnancy is a embedded in definitions of maternal mortality
threat to the woman’s mental or physical health. in relation to abortion (WHO, 2001b). Reflecting
These laws have been criticised for their lack of on the large number of deaths from unsafe abor-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

tions in Bolivia being described as “maternal assessments have been taken from a few hours
deaths”, Rance (1997) concludes that this “is to two weeks before the procedure, while post-
the price women are expected to pay for hav- operative assessments have occurred from one
ing transgressed by refusing maternity”, and that hour to two years after the abortion.
“reproductive mortality” (Beral, 1979) or “preg-
nancy-related deaths” might be a more suitable Abortion and mental health
term. A woman’s attitude towards the pregnancy
may also be quite distinct from being pregnant The discussion below reflects research on the
(Condon, 1985). To refer to a pregnancy as “un- experiences of women having an unsafe abor-
wanted” may suggest fickleness on the part of the tion and research from developed countries with
woman, while “unplanned” may imply women’s relatively liberal abortion laws. Generalizability
contraceptive incompetence or impulsive sexu- of the evidence to other abortion milieus is un-
ality. “Problem pregnancy” (Baker, 1985) or “un- clear. Where there are gaps in the recent evi-
intended pregnancy” might be preferred where a dence, earlier research is included.
woman is pregnant in circumstances unfavour-
able to pregnancy continuation. Torres & Forrest (1988) asked 1900 women in
American abortion facilities about their reasons
Because of the stigma associated with abortion, for terminating a pregnancy. The most frequent
research in both developing and developed coun- and most important reasons (between 31% and
tries has been limited. In developing countries, 76% endorsement) were: a concern about life
abortion research on large samples is scarce and changes if the woman had a baby, inability to
primarily focused on the demographic charac- afford a baby, rela-
teristics and contraceptive history of women tionship problems “A pregnancy may have been
seeking abortion (Adewole et al., 2002; Angulo or a wish to avoid planned and intended yet, for
& Guendelman, 2002; Perera, de Silva & Gange, single parenthood, a number of reasons, may be-
2004). Mental health studies are mostly anecdo- and lack of readiness come unwanted; on the other
tal, qualitative and retrospective. Where abor- for the responsibil- hand an unplanned preg-
tion is illegal, research samples commonly com- ity. Altogether, 31% nancy may become wanted.
prise women presenting to public hospitals with of respondents men- The term ‘unwanted’ does not
serious complications following unsafe abortion. tioned their own im- convey the ambivalence felt by
Such research obviously has little to say about maturity, with 11% many women in categorising a
women who do not access health facilities, those indicating this was pregnancy in this way” (Royal
who do not experience complications requir- the most important College of Obstetricians and
ing medical attention, or those who are wealthy reason. Only 1% said Gynaecologists, 1991:10).
enough to pay for a safe abortion. Accessing abor- that the pregnancy
tion research samples can pose dangers to both was the result of rape
participants and researchers (Herrera & Zivy, or incest, and only 7% gave a health problem as
2002). Research into women’s physical health af- a reason. Studies have not included a specific
ter unsafe abortion has overshadowed research mental illness category, and such women may or
into their mental health. “In trying to understand may not fit within the general health category.
the traumatic experience they had just survived, Despite significant social differences, similar
their concerns about physical recovery were the reasons have been found in more recent studies
most salient, with emotional reactions perhaps across a variety of cultural contexts, including
being held in suspension” (Huntington, Nawar in developing countries (Tornbom et al., 1994;
& Abdel-Hady, 1997). Adelson, Frommer & Weisberg, 1995; Larsson
et al., 2002; Geelhoed et al., 2004; Perera, de
More is known about women’s emotional health Silva & Gange, 2004).
in developed countries. However, methodologi-
cal problems have included ideologically moti- In a study of 386 American women, Cozzarelli et
vated research seeking to demonstrate that abor- al. (2000) found that depression scores were sig-
tion is either harmful or benign, and a relative nificantly lower, and self-esteem scores signifi-
scarcity of rigorously designed studies (Adler, cantly higher, at two hours, one month and two
1992; Dagg, 1991; Major, 2003; Matlin, 2003; years after abortion, compared with some hours
McGrath et al., 1990; Stotland, 2004; Turell, before the abortion. One month after abortion,
Armsworth & Gaa, 1990). Pre-abortion baseline mean scores indicated that women felt more re-

Chapter 3. Psychosocial aspects of family planning

lief than positive or negative emotions, and over- and 19% (42) had received psychiatric treatment
all more positive emotions than negative emo- during the two years following the abortion. Of
tions. However, 10.8% reported that they felt these 42 women, two-thirds had a pre-abortion
dissatisfied and had made the wrong decision. psychiatric history, over half (59.5%) reported
At two-year follow-up, the number of women re- that the symptoms were unrelated to the abor-
porting dissatisfaction had increased to 16.3%, tion, 4 (1.9% of the total sample) reported that
and 19% said that the abortion was the wrong their symptoms were related to the abortion, and
decision. Eisen & Zellman (1984) reported simi- 13 were unsure. Three months after the abor-
lar findings: 80% of 148 adolescents who had an tion, highly significant improvements were ob-
abortion reported satisfaction with the decision served in measures of depression and guilt (13%
six months later. reported considerable or moderate guilt com-
pared with 37% before the abortion) and satis-
Major et al. (2000) reported on 418 American factory sexual adjustment (74% compared with
women two-years after an early elective preg- 59%). Satisfaction with the marital relationship
nancy termination: 20% reported an episode of did not change from before to after the abortion,
clinical depression, a rate equal to the national but 87% reported improvement in other relation-
rate of depression; 1% met clinical criteria for ships, while 13% reported deterioration. Some
post-traumatic stress disorder, which is less 96% reported resuming normal work activities
than the national rate. This compared with 26% shortly after the abortion.
of women reporting clinical depression at some
stage prior to the pregnancy. No other psychiat- In summary, past or current psychiatric illness
ric data were reported. The possibility of mental is apparently rare as a stated reason for elective
ill-health being a reason for the abortion, and abortion, and has not been a strong predictor
women’s views on whether subsequent mental of adjustment to abortion. The stress of facing
illness was related to the abortion, were not re- an unintended pregnancy or unsafe abortion
ported. A pre-pregnancy history of depression might be expected to increase the risk of onset,
was predictive of poorer mental health and more or recurrence, of serious mental ill-health, while
negative abortion-related emotions and evalua- elective, safe abortion might protect vulnerable
tions at one hour, one month and two years after women from the long-term stress of pregnancy
the abortion. Though these relationships were and parenthood. However, this group of women
statistically significant, the outcome variance has attracted negligible research attention. The
explained was quite small (generally less than mental health consequences of unsafe abortion
10%); most of the variability in women’s post- are not known, although qualitative data sug-
abortion adjustment was unexplained. gest that unsafe abortion can be traumatic be-
fore, during and after the abortion, and is likely
Previous psychiatric treatment was not related to cause psychological harm. Typically, women
to scores on a scale measuring the psychologi- (including adolescents) experience heightened
cal impact of adverse life events, in this case a distress facing a problem pregnancy and prior
problem pregnancy and its early termination, to safe elective abortion, but show significant
three months after the procedure for 96 women improvement on mental health indices after-
in Australia (Allanson, 1999): 31% had sought wards (Mueller & Major, 1989; Cozzarelli, 1993;
treatment for emotional problems in the past, Major et al., 1997, 2000; Adler, 2000; Barnow
with 5% being admitted to hospital. Overall, high et al., 2001; Pope, Adler & Tschann, 2001).
psychological distress scores in the days prior to Psychiatric sequelae to safe abortion appear to
the abortion returned to within normal limits be rare. Approximately 10% of women experi-
at three months follow-up. The abortion had a ence some degree of dissatisfaction with their
very low psychological impact for two-thirds of abortion decision or other psychologically dis-
the sample, while 27% reported some persisting tressing symptoms about their decision to have
stress symptoms related to the abortion. an abortion, and this can increase to up to 20%
within two years after abortion. While unpleas-
Greer et al. (1976) found that, of 216 women ant, such feelings do not necessarily signify clin-
who had undergone an early pregnancy termina- ically significant mental health problems (Major
tion in London, England, 29% (63) had a history et al., 2000). Evidence-based reviews have con-
of inpatient or outpatient psychiatric treatment, sistently concluded that safe, elective, early abor-
tion does not pose a substantial mental health

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

risk and has fewer adverse psychiatric sequelae 85% of women had told their partner about the
than childbirth (Adler, 1990; Adler, 1992; Dagg, pregnancy and abortion, 69% had told a friend,
1991; Major, 2003; Stotland, 2001; Turell, 1990). 25% had told their mother and 17% had told all
Although adverse mental health impacts of safe three. Generally, women viewed all these people
elective abortion affect a relatively small minor- as sources of support and reported little conflict,
ity and the number of women experiencing seri- and positive well-being one month after abor-
ous adverse impacts appear to be quite small, it tion was predicted by support. In identifying
appears that the continuing complex biopsycho- factors contributing to less positive adjustment
social environment of abortion and a desire to one month post abortion, Major et al noted that
optimise women’s mental health following safe women who perceived their mothers and friends
elective abortion has prompted limited research as a source of a high level of support as well as
into risk and protective factors. conflict were more distressed than if they were
just perceived as a source of support. Conflict
Risk and protective factors for mental with the partner, irrespective of his support for
health after abortion her abortion, was related to distress one month
after abortion. In a survey of 818 American wom-
Pre-abortion optimism about post-abortion ad- en presenting for elective abortion, Woo, Fine
justment appears to be protective (Cozzarelli, & Goetzl (2005) found that 17% chose not to
1993; Cozzarelli, Sumer & Major, 1998). disclose the abortion to the partner in the preg-
Cozzarelli (1993) investigated 291 American nancy. Of these, 45% did not disclose because
women who had had an abortion, and found the relationship had no future, 21% because the
that self-efficacy – defined as pre-abortion op- partner would oppose the abortion, and 8% be-
timism, perceived personal control and high cause they believed that disclosure would result
self-esteem – was strongly associated with better in their partner physically harming them.
post-abortion adjustment both immediately and
three weeks after the procedure. Self-efficacy Major & Gramzow (2001) reported on 442
predicted up to half the variability in post- American women followed for two years after
abortion psychological adjustment. Mueller & abortion. Women who felt that they could not
Major (1989) randomly assigned 232 women to disclose the abortion suppressed more thoughts
receive one of three brief verbal presentations about it and experienced more intrusive thoughts
before their abortion: (i) to raise expectations of about it than those in environments in which
personal coping capacity; (ii) to alter the attribu- disclosure was more acceptable. Both suppres-
tions for unwanted pregnancy; or (iii) a control sion and intrusive thoughts were associated with
presentation on a therapeutically neutral topic. increased psychological distress over time; in
Women exposed to one of the experimental in- contrast, disclosure about the abortion was re-
terventions had fewer emotional and physical lated to decreased distress.
complaints immediately following the termina-
tion. The longer-term benefits of the interven- In-depth interviews with 31 women hospital-
tion are not known. ized in Egypt with post-abortion complications
(Huntington, Nawar & Abdel-Hady, 1997) indi-
Women often involve other people in their de- cated that practical and emotional support were
cision regarding abortion, but their social net- not forthcoming. The authors surmised that
works are not always supportive. Investigations women’s predicament was made more difficult
of social support have indicated considerable by this because women are usually better able to
complexity and contradictions, apparently re- cope with illness and more likely to seek health
sulting from subtle differences in the defini- care when socially supported. The most trou-
tion of support, the quality of relationships, and bling issues for the women were the need to re-
the characteristics of study samples (Mueller turn immediately to physically demanding work
& Major, 1989; Major et al., 1990; Linn, 1991; and child care responsibilities, the possibility
Major & Cozzarelli, 1992; Cozzarelli, Sumer & of people gossiping about them, and criticism,
Major, 1998). Major et al. (1997) investigated blame and lack of understanding from their hus-
617 women’s perceptions of support and conflict band and his family.
within three salient relationships: with their
partner, mother and friends. Preoperatively,

Chapter 3. Psychosocial aspects of family planning

Langer et al. (1997) discuss the apparently com- controlled for, abortion was unrelated to poor
pounding, rather than comforting, impact of mental health. In this study, 31% of women who
post-abortion medical attention at a public hos- had had an abortion reported violence (includ-
pital in Mexico. Almost half the women arrived ing physical or sexual assault during childhood
at the hospital in a highly anxious state and re- or adulthood and intimate partner violence)
ported fears of dying, infertility and isolation, compared with 14% of those who reported no
and constant worry about their children at home. abortion.
The women found the medical staff rushed and
insensitive, and 59% reported more anxiety after Prevalence studies in various countries have
the initial examination than before it. In India, documented a high incidence of violence against
women may need to lie about their pregnancy women among those seeking an abortion. In
in order to meet legal eligibility requirements the United States, Glander et al. (1998) found
for abortion, which include pregnancy resulting that 40% of 486 women seeking pregnancy ter-
from rape for single women, and failed contra- mination reported a history of sexual or physi-
ception for married women (Gupte, Bandewar & cal abuse. A United Kingdom survey (Keeling,
Pisal, 1997). Birch & Green, 2004) found that 35% of women
seeking an abortion reported intimate partner
Women’s interpersonal networks can be pro- abuse, while a survey of 1127 women attending
tective, but social milieus that do not provide a hospital abortion service in London (Fisher
support for women’s decision about pregnancy et al., 2005) found that 20% reported intimate
may have an adverse impact. “Expressions of partner physical abuse and 27% reported a his-
disapproval, including attacks on abortion clin- tory of sexual abuse. Women having a repeat
ics and harassment of women seeking abortions, abortion were more likely than first-time abor-
would be expected to produce negative effects” tion seekers to have suffered violence at some
(McGrath et al., 1999). Empirical research is time in their life. Leung et al. (2002) found a
scarce, but institutionalized “blaming of vic- lifetime prevalence of domestic violence among
tims” and withdrawal of social support are likely women seeking abortion in Hong Kong, China,
to have adverse effects on self-regard (Waites, of 27%, compared with 8% for other gynaecol-
1993; Cozarelli & Major, 1994; Cozarelli et al., ogy patients and 18% for pregnant women at-
2000). Taboo and punitive attitudes surround- tending antenatal clinics in the same locality.
ing abortion prevent women talking about The women seeking abortion had suffered more
their experiences and may worsen outcomes. recent and more serious violence. The authors
The very low abortion rate in the Netherlands note, however, that cultural influences prob-
(4.0–6.5 per 1000 women aged 15–44 years in ably inhibited the women’s reporting of abuse to
1996, compared with 25.9 per 1000 in the USA) health professionals. An epidemiological study
has been linked to the promotion of reproduc- in Australia (Taft, Watson & Lee, 2004) found
tive options and open discussion and acceptance that women with previous or recent partner vio-
of sex, contraception and abortion (Henshaw, lence were significantly more likely to become
Singh & Haas, 1999). pregnant and to report having had an abortion
than women without such a history. In a large-
Recent research suggests that victimization may sample study in Colombia, Pallitto & O’Campo
play an important role in some women’s decision (2004) documented a moderate relationship be-
to seek an abortion, and in their abortion-related tween unintended pregnancy and intimate part-
mental health. It is difficult to draw firm conclu- ner violence towards the woman in her current
sions, however, because of differing definitions or most recent relationship. The authors esti-
of violence, barriers to women’s disclosure of mated that unintended pregnancies in Colombia
violence, and a shortage of research that goes be- would decrease by 5% (32 000–45 000 abor-
yond measuring prevalence. A household survey tions) annually if intimate partner violence
of 2525 women in the USA found that women were eliminated. A study of women in Uganda
who reported having an abortion were more reported that 39% of 70 women presenting to a
likely to report depressive symptoms and lower gynaecological emergency ward with complica-
life satisfaction than those who reported that tions of induced abortion gave domestic violence
they had not had an abortion (Russo & Denious, as the main reason for inducing the abortion
2001). However, when history of abuse, partner (Kaye, 2001). In a study of 818 American women
characteristics and background variables were (Woo et al., 2005), physical abuse, sexual abuse

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

or both within the previous year was twice as Cultural and social factors that place coercion
common among those who did not disclose their on women’s reproductive health, for example
abortion to the partner than among those who social pressures to have only one child or cul-
did disclose the abortion. tural preferences for sons, may influence mental
health after an abortion (Mandal, 2001; Miller,
2001). Based on interviews with 67 women from
six villages in India, Gupte et al. (1997) reported
that women “who had an abortion after a sex de-
termination test were traumatised compared to
those who had an abortion for other reasons”.
Rothstein (1977a, 1977b) suggests that both
subtle and blatant coercion either to continue
or terminate a pregnancy is linked to a wom-
an’s ambivalence about whether or not to have
an abortion. Although ambivalence appears to
be a risk factor for post-abortion distress, there
has been little clarity in its definition or meas-
urement (Adler et al, 1990; Dagg, 1991; Turrell,
Arnmsworth & Gaa, 1990; Allanson & Astbury,
1995). Ambivalence in an abortion decision of-
ten has been taken as reflecting a woman’s emo-
tional attachment to her pregnancy, leading to
grief and a sense of loss if the pregnancy is ter-
minated. Yet, there has been only limited inves-
tigation of a woman’s relationship with a preg-
nancy she is considering terminating (Hunter,
1979; Pines, 1990; Allanson & Astbury, 1995),
and the discussion above suggests that decision
ambivalence may reflect many other facets of a
problem pregnancy and abortion. Ambivalence
Arguably, violence may interfere with contra- may be a normal part of the psychological proc-
ceptive use, aggravate relationship instability ess of resolving decisions about abortion, or may
and undermine a woman’s confidence in pro- be an expression of low self-efficacy. In addition,
ceeding with a pregnancy, abortion disclosure, the relationships between elective abortion and
support and women’s abortion related mental other adverse reproductive experiences, includ-
health. However, research linking abortion, ing miscarriage, assisted conception, previous
mental health and violence is limited (Bruyn, pregnancy complications, and caesarean section
2001; Leung, Kung, Lam, Leung and Ho, 2002). have not been investigated, but may influence
Evidence suggests that pregnant women suf- emotional attachment to a pregnancy or anxie-
fering past or current physical and/or sexual ties about pregnancy continuation or termina-
violence have worse mental and physical health tion.
(Krug, Dahlberg et al., 2002), and among 96
Australian women attending for an early abor- In summary, evidence is emerging about risk
tion (Allanson and Astbury, 2001), small but and protective factors that are predictive of men-
statistically significant links were found between tal health following an abortion. Post-abortion
these women’s experience of violence (40% re- mental health appears to be enhanced where
ported being physically assaulted, 17% sexually there is no history of violence, when there is no
assaulted, 9% reported both, and 10% reported conflict about the abortion within usually sup-
violence from the partner in the pregnancy) and portive relationships or with the partner, when
poorer mental health outcomes three months the abortion is not kept secret from others, and
post-abortion (Allanson, 1999). Sexual assault when the woman has high self-efficacy. Research
history may increase anxiety around childbirth is needed into other possible risk /protective fac-
(Jackson, 1997), gynaecological examination tors, such as history of reproductive trauma, ma-
(Carlson, 2002) and surgical abortion, with con- ternal attachment to the pregnancy, and the ac-
sequent pregnancy ambivalence. cessibility of safe reproductive and family plan-

Chapter 3. Psychosocial aspects of family planning

ning options. A society’s legal, religious, medical Services

and social expectations and infrastructure are 1. Women’s freedom to make decisions about
likely have an important bearing on all these participation in family planning programmes
factors. and fertility control needs to be sensitively
ascertained, rather than simply assumed.
Summary 2. Sexual violence and coercion, as risk fac-
tors for unwanted pregnancy, termination of
Future research pregnancy and contraceptive failure, as well
as for depression, anxiety and symptoms of
1. Further participatory research is required to
traumatic stress, should be ascertained in
establish accurately needs for contraception.
routine care.
2. Examination of the disparity between con-
3. Given the high incidence of both safe and
traceptive intentions and contraceptive use
unsafe abortion, health professionals need
should look beyond women’s “failure” to ad-
specific training in medical and psychoso-
here to their intentions.
cial aspects of abortion care.
3. Investigations are needed of the level of co-
ercion and pressure women experience from
family planning programmes regarding
child-spacing, uptake of contraceptive meth-
ods, including sterilization and abortion.
4. With respect to mental health associated
with both safe and unsafe abortion, there is
a need for methodologically rigorous quali-
tative and quantitative investigations into
women’s experiences, needs, biopsychoso-
cial risk and protective factors, and health
enhancing interventions.
5. The biopsychosocial aspects of sex-selective
abortion are at present unknown and need
to be systematically investigated.
6. Research needs to explore the counselling,
medical and support needs of women facing
an unintended pregnancy and abortion, who
may have particular vulnerabilities such
as mental illness, violence, reproductive

Implications for policy

1. Strategies to increase the involvement of men

in family planning programmes are essential
if the goal of gender equality is to be realized
and women’s safety protected.
2. Family planning programmes need to give
attention to sexual enjoyment as well as fer-
tility control.
3. Strategies to increase women’s self-efficacy
regarding reproductive options.

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

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Spontaneous pregnancy loss

Heather Rowe

I t is estimated that 20% of conceptions end

spontaneously in miscarriage, most within the
first three months of gestation. The actual rate,
from the offended party would the bleeding stop
(Asowa-Omorodion, 1997).

including those that are not clinically or per- In developed countries, contemporary discourse
sonally obvious, is estimated to be much higher emphasizes the desirability of women’s autono-
(Mishell, 1993). In some countries, particularly my and control of their bodies during pregnancy
where legal, safe abortion is unavailable, it is not and childbirth. It is implicit in this that indi-
always possible to make a clear clinical distinc- viduals can personally ensure a happy, healthy
tion between miscarriage and induced abortion pregnancy outcome; this can result in self-blame
(Vazquez, 2002). when pregnancy loss does occur (Layne, 2003).
Societies differ in the degree to which they per-
mit, or even encourage, discussion of adverse
Mental health and spontaneous pregnancy events. In contrast to Western so-
pregnancy loss cial conventions, it is reported that women in
some settings, for example Yucatan (Mexico)
The psychosocial repercussions of miscarriage and Nepal, are able to speak candidly about all
for individual women are likely to be influenced kinds of pregnancy loss, which, it is argued, is
by culturally specific beliefs and practices sur- beneficial (Jordan, 1993; March, 2001). Rice
rounding conception, inheritance and ideas of (1999) conducted in-depth interviews and par-
family identity, individual responsibility and at- ticipant observations with Hmong women living
tribution of cause. There has been little cross- in Australia. Her findings revealed that, for these
cultural research on ethnomedical beliefs about women, miscarriage creates considerable anxi-
pregnancy complications (Asowa-Omorodion, ety at both the family and the social level. This is
1997). However, in the available studies the attri- because of a belief that miscarriage may portend
bution of blame for pregnancy loss to the woman the failure of the family to extend its lineage, and
is a common theme. For example, in some so- because it is seen as a threat to the existence of
cieties pregnancy loss is still grounds on which the clan itself. Religious concerns are focused
a man may divorce his wife (Vazquez, 2002). on the loss of a place within the family for the
This is especially the case where having many rebirth of a soul. The reactions of this group
children is desirable for social and economic rea- of women to miscarriage reflect anxiety about
sons, and where high social status is accorded disruption to the harmony between the social
to fertile and fecund women. Focus groups con- and supernatural worlds, which is essential for
ducted with Esan women from Edo state in cen- health.
tral southern Nigeria revealed that the women
believed that attempts to control their fertility Responses to miscarriage are shaped by the pat-
would result in pregnancy illness and loss, and terns of socially sanctioned support and mourn-
that bleeding in pregnancy was a punishment ing behaviour, as well as the time at which
for wrongdoing by the woman. Only if the crime pregnancy is publicly acknowledged and the
could be established and forgiveness received fetus accorded status as a human (Slade, 1994).

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

Miscarriage is experienced by many women as is appropriate (Slade, 1994). Psychoanalytical

a significant life crisis (Slade, 1994). Elevated conceptualizations emphasize the normal psy-
rates of psychological morbidity, in particular chological changes in pregnancy, which include
depression and anxiety disorders and increased pregnancy as a maturational challenge, when
use of psychotropic medication, have been re- unresolved early conflicts may be re-aroused
ported after pregnancy loss (Neugebauer, Kline and an intense narcissistic state may develop.
& O’Connor, 1992; Prettyman, Cordle & Cook, Cognitive modifications may accompany these
1993; Stirtzinger et al., 1999; Geller, 2001; Garel changes, which are characterized by alterations
et al., 1994). Paradoxically, there is also evidence in primary process thinking. Finally, whether the
that both health professionals and the lay com- pregnancy is wanted or not, most women experi-
munity tend to minimize the degree of distress, ence some ambiva-
and to assume that women will make a rapid and lence towards the Not all women
spontaneous recovery (Layne, 1990; Stirtzinger fetus, in which in every setting will
et al., 1999). It has been argued (Layne, 2003) the urge to nur- experience miscarriage as
that, in developed countries, where adverse ture and protect a profound loss, and there
pregnancy and birth outcomes are rare and the coexists with feel- appears to be a diversity
discussion of adverse events is discouraged, ings of being over- of reactions, from those
women may suffer alone without acknowledge- whelmed by the requiring psychiatric
ment or support from others. Lack of social ac- irrevocable course care at one end of the
knowledgement of distress about spontaneous of the pregnancy. spectrum, to expressions of
pregnancy loss may lead women to experience This conceptu- ambivalence, relative
an invisible bereavement and disenfranchised alization explains indifference or relief at
grief (Cecil & Leslie, 1993). In developing coun- grief reactions to the other.
tries, where pregnancy loss of all kinds is more pregnancy loss in
common, it is arguable that miscarriage may be terms of an intense
felt as more profound, especially if it represents narcissistic injury, characterized by feelings of
to the woman the loss of her role as a mother, in emptiness, shame, helplessness and low self-es-
a society where alternative roles are limited or teem, which are exacerbated by the absence of
nonexistent. an object for which to mourn (Frost & Condon,
1996). Slade (1994) suggests an alternative con-
Studies in developed countries have identi- ceptual framework, which characterizes the ex-
fied a range of emotional reactions to miscar- perience of pregnancy loss as a stressor, to which
riage, including guilt, sadness, helplessness individuals will respond according to their in-
and anger (Frost & Condon, 1996). The mis- dividual coping style. However, as yet there has
carriage itself may be a frightening experience been no empirical investigation of this theoreti-
(Prettyman, Cordle & Cook, 1993; Layne, cal position.
1997). Nevertheless, not all women in every set-
ting will experience miscarriage as a profound Moulder (1994) described two models on which
loss, and there appears to be a diversity of re- professional care for women having a miscar-
actions, from those requiring psychiatric care riage is based. The “medical” model assumes that
at one end of the spectrum, to expressions of the miscarriage is a minor mishap, which can
ambivalence, relative indifference or relief at the be treated, while the “gestational” model recog-
other. This variety is likely to be associated with nizes the loss involved, but describes the magni-
differences in personal circumstances, as well as tude of loss in terms of the stage of pregnancy at
familial, social and cultural meanings (Madden, which it occurred: the later the miscarriage, the
1994). Women’s own descriptions of miscarriag- greater the loss. Moulder argues that neither of
es have been interpreted as a process involving these models accurately explains the diversity of
the stages of turmoil, adjustment and resolution women’s responses to pregnancy loss. She pro-
rather than psychological morbidity (Maker & poses a model with greater potential explanatory
Ogden, 2003). power, which is based on an understanding of
maternal–fetal emotional attachment, loss, and
Despite a lack of explicit theoretical frameworks the degree of individual investment in the preg-
in much research on psychological reactions to nancy (Moulder, 1994). There has been rela-
miscarriage, there is generally an implicit as- tively little research on maternal–fetal emotional
sumption that the bereavement or loss model attachment in early pregnancy, but the process

Chapter 4. Spontaneous pregnancy loss

appears to begin before fetal movements are de- fewer educational and social resources, more life
tected. In addition, a high level of attachment to stressors and greater ambivalence towards the
the fetus can coexist with disenchantment about fetus (Beutel et al., 1995).
the pregnancy state itself (Lumley, 1980). The
attachment construct is useful in understanding Despite a lack of consensus regarding the nature
the intensity of emotional reactions to pregnancy and etiology of psychological reactions to mis-
loss, but has received little theoretical or empiri- carriage, there is a body of research describing
cal attention in the research literature (Condon, the incidence and course of psychological symp-
1993). tomatology. Interpretation of these data is ham-
pered by the variety of methodologies employed
and of measures used to assess symptoms, but
more recent work has generally used standard
psychometric measures. In addition, a number
of methodological limitations restrict the con-
clusions that may be drawn from the studies. For
example, differences between study and control
groups may confound results, and there is vari-
ation in the extent to which the study methodol-
ogy itself may act as a therapeutic intervention.
Further, the timing of psychological assessment
after miscarriage varies. Meaningful compari-
sons between these studies are therefore limited
(Slade, 1994; Neugebauer, 2003). There is also
As with other human loss, an understanding of the question of the potential confounding effect,
the relationship between grief and depression on the measurement of psychological sequelae
is essential to understanding the psychological of miscarriage, of the provision of psychological
implications of miscarriage (Stirtzinger et al., care, such as counselling, during or after treat-
1999; Ritsher & Neugebauer, 2002). However, ment. It is therefore surprising that very few
the literature has generally not distinguished studies have reported details of any such care
between the symptoms of these reactions (Brier, that may have been offered to study participants,
1999). Grief has been conceptualized as a nor- or whether participants sought or received as-
mal adaptive response to loss, characterized by sistance from professional or lay support groups
feelings of sadness, emptiness, angry protest and prior to psychological assessment.
yearning, which will normally resolve without
intervention over time. A pathological grief re- A number of recent, methodologically rigorous
action occurs when symptoms remain intense studies, using both standardized psychometric
for a prolonged period, indicating progression measures and comparison groups, have consist-
to major depression (Beutel et al., 1995). In an ently found significantly elevated rates of de-
attempt to demonstrate empirically the differ- pressive symptoms in women following miscar-
entiation of grief from depression, Beutel et al. riage, in comparison with women with uncom-
(1995) hypothesized that two kinds of reactions plicated pregnancy, or with women in the com-
to miscarriage can be distinguished. Grief re- munity who are not pregnant. Anxiety appears
actions are preceded by joyful anticipation of to be less well described than depression (Brier,
motherhood and are of relatively short dura- 1999). Arguably the relevant comparison group
tion, while depressive reactions are more likely is women with uncomplicated pregnancy rather
to occur in women with a previous history of than non-pregnant women; however, similar
depression and elevated distress in pregnancy, rates of depressive symptoms have been found
and with difficult personal relationships and in pregnant women and community samples of
poor social circumstances. In his study of 125 women of a similar age who are not pregnant
German women who had recently experienced a (Llewellyn, Stowe & Nemeroff, 1997).
miscarriage, those who were categorized on the
basis of standard measures to the “depressive re- Significantly higher anxiety and depression
action” group were twice as likely (P≤ 0.001) to scores were found in a group of women within 24
have a prior history of depression than those in hours of surgical treatment for miscarriage com-
the “grief only” group, and to have significantly pared with a control group of pregnant women;

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

the difference persisted for six weeks (Thapar & There is no consistent evidence of a relationship
Thapar, 1992). However, the mean gestational between sociodemographic factors including
age was higher in the pregnant group. Higher age, occupation and marital status, pregnancy
levels of psychological symptoms were associ- factors such as gestation and whether the preg-
ated with experience of previous miscarriage, nancy was planned or wanted or reproductive
childlessness and an unplanned pregnancy history including prior abortion, miscarriage
(Thapar & Thapar, 1992; Prettyman, Cordle & or infertility and the risk of post-miscarriage
Cook, 1993). Symptoms of depression, but not psychological distress (Lee & Slade, 1996). It
anxiety, persisted for 12 months in a group of has been argued that sociodemographic fac-
women who miscarried (Beutel et al., 1995). In a tors contribute little to the understanding of the
study conducted in the United States, minor de- meaning of miscarriage to an individual woman
pressive disorder, as assessed by the Diagnostic (Slade, 1994), and that a more fruitful approach
Interview Schedule (DIS) (Robins et al., 1981), may be to investigate the role of thoughts and
was found in 5.2%, and major depressive dis- cognitions, in particular understanding of the
order in 10.9%, of 229 women, 6 months after medical explanations of the cause of the miscar-
miscarriage. Onset of symptoms was within the riage (Tunaley, Slade & Duncan, 1993). It has
first month after the loss in 72% of cases. This also been suggested that individual differences
compared with rates of major and minor depres- in attributional style – a construct measuring
sive disorder of 4.3% and 1%, respectively, in an individual’s propensity to locate the cause of
the community cohort (Neugebauer, 1997; Klier, an adverse event either internally or with exter-
Geller & Neugebauer, 2000). Major depressive nal factors over which he or she has less control
disorder, assessed by the Structured Clinical – may be salient. Studies that have attempted to
Interview for DSM-III-R (Spitzer et al., 1992) was investigate the role of cognition in psychological
found in 12% of a group of 150 Chinese women adaptation to miscarriage have produced incon-
in Hong Kong, China, six weeks after miscar- sistent findings (Tunaley, Slade & Duncan, 1993;
riage (Lee et al., 1997a). Anecdotal reports sug- Robinson et al., 1994). Nevertheless, post-treat-
gest that a few women will experience miscar- ment interventions aimed at reducing feelings of
riage as a traumatizing event; some of these self-blame and enhancing self-esteem appear to
will meet the criteria for acute stress disorder or show promise for improving psychological adap-
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A differ- tation to miscarriage (Nikcevic, Kuczmierczyk
ent model of care may be warranted for these & Nicolaides, 1998).
women (Lee, 1996; Bowles et al., 2000).
More recently, the impact of previous adverse
A prospective longitudinal study, using a symp- life events on emotional adaptation to pregnancy
tom self-reporting scale with 113 women in the loss has been investigated. A meticulously con-
Netherlands, found 25% prevalence of PTSD ducted study (Neugebauer et al., 1997) of 229
symptoms one month after miscarriage, declin- miscarrying women assessed the risk of a first
ing to 7% at four months. In this sample, PTSD or recurrent episode of major depressive disor-
symptoms were associated with depression der in the six months following loss, and com-
(P<0.001) (Engelhard et al., 2001). pared it with the risk in a population-based
cohort of 230 women drawn from the commu-
Follow-up investigations after pregnancy loss nity. Major depressive disorder was assessed by
have concluded that symptoms of anxiety and the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (Robins et
depression resolve spontaneously over time in al., 1981). The six-month total incidence rates
most women; there is some evidence that anxi- for the miscarrying and the community wom-
ety symptoms are more variable and persistent en were 10.9% and 4.3%, respectively (relative
(Prettyman, Cordle & Cook, 1993; Cecil & risk, 2.5; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.2–5.1).
Leslie, 1993; Janssen et al., 1996). Some women The relative risk for depressive disorder in both
have reported that continuing distress influ- groups did not differ between women with prior
ences the decision to conceive again (Cordle reproductive loss, between younger and older
& Prettyman, 1994), and that anxiety recurs women, by marital status, educational level, or
in subsequent pregnancies (Statham & Green, history of elective abortion (Neugebauer, Kline
1994). & O’Connor, 1992; Thapar & Thapar, 1992;
Prettyman, Cordle & Cook, 1993). In the group
of women who had miscarried, neither time of

