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expeditionary forces sent to the

Philippines to crush the Revolution.
SHEET November 3, 1896 Dr. Rizal arrived in
Manila then was immediately held
On board the Isla de Panay, Dr. Rizal
incommunicado at Fort Santiago.
received an alarming news that an
arrest warrant was issued against him. On November 20 until 21, 1896, a
He was implicated in the Katipunan preliminary investigation was
revolt. His fellow passenger Don conducted by Miguel Perez, an officer
Pedro Roxas was also implicated, who of the Court; together with Col.
decided to abandon ship when it Francisco Olive, who was the Judge
docked in Singapore upon the Advocate.
promptings of Don Manuel Camus. Dr.
November 26, 1896- after the
Rizal refused to do so because he preliminary investigation, Colonel
pledged his word to Governor- Olive transmitted the records of the
General Banco. When he also docked case
in Port Said, he had another chance to to Governor Dominguez as special
abandon ship, word came around that Judge Advocate to institute the
several other prominent Filipinos corresponding action against Rizal.
were court-martialed and executed -
among them are Francisco R. Osorio, a After studying the papers, Judge
certain Genato, and Don Francisco advocate General, Don Nicolas de la
Roxas. A few days after leaving the Pena, submitted the following
Port of Said, Dr. Rizal found out that it recommendations: (1) the accused be
immediately brought to trial (2) he
was the Governor Blanco himself who
should be kept in prison (3) an
issued the arrest order.
order of attachment be issued against
On October 3, 1896 he reached his property to the amount of one
Barcelona. Rizal was immediately million pesos as indemnity (4) he
placed under guard. Three days later should be defended in court by an
he was taken ashore then escorted to army officer, not by a civilian lawyer
Fort Montjuich. Among these are documentary
On October 6, 1896 Dr. Rizal was being evidence : (1) a letter that implicated
returned to Manila on board the ship him in the founding of La Solidaridad;
Colòn, a troop ship carrying the first (2) a kundiman, “En el bello Oriente,’

which he denied ever written; (3) a as the man to free the Philippines
Masonic slogan of “Liberty, Equality, from Spanish oppression;
Fraternity;”(3) Katipunero speeches
(6) A Masonic document, dated
that had ended with the cry of Viva el
Manila, February 9, 1892, honoring
Doctor Rizal!; (4) the “Hymn to
Rizal for his patriotic services;
Talisay” he had written for his boys in
Dapitan; (4) and the statute of La Liga (7) A letter signed Dimasalang (Rizal’s
Filipina. pseudonym) to Tenluz (Juan Zulueta’s
pseudonym), dated Hong Kong, May
To be specific these are the following:
24, 1892, stating that he was
(1) A letter of Antonio Luna to preparing a safe refuge for Filipinos
Mariano Ponce, dated Madrid, who may be persecuted by the
October 16, 1888, showing Rizal’s Spanish authorities;
connection with the Filipino reform
(8) A letter of Dimasalang to an
campaign in Spain;
unidentified committee, dated Hong
(2) A letter of Rizal to his family, dated Kong, June 1, 1892, soliciting the aid of
Madrid, August 20, 1890, stating that the committee in the “patriotic work;”
the deportations are good for they will
(9) An anonymous and undated letter
encourage the people to hate tyranny;
to the Editor of the Hong Kong
(3) A letter from Marcelo H. del Pilar Telegraph, censuring the banishment
to Deodato Arellano, dated Madrid, of Rizal to Dapitan;
January 7, 1889, implicating Rizal in
(10) A letter of Idefonso Laurel to
the Propaganda campaign in Spain;
Rizal, dated Manila, September 3,
(4) A Kundiman entitled, “En el Bello 1892, saying that the Filipino people
Oriente,” allegedly written by Rizal in look up to him (Rizal) as their savior;
Manila on September 12, 1891.
(11) A letter of Idefonso Laurel to
According to Bantug, a family
Rizal, dated Manila, September 17,
historian in her book Lolo Jose. Dr.
1893, informing an unidentified
Rizal denied ever writing such
correspondent of the arrest and
banishment of Doroteo Cortes and
(5) A letter of Carlos Oliver to an Ambrosio Salvador;
unidentified person dated Barcelona,
(12) A letter of Marcelo H. del Pilar to
September 18, 1891, describing Rizal
Don Juan A. Tenluz (Juan Zulueta),

