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Gospel Rescue

Woshington, DC

Volume 5, lssue 3
Summer 2004

President Bush errrrrrrrends Gnllfi

Speaking to a group of 1.600 at the First White House National Conference on Faith-Based and
Communit]' Initiatives on June 1 in Washington. D.C.. President Bush highlighted GRM's ministry as an
erample of a faith-based organization reaching out u'ith compassion and love to help those in need.
Brad Lassiter. a GR\l prc-rgram graduate and emplol-ee at the \\'orld Bank for almost six years. met
\\ ith the President for a half hour prior to the President's talk. Brad
related hou'his life had been dramatically changed while at GRM.
We werehonored when the President later recounted Brad's story to
the conference attendees.
\n ercerpt is reprinted belou.:
"Let me tell )'ou about ,Jr r- lir, 'a*r\'to\

this story. It is a success

|c Jofu D. Jrskon
story because of a faith- cre-uttvr t}reror
based program. Brad wGErngron, O.C.

Brad, right, with Darryl Green at the Lassiter hs's the young-
\\'hite House Faith-Based Conference. est of 17-children. He spent
I ltlrer.kd ffi** *,:"g"* i* H*,or*:tiff . ". F,i, h B,ed
rhc oDhi,_i_..- .

^rost of his childhood without a home. His education ended in the ::il.Id**ffi iJif# I*,I*."H#"T1H ;,:X,Ttf . *"o
4th grade essentially, he was abandoned and lived on the street
- to drugs, took a bullet in the mouth, actually,
got addicted at
-one point in his life, went to prison. And Gospel Rescue
Ministries gave him a place to live when he came out of prison.
See. he started reading the Bible in prison. It is a powerful change agent when you start reading the Bible in
prison. And this guy was lost. and now he's found.
He said this here's u'hat Brad said 'God blessed me. The Mission gave me an opportunity to change
- -
m1' life spirirualll. education-s ise and to build character. They made me $'ant to change.' Actually, they
u ere the agents Brad, they u-ere just the messenger. when he finished his recovery I want you to
- ed on the streetsrirugaddict, couldn't read beyond-thethird grade
no\\' he has a job at the \\'orld Bank. and he's goin-q to college to study computer science. America -
America changes one heart at a time. one soul at a time. ..." -
GnM badly fur rreed of new eargrr van
The need to haul food, supplies, equipment, clothes, furnishings and a variety of
other items has grown significantly over the past year. Our in-kind donations have
increased and our ongoing renovation work at the Mission requires frequent hauling of
debris and trash. Our cuffent cargo van is beyond repair.
A low-mileage cargo van can be acquired for less than $15,000. A friend of GRM has
offered to donate $ 1,000 for each $2,000 that is raised to purchase this van. Assuming
$10,000 is raised in response to this challenge, the matching gift would be $5,000, cover-
',g tl. cost of the van. Please use the enclosed response card if you
are led to help us
urchase the cargo van.
Perhaps you know of someone who might want to sell or donate a cargo van in good shape to
GRM. Please let us know by calling Don Melvin at202-842-1731. Thank you!
Starting $rith a bang...!
GRM kicked off the summer with an outreach to local teens
in an effort to help prevent drug
and alcohol use among young
people. Performers from as far
away as South Carolina and as
near as our own building shared
positive and encouraging mes-
sages and music with our guests.
Far left: Transforming Lives
Ilinistn- resident
Shelton performs a gosPel mime.
Top right: GRM's Systems Administrator,
Ardel Joseph, enjoys the day with his family.
Bottom: Several of the Fulton House residents
dance along with Trinity Baptist Church's
version of "Stomp." The kids, from Columbia,
SC, took part in the event during a week-long
mission trip to D.C. v

GRM Visits Joe Gibbs'Youth for Tomorrow Calvary United Methodist in Arlington
hosted GRM residents and staff once
again for an annual worship visit and
picnic. We thank them for the great wor-
ship, company, food...and, of course, those

After Chaplain Denny Glusko and several

young people from Joe Gibbs' school for troubled
youth had come to volunteer at both Easter and
Summer Explosion, we thought it was time to pay
them a visit. The GRM Men's Choir, along with
volunteers Deborah Davidson and Kevin Klock,
traveled to the Manassas school in early July and
Above: Calvary's Bob
Weick with TLM residen
David and Kevin.
performed some inspiring songs for the teens. We Right: TLM's Anthony
think TLM resident Wesley may have a future shows off the bounty he earned with his
career as a gospel rapper! water balloon skills.
Congress School of Tornorrolv expands CIII.,.
memberse program through partnershiP
The School of Tomoffow at GRM has
staff take had a Commercial Driver's License pro-
'"suits oft gram for the past 10 years, and now with
their a new partnership with the Maryland-
based Driver Training and Transporta-
backs" tion Management. the school is
GRM's Darnell Wainwright and amplifying the program.
Virginia Stewart, above. are going back The expanded CDL program is Cawarnest Cruse
to work, and they received suits at the Cruse,
under the direction of Cawarnest
first annual Capitol PuTSUIT DRIVE on
CtsO of DTTM and an experienced driver trainer and
eFill to help get them on their way.
The July 14 event, which yielded thou- DMV compliance auditor. Cawarnest believes that the en-
sands of dollars worth of clothing for the hanced CDL pro-qram u'ill enable more people to get good
area's needy, was sponsored bY The jobs. "CDL is the best training program to get into a job
American League of Lobbyists, Career and make substantial money quickly to be able to take
Gear, Working Wardrobe, and Men's care of one's family." he said.