Chapter 4. Spontaneous pregnancy loss

gestation, nor attitude towards the pregnancy, of both unsafe induced abortions and surgical
nor length of prior warning of the miscarriage treatment of miscarriage consume substantial
influenced the risk of major depressive disorder. emergency gynaecological services, especially in
Among women in both groups, the risk of an ep- developing countries (Hemminki, 1998).
isode of major depressive disorder was substan-
tially higher among those with a history of major Ultrasound examinations indicate that only a
depressive disorder. This finding concurs with proportion of miscarriages are incomplete, and
those from studies investigating mood disorders it is therefore probable that many women have
at other phases of reproductive life. In particu- undergone surgical
lar, in the postpartum period, a personal history treatment, with its The miscarriage
of mood disorder or psychiatric diagnosis has attendant risks, un- experience including
been consistently associated with post-pregnan- necessarily. There is its aftermath are almost
cy depression (O’Hara & Swain, 1996; Scottish continuing debate universally experienced
Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, 2002). about the neces- in the context of clinical
sity of routine sur- care (Hemminki, 1998).
There has been limited discussion in the litera- gical management
ture of the factors that contribute to variations in (Ballagh, Harris &
psychological vulnerability among women fol- Demasio, 1998) and practice guidelines now urge
lowing miscarriage or perinatal death. However, conservative attitudes (Lagro-Janssen, 2005).
in a large data-linkage study in the United States The use of ultrasound could allow active treat-
(Seng et al., 2001), women who had an ICD-9 ment to be restricted to women with an incom-
code for post-traumatic stress disorder had an plete miscarriage (Vazquez, Hickey & Neilson,
odds ratio of 1.9 (95% CI 1.3–2.9) for previous 2002). A systematic review of the evidence on
miscarriage, and an odds ratio of 7.4 (95% CI the effectiveness and safety of expectant man-
2.7–20.2) for having been a victim of violence, agement versus surgical treatment for early preg-
compared with women without such a diag- nancy loss is in preparation (Nanda et al., 2003).
nosis. This raises the possibility of the causal Medical treatments for incomplete miscarriage
misattribution of psychopathology to the mis- have been developed, and pharmacotherapies
carriage experience itself, when it might more are now used with the aim of minimizing mor-
accurately be described in some women as a re- bidity, mortality, and unnecessary surgical inter-
arousal of prior trauma. The interaction between vention (Ashok et al., 1998; Nielsen, Hahlin &
previous adverse life experiences, such as abuse Platz-Christensen, 1999; Chung et al., 1999).
and violence, and the experience of miscarriage
warrants specific investigation. The miscarriage experience and its aftermath are
almost universally experienced in the context of
clinical care (Hemminki, 1998), and the qual-
Medical treatment of spontaneous ity of this care may influence women’s emotional
pregnancy loss recovery. Relevant factors include whether the
treatment is medical, surgical or expectant, the
Miscarriage, especially late miscarriage, may
attitudes of health care staff, and the availabil-
lead to haemorrhage and infection if pregnancy-
ity of counselling, support and other follow-up
related tissue is retained. Appropriate and timely
services. There is debate about the relative effi-
treatment is necessary to effect complete removal
cacy and efficiency of medical and surgical treat-
of this tissue from the uterus in cases of incom-
ments for early miscarriage, and about whether
plete miscarriage. Historically, surgical curettage
active treatment is needed at all (Henshaw, 1993;
– evacuation of the uterus under general anaes-
Smith, 1993; Nanda et al., 2003). Medical man-
thetic – has been the treatment of choice for mis-
agement using a prostaglandin (misoprostol) to
carriage. The procedure itself carries risks, in-
promote expulsion of the products of pregnancy
cluding cervical trauma and subsequent cervical
is gaining acceptance (Lee et al., 2001). Any eval-
incompetence, uterine perforation, haemorrhage
uation of different treatment regimens would
and intrauterine adhesions (Nanda et al., 2003).
need to investigate the psychological ramifica-
There is an international consensus that profes-
tions, which are likely to differ.
sional care is needed following miscarriage, but
current treatments for miscarriage are not based There are potential advantages to conservative or
on randomized controlled studies. The sequelae expectant management of miscarriage, not the

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

least of which, for women with uncomplicated misoprostol may prove especially useful in de-
miscarriage, is the avoidance of hospital admis- veloping countries because it is cheap, stable at
sion and separation from family (Smith, 1993). A room temperature, and has few systemic effects
randomized controlled trial, comparing expect- (Vazquez, Hickey & Neilson, 2002) However, its
ant with medical management for first-trimester efficacy will need to be improved if its apparent
miscarriage, found that 76% of 62 women had a psychological benefits are not to be attenuated by
complete miscarriage without intervention, com- its relatively high failure rate (Lee et al., 2001).
pared with 82% of 60 who were given a com-
bination of antiprogesterone and prostaglandin Research into the psychological consequences of
E. Those receiving pharmacological treatment miscarriage has been hampered by the problem
had a longer convalescence time, but there were of potential misattribution of adverse psycho-
no differences between the groups in level of logical and physical outcomes to the experience
pain, bleeding, post-miscarriage complications of miscarriage itself, rather than to the sequelae
or satisfaction. Satisfaction was measured on a of surgical management. Research into the use
single, visual, analogue scale, but the fact that of medical therapies in miscarriage may help to
it was administered in the treatment setting 14 address this potential flaw.
days after treatment may have limited critical or
dissatisfied responses (Nielsen, Hahlin & Platz- There is evidence from Australia, the Netherlands,
Christensen, 1999). It has been argued that the the United Kingdom and the United States that
psychological impact of medical management aspects of the primary and hospital care that
of miscarriage should not be underestimated. women receive after miscarriage are consistently
Pharmacological treatment may shorten the time regarded by them as unhelpful in their recovery
to complete miscarriage, but women and health (Cuisinier et al., 1993; Cecil, 1994; Moohan,
care staff may see the discharged pregnancy-re- Ashe & Cecil, 1994; Speraw, 1994; Paton et al.,
lated tissue and find the experience traumatic. 1999; Harvey, Moyle & Creedy, 2001), and may
Surgical intervention under general anaesthesia, limit the capacity of primary health care provid-
although it carries its own risks, may therefore ers to identify psychological morbidity (Wong et
be the preferred treatment option for some wom- al., 2003). Brier (2005) recommends that practi-
en (Sharma, 1993). tioners should routinely screen for anxiety and
depression after miscarriage. Women report in-
A randomized controlled comparison of medi- sufficient recognition by staff of the magnitude
cal (misoprostol) versus surgical treatment for of the experience, insufficient information about
early miscarriage, conducted in Hong Kong, why their pregnancy miscarried and the impli-
China, paid particular attention to psychological cations for future pregnancies, and deficiencies
and culturally appropriate outcomes for women in psychological or medical follow-up. It has
(Lee et al., 2001). There were no significant dif- been suggested that unhelpful and insensitive
ferences between the groups in psychological or attitudes among staff may reflect their own emo-
social functioning, measured two weeks and six tional responses to pregnancy loss (Brier, 1999).
months after the procedure. However measures When surveyed, 90% of care providers recog-
of client satisfaction, made with due care to limit nized that women were likely to experience emo-
under-reporting of dissatisfaction, showed that tional distress after miscarriage, which might be
the 40% of women who required surgical treat- ameliorated by discussion of their feelings, but
ment because of failure of medical treatment only 20% felt confident that they could do this
were, on several measures, less satisfied than for women in their care (Prettyman, Cordle &
both the surgical treatment group and the group Cook, 1992). It would appear, therefore, that
for whom medical treatment was successful. education and training of staff to provide psy-
Interestingly, this study investigated the ethno- chologically informed care are needed.
medical dimension of the treatments for the par-
ticipants. On measures of the degree to which In general, follow-up professional care after mis-
treatments were seen as having devitalized and carriage is not provided, even though women
damaged the body, women’s reports clearly fa- commonly report a desire for it, attend when it is
voured medical treatment. The authors argue available, and report that it is helpful (Prettyman,
that this finding has widespread application, Cordle & Cook, 1992; Lee & Slade, 1996;
because concern for devitalization of the body Turner, Flannelly & Wingfield, 1991; Nikcevic,
is shared by many other cultures. In addition, Kuczmierczyk & Nicolaides, 1998). There have

Chapter 4. Spontaneous pregnancy loss

been few evaluations of post-treatment interven- that the completion of questionnaires as part of
tions, and little description of the form that such the study may itself have had a therapeutic ef-
follow-up services might take. Given the theo- fect, even for women in the control group (Athey
retical conceptualization of miscarriage as sig- & Spielvogel, 2000). The authors suggest that
nificant loss, grief counselling may be appropri- possible adverse effects in some women may
ate. However, a randomized controlled test of a have cancelled out beneficial effects, but do not
counselling intervention by nurses found no sig- present data to support or refute this interpreta-
nificant differences in overall mood disturbance tion. They further suggest screening using the
one year after miscarriage (Swanson, 1999). The 30-item General Health Questionnaire, to detect
specific features of miscarriage suggest that a individuals who may benefit from additional
broader conceptualization of therapeutic ap- psychological assistance (Lee, 1997b). However,
proach is needed. In particular, a combination of such screening does not distinguish women for
explanation of the medical reasons for miscar- whom psychological debriefing may be helpful
riage and psychological support may ameliorate from those for whom it is not, or for whom it
the guilt reactions commonly experienced after could be harmful.
miscarriage (Nikcevic et al., 1999; Nikcevic,
2003). It is interesting to note, in this context, Women’s responses to miscarriage are likely to
that two recent prospective longitudinal studies be mediated by the reactions of others, includ-
have found no association between miscarriage ing family members and the broader society in
and psychosocial stress, depression, optimism, which they live. The extent to which the psy-
spouse abuse (measured by validated psycho- chological reactions of the partners of women
metric instruments) or biochemical markers of experiencing miscarriage may limit their capac-
stress and anxiety (Milad et al., 1998; Nelson et ity to provide emotional support remains un-
al., 2003a; 2003b). der-explored. Men appear to grieve the loss of a
pregnancy (Conway & Russell, 2000), but their
Lee & Slade (1996) proposed a form of post-mis- grief may be less intense and of shorter dura-
carriage care that acknowledges that miscarriage tion than that of women (Stinson et al., 1992).
can potentially precipitate trauma reactions, and A small qualitative study revealed that men may
that gives attention to post-miscarriage anxiety experience confusion about how to behave so-
symptoms. Their proposed model of treatment cially, or how to provide appropriate emotional
includes psychological debriefing, a form of cri- support to their partners, in the presence of their
sis intervention used with survivors of trauma own feelings of loss after miscarriage (Puddifoot
(Lee, Slade & Lygo, 1996). This was tested in a & Johnson, 1997). Women who were still de-
small, controlled trial, in which 39 women were pressed six months after spontaneous pregnan-
randomly assigned to either an hour-long psy- cy loss were significantly more likely than those
chological debriefing by a female psychologist in who were not depressed to have partners who
their own home approximately two weeks after avoided talking about the loss and who were
the miscarriage, or routine care (no follow-up). less supportive (Beutel et al., 1996). In common
The intervention was generally regarded as help- with other forms of bereavement, support from
ful, but assessments of all trial participants four broader social networks, including local health
months after miscarriage revealed no significant services, may assist in the adaptation to preg-
differences between the groups in standardized nancy loss (Rajan & Oakley, 1993; Rajan, 1994).
measures of psychological morbidity (Lee, Slade In practice, it is unlikely that a single approach
& Lygo, 1996). This is consistent with findings to the psychological care of women after sponta-
of other trials of psychological debriefing in the neous pregnancy loss will be effective in all set-
context of reproductive loss or trauma (Small et tings and for all cultural groups.
al., 2000; Priest et al., 2003). With the excep-
tion of anxiety, which remained above the norm, There is general agreement in the literature that
psychological distress diminished significantly many women experience miscarriage as highly
in both groups over time (Lee, Slade & Lygo, distressing, and that rates of subsequent psycho-
1996). The psychologist who conducted the de- pathology, including depression and anxiety, are
briefing in this trial was unable to provide medi- elevated in comparison with community sam-
cal information about the possible causes of the ples. Medical services are routinely involved in
miscarriage or about the implications for future preventing the potential complications of mis-
reproductive decision-making. It may also be carriage through active treatment, but are not

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

perceived to provide psychological support at Policy

the time of treatment or at follow-up. The par-
ticular factors that predispose some women to Even though it is common, miscarriage should
more intense psychological reactions have not not be regarded as a routine event in women’s
yet been clearly identified, but vulnerability gen- lives; policies for the assessment and short- and
erated by earlier adverse events appears salient long-term psychological care of women who have
and warrants additional investigation. Although experienced miscarriage should be developed.
psychological reactions to miscarriage resolve
spontaneously in most women, there appears to Services
be a role for psychological intervention, immedi-
ately after treatment or in the long term. It is not Health services should ensure that staff are at-
clear whether some or all women would benefit tuned to women’s psychological needs following
from this type of intervention, or what form it miscarriage, and are trained to respond with
should take, and there has been no evaluation empathy and sensitivity.
of existing services. However, it is acknowledged
that women who use health services after losing
a pregnancy may benefit from a more psycho-
logically informed model of care than currently
exists in most settings.


Future research

1. There is a need for research on the impact of

prior adverse life experiences, such as abuse
and violence, on a woman’s predisposition to
psychological morbidity after miscarriage, as
well as on the form of care that is appropriate
for this group.
2. More attention needs to be given to the psy-
chological component of medical care after
miscarriage; there is little agreement in the
literature about the form that psychological
interventions should take, or which would
be of most benefit to women.

Chapter 4. Spontaneous pregnancy loss

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Jill Astbury

B etween 1980 and 1998, global average life

expectancy increased from 61 to 67 years.
The increase, however, was not evenly distrib-
Mental health and the
perimenopausal period

uted. For example, high rates of human immu- Menopause is defined retrospectively as the end
nodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in sub-Saha- of menstruation. During the perimenopausal
ran Africa caused life expectancy to fall to 47 period, women gradually stop menstruating
years on average; life expectancy has fallen in 34 and become unable to conceive and bear chil-
countries since 1990 (UNDP, 2003). dren without assisted reproductive technology.
In high-income countries, the average age at
In high-income countries, women outlive men menopause is around 50 years for nonsmokers.
by 5–8 years. However, in low-income countries, Women who smoke tend to reach menopause
the differential is reduced to 0–3 years (World approximately 18 months earlier. A low socioe-
Bank, 2006), and in three countries – Nepal, conomic position over the lifetime is also associ-
Pakistan and Zimbabwe – women’s life expect- ated with an earlier age at menopause (McKinlay,
ancy is lower than men’s (UNDP, 2003). Brambilla & Posner, 1992; Luoto, Kaprio &
Uutela, 1994; Shinberg, 1998; Wise et al., 2002).
As life expectancy In low-income countries, an overall earlier age
In six African countries, increases, more at menopause has been reported. Menopause is
women’s life expectancy is women are liv- earliest among women who have suffered from
less than 40 years. These are ing to the age of malnutrition (Khaw, 1992; Leidy, 1994).
Malawi (39.1 years), Rwanda menopause and
(38.7 years), Sierra Leone beyond. Even in Menopause is characterized by simultaneous
(35.8 years), Swaziland (39.9 countries with low physical, hormonal, and psychosocial changes.
years), Zambia (33.4 years) average life expect- Physically, health status may decline and chron-
and Zimbabwe (35.4 years). ancy, such as those ic diseases associated with ageing may appear
In high-income developed in sub-Saharan for the first time. Hormonally, the perimenopau-
countries, women’s average Africa, the major- sal transition is characterized by declining ovar-
life expectancy is more than ity of women not ian follicular activity and hormonal fluctuations
80 years. These countries infected by HIV that result in vasomotor instability. Symptoms
include Australia (81.9 years), live to menopause include hot flushes, vaginal dryness and sleep
France (82.6 years), Japan and beyond. The problems.
(84.7 years), Spain (82.6 marked differences
in life expectancy Dominant views on fertility, ageing and female
years), Sweden (82.4 years)
underline the fact roles help shape women’s expectations of and
and Switzerland (82.2 years).
that the priority of attitudes towards menopause, and influence the
menopause and its social status accorded to women in midlife. These
mental health di- views inform women’s expectations and subjec-
mensions, as a reproductive health problem, will tive experiences, and the meanings they attach
vary considerably between countries. to menopause (Lock, 1994; McMaster, Pitts &

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

Poyah, 1997; Boulet et al., 1994). Cultural con- the Philippines, and Singapore, tend to report
ceptions of menopause can vary, from its being fewer menopausal symptoms than those in the
perceived as a normal and unproblematic part of United States (Boulet et al., 1994). Lock (2002)
human development and the female life course cautions against dismissing reports of fewer
to its being seen as a hormone-deficiency dis- symptoms in these societies simply as learned
ease that gives rise to severe, disabling physical cultural expectations.
and psychological symptoms requiring medical
treatment and surveillance. Psychosocially, the perimenopausal transition
takes place in a context that may be marked by
A comprehensive review of cross-cultural and significant life changes and upheavals. Family
comparative research concluded that the major- composition may change through death or di-
ity of women do not find menopause a difficult vorce, children may leave or return home, and
experience (Lock, 2002). Similar findings on parents may become more dependent. In addi-
women’s attitudes towards natural menopause tion, work status and level of participation in
have been reported in the USA (Avis & McKinlay, paid work may decline.
1995). In the longitudinal Massachusetts
Women’s Health study, the majority of partici- While there is a large literature on hormonal
pants did not seek medical help for menopause, treatments for menopause and the effect of such
and held primarily positive or neutral attitudes treatments on breast cancer, heart disease, oste-
towards it (Avis & McKinlay, 1995). Again, few oporosis, dementia and depression, this research
women in the Seattle Midlife Women’s Health is not the focus of the current review. First, re-
Survey (Woods & Mitchell, 1997) defined men- sults from the Women’s Health Initiative, the
opause as a time when increased symptoms, world’s largest randomized controlled trial in-
disease risk or medical care should be expected. volving more than 16 000 women in the USA,
Most women viewed menopause as a normal de- indicated that the combination of estrogen and
velopmental process. progestogen, given for treatment of menopause,
was associated with significant health risks.
The prevalence of menopausal symptoms var- This study, begun in 1997, was initially intended
ies considerably, even within countries. For to be completed in 2005, but was terminated
example, Bosworth et al. (2001), in a study of three years early, because analysis revealed sig-
perimenopausal American women (aged 45–54 nificantly increased health risks. These included
years) in North Carolina, found high rates of increased risks of breast cancer (Chlebowski et
hot flushes (65%), night sweats (56%), difficulty al., 2003), heart disease (Pradhan et al., 2002),
sleeping (45%), mood swings (49%) and memory stroke (Wassertheil-Smoller et al., 2003) and
problems (44%). Conversely, Woods & Mitchell poor cognitive functioning (Rapp et al., 2003).
(1997) reported much lower rates of symptoms Second, menopause research has been criticized
for women participating in the Seattle Midlife for being carried out primarily in middle- and
Women’s Health Study. In this study only 17% high-income countries on samples of middle
reported hot flushes and night sweats. In con- class white women (Standing & Glazer, 1992).
trast, a longitudinal study of Australian women Treating menopause in low-income countries
reported an increase in vasomotor symptoms, carries a high cost and has low public health rel-
such as hot flushes, night sweats, breast tender- evance. Where there are high rates of HIV infec-
ness and vaginal dryness over the perimenopau- tion, high maternal mortality rates and low life
sal transition (Dennerstein et al., 2000). expectancy for women, other reproductive and
mental health issues are of more concern, and
Cross-cultural studies have found signifi- require more urgent attention, than treatments
cant variations between women in different for menopause.
countries in the level and type of menopausal
symptoms experienced and the degree of physi- This chapter focuses on the relationship be-
cal and psychological distress associated with tween menopause and psychological distress
them (Punyahotra & Dennerstein, 1997; Fu, in midlife. It will consider the factors that have
Anderson & Courtney, 2003). Women in Japan been identified as playing a significant role in
(Lock, 1994) and other Asian countries, includ- women’s emotional health and well-being at this
ing China (Hong Kong SAR, and Province of time, especially those associated with increased
Taiwan), Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, rates of depression. The relative contributions of

Chapter 5. Menopause

physical, hormonal and psychosocial changes to and do not experience depression at this time.
depression have received considerable attention These include the role of hormonal changes,
from researchers, and evidence on the relation- menopausal status and menopausal symptoms,
ships will be reviewed. Most research has been such as hot flushes and disturbed sleep, psycho-
carried out in high-income countries and the social, socioeconomic and physical health fac-
validity of these findings for women in resource- tors, and a history of depression (Bosworth et
poor settings is largely unknown. Caution in ex- al., 2001).
trapolating findings from high-income countries
is especially warranted with regard to studies In order to investigate whether menopause has
from the USA, where rates of gynaecological sur- a direct or an indirect effect on depression, it is
gery (hysterectomy) and hormone replacement necessary to clarify through prospective, longi-
therapy are high, and hence natural menopause tudinal research whether depression is a cause
is by no means a universal experience. or consequence of high levels of symptoms, in-
cluding hot flushes, insomnia and vaginal dry-
ness. Over the past decade or so, an increasing
Menopause: a time of increased risk number of such stud-
for poor mental health? ies have been carried
out in high-income Do women with
Evidence from national surveys permits com- negative expectations of
countries, including
parison of population-based rates of depression menopause have more
Australia, Canada,
over the lifespan. Throughout their reproductive frequent symptoms and
the United Kingdom,
years, women experience significantly higher rate these symptoms
and the United
rates of depression than men, with female:male more negatively than
States (Woods &
ratios approximately 2:1 (Astbury & Cabral de women who hold
Mitchell, 1997; Avis
Mello, 2000). This difference first emerges in pu- positive expectations
et al., 2001; Glazer
berty (Wade, Cairney & Pevalin, 2002; Kessler, and in turn do such
et al., 2002; Kaufert,
2003) and declines from midlife onwards, al- women have more
Gilbert & Tate, 1992;
though evidence on the age when the sex dif- negative experiences of
Kuh, Wadsworth
ference ceases to be important varies from one menopause and higher
& Hardy, 1997;
study and one country to another. For Australian rates of depression?
Dennerstein, Lehert
women aged between 45 and 54 years, the rate of
& Guthrie, 2002).
depression was 7%, considerably lower than that
Most longitudinal
for women aged 18–24 years (11%) (Andrews et
studies have used multidimensional models to
al., 1999). Two national surveys in the USA have
investigate why some, but not all, women expe-
indicated a U-shaped relationship between age
rience depression during the menopausal tran-
and depression, with the lowest rates occur-
sition. These have been designed to assess the
ring in the age group 45–49 years (Kessler et
contributions of sociocultural factors, attitudes
al., 1992). The United Kingdom National Survey
towards and expectations of menopause, health
of Psychiatric Morbidity found that the sex dif-
status and health behaviours, and history of de-
ference in the prevalence of depression disap-
pression, as well as the impact of age, menopau-
peared after the age of 55 years (Bebbington et
sal status, and symptoms.
al., 2003).
A stress model of depression is congruent with
Despite the fact that the gender difference in de-
a multidimensional approach to understanding
pression is most marked during the reproductive
the pathways to depression in midlife (Woods
years, experiences related to changes in sex hor-
& Mitchell, 1997). Stress, as a highly important
mones, such as pregnancy, the use of oral con-
mediating factor linked to depression, may arise
traceptives, hormone replacement therapy and
from a number of different sources: from the
menopause, do not appear to account for this dif-
menopausal transition itself, because of changes
ference (Stephens & Ross, 2002; Kessler, 2003).
in menstrual patterns and the appearance and
Large-scale epidemiological surveys of mental
persistence of vasomotor symptoms; from the
health have found no substantial increase in
woman’s life context, which can have a direct
rates of depression among women in midlife. Yet
impact on mood but is also influenced by nega-
researchers remain interested in identifying the
tive socialization experiences and attitudes to
factors that distinguish between women who do
menopause and poor health; and from acute or

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

Three main hypotheses have been proposed regarding the relationship between menopause and
depression for women in midlife:

Hypothesis 1. Direct effect

There is a close relationship between hormones and mood, and menopausal change in hormonal
status will have direct effects on depression. The specific questions arising from this view include
whether lower estrogen levels are associated with increased rates of depression and whether de-
creases in estrogen bring about neurochemical changes that lead to depression.

Hypothesis 2. Indirect effect

Depression is a consequence of menopausal symptoms (the “domino” hypothesis). The main ques-
tion related to this hypothesis is whether high rates of menopausal symptoms predict increased
depression and reduced emotional well-being.

Hypothesis 3. No effect

Menopause and its associated hormonal changes are largely irrelevant in explaining depression
among women in midlife. Depression during menopause can be primarily accounted for by the
classical determinants of depression over the life course, and menopausal status and symptoms
make no meaningful additional contribution. Implicit in this view is a criticism of other research
on menopause that does not include all the previously identified predictors of depression.

The central question is: to what extent do classical determinants of depression, such as low socio-
economic status, lack of social support and a confiding relationship with a partner, unemploy-
ment, previous history of depression, negative life events and high levels of past or current stress
account for depression in midlife?

chronic health conditions and thus the physical symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats and
and psychological health status and history. difficulty sleeping, but not with menopausal sta-
tus or change in estradiol levels. Estradiol had
Using this multidimensional framework, re- no direct effect on depression independent of
searchers have investigated the different contri- symptoms. Glazer et al. (2002), in the longitudi-
butions of various stressors to depression and nal Ohio Midlife Women’s Study, also found that
troublesome menopausal symptoms. The stres- menopausal status did not significantly predict
sors have included menopausal status, age, life depression in midlife. Loss of resources and low
context factors such as psychosocial adversity, level of education – both classical determinants
negative life events, negative socialization and of depression – were, however, strongly predic-
attitudes towards menopause, as well as general tive of depression in this cohort. Anxiety was also
physical health status and health behaviours. predicted by loss of resources but the effective-
ness of women’s coping strategies and education
Overall, there is little evidence that menopausal were important too. The researchers concluded
or hormonal status exerts a strong or direct ef- that stress, as indicated by loss of resources, was
fect on depression. Rather, the evidence supports a better predictor of poor health outcomes than
a “domino” hypothesis that an increased level of menopausal status.
distressing symptoms is a cause of depression.
Avis et al. (2001), in a longitudinal study, found Bosworth et al. (2001) conducted a cross-sec-
that depression was positively associated with tional study of a random sample of women aged

Chapter 5. Menopause

45–54 years residing in Durham County, North mood. Stressful life context was significantly
Carolina. Variables included depression (meas- associated with having more severe vasomo-
ured by the abbreviated Centre for Epidemiologic tor symptoms. Women who experienced more
Studies –Depression Scale (CES-D), perceived menopausal changes tended to have more nega-
menopausal stage, climacteric symptoms, health tive expectations for midlife and poorer health
behaviour and markers of socioeconomic status. status.
Overall 164 women (28%) were using hormone
replacement therapy (HRT), and 236 (41%) re- The major explanatory role assigned to attitudes
ported ever using HRT. Almost one-third (29%) and expectations of menopause in the develop-
of women in the sample had CES-D scores in- ment of depression presupposes that the major-
dicating significant depressive symptoms, but ity of women formed these attitudes earlier in
there was no significant difference in menopau- life. Avis & McKinlay (1991), in a longitudinal
sal status between depressed and non-depressed study, found that negative attitudes towards
women. Depressed women had higher rates of menopause predicted both subsequent symp-
night sweats, hot flushes, insomnia, memory tom reporting during menopause and depres-
loss/forgetfulness and mood swings. Maartens, sion. However, in an interview-based study of
Knottnerus & Pop (2002) found that stage of more than 500 premenopausal women with
menopausal transition in Dutch women was sig- a median age of 41 years, participating in the
nificantly and independently related to depres- Seattle Midlife Women’s Health Study, Woods
sion, after other risk factors were taken into ac- & Mitchell (1997) found that most were uncer-
count. Rates of depression, as measured by the tain about their expectations of their own meno-
Edinburgh Depression Scale, significantly in- pause.
creased from pre- to perimenopause, and again
from peri- to postmenopause. However, other Another possible risk factor for depression dur-
risk factors significantly associated with depres- ing menopause is sexual functioning and chang-
sion in this study included unemployment, in- es in the frequency of sex or in the level of sex-
ability to work, financial problems, death of a ual pleasure and satisfaction. Some studies have
partner or child, and a previous episode of de- reported a decrease in sexual functioning with
pression, all of which had higher odds ratios age, which becomes more marked in midlife
than any stage of the menopausal transition. (Palacios et al., 1995; Avis, 2000; Dennerstein,
Two of these – unemployment and the death Dudley & Burger, 2001). An obvious difficulty
of a child – conferred particularly high risks for research in this area is separating the effect
of depression in midlife. On the other hand, of increasing age from menopausal status. One
Dennerstein, Lehert & Guthrie (2002) found longitudinal Swedish study disentangled the
that menopausal symptoms exerted no demon- effects of these two factors and reported that
strable effect on women’s well-being over time; menopausal status, rather than age, was the im-
rather, there was an improvement in well-be- portant factor for explaining decreased sexual
ing from early to late phases of the menopausal functioning (Hallstrom & Samuelsson, 1990).
transition. Psychosocial variables were most sig- In addition to age and menopausal status, risk
nificant in determining this, particularly when factors for decreased sexual desire included lack
a woman formed a new marriage or partnership of a sexual partner, a poor, non-confiding re-
and experienced increased satisfaction in work. lationship with the sexual partner, insufficient
support, alcohol dependence and the partner’s
In population-based longitudinal studies in own sexual difficulties. Stressors, employment,
Massachussetts, USA (Avis et al., 1994) and negative attitudes towards menopause, previous
Manitoba, Canada (Kaufert, Gilbert & Tate, level of sexual functioning, and poor physical
1992), stressful life events and circumstances or psychological health also contribute to de-
were found to be strongly associated with de- creased sexual desire and functioning in midlife
pression persisting or occurring for the first (Hallstrom & Samuelsson, 1990; Avis, 2000;
time in midlife. Sources of stress included mari- Dennerstein, Dudley & Burger, 2001). These fac-
tal and relationship problems, difficulties with tors are also predictive of depression. Difficulties
children, and demands from friends and fam- or dissatisfaction with sexual functioning can
ily. Similarly, Woods & Mitchell (1997) reported add to stress during the menopausal transition.
that a stressful life context and poor health sta-
tus had significant direct effects on depressed

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

Well-being in midlife and the six clusters: family background, characteristics

importance of the life course of the child, adult health, adult socioeconomic
circumstances, social support, lifestyle and cur-
In addition to investigating the predictors of rent life stress. Pathways through which risk fac-
depression in midlife, a number of researchers tors determined psychological distress in midlife
have sought to identify and understand the de- included cumulative losses, social adversity, and
terminants of positive health and general well- negative events and experiences over the course
being during this period. Dennerstein, Dudley of the women’s lives. The importance of nega-
& Guthrie (2003) noted a small decline in self- tive life events, such as adverse changes in family
rated health with increasing age, but this was and work life, for mental health was confirmed
not attributable to the effect of the menopausal in this study. No variation was found in psycho-
transition. A decline in self-rated health eight logical symptoms in midlife according to meno-
years after enrolment, among women who had pausal stage, in keeping with the results of most
initially rated their health as better than aver- other studies.
age, was associated with only two variables
following multivariate analysis: a change in Following multivariate analysis, three signifi-
weight and a change in libido and feelings for cant associations remained between family
the partner. Women who reported a decline in background variables and symptoms of psycho-
self-rated health and were in paid employment logical distress. Women who were psychologi-
were significantly more likely than other women cally distressed were more likely to have lived in
to have had an operation or procedure in the council housing, had parents who divorced, and
previous year. Kuh, Wadsworth & Hardy (1997) had mothers who had high scores on a meas-
also found that women who were obese had the ure of neuroticism. Certain characteristics of the
highest rates of psychological symptoms, while women during childhood and adolescence were
women who were of normal weight had lower significantly associated with adult psychological
levels of self-reported symptoms than women symptom scores. These included level of neurot-
who were under- or overweight. icism and antisocial behaviour in adolescence.
Women with higher psychological symptom
As these studies illustrate, factors preceding scores in midlife were significantly more likely
menopause can exert a strong influence on the to have had health problems earlier in adult life.
likelihood of poor mental health at the time of Of particular note were psychological illness be-
menopause. In general, longitudinal studies of tween 15 and 32 years, anxiety and depression
menopause recruit women who are approach- at 36 years, reported health problems at 36 years
ing or are already experiencing the perimeno- and physical disability at 43 years. This study,
pausal transition. This means that potentially like many others, found significant relationships
important risk factors for depression that have between adult circumstances, social relation-
occurred earlier in the life course can only be ships, health behaviour and current life stress
assessed retrospectively and are therefore sus- and high psychological symptom scores.
ceptible to recall bias. A notable exception is the
study by Kuh, Wadsworth & Hardy (1997), who A significant inverse relationship was found
investigated the links between earlier experi- between social class, educational qualifications
ences (in childhood, adolescence or earlier adult and psychological symptoms. Women living in
life) and mental health in midlife. Participants households where the income was earned by
in this research were part of the larger Medical manual labour, or who were themselves on a
Research Council National Survey of Health and low income, had higher symptom scores than
Development (MRCNSHD), a prospective cohort those from non-manual-labour households or
study of a representative sample of the British with higher income. Similarly, divorced or sepa-
population born in 1946 and assessed repeatedly rated women had a higher symptom score than
over subsequent decades. Data on midlife were those who were married or single. Although
collected over a 6-year period when participants the number of children exercised no effect on
were aged between 47 and 52 years. Data were symptom scores, the scores were worse in wom-
collected on anxiety, depression, irritability, tear- en whose children were teenagers or younger.
fulness and feelings of panic. From these data, Higher social support, including emotional sup-
researchers calculated an overall psychological port, good social networks and access to help
score (range 0–12). Risk factors were grouped in in a crisis were associated with low symptom

Chapter 5. Menopause

scores. However, after simultaneous adjust- ance on recall for contemporary events and expe-
ment of all risk factors, social networks were no riences, bias remains a problem for more distant
longer independently associated with midlife events and past experiences. Only the life course
symptoms. Some health risks, such as smok- prospective study by Kuh, Wadsworth & Hardy
ing and weight, were related to symptom scores (1997) avoided recall bias altogether, but such
in midlife. Smokers had the highest symptom longitudinal studies are extremely costly to run.
scores, lifelong non-smokers the lowest and ex- As a result, the comparison of findings across
smokers had intermediate scores. Women of nor- studies is limited by differences in methodologi-
mal weight had lower scores than women who cal approach, ranging from the research design,
were under- or overweight, while obese women the method of sample selection, differences in re-
had the highest scores. Alcohol intake and past cruitment strategies, and choice of instruments
physical activity were not systematically related for measuring risk factors and outcome vari-
to symptom scores. ables. Studies also vary in the choice of methods
for defining, detecting and measuring outcome
The researchers concluded that markedly differ- variables, such as depression. Some studies have
ent life course trajectories were associated with measured symptoms of depression, some have
psychological distress in midlife, and argued that used standardized measures that permit diag-
the relationship between the woman’s parents nostic criteria to be applied, and others have
may be even more important than their findings used non-standardized self-report measures.
on parental divorce suggested. No measures of There are differences in the age groups of women
parental conflict, parental indifference, or physi- recruited to the studies, not all important cov-
cal, sexual or psychological abuse were included ariables are taken into consideration, and most
in their study. They commented further that a studies do not consider the impact of cultural
retrospective question, asked when the women factors. The sample in a longitudinal study is not
were 42 years old, identified a small number necessarily representative of the general popula-
who may have suffered abuse or serious neglect tion, especially if there is a low response rate to
of some kind in childhood. This limited meas- the initial invitation to participate. For example,
ure of parental maltreatment was strongly asso- the response rate to the invitation to partici-
ciated with midlife psychological distress after pate in the Melbourne Women’s Midlife Health
adjusting for all other early experiences, and was Project was only 56% (Dennerstein, Lehert &
mediated by mental health status in adult life. Guthrie, 2002). As further attrition in prospec-
tive samples occurs with time, sample bias is
Other research has confirmed the importance compounded. It may be that those participating
of different forms of adversity in childhood, in a cross-sectional study, where only one at-
including sexual abuse, for multiple health out- tempt to recruit participants is needed, are more
comes in adult life (Felitti et al., 1998). In addi- similar to the general population than those who
tion, there is a well documented link between remain in a longitudinal study. However, cross-
childhood sexual abuse and intimate partner sectional studies cannot disentangle cause from
violence in adult life and increased rates of a effect or capture temporal changes. Prospective
number of adverse mental health outcomes, in- studies are needed to document time-related
cluding depression, anxiety and post-traumatic changes in indicators of health, including recent
stress disorder (Astbury & Cabral de Mello, hormonal, social and psychological changes. All
2000). Women in the sixth year of follow-up for of these may influence and help to explain vari-
the Melbourne Women’s Midlife Health Project ations in menopausal symptoms and depressive
completed a questionnaire on lifetime experi- symptoms between individual women. In addi-
ence of violence: 28.5% (101/362) reported hav- tion, significant social and cultural changes can
ing experienced some form of domestic violence occur over a single generation. Changes in so-
– physical, sexual or emotional – during their cial organization and gender roles, including in-
lifetime. creased rates of divorce, decreased fertility rates
and increased participation by women in paid
Research into the relationship between depres- work, raise new issues that can affect women’s
sion in midlife and possible risk factors, includ- sense of well-being in midlife. Recent cohorts of
ing menopausal and hormonal status and symp- women might differ from earlier cohorts in the
toms, faces a number of methodological chal- significance they assign to work and personal
lenges. While prospective studies minimize reli-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

achievement in their lives (Woods & Mitchell, Policy

Answers to the above questions are essential to
Overall, therefore, multidimensional models provide data for the development of evidence-
are needed to explain depression in midlife. based policies on women’s health, including
Depression is more likely to be a consequence their mental health in midlife.
of distressing menopausal symptoms than a
cause of them. The classical social and contex- Services
tual determinants of depression, such as un-
employment, socioeconomic adversity, nega- Research to date has the following implications
tive life events, lack of social support, loss of for services and health care providers:
partner through bereavement or separation, or
1. It is necessary to look beyond menopau-
lack of a confiding relationship with a partner,
sal status, hormone levels and menopausal
continue to exercise a powerful influence dur-
symptoms to adequately explain depressed
ing menopause. Obesity, smoking and depres-
mood in women at midlife.
sion in midlife are related. Health promotion
programmes that seek to reduce these high-risk 2. A life-course, rather than a cross-sectional,
behaviours among women in midlife will be suc- approach is necessary to understand emo-
cessful only if they simultaneously address the tional distress in midlife.
causes of depression 3. The “classical” social determinants of de-
pression, as well as the presence of distress-
ing somatic symptoms and decreased sexual
Summary functioning and pleasure, are likely to con-
tribute to dysphoria and depression.
Further research
4. A history of depression and high levels of
While there is considerable anthropological lit- psychosocial adversity may be more impor-
erature on the cultural construction of meno- tant than menopausal status in explaining
pause in low- and middle-income countries, current levels of emotional distress, and
and on women’s expectations and experiences should be taken into account.
of it, data on the links between mental health
5. It is important to evaluate the sources and
and menopause are more limited. Research on
impact of stress, and of social support, on
this relationship is needed to provide culturally
women’s emotional well-being. This may
specific data for decision-making at programme,
include stressful demands from family and
policy and service-provision levels. In particular,
friends, who can function as conduits of
the following questions should be addressed:
stress as well as sources of positive social
1. Are the factors identified in high-income support.
countries as critical to women’s mental life
in midlife equally important for the mental
health and well-being of women in low- and
middle-income countries?
2. If not, what other socioeconomic, cultural or
interpersonal factors play a significant role?
3. What sources of assistance do women in
low- and middle-income countries have for
health problems and physically or psycho-
logically distressing symptoms related to
4. How satisfied are women with these sourc-
es? What additional sources of assistance or
services would they like to have? Do they
think such services should be integrated
in existing reproductive health services or
stand alone?

