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MODULAR SYSTEM POLYGONS Ismail Ersozoglu ook remaak com Copyright © 2008 Zombak Basim Yyin Etim ve Turizm iletmelert Sanayi Tart AS Al ightsresened No part ofthis book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of the publisher. Digital Assembly ‘ombok Typesetting & Design Page Design SamilKeskiogle Serdal Yildinm Language Proofreader Zoe Bornet Publisher Tambok Basi Yayin Egitim ve Turizm Ijetmeleri Sonay Ticaret A Printed by (ablayon A, Goriemi zi, March 2008, Tel; +90-232 252 22 85 ++90-232 522.20 96/97 ISBN: 978-975-266-7143 Printed in Turkey DISTRIBUTION TAMBAICYAYINLARI Bulgurlu Mah, Haminne Cegmes Sok. No. 20 34696 Uskiidar / Istanbul Tel: +90-216 522 09 00 (pbx) Fox: +90-216 443 98 39 http: //book PREFACE ‘This book sa about polygons and types of polygon Te buslds ten erudente' knowledge of basic geametry sa artangles and polygons, and ieads students 0. better understanding of polygons and quadrilaterals and their usefulness tn the world around us With thas understanding, students can have a better appreciation of their environment and oftheir role in ts organization To the Teacher Before beginning this book, seudents should have studied the material in the Angles and Triangles module of the Zambak Modular System high sobool math tacking series Thin book te divided tnco vhroe sections: Section 1 covers basic definitions and the common properties of all polygons, Students study the concept of regular polygon, and are shown examples of the importance of polygons in the world around us. Section 9 looks at quadrilaterals ard their specific properties Section 8 provides a more detailed look at the properties of stx spectal quadrilaterals (the parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid and kite), and the sim:larities and differences between them The book follows a step-by-step teaching approack and explains definitions and examples clearly, ust as a teacher would explain them im the classroom. Examplesand exercises are designed to encourage students to think for chemselves. Tnaddition, the text uses a variety of types of proof (paragraph, flow chart and two-column, with explanations) to give students mare practice in understanding proofs and in writing their own, Ateach stage of the course, students’ progress can be checked through regular sel-ckeck (‘Check Yourself’) sections and graded exercises (see the section ‘Using This Rook’ at the end of this preface for more information). Separate activity and project sections have also been provided, to help increase students’ understanding of the topic as they study The ook ends with a summary of the main points in the module, as well as review tests on all of the sections to help prepare students for examinations Acknowledgements Many friends and colleagues helped me to write this book, Lwould le to thank all of them for thesr contributions, especially Ramazan Sahin, Mustafa Kirskge and Mukammer Tapharan at Zambak Publications 1 would also like to thank Serdat Vildersm and Same] Keghinogilu for thetr patient typesetting and perfect design, and Zoe Barnett for her careful proofreading Finally, [ would like to give special thanks to my dear wife and children for their patience during wey work on this book, Ismail Ersdz08lu To the Student: Using This Book This book is designed so that you can use it effectively. Bach section has its own special color that you can see at the bottom of the page Different pieces of information in this Section book are useful in different ways Look at the types of information, and how they appear in the book, Sees | Inerwdeetion wo Pobyyone Section 3 Notes help you focus on tmportant details. When you Fach vertes of a polsgom i) see q note, read tt twice! Make sure you understand tt 's and the megsuypeseottl Definition boxes give formal descriptions of new ae concepts, Property boxes state important properties, a ‘and Theorem boxes include propositions that can be proved. The tnformation in these boxes ts very in a paralege important for further understanding and for Jenn solving examples fa qu TP whacig Examples show you problems and ther solution, with explanations. The examples are numbered, so yon ean Sind them easily tn the book Solution Ap Questions in Check Yourself sections help you check your understanding of what you have just studied Solve these questions alone and then Check Yourself 2 compare your answers with the answer key provided. If your answers are correct, you can move on to the next section. If an answer is a. Find the sum of the 1pe ierong, 90 through your working again and beDilabee . check back through the examples in the section — 1. Agiven polygon has 20 sid} A.small notebook in the left or right margin of « page reminds you of material that is related tothe topic you ae are studying Notebook text helps you to remember the Ks in Eat math you need to understand the material. It might comers res help you t0 see your mistakes, 101 Notebooks are the Sf sede en sare same color as the section you are studying deseribe hat uch Activities get you practicing, thinking and making connections They help you to see how concepts and principles are used in the real world, “There are many simple things you & puzzles i a good way to develop you Exercises at the end of each section cover the material in the whole section. You should be able to solve all the problems which do not have a star One star (@) next to a question means the question is a bit more difficult. Two stars (Oo) hext 10 a question means the question is for students who ave looking for a challenge! The answers to the exercises are at the back of the book. Find tho me rola The Chapter Summary summarizes alt the important material that has been covered in the chapter The Concept Check section contains oral questions, In order a. Inte to answer them you don't need paper or pen. If you (ET answer Concept Check questions correctly, t means you know that topic! The answers to these questions are in eee SO the material you studied. Go back over the material sm cae you are not sure about au answer to a Concept Check question. Finally, the Chapter Review Tests include multiple-choice questions in increasing order of difficulty. to help you prepare for exams. The answer key for these tests 18 at the back of the book o Polvao"F POLYGONS: 1, INTRODUCTION TO FOLYGONS .... 10 A. BASIC CONCEPTS. . rie 1, Simple and Clesed Curves ...... 10 2, Definitions... tLe Tle 5. Convex and Concave Polygons .. 19 4. Types of Polygon. eee 5; Diagonals ina Polygon «..1.++. 16 8. BASIC PROPERTIES OF A CONVEX POLYGON oes . 1 1, Number of Diagonals ¢.2.0..++. 18 2. Angle Measures ..000ecesceees 19. . REGULAR POLYGONS 2 1, Definition .. Neale 2. Basic Properties of a Regular Polygon a. Interior angle measures b. Exterior angle measures 8, Inscribed and iecumsctibed Polyaons ‘2 Formulas for the radi of inscribed and craumseribed circles... Aennity: The Gore Sprouts 2 estate Teselatons « EXERCISES 1 o QUADRILATERALS -...seneseege002 41 ‘A. QUADRILATERALS AND THEIR BASIC PROPERTIES... “ 1, Definitions “3 a 2, Basic Properties of a Quadrilateral oo .eecee cece eee AB by. Sides of a quadrilateral 8, Inscribed and Circumsé Quadrilaterals. . rhea Aetinty: Tange EXERCISES 2. 3. SPECIAL QUADRILATERALS ........ 35 A. PARALELOGRAM = 1. Definition ceece es BB 2. Properties of a Parallelogram ... 56 4. Proving that a Quadrilateral Is aParallelogram 3. ¢.0++e-++> 67 RECTANGLE. .csscsssesssessunesarersee 72 1, Definition «ses eeeeseee es 72 2, Properties of aRectangle ...... 72 c. RHOMEUS 20 Le Definition and b, closed: ¢, d and f not closed: a, b and © ©. cand fare simple closed curves EZTIR decide which curves m the gure are a. simple b. closed. © simple closed. AROPOE Solution Introduction t Polygone ‘9, simple: a, ¢, d and f not simple: b and e b. closed: b, © and di; not closed: a, © and f ©. © and «are simple closed curves 2. Definitions Now we are ready to define a polygon as a special (ype of curve polygon. Appolygomas a simple closed curve that s made up entirely of straight dune segments such that 1. each ne segment mtersects exactly two other lme segments and the segments mtersect only at their endpomts, and 2. no two segments with a common endpoint are collinear, Polygons are the most important type of sumple closed curve. Foiygons make a striking Aesign this socer ball o These shapes are examples of polygons: fom the Gree woods poly (meaning ‘many’ and gome (meaning ‘sage? Se_ pele") These shapes ate not polygons: means many angie At L. Each Ime segment in a polygon is called a side of the polygon. The intersection point of wo line segments is called a vertex (plural vertices) of the polygon. In a polygon, the number of sides 1s equal to the number of vertices. Two vertices which share te same side of a polygon are called consecutive vertices, and the angles they form with the side are called consecutive angles. Two sides which share a common vertex are called consecutive sides, In the adjacent figure, line segments AB, BC and CD are three sides of the polygon. Points A,B, C and D are some of the vertices of the sies \ polygon. The vertex pais (4, B}, {B, Chand 4 {C, D} are three examples of consecutive ee: e vertices, The pairs (A, C} and {B, D) are not _ consecutive vertices. The pats of sides (AB, BC}, 5 ‘ (BC, CD} and (CD, DE} are thtee examples of ‘s " pt consecutive sides. The pans of sides (AB, CD} and (BC, DE} are not consecutive. The angle pairs (ZABC, ZBCD} and {2BCD, ZCDE} are two examples of consecutive angles. A polygon separates a plane into three regons: the polygon ftself, the interior region of the polygon, and the exterior region of the polygon, For example, point P in the figure opposite is in the interior of the polygon, pont Q 1s in the exterior of the palygon, and point M is on the polygon. tet GZ In a polygon with vertices A, B, C, ete. the angles ZABC, ZBCD, CDE, ete. are called interior angles, We often name these angles simply with the letter of their vertex: 2A, ZB, LC, ete, We form an exterior angle of a polygon by extending one side of the polygon in one direction. In other words, the supplementary angle of the interior angle at a given vertex 1 called the exterior angle at that vertex. An exterior angle 1s often represented by a capital letter wath a dash (ZA’, 2B, ZC’, ete.) accord ang to its vertex. As we can see, m(ZA) + m(ZA’) = 180°, m(ZB) + m(ZB’) = 180°, etc Note Each vertex of a polygon has two extenor angles and the measures of these two angles are equal. For example, in the figure, mZC)) = m(LC) because these are vertical angles. 3. Convex and Concave Polygons A polygon is called convex af the hines which contain ts Sides donetatniain patatsta ie | me fy ~/ interior of the polygon. It 1s called concave if 7 % ey any of the Imes which contam the sides also | ~ “a contain points in the interior ofthe polygon,” J ‘The figure at the right shows the difference i y between a convex polygon and a concave we gt ay Pi polygon. xpreuniies ‘ene We can also determme whether a polygon 1s, convex or concave by checking its angles. If every mntenior angle of a polygon measures less. than 180°, the polygon is convex. If one or more of the interior angles is greater than 180°, the polygon is concave. ToeduciontePlpgons | —______ gay (REMOTES 3 state whether exch potrzon is convex or concave e. anf sf" read ; 4 fw A a ia « = #y ee 7 a * + concave convex concave 4. Types of Polygon ‘We can classify polygons according to how many sides they have. A triangle (three sides) 1s. the simplest type of polygon. A polygon with four sides 1s called a quadrilateral. A polygon. vyath fifteen sides is called a 15-gon, a polygon with twenty-three sides is called a 23-gon, and. 1 polygon with n sides is called an n-gon. The table shows some more special names. GomieraTwier (ame) (ounberatsies (mame) (amber ofaiies (name as ea fie (oe © rm PEDO 4 seis enc potveon by counting its sites : b O z 8, a heptagon (seven sides) b, a pentagon (five sides) ©, a quadniateral our sides) We name a polygon by listing the capital letters of the vertices in order, beginning with any vertex and moving either clockwise or counterclockwise around the polygon. For example, we can refer to the shape £ opposite as hexagon ABCDEF, polygon 5 ABCDEF or polygon BAPEDC. We cannot call it polygon ACDEFB or hexagon FDEABC : because in these cases the vertices are not written in order. Y IB Nanw-each pointy tv i venion, a b. e % Solution a, polygon ABCDEF —_. polygon TVZMNPRS cc. polygon MHGIRL Note that these are not the only possible answers (o the question. As an exercise, try finding ‘one more name for each polygon m the example, We name the sides of a polygon by referring to its vertices. In a triangle, each side is named by the lower-case form of the opposite vertex. In other polygons, each side is usually named, by the lower-case form of the vertex at the beginning of the side, moving counterclockwise around the polygon. Introduction to Polygons © ce) © C6 © Prenmnle, the sides of the triangle mn the The lowercase leviers figure opposite are a, b and c, which are 4,6 et: also indicat? respectively opposite the vertices A, B and C the lengths of the ies m of polygon In the second polygon, the sides a, b, ¢, d,e “ and f take their names from the vertices A, B, | ©, D, Eand F, counted in a counterclockwise ; direction, 7 (Gate te skort sactepipnen ty ccc tato veins, a. £ b, Poe a. Solution M 5. Diagonals in a Polygon diagonal ‘A diagonal of a polygon is a Lme segment that Joins two non-consecutive vertices, In the polygon ABCDE opposite, line segment CEC 2 * * sitzoml.IHjomns the non-conseeuive vertices A and D. Line segment AC is another i Giagonal that joms vertices A and C, BE, BD c and CE are other diagonals in the polygon. Notice that a mangle has no diagonals ‘Asimglhoenodegonsl. because at has no non-consecutive vertices. A & & om {7 Drow and name the diagonals in eneh polygon AD A & SV, TZ, TY, TX, VZ, WY, XZ Solution Check Yourself 1 1. Which of the following curves are polygons? Ifa curve is a polygon, is it convex or concave? a. g b 1) c 2, Classify each polygon by counnng its sides. a. b. y 1 e 4 f os Answers 2. aa heptagon bam octagon, © anonagon InredctontoPlygens—____________________ iggy B. BASIC PROPERTIES OF A CONVEX POLYGON In the rest of this book we will use the word ‘polygon’ to mean a convex polygon, unless stated otherwise 1. Number of Diagonals ‘What is the total number of diagonals that we ean draw from every single vertex of an n-sided polygon? Let us try to answer this question. Imagine a polygon with n sides. If we choose one vertex then there are n ~ 1 other vertices left on the polygon. By the definition of a diagonal, we cannot draw a diagonal through two adjacent vertices. So there are (u ~ 1) -2 = w~3 vertices left, and so the number of diagonals ‘which we can draw from a single vertex of an n-sided polygon is n - 3. For example, consider the hexagon in the E b figure opposite. From vertex A we can draw dingonals only to vertices C, D and B: since vertices B and F are adjacent to vertex A, we ' ‘ canmot draw a diagonal to these vernces. So the number of the diagonals which we can draw from vertex As 3. We can check this in a @ the formula above: n -3 = 6-3 =3. nga A-convex polygon with m sides has poly a Proof 1 Am msied polygon has n vertices, and from each vertex we can draw n — 3 diagonals. So the total number of diagonals that we can draw is n(n ~ 3). But this means that we are counting each diagonal twice, since a diagonal joins two vertices. So the expression n(n ~ 3) must be aivided by 2. 3) » diagonals. So the number of diagonals man n-sided polygon 1s 0— 9) Proof 2 An n-sided polygon has m vertices. Consider all the lines determined by these m points. GG ge Remember that theres nt oneline which passes ough to dsnet pons and no three vertices of the polygon are cdllmear. So the number oflmes determined by the n noneollmear vertices of the polygon is equal to C(n, 2) (Le. the number of combinations of m points taken two ata time), Since n of these lines include the sides of the polygon, the rest of the lines are the diagonals of the polygon Remember Cla, r) means the number of posable combinations oftelemente olen rata a Sothe number of diagonals is C(n, 2)— heh cle, n= @ rm & «Find the mumber of diagonals in a heptagon (a 7sided polygon, Solution Introduction t Polygone b. Find the number of diagonals in an 11-sided polygon, ) 9. We know that the number of diagonals im an n-sided polygon 1s 7-0-3) _74 “2 2” », Using the same formula, the number of diagonals in an 11-sided polygon is 1-1-3) 118 2 un Substitutns = ie ‘Tim the formula we get 4. Soa heptagon has 14 diagonals. 4 a, Find the number of sides of a polygon which has 9 diagonals, b. Find the number of diagonals which pass through one vertex of the polygon in part a. 8, Letm be the number of sides. The number of diagonals of an n-sided polygon is "@—®) so MMB ig 2 3n = 18 n° — 3n— 18 = 0, which factors as (n + 3)(u~ 6) = 0,so = Born = 6. ‘Smce the number of sides cannot be negative, the polygon must have six sides. b, We know that there are n ~ 3 diagonals through one vertex of an m-sided polygon, and, substituting 6 for m gives us» - 3 = 6 3 = 3, So the answer is three diagonals. 2. Angle Measures ‘We know that the sum of the imtenor angles ofa tangle is 180°. What about the sum of the miterior angles of other polygons? Before tying to find a general rule, thmk about this question; If you pick any vertex of a polygon and draw all the possible diagonals from this vertex, how many triangles are formed? Look at the figures and count the tangles, 7 v Q 4 quudetaceral (4 sides) a pentagon (sides) sa hesagon (6 sides) In each figure we have drawn diagonals from one vertex to each of the other vertices. The diagonals form tnangles. In each case, the number of triangles formed 1s two less than the number of sides of the polygon. In fact, can be shown that for an n-sided polygon the number of tangles formed is n ~ o- Proof Ex 10 Solution = Proof C+ “The sum ofthe meaees ofthe interes arglec of polygon depends on the Dumber of sides, but the fu ofthe measures of the exterior angles is slwars 360° ‘The sum of the measures of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon is (w ~ 8)» 160" As we have seen, drawmg all the possible diagonals of an w-sided polygon from one vertex makes n ~2 triangles. The sum of the ‘measures of the mterior angles in a polygon 4s the sum of the measures of the angles of these mangles. Since the sum of the ‘measures ofthe anterior angles ofa triangle is, 180°, the sum of the measures of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon is (2) - 180° Find the sum of the measures of the mterior angles of a polygon with 9 sides. . The sum of the interior anges of a polygon is 1620". How many sides does the polygon have? Since the sum of the interior angles ofa polygon with n sides 4s (n —2) 180", by substituting n = 9 we obtam (9 ~ 2) - 180" = 1260" So the answer is 126 b. Using the same formula gives us the equation (n 2) 180° = 1620" n-2 (dividing both sides by 180°) n= 11, So the answer is 11. The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of any polygon 1s 360° Let § be the sum of the angle measures. A ‘polygon with n sides has n vertices. Since the interior and exterior angles at one vertex are supplementary and there are m vertices, the sum of the measures of all the mterior and exterior angles of the polygon is n - 180°. Since the sum of the measures of the mterior angles is (n 2) 180", we can write S = m- 180*— ((n ~2) - 180%) = (m- 180%) —(m - 180") + (2. 