Summer 2001 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries

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Gogel Rescue


It's GraduotionTime,
Current TLM Phase I is Larger Than Ever!
fl n Iune 9, we celebrated the graduation of men from the Tians-
I lforming Lives Ministry, women from the Fulton House of Hope
I land students from the School of Tomorrow. Many certificates
fJ were handed out in recognition of the completion of a number of
classes, courses and programs. These men and women are trophies of
God's grace.
On June 4, a new group of men and women started in GRM's one
year residency program and represent the largest group ever to come
in at one time. With this phase scheduled to end in late August, we are
thrilled with the high retention rate of this new group and we praise
God for the results to date. We have 14 men in Phase I of the Tians-
forming Lives Ministry and 5 women in Phase I of the Fulton program. We attribute much of this success to improved case man-
agement and the effort that is made during the in-take process to ev-dluate the needs of each man ald woman and to develop a mean-
ingful treatment plan that can be followed closely over the one year residency period.

Great Time at the GRN{

Community Outreach Festival!
f[ special event was held in front of the GRM facility on ]uly 28 that involved
f lmany of our community neighbors, including the Chinese community
many Government Agencies. In an effort to partner with businesses,
I lorganizations and others who have an interest in GRM's service to the
homeless and efforts to find meaningful employment for men and women in
the local community, GRM held a srreet Fair that included plenty of food,
special music, fun and prizes for children (over 100 bags of school supplies
and other items were provided by Cherrydale Baptist). We also recognized
those in the community who have helped GRM in many ways, including vol-
unteer services, financial support, donation of clothing, food and other items
and providing employment opportunities. we served over 500 people at the
Fair and everyone had a great time.

God's Word Prominently Displayed Throughout GRM Facility!

Jhe next time you visit GRM, and we hope it will be soon, you will see a nice addition to our
I lobby, chapel and kitchen. Thanks to the generous donations of several GRM friends, ?herefore, if an.vone is
I scrioture verses have been placed on large vinyl banners and hung from wallr -6f. in Christ he is a new
I and ceiling beams, all in places that are easily seen by all who enter the GRM facility. W creation, the old has gone
This constant reminder of the truth of God's Word will make a lasting impact on the the new has conlelr (irrimrrirn, s,r.

res of many who enter our doors.

School ofTomorrow Georing Up

forTremendous Growth

fl GRM's School of Tomorrow continues to expand and grow, we are looking forward

| | to the start of the Fall school program on September i0th. Under the strong leader-
f{ship of Marjorie Edmonds-Lloyd, School Director, the recently accredited school will
I bffer more classes during the day and we expect to have our new Culinary Arts pro-
gram in full swing. This program will be under the direction of Greg Smith, GRM's
kitchen manager. New employment opportunities will be available to those completing
this program. We welcome the Washington D.C. community to visit our school to learn
Greg Permenter (5.O.f Staff) teoching WorkNet of the varied schedule of classes and to sign up for one or more classes in the Fall.

GRM Main Facility Still Standing, ,. Stefan |. Vaglio-Laurin

Education Fund
With SincereThnnks! fhis fund was established in 1998 by family
O rr main facility on 5th Street is almost 65
I members in memory of Stefan Vaglio-
I Iy.urr old and in continual need of repair Laurin, whose life was tragically taken by a
I land renovation. The major project I drunk driver. The purpose of the fund is to
fJ recently completed was a total roof re- make scholarships available to GRM pro-
placement. Thanks to some special dona- gram men and women for courses that are
tions by the Washington Post and other loyal offered in the School of Tomorrow. Every
supporters, a portion of the cost for this pro- GRN| Moin Focility ctt 810 5th Street, N.W year, the fund income is transferred to GRM
ject was covered and GRM made up the difference out of general operating to support the education of from six to eight
funds. A number of plumbing and electrical repairs have been made over the men and women in the GRM program. We
summer months. Thanks to many volunteers, a variety of carpentry, painting are thankful for this fund and the memory
and cleaning projects have also been accomplished. We are grateful to ]oe that is upheld as we provide educational
Brown who has provided valuable assistance as a part-time Facilities Manager. assistance to GRM's men and women.