Chapter 5. Menopause

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Gynaecological conditions
Non-infectious gynaecological conditions – Heather Rowe
Infectious gynaecological conditions – Lenore Manderson & Narelle Warren
Malignant conditions – Lenore Manderson & Narelle Warren

O ne of the most important aspects of wom-

en’s health care is the prevention of ma-
ternal mortality and the after-effects of injury
sexual and reproductive health and rights as
fundamental to human rights and develop-
ment. The ICPD Programme of Action aimed to
sustained in pregnancy and childbirth (Wall, increase the availability of good quality repro-
1999). The main focus in this area has, under- ductive health services in developing countries.
standably, been on maternal mortality, despite Too often, such services are of poor quality, with
the fact that maternal injury affects substantial inadequately trained staff and no counselling
numbers of women globally. For every woman services. Appropriate provider–patient interac-
who dies from pregnancy-related causes, ap- tions may be adversely affected by local social
proximately 30 others incur injury, infection or hierarchies (Mayhew, 2000), and women have
disability, which, for the most part, remains un- reported disrespectful and abusive treatment
treated (Adamson, 1996). Many more women by health care providers (Petchesky, 1998).
experience other, non-pregnancy-related gy- Services are often designed with scant regard for
naecological health problems. the needs of women with respect to the timing
of clinics and the availability of female doctors
(Jaswal, 2001). In addition, an emphasis on fam-
Non-infectious gynaecological ily planning, and particularly discrimination
conditions and coercion in various population programmes,
may discourage women from attending. Services
The causes of much obstetric and gynaecologi-
should respond to the needs of a wider clientele
cal morbidity stem from the neglect and abuse
than is represented in the “unmet need for fam-
associated with the low social position accord-
ily planning”, which is narrowly defined as the
ed to females in many societies. Malnutrition
100–150 million married women who wish to
in childhood and early adulthood, early age at
space or limit births, but are not using contra-
marriage and first pregnancy, and lack of ac-
ceptives. Women value services staffed by trust-
cess to obstetric services result in high rates of
ed providers, who are respectful of local beliefs
obstetric morbidity. Myths associated with sex
and practices (Toussaint, Mark & Straton, 1998;
and reproduction result in many women feeling
Hunt & Geia, 2002). Monitoring of progress
ashamed of their reproductive functions and
should include indicators that are of importance
being blamed for gynaecological infections,
to women (Germain, 2000).
injuries and consequent infertility (Adamson,
1996; Miller & Rosenfield, 1996; Wall, 1998).
Barriers to attendance at reproductive health
The physical dimensions of these conditions
services are commonly linked to cultural factors.
have received little attention, and the mental
Decisions about seeking treatment, for example,
health implications even less.
are often in the hands of husbands and moth-
ers-in-law. Other structural factors also inhibit
The International Conference on Population
women’s use of health services. The low level
and Development (ICPD) in 1994 recognized
of literacy and formal education of women in

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

many countries, their limited opportunities for which causes urinary or faecal incontinence or
employment and therefore lack of economic in- both. It is a devastating morbidity of pregnancy,
dependence, and the poor development of other which is prevalent in resource-poor countries. It
sectors, such as transport and communication, primarily affects young, poor women with little
all inhibit women’s access to services and have education and limited social roles, who do not
a negative effect on women’s reproductive health have access to
(Aoyama, 2001). In addition, policies and serv- adequate obstet-
While the physical
ices have often been based on the assumption ric care (Muleta,
consequences of fistula are
that addressing barriers to physical health is 2004). A combi-
disabling, so too are the social
sufficient and that, once this is attained, mental nation of malnu-
consequences: stigmatization,
health will follow (Gulcur, 2000). trition in child-
isolation and loss of social
hood (which
support, divorce or separation,
Studies continue to report high rates of gynaeco- causes growth
worsening poverty, malnutrition
logical health problems in developing countries retardation), ear-
and suffering, and ultimately
(Bhatia & Cleland, 2000). Prevalence studies in ly marriage, and
premature death (UNFPA,
communities and clinical settings have used a pregnancy before
variety of methods of measurement, including pelvic growth is
interviews to obtain self-reports of symptoms, complete results
clinical examinations, and laboratory analysis in cephalopelvic disproportion and obstructed
of specimens. Data derived from representa- labour – “days of futile contractions repeatedly
tive community-based samples are more gen- grinding down the skull of an already asphyxi-
eralizable than those from clinic-based studies, ated baby onto the soft tissues of a pelvis that
as women frequently do not seek treatment for is just too small” (Adamson, 1996). Prolonged
these conditions because of financial and cul- obstructed labour in the absence of emergency
tural constraints. However, data collected in obstetric services results in maternal death or, in
community settings often underestimate health many of those who survive, “obstructed labour
problems, both because women under-report injury complex” – obstetric fistula.
the conditions and because of the lack of reli-
able and qualified personnel willing to travel A woman with fistula suffers from constant
to remote places in adverse conditions to col- vaginal wetness, which causes genital ulcera-
lect information. Women are often reluctant to tions, frequent infections and terrible odour.
agree to clinical examination or blood collection, Long-term health consequences include skeletal
which further undermines the feasibility of com- injuries, and a combination of cervical injury,
munity-based epidemiological studies (Bonetti, amenorrhoea, vaginal scarring and stenosis,
Erpalding & Pathak, 2002). leading to secondary infertility (Wall, 1999).
Approximately 20% of women who are in ob-
There is little consistency in the results of the structed labour for long enough to develop fis-
different studies. Women’s own reports, in par- tula also develop neurological injuries, including
ticular, are influenced by the context of the in- a condition known as “foot drop” which makes
terview (Bhatia & Cleland, 2000). Frequently, walking difficult (Wall, 1999). Most such la-
self-reported symptoms do not correspond to bours in developing countries end in stillbirth;
medically diagnosed morbidities, although there the typical patient is small and short (less than
is no clear evidence-based explanation of the 44 kg in weight and under 150 cm tall) and mar-
differences (WHO, 2001a). Difficulties in trans- ried early (average age at marriage, 15.5 years)
porting equipment and samples, and the cost (Wall et al., 2004).
of the studies, further limit the evidence base
(Bonetti, Erpalding & Pathak, 2002). Finally, The fetal death rate in obstructed labour is over
very few research studies have addressed the 90% (Wall, 1999). Most cases of obstructed la-
mental health implications of gynaecological or bour occur in women having their first baby,
obstetric health problems. who have a high probability of remaining child-
less thereafter. Amenorrhoea following fistula
Obstetric fistula is common. In a society where childbearing is
central to women’s status, the loss of both a child
An obstetric fistula is a tract between the bladder and the role of motherhood is especially harsh,
and the vagina, or the rectum and the vagina, and many of these women face stigma. The

Chapter 6. Gynaecological conditions

rate of suicide in such women is unknown, but quality obstetric services and lower rates of teen-
thought to be notable (Adamson, 1996). Social age pregnancy. Unlike in developing countries,
isolation confirms the woman’s belief that she is where 90% of fistulae result from obstetric in-
to blame and has brought shame on her family. jury, in the United Kingdom over 70% of fistulae
A study of women with fistula attending a clin- follow pelvic surgery (Hilton, 2001). Obstetric
ic in the United Republic of Tanzania revealed fistula is almost entirely preventable and nearly
that half of them were not living with their hus- always curable, although repairs can break down
band; three-quarters of these said that the rea- and require repeat surgery. Success rates of sur-
son for the separation was the fistula (Bangser, gical repair are above 90% among trained sur-
Gumodoka & Berege, 1999). geons (Bazeed et al., 1995; UNFPA, 2002). Most
affected women and girls in developing coun-
tries are unable to afford the cost of fistula repair
(UNFPA, 2001). However, when the Bugando
Medical Centre Project on fistula opened in the
United Republic of Tanzania in 1997, with as-
sistance from personnel from the Addis Ababa
Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia, women overcame
enormous obstacles to attend in large numbers
(Bangser, Gumodoka & Berege, 1999).

Timely access to skilled antenatal and intrapar-

tum services is the key to preventing injury in
childbirth (Donnay & Weil, 2004). However, in
order to reduce the incidence of obstructed la-
bour, two social changes are also needed: girls’
nutrition must be improved, to ensure adequate
Women with untreated fistula face a lifetime growth of the pelvis; and the average age at first
of disability, pain, humiliation, abandonment, birth must increase. Gender discrimination in
poverty, and malnutrition, often ending in pre- household food allocation is common in socie-
mature death. Because of the shame associated ties where females are accorded low social status,
with the condition, it is often hidden. Despite and is associated with poor access to health care
the undoubted psychological consequences (Messer, 1997). The pelvis continues to grow
of the physical and social burdens endured by after menarche and full adult height have been
women with fistula, there have been no sys- reached, i.e. after the age at which pregnancy can
tematic investigations. There are no reliable occur (Moerman, 1982). Micronutrient and pro-
data on prevalence, but between 500 000 and tein deficiencies in girls and young women com-
two million women are estimated to be living promise this growth and development (Messer,
with the condition (Adamson, 1996; Donnay & 1997). In Nigeria, maternal and child health
Weil, 2004; UNFPA, 2001). It is thought that, education is being introduced into the Koranic
every year, between 50 000 and 100 000 wom- school curriculum, with the aim of helping to
en develop fistula. In sub-Saharan Africa the ensure that young women are better able to have
number of new cases annually is around 33 000 a safe pregnancy and obtain appropriate health
(Vangeenderhuysen, Prual & Ould el Joud, 2001). care (Ibrahim, Sadiq & Daniel, 2000).
Most of these go untreated. Lack of services for
safe childbirth and timely repair of fistula vio- Social changes that promote the value of girls
lates women’s internationally recognized human and delay marriage and first birth are potentially
right to reproductive health care (Cook, Dickens powerful agents for reducing the incidence of fis-
& Syed, 2004). There are anecdotal reports that tula and other obstetric injuries.
some women with fistula can continue to live a
dignified, productive life, but the determinants Pelvic organ prolapse
of apparent individual differences remain unin-
vestigated (Hilton & Ward, 1998). Pelvic organ prolapse is a significant descent
of the uterus and vagina, which may protrude
Fistula is almost unknown in developed coun- partly or completely beyond the vulva. It causes
tries, where there is both universal access to high disturbing symptoms, such as pelvic fullness,

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

back pain, incontinence, vaginal discharge, and In developed countries, surgery is the principal
bleeding (Aoyama, 2001). treatment and over 390 000 repairs are per-
formed annually in the United States of America
The global prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse (Norton et al., 1995). It is estimated that in the
is estimated to be between 2% and 20% among USA more than 10% of women will undergo a
women under 45 years (Bonetti, Erpalding & surgical procedure for symptoms of pelvic organ
Pathak, 2002). Estimates in developing countries prolapse, including urinary incontinence, by the
vary widely, from 3.4% in South India (Bhatia et age of 80 years (Olsen, 1997), despite the fact
al., 1997) to as high as 56% in Egypt (Younis that many women with incontinence do not seek
et al., 1993). Even in developed countries, data medical help (Walters, 2004). There have been
on pelvic organ prolapse are inadequate, and few evaluations of the success of surgical treat-
there is little agreement on prevalence (Bump & ment, and women and clinicians may disagree
Norton, 1998; Luber, Boero & Choe, 2001). The on whether surgery has been successful (Hullfish
prevalence is higher in postmenopausal women et al., 2002).
because of hormonally mediated increases in tis-
sue laxity. In developed countries, pelvic organ Strategies to prevent urinary incontinence, in-
prolapse is associated with mature age (Luber, cluding pelvic floor exercises, are included in
2001), but in developing countries it occurs in a antenatal and postnatal education programmes
younger population. in developed country settings (Mason, 2001).
These strategies may also help prevent pelvic
The causes of prolapse are believed to be multi- organ prolapse. However, they do not address
factorial. Multiparity is considered to be the pri- the risk factors for pelvic organ prolapse, such as
mary predisposing factor, although in one study heavy manual labour.
in Nepal, most women with prolapse had only
one child (Bonetti, Erpalding & Pathak, 2002). Little attention has been paid to psychosocial ef-
Chronic health problems that increase abdomi- fects and quality of life measures among women
nal pressure, such as obesity, constipation, with prolapse. Recently validated condition-spe-
chronic coughing and poor nutrition, may con- cific instruments to assess the quality of life of
tribute to the condition. Heavy manual labour, women with pelvic organ prolapse include ques-
including lifting and carrying of heavy objects, tions on distress caused by symptoms and their
such as water and wood for cooking, is also a general impact, but there has been no validated
risk factor (Bonetti, Erpalding & Pathak, 2002). assessment of psychological functioning for use
Women themselves explain prolapse in terms of pre- or post-surgery (Barber et al., 2001). The
difficult first delivery, first birth at a young age, impact on women’s mental health of progres-
gynaecological surgery, and miscarriage. In turn, sive, long-term pelvic floor dysfunction remains
women with pelvic organ prolapse are reported underinvestigated. In a prospective study con-
to be at a much greater risk of reproductive tract ducted in the USA, the pre-surgery goals of a
infections (Younis et al., 1993). Symptoms re- group of 33 predominantly white women were
ported by women with prolapse, such as itch- elicited. At 6 and 12 weeks post-surgery, prior to
ing and foul-smelling discharge, may in fact be the physician visit, the women were asked about
symptoms of other conditions. their perceptions of the outcome of surgery. At
6 weeks, women agreed that most of their goals
Poor medical history-taking appears to result in relation to activity, symptoms, health and ap-
in underdiagnosis of the condition. However, pearance had been met, but only by 12 weeks
of 227 women with self-reported prolapse in a had their goals relating to social interaction and
household survey conducted in north India, self-image been achieved (Hullfish et al., 2002).
57% had not sought treatment. The majority of
those who did seek care consulted a traditional
birth attendant, not a doctor. Women reported Infectious gynaecological conditions
shyness, lack of cooperation of the husband, and Reproductive tract infections (RTIs) include all
lack of time or money as reasons for not consult- infections of the genital tract in both men and
ing a doctor. Of those who were offered surgery, women; some of these, but not all, are sexu-
few took it up (Kumari, Walia & Singh, 2000). ally transmitted. Environmental conditions,
poor general health status and poor personal
hygiene can lead to higher rates of reproductive

Chapter 6. Gynaecological conditions

tract infections that are not sexually transmit- In Asian societies, there is a widespread belief
ted (Whittaker 2002). These infections may have that vaginal discharge is abnormal, depletes vital
an impact on women’s mental health. Research energy, and causes weakness, fatigue and aches
in India highlighted the association between and pains (Chaturvedi et al., 1993; Whittaker,
reproductive tract infections and psychologi- 2002). Women may fear that the symptoms in-
cal distress (Prasad, Abraham et al. 2003), and dicate or will lead to serious disease, such as
demonstrated that presence of a symptom for cancer. In other cases, women may be reluc-
more than one month – most commonly vaginal tant to seek medical advice because they believe
discharge – and a history of similar symptoms that these conditions are sexually transmitted.
over the past year were risk factors for the devel- Strong cultural taboos and shame may prevent
opment of common mental disorders, including women from seeking professional treatment;
depression, anxiety and somatization disorders. they may, instead, try to treat themselves, which
in turn may endanger their health (Jaswal, 2001;
Unexplained vaginal discharge Boonmongkon, Nichter & Pylypa, 2001; Guo,
Wang & Yan, 2002; Whittaker, 2002). In many
Some reproductive tract infections in women are cultures, women endure vaginal symptoms as an
caused by overgrowth of organisms that are nor- “inevitable” part of womanhood.
mally present. Itching, irritation, and abnormal
but non-bloody vaginal discharge can be distress- The experience of gynaecological symptoms is
ing, but diagnosis is frequently difficult (Younis associated with psychological distress, particu-
et al., 1993; Bhatia & Cleland, 1995; Zurayk et larly when no genital tract pathology is diag-
al., 1995; Koenig et al., 1998). Symptoms related nosed (Stewart et al., 1990; Patel & Oomman,
to the reproductive tract are extremely common 1999). The impact on women’s mental health
among low-income women, in both developing of chronic, distressing symptoms, which have
and developed countries (Jaswal, 2001; Dekker no medical explanation and remain unresolved
et al., 1993). The prevalence of unexplained vag- – and by implication, undervalued – has not
inal symptoms is difficult to determine, since been fully examined. The symptoms can have
estimates tend to be based on clinical presenta- deep cultural meanings (Dekker et al., 1993;
tion and laboratory analysis of specimens. There Trollope-Kumar, 1999), and may in themselves
is, however, a low correlation between vaginal be somatic expression of depression and psycho-
discharge and laboratory evidence of infection social distress (Patel & Oomman, 1999).
(Wathne et al., 1994; Zurayk et al., 1995; Patel &
Oomman, 1999; Bhatia & Cleland, 2000), and Candidiasis
rates of self-reported symptoms are not accurate
estimates of the prevalence of gynaecological Candidiasis (vaginal thrush or monilia) is one
morbidity (Koenig et al., 1998). In Nepal, for ex- of the most common causes of vaginal discharge
ample, laboratory diagnosis indicates low rates and discomfort. Distress is related both to the
of infection in symptomatic women, supporting symptoms and to misunderstanding of their
a cautious approach to symptomatic treatment cause. Candida yeast is always present in the
for RTIs (Bonetti, Erpalding & Pathak, 2002). body. Candidiasis arises when, under certain
Similarly, a survey in general practice in the conditions, the yeast multiplies, leading to an
Netherlands found that, in 25% of women pre- infection characterized by a thick, clumped dis-
senting with vaginal symptoms, no microbial in- charge. The infection can be very debilitating,
fection could be diagnosed (Dekker et al., 1993). causing vulval and vaginal itching, discomfort or
However, Karaca et al. (2005), in a systematic irritation, redness and/or swelling of the vagina
comparison of microbiological laboratory testing and vulva, and a stinging or burning sensation
and clinical examination of pregnant women, when urine is passed. The pain, itchiness and
found that reproductive tract infections were general discomfort associated with recurrent
underdiagnosed in settings where laboratory fa- candidiasis can cause considerable distress.
cilities were limited.
The most common causes of candidal over-
Epidemiological data may indicate that repro- growth are antibiotic treatment, oral contracep-
ductive tract infections are not a cause for public tives, pregnancy, diabetes, immune system dis-
health concern. However, women report that the orders and general illness. Cleaning the anus by
symptoms have a profound effect on their life. wiping towards the vagina can also spread yeast

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

from the digestive tract. Contemporary prod- Bacterial vaginosis

ucts, such as some soaps, antiseptic douches,
perfumed sprays, and tight-fitting and synthetic Bacterial vaginosis is caused by overgrowth of
underwear, can also change the local environ- anaerobic bacteria, and is characterized by vagi-
ment in the vagina and may result in overgrowth nal inflammation and discharge. It has serious
of yeast. Candidiasis is rarely sexually transmit- adverse consequences, in particular an increased
ted. All women are exposed at some time to at risk of premature birth, pelvic inflammatory
least some of the biological factors associated disease and sexually transmitted infection, in-
with thrush, and 75% of all women will experi- cluding HIV and herpes simplex 2 (Harville,
ence the infection during their life (CDC 2005). Hatch & Zhang, 2005; Uma et al., 2005). It is
Candidiasis is treated as a minor infection and thought to be more common in women who
its impact is rarely studied. Because it is often as- have reduced immunity as a result of chronic
sociated with menstruation, pregnancy and the stress. Ehrstrom et al. (2005) found higher lev-
use of oral contraceptives, it is frequently con- els of stress hormones in women with recurrent
sidered trivial by women and their health care bacterial vaginosis than in age-matched healthy
providers. However, urination and intercourse controls. However, Harville, Hatch & Zhang
during infection can be extremely painful, and (2005) found that rates of bacterial vaginosis in-
lesions may occur as a result of friction with fection were no higher in a sample of 411 African
swollen tissue, increasing the woman’s risk of American women with high self-reported life
acquiring other infections, including human im- stress than in those without.
munodeficiency virus (HIV).
Bacterial vaginosis may be more likely to occur
Treatment is usually with an antifungal cream or in women living in chronic adversity, whose
suppositories, such as miconazole or clotrima- general health status is low. Poor women attend-
zole, although such treatments are rarely avail- ing an outpatient clinic in Hyderabad, India,
able and affordable for women in poor coun- who were seriously undernourished, were more
tries. Women may also experiment with natural likely to have bacterial vaginosis than those who
therapies (e.g. by including yoghurt in their diet) were adequately fed (Yasodhara et al., 2006).
and by applying various herbs topically, but few Sex workers are at increased risk of concurrent
studies have reported on women’s perceptions infection with bacterial vaginosis and sexually
and self-management of this condition, or on transmitted infections (STIs), and it is thought
its effects on their mental and emotional health that bacterial vaginosis may increase vulnerabil-
(Bechart 1996). ity to STI (Kim et al., 2005; Uma et al., 2005).

In a small cross-sectional study of women with

Sexually transmitted infections of the
chronic vaginal candidiasis, the women reported
that recurrent infection seriously interfered with reproductive tract
their sexual and emotional relationships (Irving,
Miller et al. 1998). The women were signifi- Sexually transmitted infections are a major cause
cantly more likely than controls to suffer from of morbidity, disability, psychological suffering
clinical depression, to be dissatisfied with life, to and death worldwide. In addition to their direct
have low self-esteem, and to perceive their lives effects, they can make people more vulnerable
as stressful. Similarly, in a small study in the to infection with the human immunodeficiency
United Kingdom, women reported that thrush virus and cause infertility.
had a major adverse impact on their life, mak-
ing them feel miserable, unable to work, embar- In both industrialized and poor countries, the
rassed, and even stigmatized (Chapple, Hassell prevalence and incidence of sexually transmit-
et al. 2000). Women of south Asian descent drew ted bacterial and viral infections have increased
attention to the physical discomfort, personal since 1995 (WHO 2001b). In 1999, an estimat-
distress and embarrassment, and the impact that ed 340 million new cases of sexually transmit-
infection had on their personal and professional ted bacterial infections (syphilis, gonorrhoea,
lives; they reported feeling “dirty”, embarrassed, chlamydial infections and trichomoniasis) oc-
depressed and stigmatized (Chapple 2001). curred in men and women aged 15–49 years;
this number has continued to rise (WHO 2001;
2006). Precise global surveillance data on the

Chapter 6. Gynaecological conditions

prevalence and incidence of sexually transmit- veloped or developing country settings. In rela-
ted viral infections (other than HIV) are dif- tive terms, more evidence is available on spe-
ficult to find, but indicators suggest that 630 cific infections for North America and Western
million, or two-thirds of people who have ever Europe.
been sexually active, are infected with a human
papillomavirus (Baseman and Koutsky 2005; Diagnosis is universally described as stressful.
Pagliusi and Vaccine Research and Development Being diagnosed with an STI is stigmatizing
[2001] 2003). The prevalence of genital herpes (1997; Duncan, Hart et al. 2001; Donovan 2004),
(herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2) and, to a and carries an implication of one’s own or the
lesser extent, type 1 (HSV1)) varies widely, from partner’s infidelity. In addition, infection may
4% in the United Kingdom to up to 80% in sub- have implications for reproductive health in the
Saharan Africa (Paz-Bailey, Ramaswamy et al. long term; establishing or maintaining a sexual
2007). In addition to the primary symptoms, relationship may become problematic; and there
HSV infection increases the likelihood of de- may be concerns
veloping other sexually transmitted infections, about prevent-
such as genital ulcer disease (GUD) and HIV in- ing recurrence Lack of information on
fection (Paz-Bailey, Ramaswamy et al. 2007). of disease. These reproductive health problems
psychosocial re- means that women are often
Poverty, low income, urbanization, unemploy- sponses may be unaware that conditions are
ment and migration are all associated with the exacerbated or treatable, and that without
incidence and continued transmission of STIs compounded if treatment many conditions
(Holtgrave and Crosby 2003), in particular clinic staff have have serious long-term
when condoms are unaffordable or unavailable negative atti- implications.
(Duncan, Tibaux et al. 1997). STI epidemics tudes (Connell,
have been reported from the emerging states of McKevitt et al. 2004). Universally, the research
Eastern Europe and other countries experienc- literature draws attention to the short- and long-
ing rapid structural, political and social change term psychological responses of individuals
(Purevdawa, Moon et al. 1997; Axmann 1998; to STI diagnoses and recurrent infections, the
Aral, Lawrence et al. 2003). Marginalized com- particular emotional, social and mental health
munities are also highly vulnerable. In Australia, costs of these for women, and the lack of system-
for example, indigenous communities have ex- atic responses to meet the mental health needs
tremely high rates of sexually transmitted infec- (Prasad, Abraham et al. 2003).
tions of all kinds, as well as high rates of sexual
violence, and non-sexual physical and mental Infertility in women, as a result of untreated sex-
health problems. In one descriptive study among ually transmitted reproductive tract infections,
indigenous Australians, over a quarter of women causes particular distress and hardship, with so-
aged 20–43 years were infertile. Nearly 50% of cial and emotional consequences for both men
women in rural northern Australia had been and women, and social stigmatization, particu-
infected with genital chlamydia and there were larly of women (Papreen, Sharma et al. 2000).
high rates of previous pelvic inflammatory dis-
ease (PID), gonorrhoea and syphilis (Kildea and Various factors impede diagnosis and treatment
Bowden 2000). Effective public health interven- and contribute to a substantial global underesti-
tions are hindered by a history of dispossession, mate of reproductive tract infections of all kinds.
violence and racism, as much as by structural, Most women in developing countries have poor
social and economic barriers to service (Kirk et access to appropriate, acceptable, gender-sensi-
al., 1998). tive health services. Rural women, in particular,
are unfamiliar with reproductive tract infections,
Sexually transmitted infections can result in confuse sexually and non-sexually transmitted
pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal occlusion infections, and perceive and experience consid-
and consequent infertility, ectopic pregnancy, erable social stigma on diagnosis (Guo 1999; Go,
adverse pregnancy outcomes, genital neoplasia, Quan et al. 2002; 2002). Reproductive tract and
and neurological complications. Although these sexually transmitted infections are typically as-
infections cause pain, disability and reduced sociated with sexual freedom, and in much of
functioning, little research has been conducted the world, women’s sexuality is tightly control-
into their psychological sequelae, in either de- led. Any symptom of infection may be taken as

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

cological problems, regardless of the diagnosis.

evidence of infidelity, and this may have serious
This influences the extent to which women treat
consequences for women and their children in
themselves, and their concerns about the seri-
terms of personal safety and security.
ousness of recurrent ailments (Boonmongkon,
Nichter et al. 2001; Boonmongkon, Nichter
For women whose quality of life is tied to their
et al. 2002). Women typically minimize their
fertility, reproductive tract and sexually trans-
concerns about their gynaecological problems
mitted infections cause short- and long-term
and employ self-management strategies rather
problems that affect their economic and domes-
than seek medical advice. As the gynaecologi-
tic life (Walraven, Scherf et al. 2001). Women
cal problem therefore remains unresolved, these
who are vulnerable and who fear informing their
factors result in substantial suffering. Elsewhere
partner about an infection may not accept that
in south-east and south Asia, women find re-
they have been infected, because of profound
productive tract symptoms stressful, leading a
feelings of shame and stigma, as well as fears
number of authors to suggest that women over-
of intimate partner violence. In Morocco, for
report vaginal discharge for reasons that are un-
example, STIs are viewed as women’s illnesses
clear but may be culturally constructed (Bang
(Manhart, Dialmy et al. 2000); a diagnosis of
and Bang 1994; Ramasubban and Rishyasringa
STI can lead to victimization and stigmatization,
2001; Ross, Laston et al. 2002). Such research
by both the male partner and family members.
highlights how discharge is commonly cultural-
As a result of gender discrimination in sexual
ly constructed and therefore perceived by wom-
health services, women may remain untreated
en as being unrelated to sexual contact (Bhatti
and vulnerable to sequelae of the infection. In
and Fikree 2002), regardless of its cause. These
Zimbabwe, women’s psychological reactions to
findings suggest that, while not all discharge is
repeated multiple STIs highlight their lack of
indicative of reproductive tract infection, women
power to negotiate safe sex within marriage,
may over-report some symptoms and under-re-
their lack of choice in terms of conditions of
port others, because of confusion about their
marriage, and the lack of social support net-
origin. In particular, women who fear the social
works for infected women (Pitts, Bowman et al.
repercussions of sexually transmitted infections
1995). Women reported fear or worry about the
may report somatic symptoms, such as dizziness,
risk of HIV/AIDS, yet highlighted their feelings
backache and weakness, rather than discharge
of shame, social isolation and stigma; they also
(Trollope-Kumar 2001). As a further complica-
related their infections to being unable to trust
tion, women seeking treatment for reproductive
their husband’s sexual behaviours. This finding
tract symptoms may receive unnecessary treat-
was supported by data collected from men, most
ment, especially in areas of high STI prevalence,
of whom indicated they were unlikely to change
and may experience fungal infections (candi-
their sexual practices (multiple partners, not us-
diasis) as a side-effect of the overprescription of
ing condoms) despite the infection. Research in
antibiotics (Hawkes, Morison et al.), which com-
Uganda has also illustrated that psychosocial
pounds rather than reduces their distress.
factors, including gender relations and types of
sexual partner, as well as poor quality of health
Sexually transmitted infections are prevalent
care, discourage women from referring their
among women who have experienced sexual
sexual partner for treatment (Nuwaha, Faxelid et
violence, compounding effects on their mental
al. 2000). Limited financial resources and a per-
health, sexual functioning and social relation-
ception that symptoms are not severe discourage
ships (Holmes 1999; Jewkes 2000; Firestein
women from seeking care. A study in Nairobi,
2001; Brokaw, Fullerton-Gleason et al. 2002;
Kenya, demonstrated that women waited longer
Upchurch and Kusunoki. 2004). Gender-based
than men before seeking reproductive and sexu-
violence is associated with STI infection; both
al health care (Voeten, O’Hara et al. 2004).
are associated with other physical and mental
health problems, including mood changes, sleep
Few studies have documented the social and cul-
disturbances, self-harm, and psychosomatic
tural aspects that lie behind recognition, diag-
symptoms (Suris, Resnick et al. 1996; Kawsar,
nosis and treatment of reproductive health prob-
Anfield et al. 2004; Plazaola-Castano and Perez
lems in women. Ethnographic research in north-
eastern Thailand highlighted how family life and
sexual relations are disrupted by fears of gynae-