180° 360°, as required. The next two activities will also help us to understand why the sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is 360°. tet @ Draw a convex quadribieral and exend the sides © form an exterior angle at each vertex, Then cut out feach exterior angle and join them all opether as shown in he second figure opposite ‘What can you conclude? The sequence of pabgons shown below shows the polygon geting smaller smaller What i the sum of the messures ofthe exterior angles ofthe polygon? ROK WK FEMS W 7 the sum of the measures of the mterior anges ofa polygon 1s 18007 2. How anany sides does this polygon have? b. How many diagonals does it have? Solution a, The sum of the mterior angles of a polygon with w sides is (n — 2) - 180°, so we need to solve the equation (x ~ 2). 180° = 1800°. Dividing both sides by 180° gives us = 10;m = 12 So the polygon has 12 sides, b, ‘The number of diagonals in an n-sided polygon as ™"— 9) 12.023) 12.9 2 2 So the polygon has 54 diagonals. For n = 12, we get Introduction t Polygone VQ the measures ofthe merior angles ofa heptagon are in the ratio 4: 8 :6:'7:7: 8:8 Find the measure of each interior and exterior angle of this heptagon. Solu Let x be the constant of proportionality, then the interior angles are 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 7x, 8x and 6x. If we add these together we get 49x, which 2t 1s the sum of the measures of the interior angles, Using the formula (n ~ 2) - 180° for n = 7 (i.e. a heptagon), we find that the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a heptagon is 900°. So 4ax = 900", 1€,4 = 20°, So the interior angles are 80°, 100°, 120°, 140°, 140°, 160° and 160°, and the supplementary angles 100°, 80°, 60°, 40°, 40°, 20° and 20° are the exterior angles. TB the gure which is constructed when we extend the sides of a convex n-gon for any n> dis called an n-pomted star. ‘The figure at the right shows a 8-pointed star m(ZT) = m(ZK) = 2x, m(Z8) = m(ZP) = x and m(cN) = Bx are fgven. Find the value of x Solu m AETK, eceer m(ZDEN) = m(ZT) + m(ZR) (ZDEN 1s an exterior angle of AETK) The memar ofexterioe =e +e ange ana tang isthe rumofthe meanameo!the = 4y wootberintenocanelet. |. onty an ADPS, m(ZEDN) (ZEDN 1s an extenor angle of ADPS) miZB)=miZa)+m (20) Soin ANED, Bx + dy + Qv = 180° (sum of the interior angles of a triangle) 9x = 180" x= 20" Note The sum of the measures of the mterior angles at the comers of an n-pointed star 1s (n— 4) - 180°, The arms of this starfish form a five pointed sar = rm 14 Tre sum ofthe measures ofthe imertor anges fa polygon is 540° more than the sum ofthe Solutio EXIS 15 Solution En 16 Solutio Introduction t Polygone measures of the exterior angles. How many sides does the polygon have? ‘The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a polygon 1s 360°, and the sum of the ‘measures of the interior angles of a polygon with m sides is (m ~ 2) - 180°. So (n-2)- 180° = 360° + 540° (12). 180° = 900° (divide both sides by 180°) n~2= 5; m = 7. So the polygon has 7 sides, Ina polygon, the ratio ofthe sum of the measures of the exterior angles to the sum of the measures ofthe interior angles is. a. How many sides does the polygon have? > How many diagonals does the polygon have? ©. Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles of the palvgon. a. The sum of the measures of the extentor angles of a polygon is 360° and the sum of the ‘measures of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon 3s (1 — 2) 180° ae0 + wath n #2. By simplifying and cross mulnplymg we get so fs (@a=2)-180° 3 n-2=6:n=8 So the polygon has 8 sides. b. The number of diagonals in an n-sided polygon is nn-3) a For m= 8, we get ee So there are 20 diagonals. ©. Using the formula (n — 2) - 180° for m = & gives us (8 — 2) 180° = 1080° So the sum of the measures of the interior angles of the polygon is 1080°. Isat possible for the smallest interior angle of a 9-sided polygon to measure 141°? A9-gon has nine interior angles. If the smallest angle measures 141°, each other interior angle will have to measure more than 141°, So the sum of the measures of the mnterior angles ‘will be greater than 9 - 141° = 1269". ‘We also know that the sum of the mtenior angles of an n-sided polygon is (n — 2) - 180° For mine sides, this becomes (9 ~ 2) - 180° = 1260" ‘Smee 1269° 1s greater than 1260°, the smallest interior angle of a 9-sided polygon cannot a 117, What isthe maximum number ofacute terior angles that a polygon can have? Explain your Solution answer. Appolygon can have at most three acute interior angles, because if an interior angle is acute then its extenor ange 1s obtuse and the sum of the measures of more than three obtuse angles 1s more than 360° (since 360° = 4 = 90°, which 1s not an obtuse angle). These obtuse angles would not form a polygon, since the sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a polygon 1s 360°, So the answer is three. Check Yourself 2 1. A gyen polygon has 20 sides, a. Find the sum of the measures of the mtenor angles of the polygon. bb Find the number of diagonals in the polygon. 2. The measures of the interior angles of a hexagon are in the ratio: 5:6: 7: 7:8. Find the measure of each interior and extenor angle of this polygon, 5, ‘The sum of the measures of the intenor angles of a polygon is 1080* more than the sum of the measures of its exterior angles. a How many sides does this polygon have? b. How many diagonals does it have? Answers 1. a. 8240" b. 170 2 anterior angles: 60°, 100°, 120°, 140°, 140°, 160" exterior angles: 120°, 80°, 60", 40°, 40°, 20° 3.2.10 b.35 Cc. REGULAR POLYGONS © 1. Definition A polygon is called equilateral if all ts sides are congruent. It is called equiangular if all ts anterior angles are congruent, A polygon may be equilateral, equiangular, both equilateral and cequiangular or neither equilateral nor equiangular. regular polygon A polygon which is both equilateral and equiangular is called a regular polygon. For example, the polygons in the next figure are regular because all the sides of each polygon are the same length, and all the angles of each polygon are congruent. tet AODOOD regular pentagon srogular hexagon The following polygons are not regular: L |] ©) Lf caiiteral but eaviangulse but caviangalar but ceuilateral but not equianglir ‘not exglateral not equilateral not equiangalae 2.Basic Properties of a Regular Polygon a. Interior angle measures ‘We know that the sum ofthe measures of the mterior angles ofan n-sided polygom3s (1 ~2)- 180°. Since the mterior angles of a regular polygon are all congruent, the measure of each snterior ange is (#=2) 180 ” [GEXUIER 18 whaeis ine measure of each interior angle ofa reqular8-sided polygon? Solution Subsututng n = 8 in the formula ( ~2)'180" wo get the measure of each interior angle as (B=2)-180" _ 6.180° 8 3 oe b, Exterior angle measures ‘We know that the measures of the mterir angles of a regular polygon are equal, and so the measures of the extenor angles are also equal. We also know that the sum of the measures of the extenior angles of any polygon is 360°, So the measure of exch exterior ane of any regular n-gon is 200° 2 WG wesc sesasure oreach emenar ange ota vogue 12aatea payee Solution Substituting m = 12 im the formula °°”, we get the measure of each extenor angle as 360" 490 12 Introduction to Polygons © sy O Determine the number of sides ofa regular polygon i 9. one mterior ange measures 140” ‘D. one exterior angle measures 36°, Using the formula = 2)'189° for a polygon with m sides gives us the equation (a-2)-180° ” (2-9 (by cross multiplication and stmplificauon) On—18 = 7m; 2n = 18;n=9. So the polygon has 9 sides. b, Using the formula 28° where n as the number of sides gives us 360" _ 36", n 40 n= 10. (y cross multiplication and simphifcauon) So the polygon has 10 sides. [EXE 21m tne gure opposite, ABCDE is a reguar pentagon and ABP 1s an equilateral triangle. ‘What 15 m(ZAFE)? 7 c > ‘The measure of an interior angle ofa regular 2 (5=2)-180" 3-180" _ jog. pentagon 1s, and each umerior ange of an equilateral & c triangle measures 60°. The Pentagon in Washington Sq m(ZEAB) = 108° and m(ZEAB) = 60°, ts aremarkable architectural example ofa regular polygon and so m(ZEAF) = 108*— 60" = 48° 4 8 Smnce ABCDE 1s a regular pentagon, the line segments AB and AE are congruent. Lane segments AB and AF are also congruent because AABF is equilateral. And so line segments AF and AE must be congruent. We can conclude that AAFE ts an isosceles triangle and the base angles ZAFE and ZAEF are equal 180° 48° So m(ZAFE} 66°. Eu 22 Solution En 23 Introduction t Polygone In the figure, ABCDE... is a regular polygon and m(ZBDE) = 120°, How many sides does this polygon have? We know the formula a=?) 180" sp the measure ofan interior angle ofa regular polygon with sides. Let us uy to find a using the mformauon we are given. Since ABCDEF... 1s a regular polygon, it 15 equilateral and equiangular. This means that the ine segments AB, BC and CD are congruent and ZA, ZB and ZC have equal measures, ABCD 1s isosceles, so we can write m(ZCBD) = m(ZCDB} So m(ZBCD) = m(ZCDE) = x + 120°. ‘Thus m ABCD, x + x + (120° + x) = 180° (sum of the mtenor angles of a tangle) x= 208 So the measure of one interior angle of the regular polygon 1s a = 120° + 20°= 140°, Sutung hs nse forma «= 2-222 permis theme oes, me gett equation 40°, u #0 (n=2)-180" 2 (n-2)-9=0-7 (by cross muluplicanion and stmphifieation) 9n- 18 = 7n; 2n = 18; m= 9. So the polygon has 9 sides. In the figure, ABCDEF... is a regular polygon 4 and line segments AH and FH bisect ZA and 4 ZF respecnvely; If m(ZAHF) = 180°, fmd the number of sides of the polygon. a » Em 24 @ Solution Solu Smee ABCDEF... 1s a regular polygon, 2A, 2B, ZC, 2D, ZE and ZF are all congruent and m(ZBAH) = m(EFH) = me because AH and FH are angle bisectors. In the figure, x= 150° + 8 = 30°, All the triangles are isosceles, so m(ZBatty = 089909 75° ana m(ZB) = m(ZC) = ... = 2+ 78° = 180° So one interior angle of the regular polygon measures 150°, Now, using the formula 2180" we can write (a =2)-180" 190", 20 (n—2)-6=n-9 (by cross multiplication and simplificavion) 6n- 12 = 5n n=12 So ABCDEF... has 12 sides. Prove that the mudpouus of the sides of a regular polygon form the vertices of another regular polygon with the same number of sides. Let ABCDEF.... be an n-sided regular polygon and let points K, L, M,N, P, ete. be the mndpontts of the sides AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, ete. respectively: Fist we will show that polygon KLMNP... 1s a regular polygon. In other words, we will show that it is both equilateral and equiangular, tet sempmeans xi congzuat toy. Congusn: anges bhowe the same menstim, Congrucnt Ine games have the same Tenath, Congrusnt wager have congruent angles and cangroznt sides Introduction t Polygone il Baa Polygon ABCDEP.. i equilateral Polygon ABCDEP.. is equiangular Points K, L, M,N... are midpounts, “4 AKBL = ALCM = AMDN = Brand 3 3. KL=LM=MN= Corresponding sides of congruent miangles 6. ZBKL = BLK = ZCLM = CML ...| Corresponding angles of congruent triangles 7. ZARB = 8. ZKLM BLC = ZCMD. ‘Straight angles LMN = ZMNP. By 6 and 7 9. Polygon KLMNP... is equilateral. | By 5 10, Polygon KLMNP.... is equiangular| By 8 So polygon KLMNP... 1s a regular polygon. Also, each vertex of KLMNP... lies on exactly one side of the polygon ABCDE.... In other words, KLMNP... has vertices. Since the number of vertices of a polygon 1s equal (0 the number of sides, KLMINP... has n sides. In conclusion, KLMNP... 1s an n-sided regular polygon ‘The pattern om this coufish and the structure ofthis honeycomb are made tip af hexagons. Com, you "think of 9 reason wy the hexagon ‘such 2 useful shape” Check Yourself 3 1, Determine the number of sides of a regular polygon if a. one mterior angle measures 168°. b. one exterior angle measures 18° 5 D 2. In the figure opposite, ABCDEF 1s a regular hexagon, x ABKL 1s a square and points C, K and M are collinear. i k Find m(ZMKL). . c Answers 12.30 B20 219° ‘ B 3. Inscribed and Circumscribed Polygons inscribed polygon, evchic polygon, ercumscribed errele, ercumenrele A polygon is called an inscribed polygon (or eyelic polygon) if all ofits vertices lie on the same carcle. This eirele ts called the cttcumseribed girele (or circumeitcle) of the polygon. Look at some examples of insenbed polygons: 5 E 1 4, | QS ©) 1 L ‘i e r circumscribed polygon, inscnbed grcle A polygon 1s called a circumscribed polygon sf sts sides are all tangent to the same circle, This caurcle 3s called the inscribed e1rcle of the polygon Look at some examples of circumsenbed polygons: A regular polygon 1s always an inscribed and circumscribed polygon, and sts inserbed and, circumscribed circles have the same center. Conversely, if the insenibed and cireumsenbed, cuteles of a polygon have the same center then this polygon is a regular polygon. Ooe Note that we may be able to draw both inseribed and circumscribed circles for other polygons, but if their centers are not at the same pomt then these polygons are not regular. @ or 5-4 square has sides 6 cm tong, Find the radi of ts insorbed and citcumserbed ctl. Soluti Look at the figure. The centers of the inscribed and cicumscnbed circles he at the intersection of the diagonals of the square. The radius r of the mseribed e1rele 1s half the length of the side of the square, 1.e, 3 em, ‘The radius R of the circumscribed curcle 1s half the length of the diagonal of the square. By the Pythagorean Theorem, AD? + CD = AC? 6 + 6 = A AC = 6/3, +2 So the radius of the ecumsenbed circle 18 R av2em. PEDO 26 4 reputar noxagon nas sides oftength 8 em, Find the radi ofits nsonbed and circumscribed Solution Look at the figure. The centers of the insenibed and circumsenbed cucles of the hexagon lie at point 0, OH is the radius of In a ciscle, 2 contral | the inscribed circle and OD 1s the radius of angle ie an angle formed dase Banat Seemed | the circumscribed circle. tem ZA08 ss eontsl rua ZDOE 3s a central ange and measures m(ZA08) = mB), D % ADOE 18 an isosceles triangle with altitude OH. In addition, m(ZHOE) = m(ZDOE) + 2 = 30° and HE In the night triangle OHE, sn30°= HE so of = OE tango = FE oo on = on So the radius of the curcumsenibed cucle ws 8 cm and the radius of the msenbed cucle 1s, 43 em. TeducontePpgons | —_______ gaa Equa 27 Solutio Cte¢ Use a tigonometic table ot a caleuatar to fipd tho tlgenemetic valuee of the angles a. Formulas for the radii of inscribed and ci bed circles ‘There 1s a relation between the side length of a regular polygon, the radu of its anscribed and circumsenbed cardes, Let a be the length of a side of a regular polygon, let n be the number of sides and let rand R be the radu of the polygon’s msenbed and circumscribed circles, respectively. the number of sides, and ig at Look at the figure, ZAOB is a central angle and m(ZAoB) = 26° OB isosceles and OH ts Hs height. So m(cHOB) = 22? 8 ana p= AP 2. HB HB sinzHo = "8; op-_MB__.g In the nght mangle OB. a e= _HB HB tan ziop = 28; on = IE So the rads ofthe ateumsenbed cee 6 R=——® go andthe radius ofthe iserbed 2m cearele 1s r= 2 tan 180" ‘The table at the night shows the relation between, a, n, rand R for regular polygons with 3, 4 and 6 sides, A 12-sided regular polygon has sides of length 10 cm, Find the radii of its inscribed and. circumsenbed errcles a a 1 and r= 4 2sm 80" 2tan SO" We can use the formulas R = , Where n 15 the number of sides and ais the length of one side, For n = 12. and a = 10 cm, 10 3 180" tanlo" 2tan BO ar _ 38 02679 1= 18.66 em. — @ tet QE Tre circumserived circle of a regular hexagon with se length 10 cm is also the inscribed carele of an equilateral trangle. Find the length of one side of the tnangle. Solution r=— ion We will use the formulas Ee md 2tan—— ‘The radius of the mnserbed euxcle ofthe tangle 4 equal (0 the radius of the circumsenbed curcle of the hexagon. In the tangle, m = 3 and a as unknown so ~ ~ ~ 2ran 60° run 8 aan BE In the hexagon, = 6 anda = 10 em so a 10 5 2m an sin30" 0.9 R Smee r = Rwe have = 0; @ = 20- tan 60°; a = 203 em, This 1s the length of one —_s_3 ran" side of the triangle Check Yourself 4 1. One side of an equlateral triangle measures 6/3 em, Find the radii of its inseribed and cexrcumsenbed cures. 2. One side of a square measures 1048 om. The inseribed circle of the square i also the cxrcumsenbed circle of an equilateral tangle, Find the length of one side ofthis trangle 5. The msenbed aircle of a regular hexagon 1s the 4 F circumseribed circle of a square with side length 4/9 om. Find the length of one side of the hexagon a ! Answers yo 1 r=3emR=6em 2 130m 3 SS om TeducontePlpgons | —_______ i gyasay @& The figure oppose shows 2 regule wiangle 7 ‘quadsiateral pentagon and hexagon constructed on & ‘common base which it 2cm long, Use s euler and « protractor to drasy each ofthe fllowing polygons on a base which is 4 em long 8 a regular wiangle bs regular quadrilateral ea regular pentagon 4. a regular hexagon fe segue octagon fs regular decagon (Hing: Cells the size ofthe interior angler fist) THE GAME OF SPROUTS Sprous i 4 pescibend-paper game which has interesting mathematical propenies, It wes invented by the mathematicians John Howton Conway and MichselS, Paterson at England's Cambridge Univessiy in 1967, Here 's a quote from Comey: ‘The day after Sprouts sprouted, it seemed that everyone was plying i At coffee or es me there were like groups of people peering over ridiculous 0 fanasi sprout positions! The game i played by evo plyers, starting with a few dots drawn on a sheet of paper: The game continues according fo the following rules: 1. Phyers tale turns drawing « line between two dos, oF from a dot to iselE 2. The fie may not cross any other fine. 1 3. After drawing a ine the player adds a nev dot on the seme line, ‘4. No dot may have more than thee ines coming out oft 5. The player who males the est move wins, The disgeam athe sight shows « 2-dot game of Sprout, 3 4 Aer the founh move (picture 4), iis impossible vo make another move, 50 the second player wins. The final igure shoves th there are 1wo dots (shown in green) that are ail’ ane, i, they re only connected to nwo lines But since these two survivors art in sepessie regions, they cannot be joined together The secre to winning she game kes in using your ines to dive the paperup into parts that trap dots. Fhe 2-dot ‘tame gets 100 easy for you, sant with more dots This tame i & good way to improve your understanding of how space can be divided om afl surface, Reto TESSELLATIONS A tessellation (also called a ting) is created when a shape is repeated over and over again to cover a plane without any gaps or overlaps. The word ‘tessellate’ means to form or arrange small squares in a checkered or mosaic pattern, It comes from the Greek word tesseres, which in English means ‘four’ This is because the first ‘tessellations were made from square (.