GRM has been blessed to have local corporate partners who will offer
jobs to men and women in their final phase of the Transforming Lives or
Fulton House program. One such partner is Paradigm Management, a
real estate developer that happens to have a brand new building right
across from GRM. In the Meridian at Gallerl' Place apartment building,
TLM resident Wiltiam Rogers has been rn'orking as the evening concierge
William in the Meridian since May.
at Gallery Place lobby, William enjoys his duties of assisting residents, giving directions and infor-
wEere ne serv-es as night mation, redommending;estaurants and entertainment venues, and doin$ night
concrerge. security. "It's a really good group of people to work for," he said.
William has extensive experience in the service industry, so the job at
Meridian is an excellent fit. For his longterm goal, he plans to go
back to school to become a youth counselor and work with
troubled teens.
Another of our partners is the World Bank, which has been
home to more than 40 Fulton and TLM graduates as they go back
to work. Currently nine of our graduates are employed there.
Mimi Teshome is one of those graduates. Mimi has been
working as a file clerk since November. With years of experience
n the hospitality industry, she is enjoying a career field that is
Mimi, second from left, at
new to her. In fact, she has decided that she would like to continue
graduation in December 2003.
in clerical or admin work longterm.
Transitional Ilousing plan unveiled
GRM held an open house on June 12 to celebrate various program anniversaries and
share plans for our enlarged rransitional Housing Program. GRM's Executive Director,
John Jackson, introduced Bob Boulter, of Faithworksn Inc., who will take the lead in
making the necessary community and funding connections to develop the program. we are
thrilled that, over the course of the next two years, we will greatly increase our ability to
place program graduates in transitional housing with enhanced aftercare supportive services
as they get back on their feet.

Thank you for your generosity! You are invited...

In our May newsletter, we announced a goal 0Transforming Lives
of raising at least $20,000 by June 30 for the initial Ministry and Fulton
transitional housing investment. Many GRM House of Hope
supporters responded with a gift of $20 or Graduation, Saturday,
more to become charter members of our September 11, Calvary Baptist Church
transitional housing team. These gifts, (at the corner of 5th and I Streets, NW).
combined with a matching grant, helped Come and be blessed by the awesome
us to exceed the $20,000 goal! testimonies of transformed lives!
OGRM's Annual Appreciation
Banquet, Saturday September 25, 6-9
Our current volunteer and in-kind needs: pffi, Mclean Bible Church on Route 7
Skilled painters and carpenters in Mclean. Special guest speaker will
Twin sheet sets be Jim Towey, Director of the White
Towels House Faith-Based Office. Come share
Office supplies in the celebration of our volunteers and
Please contact Tracey Daniels at (202) 8A-1731y238 if you can help.
supporters ! Free. RSVP:

Sirrging for eaeh other ...

GRM has been treated to music by several traveling youth groups this surrmer. Since our residents and
Samaritan ovemight guests feel so blessed by the teens' spirit and talent, often the GRM Nlen,s Choir will
bless the youth right back by singing some of their own jammin' original compositions. Here is a sample:
God is the Engineer by Rocshell Baker
Welcome aboard, this train is heaven bound,
And it's resentedfor those who've sened the crown.
You don't have to worry about yourfare,
Jesus paid the price for you to be there.
So just relax, put your mind at ease,
God is the engineer.
No baggage required and no worries about
what to wear. The GRM men sing to the teens.
Teens from Temple Baptist Whatever's desired, you know it's going to be taken core.
Church in Nova Scotiao Canada, If Jesus has been your Might, or claim tofame,
sing to the men. There's a seat for you, reserved in your name.
-Betreat brings rerrewal The Fulton House was closed July 26-
30 so that the women could spend the week at Camp Oak Hill in Nottingham, PA for retreat. a
It was the end of a phase for the older residents and a break before they start looking for work.
All of the women helped out with cooking, maintenance, and gardening. Each day we had a
new experience. We went to the Mennonite Information Center and toured the tabernacle. We
visited a farm, ate a wonderful meal in an
Amish home and received a history of the
Amish faith. We were caught in a torrential
dou'npour as a tornado whipped throu_eh
Lancaster: sratefullv. u'e made it back to
camp. \\-e toured the Herr's Potato Chip
plant. boated and kayaked on a nearby res-
erv o ir,_1 au ghg!_ qr,lthe _l _0 0 - {.-w aters I i de,
swam, played water volleyball. biked. took
long u'alks. ate lots of good food and n'ere
or-erall retieshed. The follou'ins are com-
ments from the women:
My experience at camp u,as relaxing and exciting at the same time.
I enjoyed our tour of the Herr's Potato Chip factory, and was very
impressed by the way they recycle their heat, water, and starch. I
had my first experience kayaking on the lake. eftrrryl
leamed thete is more than God's presence and- quiet spiritual time. It's love and God is love. It's learning