Chapter 6. Gynaecological conditions

Young people are at high risk for STIs, because with a general increase in STIs. Specific targeted
of various social, economic, environmental, programmes aimed at high-risk populations in
psychosocial and behavioural factors (Bishop some parts of southern Africa have been suc-
Townsend 1996). In addition, young women are cessful in reducing incidence rates (for exam-
physiologically at greater risk of lesions during ple, in Botswana: Creek, Thuku et al. 2005), as
sexual activity, whether intercourse is forced or have programmes in the Caribbean (Jamaica:
not. Adolescents may be asymptomatic or una- Figueroa 2004) and South America (Argentina:
ware of the significance of their symptoms, and Pajaro, Barberis et al. 2001). These declines,
not attend for investigation; as a result, STIs may largely in developing countries, have contribut-
remain undetected and untreated. Risk is higher ed to an overall decrease in the global incidence
among young women with multiple partners, of syphilis (De Schryver and Meheus 1990; Piot
or whose partners have multiple partners, who and Islam 1994; Gerbase, Rowley et al. 1998;
use condoms inconsistently. In many countries, WHO 2001b). Nevertheless, focal epidemics con-
access to condoms and relevant information is tinue to occur in most parts of the world (Finelli,
limited and they may be completely unavailable Levine et al. 2001), particularly in rapidly de-
to those who are unmarried. Young women typi- veloping and developed countries. Data from
cally lack the skills to negotiate with partners South Africa demonstrate that the prevalence of
regarding the occurrence of sex and the use of syphilis has increased since 2003 (Department
condoms. of Health (South Africa) Directorate 2006); simi-
lar trends have been observed elsewhere, in-
In various settings other factors may compli- cluding central America (Nicaragua: Hoekstra,
cate the effect of gender-related variables (Boyer, Riedijk et al. 2006) and Asia (Thirumoorthy
Shafer et al. 2000). In a study among young 1990; Reynolds, Risbud et al. 2006; Chen,
people in Lima, Peru, 18% had a history of STI Zhang et al. 2007). Syphilis prevalence has in-
symptoms or diagnosis, but only 11% of those creased to critical levels in some populations
who were heterosexually active reported con- across Western Europe (Cowan, 2004; Cronin et
sistent use of condoms. Those with a history al., 2004; Marcus, Bremer & Hamouda, 2004;
of STI were more likely than others to associ- Righarts et al., 2004; Sasse, Defraye & Ducoffre,
ate condom use with casual sex, and to report 2004; Defraye & Sasse, 2005; Lautenschlager,
a history of sexual coercion or of having paid 2005; Oliver & Christensen, 2005; Payne et
or been paid for sex. For women, sex at a young al., 2005; Simms et al., 2005; Wallace, Winter
age was a risk factor for STI and unplanned & Goldberg, 2005; Del Giudice et al., 2006),
pregnancy (Caceres, Marin et al. 1997). Mental Eastern Europe (Tichonova, Borisenko et al.
health problems, including depression and low 1997; Uuskula, Silm et al. 1997; Ciment 1999;
self-esteem, appear to be significantly associ- Dencheva, Spirov et al. 2000; Grgic-Vitek, Klavs
ated with risky sexual behaviour among young et al. 2002; Karapetyan, Sokolovsky et al. 2002;
people. In the United States, depressive symp- Zakoucka, Polanecky et al. 2004; Resl and
toms are associated with an increased probabil- Kumpova 2005; Yakubovsky, Sokolovsky et al.
ity of not having used a condom during the last 2006), the United States (CDC 2006; Kerani,
sexual intercourse; for girls, they are associated Handsfield et al. 2006) and the Pacific region
with a history of STI (Shrier, Harris et al. 2001). (Thirumoorthy 1990; Mak, Johnson et al. 2004;
Rosenthal & Biro (Rosenthal and Biro 1991) Azariah 2005; Johnston, Fernando et al. 2005).
draw attention also to the presence of intrusive Prevalence rates are different in men and wom-
or avoidant thoughts in young women following en; surveillance data from Serbia suggest that the
infection, and argue for the need to explore the incidence of syphilis has remained fairly stable
coping mechanisms of young people with sexu- in women since the mid-1980s, despite signifi-
ally transmitted infections. cant fluctuations – with a recent surge – in men
(Bjekic, Vlajinac et al. 2001). Recent increases,
Syphilis globally, have been attributed to substantial in-
creases in incidence among men who have sex
Syphilis is highly infectious and was epidemic with men (Cowan 2004; Fairley, Hocking et al.
until the early twentieth century (De Schryver 2005; Fenton and Imrie 2005; Wade, Kane et al.
and Meheus 1990; WHO 2001b). Efforts to con- 2005; Kerani, Handsfield et al. 2006) and female
trol it had some success in the 1960s, but preva- sex workers (Hernandez-Giron, Cruz-Valdez et
lence increased in the mid-1980s coincident al. 1998; Smacchia, Parolin et al. 1998; Uribe-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

Salas, Conde-Glez et al. 2003; Nigro, Larocca et Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
al. 2006).
There are a number of human papillomaviruses
The disease is caused by a bacterium (spirocha- (HPV), some of which are transmitted through
ete), and can be diagnosed by a blood test. The sexual contact. Sexually transmitted HPV infec-
first symptoms, usually a painless, often isolated tion is common in women, particularly young
ulcer at the site of inoculation, generally appear women. Prevalence rates vary by population
10–90 days after infection. Secondary infection group and country of residence: HPV infection
can occur in any part of the body, from 6–8 has been found in 16% of women in China (Li,
weeks after infection. Symptoms may include Dai et al. 2006), 11–38% in Australia (O’Keefe,
fever, a flat red body rash, hair loss, various Gardner et al. 2006; Posner, Boyle et al. 2006),
cutaneous eruptions on the genitals and anus, 51% of women in the United States (Kahn, Slap
myalgia, arthralgia and depression. Secondary et al. 2005) and 58% in Brazil (Oliveira, Rosa et
syphilis is highly contagious, both sexually and al. 2006). Genital HPV infection may be asymp-
transplacentally. Fetuses of infected women may tomatic, or may cause genital warts, or genital
suffer from extreme developmental disorders or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (often diag-
and often die in utero or at birth (Brockmeyer nosed by cervical smear tests Tinkle 1990; Stoler
and Reimann 1998). An untreated infected indi- 1996; often diagnosed by cervical smear tests
vidual can infect others through sexual contact Wiley and Masongsong 2006). The association
for up to two years. There is then a latency pe- of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical
riod of 2–10 years followed, in about one-third cancer with HPV has led to increasing interest
of untreated individuals, by the development of in testing for HPV during screening for cervical
skin, mucocutaneous and long bone disorders. abnormalities. It has also stimulated the devel-
In some cases, severe complications of the brain opment of vaccines against two types of HPV
and spinal cord may result in progressive paraly- involved in the development of cervical cancer
sis. (Frazer and Cox 2006; Leggatt and Frazer 2007);
(Wiley and Masongsong 2006). Epidemiological
Gonorrhoea data indicate that genital warts and cervical in-
traepithelial neoplasia are caused by different
Gonorrhoea is a bacterial infection, caused by HPV types. Thus, the presence of warts does
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the gonococcus. It is not indicate that a smear test will be abnormal
usually diagnosed through laboratory testing. (Ault 2006; Dalstein, Briolat et al. 2006; Wiley
In men, infection can cause a burning sensation and Masongsong 2006). Women’s knowledge
on passing urine and a yellow discharge from about the association between HPV, cervical
the penis. In women, it is mostly asymptomatic, screening and cancer remains limited; in all but
although some women may have a yellow vagi- one Australian study (Giles and Garland 2006),
nal discharge, low abdominal pain, or irregular most women were unaware of any association
menstrual bleeding. Gonorrhoea is relatively (Andersson-Ellstrom & Milsom, 2002; Pitts
rare in industrialized countries, except in poor & Clarke, 2002; Gudmundsdottir et al., 2003;
groups. In Australia, its prevalence among indig- Kahn et al., 2005; Klug, Hetzer & Blettner, 2005;
enous Australians is 78 times greater than in the McMullin et al., 2005; Philips, Avis & Whynes,
rest of the population (Roche 2001). Gonorrhoea 2005 ).
can be treated effectively; if left untreated, the
infection can spread to the reproductive organs, Diagnosis of HPV infection has a significant
causing pelvic inflammatory disease and infer- psychological impact (Conaglen, Hughes et
tility; it can thus have a major impact on wom- al. 2001), yet little research has been conduct-
en’s quality of life. Psychosocial research related ed on the mental health effects of HPV. For a
to gonorrhoea has focused on issues relevant to small proportion of women (~3% in an Indian
disease control, including barriers to partner re- study: Singh, Sehgal et al. 1995), the physical
ferral (Nuwaha, Faxelid et al. 2000; Fortenberry, manifestation of HPV is cauliflower-like warts
Brizendine et al. 2002). on the labia and in the vagina (due to two spe-
cific strains of HPV: Handsfield 1997). Genital
There has been virtually no consideration of the warts can provoke a sense of shame, depres-
mental health factors associated with diagnosis sion, and anxiety (Linnehan and Groce 2000;
or outcomes of either of these conditions. Cox, Petry et al. 2004; Philips, Avis et al. 2005;

Chapter 6. Gynaecological conditions

McCaffery, Waller et al. 2006; Friedman and telling sexual partners, anger at the source part-
Shepeard 2007), affecting the woman’s health ner, guilt about acquiring or transmitting the in-
behaviour, including her sexual practices and fection, and concern about transmitting it to fu-
attendance for cervical screening (Ault 2006); ture offspring. Dalkvist et al. (Dalkvist, Wahlin
this may have consequences subsequently for et al. 1995) and Cohen et al. (Cohen, Kemeny et
her physical health. In one of the few studies al. 1999) found that persistent stress and anxi-
exploring women’s responses to a diagnosis ety were particularly predictive of recurrence of
of HPV infection, McCaffery et al. (McCaffery, symptoms, but not transient changes in mood,
Waller et al. 2006) argued that it is the diagnosis short-term stressors, life change events, or phase
itself that prompts a range of negative psycho- of the menstrual cycle. Chronic elevated stress
social responses, which need to be addressed. may result in recurrence of symptoms and, in
Specifically, they noted that women often felt a cyclical fashion, further worsen mental health
distressed, anxious or upset following diag- and quality of life (Rein 2000; Judlin 2002;
nosis – which often occurred in the context of Pereira, Antoni et al. 2003). Women experienc-
limited knowledge about HPV – and expressed ing chronic social and economic adversity may
concerns about their future health, fertility, and therefore be especially likely to experience re-
cancer risk. In addition, women viewed HPV current outbreaks of herpes.
as a highly stigmatizing condition, which left
them feeling “unclean”, “dirty”, or “infectious”; Depression is common among people diagnosed
they felt guilty and responsible for the infection, with genital herpes; it appears to be more severe
which had significant implications in terms of in women than in men (Mindel 1996; Dibble and
their sexual relationships (McCaffery, Waller et Swanson 2000) and in those with a first episode
al. 2006). Such findings suggest that greater at- of genital herpes. Ongoing responses include
tention should be given to psychosocial issues fear of telling future partners, continued concern
associated with cervical screening and HPV about transmission, and feeling sexually unde-
diagnosis (Miller, Mischel et al. 1996; Waller, sirable and socially stigmatized. Continuing psy-
McCaffery et al. 2004). chological problems include interference with
sexual relationships, a sense of despair and low
Genital herpes quality of life. People with genital herpes have
also been found to use health services more often
Genital infection with herpes simplex virus (Spencer, Leplege et al. 1999; Taboulet, Halioua
type 2 (HSV2) is one of the most common sexu- et al. 1999; Melville, Sniffen et al. 2003).
ally transmitted viral infections in the world.
It is incurable and can cause recurrent painful Despite its global prevalence, little work has been
outbreaks. Infants may become infected dur- conducted on the mental health impact of her-
ing birth, and develop serious illness. Infection pes outside North America and Western Europe.
with HSV2 increases the risk of infection with Psychosocial considerations are important in the
HIV. Control of HSV2 is a key factor in reduc- management of recurrent genital herpes (Longo
ing transmission of HIV in settings where HIV and Koehn 1993). Cognitive coping strategies
is widespread (del Mar Pujades Rodriguez et al., and support from a partner appear to help with
2003; Kamali et al., 2003). adjustment (Mindel 1996). Women with herpes
tend to have a more negative self-view and more
Diagnosis of HSV2 infection is associated with a confusion and stress symptoms than infected
range of psychological responses, including an- men. Gender-specific interventions for young
guish, anger, lowered self-esteem, and hostility adults with genital herpes have therefore been
towards the person believed to be the source of advocated (Lewis, Rosenthal et al. 1999; Dibble
the infection. Distress may be associated with and Swanson 2000).
the diagnosis itself, the adjustment to the in-
fection, the type of social supports available to Overall, herpes infection results in significant
the person, and the need to decide whether to psychological stress and psychosexual morbid-
tell other people (Fraley 2002). Melville et al. ity, and has a marked negative impact on quality
(Melville, Sniffen et al. 2003) reported strong of life (Wild, Patrick et al. 1995; Mindel 1996;
emotional and psychosocial responses to a diag- Brentjens, Yeung-Yue et al. 2003).
nosis of herpes infection, including denial, con-
fusion, distress, disappointment, relief, fear of

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

Chlamydia appropriately assess and respond to their mental

health needs (Kawsar, Anfield et al. 2004). There
Chlamydial infection is caused by the bacterium is evidence from the USA that young people di-
Chlamydia trachomatis. It is diagnosed by labo- agnosed with conditions such as chlamydia sub-
ratory testing of swabs collected from the cervix sequently felt less comfortable during sex, had
in women or the urethra in men. It can be treat- negative feelings about themselves, and felt an-
ed with antibiotics. Untreated chlamydia may gry after sex (Whitten, Rein et al. 2003). This
spread through the uterus to the fallopian tubes, points to the emotional costs of such diagnoses
causing salpingitis, a painful condition, which and the need for readily available mental health
may result in pelvic inflammatory disease, in- services and interventions targeted to specific
fertility or ectopic pregnancy. In men, chlamydia subgroups, particularly young people or women
can result in infertility through inflammation who have experienced sexual violence.
around the testes. Chlamydial infection is very
common, often occurring in young adults, and
can be passed from mother to child during birth, Malignant conditions
causing conjunctivitis or pneumonia. Cervical cancer

Most people with chlamydia do not have Cervical cancer is associated with infection with
symptoms and remain unaware of infection. human papillomavirus, a sexually transmit-
Symptoms in men may include urethritis. In ted virus. It is the second most common cancer
women, infection often starts in the cervix, and in women after breast cancer (Lambley, 1993;
symptoms may include vaginal discharge, burn- (Parkin, Bray et al. 2005), accounting for ap-
ing on urination, lower abdominal pain, or pain proximately 15% of all cancers in women. Its in-
during sexual intercourse, causing considerable cidence is increasing: each year, worldwide, ap-
suffering. Little work has been conducted on proximately 500 000 new cases of cervical can-
the mental health effects of the diagnosis, the cer are diagnosed and some 270 000 women die
disease itself, or its long-term effects (France, of the disease (WHO, 2004(Parkin, Bray et al.
Thomas et al. 2001). According to one small 2005). The incidence of cervical cancer is higher
study in Glasgow, most infected women had not in developing than in developed countries, and
considered that they were at risk of STI; this neg- 78% of all new cases occur in developing coun-
atively affected their reactions to diagnosis, and tries (Parkin 1994; Parkin, Bray et al. 2005). In
produced anxiety about disclosing their infec- developing countries, the burden of disease from
tion to others and about the possible effects on cervical cancer is higher than that from breast
their future reproductive health (Duncan, Hart cancer; approximately 80% of women who die
et al. 2001). Risk factors, other than behavioural from the disease are in these countries (Parkin,
factors such as non-use of condoms, are unclear Pisani et al. 1999); Rohan et al., 2003; WHO,
(Williams, Wingood et al. 2002), and there ap- 2004). The highest incidence rates – over 30 per
pears to be a complex interaction between ge- 100 000 women per year – occur in Melanesia,
ographical location, age, ethnic group, social Central and South America, and eastern and
deprivation and multiple simultaneous sexual southern Africa (WHO, 2004). The lowest in-
partnerships (Potterat, Zimmerman-Rogers et cidences are found in Europe, North America,
al. 1999; Winter, Sriskandabalan et al. 2000; east Asia and the western Pacific (Parkin, Pisani
Connell, McKevitt et al. 2004). While better et al. 1999). Cervical cancer rates are higher
population-based data are needed, street youth, in countries in which there is a general lack of
sex workers, and individuals with social prob- awareness of the disease, lack of recognition of
lems appear to be at high risk of infection in all premalignant cervical changes, lack of screen-
settings (Paris, Gotuzzo et al. 1999). ing programmes, and limited treatment services
(WHO, 2004). Death rates from cervical cancer
Other psychological, behavioural and social fac- are highest among women aged over 50 years,
tors have yet to be linked to chlamydia (Claman, who may be less likely than women of reproduc-
Toye et al. 1995), but it is often diagnosed in tive age to attend gynaecological services (WHO,
women who have experienced sexual violence 2004).
(Martin, Matza et al. 1999). The prevalence of
chlamydia associated with sexual violence in The difference in incidence and mortality rates
young people points to the need for services to between developing and developed countries re-

Chapter 6. Gynaecological conditions

flects differences in both stage of disease at diag- in the USA (Schwartz et al., 2003); and Asian
nosis and availability of effective treatment. The immigrants have higher rates of cervical cancer
Papanicolaou cytological test (Pap smear), which mortality (Singh & Miller, 2004). American-
can detect premalignant changes in cervical born and immigrant Vietnamese women are five
cells, is recommended by WHO for population times more likely to be diagnosed with the dis-
screening. Early intervention among those found ease than white women born in the USA (Taylor
positive can reduce cervical cancer mortality by et al., 2004), and cervical cancer incidence and
at least 80% (Van Til, MacQuarrie & Herbert, mortality rates in Latin American immigrants
2003; WHO, 2004). Effective screening, how- are more than double those of white women
ever, places high demands on resources, and is (Scarinci et al., 2003). These authors interpret
not common in poor countries, where visual in- the findings as indicating that poor, marginal-
spection of the cervix is often the only method ized and immigrant women in the USA have a
available to detect cervical dysplasia (WHO, poor understanding of cervical cancer etiology,
2004). In developing countries, diagnosis of prevention, and symptoms, and therefore do
cervical cancer typically occurs at an advanced not attend existing services (Perez-Stable et al.,
stage, and the 5-year survival rate is around 48% 1992; Suarez et al., 1997a; 1997b; Phipps et al.,
(ranging from 41% in Eastern Europe to 49% 1999).
across the African continent) ((Parkin, Pisani
et al. 1999). The only treatments for cervical In Canada, women of low socioeconomic status
cancer are radiotherapy and surgery, which are are less compliant with screening recommenda-
costly and often unavailable to women in devel- tions and more likely to be identified when pre-
oping countries. Prevention therefore offers the cancerous tissue is already present (Gupta et al.,
most effective strategy for controlling the disease 2003). Screening rates are low in Hong Kong,
(WHO, 2004). China, which has been found to be related to
cost, low knowledge about risk factors, lack of
Individual, social, cultural, logistic, practical, education about the importance of early detec-
and economic factors associated with partici- tion, cultural values related to modesty, and em-
pation in cervical screening services have been barrassment. Consequently the incidence of cer-
investigated, in particular to learn about barri- vical cancer is relatively high (Holyroyd, Twinn
ers to accessing screening, with the ultimate aim & Adab, 2004). Women with a history of sexual
of encouraging women to attend these services. abuse are also less likely to attend for screening,
Screening programmes in developed countries and these women appear also to be at higher risk
have led to improved survival rates, but there of developing cervical cancer (Coker et al., 2000;
are still groups of women who are not adequate- Farley, Golding & Minkoff, 2002).
ly screened, and are diagnosed when disease is
advanced (IARC, 2004). Members of minority Many women experience anxiety and uncertain-
ethnic groups and immigrants are less likely ty when attending for screening. Ambivalence is
to present for screening than other women and generated by the tension between the reassurance
subsequently experience higher cervical cancer potentially offered by screening and the possi-
incidence and mortality rates. Women may be bility of diagnosing an abnormality. Uncertainty
reluctant to attend for screening because it in- may also derive from a lack of knowledge about
volves an intimate vaginal examination, espe- whether screening involves a Pap smear, colpos-
cially if they have inadequate knowledge about copy or visual examination. Although it is pro-
the causes and development of cervical cancer. moted as a preventive measure, many women see
screening as a way of detecting cancer (Howson,
Relatively little research has been conducted 2001). Intimate screening examinations are in-
outside the United States on the mental health vasive, may be physically uncomfortable and
aspects of cervical cancer and knowledge of the can arouse anxiety. Even when women present
wider psychological and social factors associated for cervical screening, they may doubt that there
with it is limited. Studies in the USA have found is an effective treatment for any abnormalities
that: women with disabilities have low utilization detected (Gregg & Curry, 1994; Temple-Smith
rates of cervical screening services (Havercamp, et al., 1995; Kirk et al., 1998; Manderson, Kirk
Scandlin & Roth, 2004); African-American & Hoban, 2001). The situation is more compli-
women are more likely to be diagnosed with late cated in developing countries. Women in one
stage cervical cancer than other women born Thai province understood the Pap smear as a

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

way of diagnosing all gynaecological problems, cer. Kavanagh & Broom (1997, 1998) and Karasz,
rather than a way of screening for precancer McKee & Roybal (2003) found that women be-
(Boonmongkon et al., 2002). Thai women are fa- lieved that vaginal itching and discharge could
miliar with some risk factors for cervical cancer, be indicators of cervical cancer and lead to an
such as a history of sexually transmitted infec- abnormal smear result. Women in north-east
tions or multiple sexual partners, but attributed Thailand, with recurrent symptoms of abdomi-
its occurrence also to poor vaginal and perineal nal or lower back pain, and vaginal discharge,
hygiene, fertility control and karma (the negative itching or odours, also believed that these could
effects of past action) (Boonmongkon, Nichter & develop into cervical cancer (Boonmongkon et
Pylypa, 2001; Jirojwong & Manderson, 2001; al., 2002). Misunderstandings about risk gener-
Boonmongkon et al., 2002). ate high levels of fear. In Thailand, women’s fear
and worry about their cervical cancer risk led
Testing blood for the presence of HPV antibod- to psychological symptoms, including anxiety,
ies has been suggested as an additional or alter- insomnia, and increased stress (Boonmongkon
native screening technique to the Pap smear. It et al., 2002).
is less invasive than other screening methods,
would reduce demands on resources and is like- Women who have dysplasia (abnormal cervi-
ly to improve access for older women and hard- cal cell changes) or cervical cancer may have no
to-reach populations (Rohan, Burk & France, symptoms and generally feel well. Signs of cer-
2003). Maissi et al. (2005) compared groups of vical cancer include irregular vaginal bleeding,
women with normal or abnormal Pap smear re- unusual vaginal discharge, postcoital discomfort
sults, who had or had not been tested for HPV or bleeding, pelvic pain, excessive fatigue, swol-
infection. While there were no differences in len legs and backache. However, these signs may
mood or quality of life between the four groups also indicate other conditions. Lack of knowledge
six months after the test, specific anxiety about about the implications of an abnormal smear test
abnormal test results remained and was highest often exacerbates women’s confusion, fear and
in the group not tested for HPV. Among the HPV- anxiety following a positive result (Kavanagh &
positive women in this study, those who were Broom, 1997; Karasz, McKee & Roybal, 2003).
younger, perceived themselves to be at high risk Limited knowledge about the natural history of
of cancer, and who had difficulty understanding cervical cancer may also contribute to women’s
the test results were most distressed (Maissi et confusion regarding medical responses to a cer-
al., 2004). vical abnormality (Karasz, McKee & Roybal,.
2003). The detailed physical investigations that
However, the association of HPV infection and follow an abnormal screening result are some-
cervical cell abnormalities can discourage wom- times unexpected and can be emotionally dis-
en from attending for screening. Kavanagh & ruptive; they have been described as intense and
Broom (1998) found that women who had an traumatic (Howson, 2001) and as having an ad-
abnormal Pap smear result rejected the explana- verse impact on day-to-day psychological func-
tion that their own sexual behaviour could have tioning (Forss et al., 2004).
caused their condition, and indicated that they
were afraid that their personal morality would Relatively little is known about women’s mental
be judged. McCaffrey et al. (2004) surveyed 428 health once cervical cancer has been diagnosed.
adult women following routine cervical screen- Studies have tended to focus on women’s need
ing in London, England, and found that those for support, with less attention being paid to
who were HPV-positive were more anxious than other aspects of psychological functioning. In
those who tested negative; the women were es- general, women of low socioeconomic status and
pecially concerned about the impact on future members of minority ethnic groups have been
sexual relationships. Indigenous Australian and found to be more pessimistic about their prog-
South African women also associate cervical nosis than other women. While this may be re-
cancer with promiscuity, linking sexuality, dirt alistic, because the disease is detected at a more
and disease (Wood, Jewkes & Abrahams, 1997; advanced stage, it is also a result of misinforma-
Manderson, Kirk & Hoban, 2001). tion and poor education about the progression
and implications of the condition (Rodney et al.,
For some women, any gynaecological symptoms 2002). Diagnoses of cancer commonly arouse
are alarming indicators of possible cervical can- fears of illness, infirmity and death, and are of-

Chapter 6. Gynaecological conditions

ten associated in the short term with elevated Mutations in BRCA genes can now be identified
rates of anxiety and depression. through DNA testing, which is available in most
rich countries. The psychological impact of this
Women’s reactions to the diagnosis, treatment testing is complex and has been examined in
and prognosis of cervical cancer have been de- survey and interview studies. In a twelve-month
scribed in general terms and include: difficulty post-investigation comparison of tested women
adjusting to side-effects of treatment, including who were and were not found to carry the muta-
nausea, loss of weight, and hair loss; concern tion, those carrying mutations and who had not
about the impact on relationships; and fear of undergone prophylactic oophorectomy were the
recurrence of cancer after treatment. These reac- most distressed. Non-clinical distress, specific to
tions affect confidence, self-esteem and general cancer, was apparent in all carriers (Claes et al.,
quality of life. Some studies have indicated that 2005). Anxieties related to development of dis-
women who survive cervical cancer may experi- ease were persistent in carriers of genetic muta-
ence anger and frustration that they can no long- tions (Watson et al., 2004), but there was a gen-
er have children (Basen-Engquist et al., 2003). eral reduction in distress after screening (Tiffen,
Others have found reduced sexual interest and Sharp & O’Toole, 2005). The alternative to pro-
higher levels of sexual dysfunction than among phylactic oophorectomy is regular gynaecologi-
survivors of other cancers, including problems cal screening and women using one or other of
with arousal, genital pain and altered sexual these approaches were compared prospectively
self-concept (Lagana et al., 2001; Jensen et al., by Madalinska et al. (2005). Women who had
2004). A recent study with poor Latin American surgery had fewer cancer-specific anxieties and
immigrants in the United States identified high a more optimistic view of the future, but worse
levels of self-reported depression related to sexual functioning and more menopausal symp-
having cancer (Meyerowitz et al., 2000). Zulu toms. The authors concluded that these risks
women patients in South Africa also had high need to be weighed against the benefits of sur-
levels of psychiatric morbidity (Nair, 2000). In gery in the clinical care of individual women. In
the long term, cervical cancer has a more severe a systematic review, Nelson et al. (2005) found
adverse effect than other chronic conditions on that cancer risk assessment and genetic testing
women’s quality of life; psychologically informed did not have adverse psychological sequelae, but
cancer support services are needed by all (Lalos that counselling and expert advice were needed
& Eisemann, 1999; Li, Samsioe & Iosif, 1999; to help women interpret the risk assessment.
Klee, Thranov & Machin, 2000). While professional support is beneficial for all
those who screen positive (Hopwood, 2005),
Ovarian, endometrial and other individual reactions are influenced by personal-
gynaecological cancers ity factors, in particular whether the person has
an active or avoidant coping style; counselling
Globally, ovarian cancer is most common among needs to take this into account (Aziz et al., 2005;
older, socioeconomically advantaged women Hopkins et al., 2005).
in highly industrialized countries. Among
American women, it is the fifth most common In common with all those diagnosed as having
cancer and the leading cause of death from all cancer, women with ovarian cancer often try to
gynaecological cancers. Although the cause is as make sense of their illness by seeking a cause.
yet unknown, the risk of developing ovarian can- Unfortunately, with ovarian cancer, no direct
cer is increased in women who carry mutations cause can usually be identified. In Canada,
of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Endometrial women with ovarian cancer believed they had
cancer appears to be associated with early age at developed the disease because of a wide variety
menarche, late age of menopause and nulliparity, of factors, including stress, genetic factors, envi-
as well as infertility, obesity, diabetes and hyper- ronmental pollution, hormones, sexual practices
tension. However, many cases occur in women and smoking (Stewart et al., 2001). Awareness
without any known risk factors (Holschneider of cancer is generally related to age, access to
& Berek, 2000; Loman et al., 2001; Purdie & information and economic status (Perez-Stable
Green, 2001; Runnebaum & Stickeler, 2001). et al., 1992; Dyck, 1995; Suarez et al., 1997a;
Mental health research has focused on effective DiGiacomo, 1999; Phipps et al., 1999).
communication regarding familial risk and deci-
sion-making about prophylactic oophorectomy.

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

Ovarian cancer commonly presents with non- Overall, poor gynaecological health has direct
specific abdominal symptoms. Accurate diag- effects on women’s mental health and psycho-
nosis may be delayed, and women report con- logical functioning, which need to be considered
siderable frustration regarding their experiences during routine health care.
in seeking help, as doctors dismiss complaints
such as back pain and discomfort (Markovic,
Manderson et al. 2006). In women who are Summary
members of minority groups, disease is usually
detected at a more advanced stage, because of Future research
delays in seeking treatment; as a result, these 1. The psychosocial consequences of obstetric
women have higher mortality and morbidity injury, reproductive tract morbidity and can-
rates. Delays in diagnosis influence both sur- cers in women need to be considered and in-
vival and mental health status. cluded in all research into these conditions.
2. Primary prevention programmes for gynae-
Length of survival depends on age at diagnosis,
cological morbidity need to be designed and
cancer stage and the type of tumour. The physi-
cal effects of surgery and adjuvant treatment
affect quality of life and emotional well-being. 3. The specific needs of women in cultur-
Depression can occur in response to both the ally diverse settings for advice, support and
disease and its treatment, including to post-sur- counselling during treatment and rehabilita-
gical pain, nausea, hair loss, weight loss, uncer- tion for gynaecological conditions should be
tain prognosis and the prospect of premature systematically ascertained.
death. Delays in diagnosis, the high mortality
rate and lack of curative treatments have an ad-
verse impact on mental health, which should 1. Policy and service delivery need to address
always be taken into account in routine care. both prevention and treatment of obstetric
Many women with ovarian cancer experience injury and gynaecological morbidity.
a pervasive diminution in quality of life, with 2. Where women’s access to health services is
preoccupation about risk of recurrence and life constrained by social and cultural factors,
purpose, and gradual social withdrawal (Ferrell strategies to reduce obstetric injury and gy-
et al., 2005). Distress is worse in those who are naecological morbidity should be accompa-
younger and poor, and have a personal history nied by efforts to improve women’s social
of cancer or a family history of breast or ovar- position.
ian cancer (Halbert et al., 2005; Geirdal et al.,
3. Obstetric injuries and consequent gynaeco-
2005). Social support assists adjustment follow-
logical morbidity can be reduced by: encour-
ing chemotherapy for ovarian cancer (Hipkins et
aging social changes that promote the value
al., 2004), but there is significant psychological
of girls and delay marriage and first birth;
morbidity during treatment and more than one-
ensuring rapid access to trained personnel
third of patients have clinically significant de-
during labour and childbirth; and ensuring
pression and anxiety.
that women do not return to hard manual
labour shortly after childbirth.
Other gynaecological cancers, including vulval
and vaginal cancers and teratomas, are rare. As a
result, women who develop these diseases often
feel isolated and distressed, linked to an inade-
quate general understanding of their disease and
inaccurate beliefs about their causes. Treatment
may involve surgical excision of the vulva, which
is deeply traumatic and adversely affects body
image, self-esteem, social confidence and sexual
life. Its impact on mood and interpersonal rela-
tionships has not yet been systematically investi-
gated (Andersen & Vanderdoes, 1994; Andersen,
1999a, 1999b; Barton, 2003).

Chapter 6. Gynaecological conditions

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Women’s mental health in the

context of HIV/AIDS
Mridula Bandyopadhyay

T he epidemic of human immunodeficiency

virus (HIV) infection and acquired im-
munodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a major
Gender and the risk of contracting

international public health problem, especial- Since the HIV epidemic began, more than 60
ly in contexts where access to health services million people have been infected with the virus,
is difficult and social inequalities are marked. and globally 39.5 million people are currently
The patterns of transmission of HIV and de- living with HIV/AIDS. In 2006, there were 4.3
velopment of AIDS reflect the socioeconomic million new infections, and 2.9 million deaths
context of infection and disease: dispropor- from HIV/AIDS, making it the fourth leading
tionately, the populations affected are poor, cause of death in the world (UNAIDS, 2006b).
marginalized, ethnic minorities, and people The AIDS epidemic is highly concentrated in
living in resource-poor settings and coun- Africa, with especially high prevalence in the
tries (Dodds et al., 2000; Tiamson, 2002). sub-Saharan region. In 2006, 63% of people liv-
Worldwide, the number of women living with ing with HIV and 72% of all deaths from AIDS
HIV is the highest it has been in the history of occurred in sub-Saharan Africa.
the epidemic (UNAIDS, 2006b). Poverty is a
major factor in risk of infection, and in the im- Worldwide, at the end of December 2006, 17.7
pact of infection on a person’s general health. million adult women (aged 15 years and over)
At the same time, the increase in the extent were living with HIV, an increase from 16.5 mil-
and severity of poverty that occurs with AIDS lion in 2004 and 17.3 million in 2005 (UNAIDS,
is felt most acutely by women. Rights viola- 2006a, 2006b). In 2006, worldwide, 48% of
tions, economic dependence, lack of decision- all HIV-infected adults were women; this rate
making power, conflicting gender roles, dis- reaches almost 60% in sub-Saharan Africa.
proportionate domestic responsibilities, and Three-quarters of all HIV-positive women live
gender-based violence are also closely linked in sub-Saharan Africa. One-third of pregnant
to, and contribute to, reproductive and mental women visiting clinics for antenatal checkups
health problems for women (Gulcur, 2000). are HIV-positive (UNAIDS, 2006a).
There is, however, a marked lack of evidence
on women’s mental health and how it inter- HIV/AIDS has spread particularly rapidly among
acts with vulnerability, risk of HIV infection, women because of entrenched and pervasive
response to diagnosis, and subsequent health gender inequality. Clinical research has shown
care (Patel & Oomman, 1999). Most research that women who contract HIV/AIDS have short-
on HIV/AIDS and its effects on mental health er survival times than men do because they tend
has been conducted in the United States; there to seek treatment later, if at all (Bury, Morrison
is some from other rich countries, but very lit- & McLachlan, 1992). Studies of women’s partic-
tle from developing countries. ular vulnerability to various infections, includ-
ing HIV, have until recently concentrated on
clinical and physiological aspects, while the psy-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

chological and mental health ramifications have (even from their partner or husband), or to end
received less research attention. There have been relationships that increase their risk of infec-
few investigations of the social epidemiology of tion (UNAIDS, 2002a, 2002b; UNIFEM, 2001).
HIV infection and its interaction with mental Young women are also more at risk of HIV infec-
health in women, particularly in resource-poor tion for social and economic reasons, including
settings. However, there appears to be an intri- poor access to education, information, employ-
cate relationship between mental health and dis- ment, and health care. For example, in northern
ease progression, quality of life and disease out- Thailand, commercial sex work is the “choice” of
come. Clark (1998), in a review of the literature many young women in the face of family debt,
on the emotional impact of HIV/AIDS, described landlessness and poverty, or as a way of escaping
qualitative differences between women and from unhappy or abusive relationships. These
men in terms of grief, shame, and depression. young women may risk assault if they insist on
In addition, women experienced gender-specific condom use, and may be dependent on drugs
social stigma, a greater sense of isolation, and and alcohol to deal with the circumstances of
oppression related to gender, stigma, ethnicity, their work (Bond, Celentano & Yaddhanaphuti,
poverty, and route of infection. 1996).