¢. four-sided) tiles ‘Tessellations are all around us in our natural and man-made environment. Whenever we want to cover or decorate a surface with shapes that neither overlap nor leave gaps, we work wath tessellation, ‘The honeycombs in a beehive are one of the best natural examples of tessellation, The hexagonal cells in a comb {it together perfectly without any gaps. Examples of man-made tessellations include floor tilings, brick walls, ‘wallpaper patterns, texule patterns and some stained glass windows. nee ae: & 2x i KY ee ORK ‘There are three types of tessellation: regular, semi-regular and irregular. Regular Tessellations A regular tessellation is a tessellation which is made up entirely of congruent regular polygons witich all meet at their vertices, Only three regular polygons tessellate m the Euclidean plane: the triangle, the square and the hexagon. ED EP a wesolaton of tianglee a vesollation of squarce a tecollation of hexagons How do we know that only three types of regular polygon form a regular tessellation? Since the regular polygons ama tessellation must fil the plane at each yertex, thelr interior angle must be an exact divisor of 360°. This only ‘works for the tangle, square and hexagon. The interior angles of all other regular polygons are not exact divisors of 360°, and therefore these figures cannot fil the plane without leaving gaps. Look at some examples: me Pe & ‘The miterior angle of an equilateral «The mtenior angle ofa square ‘The mentor angle of a pentagon tmangle is 60°, and 6 - 60° = 360°, 1s 90°, and 4 90° = 360° 4s 108°, and 4 - 108° = 324°, So a tangle forms a regular So a square forms a regular ‘S04 Pentagon does not form a reneaiiation ceaelaon regular (essellanon, ® The interior angle of a hexagon is 120°, For regular polygons with more than six and 120° + 120° + 120° = 360°, sides, the polygons overlap. Sem-Regular Tessellatons Semt-regular tessellations are made up of two or more types of regular polygon which Mt together im such a way Uiat the arrangement of polygons at every vertex point is identical. There are eight possible semi-regular tessellations which are different combmations of equilateral tangles, squares, hexagons, octagons and dodecagons. The pletures show two examples of semi-regular tessellanons. Inregular Tessellations Irregular tessellations place no restriction on the number of different polygons or the order of the polygons around ‘the vertices. There are an infinite number of irregular tessellations. Here are two examples: Can you see any other examples of tessellation in the world around you? Draw pictures of the patterns you find. How many different shapes make up your tessellations? A. Basic Concepts 1, State which of curves 1-6 are a. simple, b. elosed. cc. simple closed, Vosal 2, State whether each gure is a polygon. If tis not 1 polygon, explain why: ye ree 3. For the polygon opposite, List > a. its veruces, . b. its consecutive vertices and angles ae Introdnstion to Polygons 4, State whether each polygon is convex or concave. a b, vd Gp 5, Classify each polygon by counting its sides. a b AC OV 6, Finda polygon in each picture. Classify the polygon by counting its sides. en Oo) 7, Name each polygon by listmg its vertices vb p x\ ® it N a x_n > 7 z Yt 8, Name the sides of each polygon by refermmg to 1ts vertices, a b Dy 9, Name the diagonals mm each polygon. : . O) \ i 4 ‘ é R - L \K . N Mi I, vo. B. Basic Properties of a Convex Polygon 10. Four pdygons have 9, 12, 13 and 21 sdes respectively. For each polygon, state a. the number of diagonals, b. the sum of the measures of its mterior angles. 1, Find the number of sides of a convex polygon which has a. 14 diagonals, 77 diagonals. b, 39 diagonals 4.170 diagonals, 12, How many sides does a polygon have ifthe sum of the measures of ats mterior angles 1s a. 940°? b,1440°? c. 1800°2 ad. 2880°7 13, The number of diagonals in a given polygon is three times the number of sides of the polygon. Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles of Unis polygon. 14, The measures of the interior angles of a pentagon are in the ratio 3:4: 5:7: 8. Fmd the measure of each mterior and exterior angle of this pentagon, 15, In the figure, ABCDEF 1s a hexagon with m(ZE) = 108, m(ZD) = 100°, m(ZF) = 110", m(ZHAB) = 40° and ‘m(ZBCG) = 30° Find m(ZABC), tet 16, In the figure, ABCD 3s 2, 8 concave quadnlateral swith e m(ZDAB) = 4x m(ZD) = 2x, m(ZB) = x and Aye + 20 m(ZBAB) = 4x + 90° g Find m(ZBCD) 17. In the figure, ABCD isa. concave pentagon. m(ZA) = 3x, m(ZD) = 2x, m(ZC) = 6x, m(ZABC) = 105°and 4 ae m(ZCBF) = 5x ~ 15° are given. Find the measure of ZABD, 18, In the figure m(ZS) = m(ZN) = 3x, m(ZR) = 2x and m(ZP) = mR) Find the value of x 19. Three interior angles of a polygon measure 110°, © 195" and 135° respectively, and all the other interior angles measure 170°, How many sides. does this polygon have? Introduction t Polygone 20. Can the largest mtenor angle of a heptagon © measuze 128°? Explain your ansyrer. 21. What is the maxamum possible number of right a angles im a convex polygon with more than 4 sides? C. Regular Polygons 22, State whether each shape 1s a regular polygon. a. arectangle b. a trapezoid © a rhombus |. a square ce. an equilateral triangle fa kite 23, Three regular polygons have 9, 12 and 16 sides respectively, For each polygon state a. the measure of an interior angle, b. the measure of an exterior angle. 24, The mterior angle of a regular polygon measures 169°, How many sides does this polygon have? 25. The measure of an mterior angle of a regular polygon 3s six Nmes the measure of an exterior angle. How many sides does this polygon have? 26, ABCDE 1s a regular polygon. Find the measure of the angle between the diagonals BE and BD. a oe 27, Im the eure, ABCDEF sa » regular hexagon and AND as an equilateral mange. Find m(ZAEN). . 28. The mscribed cucle of a square has radius 243 cm. Fmd a. the length of one side of we square b. the radius of the circumseribed circle of the square. 2, One side of an equilateral wiangle measures 43 cm, Find the radii of the inscribed and circumscribed circles of this triange. 30, The circumsenbed circle of a regular hexagon has radius 8 em, Find the length of one side of the hexagon. b. the radius of the inscribed circle of the hexagon BA The circumscribed circle of a regular hexagon © wath side length 10 em 1s also the inscribed circle of an equilateral triangle. Find the length of one side of this triangle. 32, The difference between the radii of the inscribed © and circumsenbed circles of an equilateral tang is 4 cm. Find the length of one side of this mange. 83, m the figure, ABCDE 1s a regular " © pentagon. Pomnts P, E and Hf are collmear and pomts P, C, F are also collinear m(ZAEH) = 43° and m(ZBCF) = 30°. Find the YF \__f measure of ZEPF. 34.1m the figure, ABCD... 6 a regular polygon with OF AB 6 and OE LCD. O is at the ,| : center of the polygon and i m(ZHOE) = 80°. How many sides does the polvgon have? 85. In the figure, ABCDEF sa Db regular hexagon with DH = 1 em and HC = 2 cm. Find the , length of AH. 36. The sum of the measures of five interior angles of SS 4 regular polygon is 270° more than the sum of une measures of all us other mterior angles. How many sides does this polygon have? 37, Prove that any diagonal m a regular pentagon 1s © parallel (0 one of its sides 38, Prove that the mtersection pomts of the diagonals ©° of a regular pentagon form the veruices of another regular pentagon tet QUADRILATERALS If you look around you, you will see many things which have four Lines for sides. A book, a door, the spaces between the bars at a window, a slice of bread and the floor ofa square room are all examples ofa closed figure bounded by four line segments. A figure like this is called a quadniateral, In other words, a quadrilateral is a geometnical figure which has four sides. In this section we wil study quadrilaterals and their properties A. QUADRILATERALS AND THEIR BASIC PROPERTIES 1. Definitions ees A at a ga ch a aa In each of the quadyilaterals ABCD shown fi opposite, points A, B, Cand Dare the vertices 9 and the line segments AB, BC, CD and DA are 5 the sides of the quadmilateral. ABC, BCD, . CDA and ZDAB are the interior angles of 7 ; , the quadrilateral. (A, C) and (B, D} are two examples of pairs of opposite yeraices. The paws of sides (AB, CD} and (BC, DA} are opposite sides. (2A, ZC} and (2B, 2D} are {two pairs of opposite angles. ‘convex quedritaterat ‘Snce a quadnilateral 18 a polygon, it also has consecutive vertices, sides and angles. In both figures, AC and BD are the diagonals © econcave quadrilateral of the quadrilateral. Notice that in a concave quadnilateral, one of the diagonals lies m its exterior region. In a convex quadrilateral, the diagonals alway’ he mits interior region ‘The perimeter of a quadrilateral is the sum of the lengths of all ofits sides, In other words, Fw many nivel. ano permmoter ofa quadniateTal ABCD 1s AB + BC + CD + DA. 2 sia tne opposite sides, opposite angles and the diagonals in each quadriateral Solution a, opposite sides: {KM, PN} and {KP, MN} opposite angles: (2M, ZP} and (ZK, ZN} diagonals: KN and MP Questions b and ¢ are left as an exereise for you. 2. Basic Properties of a Quadrilateral |. Angles of a quadrilateral We have already seen that the sum of the measures of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon is (nm —2) - 180°. Since a quadmilateral has four sides we have n = 4, and (4-2) 180" = 2. 180 of the measures of the interior angles of a quadnateral 1s 360° 360°. So the sum ‘The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a quadnlateral 1s also 360° (smce this 1s true for all polygons) In conelusion, for any quadrilateral ABCD we have m(ZA) + m(ZB) + m(ZC) + m(ZD) = 360° and mm (ZA') + (ZB) + m(ZC') + m(ZD') = 360". BO tine ngure m(ZEAD) m(ZEBF) m(ZDCF) = Find the measure of ZADC. Solu m(ZDAB) + m(ZDAB) = 180° Gupplementary angles) m(ZDAB) = 180° m(ZDAB) = 180° 50° = 130° m(ZBCD) + m(ZDCF) = 180° Gupplementary anges) m(ZBCD) = 180" — m(ZDCF) = 180° - 7 In quadrilateral ABCD, m(ZADC) + m(ZDAB) + m(ZABC) + m(ZBCD) m(ZADC) + 130° + 60" + 103° = 360° m(ZADC) = 360° - 208° an 360° (sum of the interior angles) EDIE 31 tite gue m(ZBAE) m(ZABP) m(ZFCD) = y, m(ZCDB) = mand xb y = 105" Caleulate m +n. ‘m(ZDAB) + x = 180°; m(ZDAB) = 180°~ x (supplementary angles) m(ZBCD) + y = 180% m(ZBCD) = 180" y (supplementary angles) In quadniateral ABCD, m(ZCDA) + m(ZDAB) +m(ZABC) + m(ZBCD) = 360° (sum of mterior angles) n+ (180° —x) + m + (180"— y) = 360° (substitution) m+ 1 = 360° 360° +4 + y;m tm =x 4 y = 105° (@ + y = 105°is given) ED 32 Solution 1 Solution 2 Ina quadnlateral, the measure of the angle formed by the bisectors of two consecutive interior angles equals the half the sum of the measures of the other two angles, In the figure, ABCD 1s a quadnilateral and AK and BK are the bisectors of ZA and ZB respecuely. So by Property 2, (ZAK) — LO) m2D) 2 In the figure, DF and CE are bisectors of ZD and ZC respectively: Given that m(ZA) = 85° and m(ZB) = 75%, find the measure of ZCEF. ZD and ZC are consecutive interior angles, By Property 2, (DEC) = MZAY+ MZB) _ 85°75" 2 2 m(ZCEF) + m(ZDEC) = 180" m(ZCEF) = 180° ~m(ZDEC) = 180° 80" = 100° In quadnilateral ABCD, m(ZA) + m(ZB) + m(ZC) + m(ZD 360° m(ZC) + m(ZD) = 360° ~ 85° — 75° = 200" macas mice = MON) mZ(CEF) = mZ(CDE) + m( m(ZB), m(ZB) = 80° and m(ZAKP) = 15°, find m(ZD) 3 4. In the figure, ABCD 18 a concave quadrilateral If m(ZABC) = 18%, m(ZBCD) = 130° and m(ZCDA) ‘find m(ZDAB). Answers 1, 63" 2,120 3.110" 4. 80° Quadhilatrals If the diagonals of a quadniateral are perpendicular to each other, the sums of the squares of the lengths of opposite sides of the quadnilateral are equal. > In the figure, ABCD 1s a quadrilateral and 4 ‘ the diagonals AC and BD are perpendicular to each other. So by Property 4, AB + DC* = AD* + BC. BG the figure shows a quadnlateral ABCD whose diagonals are perpendicula. AB = 8cm, AD = demand DC = 6 emare given. Find the length of side BC. By Property 4 we can wnte AB’ + DC* = AD* + BC* Substituting the given values into this equation gives: 84 =F + BC 64 + 36-25 7 0v3 em. 90°, Show that AB* + AD* = BC? + CDF BV iva qunenustrat 500, m(z4) = m0) Solution Look at the figure. Drawing the diagonal BD E creates two night manges ADAB and ADCB. By the Pythagorean Theorem, AB’ + AD" = BD" and BC* + CD* = B So AB* + AD" = BC’ + CD’, as required. = BE Te diagonals ofa quadrilateral ABCD are perpendicular, with AB = 4 em, AD = 6 em and DC = 10 em, Poin the intersection pot ofthe diagonals, and pomt Kis on side BC such that that BK = KC, What is the Length of ER? Solution We begm by drawing the figure. Smee the diagonals are perpendicular, ‘AB’ + DC" = AD" + BC* (by Property 4) #410" = 6" + BCT BC = 116-36 Cttet act = V0 In a tight wiandle, the BC = 4J5 cm. Jengih of the median dea to the hypotenuse de ball the length of Dbypotenuee EK 1s a medaan of the right tangle BEC, and since the length of the median drawn to the Iypotenuse is olf the length ofthe hypotenuse, EK = °° = whe 2.45 em. Check Yourself 6 c 1. In the figure, m(Zc) Dc = demand CB ‘m(ZA) = 90°, Given AD }2.em, find the length of AB », 12 3 2. The diagonals of a quadrilateral are perpendicular to each other. The lengths of wo opposite sides are 8 cm and 4 cm, and the ratio of the Lengths of the other two opposite sides is 1:2. Find the lengths of the unknown sides. Answers 1 4/10em 2. 4emand 8 cm 3. Inscribed and Circumscribed Quadrilaterals insenbed quadnlateral. evehe quadnlateral A quadniateral 1s called an inseribed quadnlateral (or eyclie quadrilateral) fall ofits vertices ie on the same circle. This circle is called the circumscribed ¢ircle (or circumeirele) of the quadnlateral 3B In the figure, ABCD is an mscnbed quadniateral, s EE 39 ‘The sum of the measures of either pair of 5 opposite angles of an insenibed quadrilateral a 1s 180° In the figure, ABCD as an inscribed quadnlateral. So by Property 8, (ZA) + m(ZC) = 180° and (ZB) + m(ZD) = 180°. In fact, ifthe sum of any pair of opposite angles Jn a quadrilateral is equal to 180° then the quadrilateral is always an inseribed quadnlateral. a In the figure, ABCD 1s an inscribed quadnilateral with m(ZA) = 4x - 5° m(ZB) = 5x + 10° and m(ZD) = 3x + 10% Find m(Z0). Since ABCD is an insenbed quadrilateral, by Property 5 its opposite angles are supplementary. So m(ZB) + m(ZD) = 180" Ox + 10° 3x + 10° = 180° 8x = 160° 20%, and m(ZA) + m(ZC) = 180" (4. 209 — 5° + m(ZC) = 180" 78° + m(ZC) = 180° m(ZC) = 105° eurcumseribed quadnlateral A quadnlateral is called a circumseribed quadnilateral if all of its sides are tangent to the same circle, This circle 1s called the inscribed circle of the quadnilateral, In the figure, ABCD 1s a ctrcumsenbed ae ~~ CX ,| 7 ¢ B eas ‘The sums of the lengths of the opposite sides of a circumseribed quadniateral are equal. In the figure, ABCD is a circumscribed quadniateral. So by Property 6 k AB + CD = BC + AD, In fact, if the sums of the lengths of the ‘opposite sides of a quadnilateral are equal then the quadrilateral is always a cixcumseribed quadniateral ETE 4.0) three consecutive sides of a cireumseribed quadrateral mensure 9 em, 12 em and 13 em respectively, Find the length of the fourth side Solution Look at the figure. Let AB = 9 cm, BC = 12cm B and CD = 13 em 4 2 Since ABCD 18a ccumseribed quacnilateral, a by Property 6 we have AB + CD = BC + AD 9413 = 12 44D AD 10cm, Check Yourself 7 1. Tn the figure, m(ZA) = 2y ~ 40", m(ZB) ‘m(ZD) = 2x + 8* and m¢ZC) = By. Find the values of x and y 3x — 25", 2. Three consecutive sides of a circumsenbed quadnlateral measure 6 em, § em and 9 em respectively. Find the length of the fourth side Answers Lx =40.y= 4d 27cm TANGRAMS ‘A tangram is a geometric puzzle with seven pieces made up of five tmangles, one square and one parallelogram, The puzzle involves arranging the pieces to create different shapes. ‘This ancient game comes from China, and has been enjoyed by people all over the world since its invention. Thousands of shapes can be made by rearranging the simple pieces. You may think this is only children’s game, but you will find it challenging once you try at, Tangram is a puzzle that can be enjoved by all the family. It does not require a lot of of skill, just patience, time, and above all, imagination! ‘The figure at the right shows a pattern for mak the pieces of a tangram. Copy or draw the tangram grid and cut along the Lines to make your own tangram pieces. Alternatively you can find wooden or plastic tangram sets an most toy shops. How to Play In the classic tangram puzale, you are gven a shape which you must make by respecting the following rul 1, You must use all seven pieces 2. All pieces must ie flat. 3. All pieces must touch. 4, No pieces may overlap. 5. Pieces may be rotated or turned over. The tangram pieces can form a Limited number of convex quadmilaterals and polygons, but many more concave polygons. The figure below shows some examples of convex polygons. As an exercise, try building the quadrilaterals and polygons shown, Remember that you must use all seven tangram pieces, 7 ee O ir Basic A. Quadri Properties 1, State the paurs of opposite andy consecutive sides and angles and the diagonals in the polygon opposite. 2. Find the measure of angle x in each figure > c i @ 3. Find the measure of angle x in each figure. és ¥ a 7 4, Each figure shows the bisectors of opposite angles of a quatrilateral. Find the measure of angle x in each case 5, In the figure m(ZC) = 90°, AP and BP ate respeetwely bisectors of ZDAB and ZCBE, ¢ t and m(ZP) = 30°, And ‘m(ZADC). 