:ynow the Ashburn family can share love and teach about it. I had a lot of fun and now it's time to go back to
reality! But I'm taking new baggage with me. Aitqfurio
Camp Oak Hill is a spiritual experience as well as an opportunity to escape from city chaos and enjoy nature.
It is definitely a fun experience. It is also an opportunity to interact and help others have a great camp experi-
ence. liqni'zn
It was truly a blessing for me. The freshness of air and trees and the green grass. I thank God. A Uzzn
I enjoyed my week at camp. I loved the walk through the woods and the peace and quiet. This - is truly God's
At Camp Oak Hill you can feel God's presence all around. Jl4ail,
_ - T -
really elioyed my week at CampOak Hill. It was a very peaceful week^ and you can feel the quietness
moving all around you. kan ltp
Camp Oak Hill has been a mind altering experience in the way of enjoying God's creations, getting high off of
aa1:.d[:s. Qtu@fre
,,1 knew thst I needed a I came to D.C in January from Baltimore. I decided to just
myplace of venue. I was tired of doing drugs. I always
spirituel rebirth in :*t1i.
was able to keep a job and money, but the problem arose when I
my lW. ..." got the money. I just didn't have the strength to stop using.
I had heard about the Gospel Rescue Ministries and I knew that
I needed a spiritual rebinh in my life. I thank God that I was ac-
cepted into the program in February.I have actually noticed a change in myself. I enjoy
going to church. I am dealing with my daughter, and it feels good to have my daughter
back in my life. I am working on getting my driver's license. This is just truly a blessing,
iust beins here! WaI,Jan
"Closing Thoughts"
John Jackson Gospnl Rrscur MrNrsrRrns
Exeurtive Director of lVashington, DC
Dear Friends and Partners of Gospel Rescue Ministries,
810 sth Street, NW
As summer draws to a close and we plan for the busy Fall season, we are \ilashington, DC 20001
continually reminded of the real benefits (not just fringe benefits) that God (202)842-173r
has promised to those who are faithful and obedient to His call. Psalms Fax: (202)898-0285
103:3-5 lists some of these benefits: "Who pardons all your iniquities; Who
heals all your diseases; Who redeems your life from the pit; Who crowns
you with loving kindness and compassion; Who satisfies your years with ExBcurrvE DTRECToR
good things." John Jackson
Thank you for your support and words of encouragement over the Derurr Execunve Dlnrcron
summer months. We continue to see many changed lives and are trusting Don Melvin
God to work a miracle in many more lives during the remainder of 2004.
Our plan to increase transitional housing and to enhance aftercare Boeno or TRusrees
David Van Duzer
supportive services for men and women continues to move forward. We
hope to make some major announcements on the progress at our annual
appreciation banquet on September 25. Please join with us if you can. Jane Bond William Harper
Your heart will be blessed abundantly as program men and women give John Jackson Albert Manola
testimonies, in word and song, of God's healing mercy and saving grace.
Rudolph Pruden Charles Robinsr
When we join together on September 25, tt will be my privilege to turn
over my responsibilities as Executive Director of GRM to Don Melvin, Al Lawrence Donald Melvin
currently Deputy Executive Director. This culminates a lengthy period of
Jeff Wright
planning and transition. Don is fully qualified to assume these responsi-
bilities and has been associated with GRM for over 12 years. Don is a man
of God and has a real heart for the ministry at GRM.
I have served as Executive Director for over four years and it is time for
me to support the programs of GRM on a full-time basis in the areas of de-
velopment, fund raising and community partnering. My extensive contacts
M#selem cfiurh?
in the business communtty, area churches and government circles, and my fECFRE
many individual friendships developed over the past 52 years in the Wash- a;9p"5
ington D.C. area, will help to maintain a strong base of financial, prayer,
volunteer and in-kind support for the GRM ministry.
I am fully committed to the GRM ministry and will be available to men-
tor and assist Don Melvin in any way possible. I will continue as a Board
member and carry the title of President of GRM. Please continue to en-
courage Don Melvin and the GRM staff with your prayer, volunteer and
financial support.
I look forward to an ongoing close relationship with many of you, and
hope to have more personal contact to share what God is doing at GRM.
With God's continued blessing, let's claim many more lives for His glory--
Please send us qn email.'

trophies of God's grace.
In His Service"

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