In cultures where early marriage is common,

young married women often have a higher risk
of HIV infection, because of its association with
early sexual debut, high frequency of intercourse,
low condom use, and women’s limited right to
refuse sex. Recent research in urban settings
in Kenya and Zambia, which sought to explain
the higher rates of HIV infection in young mar-
ried women than in single women, found that
their husbands were three times more likely to
be HIV-positive than the boyfriends of the sin-
gle women (Clarke, 2004). Ulin, Cayemittes &
Gringle (1996) reported that between 80% and
90% of HIV-infected Haitian women attending
antenatal clinics had “no possible source of in-
fection other than their own husbands” (WHO,
2001). While women have the right, in theory,
to refuse sex, in reality their partners might not
recognize this right; alternatively, they may turn
to sex workers, where they risk contracting the
Worldwide in 2006, 2.3 million children under
virus and bringing it back to infect their wife.
12 years of age were infected with HIV, two mil-
“Women tend to agree that refusing sex amounts
lion of them in sub-Saharan Africa (UNAIDS,
to little less than a death warrant for them-
2006a). In 2005, half of all new adult HIV infec-
selves.” “People say that when you like the skin,
tions were in young people between the ages of
you should like the seed. In these times – with
15 and 24 years (UNAIDS, 2006b). In particular,
AIDS on the streets – you have to accept when
the incidcence of HIV among female adolescents
your husband says, ‘Let’s make love’” (Ulin,
is increasing steadily, affecting their life circum-
Cayemittes & Gringle, 1996).
stances and potential by predisposing them to
poor physical and mental health (Brady et al.,
Women may also be subject to reprisals if they
2002). Young women are particularly vulnerable
refuse sex, such as the withdrawal of financial
to HIV infection, because their vaginal wall is
support or domestic violence: (Ulin, Cayemittes
thinner than that of older women, and they have
& Gringle, 1996). A history of trauma has also
a higher risk of epithelial lesions through which
been found to be a general risk factor for HIV in
infection can occur. Girls and women are often
women (Jones et al., 2001; Wyatt et al., 2002).
dependent on men for financial security, and the
combination of dependence and subordination Sociocultural, economic and educational bar-
makes it difficult for them to insist on safe sex riers impede effective communication between

Chapter 7. Women’s mental health in the context of HIV/AIDS

partners (Gupta, Weiss & Mane, 1996). Lack Sexual violence by men against women and girls
of information about reproductive anatomy of all ages is found in all societies. Violence and
may also contribute to fears and pressures ex- sexual exploitation increase women’s and girls’
perienced by women: one review revealed that exposure to, and risk of, multiple infections,
women from several countries, including Brazil, including HIV, and have serious implications
India, Jamaica and South Africa, did not like us- for women’s ability to protect themselves from
ing condoms because they feared the condom HIV infection (Institute of Development Studies,
might fall off inside the vagina and harm them 2002). Women and girls are extremely vulner-
(Gupta, Weiss & Mane, 1996). able in coercive situations, where they have little
power to insist on condom use or otherwise con-
trol the terms on which sex takes place. Several
Gender-based violence and HIV/AIDS studies from South Africa, for example, have
Gender-based violence can be both a contribu- found that more than one in four women re-
tor to, and a consequence of, HIV infection. port that their first sexual encounter was forced
Sexual violence and abuse are now recognized (Astbury, 2002). .Furthermore, in a study in-
as a significant public health concern, placing volving 48 countries, WHO found that 10–69%
women at high risk of sexually transmitted in- of women had been abused by an intimate part-
fections (STIs), including HIV, and a range of ner (WHO, 2002).
post-traumatic stress disorders, with adverse
effects on physical and mental health (Carballo, The HIV pandemic has reinforced gender-based
Grocutt & Hadzihasanovic, 1996; McMahon, violence, stigmatization and discrimination
Goodwin & Stringer, 2000; Fikree & Bhatti, against women. Women who are HIV-positive,
1999). Reproductive tract infections, including or who are perceived to be HIV-positive, may be
STIs and HIV, contribute to a significant level subject to discriminatory treatment, abandoned
of ill-health in women of reproductive age, and and shunned by their families and communi-
continue to pose a threat beyond the menopause ties, dismissed from employment, assaulted,
(Sadik, 1997). The best predictors of HIV risk and even killed if their husband or partner dies.
for women are limited material resources, previ- Women are more likely than men to be blamed
ous exposure to violence, and high-risk sexual for spreading the disease and stigmatized as pro-
behaviour (Wyatt et al., 2002). miscuous (UNIFEM, 2001).

HIV-positive women experience high rates of

sexual and physical violence (Gielen et al., 2000;
In December 1998, a young South Vlahov et al., 1998; Zierler, Witbeck & Mayer,
African woman, Gugu Dlamini, was 1996), often have inadequate social support
beaten to death by members of her com- (Catalan et al., 1996; Linn et al., 1996), and ex-
munity after disclosing her HIV status, press concerns about stigma, discrimination and
because she was seen to be a disgrace to hopelessness (Gielen et al., 1997; Pizzi, 1992;
the community (Vetten & Bhana, 2001). Quinn, 1993; Sowell et al., 1997). A study by
Recently, an Indian women’s rights group Kimerling, Armistead & Forehand (1999) found
investigated the death of a woman with that HIV-positive women were more likely to re-
HIV/AIDS in Andhra Pradesh, India, and port a violent victimization experience, and had
concluded that she had been stoned after higher levels of psychological distress, depres-
being turned out of her family home. The sive symptoms, and distress regarding physical
National Commission for Women said symptoms (see also Linn et al., 1996).
they had not been able to determine the
exact cause of death, but there were sug- Various studies have reported that women and
gestions that she had been burned alive. girls living with HIV/AIDS are significantly
However, the National AIDS Control more likely to have experienced traumatic life
Authority said that she had died of natu- events, such as incest, sexual assault, significant
ral causes (BBC, 2003). physical abuse, and substance abuse (Brady et
al., 2002; Emlet & Gusz, 1998; Moser, Sowell
& Phillips, 2001). Wyatt et al. (2002), in their
investigation of HIV-related risk factors in a
community sample in the United States, found

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

that HIV-positive women had had more sexual establishment of infection (Anderson, 2000).
partners and more sexually transmitted infec- Currently, in most countries, PEP is available only
tions, and had suffered more severe abuse than to health care professionals, and is not available to
HIV-negative women. Sexual abuse, incidents women, children and men who have been sexu-
of rape and attempted rape since the age of 18, ally assaulted or raped. Recommendations have
and physical abuse in childhood and adulthood recently been developed for PEP after non-oc-
increase the risk of HIV infection. Several other cupational exposure to HIV. So far, limited data
factors are also linked to HIV risk, including ra- are available regarding the type of exposures for
cial or ethnic group affiliation, socioeconomic which PEP is prescribed, and little is known about
status, overall health, sexual risk-taking, and the population most likely to seek PEP (Kwong et
prevalence of sexually transmitted infections al., 1999). Even when PEP is available (e.g. in the
(Newcomb et al., 1998; Wyatt, Forge & Guthrie, industrialized countries), many women have no
1998; Wyatt et al., 1999). Women who report knowledge or information about it and no means
early and chronic sexual abuse have a sevenfold of accessing it.
higher prevalence of HIV-related risk behaviour
and markers of risk than women with no history Domestic violence is also associated with in-
of abuse (Allers et al., 1993; Arnow et al., 1999; creased HIV-related risks (Kimerling, Armistead
Bensley, Van Eenwyk & Simmons, 2000; Parillo & Forehand, 1999; Wingood & DiClemente,
et al., 2001; Thompson et al., 1997; Zierler et al., 1997a, 1997b). Women in violent relationships
1991). The associations between child sexual tend to have more partners, are less able to ne-
abuse and HIV-related risks in adulthood have gotiate sexual decisions, and are more at risk of
been well documented (Allers et al., 1993; Heise, HIV infection (Amaro, 1995; Wyatt et al., 2002).
Moore & Toubia, 1995; Zierler et al., 1991). Kalichman et al. (2002), in a study in the USA,
found that 68% of women and 35% of men liv-
In war and conflict situations, the risk and in- ing with HIV/AIDS reported having been sexu-
cidence of violence against women escalate, be- ally assaulted since the age of 15. They reported
cause of breakdown of law and order, large-scale greater anxiety, depression, and symptoms of
population movements, particularly of women borderline personality disorder, and were more
and children, rape of young girls and women by likely to have unprotected intercourse and to
opposing forces, and increased “survival sex”, as have traded sex than HIV-negative subjects.
women try to survive the loss of income, home Women with HIV/AIDS who had been sexually
and family (Institute of Development Studies, assaulted reported more symptoms of trauma,
2002). These factors all have an immense impact depression, emotional distress, HIV symptoms,
on women’s psychological well-being and coping opportunistic infections and AIDS-defining con-
mechanisms. ditions than HIV-infected women who had not
been sexually assaulted (Kimerling, Armistead
Women who have sex in exchange for goods, & Forehand, 1999; Simoni & Ng, 2000). Similar
services, security or money are at an especially conclusions were drawn by Gielen et al. (2001),
increased risk of infection. Some employers may although they also found that a supportive so-
also try to exact sexual services in exchange for cial network was associated with better mental
job security (Gordon & Crehan, 1999; Institute health and overall quality of life.
of Development Studies, 2002; UNAIDS, 2002a,
2002b; UNIFEM, 2001). In resource-poor set- Research by Wyatt et al. (2002) showed that be-
tings, the context of most sex work and sexual ing HIV-positive is associated with significantly
transactions is poverty-driven, and the priority lower income for women of all ethnic groups.
for many women is to make money to keep them- Regardless of ethnicity, women who are serop-
selves and their families alive, rather than avoid- ositive are more likely to report being victims of
ing becoming infected. adult sexual abuse and to report a more severe
history of trauma than other women. Women
In addition, in many countries, women have little who had had more sexual partners, were un-
access to treatment, and post-exposure prophy- employed, had had more STIs, had a history of
laxis (PEP) is not available. PEP is the adminis- more severe trauma, or were less educated were
tration of antiretroviral medication after a high- also more likely to be HIV-positive.
risk exposure in order to reduce the likelihood
of HIV infection. Theoretically, PEP may prevent

Chapter 7. Women’s mental health in the context of HIV/AIDS

Low socioeconomic resources, exposure to vio- Other studies on violence and its relationship to
lence, and risky sexual behaviour increase vul- mental health have come to similar conclusions,
nerability to infection (Wyatt et al., 2002). In particularly that women exposed to physical and
most societies, racial and ethnic minorities are sexual abuse are more likely to have a high level
marginalized and underprivileged, have less ac- of depressive symptoms and psychiatric disorders
cess to education, information and knowledge, (Hall et al., 1993; Mullen et al., 1988). Roberts et
have fewer economic resources, live in poorer al. (1998a, 1998b) found that women in Australia
sections of the society, engage in high-risk be- who experienced abuse as adults had elevated
haviour or engage in transactional sex for sur- rates of mental disorders compared with non-
vival, and have unaddressed psychosocial prob- abused women; women who had experienced
lems. Indirectly, therefore, HIV/AIDS risk is a abuse both in childhood and as adults had still
function of race and ethnicity. higher rates. Women who reported sexual abuse
in adulthood had increased rates of anxiety, dys-
Inability to access socioeconomic resources, es- thymia, depression, phobias, harmful alcohol
pecially employment and education, may be more consumption and psychoactive drug dependence.
important than income in increasing risk of HIV Doubly abused women (as a child and as an adult)
infection (Schifrin, 2001). A growing number of also had a significantly higher risk of harmful al-
women are being diagnosed as having both HIV cohol consumption and drug dependence.
infection and substance abuse problems, partic-
ularly in industrialized countries (Moser, Sowell A recent study investigating violence among HIV-
& Phillips, 2001); substance abuse is classified infected women in Zambia found three major
as a psychiatric disorder. problems; domestic violence, symptoms of de-
pression, and alcohol abuse (Murray et al., 2006).
Sexual and physical abuse are frequently associ- The authors highlighted the important overlap
ated with physical and psychological co-morbidi- between violence and HIV infection, and identi-
ties. For example, Wingood, DiClemente & Raj fied the potential for a cyclical pattern to material-
(2000) found that women experiencing both sex- ize, in which exposure to violence in childhood
ual and physical abuse were more likely to have leads to risky sexual behaviour, which leads to
a history of multiple STIs, be worried about be- increased risk of HIV infection, which leads back
ing infected with HIV, use marijuana and alcohol to the initial risk of violence related to HIV status
to cope, attempt suicide, feel as though they had (Murray et al., 2006).
no control in their relationships, and experience
more episodes of physical abuse. Such traumatic
life experiences are often associated with high Migration and HIV/AIDS
rates of psychiatric co-morbidity, clinical depres- Globally, each year, nearly 95 million women
sion or anxiety, substance abuse, and possible migrate, comprising almost 50% of all inter-
non-compliance with recommended health care national migrants (UNFPA, 2006). Social and
and treatment (Brady et al., 2002; Weingourt et economic factors play a major role in migration
al., 2001). (Institute of Development Studies, 2002). In
many cases, women dominate migration flows,
because female migration has increased as a sur-
vival strategy for families (Wolffers & Fernandez,
1999). The governments of a number of develop-
ing countries, e.g. Bangladesh, Indonesia, the
Philippines, and Sri Lanka, help their people to
migrate (Fernandez, 1998).

Most migrant workers travel without their sexu-

al partners. They often have to deal with the dis-
ruption of social support, poor living conditions
and poor provision of care for their health needs
(Bandyopadhyay & Thomas, 2002; Fernandez,
1998; UNAIDS, 1998). Migrant women face dou-
ble problems, as women and as migrants (Long
& Ankrah, 1996; Lukalo, 1998). Being a migrant

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

is not in itself a risk factor for infections, but cir- contributes to the greater vulnerability of mi-
cumstances can lead to increased personal risk. grants to STIs and HIV/AIDS, as well as to emo-
Two quite different sources of risk may be present tional and mental health problems.
in a migrant’s life: stress, and sexual abuse and
exploitation. In these situations, stress is associ-
Mental health and HIV/AIDS
ated with low wages, poor working and housing
conditions and lack of autonomy. Unwelcome The mental health problems experienced by
sexual attention and sexual abuse by employers women who have HIV infection are considerable
are often reported (Bandyopadhyay & Thomas, and have multiple causes (Tostes, 2004; Murray,
2002; Institute of Development Studies, 2002; 2004). A study in Bangkok, Thailand, docu-
Singhanetra-Renard, 1997). mented the profound negative impact of HIV
infection on women who had given birth and
their families (Manopaiboon et al., 1998). The
women experienced depressive symptoms and
anxiety, primarily related to being HIV-infected,
but also to their children’s and partner’s health.
Other adverse family impacts that women faced
were reduced income, separation from or death
of partner, shifting child care responsibilities,
and family migration.

An estimated one in four women newly infected

with HIV is between 35 and 44 years of age,
(Kalichman, Heckman & Kochman, 2000).
Little is known about the impact of HIV/AIDS
on these women and their partners and families.
However, VanDevanter et al. (1999), in a study
on the impact of a diagnosis of HIV on serodis-
cordant heterosexual couples, identified four
major sets of issues: (1) the emotional and sexual
impact on the relationship; (2) reproductive de-
cisions; (3) the future of children and the non-in-
fected partner; and (4) disclosure of the infection
Sexual abuse and exploitation are under-ac- to friends and family. Specific links have been
knowledged features of the working environ- found between stigma, disclosure and the men-
ment, particularly for women working in the tal health status of women. Comer et al. (2000)
entertainment industry, as domestic servants, studied the relationship between disclosure of
or in the sex industry. Women are particularly infection and mental health among an ethnically
vulnerable in work situations involving isolation diverse group of 176 women with mean age 36.5
and low levels of social support. Their low sta- years. They found that disclosure made a small
tus, low pay, and isolation from family and so- but independent contribution to mental health
cial support networks make them vulnerable to status. In stigmatized groups, disclosure was
abuse and infection, and increase their depend- predictive of poorer mental health status. The
ence on others for survival. Migrant women are researchers also explored an alternative model,
regularly confronted with sexual harassment, that poor mental health might predict lower lev-
discrimination and exploitation. They are often els of disclosure. They looked at one particular
trapped in situations where they cannot refuse study of Hispanic women in the United States,
to provide sexual services (Fernandez, 1998). where greater disclosure was related to higher
They may have few negotiation skills and lit- levels of depression, psychological distress, and
tle or no bargaining power. During the initial reported pain (although this finding did not hold
period of adaptation, migrants are particularly up for African-American or European women)
vulnerable to STIs and HIV infection. Migrant (Comer et al., 2000).
workers are generally concerned first with their
livelihood and survival, rather than HIV risk Throughout their lives, women may face a variety
(Bandyopadhyay & Thomas, 2002). Stress often of challenges: fear of unwanted pregnancy, part-

Chapter 7. Women’s mental health in the context of HIV/AIDS

ner infidelity, HIV infection, family rejection, Globally, HIV/AIDS still carries a stigma, and
loss of economic support and domestic violence. discrimination and religious and other forms
Married women often face considerable diffi- of social condemnation and sanctions persist.
culty in attempting to assert their reproductive Depression is common among those who are in-
rights. If they request their partner to use a con- fected, and is associated with a variety of other
dom as a preventive measure, they may be seen problems, including lowered immune response,
as promiscuous or unfaithful (Long & Ankrah, disease progression to AIDS, shorter survival
1996). On the other hand, if they contract HIV, time, increased disability, and a lower quality of
they face being accused of causing it. “My wife at life (Chesney et al., 1996; Leserman et al., 2000;
home cannot ask me to use condoms, but some- Sambamoorthi et al., 2000). Generally, patients
times you sleep with a young girl. This young are more likely to develop depression at two spe-
girl can ask you, because she doesn’t want to get cific times: when they are diagnosed and when
pregnant and have problems with her parents” the first symptoms appear. HIV patients with
(Ulin, Cayemittes & Gringle, 1996). untreated depression have higher medical costs
than those treated with antidepressants.
Women’s disclosure of their HIV infection of-
ten triggers a downward spiral to destitution. In HIV-infected patients also experience varying
addition to the physical effects of the infection, levels of anxiety, ranging from mild unease to
women often lose their jobs and the support of full-blown panic. Inability to cope, altered body
their husbands, and are forced to turn to pros- image, isolation and grief may trigger feelings of
titution to feed, clothe, and educate their chil- anger, despair and frustration. As a result, the
dren. The multiple difficulties, including loss of patient may develop chronic generalized anxiety
physical and financial independence, discrimi- disorder, acute anxiety attacks, insomnia, hypo-
nation, and other HIV-related problems, can chondria, major depression or brief psychosis.
often lead to significant distress and a risk of Dementia may be prominent, with manifesta-
suicide (Heckman et al., 1999). Suicide is one of tions ranging from mild forgetfulness to severe
the ten leading causes of death for women aged disorientation. Delirium too can be caused by a
35–44 years, and the risk of suicide is signifi- variety of organic disorders, as well as by mental
cantly higher among those with HIV infection distress (Abrams, Parket-Martin & Unger, 1989;
(Kalichman, Heckman & Kochman, 2000). Nichols, 1985; Perry, Jacobsberg & Fishman.,
1990; WHO, 1987). A study in the United States
A emerging trend has been the increase in HIV found that half of HIV-positive adults had symp-
infection among people aged over 50 years, toms of mental disorder, including major depres-
reaching approximately 2.8 million cases in sion, dysthymia, generalized anxiety disorder and
2005 (UNAIDS, 2006a). The dominant risk fac- panic attacks. A large number of these patients
tor for older women is heterosexual sex. Older visited mental health specialists, participated in
women are particularly vulnerable, both be- group treatment, used psychotherapeutic medi-
cause of the sexual behaviour of their husband cation and discussed their emotional problems
or partner, and because of physiological changes with their medical practitioners. However, few of
that occur during menopause, such as thinning those with low income, with little education, or
of the vaginal wall and reduced lubrication. A from an ethnic minority attended mental health
study of HIV-positive women over 45 years outpatient services (Bing, 2001).
of age identified five risk factors for contract-
ing HIV: poor mental health, substance abuse, Symptoms of depression are common, not only in
ignorance of the earlier HIV risk behaviour of those with HIV infection (Kalichman, Heckman
sexual partners, risk-taking in order to preserve & Kochman, 2000; Kalichman, Rompa & Cage,
the relationship, and lack of information on HIV 2000), but also in people close to them (Sikkema
prevention (Neundorfer, 2005). Mental health et al., 2000). Biggar & Firehand (1998), for ex-
issues, often related to childhood or domestic ample, found more symptoms of depression in
abuse, were found to contribute to an increased HIV-infected mothers and their children than in
risk of HIV. In many societies, multiple partner non-infected mothers and their children. People
relationships are condoned for men, further in- with HIV infection, particularly in small towns
creasing women’s vulnerability to STIs, includ- and rural areas, may face barriers that prevent
ing HIV (Institute of Development Studies, 2002; them from receiving important care services, re-
Kalichman, Heckman & Kochman, 2000). sulting in anxiety and depression (Heckman et

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

al., 1998). A study on access to and use of an- festation of AIDS (Adams, 1997). Depression has
tenatal care by HIV-infected women reported a serious impact on the course of disease. For ex-
that barriers included the unexpected and un- ample, a study in the USA found that depression
planned nature of the pregnancy, and mental was associated with reduced quality of life and
health issues related to HIV infection, poverty, poor adherence to HIV treatment regimens (Tate
periodic homelessness, substance dependence, et al., 2003). Despite this, women in one study
and lack of social support. Seropositive women (Ciambrone, 2001) did not consider HIV to be the
perceived the health care system as threatening, most devastating event in their lives. Despite ini-
and feared discrimination and breach of confi- tial disruption, many women infected with HIV
dentiality. Women were mostly concerned with regarded family violence, drug use, or separation
their mental health and well-being (Napravnik from their children as more significantly disrup-
et al., 2000). tive elements in their lives. Demi et al. (1998)
studied a number of variables in women with HIV
In a study of the physical and mental health of infection, such as health status, depressive mood,
African-American mothers with a seropositive family cohesion and perceived stigma. They found
infant, the women reported infections, diffi- that suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts were
culty thinking and remembering, low energy, quite common among women with HIV infection,
and gynaecological problems (Miles, Gillespie and those who reported suicidal thoughts had
& Holditch-Davis, 2001). Women reported more HIV-related symptoms. Chibnall (2002)
moderate levels of perceived stigma and high found “death distress” (death-related depression
levels of depressive symptoms. Significant cor- and anxiety) among younger patients with spe-
relations between depressive symptoms and cific, diagnosable life-threatening conditions; the
physical health status were found, suggesting a experience of death distress was associated with
clear link between mental and physical health. the psychosocial and spiritual dimensions of the
Bennetts et al. (1999) found evidence of depres- patient’s life. These psychosocial ramifications are
sive symptoms and HIV-related worry among especially relevant to patients living with AIDS.
HIV-infected mothers in Bangkok, Thailand, at
18–24 months postpartum. Women who were HIV/AIDS and depression
no longer with their partner were at greater
risk of depression; women whose babies were Recent studies have tended to concentrate on
HIV-infected had greater worries, as did those the overall health and well-being of people with
who had not disclosed their HIV status to oth- HIV (Brady et al., 2002; Dodds et al., 2000;
ers and who reported that their family would Moser, Sowell & Phillips, 2001; Napravnik et
be ashamed about their HIV infection. Similar al., 2000; Wingood, DiClemente & Raj, 2000).
observations were made by Comer et al. (2000), Women’s health is frequently linked to in-
who found that one of the main concerns of se- equality and generalized oppression (Travis
ropositive men and women was disclosure; this & Compton, 2001). Women’s sexual health is
led to greater stress because of the stigma sur- a direct reflection of their low status and lack
rounding HIV infection (Armistead & Forehand, of sexual autonomy, which increase the risk of
1995; Demas et al., 1995; Semple et al., 1993). sexual health problems and make it difficult for
them to obtain appropriate treatment and sup-
HIV symptoms are likely to have a negative impact port. This is evident in the HIV/AIDS epidemic,
on functioning and well-being, thereby increasing in which women’s vulnerability is increased by
psychological distress and anxiety. Moreover, the male-controlled sexual decision-making, part-
presence of multiple HIV-related symptoms is pre- ner violence, and sexual assault (Amaro, Raj &
dictive of psychiatric disorder (Bing, 2001; Bing Reed, 2001; Farmer, Connors & Simmons, 1996;
et al., 2001). A study of 2864 HIV-positive adults WHO, 1993). Additonally, psychosocial stress
found that the probability of screening positive for may be greater in patients with AIDS than in
anxiety and depression was related to the number those with other chronic diseases (WHO, 1987).
of HIV symptoms present (Tsao, 2004). As the Most research on psychosocial stress in HIV in-
disease progresses, there may be further psychi- fection has focused on homosexual white males
atric problems. AIDS dementia complex (ADC), a (Chesney, Folkman & Chambers, 1996; Chuang
neurological dysfunction, has been found in 25– et al., 1989; Folkman et al., 1996; Leserman et
90% of AIDS patients and in 30–40% of HIV-in- al., 2000; Rabkin et al., 1997; Sambamoorthi et
fected patients; in some cases, it is the only mani- al., 2000; Williams et al., 1991). In particular,

Chapter 7. Women’s mental health in the context of HIV/AIDS

there has been little research on the psychoso- problem in women, and is closely linked to the
cial problems faced by women with HIV infec- stressful life events associated with being female
tion and the related issues of childbearing and (Patel et al., 1999). For example, women are more
parenting (Perry, Jacobsberg & Fishman, 1990). likely to be victims of violence, both within and
outside their home; they are more likely to be de-
A 2004 study of 1716 HIV positive women found nied educational and employment opportunities;
that AIDS-related deaths were more common and they are more likely to have difficulties ac-
among those with depression, and that use of cessing health care, receiving quality care, access-
mental health services was associated with low- ing information, and satisfying their nutritional
er mortality rates (Cook et al., 2004). A study needs (Das Gupta, 1987, 1989; Patel et al., 1999).
among female injecting drug users found simi- The prevalence of depression in HIV-infected
lar results: those with chronic depression were clinic populations in the United States has been
1.7 times more likely to die from AIDS-related found to range from 22% to 32%, 2–3 times that
causes than those without (James, 2004). Again, in the general community (Brown et al., 1992;
those who used mental health services were less Evans et al., 1998; Ferrando et al., 1998; Rabkin et
likely to die than those who did not use such al., 1997; Williams et al., 1991). Neuropsychiatric
services. syndromes, including dementia, delirium and de-
pression, occur in 40–70% of AIDS patients dur-
A number of studies have investigated the impact ing the later stages of the disease (Abrams, Parket-
of depressive symptoms on adherence to HIV Martin & Unger, 1989; Sadvosky, 1991).
treatment. Some studies have found depression
to be one of the primary reasons for poor adher-
ence to antiretroviral treatment (Bogart, 2000; Summary
Starace 2002). A study in 2006 examined the re-
lationship between treated or untreated depres- Future research
sion and adherence to antiretroviral therapy in 1. There have been few reports on the psycho-
HIV-positive women (Cook et al., 2006). Those logical problems of new mothers with HIV
given antidepressants in addition to psychother- infection, in either developed or developing
apy were more likely to adhere to antiretroviral countries. Further research is required to
therapy than those not receiving any treatment complement the strong biomedical efforts to
for depression. Similar findings have been found reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
in various HIV-positive groups, including inject- This needs to consider the psychosocial as-
ing drug users. In a study of 5073 HIV-positive pects of being HIV positive and breastfeed-
injecting drug users, women were less adherent ing and of decisions about HIV treatment
to antiretroviral therapy than men, and were during the antenatal and postnatal periods.
more likely to be diagnosed with depression
2. Studies of distress and anxiety in HIV-posi-
(Turner et al., 2003). However, a study published
tive women regarding the fate of their chil-
in 2006 found that mental health disorders,
dren are extremely rare. An estimated 14
such as substance abuse and affective disorders
million children have lost one or both par-
(including depression), were not associated with
ents to AIDS, and it is predicted that by 2010
decreased adherence to antiretroviral therapy
one-third of all children in southern Africa
or with reduced survival. In fact, mental illness
will be orphans.
was positively associated with increased use of
health care services and adherence to antiretro- 3. The impact on the mental health of girls or-
viral therapy (Mijch et al., 2006). phaned as a result of AIDS has barely been
studied; the predicted increase in their
number indicates an urgent need for such
Conclusion research.
Factors associated with psychosocial stress among 4. There are significant gaps in the literature
patients with HIV infection and AIDS include on the mental health of migrant and refugee
lack of family support, fear of discrimination, women, and its interaction with reproduc-
loss of friends, uncertainty about the course of tive functioning. These women continue to
the illness, and concerns about sexual activity be vulnerable to STIs, including HIV. The
and transmitting the disease (Sadvosky, 1991). mental health problems of these highly vul-
Depression is the most common mental health nerable groups are either sidelined or disre-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

garded at present. Next to nothing is known References

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Infertility and assisted reproduction

Jane Fisher

E stimating the prevalence of fertility difficul-

ties, infertility or involuntary childlessness
is hampered by variations in the definitions of
women in North America are unable to conceive
spontaneously (Beral et al., 1994). Postal surveys
of a national sample in Australia suggest that the
these conditions (Schmidt & Munster, 1995; equivalent figure there is 15% (Australian Bureau
Kols & Nguyen, 1997). The central difficulty is of Statistics, 2004). Kols & Nguyen (1997) sum-
in defining both the population with compro- marized the available estimates of infertility in
mised fertility and the appropriate comparison developing countries, and found wide varia-
population. The former may be conceptualized tions, e.g. 11–20% in sub-Saharan Africa and
as either individuals or couples who are unable 14–32% in Namibia. There have been relatively
to conceive after a specified period of regular few population-based investigations of the prev-
unprotected sexual intercourse or those seek- alence of fertility difficulties in developing coun-
ing medical assistance in order to conceive. The tries. While this reflects local research capacity,
specified time of trying to conceive has varied it is also argued that it reflects predominant
from 12 months to more than 24 months. Some concerns about overpopulation and the costs of
studies have included people with primary in- unrestrained fertility in these areas (Inhorn &
fertility (the inability to conceive at all), second- Buss, 1994). Most women with infertility live
ary infertility (those who have at least one liv- in the developing world, and have limited ac-
ing child but are unable to conceive again), and cess to diagnostic tests or treatment and, often,
sub-fecundity (the capacity to conceive but not no access to assisted reproductive technologies
to sustain a pregnancy to term). The comparison (Fathalla, 1992; Vayena, Rowe & Griffin, 2002).
populations have sometimes included those who A population survey in Gambia, using randomly
have never tried to conceive and large groups selected census areas, found that primary infer-
of young women who may not yet have tried to tility was relatively uncommon (3%), but second-
conceive. ary infertility following the birth of at least one
child was more common (6%) (Sundby, Mboge
The definition of infertility has a significant & Sonko, 1998). Half of those affected had not
impact on clinical outcomes, including those sought treatment and both investigative test-
reported in research studies. Definitions vary ing and treatment were limited. Larsen (2000)
in terms of whether the condition is identified used linked population census data, which in-
by self-report, or based on a life calendar of re- cluded childbirth history, to examine infertility
productive events, a physician consultation or a in 28 African countries. Primary infertility was
physician diagnosis. Infertility can be regarded assumed in those who had been married for at
as a heterogeneous group of health problems, in- least seven years without having a child, and
fluenced by a range of risk factors (Marchbanks secondary infertility in those aged 20–44 years
et al., 1989). whose most recent birth was more than five
years ago. Primary infertility was low (less than
It has been estimated, on the basis of investiga- 3% in the countries surveyed), but there was a
tions in several clinical services, that 8–12% of wide range in secondary infertility (5–23%). In