6. Find the length x m each figure b, Quadhilatrals 7. Find the value of x m each figure. vb 10 8. Im the figure, AC 1 BD and DQ AD 1 AB, mZADB) = 80, PA AB = 4J3em and DC = 6em. *€ - inde Leng of BC 8. In the figure, m(ZA) © m(ZB) = 150°, m(ZO) = 60°, AD = 8 cm and BC = Sem. Find the length of DC 7 10, ABCDis an inscribed quadnlateral with m(ZA) = 70° and m(ZB) = 100°, Find m(ZC) and m(ZD) LA quadrilateral ABCD is a circumseribed quadrilateral with AB = 9 cm, BC = 7 cm and CD = 10 cm, Find the length of side AD. U2. In the figure, AC and BD are) © duagonals of the quadniateral 1 ; ABCD. Pomts P and K are 3! respectively the midpoints of sides AD and BC, and pomnts F a and £ ate respectively the midpomts of diagonals AC and BD. Show that P(EKFP) = AB + DC. 13. In the figure, AF, BF.CE © and DE are respectively the A tisectors of 2A, 28, 20 LT Sy, aud 20. Proee that wie “OEE quadniateral EKFM 1s an msenbed quadrilateral 14.In the figure, ABCD 1s a ¢ °° convex quadrilateral and 2 points E and F are respectively the midpomts of diagonals AC and BD, Prove that AB® + BC’ + CD* + DA® = AC* + BD' + (4- EF). (Fmt: Use the property of the length of a median im ABDA, ABCD and ZAFC.) 15, In the quadrilateral ABCD ‘opposite, AE = EC = 10cm, rp = 107 om, 2 BC = 10cm, DC = AD = 20 emand AB = 10V3 cm. Find the length of EF. (Hint: Use the formula given in question 14.) tea A. PARALLELOGRAM sdrlatvals ‘There are many different types of quadrilateral, but they all have several things in common: all of them have four sides and two diagonals, and the sum of the measures of their interior angles 1s 360°. This how they are alike, but what makes them dafferemt? The figure shows some special types of quadnilateral and the relavionships between them, In this section we wall look at the properties of each of these special quadzilaterals in turn. poral ites oral ove pata pret ibs E Biombex la Z yy bd 1. Definition parallelogram ‘A parallelogram 1s a quadnilateral which has two pais of opposite parallel sides » c In the figure, AB || DC and BC || AD. So quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram by defininon, Proof Cee e ¢ ASA means the Ange Side Are poole: two anglee and thee canman si ina tarde a. congrusn: to 070 angee nd @xitcommon si in soother trang, then tbe tenes os congruent EIS 41 Properties of a Parallelogram Opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent Look at the figure. Given that ABCD is a parallelogram, we need to show AB = CD and BC = DA. Let us use a flow chart proof. By definition Alternate angles ABCD ine paralielogram Given By defmition —Altemnate angles ASA / comma So opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent, as required. Nose utara eal heen the pests salle he i ofan ‘P(ABCD) = 2. (AB + BC). In the figure, ABCD 1s a parallelogram with AB=y +1 BC = 5r-8, CD = 3y -7 and AD = 2x +1. Find thelengths of the sides ofthe parallelogram, Since the lengths of opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal, AB = CD and BC = AD. So ytl=3y-7, and Qy y=4em So.AB = CD = 5cmand BC = AD = Tem Rebivene Proof The arms and aides af these parallel rulers form a parallelogram Special Qeatiletral Opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent, Look at the figure. Given that ABCD is a > c parallelogram, we need to prove ZA = 2C and 2B = 2D. Let us draw the diagonal BD. Then ‘m(ZABD) = (mZCDB) because these are A e alternate angles. Simularly, m(ZCBD) = (mZBDA), If'we add these two mequaliues side by side, we get m(ZABD) + m(ZCBD) = m(ZCDB) + m(ZBDA) ‘m(ZABC) = m(ZCDA). So 2B= 2D. Ina similar way we can show ZA = ZC by drawing the diagonal AC So opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent, 1., they have the same measure, Consecutive angles in a parallelogram are supplementary Given that ABCD 1s a parallelogram, we need to prove that m(ZA) + m(ZB) = 180", ‘m(ZB) + m(ZC) = 180°, ‘m(ZC) + m(ZD) = 180° and m(ZD) + m(ZA) = 180°. Let us extend side AB as shown in the figure Then m(ZA) = m(ZCBE) (corresponding angles) m(ZB) + m(ZCBE) = 180°. (supplementary angles) So m(ZB) + m(ZA) = 180°. Also, m(ZA) = m(ZC), (opposite angles in a parallelogram) So m(ZB) + m(ZC) = 180° Ina similar way we can show that m(ZC) + m(ZD) = 180° and m(ZD) + m(ZA) = 180°. So consecutive angles in a parallelogram are supplementary. ES 42 Ean 43 Solution In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram with m(ZA) = 2m + 10° and m(ZC) = 3m ~ 15%, Find the measures of the interior angles of the parallelogram, ‘The measures of opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal: So m (ZA) = m(ZC) = Since consecutive angles in a parallelogram are supplementary; we have m(ZA) + m(ZD) = 180° 60" + m(ZD) = 180° m(ZD) = 120° ‘m(ZB) = m(ZD) = 120°. (opposite angles) Show that the measure of the angle formed by the bisectors of any two consecutive angles an 4 parallelogram 1s 90°. In the figure, pomt E is the intersection point of the bisectors of ZA and ZB, We need to show m(ZE) = 90°. We know (ZA) + m(ZB) = 180°, supplementary angles) m(ZEAB) mZAY ang, a mens) = 2 agéingshese st no equation scby ae ene m(ZEAB) + m(ZEBA) = M&A), MLB) _ m(ZA)+ MLB) _ 180" _ poy 7 3 2 2 tn AABB ‘m(ZEAB) + m(ZEBA) + m(ZE) = 180° (sum of interior angles) 90° + m(ZE) = 180° m(ZE) = 90°. Rebivene 4G, A800 isa porattogram with AB > AD. Point E is on the sie DC such that BE = BC, AB = AB and m (DAE) = 15°, Fi the measures ofthe interior angles ofthe parallelogram, pt c ‘We begin by drawing the figure. Let m(ZC) =. ‘Then m(ZA) = m(ZC) =x (opposite anges) le m(ZEAB) = m(£C)~m(ZDAB) = x- 15° a a m(ZBCE) = m(ZCEB) (base angles m ssosceles triangle BEC) m(ZABE) = m(ZCEB) = (altemate mtenor angles, DC |B) ‘m(ZBEA) = m(ZABE) = x (hase angles m 1sosceles triangle ABE) mn ABE, m(ZEAB) + m(ZABE) + m(ZBEA) = 180° (sum of interior angles) oI ee tx = 180° 3x = 195" x= 65 Since consecutive angles in a parallelogram are supplementary; we have m(ZA) + m(ZB) = 180° 65° + m(ZB) = 180° m(2B) = 115" Since 2B and ZD are opposite angles, m(ZD) = m(ZB) = 115°. Check Yourself 8 1. Im the figure, ABCD 1s a parallelogram with AD = 2y ~ 1 Ds AB = 2x —3, BC =y + land CD =x + 9. Find the perimeter of the parallelogram. ayy a a a 2, The measure of the angle between one side of a parallelogram and the altitude drawn from one of its obtuse angles 1s 35°, Find the measures of the interior angles of the parallelogram Answers 1,32. 2, 88%and 128° Special Quadniatrals a The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other, Proof EU 45 Look at the figure. Given that ABCD is a parallelogram, we need (0 show AO = OC and BO = OD. Let us prove it with a two-column proof, 1. ABCD isa parallelogram. Given 2. AB || DC Definition of a parallelogram 3, ZOBA= ZODC and ZOAB = ZOCD __| Alternate interior angles 4. AB= DC ‘Opposite sides are congruent, 3. AOBA=AODC ‘ASA Dy 3 and 4 6. AO = OC and BO = 0D Corresponding sides of congruent triangles In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram and point O 1s the intersection of diagonals AC and. DB. AO = 3x + 5,0C = 3y-1,BO=y +2 and OD x + L are given. Find the lengths of the diagonals AC and BD. ‘The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other, so AO = OC and BO = OD. This gives the system fee =3y-1 pes yt2=2xe1 | [y=2e-1 Substitute y = 2x - 1m the frst equation: 3x -3@x - 1) = -6 Bx Gx +3 =-6 3x =-9 x=3 For x =3,y = 2x-1 y=2-3-1 y=. Sox = Sandy = 9, and AC = 2. AO = 23x + 5) = 2@-3 + 5) = 28, BD = 2. BO = 2y +2) =26 +2) = 14 Ee] Polygon ES 46 Solution Ens 47 Solution Sprcial Quadrilatrals In the figure, ABCD isa parallelogram and AE as the bisector of ZA. Given that BC = 9 em and EC = 2 cm, find the perimeter of ABCD. ‘The lengths of opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal, so BC = AD = 5 cm. Opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel, so DC || AB. Now we can wnte > B2 ¢ A a a 7 2 ‘m(ZEAB) = m(ZAED) (altemate mterior angles) AADE is isosceles (wo congruent angles m ADE) AD=DE=dcem (legs of sosceles MADE) DC = DE + EC DC=5 42 De = Tem AB=DC=7em. —_ (opposite sides) Baklava, a delicious swet Turkish pastry, 1s often cut to pieces shaped like povallelogram, P(ABCD) = 2. (7 + 9) = 24em. Ina parallelogram ABCD, DC = 12 em and point 0 is the intersection point of the diagonals AC and DB, The perimeter of ACOB 1s 24 em and the perimeter of AAOB 1s 28 cm. Find the perimeter of ABCD. AB = DC = 12 em because opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent. ‘The diagonals of a parallelogram biseet each other, solet AO = OC = x and DO = OB = y. Then P(AAOB) = AO + OB + AB Waxtyt 12 / 5 je s+ = 16¢m,and NA] P(ACOB) = CO + OB + BC BC =8em, So the penmeter of ABCD 1s 2(AB + BC) = 2(12 + 8) = 40 cm. ES 48 Itwo anges of one teiangl ar congruent soto angle of another tian, dm the teangles re similar rs 49 In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Fomt Evsthe midpomt of side AB and point Fis the intersection of Line segments EC and DB. Gwen FB = 2 emand FC = 6 em, find the lengths of DP and EF, AE = EB since point E is the midpoint of AB. Let us write AE = EB = x, 50 AB = ‘The lengths of opposite sides ofa parallelogram are equal, s0 CD = AB = 2x. Opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel, 80 DC || AB. Also, m(ZDFC) = m(ZBFE) (vertical angles) m(ZPBE) = m(ZEDC) So AFEB ~ AFCD by the Angle Ange smmlanty postulate, (alternate intenor angles) If the triangles are similar, then the lengths of their corresponding sides are proportional, so. PE_EB_FB FE x 2 FC CD FD’ 6 2x FD In the fiqure, ABCD 1s a parallelogram. Pot E 4s the mudpomnt of side DC and pont Kis on side BC such that KC = 3 - KB, Point Fis the mtersection of line segments AE and DK. DP = 2 cmand AP = 6 cm are gven, Find the lengths of FK and EP. 2. gwves us DF = FD = 4em, FD by smplifieston and erossmulepicaon we ger EF = FE = 3m, Bebivene Solution Ceee¢t ‘Proportional heen: A Ube parle toons tide of a tian wwaich interesete the tae nro ede ade oe to tides proportional, t DEY BC = se ale Special Quadrilavale Let KB = x, So KC = 3x. ‘The lengths of opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal, so CB = AD = 4x. Let P be a point on the lime segment DK and Jet us draw the line segment EP such that EP || AD. So EP || BC, because AD || BC. Suice point E 3s the midpoint of DC and EP || BC, by the trangle proportionality theorem we can say that point P 1s the midpoint of DK and so EP 1s a midsegment of ACDK. = * Also, a 2 m(ZPAD) = m(ZFEP) (altemate mmtenor angles) m(ZEFP) = m(ZAFD) (vertical angles) So AFEP ~ AFAD by the Angle Angle similanty postulate Ifthe tangles axe simular then the lengths of their corresponding sides are proportional, 1. ax fe_pe_ep rere FA” aD FD 6 ax 2 se 2 which ges us Fe=! 2 which gives us FE=2 em se 2 _FP simtaay 2 =" hich givosus FP=2 cm. Now DP=DF+FP pe=2+4=3) em 33 px=pP=3! om and sofially (Goin Ps the midpoint of Dy P= PK eRe ae =Syty BO inthe ngure, BCD isa parallelogram. Points Eg 51 Eand Fare the midpoints of sides AD and AB respectively, and point K is the intersection of EF and AC. Point N 1s the intersection of EB and AC. IEKN = 1 em, find the Length of AC, Let pomt O be the intersection of the diagonals AC and DB. Since the diagonals of 2 parallelogram bisect each other, AO = OC and DO = OB. Also, EF || BD since EF 15.2 midsegment of ADB J Rx/ Now m(ZNEK) = m(ZNBO) (alternate mtenor angles) m(ZENK) = m(ZBNO). (vertical angles) So AENK ~ ABNO by the Angle Angle similarity postulate. If two mangles are simular then thei correspondimg sides are proportional: oB EN _EK_KN NK__ 1 BN BONO’ BN BO NO" op a which gives us cm. Also, So 2>= sia which gives us NO = 2 em. Als, KO=KN +NO=1+2=3cm, AO = AK + KO = 2KO = 6 cm. (point Kis the midpomt of AO) So AC = 240 = 12 om. ABCD 1s a parallelogram and BH and BE are altitudes from vertex B to the sides DC and AD respechvely. The measure of the angle between BH and BE 1s 60", DE = 2. mand DH = 6 em. Find the lengths of sides AB and AD. Rebivene fn We begin by drawing a figure with the information in the question: m(ZEBH) = 60° and BE 1 AD and BH 1 DC (since AB || DC and BH 1s an alntude). From the figure, m(ZABE m(ZABH) ~ m(ZEBH) 90° - 60" 30" In the nght tnangle ABE, m(ZA) + m(ZABE) + m(ZBEA) 180° m(ZA) + 30° + 90° = 180° 60" m(Zay ma In the night mangle CHB, m(ZC) + m(ZCHB) + m(ZHBC) 60° + 90° + m(ZHBC) m(ZHBC) Now let HC = x. Then oe A BC = 2x bELEE = . AB =DC =6 +x Reroember: AB _6+x ina 30 6-90 Ap == twiangk, the kngth of 2 2 te side opposite 30" i AD = BC half the bgt of the hypotenuse z 24 Ott 9. 2 At64x=4x ax =10 x=pem go aB=04 = 28 mand 8o=20=22 em m(Z0) = 60" (sum of interior angles) (opposite angles of a parallelogram) (sum of imterior angles) (side opposite 30° 1s half of the hypotenuse) (opposite sides of a parallelogram) (ide opposite 30° 1s half of the hypotenuse) (opposite sides of a parallelogram) In a parallelogram, the sum of the squares of the lengths of the diagonals is equal to twice the sum of the squares of the lengths of two consecutive sides. Proof Leta, bande, fbe the lengths of the sides and = thagonals of panlogra, respecte shan wenec.o mopar 4 f= 2 +5. ¥ - Remember the theorem which rates the [eo nnedian ofa uange ands sides ifa,bant — care sides of a triangle and V, 1s the median. to side a, then 2V,° + © =p" +e" 2 In the figure above, ABCD 1s a parallelogram. Let us apply the median thearem to ADAC: 2-po? + AX = apt + pct ELE SQ the duagonats ofa paratlogram measure & em and 4/6 cm. and the shorter sie of the ‘lllogram measueshalfthelenghofslonger side Fd the pereter ofthis parallelogram Solution Let x be the Length of the shorter side and y be the length of the longer side of the parallelogram. Then from the question, y = 2x Let e and f be the lengths of the diagonals, Then, +f =e +b) (by Theorem 9) 8° + v6 = 2. + Ax) 64+ 16-6 = 10x" 160 v= 16 x=4om So the sides of the parallelogram measure 4 cm and 8 cm, and the perimeter of the parallelogram is 2. (4 + 8) = 24cm. Tul Special Qeatiletral Check Yourself 9 |. In the figure, ABCD 1s parallelogram Point O is the mitersection point of diagonals AC and DB, and DC = 9 cm and BC = 6 em. Gwen that P(MAOD) = 17 em, find P(AAOB) f 2. Im the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. bs r Find the length of the alutude BH sf DC = 6 cm. = 5, Im the figure, ABC 1s a tangle and quadnilaterals APHE and 4 DBHE are parallelograms. If DG = 2GE and AB = 12 em, find the length of EH. Answers 1,.20em 2.3¥3em 33cm & wo 3. Proving that a Quadrilateral Is a Parallelogram [As we have seen, xf both patts of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are parallel then by definition the quadnilateral 1s a parallelogram, Here are some more theorems which help us to prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram: If the diagonals of a quadnlateral bisect each other then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram. If both pairs of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are congruent then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram. If any two opposite sides of a quadnlateral are parallel and congruent then the quadnlateral 1s a parallelogram, If both panss of opposite angles of a quadnilateral are congruent then the quadrilateral 1s a parallelogram. We now have five ways to prove that a quadnlateral 15 a parallelogram: we can use the defniton or one of the four theorems above, Eu 53 eee ee ‘Side Angle Side (GAS) poor te ar DPeE usar age ‘ascangesm nga to wo tee ant et ang then the EE 5 4 Solution Write a two-column proof of Theorem 10: ifthe diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other then the quadnilateral 1s a parallelogram, Look at the figure. Given that the diagonals b fe of quadnliateral ABCD bisect each other, we SS / need to prove that ABCD is a parallelogram. In other words, we need to show that both paurs -_ 2 of opposite sides of quadniateral ABCD are parallel, : —_—! Saree Ress, A 1, AO = OC and BO = OD Gren 2, ZBOC = ZDOA Vertical angles 3, ABOC = ADOA SAS postulate by 1 and 2 4, ZDOC = ZBOA Vertucal angles 5. ZOAD = ZOCB and ZOBC Corresponding angles of congruent manges 6. AD | BC Bys 7. ABOA = ADOC SAS postulate by Vand 4 8. ZOAB = ZOCD and ZOBA = ZODC | Corresponding angles of congruent triangles 9, AB||DC Bre 10, ABCD isa parallelogram. By Gand na parallelogram ABCD, point 0 is the mtersection of diagonals AC and BD, and pomts M and. ‘Nare midpoints of DO and BO respectively. Show that the quadrilateral ANCM is a parallelogram. Look at the figure. ABCD 1s a parallelogram. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each eS aS Zo ™, ‘Mas the mdpomt of DO, so DM = MO Nis the midpoint of BO, so BN = No= 5°. Since DO = BO we have MO = NO. MN and AC are diagonals of the quadnilateral ANCM and they bisect each other, So by ‘Theorem 10, ANCM 1s a parallelogram. Show that the quadnlateral which 1s formed by jouung the midpoints of the sides of any 4quadnilateral 1s a parallelogram, Rebivene Solution Look at the figure. ABCD 1s a quadrilateral, and points K, P, T and $ are midpommts of the », sides DA, AB, BC and CD respectively. We f& c have to show that KPTS isa parallelogram. In x other words, we have to prove that both pairs of opposite sides of the quadrilateral KPTS are parallel 1 In ABDA, KP || BD. (KP is a mdseement) In ABCD, ST || BD. (ST 1s a midsegmend) So KP |i ST. anes parallel to the same line are parallel) In ADAC. KS || AC. (KS isa midsegment) Im AABC, PT || AC. (PT is a maisegment) So KS || PT. anes parallel to the same line are parallel) So KPTS is a parallelogram, since both pairs of its opposite sides are parallel. Let ABCD be a parallelogram, and let d be a line in the same plane. Then the following statements are true: 4 If lme d as perpendicular to each of AA, BB, CC, and DD, asm the figure, then AA,+ CC, = DD, + BB, 5 Tele d cuts the parallelogram ABCD such that Line ds perpendicular to each of AA,, BB,,CC, and DD, asim the figure, then AA, + CC, = DD,- BB, © Ifpoint 0 is the mterseetion point of the diagonals of the parallelogram ABCD and Ame d does not cut the parallelogram, and af line d is perpendicular to each of AA, BB, CC,, DD, and 00, as in the figure, then AA, + BB, + CC, + DD, = 4-00, Special Qeatiletral 5G The dure shows a parallelogram ABCD. Solution Proof Lane d does not mterseet ABCD and d is perpendicular to each of AS, BP, CK and DM. Given AS = 4x—1, BP = 3x +3,CK=x 44 and MD = 2 em, find the value of x By part a of Theorem 14 we can wnite AS + CK = BP + MD. Substituting the given values into this equation gives us dy-LtxtdaBre342 ax =2 Lem, In the figure, ABCD 1s a parallelogram. points A, KT, Sand B,C, S are respecuvely collinear and 1£ BD 1s a diagonal of the parallelogram, then AK = KT- KS. We will use a two-column proof See SSS EZ ee 1. ZKAB = Z KTD Altemate mterior angles 2, ZBKA= ZDKT Vertical angles: 3. AKAB ~ AKTD ‘AA similanity postulate KA _ KB 4D Corresponding sides of similar triangles aze proportional. ‘ZDAR = ZBSK Altemaie interior angles Vertical angles ‘AA similarity postulate Conesponding sides of similar triangles are proportional. By 4and 6 By9 Polygone 57 tn tne hgure, ABCD isa parallelogram, AC is 5 ats diagonal and pomts B, T, K, N and A, D,N are respectively colinesr. I BT = 6 em and KN = 5 om, find the length of TK Solution By Theorem 15, BT* = TK - TN. Substitunng the given values gives us the equality 6°= TK. GK +) Let TK =x. Then 36 * + 0x-36 @- Ha +9=0 (oy factonng) x ore =-9. Since x = -9 is not a posssible length, TK = 4m. Note Since opposite angles of a parallelogram do not need to be c supplementary and the sums of the lengths of opposite sides are C) not necessarily equal, a parallelogram cannot usually be mscbed or circumsertbed. ABCD cannot be scribed ot eiramnseribed Check Yourself 10 1. In the figure opposite, line d does not intersect parallelogram ABCD and d is perpendicular to each of AA,, BB,, CC, and DD, ICA, = 13 cm, DD, = 5 emand BB, = 11 cm, find the length of CC, 2. In the figure opposite, ABCD 1s parallelogram. Points D.E,F ——p, and @ are collinear, and point £ is the intersection of DG and the diagonal AC. If FG = 5 cm and EF = 4 cm, find the length i: of DE. Answers 13cm 2.6em Special Quatilatrels TT _ oq] B. RECTANGLE 1. Definition rectangle Arectangle is a parallelogram which has four nght angles. We can also define a rectangle as a parallelogram with one right angle, since if one of the angles of a parallelogram 1s a ight angle then the other three angles will also be right angles. In the figure, ABCD ts a ‘parallelogram with right angles m(ZA) = m(ZB) = m(ZC) = m(ZD) = 90°. A tbanknote w a common So ABCD 1s a rectangle. example ofa rectangle 2. Properties of a Rectangle Since a rectangle is a type of parallelogram, it has all the properbes of a parallelogram, It also hhas some additional properties. The diagonals of a rectangle are congruent. Proof