Fulton House of Hope "STARS" Shine Brightly!

guests gave words of encouragement to the
fl n Iune 26, a special celebration was held in
I lthe GRM chapel and later at the Fulton graduates and to the other women currently
I lHouse of Hope. With over 50 people in residing at the Fulton. Mrs. Virginia Williams,
\J attendance, we honored Margaret Wren mother of Mayor AnthonyWilliams, presented
and Caprice Braxton for being the first two a beautiful rendition of the song "His Eye is on
graduates from the Fulton House of Hope the Sparrow". Ms. Wilma Lewis, former U.S.
one-year residency program. Several special Attorney for Washington, D.C., reminded the
women that a "set-back is just a set-up for a
come-back'l Sister Janie Milledge, a resident of
|(itchen Really [ookin'! the Fulton Hotel before it was reclaimed for
has been doing a great job good use, gave a stirring testimony of how God
fl r.g Smith
had changed her life and led her back to the
I managing GRM's kitchen operation
Fulton to be a volunteer helper. The evening
I I and another recent achievement adds was capped off with tours of the Fulton House
[J to the positive kitchen environment
of Hope and the unveiling of the Fulton "Stars"
and direction. Greg recently obtained his
plaque, recognizing those individuals, church-
food handling and food protection man-
es, businesses and other organizations who had
agement certifications which permit him to
provided special help to GRM during the Ful-
train men in the GRM kitchen and to ton renovation process. This plaque will be a Sister /onie Milledge, one of
administer the testing necessary to obtain Iasting tribute to many of our friends and will prominent speokers at the Fulton House
food handling certification. Great job Greg! be visible to all who enter the Fulton. of Hope specio/ event.
A Personal Testimonyz Abe lenkrns
" Christ - Centere d D eliv ernnce"
I've been using drugs and rehabilitation, various l2 in the spiritually based clinical counseling.
lalcohol since the age of step meetings, and individ- Dr. Allen, Beverly Thuke, fudy Ashburn,
lsixteen. Although using ual counseling. They all have and the other counselors or therapists,
I recreationallv in the addressed my problems and skillfully integrate the clinical aspect with
beginning, ffiI drug use have been useful to varying biblical stories and scripture. As believers
developed into a full- degrees. However, I've never in God, they are able to connect spiritually
fledged addiction over been able to maintain sobri- to the client. I've found that this approach
time. Crack cocaine usage ety for an extended period enables me to identifr feelings better,
has lead to the destruction of time. The only time that I become more willing to discuss painful
of my marriage, financial can remember having limit- experiences of the past, and be receptive to
ruin, job loss, breakup of ed success was when I had direction, counseling, and guidance
the family, loss of home, been actively involved in through the Word of God.
etc. I've been struggling to overcome the church ministry. But, even church, by For those of us who have struggled with
drug addiction for the past ten years. I've itself, wasn't enough to keep me from addictions for many years, the Christ-
tried outpatient rehabilitation, inpatient returning to drug use. centered TLM program at the Gospel
The Tiansforming Lives Ministry (TLM), Rescue Ministries is a Godsend. There is
under the umbrella of the Gospel Rescue no doubt in my mind that true deliver-
Jimmy Williams is Hunning Ministries, offers an innovative approach ance must be based on the belief in God.
to deliverance from drugs and alcohol that
I haven't experienced elsewhere. First of
the Win the Prize!
to 15 month program.
all, the TLM is a 9 I can do all things
limmy Williams Their approach is that it takes approxi-
lit in the fourth mately 90 days for detoxification and to
through Christ who
land final phase
Uof the Trunr-
break the "yoke of bondage" that the drug strengthens me,
has had on an individual's life. The prima-
forming Lives Min-
istry and he badly
ry difference between the TLM program Philippians 4:13
and other treatment programs clearly lies
wants to finish the
course in more
ways than one. Not
only is ]immy striving to complete all of
God Provides in Wonderful Ways
the TLM requirements leading to grad- fl fter graduating from the Fulton House
uation, but he is signed up to run in the I I "f Hope in early June, Margaret Wren
Marinq Mar4lhqn !q O-cpb_gr 2Q01. f{had a good job at the World Bank,
Jimmy is first and foremost wanting to I kestored relationships with her family
run the race of life in a way that is pleas- and a nice apartment to live in. Only one
ing to God. He is one of the most loved problem her furniture and furnish-
men in our program and often is used ings were--very sparse. Unaware of Mar-
to lead groups of people on tours garet's need, we got a call from Carol
around the GRM facility, telling them Bauer, a friend of GRM, who wanted to
how God has done a work in his life. know if we could use a large quantity of
|immy also serves at the front desk in furniture and furnishings that were in
the lobby of GRM in the evenings. We storage and needed to be removed in a
Women's Direaor Judy Ashburn with Morgoret
will all be rooting for |immy when he hurry. You guessed it! Within a matter of
runs 26.2 miles next October, but we days, we picked up the furniture and other items and took them to Margaret's apart-
also are rooting for him to finish strong ment. She was thrilled to have a nice double bed, a dresser with a mirror, a sofa-bed,
in the race of life. two stuffed chairs, kitchen cabinets and many other items. Margaret praised God for
His goodness and perfect timing.
In each edition of "Tronsforming Lives" we would like to
honor the men ond women thot ore the true bockbone
of God\ work here . .. our volunteers! Eoch upcoming
newsletter will spotlight three oreos of volunteer octivities
ot Gospel Rescue Ministries:

[H UH [H PAHI|\I EH" "On the Battlefield for my Lord". We would

Cherrydale Baptist Church like to visit more churches and present the

flherrydale Baptist of North Arlington

testimonies of men and women whose lives
has been apartner of GRM for over 50 are being changed at GRM.
Financial and prayer support, vol-
| ,y..rr. Calvary United Methodist Church
lJunteer help, chapel service participa-
tion, project assistance and many other fl n Sunday, ]une 24, Calvary United
areas of service are a part of Cherrydale's I lMethodist Church, South Arlington,
strong commitment to GRM. In keeping lVu., once again hosted an annual
LJ nic for a large group of men and
with our desire to visit and serve more women living at GRM. We first attended
churches, GRM men participated in two the morning church service at Calvary and
tl0LUt\lTEIH STAFF Cherrydale events a men's barbeque in had a good time of worship and fellow-
Carlton White --
June and a men's breaKast in ]uly. At the ship. Then we went to a nearby park and
breakfast, attended by 25 GRM men, the had a fun time with a variety of food and
lcame to GRM in
11996 after back- GRM kitchen crew cooked and served the a lot of recreation, including basketball
breakfast and then a new singing group of games, horseshoes and a softball game. We
lsliding from God.
I I was homeless Phase I GRM men named'Accepted in the are very thankful to Bob Weick and others
and had a very bad Beloved" had everyone clapping and tap- at Calvary who have been our friends and
crack addiction. I ping their feet with several songs, including supporters over a long period of time.
stayed at the mis-
sion for one year
and went through O UTSTA|\I O IN G \/O LU |\ITEEH PARI|\I EH
the program there.
As I write this,I Bev Thuke
am now five vears
clean without any drug use. I am married fl.u Thuke is a GRM
and have two sons. I work for Prince !!volunteer who
George's County Public Schools as a full
| brings enthusiasm,
Lf compassion, dedi-
time teacher's aide in special education.I
cation and tremendous
am in my last year of Bible College and
spiritual insight into
will graduate with a four year Theology her interaction with
degree. I teach a course at GRM every men in the Tiansform-
Friday to the men in Phase III of TLM ing Life Ministry. Bev
called "Bondage Breakers". I also preach teaches a class each Fri-
every 5th Sunday morning service at the day morning to men in
mission. Phases I,II and III of TLM. When class is over, she often stays around for quite a while to
What I have learned most is that each interact with men one-on-one who want to take advantage of her wisdom and practical
person needs a chance to see what God can
advice on real-life issues. Bev is a licensed clinical social worker who has her own family
do with them and how God can use us in
counseling business and her husband, Tom Tauke, is a former U.S. Congressman who now
His plan to reach others for Christ. GRM,
holds a senior position with Verizon. We are thankful for their interest in the GRM min-
through Christ, truly, truly saved my life.
istry and the impact that Bev has had on the lives of many GRM men.
Volunteer News Reading Thtors needed! The School
of Tomorrow cannot admit GED can-
Youth mission groups. If you visit GRM in
the summer, you'll find teenagers in jeans didates to its program if they read
and shorts from all over the U.S. painting below a fourth grade level. More read-
the walls (and each other), flouring chicken ing tutors are needed to work inten-
in the kitchen and leading the singing at sively with individuals to improve