Chapter 8. Infertility and assisted reproduction

a survey using random sampling in a rural com- formation of scar tissue which obstructs the fal-
munity in Nigeria, the prevalence of primary lopian tubes (Kols & Nguyen, 1997). In a case-
infertility was 9.2% and of secondary infertility control study of 60 women with infertility and 53
21.1% (Adetoro & Ebomoyi, 1991). In a single matched controls in Ile-Ife, Nigeria (Okonofua et
survey of one urban region in Viet Nam, 5.7% of al., 1997), the infertile group had higher rates
couples were reported to be infertile (Thwaites, of Neisseria gonorrhoeae antibodies and of a
2002). In countries where treatment for repro- history of other sexually transmitted infections
ductive tract infections is not widely available, than the controls. Infections secondary to abor-
more than 30% of women develop secondary in- tion or childbirth are also implicated (Kols &
fertility caused by tubal occlusion resulting from Nguyen, 1997; Sundby, Mboge & Sonko, 1998).
infection (Vayena, Rowe & Peterson, 2002). In a comparison of consecutive women present-
ing with fertility problems and female hospital
In reviewing prevalence surveys, Schmidt & workers in Nigeria, Aghanwa et al. (1999) found
Munster (1995) found that current and life- that the patients were significantly more likely to
time prevalence of infertility ranged from 3.6% be married to polygamous men and to have had
to 32.6%. They concluded that, overall, about an abortion. It has also been suggested that inap-
24% of the global population experiences either propriate treatment of undiagnosed conditions,
primary or secondary infertility, and that about including curettage in Gambia (Sundby, Mboge
15% of the population of reproductive age will & Sonko, 1998) and cervical electrocauterization
seek medical assistance to conceive. in Egypt (Inhorn & Buss, 1994) may contribute
to infertility. Female fertility may be reduced fol-
lowing genital mutilation, as a result of chronic
pelvic infections leading to obstruction of the
fallopian tubes, or because narrowing of the
introitus may lead to the anus or urethra being
used for intercourse (Ng, 2000). Normal vaginal
intercourse may be impossible if the introitus is
narrowed through infibulation (Okonofua et al.,
2002). Female genital schistosomiasis, which is
common in sub-Saharan Africa, leads to granu-
lomatous inflammation of the cervix and in-
creases the likelihood of other reproductive tract
infections (Poggensee et al., 2001; Poggensee &
Feldmeier, 2001). Infectious causes appear to
Causes of infertility be less common in male factor infertility, but
parasitic infections (including schistosomiasis,
Male and female factors are each believed to which damages the male genital tract) have been
account for 40% of cases of infertility; the re- implicated in some countries (Kols & Nguyen,
maining 20% are either unexplained – so-called 1997). In developing countries, occupational ex-
idiopathic infertility – or of shared etiology. In posure, for example to heavy metals, biological
women, the most common causes of fertility metabolites, pesticides and heat, may also con-
difficulties are obstructed fallopian tubes and tribute to infertility (Inhorn & Buss, 1994; Kols
ovulation dysfunction, while in men low sperm & Nguyen, 1997). The assessment of male fac-
viability and dysfunction of sperm motility are tors is limited because many men refuse to par-
most common (Johnson & Everitt, 2000). It has ticipate in studies, which may mean that cause is
been suggested that 5% of infertility is caused misattributed (Aghanwa et al., 1999).
by constitutional problems, including genetic
conditions, anatomical defects, and endocrino- In groups with limited education, poor access
logical or immunological dysfunction (Kols & to services or little general knowledge of physi-
Nguyen, 1997). The balance is attributable to ological functioning, superstitious attribution
infection, unhygienic health care practices, par- is common. Anthropological investigations of
ticularly in obstetrics, and exposure to environ- women in Botswana (Upton, 2001), southern
mental toxins. Reproductive tract infections, es- Nigeria (Koster-Oyekan, 1999) and Mozambique
pecially sexually transmitted infections, are the (Mariano, 2004), using in-depth interviews and
predominant cause of infertility, leading to the field observations, concluded that women are usu-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

ally regarded as responsible for infertility. In these son studies have used more adequate method-
investigations, infertility was attributed to: trans- ology, including systematic sampling, adequate
gression of sexual taboos or rituals relating to bur- sample size and standardized measures. These
ial of a dead child; supernatural factors, including studies have found no significant difference in
witchcraft or a curse by ancestors or deities; and rates of psychiatric illness, other psychopathol-
prior abortions or use of orthodox contraceptives ogy or personality factors between presumed
(Koster-Oyekan, 1999; Upton, 2001). Egyptian fertile groups and those seeking infertility treat-
women of low socioeconomic status living in ru- ment, or between infertile groups and popula-
ral areas, who cannot conceive, are regarded as tion norms, or between groups with infertility
having been subjected to kabsa, or the constraint of different origin and duration (Edelmann et
of reproductive capacity by exposure to contam- al., 1991; Downey & McKinney, 1992; Visser et
inated individuals (Inhorn, 1994). Upton (2001) al., 1994). It has been argued that women who
and Mariano (2004) identified a contemporary seek treatment may be psychologically robust
paradox in some African countries, where men and not representative of the population with
in poor rural communities migrate to urban areas fertility difficulties, but this assertion has not
to work and are absent for prolonged periods, but been tested (Eugster & Vingerhoest, 1999). The
their wives are still expected to have children and observed differences in mood and self-regard
are responsible when this does not occur. between fertile and infertile groups are more ac-
curately regarded as secondary to the infertility,
People who cannot have children may be stig- rather than etiologically involved (Edelmann et
matized and socially marginalized in strongly al., 1991; Downey & McKinney, 1992; Eugster &
pro-natal settings. Infertility exerts a significant Vingerhoest, 1999). As understanding of the com-
adverse effect on the mental health of couples plex physiology and biology of reproduction has
who want to have children. grown over the past three decades, the proportion
of infertility attributed to unexplained origins has
decreased from about 50% of cases to between 5%
Psychological causation of infertility?
and 15% (Moller & Fallstrom, 1991).
There has been a long-standing belief that female
infertility, particularly of unknown etiology, is One of the criticisms of efforts to ascribe infertil-
attributable to psychological factors – so-called ity to psychological factors is that they have led
“psychogenic infertility”. This has commonly to misattribution of responsibility and “blam-
been defined as fertility difficulties for which no ing” of victims, especially women; little research
organic cause can be identified and in which psy- has investigated this hypothesis in recent years.
chological mechanisms are assumed to be operat- While agreeing with this view, some authors
ing. Studies have attempted to find personality or have argued that certain psychiatric illnesses
psychiatric factors that would explain infertility. and behaviours make individuals more vulner-
Almost all have focused on women, and most have able to infertility and that these should continue
made retrospective attribution of the observed to be investigated (Rosenthal & Goldfarb, 1997).
differences between fertile and infertile women In particular, the severe weight loss associated
(usually those seeking treatment) to pre-existing with the eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, can
factors. The issues proposed as etiologically in- lead to suppression of ovulation; cigarette smok-
volved have included uncertain gender identity, ing, and alcohol and drug use, can also lead to
external locus of control, infertility as a defence decreased fertility. Sexual difficulties, especially
against inner conflicts, ambivalence about hav- erectile dysfunction and vaginismus, can im-
ing children, psychiatric symptoms, in particular, pair the completion of intercourse (Rosenthal &
depression and anxiety, marital problems “mas- Goldfarb, 1997). The links between behavioural
querading as infertility” and sexual dysfunction factors and fertility pathology were examined in
(Callan & Hennessey, 1988b; Moller & Fallstrom, a substantial epidemiological study, which found
1991; Greil, 1997). that, while there were few differences between
fertile and infertile women, tubal obstruction
There have been no population-based prospec- was associated with a higher incidence of previ-
tive studies that have followed women from ado- ous sexually transmitted disease. Women with
lescence and investigated pre-existing psycho- this condition had a lower age of sexual debut
logical differences between fertile and infertile and more sexual partners, were more likely to
groups. However, a number of cohort compari- have used an intrauterine contraceptive device,

Chapter 8. Infertility and assisted reproduction

and were less likely to have used condoms than Almost all women presenting for treatment have
those with other fertility difficulties (Beral et al., been found to demonstrate some of these features
1994). The study also found that obesity was as- (Berg & Wilson, 1990).
sociated with polycystic ovarian disease (Beral
et al., 1994). The contribution to fertility dif- Two approaches have been taken to describing
ficulties of a delay in the age of marriage and the psychological sequelae of infertility (Greil,
reproduction has been identified as a concern in 1997). The first is qualitative investigation and
many industrialized countries, but the complex clinical description of the experiential responses
social and economic factors involved are not well to infertility. In this approach, infertility is de-
understood (Rosenthal & Goldfarb, 1997). scribed as a profound life crisis or existential
blow and a number of common themes are iden-
tified (Menning, 1982; Mahlstedt, 1985). Guilt
Psychological impact of infertility is prominent among women, together with fears
By definition, infertility can be identified only that earlier sexual experiences, the use of con-
when it has lasted at least a year. The experience traceptives, or delaying procreation while pursu-
and eventual diagnostic confirmation of infertil- ing professional goals has compromised fertility
ity can have a profound psychological impact (Mahlstedt, 1985). Other less rational beliefs – of
(Menning, 1982), which has been conceptual- being punished for past misdeeds or of intrinsic
ized and assessed in different ways. unworthiness – have also been reported, partic-
ularly if infertility is of unexplained origin. The
Psychiatric illness or normal psychological frustration associated with being unable to control
reaction to an abnormal circumstance? conception and physiological functioning com-
monly leads to feelings of anger (Becker, 1994).
There is debate about whether the psychological This may be directed towards a number of people,
disturbance observable in people with infertility including the infertile partner, friends and associ-
is more accurately conceptualized as a psychiatric ates who have been able to conceive easily, and
illness or as an intense psychological reaction to people who offer unsolicited advice (Mahlstedt,
abnormal personal circumstances. High rates of 1985).
clinically significant symptoms of depression and
anxiety have been reported in surveys of cohorts Reaction to infertility is also conceptualized as
of women and, to a lesser extent, men seeking grief, including for many intangible or disen-
fertility treatment (Beaurepaire et al., 1994). More franchised losses (Menning, 1982). The losses
than 20% of women attending an infertility sup- include: the experiences of pregnancy, childbirth
port group reported that they had experienced and breastfeeding; the children and grandchil-
episodic suicidal ideation (Kerr, Brown & Balen, dren who will not exist; a generation and genetic
1999). However, the labelling of these conditions continuity; the state of parenthood and the activi-
as psychiatric illness has been criticized, because ties and relationships it entails; and an element
psychiatric symptom checklists include somatic of adult and gender identity which will never be
symptoms (e.g. “Something is wrong with my realized and is substituted with a flawed infer-
body…”) that are normal among those with in- tile identity (Menning, 1982; Olshansky, 1987;
fertility. As psychological state is dynamic follow- Dunnington & Glazer, 1991; Nachtigall, Becker
ing diagnosis and during treatment for infertility, & Wizny, 1992). In addition, individuals may
it has been argued that a syndrome approach to fear losing significant relationships, in particu-
conceptualization is inaccurate and that a psycho- lar with the partner, physical attractiveness, or
logical profile, along which individuals are ranged, a positive sexual relationship (Mahlstedt, 1985;
would be more accurate (Berg & Wilson, 1990). Nachtigall, Becker & Wizny, 1992). Some may
Unlike other adverse life events, which may offer to allow their spouse to partner someone
have a clear resolution, infertility is regarded as else in order to have a child. Fertility difficulties
uniquely stressful because it can last for many can exert a pervasive negative effect on quality
years and for many will not be resolved (Berg & of life, compromising planning and commitment
Wilson, 1990). Berg & Wilson (1990) have iden- to other life activities. The effect is observable in
tified an infertility strain profile, characterized both men and women, but more so in women
by increased anxiety, irritability, profound sad- (Abbey, Andrews & Halman, 1992).
ness, self-blame, lowered energy levels, social iso-
lation and heightened interpersonal sensitivity. Quantitative investigations have used psychomet-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

ric measures, standardized in general populations, pathological (Bernstein, Potts & Mattox, 1985;
to examine whether the incidence of particular Morrow, Thoreson & Penney, 1995).
symptoms or syndromes is different in infertile
and presumed fertile populations (Greil, 1997). There have been few systematic studies of the
This approach has two potential limitations. First, psychological impact of infertility in developing
standardized measures of psychological dysfunc- countries, and relatively little is known about the
tion may not be sufficiently sensitive to capture psychological functioning of women with fertil-
the complexities of the infertility experience ity difficulties in these settings. This situation
(Greil, 1997). Second, the group of women who has been described as reflecting the eurocentric
experience infertility is heterogeneous, in both focus of most research in this field (Inhorn &
gynaecological and socioeconomic terms, and it Buss, 1994). In a single study, Aghanwa, Dare &
is unlikely that any control or comparison group Ogunniyi, (1999) reported that 29.7% of infertile
can be matched in these terms and in length of patients in Nigeria were depressed or had an anxi-
time to conceive (Hearn et al., 1987). Despite ety disorder, compared with 2.7% of fertile non-
these limitations, there has been substantial re- matched hospital staff controls.
search comparing infertile women and couples
with presumed fertile controls or already preg- It has been suggested that in highly pro-natalist
nant women. Perhaps because of the limitations, societies, where women may have few occupa-
the findings are inconsistent. tional choices and motherhood is the only identi-
fier of adult status, infertility is highly stigmatizing
Significantly higher levels of depressive symptoms (Inhorn, 2003; Koster-Oyekan, 1999; Mariano,
have been found among women seeking treatment 2004; Upton, 2001). The inability to have children
for infertility than in presumed fertile controls damages both cultural and adult identity, and the
(Bernstein, Potts & Mattox, 1985; Berg & Wilson, attribution of responsibility leads to social rejec-
1990; Domar et al., 1992; Beaurepaire et al., 1994). tion and marginalization. Infertile women may
However, other investigators have reported no have their gender identity questioned, experience
significant differences in levels of depression be- social exclusion, be suspected of having evil po-
tween infertile and comparison groups (Connolly tential and be subject to harassment, especially
et al., 1992; Downey & McKinney, 1992; Hynes from their in-laws (Koster-Oyekan, 1999; Upton,
et al., 1992). It has been suggested that there are, 2001). In settings where women are subordinated,
nevertheless, differences in distress between the they are highly likely to be blamed for infertility
two groups, but that the severity of this distress is (Mariano, 2004). They may be divorced because
not clinically significant (Greil, 1997). This is sup- of their failure to bear children, which itself is
ported by the findings of significantly more non- highly stigmatizing, or their husband may marry
specific emotional distress (Moller & Fallstrom, a second wife (Koster-Oyekan, 1999; Mariano,
1991) and less life satisfaction and happiness 2004; Upton, 2001). Divorced and childless wom-
(Callan & Hennessey, 1988b) in infertile popula- en are highly vulnerable when old, because adult
tions. More severe depression is associated with children are the usual primary supporters of older
increasing age and being childless (Morrow, people. Given the very limited access to assisted
Thoreson & Penney, 1995). The findings regard- reproductive treatments in these settings, infer-
ing anxiety are similar, with some studies finding tility has been described as leading to profound
significantly higher levels among infertile groups human suffering (Inhorn, 2003). Upton (2001)
(Beaurepaire et al., 1994; Visser et al., 1994), has argued that the presumption that infertility
and others finding no differences from controls is rare in countries with high fertility rates, and
(Connolly et al., 1992). However, Connolly et al. the inaccurate understanding of its determinants,
(1992) acknowledge that individuals have dif- have led to the condition being “invisible” to poli-
fering degrees of dispositional anxiety and that cy-makers. As a result, there has been insufficient
these may lead to varying anxious responses to consideration of the psychological and social costs
infertility. Lower levels of self-esteem and self- to women of infertility in these contexts.
regard have been reported, although the differ-
ences remain within a normal range (Callan & Gender differences in the psychological
Hennessey, 1988b; Edelmann et al., 1991; Hynes sequelae of infertility
et al., 1992; Nachtigall, Becker & Wizny, 1992;
Beaurepaire et al., 1994). Similarly, height- Although infertility exerts adverse psychologi-
ened guilt and self-blame are common, but not cal effects on both men and women, there is evi-
dence that they react differently (Abbey, Andrews

Chapter 8. Infertility and assisted reproduction

& Halman, 1991; Nachtigall, Becker & Wizny, scant scientific evidence (Woods, Olshansky &
1992; Cook, 1993). Women have been found to Draye, 1991; Litt et al., 1992; Morrow, Thoreson
experience more emotional distress and depres- & Penney, 1995).
sive symptoms associated with infertility than
men, except in cases of male factor infertility Impact of infertility and infertility
where the degree of distress is similar (Nachtigall, treatment on the marital relationship
Becker & Wizny, 1992; Beaurepaire, et al., 1994;
Morrow, Thoreson & Penney, 1995). Similarly, Infertility can exert adverse effects on the emo-
there are adverse effects on the gender identity tional and sexual relationship between partners
of all women with infertility regardless of the (Andrews, Abbey & Halman, 1992; Greil, 1997;
etiological factor; but male gender identity is ad- Eugster & Vingerhoest, 1999; Hart, 2002). Guilt
versely affected only by male factors (Nachtigall, and inexpressible blame can have insidious ef-
Becker & Wizny, 1992). Even when male factors fects on intimacy. The infertile partner may fear
are implicated, women experience more guilt rejection or may feel obliged to offer the other a
and self-blame than their male partners (Abbey, divorce so that he or she can achieve genetic par-
Andrews & Halman, 1991). This may be because, enthood with someone else (Hart, 2002). The ex-
even when male factors are involved, most of the pression of anger and frustration about the pre-
investigation and treatments focus on the female dicament may be constrained in order to protect
partner. Women’s lives are more disrupted by in- the infertile partner (Hart, 2002). Sexual sponta-
fertility than men’s (Abbey, Andrews & Halman, neity can be impaired by the need for sexual in-
1991). It also appears that the loss of sex role iden- tercourse to be carefully timed and by the clinical
tity and the experiences of childbirth and parent- scrutiny to which the relationship is subjected.
hood is more profound for women than for men Both partners may experience emotional pain
(Abbey, Andrews & Halman, 1991; Nachtigall, seeing other couples with children (Hart, 2002).
Becker & Wizny, 1992; Cook, 1993). Both men However, systematic psychometric investigations
and women are more likely to believe that the have revealed few differences in quality of mari-
woman is responsible if unexplained or com- tal relationship between infertile and comparison
bined factors are etiologically involved (Abbey, groups. Rather they suggest that marital intimacy
Andrews & Halman, 1991). Men are more likely and cohesion can be strengthened and enhanced
than women to experience infertility as a sign through confronting the experience of infertility
of compromised potency and sexual adequacy together (Dennerstein & Morse, 1988; Berg &
(Nachtigall, Becker & Wizny, 1992). Wilson, 1991; Greil, 1997).

Individuals respond to disturbing life events in dif-

Psychological aspects of treatment
ferent ways. Women who are able to take an active
part in seeking information and making decisions of infertility using assisted
about treatment have lower levels of depression reproductive technology
and attract more social support than those who
Psychological sequelae of diagnosis and
passively submit to medical recommendations
(Woods, Olshansky & Draye, 1991). Individuals
with high self-esteem and dispositional optimism
In the past 25 years, technologies to treat both
are better protected against severe depression (Litt
male and female infertility have developed rap-
et al., 1992). Denial and avoidance are elements
idly. In industrialized countries with well devel-
of a normal response to adverse experiences, in-
oped infertility treatment services, it is estimat-
cluding infertility (Menning, 1982). Some indi-
ed that more than 60% of couples with fertility
viduals may appear to be more persistently unaf-
difficulties will seek treatment (Dawson, 1994).
fected emotionally by the diagnosis of infertility,
Although the need for assisted reproductive tech-
but denial is not an effective defence against severe
nologies in poor countries is high, the public pro-
emotional distress. Individuals who use avoidant
vision of these highly sophisticated services has
coping and deny the emotional impact of infertil-
to be weighed against the competing demands
ity may seek multiple medical opinions, in order
of major infectious and chronic disease bur-
to find an optimistic assessment. They are at high-
dens, and limited obstetric and perinatal health
er risk of becoming depressed and may also be
services (Vayena, Rowe & Griffin, 2002; WHO,
vulnerable to exploitation by extravagant claims
2003). Private infertility treatment services are
for treatments, including those for which there is

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

being established in many poor countries, but that women hold unrealistically high expecta-
are likely to be accessible and available only to tions at this stage of the likely success of treat-
socioeconomically advantaged groups (Vayena, ment (Callan & Hennessey, 1988a; Beaurepaire
Rowe & Peterson, 2002; WHO, 2003). Teaching et al., 1994; Hammarberg, Astbury & Baker,
hospitals in some developing countries are start- 2001). Injections, scans, blood tests and waiting
ing to offer public infertility treatment services to know whether eggs have been fertilized are
(Vayena, Rowe & Griffin, 2002). Overall, the all regarded as more psychologically than physi-
situation in developing countries varies consid- cally demanding (Callan & Hennessey, 1988a;
erably, in terms of availability of appropriately Hammarberg, Astbury & Baker, 2001). There is
trained health professionals and essential labo- consistent evidence that the moment of embryo
ratory services, and it is not possible to general- transfer arouses optimism, but that the interval
ize (Vayena, Rowe & Griffin, 2002). between transfer and pregnancy testing to con-
firm whether implantation and conception have
Rates of pregnancy and live births following occurred is highly anxiety arousing (Callan &
assisted conception depend on the experience Hennessey, 1988a; Yong, Martin & Thong, 2000;
of the treating centre (Eugster & Vingerhoest, Franco et al., 2002). The onset of menstruation
1999). While rates continue to improve, on or a negative pregnancy test leads to intense sad-
average only 20% of couples conceive at each ness, despair and a sense of lost control (Litt et
embryo transfer cycle (Kovacs, MacLachlan & al., 1992; Franco et al., 2002). Dispositional op-
Brehny, 2001). Using life-table calculations to timism and active coping are protective against
review 4225 couples who had undergone 8207 depression following implantation failure; wom-
cycles over six years, Kovacs, MacLachlan & en who use avoidant coping are generally more
Brehny (2001) reported that half the women distressed (Litt et al., 1992).
became pregnant within three cycles and two-
thirds became pregnant over six cycles. There Repeated unsuccessful treatment cycles can
is a theoretical debate about whether infertility erode the increase in confidence and hope that
should be considered a disease that requires comes at the start of treatment. It has been shown
medical treatment or an unfortunate life circum- that, after two years of unsuccessful treatment,
stance on which public resources should not be distress returns to a higher level than before
spent. Bewley (1995) argues that the physical treatment and can develop into chronic and se-
and mental health risks of treating an individ- vere depression (Berg & Wilson, 1990; Domar et
ual, in whom the expected successful outcome al., 1992). Optimism gradually diminishes over
of a living child is low, may outweigh the ben- repeated cycles and few couples persist for more
efits. Others have suggested that the availability than six (Callan & Hennessey, 1988a; Kovacs,
of assisted reproductive technologies means that MacLachlan & Brehny, 2001). Making the deci-
both patients and clinicians try to seek a cure sion to stop fertility treatment is not straightfor-
for the condition, rather than exploring other ward, as there is no clear terminal point if con-
means of establishing a fulfilling life (Becker ception has not yet occurred (Covington, 1995).
& Nachtigall, 1994). Critics assert that women Among other factors, the decision not to attempt
are coerced into participating in and persisting another treatment cycle is strongly influenced
with treatment, rather than making a free choice by social forces, including the opinions of fam-
(Shattuck & Schwarz, 1991). ily members and friends (Callan et al., 1988).
One qualitative study suggested that a state of
There is now substantial evidence that the na- dissociation between the physical treatment and
ture and intensity of emotional distress vary its psychological consequences is necessary in
over the course of infertility treatment. At diag- order for couples to persist with repeat cycles
nosis, symptoms of acute distress may increase; (Benjamin & Ha’elyon, 2002). The authors ar-
there then appears to be a decrease in symptoms gued that this is a response to the violation of
once treatment starts (Beaurepaire et al., 1994). privacy and time that diagnosis and treatment
Severity of depression at this stage has been involve, and that once this detachment cannot
linked to having a confirmed diagnosis and a be sustained, individuals cease treatment.
history of surgery for investigation or treatment
of infertility (Domar et al., 1992). The initiation In many settings, the costs of infertility treat-
of treatment arouses optimism that the condition ment are not subsidized by the state and fall
may be alleviated. However, there is evidence on the individual. This can add substantially

Chapter 8. Infertility and assisted reproduction

to the burden of emotional distress, and have a relaxation training, cognitive therapy, exercise
marked effect on decision-making about persist- and nutritional counselling, reduced psycho-
ence with treatment; couples have to weigh the logical symptoms in women, 34% of whom con-
financial costs of diagnostic tests and treatment ceived; however, there was no untreated com-
cycles against their yearning for a child (Abbey, parison group (Domar, Seibel & Benson, 1990;
Halman & Andrews, 1992; Franco et al., 2002). Domar, 1994). This psychological improvement
It has been asserted that couples cannot make was replicated in a subsequent study, (Domar et
a fully informed choice about participation in al., 1992b) but the group did not include women
infertility treatment, because the risks of proce- with severe psychological dysfunction. Having a
dures (including ovarian hyperstimulation and peer counsellor who had experienced infertility,
multiple gestations), the economic costs, the as well as a group leader, was found to be ben-
limited success rates, and the possible adverse eficial (Domar, Seibel & Benson, 1990). Fewer
health effects on women and their offspring are men than women want to participate in self-help
generally understated (Pfeffer, 1991; Collins, support groups, although participation has been
1994). Some support for this view has been pro- shown to provide emotional support and prac-
vided by evidence that, after prolonged infer- tical information and to reduce social isolation.
tility, multiple gestations can be idealized and Men who attended such groups to support their
the associated hazards underestimated (Franco wives ultimately found them personally helpful
et al., 2002). Couples may actively seek a mul- (Lentner & Glazer, 1991).
tiple birth in order to create an instant family
(Leiblum, Kemmann & Taska, 1990; Gleicher
et al., 1995; Goldfarb et al., 1996). Although
couples may have significant fears about fetal
well-being and doubts about their own capacity
to care for more than one infant, they can feel
prohibited from expressing this ambivalence be-
cause they consented to the transfer of multiple
embryos (Leiblum, Kemmann & Taska, 1990;
Gleicher et al., 1995; Goldfarb et al., 1996).

Psychological components of treatment

It has been cogently argued that, given the in-

tensity and severity of distress that can be ap-
parent during treatment, infertility clinicians
need to have both medical and psychological
skills (Covington, 1995). The promotion of op-
timism and personal control during treatment
reduces psychological distress (Abbey, Halman
& Andrews, 1992). As irritability, anxiety and
depressive symptoms are most intense during
the period between embryo transfer and preg-
nancy-testing, it has been argued that support-
ive counselling should be available at this time
(Yong, Martin & Thong, 2000).
Termination of infertility treatment
General social support has been found to have
a more positive effect on women’s distress than Not all couples with fertility difficulties will
on men’s (Abbey, Halman & Andrews, 1992). conceive following infertility treatment; signifi-
There have been a number of attempts to relieve cant proportions have to adjust to life without a
the psychological distress of infertility and to biological offspring. Long-term follow-up studies
examine whether this can increase conception have examined women’s views about, and recol-
rates. Individual, couple and group therapy ap- lections of, the experience of infertility treatment.
proaches have been tried (Hart, 2002). A be- Combining a survey of past patients at a hospi-
havioural group treatment approach, including tal in Oslo, Norway with a medical record au-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

dit, Sundby, Olsen & Schei (1994) showed that ternal age and multiple gestations (Olivennes et
most women had experienced discontinuity of al., 1993). Many pregnancies following assisted
treatment in the public sector, seeing different conception are regarded as high risk (Dulude et
doctors at each consultation. One-third had al., 2002).
stopped treatment without its being formally
documented. Those who had a child were satis- Pregnancy
fied with their treatment, but less than half who
did not conceive were satisfied. Independent of Multiple gestations are more likely following
whether a child had been born, 70% were dis- induction of ovulation, or after the transfer of
satisfied with the emotional support that had multiple embryos (McKinney & Leary, 1999).
been provided by health staff (Sundby, Olsen & Multiple gestations are usually diagnosed very
Schei, 1994). A follow-up study six years after early after assisted conception, and parents may
cessation of treatment found that it was recalled not think about the possibility of losing one fe-
as a traumatic life event. Overall, long-term tus. Grief in those who have a single baby after
psychological functioning was in the normal having lost another fetus during the pregnancy
range, with greater well-being among those with is intense, but can be unrecognized by both
a child compared with those without a child. health professionals and friends (Kollantai &
Those with a hostile marital relationship, pre- Fleischer, 2001; Swanson, Pearsall-Jones & Hay,
existing psychiatric illness, or low level of edu- 2002; Fisher & Stocky, 2003). The coincidence
cation were more vulnerable in the long term. of bereavement and pregnancy presents a psy-
The authors commented that people undergoing chological paradox, which is not easily resolved
infertility treatment should be encouraged, and and may lead to delayed or disturbed grief reac-
counselled that psychological stability will even- tions or disrupt the mother–infant attachment
tually be restored and that adoption is often a (Bryan & Denton, 2001; Pector & Smith-Levitin,
satisfactory outcome (Sundby, 1992). Similarly, 2002).
fewer than half the women in a study in Finalnd
were satisfied with their infertility treatment. Very little is known about the long-term psycho-
Dissatisfaction was higher among older women logical consequences of what is termed planned
who had not conceived, and the doctor’s capac- fetal reduction or selective abortion of one or
ity for empathy and kindness was central to sat- more fetuses in multiple pregnancy. In a study
isfaction (Malin et al., 2001). In an Australian comparing 42 women who had undergone fe-
study of 116 women, 2–3 years after ceasing tal reduction with women who had conceived
infertility treatment, Hammarberg et al. (2001) a singleton pregnancy after in vitro fertilization
found that women who had not conceived were (IVF), the rates of depression were equal in those
less satisfied with the treatment and clinical care who ultimately had a baby, but was high in those
and with their life than those who had a baby. from either group who miscarried the pregnan-
cy. However, many described fetal reduction as
extremely stressful, 98% experienced anxiety,
Psychological aspects of pregnancy, 69% sadness and 57% guilt as a result of the pro-
childbirth and the postpartum period cedure. Grief, mourning and underlying feelings
after assisted conception of shame were apparent in most (McKinney &
Leary, 1999). Perhaps reflecting this, fetal reduc-
In recent years, the number of children born as a tion is rarely widely disclosed and may be kept
result of assisted reproduction has been increas- secret. However, it is known that keeping secrets
ing. In Australia, for example, 2.5% of live births harms family relationships through fear of dis-
now follow assisted conception (Waters, Dean covery and mistrust (Covington & Burns, 1999;
& Sullivan, 2006). Pregnancies that have been Bryan, 2002). Qualitative investigations have
assisted in this way carry higher risks for both reported complicated grief reactions in which
mother and infant. These include increased risk multiple disenfranchised losses are experienced
of antepartum haemorrhage, multiple gestation, (Collopy, 2002). The potential impact on the liv-
pregnancy hypertension, caesarean delivery, ing infant remains unknown, but the possibil-
premature birth, low or very low birth weight, ity of a “survivor syndrome”, characterized by
and the infant requiring oxygen at birth (Tallo et guilt, perplexity and grief for a lost sibling, has
al., 1995; Wang et al., 1994; Waters et al., 2006). been suggested (Bryan & Denton, 2001; Fisher
However, these risks are predominantly those & Stocky, 2003).
associated with pregnancy at an advanced ma-

Chapter 8. Infertility and assisted reproduction

Pregnancies in which a heightened risk to ma- longitudinal study, anxiety was reported to de-
ternal or fetal health is identified are more psy- crease more as pregnancy progressed in those
chologically distressing (Dulude et al., 2002). who had had assisted conception than in those
Women who become pregnant following assist- who had conceived spontaneously (Stanton &
ed conception have been described as: having Golombok, 1993; McMahon, 1999; Klock &
heightened anxiety about pregnancy loss and Greenfield, 2000). It has been suggested that
infant health, less self-confidence, and greater women may need additional support and sen-
difficulty in acknowledging ambivalence, anxi- sitized care in pregnancy after assisted concep-
ety or sadness; using avoidant coping; becom- tion (McMahon et al. 1995; McMahon, 1999;
ing hypervigilant; feeling unable to complain Hjelmstedt et al., 2003).
or seek support and denying the pregnant state
as self-protection against loss (Dunnington & Childbirth
Glazer, 1991; Bernstein, Lewis & Seibel, 1994;
van Balen, Naaktgeboren & Trimbos-Kemper, Although women are at greatly elevated risk of
1996; Covington & Burns, 1999; Eugster & caesarean birth after assisted conception (Wang
Vingerhoest, 1999; McMahon, 1999; Hjelmstedt et al., 1994), there has been little investigation
et al., 2003). Concern about fetal development of the interactions between these two proce-
is high even in women whose pregnancies are dures. There is consistent evidence that both
known to be low-risk (Reading, Chang & Kerin, instrumental intervention in vaginal birth and
1989; Gibson et al., 2000b) and preparation caesarean surgery are associated with increased
of a home environment for the baby is delayed anxiety, disappointment, grief and dissatisfaction
(Dunnington & Glazer, 1991; Bernstein, Lewis (Boyce & Todd, 1992; Fisher, Astbury & Smith,
& Seibel, 1994). The universal psychological 1997). Although mode of delivery does not ap-
challenge of pregnancy is to form a maternal pear to make an independent contribution to
identity, and this process appears to be more postpartum depression when other risk factors
problematic in women who have a history of in- are taken into account (Johnstone et al., 2001),
fertility. The relinquishing of an infertile iden- caesarean surgery can induce post-traumatic
tity and the adoption of a fertile and maternal stress reactions (Fisher, Astbury & Smith, 1997).
one have to happen rapidly, but may in reality After caesarean childbirth, the first encounter
be complicated and prolonged (Covington & between mother and infant and the initiation of
Burns, 1999; McMahon, 1999). Motherhood fol- breastfeeding are disrupted, with adverse effects
lowing infertility has usually been idealized and on maternal confidence that are still measurable
the losses and adverse experiences it inevitably eight months later (Rowe-Murray & Fisher, 2001,
entails may be unexpected (Covington & Burns, 2002). In one study, childbirth was reported as
1999; McMahon, 1999). Although women re- “more exceptional” after assisted conception, but
port increased anxiety about intrapartum dam- this descriptor was not defined and is difficult to
age to the baby, they have often underestimated interpret (van Balen, Naaktgeboren & Trimbos-
the potential risks of childbirth to themselves Kemper, 1996).
(Connolly et al., 1992; McMahon, 1999). In
contrast, two studies reported no differences in Operative delivery and premature birth are
anxiety or depressive symptoms measured with both more common among women with multi-
standardized instruments between women who ple gestation, which occurs in 20% of pregnan-
had conceived spontaneously and those who cies after assisted conception (Barrett & Ritchie,
had conceived after IVF (Stanton & Golombok, 2002). Premature birth typically involves separa-
1993; Klock & Greenfield, 2000). None of the tion of the mother from her infants, sometimes
studies controlled for the particular effects of for prolonged periods. Intense anxiety about the
multiple gestation, and most studies excluded infants’ health and development and about the
multiple gestations and women who already had separation is universal, and is more severe among
a child. those whose infants are seriously unwell; and the
anxiety can persist for up to three years (Singer
No differences in the intensity or quality of self- et al., 1999). When babies are kept in neonatal
reported maternal–fetal emotional attachment intensive care units, mothers report uncertainty
have been reported, although women anticipat- about whether the health professional or the par-
ed that their infants might have more difficulties ent has authority over the baby (Bryan & Denton,
than those conceived spontaneously. In a single 2001; Loo et al., 2003). A cooperative approach