Look at the figure. Given that ABCD is a rectangle, we need to prove AC = BD. SAI ABCD is a rectangle, so it is a parallelogram, : t AD BC (opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent) ‘AB 1s a common side of ADAB and SCBA 2DAB = ZCBA (both right angles by definition of a rectangle) (by SAS congruence postulate (corresponding sides of congruent tnangies) Moreover, since the rectangle is a parallelogram, its diagonals bisect each other AO = OC = BO = OD So the dagonals of a rectangle are congruent and bisect each other, It can also be proven that af the diagonals of a parallelogram are the same length then Uns parallelogram is a rectangle Rebivene BG The bisector of angle A of a rectangle ABCD intersects side DC at a point K such that DK: KC = 4: 3, Given that DK =16 em, find the lengths of all sides of ABCD and its perimeter. Solu Let x be the constant of proportionality Since DK: KC = 4 : 3 we can write DK = 4x and KC = 8x. Also, DK = 16 cm so 4x = 16; x= 4om, AB || DC (opposite sides ofa rectangle are parallel) m(ZBAK) = m(ZDKA) (altemate interior angles) ADAK as 1sosecles (two congruent angles im ADAK) K = 16 em (congruent legs of an isosceles triangle) K + RC = Te = 28 em C= 19 an (opposite sides) DC = AB = 28 em (opposite sides) So the perimeter of ABCD is 2 (16 + 28) = 88 cm. Q nine neue, ABCD is a rectangle and point (1s the intersection of diagonals AC and BD, Pout E 1s on the side DC and DO = DE. Given m(ZEOC) = 24°, calculate m(ZODE). ABCD is a rectangle, So the diagonals are equal and biseet each other. So DO = OC. Let m(ZOCD) = x, then m(ZODE) = m(ZOCD) = x (base angles in isosceles triangle DOC) ‘m(ZDEO) = x + 24° (extenor ange of mangle OCE) m(ZDEO) = m(ZDOE) = x + 24° (base angles in isosceles triangle DOE) In tangle DOE, m(ZODE) + m(ZDEO) + (ZDOE) = 180° (sum of terior angles) XEN +I Ha + 24" = 180" Bx = 132° xa 44, So m(ZODE) = 44° Sp md), —________________ ggg GO Arectange ABCD has side lengihs 8 em and 16 em, and point Os the intersection point of diagonals AC and BD. Find the distances from O to wo consecutive sides ofthe rectangle Solution We begm by drawing the figure. The question asks us to find the lengths OH and ON. Since ON BC, it follows that ON || AB (ines perpendicular to the same line BC) ‘The diagonals bisect each other, so AO = OC. It follows that BN = NC. So ON wamisemnentof ici ma ON'= AE, ow = cm Inasmkarvr ncn how at isto masepnen ef 48nd 081=# tt =m So ON = 8 cmand OH = 4 em. (ECO G1 tn the steure, acD is a rectangle and point Bis on the side DC. Line segments AE and BE are perpendicular to each other. Given DE = 4 em and BC = 6 cm, find the lengh of line segment EC. Solution Let us draw a Lne EH which as perpendicular to side AB. Then AHED and HBCE are also rectangles, Dae ss Let EC = x, then HB = x. Also, DE = AH cm (given), and 6 CORR Bc = 8H = bem aatso sven Pmt Buin tienen: BY the fist Euclidean theorem, a) EH = AH HB c u IAABC, tm(zey= sor | So EC and CH LAB then CH = AH HE, The Parthenon in Athens i an example ofthe architectural use of a Shape known asthe golden rectangle The golden rectangle sthougt to be the geometric form that is mast pleasig tothe human eve Check Yourself 11 1, In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle and point E is the mtersection of diagonals AC and BD. If EH 1 AB, EH = 3 cmand HB = 4 em, find the length of AC 2. The bisector of angle C of a rectangle ABCD intersects: side AD at pomt F such that DF: FA = 3: 2. Find the perimeter of this rectangle if the length of side AB is 9 cm. 3, In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle and points 4, B and E are collinear. If AC = BE and m(ZCAE) = 36°, And m(ZAED) Answers 1 10em 248em 3.18" > e Lp " A In the figure, ABCD isa rectangle. If P is any point m or on the rectangle then PA’ + PC* = PB* + PD" Proof Let us draw NK through point P so that 11s, perpendicular to both sides AB and DC as in the figure. In night triangles PAK and PKB, PK = PA* — KA® and PK* = PB? — KBP So PA*- Ka = PB*- KB". (1) In night triangles PNC and PND, PN* = PC? —NC# and PN* = PD* - ND* NC’ PD'-ND*. 2) Adding equalities (1) and (2) side by side gives PA*_ KAY + PC*— NC* = PBY— KB" + PI PB + PD* as required. 50 PC ND, which means PA + PC’ Spec D 2 vas (Pythagorean Theorem) c 8 (Pythagorean Theorem) (KA = ND, KB = NC) Note p Theorem 17 also holds af pot P lies outside the rectange: in the figure opposite, PA’ + PC’ = PBY + PD" . a (ECE GQ tne gure, pom P ss an mtenor pnt of the rectangle MNKT. Given PM = 4 cm, PN = 9 em and PK = 6 cm, find the length of Line segment PT By Theorem 17 we can wnite PT* + PN? = PM? + P: Let us substitute the given values in the equality fee PT? +25 = 16 +36 PT* = 16 + 36-25 Pr? = 27 Pr = 343 cm. GB iw the sure, point P les outside rectangle ABCD and pois A, C and P are collinear. If PC = 2em, AC = Bemand PD = 8em, find the Iength of Line segment PB. Solution By Theorem 17 we ean write PB" + PD" = PA + PC" Let us substitute the given values: PB 4 8° = 10° 42° PB* + 64= 100 +4 PB = 104-64 40 PB = 2V10 cm. 6G, svc is a rectangle and point Es on side DC with DE < EC. Point Ps the midpoint of side DA. Gwen FE | BE, FE = 12. em and m(ZEBA) = 30°, find the perimeter of the rectangle. Solu Let us draw the figure, From it we can conclude m(ZABE) = m(ZBEC) = 30° (DC || AB, alternate interior angles) m(ZCED) = 180" (straight ange) m(ZPED) = m(ZCED) ~ m(ZFEB) ~ m(ZBEC) = 180" 90° 30° pe @ = 60" Ay r In the night tnangle EDF, DF singor = DF sine ratio) * ( ) DF = sn60°-FE Dike! Harn orais 8 cords and mentersher Bp. ss ae el tage Dra 512-645 cm, bE cose0? = PE (cosine ratio) te “ ) DE = cos60": FE 2) DF = 128 cm. In the night tangle BCE, tan30°= BC, pe = BE, pe = 2298, go = 1243. B= 36 em, 50 Ee tan 30" 1 & DC = BC + DE=36 +6 =42em. So the perimeter of ABCD is 2(124 + 42) = (84 + 2443) om GBH tn the eure, ABCD is a rectangle and point Es the mndpomt of side AB. AC is a diagonal of the rectangle, AC = 11 em and EC = /46 em. Find the lengths of the sides ofthe rectangle Special Quadrilavale Solution ES 66 C¢eee¢ Secend Busldoan theorem AARC, dm(ZC) = 90 and CH LAB then ACt= AHAB. Let EB = x and BC = y So AB = 2x. Also, 2B is a right angle. In the ight tangle BEC, oP = (AB y = 46-27.) (Pythagorean Theorem) In the nght tnangle ABC, y+ @xy = yy + ax’ = 121. 2) (Pythagorean Theorem) Substituting (1) an (2) gives 46 —x° + 4x* = 101 ax? = 75 So AD = BC = V1 cm and DC = AB = 10 em. Inthe figure, ABCD is arectangle. PomtHis |) t fon the diagonal AC and DH 1s perpendicular to AC with AD = 19 em and DC = 20 em, Find the length of line segment HB. In the night triangle ADC, o 20 ¢ AC? = 15° + 20° Pythagorean Theorem) AC = 25 em re }j dis AD? = AH. AC (second Euclidean theorem) 9X 19° = AH-25 ; — 4 Alt = 9 em. In the night tangle AHD, # (Pythagorean Theorem) Rebivene Now let us construct BE such that BE AC. Then we have 4DAH = ZBCE (alternate anges) ZADH = ZCBE (chird angles in night tangles) BC = AD. (opposite sides of a rectangle) So AAHD = ACEB, by the SAS congruence postulate. So AH = BC = 9 mand DH = BE = 12 em, and HE = AC -AH EC HE = 25-2.9=7 em, Finally, in the nght ange HEB, BY = EB + EH (Pythagorean Theorem) HB* = 12° +7 HB = V193 cm. Note ‘Since opposite angles of a rectangle are supplementary, we can always. draw the circumscribed cucle of a rectangle. However, it 1s not generally possible to construct its insenbed exrcle. A Me ABCD cam be mecrined ‘mut not iseumeenneg Check Yourself 12 1, Im the figure, ABCD xs a rectangle and P isa pont m tu sts mtenor. If PA = 9 em, PC = 8 em and PD = 10 cm, ‘ ‘ind the length of segment PB. 0 2. Im the figure, ABCD is a rectangle, point Eas the 0 r midpoint of side AB and EC is the bisector of angle C. If BC = 6/2 em, find P(ABCD). wx, 3. In the figure, ABCD1sa rectangle and points E and F are on the sides AB and DA respectively. Given CE 1 FE, ‘m(ZCEB) = 49°, AE = 2 cm and DF = 4cm, find the length of segment CF. Answers 1, 343em 2. 36cm 3. 4/8 em Special Quadrilavale Cc. RHOMBUS 1. Definition rhombus. A rhombus is a parallelogram whose sides are all congruent In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram and AB = BC = CD= DA So ABCD 1s a rhombus. ‘Many objects that need to change in shape are builtin the shape ofa rhombus. The most useful property of rhombus is that since the lengths of the sides are the same, opposite sides remain parallel as you change the measures of the angles. In addition, as you change the measures of the angles, the vertices shde along the lunes of the diagonals and the diagonals remain perpendicular CEECCE 2. Properties of a Rhombus ‘The plusliam of SNe a zhombus 1s a parallelogram, 1t has all the properties of a parallelogram. It also has ‘horus thom’ some additional properties that are not true for all parallelograms Each diagonal of a rhombus bisects two angles of the rhombus, G7 the Seure, ABCD a thombus and m(ZCDB) = 52°. Find m(ZDAB) Solution We know that ABCD is a zhombus and that ats diagonal bisects two angles (by Theorem 18), So m(ZADB) = m(ZCDB) = 52° m(ZCDA) = 104° ‘m(ZCDA) + m(ZBAD) = 180" (consecutive angles m a parallelogram are supplementary) ‘m(ZDAB) = 180° ~ 104° = 76° En 68 Solution ‘Rhombi protect ws EDU 69 In the figure, ABCD is a thombus, AB = BE and points D, B and E are collinear, If m(ZA) = 64°, find m(ZBCE), ABCD 1s a thombus and AB = BC = BE. So ABEC 1s isosceles. Let m(ZBCE) = m(ZBEC) Then m(ZBCE) (base angles m isosceles triangle BCE) m(ZCBD) = 2x (extenor angle of ABEC) m(ZDAB) + m(ZABC) (supplementary angles im a parallelogram) m(ZABC) = 180° - 64 (ZABC) 2 ‘m(ZCBD) (Giagonal BD 1s the bisector of Z€BC) _ ie 2x 2x Som (ZBCE) = 29° In the figure, ABCD is a rhombus, AC 1 18 D diagonal, DH is perpendicular to AB and AK = KD. Find m(ZAKH), ut ABCD 1s a rhombus so ats diagonal bisects its vertex angles. So m(HAK) = m(ZDAK) = x and m(ZDAK) = m(ZADK) = x (base angles in isosceles triangle AKD) m(ZARH) = 2x (extenor angle of AAKH) In SAKH, ‘m(ZHAR) + m(ZAKH) + m(ZAHK) (sum of interior angles) x4 Qe + 90° 3x = x So m(ZAKH) = 2x = 60° Proof Proof ‘The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular, Look at the figure. Smee ABCD 1 a rhombus, z the diagonals bisect each other. So AO = OC 4 and BO = OD, Z| ‘Tangles ABD, ABC, BCD and DAC are < — >< congruent by defimtion. In an asosceles tangle, the median to the bases perpendicular to the base and also biseets the vertex angle. So AO LBD and m(ZBAO) = m(ZOAD) BO LAC and m(ZABO) = m(ZOBC) COL BD and m(ZBCO) = m(ZOCD) DO LAC and m(ZADO) = m(Z0DC). So AC and DB are the biseetors of each pair of vertex angles, and also the diagonals are perpendicular to each other. Itean also be shown that if either the diagonals ofa parallelogram are perpendicular to each other, or fone of the diagonals bisects two angles ofthe parallelogram, then the parallelogram isa thombus.. Ina rhombus, the sum of the squares of the lengths of the diagonals 1s equal to four times the square of the length of one side. ; In the figure, ABCD 1s a rhombus. AC and BD are the diagonals and point © is the mitersection of the diagonals, We need to prove that DB* + AC* = 4 AD’ A ¢ Smce the diagonals bisect each other, DO = OB and 40 ~ oC bp ac sop0= 28 ana ao= 4°, y In AAOD, 40 is a night angle. (diagonals are perpendicular) So AO" + DO" = AD* (Pythagorean Theorem) (22) «(40 < >< a V7 Check Yourself 13 1. ABCD1s a rhombus and point Eis on side DC such that m(ZBEC) = 99°. Ifm(ZA) = 100°, ‘and (DBE). D 2. Inthe figure, ABCD 1s a thombus, E 18a point on side AB and CE as perpendicular o side AB. If m(ZA) = 120° and BC = 2/21, find the perimeter of the shombus. 4 : : ¥ 3. Im the figure, ABCD 15 a rhombus and pomts C, E, F 3 Ar and B, A, F are respectively collinear. BA = 6 cm and 4 AF = 3 cm are given. Find the length of the Ime, This lomp stays perpendicular to tie Segment ED. wal asf ones he rom Can vou » > tape why using wou? kowedge of rho Spel Quadra ta 4. In the figure, ABCD 1s a chombus and point E 1s on the diagonal AC. EC = 8 em, AE = 28 emand AB = 30cm are given. Find the length of DE. Answers 1, 15° 2, 16V7em 3.4em 4. 26cm D. SQUARE 1. Definition D, es 7 Cason] square A square is a rectangle whose sides are all congruent, In the figure, ABCD as a square since it as a a rectangle and all the sides are congruent FE AB = BC =CD = DA We can also define a square as a rhombus ‘with four right angles. In ABCD, Adwihaatisaigiate ight ang. Board whic is duel m(ZA) = m(ZB) = m(ZC) = m(ZD) = 90° two centage, Heyer toancsy 2, Properties of a Square hessboad® square and a thembus, 1¢,; D 1. Its diagonals have the same length 2. Its diagonals are perpen dicular 5, Its diagonals biseet each other. 4, Each diagonal bisects two intenor angles. JB tn ine hgure, ABCD isa square and points E » ‘We can say that a square 3s both a rectangle and a rhombus. So it has all the propernes of a and F are on the sides BC and AB respectively, 7a FB is congruent to BE and m(ZADE) = 70°. Find m(ZDEF). Rebivene m(ZADE) = m(ZCED) = 7 (AD || BC, alternate mtenior angles) ‘Also, m(ZBFE) = m(ZBEP) and (base angles in isosceles triangle BEF) 90° 2 m(ZBEC) = 180" (straight angle) m(ZDEF) = 180° - m(ZCED) - m(ZBEF) 180° ~ 70° 49° = 65, m(ZBEF) = m(ZBEP) = 45° 7G nthe neue, ABCD is a square and ABEC is equilateral. Find the measure of ZAEB. Solution AB = BC (ABCD 1s a square) BC = BE (ABEC ts equilateral) So AB = BE and AABE is isosceles. Also, m(ZEBC) = 60" (equilateral tangle) m(ZABE) = m(2B) ~m(ZEBC) = 90° 60° = 30", In AABE, m(ZBAE) = m(ZBEA) m(ZBAB) + m(ZAEB) + m(ZABE) = 180° x +x +30" = 180° ox So m(ZAEB) = 75°. Special Quatilatrels D a f (base angles im AABE) (sum of mtertor angles) 75 inthe gure, ABCD isa square and point Eis on the diagonal DB such that CE = x + 5 and EA = 8x - 18, Whats the value of? (aides of a square are congruent) (common side of ACDE and ADE) (diagonal DB 1s the bisector of 2D) (by SAS congruence postulate) (corresponding sides of congruent triangles) (congruent sides have equal lengths) 7G twine ngure, ABCD is square and PBKE is a rectangle, Point E ts on the diagonal AC. If DC = 6 cm and the length of EK 1s half of the length of EP, find the length of EK AC bisects DAB because it 1s the diagonal of a square. So m(ZCAD) = 45° In AAPE, m(ZAPE) = 90° and m(ZPEA) = 180° (80° + 45°) (sum of interior angles) m(ZPEA) = 45° So AP = PE. Also, EK = PB (opposite sides ofa rectangle) and AP = 2 - EK. (given) AB = AP + PB; AB=3-EK AB = DC; 3-EK = 6 cm Soe. Dem, — Ea 77 Solution Eu 78 Special Quadrilavale Ifthe length of one side ofa square is b then length of sts diagonal is bv. In the figure, ABCD is a square and point E is ‘on the diagonal AC such that m(ZCDE) = 15° Find the perimeter of the square if DE = 23 em, Let us draw the diagonal DB, so DB LAC. Point O 1s the intersection of diagonals, and m(ZEDO) = m(ZCDO) ~ m(ZCDE) 49°19" = 30° In the night triangle DOE, cos 30°= 2°. po = DE-cos 30° DE 26 Baa om Also, DO = OB (diagonals bisect each other) DB = Do + 0B = Gem Ima squate, sice the length of the diagonal 1s V3 ames the length of one side, we get DB = 12 AB a0 em So the penmeter of the square 1s 4- AB = 12/3 cm. In the figure, ABCD 15 a square, Pomts A, C and P axe collmear, AC = BP and the length of one side of the square 1s 4 em, Find the length of Imne segment CP. Let us draw the diagonal DB, so DB 1 AC. Point O 1s the mterseetion of the diagonals. So BD = AC = BP = 4/9 OB = OD = 0C = 0A = 213 (iagonals bisect each other) APOB 1s a right tnangle (diagonals are perpendicular In aPOB, PO" + OB" (Pythagorean Theorem) PO" + V2)" Po! +8 = 32 PO = 24; PO = 26 cm Finally, PC = PO-CO = 26-208 = 2/6 By em Note y ‘Smee opposite angles m a square are supplementary and the sum of lengths of opposite sides 1s equal to the sum of, the lengths of the other two opposite sides, a square 1s both an msenbed and circumscnbed quadnilateral. In the figure, a od 3 ABCD is inter d an ABCD 1s a square ceunscrbed ow many suarn? Hoemanyartes’ Check Yourself 14 ow many range 1. In the figure, ABCD is a square and BD is a diagonal of the B A square. Point Eis on BD and m(ZBAE) = 20°. Find m(ZAEC). ¢ D 2. AC isa diagonal ofa square ABCD. Points E and P are on the sides AC and AB respectively; and FE is perpendicular to AC. Find the length of EC if AF = 4v9 em and FB = 2V? cm 3 In the igure, ABCD 1s a square and pots P,DandBare —p collineay. If PD = 1 em and BD = Gem, find the length of the Lme segment PC. Answers 1 130° 28cm 3 5em [Copy the shapes apporte om & piece of payer and cur them out, Cut along the doted lines 10 make four pieces from esch shspe Thea uy 10 mete « quadsiatecs fom ‘each set of four pices, E. TRAPEZOID Proof 1. Definition trapezoid, base, leg, base andes, alutude, height ‘A trazepotd 1s a quadrilateral which has exactly one patr of parallel sides. The parallel sides of the trapezoid are called yb the bases of the trapezoid, The other sides are the legs, = ‘Two angles that share a base of the trapezoid are called base angles. [a Im the top Bgure at the might, ABCD as a quadnilateral, DC || AB and AD 1s not parallel =r (0 BC, Soby the defimuon, ABCD1sa trapezoid. Sides DC and AB are the bases, and sides AD and BC are the legs. ake A perpendicular ine segment drawn from pA, any pomt on one of the bases to any pamt on. the other base 1s called an alntude of the tuapezoid. The length of any alutude 3s called the height of the trapezoud In the figure opposite, DH and PK are two altitudes of the trapezoid. Tae 2. Properties of a Trapezoi Ina trapezoid, two intenor angles that share the same leg are supplementary. In the figure, ABCD 1s a trapezoid with DC || AB, ‘We need to prove that m(ZA) + m(ZD) = 180° and m(ZB) + m(ZC) = 180". Ifwe extend AD so that points A, D and E are collinear, we get En 79 Solution Solution m(ZA) = m(ZEDC) (corresponding anges) m(ZD) + m(ZEDC) = 180° Gupplementary angles) So m(ZD) + m(ZA) = 180°, as required. Ina similar way, we can prove that m(ZB) + m(ZC) = 180° In the figure, ABCD is a trapezoid, pomts C, Dand E are collimear, and DC || AB m(ZABC) = 80° and m(ZADE) = 70° are given, Find the measures of all the interior angles of, the trapezoid, ‘m(ZABC) + m(ZBCD) = 180° (by Theorem 21) 50” + m(ZBCD) = 180° m(ZBCD) = 180° - 50° m(ZBCD) = 130° m(ZDAB) = m(ZADE) = 70" Galtemate mterior angles) m(ZADC) + m(ZADE) = 180° (supplementary angles) ‘m(ZADC) = 180° - 70° m(ZADC) = 110" So m (ZB) = 80°, m(ZC) = 130°, m(ZA) = 70° and m(ZD) = 110° In the gure, ABCD 1s a trapezoid, Pot E shes inside the trapezoid and DC || AB. Given m(ZEBC) = 2- m(ZEBA) = 2x and m(ZECB) = 2- m(ZECD) = 2y, find m(ZCEB) m(ZB) + m(ZC) = 180" (two angles that share the same leg are supplementary) 3x + 3y = 180° x+y = 60" In ACEB, m(ZCEB) + 2x + 2y = 180° (sum of the measures of mterior angles) m(ZCEB) + 2(x + y) = 180° m(ZCEB) = 180" -2- 60° m(ZCEB) = 60°, Rebivene median of a trapezoid ‘The median of a trapezoid is the hme segment that joms the midpoints of the legs. In the figure, pomts E and F are mdpoints of 7 : ; ‘The median of a trapezoid 1s parallel to the bases and its length is half of the sum of the lengths of the bases. Proof In the figure, ABCD 1s a trapezoid, DC || AB and EF is the median of the trapezoid. We have to prove that EF || AB || DC and pp AB+CD 2 Let us begin by drawing DF to intersect line AB at point G, and