evening chapel. their reading skills. At present there is
In April the Reston Bible Youth Band, only one such tutor who spends sever-
with leader Laney Harvey, performed on a al days a week at the School and there
warm spring night to everyone's delight. In are prospective students waiting for
June a large group of high school students
this critical help. Call Gregory Perme-
from First Nlethodist Church in Beebe,
came for two days to work in the kitchen but nter at the School for more informa-
Arkansas arrived during the hottest week liked it so well they begged to stay the whole tion (ext.210).
of the summer. They scraped, treated and week. The young people make friends rvith The TLM (men) and Fulton House
painted the heavily used shower and toilet everyone here and learn first-hand about (women) are both hoprqg the_fal!_wj
facilities on the third floor. In the after- many aspects of inner city ministry. bring them a couple of energetic volun-
teers to organize an occasional week-
noon, several in the group took sandwiches To Volunteer Your Time or Talent
and a Gospel message to homeless people end outing. These excursions add so
Please Call Anne Heyniger
in nearby parks. The night before they left, much to their respective programs, giv-
202.942.1731. X 216 ing them a welcome break from the
led by their youth pastor Aaron Brister, they
played and prayed for an hour with an Al Lawrence Elected to Board demands of the program. The outings
The GRM Board of (which are not co-ed) can be field trips,
enthusiastic audience in the chapel.
Six high school juniors boys- from Tiustees recently elected picnics, sports or entertainment events.
and Wisconsin spent four days in Al Lawrence as a mem-
June with us, painting Gail Thompson's offices ber of the Board. Al is Hand tools, Power tools, Paint brushes, rollers,
and working in the kitchen. In July a contin- currently a staffmember pans . Toiletries: soap, rzvors, toothbrushes,
gent of young people from Fulton, Georgia of Prison Fellowship deodonnt . Bus tokens and fare cards . Knives,
Ministry in Reston, Vir- forks and spoons . Dictionaries, Elementary
math textbooks . Pens, highlighters,
GRMbCWAteamup ginia and an Associate Pastor at his church,
Pencil sharpener Notebook paper and copier
Shiloh Baptist, in Alexandria, VA. Al has
to shed light on worked in inner city ministry over many paper Hanging file folders (letter size),
Scissors, staplers
women based issues,.. years and brings a strong compassion for

I fl lith the Fulton outreach ministry to the homeless and dis- CLOTHING NEEDS:
advantaged Jeans and shorts, sizes 32-46
. socks: white and
House of Hope
I ll f dress .
ll ll near capacrty ThankYou ... Underwear: M, L, XL; undershirs:
L, SL, 2X, 3X . Work boots and tennis shoes:
U U we are always to a generous grant from
Thanks the size 9, 10, I l, 12 . Dress shoes: sizes 8- |
searching for like- Philip Graham Foundation, the women

minded organizations that can assist residing in the Fulton House of Hope will
us with the Lord's work. In this soon be riding in style in a low mileage, l3 To donate through the
month's Concerned Women forAmer- passenger van. We are thankful to God for CFC/United Way Campaign:
ica Magazine "Family Voice", GRM this gift since it will make transportation Gospel Rescue Ministries
was featured in an article about Presi- for the women much more reliable and
dent Bush's faith-based initiative. The
Fulton House is living proof of the
positive results that can be obtained
easier to schedule.