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

to decision-making, respecting parental rights, nal exhaustion or mild to moderate depression

can be helpful (Carter & Leuthner, 2002). Fear (Barnett et al., 1993; Fisher et al., 2002; Fisher,
about the infants’ health and viability can persist Hammarberg & Baker, 2005). A group of moth-
and lead to hypervigilance in relation to infant ers who were members of an infertility support
care, and delayed formation of a secure affection- group were found to confide less and have fewer
ate emotional attachment (Klock, 2001; Loo et al., acquaintances and friendships than a compari-
2003). No studies have examined the interacting son group who had conceived spontaneously
emotional effects of assisted conception, opera- (Munro, Ironside & Smith, 1992). Mothers who
tive birth, prematurity, neonatal hospitalization had had assistance to conceive anticipated that
and multiple birth. However, the established dif- their infants would have more problems and
ficulties are further magnified if the infants are rated their infants as having more difficult tem-
separated, for example by discharge of one infant peraments than a group of controls (McMahon
ahead of another or by care in different hospitals et al., 1997). In contrast, Golombok et al. (1995)
(Bryan & Denton, 2001). Maintaining a supply of found no adverse psychological consequences
breastmilk and establishing breastfeeding are dif- and “superior parenting” among children con-
ficult and anxiety-arousing with premature and ceived with assisted reproductive technologies.
very low-birthweight infants. Systematic investigations have used the Strange
Situations Test, which assesses the quality of
mother–child attachment through videotaped
Parenthood after infertility and observations of the mother and child, while
assisted reproduction playing together and when separated from each
other. These studies have found no differences
Most of the investigations into the long-term
in mother–child attachment between children
impact of assisted conception have focused on
conceived spontaneously or with assistance, and
women’s capacity to mother, the quality of moth-
that most mothers were sensitive and responsive
er–infant attachment and the developmental
to their children (Gibson et al., 2000a). None of
outcomes of the children. Few have focused on
these studies included infants conceived by use
maternal mental and physical health in itself.
of donor gametes or multiple births (Fisher &
Descriptive and exploratory studies claim that, Stocky, 2003). In reviewing the early studies,
after assisted conception, mothers are more McMahon et al. (1995) concluded that there was
likely to be overprotective and to recall infertil- little evidence of differences in quality of parent-
ity as an influential negative life event. Burns ing between families formed with assisted con-
(1990) concluded that infertility is not transient, ception and others, but conceded that most of
continues after conception and may be experi- the available studies had methodological limita-
enced as long-term adjustment difficulties in the tions.
family. Further, parents may be less conscious
There is consistent evidence that the emotional
of the challenges of parenthood and, although
health of mothers of multiple infants is poorer
the quality of parenting is high, have to make
than that of mothers of single infants, and that
an extraordinary effort to feel effective. Burns
they are at higher risk of becoming depressed,
(1990) suggested that parents may have formed
anxious and clinically exhausted after child-
unrealistic and “utopian fantasies”, which make
birth. Hay et al. (1990) found that 29.7% of
it difficult for them to adjust to the unique de-
mothers of 3-month-old twins reported depres-
mands and unavoidable ambivalence of parent-
sion (a rate five times higher than among moth-
ing. She also suggested that they are particularly
ers of single 3-month-old infants); 42% had high
likely to have difficulties separating from their
anxiety (three times higher than among mothers
infants and with the developmental process of
of single infants). Even higher rates of depres-
individuation, and may be less able to foster the
sion have been reported among mothers of tri-
child’s capacity for self-sufficiency (Burns, 1990,
plets. Robin et al. (1991) found that 40% were
1999). In Australia, there is an excess (6.3–9%
depressed 4 months postpartum, while Garel,
compared with 1.2–1.7% of live births) of moth-
Salobir & Blondel (1997) found that all report-
ers who have experienced fertility difficulties
ed significant distress and a quarter were being
or assisted conception among those admitted
treated for depression one year postpartum. Two
to residential early parenting services because
studies of the health and social circumstances of
of infant sleep or feeding disorders and mater-
women admitted to Australian residential early

Chapter 8. Infertility and assisted reproduction

parenting services for treatment of unsettled in- (Rosenthal, 1998). However, it has been estab-
fant behaviour and maternal exhaustion, anxiety lished that, over time, donors may change their
and depression found an excess of mothers with minds about remaining anonymous or allowing
multiple infants (3.7–5%, compared with the their identity to be disclosed to offspring (Blyth,
general population rate of 1.4%) (Barnett et al., Crawshaw & Daniels, 2004). In general, people
1993; Fisher et al., 2002). In a longitudinal study conceived from donated genetic material want to
of more than 13 000 women who gave birth in know their genetic heritage and the identity of
one month in 1970, Thorpe et al. (1991) found the donor, and believe that secrecy is harmful to
that, five years after the birth, independent of individuals and to families (Blyth, Crawshaw &
other explanatory factors, mothers of twins were Daniels, 2004).
three times more likely to be depressed than
those with a single child. In a small compara- A shortage of donated eggs places significant
tive study, higher parenting stress was associ- limitations on treatment in most settings. In
ated with having twins, regardless of mode of order to donate ova, women have to undergo
conception (Cook, Bradley & Golombok, 1998). ovarian stimulation and surgical aspiration, and
This effect may lessen as the children grow old- the number willing to do so is limited (Cleland,
er. In examining 158 sets of twins entering pre- 1994; Murray et al., 1994). Depending on local
school, Munro, Ironside & Smith (1990) found legislation, eggs may be donated by someone
less psychiatric disturbance among mothers of known to the recipient or by an anonymous do-
twins conceived by IVF than mothers of sponta- nor, voluntarily or in exchange for payment. In
neously conceived twins. some European countries, a strategy termed egg
sharing is available, in which women undergo-
ing fertility treatment requiring ovarian stimu-
New technologies and their lation and oocyte retrieval can donate half the
implications resulting ova anonymously to another couple in
exchange for reduced fees and rapid access to
Donated fresh sperm has been used to treat male
treatment (Ahuja et al., 2003). Investigation of
factor infertility for 100 years. The use of cryop-
the psychological implications of donating ova to
reservation to store sperm for later donation is a
other women has only recently begun. However,
newer technological development. The donation
in-depth interviews with small samples in the
of embryos and oocytes has become possible
United Kingdom have found that the decision
more recently, and involves the donor undergo-
to participate as a donor in egg sharing schemes
ing a stimulated cycle and the surgical removal
is influenced by the waiting time for treatment,
of oocytes for either transfer, cryopreservation or
costs of treatment, individual perceptions of the
fertilization with donated sperm (Barrero, 2002).
donated gametes as “tissue” or as a “potential
The new technologies now available to treat fer-
baby”, and a complex existential notion of altru-
tility difficulties may themselves carry sequelae
ism combined with a desire to achieve a personal
for mental health, but very little evidence is so
life goal (Rapport, 2003; Blyth, 2004). There is
far available (Kirby, 1994).
ongoing debate about the ethics of this option,
in particular since the evidence in its favour
Issues arising with use of the new technologies
has been generated to a large extent by provid-
include: the ethical, legal and psychological com-
ers. The short- and long-term psychological and
plexities of the use of donated genetic material;
emotional sequelae have not been examined sys-
payments to donors for their genetic material; de-
tematically by independent investigators (Ahuja
bates about the maintenance of secrecy and dis-
et al, 2003; Blyth, Crawshaw & Daniels, 2004).
closure, and the impact of legislation regarding
children’s rights to know their biological herit-
There is debate about whether tissues with re-
age versus parents’ rights to secrecy. Gestational
productive potential should be treated differently
surrogacy and the use of donor gametes lead to
from those donated post mortem. Consideration
complex considerations of what constitutes a par-
is being given to whether cadavers, aborted fe-
ent–infant relationship (Kirkman, 1996, 1999;
tuses or live donors may be the best source of
Barrero, 2002; Vayena, Rowe & Griffin, 2002).
eggs (Murray et al., 1994). In order to investigate
Relatively little is known about the motives and
attitudes to this theoretical possibility, women
psychological functioning of donors, including
attending for pregnancy termination, contracep-
those who donate genetic material anonymously
tion or infertility treatment were surveyed. In

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

general, there was strong support for methods persevere in their efforts to have a child, even
to increase the supply of donated ova, from all to the extent of putting their own health at risk
sources, but women having abortions did not in (Kirkman, 1996). Health professionals face sig-
general support post-mortem donation of ova. nificant difficulties in interpreting social and
Neither potential donors nor potential recipients ethical dilemmas in individual cases. Nurses
disapproved of the use of fetal ovarian tissue for rated the emotional distress associated with in-
research (Murray et al., 1994). fertility treatment as worse than either patients
or physicians did, and patients rated it as worse
There is wide variation internationally regard- than physicians did. However, all agreed that in-
ing record-keeping and access to records follow- fertility treatment was one of the most difficult
ing the use of donated genetic material (Kirby, professional fields in which to practise (Kopitzke
1994). There is a need for considered public and et al., 1991). Patients’ irritability and frustration
expert debate regarding a number of issues, e.g. may be directed at health professionals, who may
quality control to protect against consanguinity, be perceived as lacking sensitivity and ability to
legal acknowledgment of the social rather than communicate, or blamed for the limitations of
the genetic parent, and the rights of the children existing knowledge and techniques. Covington
and not just the adults exposed to these proce- (1995) stated that, because of the multiple losses,
dures. The disposal of, and experimentation on, prolonged treatment, complexities in defining
surplus frozen embryos or other genetic material the end of treatment, and high failure rate, all
remain controversial (Kirby, 1994). In consider- professionals in this field need to integrate psy-
ing the allocation of health resources, there is chological with medical care.
debate about whether individuals should bear
the cost or whether it is a social cost to be born The psychosocial sequelae of infertility and the
publicly. The complex economics of the cost-ef- complex psychological responses to techno-
fectiveness of treatment have to be considered logically assisted conception are central to the
(Kirby, 1994; Neumann, Gharib & Weinstein, health of people facing these life experiences,
1994). and should be considered in research and clini-
cal services.
There is also debate about whether treatment
should be offered to all who seek it, or whether
there should be criteria for inclusion in treatment Summary
programmes The debate regarding the rights of
the child is sometimes used to withhold treat- Future research
ment from post-menopausal women, because of 1. Causes of infertility differ, and in each coun-
the complex ethics relating to being born to par- try an accurate understanding is needed of
ents who may die before the child reached ma- the fertility problems of the population.
turity (Hope, Lockwood & Lockwood, 1995).
2. In most countries, the prevalence, etiology
Older women are generally less likely to conceive,
and mental health effects of fertility prob-
and it has been suggested that health profession-
lems have not been established.
als who offer fertility treatment to older women
are assisting them to act irresponsibly (Jackson, 3. Research is needed into the demand for, and
1995). There is debate about whether these deci- nature of, infertility treatment services in
sions, especially whether women over 50 years of developing countries.
age should be refused treatment, should be made 4. The long-term psychological consequences
by an ethics committee (who may not know the of infertility, including after the birth of a
individual patient) or by a single clinician (Craft, child, should be investigated.
1995). 5. There is a need for data on the short- and
long-term psychosocial and medical conse-
The psychological implications of the preserva- quences for both donors and recipients of
tion of tissue to protect fertility in those under- gametes, including women in egg-sharing
going chemotherapy are yet to be investigated. programmes.
6. There is a need for long-term comprehensive
For many women, being a mother is core to the
follow-up of the physical and mental health
formation of their adult identity, and the avail-
of offspring of assisted conception, with dis-
ability of technologies means that some will
aggregation by method of conception.

Chapter 8. Infertility and assisted reproduction

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Female genital mutilation

Jane Fisher

F emale genital mutilation (FGM) or female

genital cutting – sometimes termed female
circumcision – is a common practice in some
labia minora; this is anatomically equivalent to
amputation of the penis (Toubia, 1994). Type III,
or Pharaonic, also known as infibulation, is the
parts of the world (Ladjali, Rattray & Walder, excision of all external female genital organs and
1993; Okonofua et al., 2002; UNICEF, 2005). the use of stitches or other techniques to close the
Approximately 130 million women alive today wound, leaving a narrow opening for the flow of
have experienced some form of this procedure, urine and menstrual blood. Forms that do not
and at least three million girls are at risk or are fit the criteria for these three typologies are clas-
subjected to it each year (WHO, 1998, 2000a; sified as Type IV. These include: pricking, pierc-
UNICEF, 2005) The practice is most common in ing, cutting or distending the clitoris or labia;
the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, parts of the burning the external genital organs; cutting or
Eastern Mediterranean, including Egypt, Oman, scraping the vagina or placing herbs or corrosive
Sudan and Yemen, and Indonesia and Malaysia. agents into the vagina to cause bleeding or tis-
It is also seen in other countries, including in- sue damage and lead to tightening of the vaginal
dustrialized countries, among immigrants and opening (Ng, 2000; Weir, 2000; WHO, 2000a)
refugees (Black & Debelle, 1995; UNICEF, 2005). The most extreme forms of genital cutting are
Estimates of prevalence in different population the least prevalent (Slanger, Snow & Okonofua,
groups range from 5% to 99%; in Egypt, Eritrea, 2002).
Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan, 70–98% of women
have undergone the procedure (Dorkenoo, 1994; As a result of migration and humanitarian pro-
Toubia, 1994; Leonard, 1996; Sayed, Abd El-Aty grammes of relocation for refugees, Australia,
& Fadel, 1996; Chelala, 1998; Eke, 2000; WHO, Canada, some European countries and some
2000a; Al-Hussaini, 2003; UNICEF, 2005). The states in the USA have now developed legisla-
rate of female genital mutilation is higher in set- tion, policies and clinical practice guidelines
tings where there are low levels of adult literacy related to female genital mutilation (Allotey,
and high rates of poverty. In general, prevalence Manderson & Grover, 2001). Accurate estimates
is lower among better-educated women (Sayed, of prevalence among immigrants in such coun-
Abd El-Aty & Fatel, 1996; UNICEF, 2005). tries are not available (Webb, 1995), but large
numbers of people have migrated from the sub-
Female genital mutilation is defined as any pro- Saharan African communities in which FGM is
cedure that involves irremediable partial or total practised.
removal of, or injury to, external female genital
organs for non-therapeutic reasons. WHO clas- The age at which FGM is carried out varies, ac-
sifies this mutilation into a number of types, cording to region, type of procedure and the
according to the severity of structural damage. existence of prohibiting legislation. It may be
Type I, or Sunna, is excision of the prepuce and done a few days after birth, at the age of 8–10
part or all of the clitoris. Type II is removal of years, prior to marriage, or after the birth of a
the clitoris and part or complete removal of the first child (Dorkenoo & Elworthy, 1992; Toubia,

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

1994; Young, 2002). It is usually performed en have few occupational choices. Families are
by untrained people, often traditional birth at- unlikely to break with tradition if it places their
tendants or village barbers. They are likely to daughters at risk of remaining unmarried (Cook,
use unsterilized instruments, including razor Dickens & Fathalla, 2002; Lightfoot-Klein &
blades, knives, broken glass, scissors or sharp- Shaw, 1990; Missailidis & Gebre-Mehdin, 2000;
ened stones, without anaesthetic in unhygienic Toubia, 1994). Ogunlola, Orji & Owalabi (2003)
settings (Little, 2003; Odoi, Brody & Elkins, found that the father of a female child in Nigeria
1997). Recently, there has been a trend for FGM has the greatest power in making the decision
to be undertaken by medical personnel in medi- to circumcise her, and that the decision is made
cal settings (Toubia, 1994; UNICEF, 2005). This before birth.
development has been strongly condemned by
the World Health Organization and various
professional bodies, which recommend that fe-
male genital mutilation should stop, and that it
should never be performed by doctors or nurses
(Wright, 1996; American Academy of Pediatrics
Committee on Bioethics, 1998; WHO, 2000a).

Female genital mutilation is widely regarded as

an ancient practice, which preceded the founding
of both Christianity and Islam. However, there is
evidence that FGM is not always a deeply em-
bedded practice and that, in some settings, it has
been practised for less than a century (Leonard,
1996). It is not consistently more common in
Health effects of female genital
one religious group than another (Little, 2003;
UNICEF, 2005). It is deemed a tradition that is mutilation
culturally and ethnically determined and is not The health effects of female genital mutilation,
mandated by religious doctrine (al-Sabbagh, where the practice is widespread, are just start-
1996; Dorkenoo, 1994; Leonard, 1996; Cook, ing to be documented. WHO (2000a) commis-
Dickens & Fathalla, 2002; UNICEF, 2005). The sioned a systematic review of the health conse-
custom is rationalized and maintained by cul- quences of female genital mutilation, which re-
tural beliefs. These include culturally defined trieved 504 relevant articles published between
rituals of initiation into adulthood; replication of 1925 and 1998. The review identified methodo-
the experience of previous generations; promo- logical limitations in many of the studies. Most
tion of hygiene; maintenance of chastity through of the publications were case reports or case se-
the construction of a physical barrier to sexual ries, while only a few studies compared women
intercourse and reduction of potential sexual who had and had not had FGM. In some articles,
pleasure; and as an identifier of chaste status and the type of FGM was not defined, while in oth-
thereby a prerequisite to marriage (Al-Hussaini, ers type I and type II were combined. Often, re-
2003; Dorkenoo, 1994; Ng, 2000; Sayed, Abd El- sults were given for all types of FGM combined.
Aty & Fatel, 1996; Wright, 1996; Cook, Dickens In addition, the age or developmental stage at
& Fathalla, 2002; UNICEF, 2005). Other ra- which the procedure was performed was often
tionales for FGM are that it is performed for aes- not reported (WHO, 2000a). Many of the inves-
thetic reasons because the female genitals are re- tigations did not include clinical examination of
garded as intrinsically unattractive or may grow the perineum, and classification of FGM status
to an excessive length if left in a natural state may not be reliable under these circumstances
(Dorkenoo, 1994; Ng, 2000; UNICEF, 2005). In (Odujinrin, Akitoye & Oyediran, 1989).
some African groups there is a belief that remov-
al of the clitoris clearly demarcates femininity, Most of the studies examining the complications
because its presence may lead to sexual confu- of female genital mutilation have been done in
sion (Dorkenoo, 1994). Africa, but some evidence has been gathered in
industrialized countries among immigrant pop-
Marriageability is essential for economic secu- ulations. The adverse physical sequelae of female
rity and social inclusion in settings where wom- genital mutilation have been much more com-

Chapter 9. Female genital mutilation

prehensively investigated and described than been misinterpreted as pregnancy, with anecdo-
the psychological effects. tal reports that it has led to unmarried women
being killed in order to preserve the family’s rep-
Immediate and short-term health effects utation (Dorkenoo, 1994). More recently, it has
been suggested that genital cutting of women
The most common immediate adverse effects of increases the risk of transmission of HIV, both
the procedure are intense pain and haemorrhage, through the use of unsterilized instruments and
which can lead to hypovolaemic shock and because cuts and tears are more likely to occur
death (Toubia, 1994; Johansen, 2002). Mortality during intercourse (Rushwan, 2000).
rates are likely to be obscured by under-report-
ing, and qualitative investigations suggest that The most obvious long-term adverse effects of
they are high (Lightfoot-Klein, 1991; Ng, 2000). FGM are on gynaecological health, especially
Abscesses, wound contamination and local in- sexual and obstetric functioning.
fections are common because of “gross disregard
for asepsis” (Eke, 2000), the unhygienic circum- Effects on sexual and psychosexual
stances in which the procedure is conducted, functioning
and the use of substances such as ash or crushed
herbs to cover the wound (Toubia, 1994; Moller Women who have been infibulated may have dif-
& Hansen, 2003; Rushwan, 2000). Adjacent ficulty having sexual intercourse, as a result of a
anatomical structures, including the urethra, narrow introitus (Johansen, 2002; Okonofua et
bladder, vagina and rectum, may be damaged al., 2002). Absolute failure of penetration because
because of poor technique or if the girl or wom- of FGM, especially type III, has been reported
an struggles (Fox, de Ruiter & Bingham, 1997a; (WHO, 2000a). Defibulation, by tearing or cut-
Ng, 2000). Systemic septicaemia, gangrene and ting, may be necessary before sexual penetration
tetanus infection can occur, and healing of the is possible (Lightfoot-Klein, 1991; Little, 2003;
wound is often slow (Ng, 2000; Toubia, 1994). Wright, 1996). Studies of clinic populations
have found that up to 25% of infibulated women
In the short term, prolonged bleeding can cause require surgery before vaginal intercourse is pos-
anaemia, which has adverse effects on growth sible (Fox, de Ruiter & Bingham, 1997b; Knight
and development, especially in the presence of et al., 1999). However, it is difficult for women to
under-nutrition (Toubia, 1994). Slow-healing seek health care for these problems. Mawad &
vulval abscesses may form (Rushwan, 2000) and Hassanein (1994) reviewed 934 patients attend-
dermoid cysts or keloids may grow on the clito- ing Khartoum North Hospital between 1987 and
ral stump or infibulation scar (Thabet & Thabet, 1989 with complications of genital mutilation.
2003). Enlarged cysts and scar tissue can be- They found that women tended to seek health
come grossly disfiguring (Toubia, 1994). care only when they experienced severe pain,
and that they were generally inhibited in dis-
There are substantial long-term risks associated cussing sexual matters. They concluded that fear
with female genital mutilation, especially fol- of, and dissatisfaction with, sex were common,
lowing infibulation. The drainage of urine, vagi- especially among those who had undergone type
nal secretions and menstrual blood is commonly III FGM.
obstructed, which can lead to chronic pelvic in-
fections, menstrual dysfunction and menstrual Sexual desire and frequency of intercourse may
pain (Fox, de Ruiter & Bingham, 1997b; Ng, also be adversely affected. Although there have
2000; Johansen, 2002). Urinary retention leads been few comprehensive studies, sexual prob-
to chronic urinary tract infection and renal dam- lems, including persistent painful intercourse
age (Ng, 2000; Toubia, 1994). The procedure (13%), prolonged postcoital bleeding (5%) and
renders women vulnerable to chronic reproduc- anorgasmia (12%), were reported in a consecu-
tive tract and pelvic infections, with associated tive cohort study of women attending hospital
abdominal pain and offensive vaginal discharge clinics in northern Ghana (Odoi et al., 1997).
(Okonofua et al., 2002). Anecdotal reports de- The authors compared 76 women who had un-
scribe young women developing abdominal dergone FGM with 119 who had not. FGM was
swelling because menstrual blood is unable to associated with a threefold increase in postcoi-
flow out of the vagina. The lack of menstrual tal bleeding and a twelvefold increase in anor-
flow, coupled with abdominal distension, has gasmia. In a systematic comparison of women

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

who had experienced varying degrees of genital jury, and women’s capacity to derive sexual
cutting with an unaffected comparison group pleasure from non-genital stimulation or sexual
in a Cairo University hospital, it was found that fantasy interact to govern the degree of sexual
sexual desire and capacity for sexual arousal and impairment (Toubia, 1994).
orgasm were significantly adversely affected in
those who had undergone type II mutilation, Knight et al. (1999) found high rates of reported
or who had developed clitoral cysts after any painful intercourse (76.5%) in a hospital cohort
type of mutilation (Thabet & Thabet, 2003). El- of women who had migrated to Australia after
Defrawi et al. (2001) selected 250 women at ran- having experienced genital cutting, usually type
dom among those attending maternal and child III. Frequency of sexual intercourse and capacity
health centres in Ismailia, Egypt. Participants for orgasm were reduced as a result of the pain.
were given a gynaecological examination and In a medical record audit of a small sample of 22
interviewed; 80% had undergone FGM. These women who had experienced genital mutilation
women were significantly more likely than those in their country of origin before migrating to the
who had not undergone FGM to report one or United Kingdom, 60% of those who had under-
more adverse psychosexual effects. These in- gone infibulation had health problems, including
cluded painful menstruation (81%), low sexual perineal scarring, pain on intercourse and pelvic
desire (45%), sexual dissatisfaction (49%) and infections (Fox, de Ruiter & Bingham, 1997b).
anorgasmia (61%). In contrast, Stewart, Morison
& White (2002) undertook secondary analysis Effects on fertility
of data generated through a household survey in
the Central African Republic, in which experi- Fertility may be diminished following geni-
ence of female genital mutilation and frequency tal mutilation, as a result of chronic pelvic in-
of sexual intercourse were ascertained through fections leading to obstruction of the fallopian
self-report. In total, data were available for 2188 tubes. Narrowing of the introitus may lead to
married women. When other determinants, in- the anus or urethra being used for intercourse
cluding length of marital relationship, level of (Ng, 2000). Hormonal changes during preg-
education, being one of a number of wives, and nancy lead to increased vulnerability to genital
desire to conceive, were taken into account, fre- and urinary tract infections, and risk is further
quency of intercourse was not found to be associ- increased in those who have undergone genital
ated with FGM. Similarly, Okonofua et al. (2002) cutting (Rushwan, 2000). Vaginal examination
compared 827 women who had experienced is more difficult, which may mean that infec-
genital cutting and were attending family plan- tions are difficult to diagnose (Rushwan, 2000).
ning and antenatal clinics in Edo State, Nigeria, Cysts may develop or swell because of increased
with 1009 women patients who had not been vulval vascularity (Rushwan, 2000). Almroth et
cut. Data were collected through gynaecological al. (2005) conducted a meticulous case–control
examination and self-report questionnaires. No gynaecological, laparoscopic and laboratory test
differences were found between the two groups comparison of 99 women presenting for investi-
in terms of sexual arousal, frequency of inter- gation of primary infertility in Khartoum, Sudan
course and capacity for orgasm, although wom- with 180 primigravid women. Women who had
en who had experienced genital cutting were undergone extensive FGM, involving the labia
less likely to report high clitoral sensitivity than majora, were more likely to be infertile than
those who had not. However, women who had those who had not, probably as a result of recur-
been cut were more likely to have had reproduc- rent tubal infections.
tive tract infections and premature births. These
apparently conflicting findings may be related Obstetric effects
in part to the method of investigation, and be
governed by women’s capacity to report sexual Significant obstetric difficulties are associated
impairment and to discuss sexual experiences with genital cutting. In WHO’s systematic re-
freely (Morrison & Sherf, 2003). Lightfoot-Klein view (WHO, 2000a), 67 of the 504 retrieved
(1989) interviewed 300 Sudanese women who articles had primary data on obstetric sequelae.
had experienced “extreme sexual mutilation”, The authors concluded that the most significant
and found that most experienced sexual desire, adverse obstetric effects of FGM are usually scar-
arousal and orgasm. It has been suggested that ring and vaginal obstruction. Jones et al. (1999)
the degree of cutting, consequent anatomic in- investigated self-reported obstetric complica-

Chapter 9. Female genital mutilation

tion rates in more than 3000 women attend- ity among women who have undergone FGM
ing for routine antenatal or gynaecological care (WHO, 2000a). Obstructed or prolonged unas-
in Burkina Faso (where 93% had experienced sisted labour can lead to the formation of vesi-
FGM) and Mali (where 94% had undergone covaginal or rectovaginal fistulae (Fox, de Ruiter
FGM). Women who had experienced FGM were & Bingham, 1997a; WHO, 2000a; Ng, 2000).
at significantly higher risk of obstetric complica- These lead to urinary and faecal incontinence; it
tions. Larsen & Okonofua (2002) assessed 1851 is common for incontinent women to be rejected
women attending family planning and antenatal by their partner and family (Rushwan, 2000). In
clinics in Nigerian hospitals, of whom 45% had countries with limited experience of managing
undergone FGM. From interviews and physical childbirth in women who have been infibulat-
examinations, they found that the prevalence ed, caesarean sections are frequently performed
of birth complications was higher among those (Fox, de Ruiter & Bingham, 1997a).
who had had FGM. Slanger, Snow & Okonofua
(2002) compared obstetric outcomes of first The newborn infants of women who have had
births among 1107 women in Nigeria, 56% of FGM may also be adversely affected. WHO
whom had experienced FGM. They found that (2000a) reported higher rates of fetal distress
adverse obstetric outcomes were no more com- during childbirth among women who had ex-
mon in the cut group, when socioeconomic sta- perienced FGM. Increased rates of stillbirth and
tus and place of birth were taken into account. neonatal death have been attributed to geni-
Obstetric outcomes were worse in very poor tal cutting, in particular infibulation, in some
women who gave birth without medical assist- settings (Mella, 2003), but comparable, com-
ance regardless of whether they had had FGM. prehensive international data are unavailable.
The authors concluded that the type of genital Essen et al. (2002) reviewed perinatal deaths
cutting has to be defined and coincidental social in Sweden between 1990 and 1996, includ-
circumstances assessed in examining associa- ing among women from Eritrea, Ethiopia and
tions with obstetric outcome. Somalia who had undergone genital cutting.
They concluded that perinatal death was not as-
Antenatal and intrapartum vaginal examina- sociated with FGM per se, but with the women’s
tions are more difficult in women who have had refusal to accept caesarean delivery and difficul-
FGM, leading to difficulties in assessing preg- ties in communicating with them, because of
nancy state and progress during labour (WHO, a lack of interpreters. Knight et al. (1999) also
2000a). De Silva (1989) compared obstetric out- found that women who had experienced infibu-
comes in 167 Sudanese women who had under- lation and who gave birth in a tertiary hospital
gone FGM (20 with type I, 76 with type II and in Melbourne, Australia, where caesarean sec-
71 with type III) with those in 1990 Saudi wom- tion was readily available, had similar obstetric
en with no FGM. Duration of the second stage of outcomes to the general population. Studies in
labour was found to be significantly prolonged industrialized countries with highly sophisti-
in the mutilated group. Rates of urinary reten- cated medical care and where almost all women
tion during labour were also higher in women give birth in hospital cannot be generalized to
who had undergone FGM (WHO, 2000a), settings with few trained medical personnel, in
which many women give birth at home and ma-
Women who have been infibulated cannot give ternal mortality rates are high.Following child-
birth unassisted, since the scar has to be cut, birth, many women who have been infibulated
in a procedure known as defibulation, in or- request re-infibulation, which can present ethi-
der to allow the fetus to pass (Rushwan, 2000). cal dilemmas for health professionals, especially
Episiotomy has been recommended as part of in countries where it is illegal (Rushwan, 2000).
routine care for women whose genitals have Clinical practice guidelines usually discourage
been cut, but these women still have higher rates re-infibulation, but the physical and psychologi-
of perineal tears (WHO, 2000a; Al-Hussaini, cal health effects of not re-stitching the vulva
2003). Vaginal and perineal tears are common, are not known (Allotey, Manderson & Grover,
and are associated with postpartum haemorrhage 2001). It has been suggested that refusing to re-
and high rates of postpartum perineal infection infibulate may cause women to avoid using the
(WHO, 2000a; Rushwan, 2000). Together, these hospital for subsequent deliveries, to perceive
factors contribute to higher maternal mortal- institutional racism, or to resort to non-medical
personnel to perform the procedure without an-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

aesthetic in unhygienic settings (Gibeau, 1998; Incontinence resulting from FGM may lead
Rushwan, 2000, Allotey, Manderson & Grover, to ostracization and impede full social par-
2001). However, perhaps because of a desire ticipation. Difficult vaginal penetration may be
for acculturation, neither infibulated women used as grounds for divorce (Rushwan, 2000).
nor their partners requested re-infibulation af- Women are reported to believe that their hus-
ter childbirth in one clinical practice in Canada band’s sexual pleasure will be enhanced if they
(Lalonde, 1995). Almroth-Berggren et al. (2001) have been infibulated and re-infibulated. They
interviewed 60 women living in a rural setting fear being abandoned by their partner if they do
in Sudan; many of the women reported that the not comply (Lightfoot-Klein, 1991). Depression
decision to re-infibulate them after childbirth following re-infibulation (in type III FGM) after
was made by senior female family members or childbirth has also been described (Lightfoot-
by the birth attendant, because of a strong social Klein, 1983).
belief that men preferred it. However, a small
group of women had elected not to be re-infib-
ulated, and were supported in this decision by
their husbands.