continue with a two-column proof: ‘Stutements i Reasons 1. ZDFC = 2GFB Vertical angles 2. ZDCB= ZRF ‘Altemate interior angles 3. CF= FB Definition of median 4. ADFC = AGFB ‘ASA congruence postulate by 1, 2 and 3 5. DP= GF Coresponding sides of equal triangles 6. DC = BG Corresponding sides of equal tangles 7. AG = AB + BG Addition of line segments 8. AG = AB + DC By 6and7 9. AE = ED Definition of median 10, EP is the midline of AADG By Sand 9 LA. EP ||AG and EF a By 10 12. EP || AB||DC and apeep Bases are parallel, and combiming 8 and 11 ExmG 81 Solution Ex 82 Solution cee et ‘Thales theoeem of eral! Ines 1 hrce or ‘more parle! Ines smaneverrale, then they bdo te emnvereale propeetonal ES 83 In trapezoid ABCD in the figure, DC || AB and EF is the median of the trapezoid, BF = Sem. AB =x Land DC =x +3000 zen, Find the lengths ofA and DC Ep —SPCD since BP ithe motion. So pextitees 2 Qu +4 = 16; 2x = 12; x= 6m. So AB = 7 cm and Di 10 cm, In tapezaid ABCD m the figne, AK = KE = ED and BP = PF = FC. Given AB = a, DC = c, KP = 9 emand EF = Gem, find a and. ‘Since AK = KE = ED and BP = PF = FC, by Thales’ theorem we obtain DC || EF || KP || AB. So quadnilaterals ABFE and, KPCD are trapezoids. In trapezoid ABFE, xp ABTEP x 6 (KP is the median of the trapezoid) (EP 1s the median of the trapezoid) Soa om. In trapezoid ABCD in the figure, AD || BC and AE and BE are the bisectors of angles A and B respectively, Gwen AD = 6 em and BC a. find m(ZAEB). b. show that DE = EC. ©, find the length of AB 0 em, Rebivene Solu a, m(ZA) + m(ZB) = 180" ¢ (supplementary angles) 5 m(Zay (ZB) >, Ho m(ZEAB) = . m(ZEBA) m(ZEAB) + m(ZEBA) = In AEB, m(ZEAB) + m(ZEBA) + m(ZAEB) = 180° (sum of the measures of mterior angles) 90° + m(ZAEB) = 180° m(ZAEB) = 90° b, Let us draw line segment EF parallel to the bases: EF || DA || CB. Then m(ZCBE) = m(ZFEB) (alternate mtenior anges) EF = FB (congruent angles in AEFB) m(ZDAE) = m(2AEP) (alternate mterior angles) AP = EP, (congruent angles in AAFE) So BF = AF = FB. Since EF || AD || BC and EF bisects AB, by Thales’ theorem of parallel lines we can conclude that EF bisects side DC. So DE = EC, and EF 1s the median of the trapezoid. c. Since BF is the median, EF cm. AAEB is a right mangle and EP 3s the median to the hypotenuse of the tangle, In a right tangle, the length of the median to the hypotenuse 2s half of the length of hypotenuse. So AB = 16 em. G4 nthe figure, ABCD is a trapezoid, AB || DC, D P Special Quadrilavale and AE and DE are the bisectors of ZA and 2D respectively. a IfCH LAB, AE = 8 cm and DE = 6 em, fd the height CH. Solution Cette ¢ Remember: ‘Apy point on the bisector ofan angle sequidistant ‘om db two sides ofthe ange. EUS 85 Smee AB || DC, we know from Example 83 that ‘m(ZAED) = 90°, In AAED, AE® (Pythagorean Theorem) e+e AD? = 100; AD = 10 em. Let us draw the perpendiculars EP, EF and EN so NE =EF (AE 1s a bisector) NE =EP. (DE 1s a bisector) So PE = EF and pomnts P, E and F are collinear. Also, CH = PF = PE + EF; CH = 2- PE. In AAED, AD-NE = DEAE (Euclidean theorem) 10: NE=6-8 nes 2 . Soc =2.EP =2-NE=“2em, NE = EP = BF) ‘The length of the segment of the median of a trapezoid which hes between the diagonals of the trapezoid is half the difference of the lengths of the bases, In the figure, EF 1s the median of uapezod ABCD. AC and BD are diagonals of the trapezoid and they mtersect median EP at pomts K and L, So by Theorem 23, KL In trapezoid ABCD im the figure, EF 1s the median and AC and BD are diagonals. Given that EK = 2 cm and AB = 10 em, find the engths of DC and KL. Bebivene Solution 1 Solution 2 BG_ sve ssa uapezoud wath AB CD, m(LD) ~ 1807, m(ZB) = 69% AD = 10 em and DC Solution Special Qeatiletral EF || AB || DC (EF 1s the medunn of the trapezoid) Since EF|| AB and pomnt E 1s the mdpomt of AD. then by the mangle proportionality theorem, point Ks the midpoint of AC. So EK 1s the midsegment of ACD, and DC me be = 2. BK DC =2-2=40m x= 48—PC ey Theorem 28) 10-4 oa KL =3em, So DC = 4cm and KL = 3 em. EL 1s the midline of AABD. So El Also, KL = EL ~EK, so KL = 5-2 = 3 em, Since EK is the midsegment of AACD, DC = 2- EK. So DC = 4 cm and KL = 3 em. Find the length of AB. We begin by drawing the figure, then draw CK parallel to AD, mmtersecung side AB at pont K as shown below. Then quadrilateral ADCK 1s a parallelogram, since DC || AK and AD ||CK. Also, DC = AK = 5 emand AD = KC = 10 em (opposite sides of a parallelogram) ‘m(ZD) = m(ZCKA) = 130° (opposite angles of a parallelogram) ‘m(ZCKA) = m(ZB) + m(ZBCR) (exterior angle property of a tangle) m(ZBCK) = 130°- 65° AKBC 1s isosceles, so KC = KB = 10 cm, (m(ZBCK) = m(2B)) AB = AK + KB =5 +10 bys = 1 cm, A G7 wine gue, ABCD a trapezoid with AB DC and pout E is the midpont of AD. Solution EXE 88 Solu Given AB = 20 cm, DC = 6 cm and EC = 12 cm, find the length of BC Let us draw EF parallel to the bases and antersecting side BC at pomt F, 90 EP || AB || DC. ‘Then EF is the median of the trapezoid, CP = FB and EP ane oe 2056 36m In the nght tnange ECF, CF = EF - EC? (Pythagorean Theorem) = 13-1 = 169-144 = 28 cF=5em So CB =2-CF = In the figure, ABCD is a trapezoid with AB || DC. pee AD = 10,3 cm, DC = 12 cm, m(ZA) = 30° and m(ZC) = 60" are given. Find the length of AB. Let us draw DH and BE such that DH AB and BE 1 DC, as shown im the figure. Then DH = BE. (altitudes of a trapezoid) In the right triangle AHD, cos30°= AM, 4H = AD-cos30° aD Rebivene So EB = DH = 5v3 cm. In the right triangle CEB, tanoo®= £8; ec EC Finally DE = DO-EC = 12-9 = 7 emandHB = DE = 7 cm, (opposite sides of rectangle HBED) Also, AB = AH + HB = 15 + 7 = 22 cm, so AB = 22. cm. (E2Q BF nine nee, aBcd sa apezoid with AB DC. Point O is the intersection pomt of the diagonals AC and BD, and AB = a and DC = c. IFKN 1s parallel to the bases then prove that 2Qa-e ate a. KO = ON. b. KN Solution a, AAKO~ AADC by the AA similarity postulate, Corresponding sides of similar aiangles are proportional, so AK _ KO a.8. ® Smnilary, ADKO ~ ADAB by the AA similarity postulate, so DK _ KO iH 2 AD AB = Adding equations (1) and @2) side by side gives AK DK _ KO, KO lava pees ro7 pc's Ima snmar way, by Using the slants ABON ~ ABDC and ACON ~ ACAB we obtain the equation raya Jot wy on betas Sp Qmdy —________________ ggg Since the right sides of equations (3) and (4) are equal, the left sides are equal, too. So KO = ON, as required. b. From equation (3) m part a we have (Gnding the common denominator) 2a c as requited, e Check Yourself 15 1. In the figure, ABCD 1s a trapezoid with DC || AB. D, Given m(ZDCA) = 38° and AC = AB, find m(2B). 2. In the Dgure, pomnt £ 1s on side BC ofa wapezoid ABCD with 4 AB || DC. AE and DE are biseetors of angles ZA and 2D respectively, AB = 20 em and DC = 8 cm, Find the length of AD. 8 3. ABCD 1s a trapezoid with bases AB and CD. Given AB = and DA = 8 em, find the height of the trapezoid, 3 em, BC = 6 em, CD = Sem 4 ABCD im the figure is a trapezoid with AB || DC. Point E is bp 6 the midpomt of AD, AB = 14 em, DC = 6 emand BC = 8 em, Find the length of BC. g Answers 4 7 2 24 1725° 2.28em 3, em 4. 12cm Rebivene 3. Isosceles Trapezoids a. Definition qs Asosceles trapezoid An isosceles trapezoid 1s a trapezoid whose legs are congruent, In the figure, AB || DC and AD = BC So ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid, age » c b. Properties of an isosceles trapezoid ‘An isosceles trapezoid has all the properties ofa regular trapezoid, It also has some additional properties. Let us look at them mn turn. ‘The base angles of an isosceles wapezoid are congruent. Proof — In the figure, ABCD is an isosceles trapezord Do c ‘with AB || DC and AD = BC. We have to prove ZA = 2B and £C = 2D. Let us draw CE so that CE || DA and point E as on AB, Then 1 ADCE isa parallelogram (AB || DC and CE || AD) AD = CE. (opposite sides of a parallelogram) ) Since AD = BC, we have AD = BC = CE and 4 LOEB = 2B we = CE) ZA= CEB (corresponding angles) 6 Le. ‘Since two interior angles that share the same leg are supplementary, 1 follows that m(ZA) + m(ZD) = 180° and m(ZB) + m(ZC) = 180", Le m(ZD) = m(ZC) (m(Zay 8 ZD= ZC, which completes the proof. It can also be shown that if the base angles in a trapezoid are congruent then the trapezoid 4s am isosceles trapezoid. Special Quatilatrels ST _______ 9q] m(ZB)) QO inthe ngure, ABCD is an isosceles trapezaid Proof wath AB || DC and AH 1 BC, IAH 1s the bisector of ZA, find m(ZC), m(ZA) = m(ZB) (base angles of an isosceles trapezoid) theme sng AB MLA es) + 00° = 180° (um ofitenr anges ota wind) MEM ucay + 00° 180° m(ZA) = 60°, Som (ZA) = m(ZB) = 60° ‘m(ZB) + m(ZC) = 180" ‘m(Z0) = 180° - 60° = 120", ‘The perpendicular projections of the legs of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent and the length of each leg equals half the difference of the lengths of the bases. In the figure, ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid 5 : with AB || DC and AB > DC. DH and CE are ‘vo altitudes and AH and EB are projections of the legs AD and BC respectively: Ae ened tosnow mat ar=e0=2B=B0, AMIN 1 aAbH = ance (SAS congtenee ponte its (corresponding sles congrient ingles) 3 DC = HE (opposite sides of a rectangle) 4 AH + BB 2. AH al So AH = EB Rebivene Q1 seco san sosceles trapezor with ABDC. Given AB = 22.em, DC = 12 em and BC = 13 em, find the height ofthe tapezad Solution Let us draw the altitude CH | AB as shown ne sn the figure. AB-CD ‘Then HB by Theorem 25, i 22-12 2 HI om. In the might mangle BHC, CH + HB* = cB (Pythagorean Theorem) 13 = 169-29 =144 CH= Dem. So the height of the trapezoid is 12 em. ‘The diagonals of an ssosceles trapezoid are congruent. Proof In the figure, ABCD 1s an 1sosceles trapezoid >, ath AB DC and AD = BC agg ‘We have to prove AC Base angles of an ssosceles trapezoid ‘Legs of an isosceles trapezoid ‘Common side of ABC and ABAD 4. AABC = ABAD ‘SAS congruence postulate ‘Conesponding sides of congruent mangles are congruent, 5. AC=BD ‘We can also conclude that af the diagonals of a trapezoid are congruent then this trapezoid. as am asosceles trapezoid. 9D 2003s an soscees trapezoid with AB | DC If m(ZBAC) = 45° m(ZCAD) = 1 AC = 6/2 cm, find the lengths of the sides of thcempr and Let us draw the altitude CH 1. AB, asin the gure, Then AAHC 1s an isosceles nght triangle, and AH = HC. Also, CH" + AH = AC* Pythagorean Theorem) 2- CH = 62)" 2.cH= 72 CH = 36, CH = 6 cm, SoaH = 6cm, We also know m(2A) = m(ZB) = Som ACHE, 10°, since these are base angles of an isosceles trapezoid cot60°= #8. p= cH-cot6o° cH Fmally, AB = AH + HB = (6 + 2V3) om, and AB-CD. p= "SS. cD = AB-2.- HB =6+23- 4/3 (6 — 2/3) cm. So the sides measure (6 + 2/3) cm and (6 — 2V3) cm. Note Inan ssoceles trapezoid, the perpendicular drawn from the midpomt e¢ of one base bisects the other base and passes through the mitersecton =) ‘pomt ofthe diagonals. This lines called the axis of symmetry of the trapezoid. In the figure, ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid with AB || DC. and PH 1s us axis of symmetry Ex 93 Solution Een 94 Special Quadrilavale If the dhagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are perpendicular to each other then the height of the trapezoid 1s equal to half the sum of the lengths of the bases. In the sosceles trapezoid ABCD in the figure, AB || DC, AD = BC and AC 1 DB AB+DC Des 0 So by Theorem 27, CH = a a ‘An isosceles trapezoid has diagonals which are perpendicular to each other, Given that the bases measure 8 cm and 16 om, find the height of this trapezoid. The figure shows an isosceles trapezoid ABCD ogetse with AB || DC. Let us draw the altitude CH so CH 1 AB Smee AC L DB, by Theorem 27 we can write AB+DC 2 6 848 -390m, 2 cH ‘This 1s the height of the trapezoid. Ifthe diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are > : perpendicular to the legs then the height of Hh the trapezoid is half the square root of the difference of the squares of the bases. In the figure, ABCD 1s an isosceles trapezoid wath AB || DC and AC 1 BC. So by Theorem 28, CH ABCD 1s an isosceles trapezoid with AB || DC, Given AC | BC, AB find the height of this trapezoid, om, Solution 1 Solution 2 Proof Let us draw the altitude CH, so CH 1 AB. 6 g—S Since the diagonal AC 1s perpendicular to BC, (A by Theorem 28 we can write cy =F =e 5 AH = AB-HB =10-2=8em In the night tangle ACB, CH? = AH BH (first Euclidean theorem) = 8h, = 16; CH = 4m In an isosceles trapezoid, the difference of the squares of the lengths of a diagonal and a leg is equal to the product of the lengths of bases. In the figure, ABCD 1s an isosceles trapezoid with AB || DC, AB = a, DC = ¢, BC = band b= 0 AC e » 5 So by Theorem 29, ¢* — ¥ Let us draw the alutude CH = h, as shown in the figure. By Theorem 25, HB= "= » » Also, AH = AB- HB so AH = a~"—* ? a So AH= 246, LE 2 Applying the Pythagorean Theorem to AAHC and ACHB gives us 4 se) and 2 Rebivene Subtracting the second equation from the first, we get a} ( & BF =a-c, as requued. [EIDE 95 The bases of an isosceles trapezoid measure & em and 12 em respectively. If the diagonal of the trapezoid measures 14 cm, find the length of its legs. Solution 1 By Theorem 29 we have = 100; CB = 10 em Solution 2. Letus draw the altitude CH, so CH LAB. Then yp AB=DC _ 12-8 2 2 Also, AH = AB - HB = 12-2= 10cm. In the right tangle ACH, CH? = AC - AH® (Pythagorean Theorem) = 14°- 10" = 96; CH = 96cm, In the night triangle BCH, BC* = CH* + BH’ (Pythagorean Theorem) = 96 +2" 100; BC = 10 cm. This is the length of the leg. inept gas Check Yourself 16 1. In the figure, ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid with DC || AB, and the diagonal AC biseets ZA, If m(ZBCA) = 72°, find ‘m(ZDCA), Special Quadrilavale IS) Proof 2 In the figure, ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid with AB || DC, CH LAB, AH = 7 mand HB = 3 cm, Find the length of DC, 3, ABCD 1s an isosceles trapezoid with AB || DC, AB = 20 cm, “ use BC = 10 cm and CD = 8 cm. Find the length of BD. Answers 1. 36° 24cm 3. 2/65 em 4. Right Trapezoids a. Definition night trapezoid A night trapezoid as trapezoid which contams a right angle Inthe figure, AB || DC and m(ZA) = m(D) = 90°. So by the definition, ABCD is a right trapezoid. b. Properties of a right trapezoid ‘A night trapezoid has all the properties of an ordinary trapezoid, and also some additional properties, Let us look at one important property If the diagonals of a nght trapezoid are perpendicular to each other then the height 1s equal to the square root of the product of the lengths of the bases. In the figure, ABCD is a right trapezoid with AB || DC, AD LAB and AC L DB. We need to prove that AD = ABDC. Let us draw DH from pomt D such that AC || DH and H is a point on the extension of AB Rebivene ¢ ee ¢ © Then, since DH || AC and AC 1 DB we have DH 1 DB. one otwopacalelioes Also, DC = HA since ACDH ts a parallelogram, ‘sperpendicular to line @ thea she other parate) Th the right triangle HDB, Ine ie sko perpendicular woe DAT = HA. AB (second Euclidean theorem) DA=VHK-AB=\DC-AB. (HA = DC) So DA= yDC-AB as required. 9G Aner trapezoid has perpendicular diagonals and base lengths 4 cm and 9 em. Find the height of is trapezoid. Solution In the figure, ABCD 1s a night trapezotd wth pg ce AB || DC, AD LAB and AC 1 DB. By Theorem 30, DA = 4DC-AB | = V9 (ESN 97 tn the sgure, ABCD isa right trapezoid wth AB|| DC and AC 1 BC, Gen AB = 13 emand DC =, find the height of the trapezoid. Let us draw the altitude CH. Then AH = DC = 4 cn (opposite sides of a rectangle) HB = AB-AH = 13-4=9em In the night tnangle BCA, CH = HA. HB (frst Euclidean theorem) 49 = 36 CH = 6 em. This is the height of the trapezoid. Sp Qmdy —_____________ jg En 98 ES 99 Solution In the figure, ABCD is a right trapezoid with AB| DC. AC isthe bisector of ZA, BC = 8 em and DC = 10 em. Find the length of AB. m(ZBAC) = m(ZACD) because they are alternate interior angles. So AADC is isosceles and AD = DC = 10 em. Let us draw the altitude DH. Then DH =BC =8cm HB AH = AB~ HB. Let AB = x with x > 10, $04] In the night tangle AHD, x" 20x + 100 + 64 x°= 20x + 64 @-4)@ - 16) =0 16. x = 4 cannot be a solution because x > 10. So. AB Ina right trapezoid ABCD, AD || BC and AD AB. AD = 8 cm, B (opposite sides of rectangle HBCD) (opposite sides of rectangle HBCD) (Pythagorean Theorem) (factonize) 6 em. IC = 15 mand AB = 23 cm are given, Additionally, pont H is the midpoint of side DC and point P 3s on the side AB such, that PH L DC. Find the length of PB. Remember that in an isosceles triangle, the ‘median to the base is also the altitude to the base. Let us draw DP and PC asin the figure. Then ADPC 1s an isosceles tnangle, because PH LDC and DH = HC. Rebivene Spec In the right tangles PAD and PBC, ‘AD* + AP* and PC" = PB* + BC* (Pythagorean Theorem) AD" + AP" = PB? + BC" (PD = PC) 8+ O38 x) =a +15" 64 + 929 - 46x +x" =a" + 229 998 ~ 229 368 Bem. So PB =8 em. Note A trapezoid can be both an insenbed and circumsenibed quadrilateral. An isosceles trapezoid 18. always an mscribed quadrilateral but not always a carcumscnibed quadrilateral, A night uapezoid is never an mscnibed quadrilateral, but 1t may be a circumsenibed quadrilateral In each figure, ABCD 1s a trapezond. 2 » ¢ », O) (5 a fy a inscribed and Anseribed bus circumseribed but ciroumseribed not eiremseribed not insenbed Check Yourself 17 1. The bases of a right tapezoid measure 5 em and 8 em respectively. If the height of the trapezoid is 4 cm, find the lengths of ts legs. 2. In the figure, ABCD 4s a night trapezoid, Hs a pomt on the ie a diagonal DB and AH 1 DB. AB = 20 em, BC = 12 em and 7 a DC = 9 cmare given. Find the length of AH. 3. Im the figure, ABCD 1s a nght trapezoid with AB = BC, CD = 3 cm and AD = 3V3 em. Find m(ZABC). Answers 1 4emandScm 2 16cm 3. 60° F. KITE Moral fying hates are in the shape ap a hte” — Proof Ceee¢ SSS (Side Side Side) ‘eotulane: {f che toms fides of one tian can be paimd with the tze sides of another triangle ooh that the idee in cach pai are congruent, en te wanges ax congruent 1. Definition kate A lute as a quadrilateral with two pairs of consecutive congruent sides and two non-congruent ‘opposite sides, In the figure, AB = AD and BC = CD, and also AB # CD. So the quadnlateral ABCD 1s a kite, As we can see, a kite consists of two tsosceles tangles with a common base BD. ‘A square and a thombus can also be dimded into (wo isosceles triangles mth a common base, Therefore, the properties of a kite are similar to some of the properties of a rhombus and a square. 2. Properties of a Kite ‘The two angles formed by the non-congruent sides of a kite are congruent angles, In the figure, ABCD 1s a kite, AB = AD and : CB =CD. We need to show that 2B = 2D. Let us draw the diagonal AC. Smee z B AB = AD, (even) cB=cD (even) and AC = AC o then by the SSS postulate, AABC = AADC So £B= 2D, as required, Rebivene The diagonals of a kite are perpendicular, Proof In the figure, ABCD 1s a kite, AB = AD and CB =CD. We need to show that AC L BD. Let us draw the diagonals AC and BD. Then AABC = AADC by the SSS postulate. Therefore, y ZDCA = ZBCA (corresponding angles of congruent triangles) ZCDB = £CBD (base angles of the asosceles triangle DCB) m(ZCDB) + m(ZCBD) + m(ZBCD) 2. m(ZCDB) +2 m(ZOCD) = 180" m(ZCDB) + m(ZOCD) = 90° 180° (sum of mterior angles) In aDoc, m(ZCDB) + m(ZOCD) + m(ZDOC) = 180° (sum of terior andles) 90° + m(ZDOC) = 180° m(ZDOC) = 90° So. AC 1 BD, which is the required result. Notice also that since ADCB 1s isosceles and DB | AC, DO = OB. [EXD 100 0 tne npsre opposite, ABCD 18 a kt with . AB = AD and CB = CD. dss Ifm(ZA) = 4: m(ZC)~10" and m(ZEDC) = 95", {find the measure of each interior angle of the te, Special Quatilatrels m{(ZADC) + m(ZEDC) = 180" (supplementary angles) m(ZADC) = 180° - 99° = 125° m(ZADC) = m(ZB) = 125° In quadnilateral ABCD, m(ZADC) + m(ZB) + m(ZA) + mC) 2-125" + 4- m(ZC) ~ 10" + m(ZC) 5. m(Z0) m(Z0) 4 m(Z0) - 10° (given) 4. 