MarkYour Colendors
from good working relationships with Saturday, Sept 22
the government agencies that assist us Annual Appreciation B anquet ATTENTION ALL
in our work. If you or your women's YOUTH GROUPS!!
group at your church would like a copy
September - December
CFC/United Way FalI Campaign Start gearing up for this year's Fannie
of the magazine or a chance to hear Mae "Walk for the Homeless"
about this exciting partnership please Saturday, Novemb er 17
For More information call David
call David George 202-842-1731 x223 Walk For the Homeless (y
George 202-842-17 3l x223
to arrange a visit for your group Thanksgiving F east 200 1
'- I

A Message
from John Iackson
Executive Director
Dear Friends and Faithful Supporters of GRM:
..only * t
At young age I first heard the statement
a one
life, will soon be past; only what's done for christ will last".
It has remained in my head and heart ever since. My parents taught me, by word and Gospnr Rnscur Mnusrruns
example, what this phrase really means. Although I have not always heeded this advice, of Washington,D.C.
I truly believe that we need to be faithful and obedient to God's call to help bring the 810 5ru Srnmr, N.W. . WasrrNcroll, D.C.20001

lost to Christ. God directs each one of us to serve in unique ways but the message is (202) u2-r73r. (202) s98-02ss (Fex)
www.cRM.oRG . onncron@cnu.oRc
clear that He is not willing that any should perish.
Pleasenotify Gospel Rescue Ministries if you
As we approach the Fall season and the busy season at GRM, it is my prayer that we receivemorethan one cW of Transforming
will be busy in ways that are pleasing to God. There is much to be done and sometimes Liya orhaye a clnnge of adilress. The
it seems that our time for waiting on the Lord to reveal His perfect plans and purpos- noney we ssvewillfeed and careforthe
es gets lost in the rush of doing things. hungry andhurting.

When you read this Newsletter, you will see that we are busy with many programs Volume 2,Issue 3
and events, providing spiritual guidance and a variety of social services, but I trust that Summer 2001
you will find an unbroken thread that runs through all of our activities the testi-
mony of changed lives. The stories that we witness and hear every day-- are thrilling Exeartive Director
because they truly manifest miraculous change. Our service is not without challenge
and even heartache when we sometimes see wavering and relapse but we know that Iohn Iackson
God's love, compassion and forgiveness are boundless, and our resolve to pray and
reach out even more must remain firm. Please join with us as prayer partners. Board of Trustees

We want to express our appreciation to our friends and supporters in a special way DavidVan Duzer
this year at our "AnnualAppreciation Dinner" to be held on Saturday, September 22
(6:00 to 9:00 p.m.) at Mclean Bible Church. Please mark your calendar and plan . IGthrlm Baxter . Albert Manola
to be
with us for a special evening. We had a great time together at Mclean Bible
December and this year's event promises to be even better. Thank you for your faith-
last . Iane Bond . Rudolph Pruden
. William Harper . Charles Robinson
ful support.
In His Service, ' Iohnfackson .AndrewTignanelli
. Al Lawrence

Irt Menorq Of,..

fackson, Executive Director
M $ilrc tcou4%

We appreciate those who suggest to familyiand filends that gifts be made to

GRM in memory of the passing of a loved one. Several have done this recently
and we want to recognize this.

Rev. A. W. Jackson on March 22,200I (father of |ohn Jackson)

Alex Hogg,Ir. on ]une 16,200I (uncle of John lackson)
Otis Dewan III on June 25,200I
we are thankful that God entrusted us with otis Dewan at GkM
for a
nine month period in 1999. we all grew to love otis as he progressed
through the hansforming Lives Ministry at GRM and we are confident
that he is present with his Heavenly Father.

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