dated Madrid, June 1, 1893 Don Luis Taviel de Andrade – was

recommending the establishment of a chosen by Rizal to defend him.
special organization, independent of
ON December 11, 1896 – the
Masonry, to help the cause of the
information of charges was formally
Filipino people;
read to Rizal in his prison cell, with his
(13) Transcript of a speech of Pingkian counsel present:
(Emilio Jacinto), in reunion of the
…”the principal organizer and the
Katipunan on July 23, 1893, in which
living soul of the Filipino insurrection,
the following cry was, uttered “Long
the founder of societies, periodical
Live the Philippines! Long live Doctor
and books dedicated to fermenting
Rizal! Unity!”;
and propagating ideas of Rebellion.”
(14) Transcript of a speech of Tik-Tik
The court-martial found him guilty of
(Jose Turiano Santiago) in the same
the crimes of:
Katipunan reunion, where in the
(a) Rebellion. The founding of La Liga
katipuneros shouted: “Long live the
Filipina, an “illegal organization,”
eminent Doctor Rizal! Death to the
whose single aim was to “Perpetrate
oppressor nation!”;
the crime of Rebellion;” and,
(15) A poem by Laong Laan (Rizal), (b) Illegal association.
entitled A Talisay in which the author
makes the Dapitan schoolboys sing
that they know how to fight their
rights December 13, 1896 - Governor
The testimonial evidence consisted of General Camilo G. de Polavieja
the oral testimonies of (1) Martin replaced Governor Blanco.
Constantino; (2) Aguedo del Rosario; On December 15, 1896 – Rizal wrote
(3) Jose Reyes; (4) Moises Salvador; (4) the Manifesto to His People.
Jose Dizon, Domingo Franco; (5) Denouncing the Rebellion as
Deodato Arellano; (6) Ambrosio premature.
Salvador; (7) Pedro Serrano Laktaw (8)
Dr. Pio Valenzuela; (9) Antonio He specifically emphasized education
Salazar; (10) Francisco Quison; (11) as a path towards genuine freedom &
Timoteo Paez; liberty:

“Fellow countrymen: I have given Dr. Rizal execution at 7:00 AM of

many proofs that I desire as much as December 30 at Bagumbayan.
the next man liberties for our
country; I continue to desire them.
But I laid down as a prerequisite the There are controversies about the
education of the people in order that rectraction of Rizal. Here is a link
by means of such instruction, and by shedding new light to the controversy:
hard work, they may acquire a
personality of their own and so
become worthy of such liberties. In =mI0e8kQmfvg
my writings I have recommended
study and the civic virtues, without
which no redemption is possible. I WRITTEN BY:
have also written (and my words
have been repeated by others) that
reforms, if they are to bear fruit, must 2013-10251-MN-0
come from above, for reforms that
come from below are upheavals both
violent and transitory. SOURCES:

It was never published. ANNEX B. Bantug, Lolo Jose (2008)

December 26, 1896- the court-martial Reform & Revolution, Kasaysayan of

of Rizal was conducted in the military the Filipino People, Book 5 (1998),
building called Cuartel de Espana Edited by Guerrero & John N.
which unanimously sentenced him Schumacher, S.J
guilty of the crimes charged against Various Internet sources.
him, therefore should be executed as
punishment. An indemnity was also
levied against him worth 100,000.00
December 28, 1896 – Governor
General Polavieja approved the
decision of the court-martial; ordered

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