24°— 10" = 86", 360° (sum of ntertor angles) 360° Finally, m(ZA) (EE 1 OT ma tae ave, AB = AD, CB = CD and £ is the intersection point of the diagonals. If m(ZEAD) = 30° and BE = 3 em, find the length of AD, Solu In the figure, BD L AC and BE = ED. Ao So ED = 3em. In the right tnange AED, side ED 1s opposite the 30° angle and we know from trigonometry that the length of the side opposite 30°1s half the length of hypotenuse. 80 AD = 2ED = (EESTI 1 2 tn the eure, ABCD as a hate, AB = AD and CB = CD. Poms £ and P are the midpoints of sides AD and CB respectively, Find the permeter of the kite sf EO = 5 mand OF = 3 cm. Solution The diagonals of a kite are perpendicular to each other, s0 BD 1 AC. Also, OE and OF are medians of the right wiangles AOD and COB. In a right triangle, the Jength of the median to the hypotenuse 1s equal to half the length of the hypotenuse. So AE = ED = EO = 5am, and AD = 10 cm. Sumulanly, BF = FC = OF So P(ABCD) = AB + AD + CB + CD =2AB4+2BC (AB = AD and BC = CD) (0 + 6) = 32m, cm and so BC (EZIEES 103 m tne gue, abcd is a hate, AB = AD, CB = CD and ABEC 1s an equilateral triangle. If m(ZA) = 70° and m(ZABE) = 40°, find m(ZADE), DC = BC = EC = EB (sides ofan equilateral triangle) m(ZEBC) = m(ZBCE) = 60° (ontenor angles of an equilateral mangle) m(ZABC) = m(ZABE) + m(ZCBE) 0° + 60° IX = 100° A bas sni28) = miz0) = 10° Koo In qusdraeal ABCD, m(ZA) + m(ZB) + m(ZC) + m{ZD) = 360" (sum of mtertor angles) 2- 100° + m(ZC) + 70° = 360° m(Z0) = 90° m(ZDCE) = m(ZDCB) ~ m(ZECB) = 90" 69° = 30" ADCE 1s isosceles because EC = CD, and so ‘m(ZDEC) + m(ZEDC) + m(ZECD) = 180" (sum of mtentor angles) 2- m(ZEDC) + 30° = 180° m(ZEDC) = 78°. Finally, m(ZADE) = m(ZADC) ~ m(ZEDC) = 100-75" = 23" (EOI 1 04 ta tne figure, ABCE isa ite with AE = EC. Given AE = 6 em, ED = 9 em, CD = 3 em and AB = x, find the value of x Special Quadrilavale Solution We know AB = BC = x since ABCE 1s kite. 4 Let us draw the diagonal BE. Then BE bisects ZABC and ZCEA. © 0-6 ©) soby the angle bisector theorem in AABD we wo Iagetinene teem: | reve ee neo one ata tongs AB AE then tie the aD ED orcad pme Zetenlo Or oe eda ate nang Note A late as always a circumsenbed quadnlateral, but itas not always an inscribed quadrilateral because opposite angles of a kite may not be supplementary. In the figures, ABCD asa te. etrcurneribed but ‘not inscribed | The pattern of the Piaxza del Campidaslio in ‘ome includes many kite shapes Inserfbed and creummsetbed ‘Cut four congruent right viangles from a piece of paper, Show how the four tuiangles can be put topether o make each quadrilateral, ‘8 shombus a rectangle 4 parallelogram that is neither a rhombus nor a rectangle a trapezoid akie DS he Dos | Reber Check Yourself 18 1, Inakite ABCD, AB = AD and CB = CD. If m(ZB) = 40° and m(ZC) = 110°, find m(ZD). 2. Im the figure, ABCD 1s a kite, AB = AD and m(ZBDC) = 60°. A IECD = 12 em and DA = 3/7.em, find the length of AC i “i 5, In the figure, ABCD is a trapezoid with AB || DC, and ABCE pt © isa kite with BA = AB. IfCD = 17 em and DE = 7 em, find A the length of AB. ? 4. Inthe figure, ABC isa tangle and AFED isa kite with FE = ED. Points F, E and D are on the sides AB, BC and CA respectively, and FB = 4 em, BE = 6 cm, EC = 8 cmand CD = Tem are given. Find the length of AF Answers 1, 40° 2.9¥3cm 3.10cem 45cm Special Qeatiletral A. Parallelogram 1, Find the measures of the mterior angles of each parallelogram, using the mnformation given. a » a c 2, Each figure below shows a parallelogram wath one or more angle biseetors. Fmd the penmeter of each parallelogram, using the information given ae p b age _e [4 a | c. boo ce & c st e f 2 " LA 7 ivr rs 3, Complete the flow chart to prove that a diagonal of a parallelogram divides the paralellogram into’ ‘wo congruent tangles. A 2 Given; parallelogram ABCD with diagonal BD Prove: AABD = ACDB o ¢ Proof: DED Reflexive propos 4. In the figure, AFCE isa © parallelogram, DE = BF and pomts B, F, E and D are collinear. Prove that quadrilateral ABCD 3s a a . parallelogram. 5. In the figure below, quadniaterals KLMA and ABCD are parallelograms. Points K, A and B are collinear, and pots M, A and D are also collinear. Prove each statement by using either a paragraph proof, a flow chast proof, or a two-column proof. “Leet » c LM || DC c ZK and £C are KA supplementary Rebivene 6 Im the figure, AC and BD c axe diagonals of the » quadniateral ABCD. Poms Y PandN are the midpoints of sides AD and BC J 7 respectwely, and points Land Kare the midpomts of diagonals AC and BD respectively: Prove that quadrilateral PKNL is a parallelogram. 71m the figure, ABCD sa» ‘ parallelogram with BH LAD eee and BH va If m(ZHCD) = 20°, find 2 m(ZABH) 5 8 In the figure, ine d and parallelogram ABCD have no common points «"s* and d 3s perpendicular to each of Ad, BB,, CC, and DD,.1fAA,=7em, w BB, = 9 em and DD, = 3 em, find the length of ce, In the figure, ABCD isa, c ponatdopam. tomes 8. SL] KBE and C, D, B are respectively eolbnear, and AC 1s the diagonal of the parallelogram. Given BK = 4/Sem and FX = 6 om, find the length of EF UO. A parallelogram ABCD has side lengths @ and b and diagonals with lengths e and fifa +b = 13 em and a - b= 36 cm, find the value of + J* LI, ABCD 3s a parallelogram with AB > BC. Pomt £18, on side BC such that CE; EB = 3 1, and pont F 1s the intersection of DE and AC. If AF = 8 em and PE = 4 em, find the sum of the lengths of DP and FC. 12, ABCD 1s a parallelogram and pomts E and F are the muidpaints of sides BC and CD respectively, AF and AE intersect the diagonal BD at points M and N respectively. Prove that DM = MN = NB. 13. Im the figure, ABCD sap parallelogram, point B 1s midpoint of side AB and pomt 0 1s the mtersecton of the diagonals AC and BD. If 4 > OF = 3 em, fina a the ratio b, the length of BD. FE 14, In the figure, ABCD isa) c parallelogram and pomnts A, Band E are collinear, f Point F isthe mtersection of DE and BC. f fos If AD = 7 em, BE = 6 cm and FC = 4 om, find P(ABCD), 15. inthe figure, ABCD isa ys parallelogram and CP bisects ZC. FE 1 EC, | AF = FE, AD = 10 cm and DC = 18 em are" a gyen. Find the penmeter z of the nght mange EB. 16. Inthe ngure, ABCD sa», c © parallelogram andDEand XS , AE bisect ZD and ZA) respectively. HEHLAD, “&———-S, AH = 20m and DH = 4 em, find the length of CF U7. In the figure, ABCD 1s a a © Darallelogram such that 2. DE =3- EC, EF || BC and AC = 40 em, Find the length of KN. is " 18. In the figure, ABCD isa y prc 9 parallelogram and AP and. BE are the bisectors of é ZA and ZB respecuvels IfAB = a and BC = b, show tat EP = 2b —a B, Rectangle 19, One side of a rectangle measures 12 cm and its diagonal measures 13 cm, Find the perimeter of this rectangle. 20. The length of the longer side of a rectangle 1s tovce the length of its shorter side, I'the penimeter of the rectangle 1s 36 em, find a the lengths of the sides of the rectangle. . the length of the diagonal 2L, Calculate the length x m each figure. ap c b In) =x 22, Complete the paragaph to prove that if the diagonals of a parallelogram are congruent then the parallelogram is a rectangle Given: ABCD is parallelogram py c and DB = CA. Prove: ABCD 1s a rectangle. Proof: ¥ i Opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent, so DA Also, AB = BA by the reflexive property of congruence. Since DB = CA (gven). ADAB = ACBA by b.. 2DAB = ZCBA because ¢ and ZDAB and ZCBA are supplementary because they are a angles. ZDAB and ZCBA ase night angles because e Hence ZCDA and ZDCB are also right angles because f So ABCD is a rectangle by Paygone 23. Im the figure, ABCD is ap c £ @ a rectangle, If CD = BC and m(ZADE) = 19°, find the measure of ZCEB 24, In the figure, ABCD as a rectangle and point O is the mtersection of the dzagonals AC and BD. If AE = OB and ‘m(ZBDC) = 30°, find m (ZEOB). 25. ABCD is a rectangle with AB > BC. Hisa point on. diagonal AC, and BH is perpendicular to AC. BH also divides AC into two line segments with lengths 9 em and 16 cm, Find the perimeter of ABCD. 26, In the figure, point O isthe yy ‘ Imersecnon athe dagons FEZ 7 of the rectangle ABCD. If m(ZOBC) = 60", find 2 4. the length of the diagonal b. the lengths of sites 27, Inthe rectangle ABCD im they c figure, CE 1s the bisector of ZC and point E is the midpomt of side AB. If CE = 6v2 cm, find the perimeter of the rectangle. Special Qeatiletral 2B, In a rectangle ABCD, pig pot £ 1s on side DC, AB = AE,AD=Scmand 5| BC = 1 em, Find the length of DE. 29, Ina rectangle ABCD, p g c pomts E and F are on sides DC and AB respectively z a Foe It FB = 2 cm and BC = 9 cm, find the lengths of AF and EC. 30.tma rectangle ABCD, pomtE ys x © 4s on side DC and point P is the intersection of BE and the diagonal AC. If AC 1 BE, DE = 5 emand AD = 6 em find the length of AB 31, Ina rectangle ABCD, pomts © fg and F are on the diagonal DB. Gen AE | DB, CF DB, AB = 4emand AD = 30m, ‘find the length of EF ¢. Rhombus 32, In the figure, ABCD is a i shombus with m(ZA) = 100° and _m(ZBEC) Find m(ZDBE) 4 c 33, Im the figure, ABCD 1s a ne rhombus and ABE 1s an je equilateral mangle. If m(ZD) = 110°, and ‘m(ZBCE). 34, Im the figure, ABCD 15.2 be c rhombus, pomt E is on / side DC and AE is the J bisector of ZDEB. If /\/ j meat) = 30, ond AL im(ABE) £ ° ‘85, Find the perimeter of a rhombus whose diagonals ‘measure 24 em and 32 om. 36, Quadnlateral ABCD m the 2 ¢ figure isathombusand BE 1s perpendicular to AD. If 9 AE =6cmand ED = 4 cm, find the lengths of diagonals of the rhombus. 87, In the figure, AABC isa night 4 triangle and the quadnlateral BEED is a rhombus, IAB = Demand AC = 12cm, find the length of one side of the thombus 38, In the figure, ABCD 1s a shombus and point Es on the diagonal AC MAE = 7cm, EC and AD = 9 cm, find the length of DE. 39, In the figure, ABCD is a rhombus. Given FE AD, ‘m(ZDAB) = 120", EA = Sem and EF = 2¥3 cm, find the Length of FC. D. Square 40, In the figure, ABCD 15 a square with AE = BC and m(ZCDE) = Find m(ZEAB). es AL, In the figure, ABCD isa square and AADE is equilateral. Find m(ZBFD) and m(ZBED). b c 42.1 the figure, ABCD 8 a © square, pomts B, D and E are collinear, and BD = EC. Find m(ZDEC) and m(ZDCE) Wr 4 43, Complete the two-column proof to prove that ma square, any pont taken on a diagonal is equidistant from the vertices on either side of the diagonal, Given: ABCD isa squareand point Ps on diagonal DB. Prove: AP = CP Proof: Sutements | Reasons reine propery of congruence rgfuence pastute 44, In the following squares, P is any point. Calculate x im each figure, using the given lengths. Special Qeatiletral In the figure, ABCD isa yy 4 square, AE = 6 cm and fR | BD = 8/2 cm, Find the length of DE. . 46, In the figure, ABCD is ap ¢ square and DE bisects ZADB If AE = 2 em, find the perimeter of the square. 47. Ima square ABCD, point Eis c on side BC and DH is 4 perpendicular to AE. IEBE = 3emand CE = 1em, find the lengths of DH and HE. 4 a 48, Ina square ABCD, pomt Eis on the diagonal AC. EAE = 2cmand BE = 10cm, find the length of one side of the square, 49. Im the figure, ABCD sap ¢ square and and pout E as on the diagonal AC. IDB = 2x -2,EB=x+4 and AB = 89 cm, find the length of EC. ‘50, In the square ABCD in the © figure, pomts C, F, and B, A, E are respectively collinear. DP = 2FA and FC = 213, find the lengths of EF and De. Given that Slim the figure, ABCD 3s a» ¢ square and EF || AB If AE = DE = EF = 9 cm, find the perimeter of the square 52. Im the figure, ABCD is a 9 square and points E, A and B are collmear Given m(ZEDP) = 90°, cE=SamandBF =6em ‘ind the length of EF. E. Trapezoid 53, In the following trapezoids, the bases are shown by parallel Lines, Caleulate x in each figure. a b oe i c Each figure shows the lengths of the bases and the median of a trapezoid. Caleulate x m each case. A >: Rebivene 55, Each figure shows the median and diagonals of a trapezoid, Find the unknown Lengths an each, cease, using the information gven. a ‘ b . 56, The median of a trapezoid divides the trapezoid into two mew trapezoids. If the lengths of the ‘medians of the new trapezoids are 8 em and 12 em, find the lengths of the bases of the original trapezoid, 57. In the figure, AD || BC IPN. Given that AD = 12. om, BC = 4em, AN = 2 em and 4 ‘NB = 6 cm, find the length of PN, , ‘58. In a trapezoid ABCD, D c AB || DC and DF and CE bisect 2D and 20 respectively. If AD || CE KX and mZDFB) = 130, 5, find the measures of ZA, 28 and ZCKP 69, m the quadnlateral == ABCD im the figure, AB || PN | DC, and AP and DP are the bisectors_,& 7 a of ZA and ZD respectively. IfDC = 4 em, PN = 6 emand AB = 14 cm, find the length of AD. 60, In each trapezoid below, pomt Os the intersection of the diagonals and KP is the Luve segment passing Uuough this point which 3s pazallel (0 the bases. Find x m each figure, a 8 b kPax G1, In the trapezoid opposite AB || DC, DH 1 AB, PT 1 AB and points P,O and T are collmear. and DH = 6 cm, find the lengths of OP and OT. . ABCD 1s a trapezoid wath AB || DC o i Prove vat AC" + DB’ o 69, In a trapezoid ABCD, bs AB || DC and AC and BD aredngomals.AB= 120m, ‘i BC = 9 cm, AD and DC = 6 emare given, IfAC = e and BD = f find the value of e + J, Sem (Hint: Use the formula from question 62.) G4. In a trapezoid ABCD, vc AB IDC. “ 0 Given AB = 37 om, BC = 30 em, ae] 16 em and i DC = 3 em, find the height of the trapezoid. 65. Prove thatim a trapezoid, the angle formed by the bisectors of any two interior angles Uat share the same leg is a right angle, and the intersection of these bisectors hes on the median of the trapezoid. 68. In the feure, ABCD isa trapezoid with AB || DC, AN, BK, CK and DN are the bisectors of 2A, 2B, ZC and 2D respectively. Given AB = 12cm, DC = 4em, BC = 10 emand AD = 8 cm, ‘and the length of KN, (Hint: Use the theorem from question 63.) 68. 08 ‘Thefigureshowsa trapezoid =) ABCD yath AB || DC and AD = BC. Decide whether each statement is true or false a WB a. ABCD1s an isosceles trapezoid. ZA = Band 2D 220 cc. m(ZA) + m(ZD) m(ZA) + m(ZC) = 180" AC = DB DO = OC and AO = BO ZOAB = ZOBA and ZDAO = ZCBO 80° and AADB = ABCA, AAOD = BOC and AACD = ABCD. AB- DC 2 ramos HB In the figure, ABCD 1s an. dpe asosceles trapezoid with eo AB || DC. If BH as the bisector of angle B and BH 1 AD, find the = £ = measures of the interior angles of the trapezoid |. Prove that if the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are perpendicular to each other, then the height of the uapezoid 1s equal to half the sum of the lengths of the bases. In the figure, ABCD is an 0, c trapezoid with AB || DC and AC 1 BD. IfDE = 3cmand AE find the length of CH. Asosceles Rebivene Ti, In an ssosceles trapezoid wath base lengths 13 em. and 5 cm, each diagonals perpendicular to a leg. Find the height of this trapezond ‘72. Find the lengts of the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid whose base lengths are 6 cm and 18 cm, gqven that one Leg measures 10 em. ‘78. In the figure, ABCD is os _¢ wr mts pend of wth AB | DC, and AP and DP ate bisectors of Zaand 20 vespecrwery, Given EF 4 AD, EF = 30m, DC = 8 cm and AB = 12cm, find the length of BC ‘74, Find the length x m each trapezoid. Special Quai 75, The diagonals ofa night trapezoid are perpendicular to each other. Given that the bases measure 6 cm and 24 cm, find the height of the trapezoid 76, Im the figure, ABCD 1s a" night trapezoid with | AB || DC and BD is the bisector of 2B. A rr ‘8 IAD = 8 emand AB BC, 16 em, find the length of 77. the night trapezord ‘ ABCD shown opposite, AD || BC and DE 1 EC. If AD = 2em,aE=Gam py, and BE = 3 om, find the » lengths of BC and DC Ao FoR 78. In the figure, ABCD is a right trapezoid with AD || BC, and CE bisects ZBCD. If AE = 2m, DC = 13 emand # ho BC = 10cm, find the length of AB. 78. m the nght trapezoid ABCD DC an the figure, AB || DC. Given AP = PD, PC 1 BC, #| De = demand AB = 12cm, find A 12 B a the length of AD. . the length of BC. c. m(ZB). 80. Inthe right trapezoid ABCD, »_2_¢ 84, In the figure, ABCD 1 a 9 45 || DC and AE LBC. ate with AB = AD = x Given AB = BC, DC = 2.em and CB = CD = y. and AE = 4 cm, find the x m(ZA) = 60° and Length of AB m(ZC) = 120° are given Rind the rao of x t0 y. F. Kite 85. nthe Ogure, ABEDisa BL. In the figure, ABCD 1s a inewuindiie Béand 7 h 2 Jute with AB = AD and Giiem cB =co. If m(ZA) 3 (20) ‘ : INS BE = 2 BO. fi m .m ae i : " and m(ZD) 15°, find, the length af DC, the measures of ZA, 2B and ZC. 86 In the figure, ABCD isa kite 4 © with AB = AD and CB = CD. , Given m(ZBAD) = 90% » a cD = JO em and ac = 4em find the Length of AB. Zia G2. In the figure, ABCD is a late with AB = AD and CB = CD. Af m(ZBAC) = 48° and 8 m(ZACD) = 26°, find 87. In the figure, ABCD 1s 2 oo f 4 m(ZDBC) and m(ZBDA) ¢ 83. In the figure, ABCD 1s a late s a late with AB = AD and with AB = AD and CB = CD. i CB= CD. A,B, Band Given m(ZB) = 105° and» D D, F, C ate respectively AD = 4 em, find the length of collinear, and the ay De. : diagonals of the Jate measure 9 cm and 6 em. If t FC = 2. DF and AE = 2. EB, find the length of EF. 8B. In the figure, ABCD is a thombus and BEFC 15 a square. Ifm(ZDCB) = 108°, nd m(ZAEF) 89, 2 In the figure, ABCD is a trapezoid with AB || DC, BC = 6V3 em, DC = 4 cm, m(ZA) = 60° and ‘m(ZB) = 30°, Find the length of AB. 80. In the figure, ABCD is a c parallelogram and DE and 2D and 2A respectves. LE La, Poms A, B and H are collinear, CH LAH, AE = 4 emand BC = 3 cm, ‘and the length of CH. 91. Beyza and Rana are designing 1 kite fo look like the one at the night. Its diagonals will measure 44 cm and 60 om, and the students will use nbbon to connect the midpomts of the sides. How much ribbon will Beyza and Rana need? Special Quadrilarvals 92. In the figure, ABCD 1s a ©° jae, sAHD isan equilateral tmangle and CEFD is a square. If m(ZBCD) = 40° and m(ZCDH) = 49°, find m(Z HEE). 