Effects on mental health

There is an almost complete lack of systematic

evidence about the psychological sequelae, in-
cluding mental health effects, of female geni-
tal cutting. WHO’s systematic review (WHO,
2000a) found that only 15% of the studies of the
health effects of FGM considered mental health;
most of these were case reports. It has been sug-
gested that this situation has led to speculation
about the psychological impact of FGM in the
absence of scientific evidence. Toubia (1994) de-
scribed the conflict faced by young women, who The most comprehensive study of the mental
want to conform to parental and societal expec- health effects of FGM reported the findings of
tations by complying with FGM, but who are structured interviews with 432 Somali women
thereby exposed to fear, pain, complicated re- living in Canada, who had previously experi-
covery and possible long-term health problems. enced genital cutting. The investigation focused
She reported clinical observations of chronic on their experiences of childbirth, but also as-
depression and anxiety, associated with genital certained their recollections of the experience
disfigurement and gynaecological dysfunction, of genital cutting. Participants recalled intense
as well as with specific fears that cysts or scars fear, severe pain, and being seriously ill at the
were cancer or that the genitals were re-growing time of mutilation, but also recounted a sense
(Toubia, 1994). Lightfoot-Klein & Shaw (1990) of pride, happiness and enhanced purity and
interviewed 300 women and health care provid- beauty (Chalmers & Hashi, 2000). It has been
ers, and found that anxiety was associated with reported that, in countries where genital cutting
obstructed menstrual flow and both anticipa- is not commonly practised or is illegal, women
tion of and actual experience of painful inter- who have had FGM fear that the quality of ob-
course; some women reported intensely trau- stetric care provided by health professionals
matic memories of their wedding night. Menage may be compromised by their lack of experi-
(1993, 1995) suggested that women might be ence (Lightfoot-Klein & Shaw, 1990; Vangen et
traumatized by the procedure, on the basis of al., 2004). Pelvic examinations may be experi-
such responses having been observed in women enced as humiliating or offensive especially if
who had undergone mutilating gynaecological conducted by male practitioners. These exami-
procedures for clinical reasons. However, Black nations need to be done with great sensitivity for
& Debelle (1996) have challenged the validity of women whose safety is predicated on modesty
this assertion for different cultural settings, con- (Lightfoot-Klein & Shaw, 1990). Intense fear of
sidering that it cannot be inferred in the absence caesarean surgery was universal in an interview
of supporting evidence. study of 23 Somali women receiving antenatal

Chapter 9. Female genital mutilation

care in Norway, who had been infibulated prior the mutilation has taken place (Webb, 1995). In
to migration (Vangen et al., 2004) Canada, specific sections of child protection acts
identify FGM as assault causing actual bodily
harm (Weir, 2000). It has been strongly argued
In 1959 the United Nations adopted the that, in balancing these ethical dilemmas, health
Convention on the Rights of the Child, concerns should have absolute primacy (Wright,
which states that “all effective and ap- 1996).
propriate measures to abolish traditional
practices prejudicial to the health of chil- The controversy about whether FGM constitutes
dren” should be taken (Black & Debelle, a human rights violation or a tradition contin-
1995). In 1979, the World Health ues, and United Nations human rights proce-
Organization convened a round-table dis- dures have had limited success in reducing the
cussion on Traditional practices affecting practice (Wright, 1996). Pilot programmes to
the health of women and children, which reduce and ultimately eliminate female genital
concluded that female genital mutilation cutting have been implemented over the past 20
constituted a grave hazard to health and years, and have led to some reduction in inci-
that the practice should end (Wright, dence. The practice is now prohibited in some
1996). Further, in 1997, WHO convened countries where it was previously common, but
a technical consultation focusing on ob- the initiative has had limited efficacy in reduc-
stetric and postnatal health care “in the ing rates (Chelala, 1998; El Hadi, 1997). Walder
presence of FGM”, which concluded that (1995) argued that criminalizing the practice
FGM carries grave consequences for the has driven it to become a clandestine activity
health and well-being of women and girl in the United Kingdom. Health professionals
children, and reaffirming support for the in Egypt have objected to its prohibition, argu-
United Nations Convention on the Rights ing that outlawing the procedure in health care
of the Child. WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA settings increases the likelihood that it will be
issued a joint statement in 1997 outlining done without anaesthesia or hygiene precautions
the need for cultures to adapt to knowl- (American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on
edge about harmful practices, by relin- Bioethics, 1998; El Hadi, 1997). It has also been
quishing them. argued that, although women arrange the pro-
cedure for their daughters, it has little intrinsic
value for them and is maintained because it is
expected by men (El Hadi, 1997). It has been
There is debate about whether female genital proposed that educational programmes for com-
mutilation constitutes a human rights violation munity members and health professionals are
or is an established cultural ritual that identifies essential to promote change. Approaches that
social membership and should not be challenged substitute alternative ceremonies or rituals com-
(Aikman, 2001; Cook, Dickens & Fathalla, bined with specific education to mark the tran-
2002). sition to adulthood are beginning to have some
success in replacing genital mutilation (Chelala,
Aikman (2001) and UNICEF (2005) concluded 1998; Shaaban & Harbison, 2005).
that the practice violates human rights to bodily
integrity and freedom from torture, but that its Gynaecological surgery, fertility difficulties,
elimination requires understanding of the cul- incontinence, operative interventions in child-
tural traditions that maintain it. birth, and chronic reproductive tract infections
can each have adverse effects on women’s men-
It has also been suggested that, by endanger- tal health. It is likely, therefore, that the physi-
ing the life and physical and mental health of cal consequences of female genital mutilation
children, genital cutting is a form of child abuse will be psychologically problematic, although
(Schroeder, 1994). An alternative view is that systematic investigations are needed to con-
parents subject their daughters to this procedure firm this and to characterize the effects. The
to protect them and to ensure their social inclu- severe and lasting pain, coupled with the hu-
sion (Black & Debelle, 1995, 1996). In practice, it man rights transgression of performing a harm-
is difficult to prove child abuse under established ful procedure to which young girls cannot give
legislation, because risk does not continue after voluntary and informed consent, is highly likely

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

to have lasting adverse psychological sequelae Implications for policy

(Johansen, 2002). Acceptance of social expec- 1. Genital mutilation constitutes a risk to the
tations and adherence to cultural norms may health of women and girls, and a violation of
inhibit complaints or protests, and can lead to their human rights.
denial of associated difficulties (Toubia, 1994).
Psychological reactions may be different in mi- 2. Health professionals are in a unique position
grant or refugee populations, as they attempt to to advocate for the human rights of women
conform to different social norms (Toubia, 1994). in relation to female genital mutilation, and
Clinicians have recommended that sensitive need to feel able to do so without fear of be-
health promotion and health education should ing criticised for challenging an established
be routinely done with women who have expe- practice.
rienced genital cutting (Lalonde, 1995; Fox, de 3. Female genital mutilation should not be un-
Ruiter & Bingham, 1997b; American Academy dertaken by health personnel.
of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics, 1998;
Bayly, 1998; Knight et al., 1999). More specifi- Services
cally, Eke (2000) recommended psychological 1. Health professionals, in countries where
counselling for them. Overall, given the severity female genital mutilation is practised or to
of physical damage and long-term adverse health which women who have experienced geni-
effects, it is highly likely that genital cutting ex- tal mutilation migrate, need to have specific
erts an adverse effect on women’s mental health. knowledge and skills about the procedure in
As long as the practice continues, systematic and order to provide appropriate health care.
comprehensive examination of these effects is
2. Obstetric health professionals should be
urgently needed.
trained to provide antenatal, intrapartum
and postpartum health care for women who
Summary have undergone FGM, especially type III.
3. Health care for women who have experienced
Future research genital mutilation needs to be informed by
cultural sensitivity, provision of choice, and
1. Research is urgently needed to determine:
an appreciation of human rights.
- the global extent and rates of the different
4. Women who have experienced genital mu-
forms of female genital mutilation;
tilation should be counselled on its adverse
- the immediate, medium- and long-term health effects, encouraged to discuss the im-
consequences for mental health of female plications for their daughters, and helped to
genital mutilation; make intergenerational changes related to
- the complex interactions between the so- this practice.
cial position of women and the pressure
to maintain tradition and to adhere to
family expectations, and their effects on
the psychological response to genital mu-
tilation; and
- the psychological effects of failing to com-
ply with genital mutilation in settings
where it as an established traditional
2. There is a need to generate comprehensive
international evidence regarding the psy-
chological, psychosexual, psychosocial and
cultural sequelae of female genital mutila-

Chapter 9. Female genital mutilation

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Meena Cabral de Mello & Shekhar Saxena

I t is becoming increasingly clear that mental

and physical health are closely linked, in-
fluencing each other in powerful and complex
health for women, and 14% for men. These fig-
ures, however, do not capture the full burden of
ill-health. Reproductive problems may be linked
ways. This understanding is helping to break to antenatal care, delivery, postpartum care,
down some long-standing barriers to good family planning; infertility, unsafe abortion,
health and is beginning to offer new hope of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV,
care and cure. This review has sought to in- reproductive tract infections, cervical cancer
crease understanding of the interaction of re- and other gynaecological problems. These can
productive health with mental health, especial- have major social, emotional and physical con-
ly in relation to women’s lives and well-being. sequences, which are severely underestimated in
global burden of disease estimates. WHO con-
According to WHO (WHO, 2001), depression is siders unsafe sex to be one of the most important
the single largest contributor to years lived with risk factors for health in the world, particularly
disability in adults. Symptoms of depression and for girls and women, whose low social status in
anxiety, as well as unspecified psychiatric dis- many parts of the world means they have little
order and psychological distress, are 2–3 times control over their sexual and reproductive lives.
more prevalent among women than among men.
There is considerable evidence that stressful life Although mental health is widely recognized as
events and reproductive health problems are closely linked to reproductive health, in many
closely associated with depression and anxiety countries it remains, at best, a marginal con-
disorders. Such events and problems are more cern. Nevertheless, the areas of interaction of re-
common in the lives of women; in particular, productive and mental health are considerable,
gender inequality leads to considerable stress for and include, for example, psychological issues
women. Nowhere is this more evident than in related to sexuality, childbirth, sexual violence,
situations where girls and women are subject to adverse maternal outcomes (such as stillbirths
violence, particularly from an intimate partner. and abortions), sexually transmitted infections,
The violence can include physical, sexual and including HIV/AIDS, family planning, reproduc-
emotional abuse, and is common throughout tive tract surgery, sterilization, premarital preg-
the world. Available data suggest that, in some nancy, menopause and infertility. These issues
countries, nearly one woman in four experiences relate to both men’s and women’s reproductive
sexual violence from an intimate partner. Large health, as well as their relationships.
numbers of women experience violence during
pregnancy, with adverse consequences both for It has not been possible to consider all these is-
them and for their baby, such as miscarriage, sues in this review, because the evidence base
premature labour and low birth weight. for many is simply non-existent at present.
Nevertheless, the available evidence on a number
Reproductive and sexual ill-health is estimated of key issues has been consolidated and ana-
to account for 20% of the global burden of ill- lysed to present as complete a picture as possible

Chapter 10. Conclusions

of the current situation. A considerable amount tility, and a number of gynaecological injuries
of research on reproductive and mental health and conditions. Mental health problems are also
has been reported in recent years, but most of more frequent in women who are dispropor-
this research has focused on a relatively small tionately exposed to risk factors and adverse life
number of sexual and reproductive health con- experiences that also affect their reproductive
ditions. More importantly, much of the research health.
has been done in developed countries, with very
little coming from developing countries. As an The framework for analysis used in this review
example, an electronic search revealed that, was informed by two interconnected concepts –
between 1992 and 2006, some 1500 research namely, gender and human rights, especially re-
papers were published on postnatal depres- productive rights – in identifying the risk factors
sion, but none on depression following vaginal and vulnerability of women to emotional dis-
fistula. There is a complete lack of information tress associated with reproductive health condi-
on the mental health aspects of chronic health tions. The review draws attention to the critical
problems, such as vesicovaginal fistula, perineal importance of the dynamic interplay between
tears and uterovaginal prolapse, which are much women’s reproductive and mental functioning.
more common among women living in resource- Even though the evidence presented is, of ne-
poor and research-poor settings. This can lead cessity, uneven, it is hoped that it will stimulate
to the erroneous conclusion that there are no much-needed additional research, especially in
mental health consequences of these conditions. developing countries, and that it will encourage
Moreover, even in middle- and high-income policy-makers and reproductive health manag-
countries, where many more data are available ers to expand the scope of existing services to
on the interaction between reproductive and embrace a holistic perspective. Policy-makers
mental health, the available evidence primarily and service providers need to begin to address
concerns married women of childbearing age. the mental health dimensions of many repro-
The reproductive and mental health of men and ductive health conditions, and to look at how re-
of young, single women remains largely unex- productive health services, and their treatment
plored. Also seriously underinvestigated are the of women, can have profound effects on mental
important inter-relationships between women’s as well as physical health.
and men’s reproductive health.
The burden of both reproductive and mental ill-
The developing countries have benefited from health is greatest in the poorest countries, where
considerable research efforts on certain reproduc- health services tend to be dispersed or physically
tive health issues, such as family planning, preg- inaccessible, poorly staffed, resourced and
nancy, childbirth and lactation. Unfortunately, equipped, and beyond the reach of many poor
very few, if any, of these efforts have considered people. Increasing access to reproductive health
the mental health implications of these condi- services, and m�������������������������������
ainstreaming mental health con-
tions to any significant extent. The gaps in the cerns within them, are essential. The mental
evidence have been highlighted throughout the health of women is also closely linked to their
present review. capacity to give essential responsive care to their
infants, children and other family members, and
From the available evidence, however, it is al- any initiative to improve family health must also
ready clear that mental health needs to be an seek to improve women's mental health. Mental
integral part of any programme that aims to ad- health can no longer be considered an unafford-
dress the major reproductive health priorities in able “luxury” for women in resource-poor set-
developing countries. There is a high prevalence tings.
of depression and anxiety disorders in women
attending gynaecological clinics in developing An obvious implication of these conclusions is
countries. Qualitative studies have demonstrat- that a two-pronged approach needs to be pur-
ed a strong relationship between psychological sued: first, to give more attention to research on
distress, depression and anxiety disorders, and reproductive mental health in developing coun-
aspects of reproductive health, such as sexu- tries and to build the capacity of researchers in
ally transmitted infections, HIV, childbirth and this neglected area; and second, to incorporate
the postpartum period, pregnancy termination, mental health considerations into reproductive
spontaneous pregnancy loss, menopause, infer-

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

health programmes and into the training of pro- sive care to her baby. Investigations of infant de-
viders of reproductive health care at all levels. velopment following maternal depression should
ascertain and control for the contribution of so-
cial adversity.
Overview of key areas discussed

Some of the key findings from earlier chapters While effective treatments for postnatal depres-
are presented below. The major gaps and needs sion, such as psychotherapy and antidepres-
for further research and action are highlighted. sant medications, are available in the developed
world, interventions have so far focused almost
Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum exclusively on individual women. Evidence is
period emerging to suggest that strategies involving the
partner may be more effective, but such strate-
Research has shown that, although mental gies need to be designed and appropriately eval-
health is inextricably linked to maternal and uated. It may not be possible to transfer exist-
child mortality and morbidity, it has so far been ing approaches directly to developing countries,
neglected in initiatives to improve maternal and which have very different health care systems
child health. In high-income countries, 10–15% and cultural beliefs. Randomized controlled tri-
of women who have recently given birth suf- als are needed to develop treatments for depres-
fer from depression. In addition to the distress sion during pregnancy and after childbirth that
caused to the woman herself, postnatal depres- are suitable for use in primary health care in re-
sion can interfere with interpersonal relation- source-poor settings.
ships and have a negative effect on the cognitive
and emotional development of the child. In de- High rates of maternal depression constitute a
veloping countries, attention has tended to focus major public health problem. It might appear
on physical health problems, such as infectious anomalous to give attention to perinatal depres-
diseases, which may appear to be more urgent, sion in developing countries, where other health
and postnatal depression has received little at- problems seem so compelling, but it is likely
tention. Yet recent studies have shown that as that these are precisely the places where men-
many as 25–30% of new mothers in these coun- tal health is worst and contributes most signifi-
tries suffer from postnatal depression – a preva- cantly to the severity of other health problems.
lence double that in the developed world. Programmes aimed at improving child health
depend on the effective participation of moth-
The underlying determinants of postnatal de- ers, but women who are depressed are less able
pression are complex, and include the low sta- to understand and respond to health-promoting
tus of women relative to men in many coun- interventions and education.
tries, their lack of autonomy, the birth of a girl
in regions where there is a strong preference for More generally, research attention has focused
male children, poor housing, marital and family on mental health after childbirth rather than
discord, including violence, poor health, lack of mental health during pregnancy, which war-
emotional and practical support, isolation and rants more comprehensive investigation.
poverty. There is increasing evidence related to
the predictors, prevalence and correlates of poor Psychosocial aspects of family planning
mental health postpartum in developing re-
gions, but investigations are yet to be conducted Central to the discussion of the mental health
in some of the poorest countries. implications of contraceptive use is the issue of
women’s agency, and how a gender-based lack
It is not just the woman who is at risk: postnatal of power and control affects women’s ability to
depression in low-income countries also affects make contraceptive choices and undermines
the infant’s cognitive and emotional develop- their mental health and emotional well-being.
ment, and appears to play a crucial – and pre- Women’s ability to make decisions, including
viously unrecognized – role in physical growth on participation in family planning programmes
and survival. As a consequence of the more dif- and use of contraception, is closely linked to
ficult environmental conditions in developing their emotional well-being and their status in the
countries, depression may have a greater effect family. Women who receive support from health
on the mother and her capacity to give respon- professionals for autonomous decision-making

Chapter 10. Conclusions

have fewer psychosomatic complaints and de- an increased incidence of psychosomatic com-
pressive symptoms. plaints and depressive symptoms.

The relationship between broad situational and Women who are mentally ill or who abuse al-
interpersonal determinants of contraceptive use, cohol or drugs may be unable to give meaning-
decision-making, and the development of emo- ful consent to sexual activity, and are less likely
tional distress, depression and other psychologi- to use contraception effectively; they are at high
cal disorders that primarily affect women has risk of sexual exploitation. Some hormonal con-
not been adequately investigated. Extensive re- traceptives should not be prescribed to women
search on the characteristics of situations that who are currently depressed, because they might
trigger clinical depression has revealed many ar- contribute to further worsening mood. However,
eas of overlap with situations of intimate partner health professionals are less likely to discuss
violence. Family planning programmes need to contraception with women who have serious
extend their explanatory models for unmet need psychiatric illness, and provision of contracep-
and non-use or inconsistent use of contracep- tion is problematic for groups who do not attend
tives to include the possibility that intimate part- routine medical or reproductive health services.
ner violence and lack of autonomy may be major
causes of low rates of contraceptive use and poor Further participatory research is required to es-
reproductive health outcomes. Programmes to tablish accurately needs for contraception, and
increase contraceptive use need to be based on to examine the disparity between contraceptive
an accurate understanding of the multiple deter- intentions and contraceptive use, looking be-
minants of contraceptive use. yond women’s “failure” to adhere to their inten-
tions. Investigations are needed of the coercion
Much of the research on the psychological ef- and pressure women experience from family
fects of different methods of contraception, in- planning programmes regarding child-spacing
cluding female sterilization and the intrauterine and uptake of contraceptive methods, including
device, has found that negative effects on mood sterilization.
are usually attributable to a lack of confidence
in the effectiveness of the method, coincidental The mental health aspects of elective abortion are
adverse life events, relationship problems or a linked to the particular context of reproductive
family history of psychiatric illness, rather than health and rights, attitudes to sexuality, and spe-
the method itself. Negative psychological effects cific attitudes and laws relating to abortion and
have been found among women who were co- to women. Specific issues include women’s ac-
erced into being sterilized, those who did not cess to safe, timely and affordable abortion, and
understand the consequences of sterilization or the degree to which they receive interpersonal
experienced complications after the procedure, and societal support. Psychiatric sequelae of
those who disagreed with their partner about elective, safe abortion are rare. Typically, women
the sterilization, and those whose marriage was experience heightened distress before abortion,
unstable before sterilization. Adverse psycholog- and show significantly improved mental health
ical effects are more likely to be a consequence of indices afterwards. Following abortion, approxi-
violations of reproductive rights, including the mately 10% of women report regret, guilt, or
rights to accurate health information and to give other symptoms of psychological intrusion or
free and informed consent to medical interven- avoidance. Over a longer time span, up to 20% of
tion, than to the procedure itself. women may report some abortion-related regret
or distress. The mental health consequences of
More recent research has confirmed the im- unsafe abortion are not known. Qualitative data
portance to psychological well-being of women suggest that unsafe abortion can be traumatic,
being given adequate information before steri- and is likely to cause more psychological harm
lization, and feeling that they have been able to to considerably more women than safe abortion.
make their own decision without pressure from
either the partner or health care providers. The There is a need for systematic methodologically
timing of the sterilization procedure is also rel- rigorous investigations into the psychological
evant; women who are sterilized immediately af- aspects of abortion, including decision-making,
ter delivery, abortion or Caesarean section have the procedure itself, post-abortion adjustment,
and need for counselling and follow-up medical

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

care. Comprehensive qualitative and quantita- Menopause

tive investigations are needed in both developing
and industrialized countries. The interactions It is necessary to look beyond menopausal sta-
between risk and protective factors in determin- tus, hormone levels and menopausal symptoms
ing mental health in relation to abortion need to explain depression in women in midlife. A life
to be clarified. Finally, the psychosocial aspects course approach, rather than a cross-sectional
of sex-selective abortion are at present unknown one, is necessary to understand emotional dis-
and need to be systematically investigated. tress in midlife. The “classical” social determi-
nants of depression, as well as the presence of
Spontaneous pregnancy loss distressing somatic symptoms and reduced sex-
ual functioning and pleasure, are likely to con-
There is an abundance of evidence document- tribute to dysphoria and depression. A history of
ing the wide range of psychological reactions to depression and high levels of psychosocial ad-
the experience of miscarriage. These reactions versity may be more important than menopau-
are mediated by differences in sociocultural sal status in explaining emotional distress. It is
as well as personal and health service factors. important to evaluate the sources and impact of
There is general agreement in the literature that stress, and of social support, on women’s emo-
many women experience miscarriage as highly tional well-being. Family and friends may func-
distressing, and that subsequent rates of psy- tion as conduits of stress, as well as sources of
chopathology, including depression and anxiety, support.
are higher than in the general population. The
particular factors that predispose some women While there is considerable anthropological lit-
to more intense psychological reactions have not erature on the cultural construction of meno-
yet been clearly identified, but vulnerability as pause in low- and middle-income countries,
a result of earlier adverse events appears salient and on women’s expectations and experiences
and warrants additional investigation. of it, data on the links between mental health
and menopause are more limited. Research on
Although psychological reactions to miscarriage this relationship is needed to provide culturally
resolve spontaneously in most women, there ap- specific data for decision-making at programme,
pears to be a role for psychological intervention, policy and service-provision level. In particular,
immediately after treatment or in the long term. data are needed on whether the factors identified
It is not clear whether some or all women would in high-income countries as critical to women’s
benefit from this type of intervention, or what mental life in midlife are also relevant for women
form it should take, and there has been no evalu- in low- and middle-income countries. Other rel-
ation of existing services. Medical services are evant socioeconomic, cultural and interpersonal
routinely involved in preventing the potential factors also need to be identified, and assess-
complications of miscarriage, but are not gener- ments made of the effectiveness of assistance
ally perceived as providing psychological support given to women in low- and middle-income
at the time of treatment or at follow-up. In fact, countries for health problems and physically or
the psychological component of medical care psychologically distressing symptoms related to
for miscarriage is largely neglected, and there is menopause.
little agreement in the literature about the form
that psychological intervention should take, or Gynaecological conditions
from which women would benefit most. It is,
nevertheless, acknowledged that women who Gynaecological injuries and diseases are com-
use health services after losing a pregnancy may mon, and yet women who develop these prob-
benefit from a more psychologically informed lems often feel isolated and distressed as a result
model of care than currently exists in most set- of inadequate general understanding of their in-
tings. In practice, it is unlikely that a single ap- jury or disease, and inaccurate beliefs about the
proach to the psychological care of women after causes. If surgery is required, it may be deeply
spontaneous pregnancy loss will be effective in traumatic, adversely affecting the woman’s body
all settings and for all cultural groups. image, self-esteem, social confidence and sexual
life, and having short- and long-term effects on
mood and personal relationships. These po-
tential effects have not yet been systematically

Chapter 10. Conclusions

investigated. Relatively little research has been ice staff should offer non-judgemental, empathic
conducted outside the United States on the men- care, which encourages women to talk about
tal health aspects of gynaecological injuries and their reproductive health concerns. They should
diseases, and knowledge of the wider psycho- also be capable of providing support to mini-
logical and social factors associated with them mize the mental health impact associated with
is limited. Overall, many problems result in sig- treatment and care. Gynaecological and cancer
nificant psychological stress and psychosexual screening services should recognize that women
morbidity, with a marked negative impact on may be embarrassed or ashamed of tests, treat-
quality of life. Distress is greater in those who ment and possible disease, and should ensure
are young and poor or socially disadvantaged, that they understand the nature of screening.
and who have a history of undergoing violence.
The diagnosis of an STI or cancer is often asso- Mental health in the context of HIV/AIDS
ciated with a range of psychological responses,
including anguish, anger, lowered self-esteem, The psychological morbidity experienced by
hostility, shame, depression, and anxiety. women who have HIV infection is considerable
and has multiple causes. There is an intricate re-
There has been virtually no consideration of the lationship between mental health, disease pro-
mental health factors associated with the diag- gression, quality of life and disease outcome.
nosis or outcome of any of these conditions in Qualitative differences have been found between
developing countries, even though they have di- women and men in the emotional impact of HIV
rect and significant effects on mental health and infection, in terms of grief, shame, and depres-
psychological functioning. sion.

The psychosocial consequences of obstetric in- Regardless of ethnicity, women who are serop-
jury, reproductive tract morbidity and cancers in ositive are more likely to report being victims of
women should be included in all research into sexual and physical violence. They often have
these conditions. The specific needs of women inadequate social support and express concerns
in culturally diverse settings for advice, support about stigma, discrimination and hopelessness.
and counselling during treatment and rehabili- They are more likely to report psychological
tation for gynaecological conditions should be distress, symptoms of depression, and distress
systematically ascertained. related to physical symptoms. In addition, wom-
en experience gender-specific social stigma, a
Programmes for primary prevention of gynaeco- greater sense of isolation, and oppression related
logical morbidity need to be designed and evalu- to gender, stigma, ethnicity, poverty, and route
ated. Where women’s access to health services is of infection. In stigmatized groups, disclosure
constrained by social and cultural factors, strate- of HIV infection is predictive of poorer mental
gies to reduce obstetric injury and gynaecologi- health status. Conversely, poorer mental health
cal morbidity should be accompanied by efforts might also predict lower levels of disclosure.
to improve women’s social position. Obstetric Women experiencing both sexual and physical
injury and consequent gynaecological morbid- abuse are more likely to have a history of mul-
ity can also be reduced by: encouraging social tiple sexually transmitted infections, be worried
changes that promote the value of girls and delay about the fact that they are infected with HIV,
marriage and first birth; ensuring rapid access to use marijuana and alcohol to cope, attempt sui-
trained personnel during labour and childbirth; cide, feel as though they have no control in their
and ensuring that women do not return to hard relationships, and experience more episodes of
manual labour shortly after childbirth. physical abuse. Such traumatic life experiences
are often associated with high rates of psychiat-
Gynaecological and obstetric health services ric co-morbidity, clinical depression or anxiety,
need to be accessible, affordable and appropri- substance abuse, and possible non-compliance
ate to women’s needs. The staff of such services with recommended health care and treatment.
should be trained to manage sensitively gynae-
cological morbidity and obstetric injury; they In addition to the physical effects of HIV infec-
should try to change cultural practices that re- tion, women often lose their jobs and the sup-
duce women’s self-determination and to identify port of their husband, and may be forced to turn
psychological distress and anxiety. Health serv- to prostitution to feed, clothe, and educate their

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

children. The multiple problems, loss of physi- reproductive and mental health problems for
cal and financial independence, discrimina- women. There is a marked lack of evidence on
tion, and other HIV-related difficulties can often women’s mental health and how it interacts with
lead to significant distress and a risk of suicide. vulnerability, risk of HIV infection, response to
Conversely, having a wide social network can be diagnosis, and subsequent health care. Most re-
associated with better mental health and overall search on AIDS and its effects on mental health
quality of life. has been conducted in the United States; there
is some from other rich countries, but very little
An emerging trend is the increase in HIV infec- from developing countries. This should be cor-
tion among people aged over 50 years, especially rected.
women, reaching approximately 2,8 million cases
in 2005. Older people with HIV require special Infertility and assisted reproduction
attention because they are likely to have a variety
of other health, social, and emotional concerns. Infertility is experienced by many women as a
The mental health aspects of older women, in re- profound life crisis or existential blow, which is
lation to sexual health, tend to be ignored except uniquely stressful because it can last for many
in terms of menopause. These women are often years and for many will not be resolved. The ex-
denied appropriate sexual health information, perience and eventual diagnostic confirmation
for instance regarding risk and vulnerability to of infertility can have a profound psychological
reproductive tract and sexually transmitted in- impact, which has been conceptualized and as-
fections, including HIV. sessed in different ways.

Depression is common among those who are Women have been found to experience more
HIV-infected, and is associated with a variety emotional distress and depressive symptoms as-
of other problems, including lowered immune sociated with infertility than men, and their lives
response, shorter survival time, increased dis- are more disrupted by infertility than men’s.
ability, and a lower quality of life. With the pro- Almost all women presenting for treatment for
gression of the disease, there is the added risk of infertility have been found to demonstrate some
AIDS dementia complex. of the following characteristics: increased anxiety,
irritability, anger, profound sadness, self-blame,
Considerable attention, in terms of research, lowered energy levels, social isolation and height-
and policy and programme development, has ened interpersonal sensitivity. Many women fear
been given to reducing mother-to-child trans- that earlier sexual experiences, the use of contra-
mission of HIV/AIDS. However, there have been ceptives or delaying procreation while pursuing
few reports on the psychological well-being of professional goals may have compromised their
new mothers with HIV, or on the mental health fertility. Other less rational beliefs – of being pun-
impact on young girls and boys of the death of ished for past misdeeds or of intrinsic unworthi-
their mother from AIDS in both developed and ness – have also been reported, particularly when
developing countries. This is an important area infertility is of unexplained origin. Reaction to
for research. infertility is also conceptualized as grief, includ-
ing for many intangible or disenfranchised losses,
One of the most worrying and complex aspects such as: the experiences of pregnancy, childbirth
of the spread of HIV/AIDS is its link to the wide- and breastfeeding; the children and grandchil-
spread sexual exploitation of children, who are dren who will not exist; a generation and genetic
most vulnerable to contracting HIV/AIDS. Young continuity; the state of parenthood and the activi-
girls whose parents have died of AIDS are often ties and relationships it entails; and an element
targeted by older men for sex. Another under- of adult and gender identity which will never be
researched aspect is the mental health impact of realized and is substituted with a flawed infertile
the fact that the burden of care for people with identity In addition, individuals may fear losing
HIV/AIDS falls primarily on women. significant relationships, in particular with the
partner, physical attractiveness, or a positive
Rights violations, economic dependence, lack sexual relationship. Fertility difficulties can ex-
of decision-making power, conflicting gender ert a pervasive negative effect on quality of life,
roles, disproportionate domestic responsibili- compromising planning and commitment to
ties, and gender-based violence contribute to

Chapter 10. Conclusions

other life activities. The effect is observable in There is a need for information on the nature of
both men and women, but more so in women. infertility treatment services in developing coun-
tries, and the long-term psychological conse-
The inability to bear children is highly stigma- quences of infertility, including after the birth of
tized in strongly pro-natalist settings, and peo- a child. Data are needed on the short- and long-
ple who cannot have children may be socially term psychosocial and medical consequences for
marginalized. In poor countries, women with both donors and recipients of gametes, includ-
fertility problems may have their gender identity ing women in egg-sharing programmes. There
questioned, experience social exclusion or di- is also a need for long-term comprehensive
vorce, be suspected of having evil potential and follow-up of the physical and mental health of
be subject to harassment, especially from their in- offspring of assisted conception, with disaggre-
laws. In settings where women are subordinated, gation by method of conception. Multiple preg-
they are highly likely to be blamed for infertility. nancies, which are more common after assisted
Given the very limited access to assisted repro- conception, carry greater psychological hazards.
ductive treatments in these settings, infertility The interaction between infertility and multiple
leads to profound human suffering. gestations in influencing perinatal mental health
should be clarified. The short- and long-term
psychological effects of fetal reduction in mul-
tiple-gestation pregnancy need to be systemati-
cally investigated. The potential of psychological
treatments to relieve the distress associated with
infertility and assisted reproduction should be
investigated in randomized controlled trials.

Infertility treatment services in all settings need

to be based on evidence about local causes and
best practice in treatment, and should include
mental health care as a component of routine
care. Mental health care should be focused on
assisting the person to make a realistic appraisal
of the chance of treatment success; providing
emotional support in the interval between em-
bryo transfer and pregnancy testing; and as-
sisting the person to make a clear choice about
when to stop treatment.

Female genital mutilation

The health effects of female genital mutilation, in

areas where the practice is widespread, are just
starting to be documented, and many of the ex-
The diagnosis and psychosocial sequelae of in-
isting data come from studies with methodologi-
fertility and the complex psychological respons-
cal limitations. Most of the publications are case
es to technologically assisted conception are cen-
reports or case series, while only a few studies
tral to the health of people facing these life ex-
have compared women who have and have not
periences, and should be considered in research
had FGM. In some articles, the type of FGM is
and clinical services. Causes of infertility differ,
not defined, while in others all types are com-
and in each country an accurate understanding
bined. In addition, the age or developmental
is needed of the fertility problems of the popula-
stage at which the procedure was performed is
tion. In most countries, the prevalence, etiology
often not reported. Many of the investigations
and mental health effects of fertility problems
have not included clinical examination of the
have not been established, and relatively little is
perineum, and classification of FGM status may
known about the psychological functioning of af-
not be reliable in these circumstances.
fected people, especially in developing countries.

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

Most of the studies examining the complications Health professionals in countries where female
of female genital mutilation have been done in genital mutilation is practised, or to which
Africa, but some evidence has been gathered in women who have experienced genital mutila-
industrialized countries, among immigrant pop- tion migrate, need to have specific knowledge
ulations. The adverse physical sequelae of female and skills in order to provide appropriate health
genital mutilation have been more comprehen- care. Obstetric health professionals should be
sively investigated and described than the psy- trained to provide antenatal, intrapartum and
chological effects. The most obvious long-term postpartum health care for women who have
adverse effects of FGM are on gynaecological undergone FGM, especially type III. The care
health, especially sexual and obstetric function- provided needs to be informed by cultural sensi-
ing. tivity, provision of choice, and an appreciation of
human rights. Research exploring the possibili-
There is an almost complete lack of systematic ev- ties and implications of changing this practice
idence on the psychological sequelae, including in communities where it is common is urgently
mental health effects, of female genital cutting. needed.
It has been suggested that this situation has led
to unfounded speculation about the psychologi- Reference
cal impact of FGM. Some reports have described
the conflict faced by young women who want to WHO (2001) The World Health Report 2001. Mental
conform to parental and societal expectations health: new understanding, new hope. Geneva,
World Health Organization.
by complying with FGM, but who are thereby
exposed to fear, pain, complicated recovery and
possible long-term health problems. Chronic de-
pression and anxiety have been observed among
women who have had FGM, associated with
genital disfigurement, gynaecological dysfunc-
tion and specific fears that cysts or scars are can-
cer or that the genitals are re-growing. Anxiety is
also associated with obstructed menstrual flow
and both anticipation of, and actual experience
of, painful intercourse. It has been suggested
that women might be traumatized by the pro-
cedure, on the basis of such responses having
been observed in women who have undergone
mutilating gynaecological procedures for clini-
cal reasons.

Overall, given the severity of physical damage

and long-term adverse health effects, it is highly
likely that genital cutting has an adverse effect
on women’s mental health. As long as the prac-
tice continues, systematic and comprehensive
examination of these effects is urgently needed.
Information is also needed on the complex in-
teractions between the social position of women
and the pressure to maintain tradition and to
adhere to family expectations, and their effects
on the psychological response to genital mutila-
tion. The psychological effects of failing to com-
ply with genital mutilation in settings where it
is an established traditional practice need to be




WHO is currently carrying out a global review of women’s mental health as it intersects with their
reproductive health with emphasis on STDs/HIV/AIDS, pregnancy and postpartum, miscarriage,
unwanted pregnancy/abortion, infertility, peri and post menopause, and domestic and sexual

This involves reviewing the published and unpublished literature on the subject of the last 10
years from developing and developed countries with special emphasis on developing countries,
including all epidemiological, clinical and operational research; programme/interventions
evaluations, ongoing or completed country project work on the subject, pilot projects etc. On the
basis of an analysis and synthesis of such literature, the review document entitled “Implications
of Reproductive Health on Women’s Mental Health” would provide:
 the most updated information/ knowledge on the epidemiology and ways in which Reproductive
health events impact on women's mental health;
 the biopsychosocial factors that create vulnerability to mental problems and those that may
be protective; and
 the types of programmes that could mitigate the adverse effects and promote positive mental
health; and
 indications of the most feasible ways in which health authorities could advance policies, for-
mulate programs and reorient services to meet the mental health needs of women during their
reproductive lives.

In order to assist us in compiling this much-needed review, we would be grateful if you could take
some time to answer the following:

Have you carried out research dealing with the epidemiology, determinants and/or outcomes of
different reproductive health events during women’s lifecycle?
1. Yes
2. No
If yes, could you please list the topics covered and supply us with copies of any relevant reports/

Are you currently or have you in the past conducted any research on the determinants and
outcomes of women’s mental health?
1. Yes
2. No
If yes, could you please list the topics covered and supply us with copies of the relevant reports/

Does your research incorporate any focus on the impact of various reproductive health events
during the lifecycle on women’s mental health?
1. Yes
2. No

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health

If yes, could you identify the specific areas of reproductive health involved and the aspects of
mental health you address? Please supply us with copies of the relevant reports/publications.

Have you been involved in policy development/programmes/services addressing women’s men-

tal health? reproductive health? or both?
1. Yes
2. No
If yes, could you please explain and list the issues covered and supply us with copies of any
relevant reports/publications.

What aspects of reproductive/mental health do you believe require increased attention?

Please list topics and explain why you believe further knowledge is necessary?

Please indicate contact details of other sources of information on this subject.

Other comments/suggestions.

We thank you in advance for your collaboration in this important but too often neglected area. All
information provided will be carefully reviewed and duly acknowledged if used.


Meena Cabral de Mello

Senior Scientist
Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence
World Health Organization
CH1211 Geneva 27
Fax +41 22 791 4160

For more information, please contact:

Dr Jane Fisher
Associate Professor
Coordinator of Education and Training
Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society
WHO Collaborating Centre in Women’s Health
School of Population Health
University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010
Fax: + 61 3 9347 9824

Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse

World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Fax: + 41 22 791 41 60

Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Develoment

World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Fax: + 41 22 791 4853

Department of Reproductive Health and Research

World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 ISBN 978 92 4 156356 7
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Fax: + 41 22 791 4171

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