3.1m the gure, ABCD 1s a rectangle. Given EH 1 BD, AE = EH, DH = 5 cm and HB = 8 em, find P(AFHD) 94.Im the figure, ABCD say © trapezoid and ADCE 1s a te. Given AB || DC, " pe 9 cm and AB = 12 cm, find the length of EB ‘ 2 B 96. In the figure, ABCD is a D c SP patsogam ana ak, [Te Bk, CP and DP bnect > “A 22, 2 and D respectively, AB =a & ; and BC = bare even, 4. Prove that TPSKis a eetnge b. Prove that TS = PK Colt eee 1. Introduction to Polygons © Acurve can be defined informally as any figure which you can draw yathout lfang your pencil from a pisos of paper + Acurve which never crosses itself called a stmple eurve © A.closed eurve begins and ends atthe same pomt © A cure which is both simple and closed is called a ‘simple glosed gure © Appolygon ae simple closed curve that i made up encmely ‘of stmight line segments such that 1 each line segment intersects exactly two other line segments and the segments intersect only at their endpoints, and © no cwo segments with a common endpomt are collinear * Each line segment in a polygon is k called a side of the polygon. The intersection of two line segments as called a vertex (plural vertices). fv In the figure opposite, AB and BC are two sides of the polygon Points A and B ave two vertices of the polygon ZCDE is called an interior angle ofthe polygon and Dis an exterior angle A polygon is called convex :f the lines wich contain the sides do not comtain points in the antenor of the polygon © Apolygonis called concave if any ef the lines which contain the sides also conta pointe mm the interior of the polygon e t ‘ mf af wy ys 2 convex polygon ‘+ Polygons can be given special names according to the ‘number of sides they have acaneave polygon (wamber ofaies i Trane iepaaon a ET ET 5 [estan [1 nag G hesigon —|__1__ deesgon Tigao |[__w org ‘We name a polygon by Isang the capital Itters presenting its conse cutive vertices in order A diagonal of a polygon is a line segment that joins two vnon-conseeutve vertices Acconvex polygon with n adesias 3) aagemals 2 ‘The sum of the measures of the interior angles of an re-sided polygon is (n —2) - 180" ‘The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of any polygon is 360° ‘The figure which is constructed when we extend the sides ‘ofa convex n-gon for n > 43s called an n-pointed star ‘The cum of the measures of the imterior angles at the comars of sn n-pointed star is (n - 4) 180" A polygon is called equilateral faite des are congruent, ‘and equiangular afallits mterior angles are congruent A polygon which is both equilateral and equiangular is ‘called a regular polygon. ‘The measure of each interior angle of a regular n-sided polygon is (= 2)-180" | ang the measure ofeach exterior 360" anges A polygon 1s called an tnscrtbed t polygon (or cyche polygon) ifall of 1 its vertices lie on the same circle ‘This cies calledthe circumscribed excle (or circumeircle) of the i polygon Pentagon HUKL opposite 1s an insoribed polygon A polygon is callada circumsenbed polygon if all of its sides am tangent to the same circle This ‘arcle 1s called the imsenbed excle ‘ofthe polygon. The pentagon opposite is circumscribed polygon. ‘A egular polygon is always an inscribed and circumscribed ‘polygon, and the centers ofits inseribedand circumscribed carcles coincide. Conversely, if the inscribed and ‘cucumsonbed cucles of a polygon comcide then the polygon is a regular polygon Rebivene + Ifan n-sided regular polygon has side length ¢ and ifr and R ame the mda fof 1s msenbed and careumscribed caacles spectively: toon a ean tan Bo * = 2. Quadrilaterals ‘+ Aquadrilaterl is a polygon which has four sides. + Ina quadrilateral, tne measure ofthe angle formed by the bisectors of two consecutive interior angles equals the half the sum of the measures of the other two angles + If the diagonals of a quadrilateral are perpendicular to each other, the sum of the squares of the lengths of opposite sides are equal + A quadnateral 1s catled an msonbed quadrilateral (or ‘yelic quadlateral) if all of sts vertices be on the same carcle This carck is called the citcumsenited eicle (or carcumaucle) of the quadniateral + The sum of the measums of opposite anghs in an inscribed quadrilateral is 180° + Aquadrilteral is called a circumscribed quadrilateral if all of ats sidos are tangent to the same circle. This cucle 1s called the insenbed ercle of the quadniatersi *+ The sums ofthe lengths of opposite sides ofa circumscribed quadndateral are equal R 3. Special Quadrilaterals 1. Parallelogram * A parallelogram is 2 quadnlateral with cwo pairs of opposite parallel sides It has the following unique properties Opposite aides are congruent 2 Opposite angles are congruent. Consecutive angles are supplementary 4 The diagonals bisact each other 5 The sum of the squares of tine Jengths of diagonals is equal to twice the sum of the cquams of lengths of (wo consecutive sides © A quadriatera] is necessarily a parallelogram if the quadeilaeral has any of the following properties 1 The diagonals bisect each other Both paits of opposite sides are congruent (One pair of opposite sides are paralle] and congruent, 4 Both pairs of opposite angles are congruent. * A. parallelogram cannot usually be cucumsonted wath a cud, inscribed or Rectangle A rectange 1 a parallelogram which has four night angles. It has the following umque properties Its diagonals are congruent. © Ima rectangle ABCD, if P is any interior or exterior point of the mctan gle then BA? + PC? = PB* + PD It is possible to construct the circumscribed circle of a rectangle, but itis not generally possible to construct its insonbed arcle Rhombus ‘Ashombus i a parallelogram whose sides ae all congruent. Ithas the following unique properties 4 Each qiagonal bisects two angles of the rhombus, ‘The diagonals are perpendicular 9 The sum of the squates of the lengths of the diagonals ss equal to four times the square of the length of one ce, It is not usually possible to construct the circumscribed circle of a rhombus, but it is possible to construct ats ansonbed oucle Square ‘A square is a rectangle whose sides are all congruent It fas the following unique properties: 4 Its diagonals have the same length © te diagonals are perpendicular Its diagonals lisect each other Its diagonals bisect its interior angles. ‘A square 1s both an mecnibed and axcumseribed quadailaeral. ‘Trapezoul ‘A trapezoid is a quadrilateral which bas exactly one pair of paralle] sides. It nas the following umigue properties Two anterior angles that shate the same leg am supplementary © The median of trapezoid is the Tine segment that Joins the midpomts of the lege The median is parallel to the bases and its length is half the sum of the lengths of the tasos © The length of the cegment of the median of a uapezoid ‘which bes between the diagonals of the trapezoid 15 ‘equal to half the difforence of the lengthe of the bases. Chapter Surumary ‘An isosceles trapezoid is a trapezoid whow legs are congruent [thas the folowing unique propertis. 1 Its base angles are congruent ‘The perpendicular prqections of the legs are congruent and the length of each legaquals half the difference of the lengths of the bases Tis diagonals are congruent 4 The perpendicular drawn from the midpoint of one base bisects the other base and passes through the intersection point of the diagonals. This line is called the axis of grmmeuy of the isosceles wapezoid © Ifthe czagonals are perpendicular to each other then the height 1s equal to half the sam of toe Jengths of the bases, © [the diagonals are perpendicular to the legs toen the height ws equal to half the squave root of the ¢ trapezoid and ADCE 15 a kite. Given that AB || DC, é De = CE, EB = 7 and AB = 11, find the length of CD. Ayo B) 45 o4 D)3 E) 2 IL. In the figure, ABCD is aD square and DEFG is a rectangle. If DE = 2-EF and AC =12N3, what xs the | penmeter of the rectangle | DEFG? . * A)12 B18 C20 DAA) 3D. 12. m the figure, ABCD 1s a ps trapezoid with AB || DC. IE m(ZC) = 60", 4 AB=0,BC=4 ‘ and DC = 3, what 1s the length of AD? AS BW? C6 DWI HT 13, m the figure, ABCD is a» rectangle Given DE LEF, DE = 2 BF, AE = 8 cm and FC = 2 em, find the length of BC ‘ A)4em 8) Sem C)6em D)8cem £) 10em 14. ma quadnlateral ABCD, AB LAD and 3 m(ZC) = m(ZD) = 60" IAD = 8 cmand uw DC = 10 cm, what is the 4“ length of BC? A) v3 em +B) 32 em ©) 6 em D) Sem ©) 343 em. 15. In the figure, ABCD is an 2 r isosceles trapezoid with AB || DC. IfAD = DC = CB, ‘ To ? m(ZACB) = 90° and AB = 10, whats the length of AC? A)2V3_ By 3V2 Cy 42D) VBE) GV 16. In the figure, ABCD is aD c parallelogram, IAB = 2. EB, AP = 3. FD. and KB = 4, what 1s the length of FK? 49 Bil O15 Die EIB Rebivene FINSWERS TO EXERCISES EXERCISES 1 Ja 1,3,4,5 b.3,5,6 ¢.3,5 2 a. no, because itis not a simple curve b. yes c no, because it 1s not a closed curve 1. yes e. no, because not all sides are ne segments 3. a. A, B,C, D, E, F b. vertices: {A, B}, (B, C}, {C.D}, {D, Ey, (E, F}, (F, A} angles: (2A, 2B), (ZB, ZC}, (2C, 2D}, (2D, ZE}, (ZE, ZF}. (ZF, ZA} 4a. conver D.concave convex d. concave 5.a.ahexagon b.a pentagon ¢.aquadnlateral d.anonagon 7 2 polygon ABCDEF 1b polygon MNPRK . polygon STXV 4. polygon KLMNXYZ 8. a side AB 1s 4, BC1sb, CD is¢, DAs b. side MN 1s, ‘m, NP is n, PRs p, RK 1s r, KT wk, TM 18 c. side XV 18 x, YZ 18 9, ZT 157, TX ist d. side KL 1s k, LM 1s f, MN 1s ‘m, NH isn, HG isk, GK is g. 9. a. AC, BD b. no diagonal c. TX, SY, XZ,YP,ZS 10. a 27, 84,90, 189 b. 1260°, 180°, 2340°, 3420° 11.2.7 b.10 c.14 20 12.4.8 b.10 ¢ 12 4.18 13. 1260° 14 antenor angles: 60°, 80", 100%, 140°, 160°; exterior angles: 120°, 100°, 80°, 40°, 20° 19. 138° 16. 140° 17. 123° 18. 18° 19. 22 20. no, since (7 — 2). 180° = 128° + 6. x (x < 128°) and sox = (1286)" 21.3 22a no a. yes e.yes Eno 25. a, 140°, 150°, 187.5° b. 40°, 30° 22.5" 24.24 29,14 26. 36° 27.30" 29. a, 4/3 em b. 26cm 29. mseribed 2 cm, circumscribed dem 30.a 8em b. 4/3 em 31. 20V3em 32. 8VSem 35.39" 34g 35,31 em 36.8 | opposite sides: (SN, TM), (NM, ST); consecutive sides: (ST, TM}, (TM, MN}, (MN, NS), (NS, ST}; opposite interior anges: (2S, 2M}, (ZN, ZT); consecutive imtenor angles: (25, ZT}, (ZT, 2M}, (LM, ZNb, (ZN, 28): diagonals: (NT, SM} 2. a. 85° b. 50° c. 80" 3. a, 95° b. 110° © 70° 4 a 10° b 60° ¢. 70° 5. 180° 6a GB ba eS 7038 BAG S.2NTFem 9. A1em 10. m(ZC) = 110, (LD) = 80" 11. 120m 19, PE and PK are midsegments of AADB and AACB respective So PB || AB |FK and PE = FK= “2, pr and Bx are midsegments of ADAC and ADCB respectively. So PF || DC || EK and PF = EK PS sore) an + 15. Hint: Show that ZMEK and ZMPK are supplementary, and ZEKF and ZEMP are also supplementary.) 10.9 em a ee 1a m(ZA) = m(ZC) = 70%, m(ZB) = m(ZD) = 110" b. m(ZA) = m(ZC) = 98°, m(ZB) = m(ZD) = 122° © m(ZA) = m(ZC) = 54°, m(ZB) = m(ZD) = 126" 2 a 24 -b 28 c.30 d.28 ©.36 £26 3 a. Defminon ofa parallelogram b. Alternate interior angles c. AD || BC d. Defimtion of a parallelogram ©. 22 24 f Alternate interior angles g DB = DB hh. ASA congruence theorem 4. Draw AC. Point 0 1s the mtersection of AC and EF. Since the diagonals ofa parallalogram bisect each other, AO = OC and OE = OF, DO = EO + DE and OB = OF + FB. Smce ED = BF and EO = OF (given) we get BO = DO, So the diagonals of ABCD bisect each other and so ABCD sa parallelogram, 9. a. ZL = ZKAM (opposite angees of the parallelogram KLMA); ZKAM = ZDAB (vertical angles); ZDAB = ZC (opposite angles m parallelogram ABCD); L.= ZC 6. PK and NL are midsegments of ADB and ACB respective, So PK] AB || LN’and PK = LW = 42 pL, and NK are mdsegments of ADAC and ADCB respectively S0 PL ||DC|KN and PL = NK= PC. So PRNL 6a parallelogram, 29° 8. 96m 920m 10.194 11, Sem 18.0.2 b18em 14. 30em 15 24cm 15 4Bem 17 em 15. ZAKB = ZEKF = 90°, Draw aline segment through point K and parallel to BC. This hne segment wall be the median of nght trianges AKB and PKE. Then use the fact that the length of the median drawn to the hypotenuse 1s half the length of the hypotenuse, 1) 34em 204. Gem, 12 em b. 6S em >! 0, SB b VOB © JIBT 7 a CB b the SSS congruence theorem ©. corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent d. consecutive interior ©. they are congruent and supplementary £ opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent g. the defmition of a rectangle 23. 30° 24, 49" 29.70 em 20. a, 12 em BBC = AD = 6 cm, AB=DC = 63cm 27. 36cm 2%. em v5 cm. 29 AP = s0em,£C=7om %.dem i, Lem 32 19 34.65" 34.50" 35 600m %.BD= AC = 845 cm 37 em 38 BT em 89 Bem 40. 40" 1 m(LBED) = 100%, m(ZBED) = 40° 42, m(ZDEC) = 30°, m(ZDCE) = 15° 43. a, Definition of a square _b. ZCBP c. Diagonals biseet vertex angles. 4. AABP e. ACBP £ Congruent angles ¢. Congruent line segments have equal lengths. 44. a /26 b. 4v3 ¢. V74 16 oy ue= 33 d.2/T] 49.10 em 48. (6 + 8V2)em 47, DH= em 48. 8¥2em 49.2¢em 00. EF = VTS, DC=6 91.32cm 5? GVSem 53.0 20° bbs ¢ 20" d4a 2 b7e¢10d1,y=3, 2 bas )a=12,¢=8 Ca=1l,x=29,y=29 99. 6em, Idem 7 10cm 58. m(ZA) = 80 mea) =20, mene) = 1 0.6m 0a. BB ee at. cm. o7=% em 0) Gin te ab 2 the law of cosmes, or draw alutudes and use the Pythagorean Theorem.) 63, 289 04, em Go. Lem 07 all of the statements are true 68. m(ZA) = m(ZB) = 60°, m(ZC) = m(ZD) = 120° 10. 4V2em 71. Gem 2. 40Bem 73. Vem Tas b10 61245 7 126m 7 10em 77. BC = 9em,DC = J13V.em [8 120m 79 a Bem b 8M em © 45 $0. Sem 61 m(ZA) = 97.5%, mZB) = 115°, m(ZC) = 325° 82, m(ZDBC) = 64°, m(ZBDA) = 42° 83. 4/Zem 84 J3:1 85. 10em 86 Bemor32em 87 5em es.e1r 69.26em 90, om 91. 104em 92.10" 93, Lem 04.7em Y a in = im P| wu = in | wi oc oA LD 9B Le 2 8 2D 10. 5 aE 10. D aA w. c 3B aD aA Ty "e 2.2 a. oD aA wc “@ A ac 2B 5B 13. a 8B 13, c Bc BA 6 14. 8 E 4B 6D Mc 2B 18. D 2D 1 OE 2 = wD aoc 16. x 16. B a3 16. 3 sea ie adjacent sides another name for consecutive sides, alternate exterior anges. see transversal alternate énterior angles, see transversal. altitude of @ trapezoid a libe segment drawn from any point on one of the ‘bases of a trapezoid to a point on the other base, perpendicular to the base altitude of @ giangle, a segment from a vertex of a triangle that is perpendicular {to the ade opposite the vertex, or to the line containing this ede. An akitude may {—-——"} ue inside or outside the triangle ‘angie Btseotor a:ray that vides an angle nto two congruent angles. In the figure, ray OB is the bisector of ZCOA gle bisector of triangle a segment that bisects one of the angles of a triangle, and whose endpoints liz on the triangle base augies ofan seosceles ytangle: the two angles formedby the base and each leg of an isosoeles triangle base orgies of @ trapezoid a pair of angles ma trapezoid that share the came base, 2A and ZB are base angles in the figure. ZC and 2D are also base angles. A base of qn tscsceles grangle’ the side of an sosceles triangle ‘hich is adjacent co the two congruent sides base ofa trape2cid exther of the parallel sides of a wapezoid. circumscribed circle (rcumcircte) a emele around a polygon }waich passes through all the vertices of the pelvgon. sroumsersbed polygon a polygon whose sidesare all tangent to the same curck, eircursseribed quadrilateral a quadrilateral whose sides are all tangent to the same aurele. closed @vvve. a curve that begins and ends at the same point ccllixear Collinear points or line segments lic on the same ine complementary angles Two angles are complementary if the lsum of their measures is 90° Each angle is called a Jcomplement of the other angle concave polygon (rion-gonver polygon) |A polygon 1s concave if at leas: one line that containsa side ofthe polygon contains fa polnt in the interior ofthe polygon. The Htigare shows a concave polygon a concentric gtvcleseincles that have the same center but cifferent mai congyuent angles angles which have the same measure congruent Brie aegmenss. line segments which bave the same length congruent triangles Two triangles are congnient if their Jangles and sices can all be paired so that paired angles bave the same measure and paired sides have the same length consecutive sides two sides of a polygon which share 2 consecutive wertices. two vertices of a polygon which share a ]common side Jconvex polygon. A polygon is convex if tae tines wich contaim its sides do fnot conta points tn the interior of the polygon, ‘convex polygons corresponding qr gles. sea transversal cure any figure which you can draw without lifting your ‘pencil fom a piece of paper cyclic polygon another name for an insersbed polygon cyclic quadrilateral. another name for an inscribed ‘quadrilaterat. ecagon a polygon with ten sides @uugenal a line segment that Joins two non-conse cutive ‘vertioes ofa polygon, egutangular polygon a polygon whose angles are all congruent ceguitateval polzgor. a polygon whose sides are all congruent equllazeral eriaugte a triangle with three congruent sides epiagan a polygon vath seven sides. ‘hevagen a polygon with six sides: ‘inscribed errele a civole drawn inside 2 polygon such that ‘every side of the polygon is tangent ro the circle. snscribed polygon (eyltc polygon). a polygon whose veruces allie on the same cixcle ‘nuscribed quadrilateral a quadmlateral whose vertices all Le on the same circle ‘isosceles trapezcicl a trapezoid whose Jegs are congruent ‘sesceles triangle a tangle which has at least two congruent sides, ‘ie. quadrilateral with two pairs of consecutive congruent ‘sides, whose opposite sides are not congruent L legs of ar tossceles eagle the two congruent sides of an ssosceles triangle legs af aright wiangle the two sides ofa right triangle which orm the right angle lege @'@ tapecoid the two non-parallel sides of a trapezcid. uM median @f @ trapezoid: the Tine segment that connacts the ‘mldpomts of the lags of a tapezod median of @ wiangle a line segment from a verex of a tmiangle to the midpoint ofthe side opposite the vertex midpoint ef a-segrcent the point that divides a line segment nto two congruent segments eidsegreent of a triangle a line segment that connects the ‘midpoints of two sides of a tnangle negon (e-xeded polygon) a polygon with sides ‘nonagon a polygon wath mine des nron-eonvex polygon. another name for concave polygon ‘ectagon a polygon with eight sides P parallelogram a quadrilateral with two pairs of opposite parle sider pentagon a polygon wath ve sides penmter efa polygon the sum ofthe lengths of the sides of 2 polygon perpendicular bisector of @ segment the Ime that is perpendicular toa line a gment at se midpoint polygon a simple closed curve formed by thie or more straight line segments such that each segment intersects, exactly two other segments (at its endpoints), and no wo segments with a common endpoint are colinesr quadrilateral a polygon with four sides. sundecagon’ a polygon with eleven sides v eres ef @ polygan. the common endpoint of any two sides ofa polygon vertical @xgles: either pair of equal angles formed by to straight lines In the figure, 20 and 2) are vertical angles S recansie a paralelogam which contains four right angles regular polygon. a polygon which is both equilateral and. lequiangular ‘rhombus a paraltelogram whose sides are all congruent ight trapezoid’ a trapezoid which contains a right angle right tangle a triange which contains a right angle side af a polygon one of the Ime segments which form 2 ‘polygon similar triangles) Two triangles are similar sf their angles ‘and sides canall be paired so that paired angles are congruent and pated sides share the same proportion, simple ourie a curve which never crosses itselfin the plane suave a parallelogram wich has four congroent sides and, four right angles supplementary angles’ Two angles are supplementary if the sum of the measures is 180" Each angle is called supplement of the other angle 7 tescellocon a collection of plane figures that All the plane ‘without any gaps or overlaps cronsversal a straight line that intersects two or more straight Imes jin a plane. When 2 wansversal intersects a pair of lines, eight angles are formed In the figure, f35 a wansversal Za and Zh ate ono [pair of allernate exterior angles Ze ‘and d are one pair of altemate interior angles, 2k and 2d are one ‘pair of conesponding andes vrapesoid a quadnilatera] whic has exactly one pair of parallel sides, eytengle a polygon wath thiee sides

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