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Gospel Rescue

Waslingtan, DC

"A Chance to WorlC' World Banh Conrtnues to Help Transform Lioes!

ne of the funCa=.::a. aspecrs of \(orld Bank i:as opened some new job
^1/\, *n)' recover'.' ::,:'g:am is the positions ar i:s -ocarion and is working
Irl fI : -.

\-t rraining anc t.:::ment oF its with severai ia.*' :irms, George Vashing-
::::-::<s in meanins:-:- =.- rime employ- ton Unive:s::'. and orher employers ro
:--:::. S:rong proE:.:: :ontinues tO be identifv posirions rhat match the skills
:--::: .: s:aping ::- i.iorld Bank's "A and educarional levels of those finishine
: '.,.'::r:' l:ogram ,making it a the recoverv programs.
f O-n'ililir pa;i oi rhe ertbrr to find mean-
A t the AGRM convention in \Wash.
loymen t .gJ2pg[$n.$iet for noe.t AO.C. later this year, a one-hour ses-
\\'omen s'ho are conrplering rhe one-
sion has been planned to share ivith all
:--:-',::.:-::- ",i=-d-es horr' the Vbrld
l:----.: -:*-:. -'.:r::r program x'orks, with
:---: :: :::.-.= -: :eplicating rhis program
-.{--:-: :;: =a:C': :-:-a: -:.:OUnd the COUntfy.
:.- 3-:.:x is esrablishing a Sreer-
I .-: a::r::.-::ie that '*'ill oversee rhis \\fF a:::.::are rhe dedication and
r:: S:s=-. -{ :rumber of prospecrive W .orn=-:=3nr of the \forld Bank
rs have already been contacted
c::rpior-e and its Presiie:r. James Volfensohn, ro
I have indicared rvillingness to partici- make this a viable program. Many reco\--
\Y -.e. Bill
| ^
Harper, GRM Board member. ering men and women will be helped to
rs on rhe Operating Committee and l:as :ake :heir place in the private secror rl'ork-
r*'orked hard ro help several GR\1 s:aiu- torce *'ith all the benefits that come 'b-.-
TLII grad William Payne witb lVorld Banh
ares find employmenr opporrunities. The applving rhemselves in a diligent rvar-. Pr es idez t J ame s Wo lfens o h n

GRM to Host National Rescue Association Conference

:1-\''' -- -
co-hosr rhe sions around rhe counrr' are members oi AGRr4 and many
'-t:io;t oi Gospel of mission rvorkers ri'ill join togerher to share information and
nBRrnt <elebrate-*vhat-Ged is doing in many lives threugh-+he min-
over rhe Memorial Day weekend. Over 300 rescue mls- istrv of inner-city rescue missions.
-l-h. dares for the convenrion are May 22-27 and se'eral
r r'ell-kno\\'n speakers will be addressing the entire group,
inciuciine Cal Thomas and Barbara Skinner. Over 70 work_
shops r'ill be held and GRM *'ill lead several of these. The
convenrion rvill be within walkine dist
itv on 5rh Street N. and
worksh twe
God 6f the recovery process. 'We
are gFxc*oh{tlf*ffiE tremendous help from our faithful sup-
porrers, enabling us to presenr to mission workers around the
\=l+r Pres. steue Burger and Jennifer sulliuan, General counsel of LF,c, countrv the wonderful things rhar God is doing here in the
utith Transforming Liues graduates at World Banb . metropolitan national capital area.
Community Outreach GRM Spreads Chr*nnas Cheer-
RIM's out-
reach into the Church Partners
community Provide Christmas to
this past holidav sea-
.ot .*..eded all'plans Many in Need in 2OOz
and expectations.
Starting with the
,.rrrr.r"l" Christm -?;#r;^
give-awa% coordinated "t
5v To-' and Tanice
Smith, of tor-s.
, l . a J
games. and clothing to over. 500 chil-

dren livine in our surroundine neieh-

borhoods,-attd extending to chi girrng
of food and gifts to some of the needi-
est iho attend local D.C. Ele-
mentary schools, GRM was able to
sen,e many tn the communiry and to Open Door
share the love of Jesus. GRM's Pro- Presbyterian Church
sram men and women were involved in these commu_niry outreach activi- Our good friJnds at Open Door headed by
iio ,o t."rn the importance of not only receiving God's best tbr their li'es e e se \\ on
"adopted" \flheatley Elemen-
others. \We plan to continue our;otl- :::'.. S-:,-.--. in \\ashington, DC providing
but also being nr.d of God to sen'e
munrry outreach programs on a regular basis during 2003. a .ton.ierrtr-i Christmas parry with fr
and eirts rbr rhe srudents!

Fulton House Receiues Special Blessings

ith six new women entering the Fulton House oi Hope proeran in
early December, it promised to be a special Christma-( season u'ith a
loving, family environment for 15 women. Vith the help of many
churches, busineJses and individuals, no one was disappoinred. First, some ladies
from Cherrydale Baptist brought Christmas decorations to the Fulton and con-
ducted a Christmas decoratin[ workshop. The Fulton women helped to.deco-
rate th"e house in beautiful fashion. They also added a
nicely decorated tree. special gifts for the Fulton women Chesapeahe Christian
\\'ere provided bv l-J ,ttt.1 Bcriv Cil;hr"r' \itir'tl'il P:'"- Fellnwship
byterian Church, Christ the King Lutheran, Mount Ver-
Al*'ars rusntorrhr'. C.C.F. in Annapolis
non Place N{ethodist, Faith Assembly of Christ, First
hosted an --{neel Tiee" to provide gifts for
Born Church of God, International Association of
the children of the men in the TLM min-
Administratir-e Professionals and Faith Bible College.
isry. Special rhanks ro Pastor Chuck!
Mary Haft gave nice watches to each of the women and
many -.-b.r, of church partners provided toiletry arti-
.1., useful items of clothing. The women of the Ful- Caluary Llnited Methodist
"rd Call *'ith ineed...Bob \Weick & Calvary
ton were truly blessed by this outpouring of generosiry .
Unired \lel:ocrst always come through!
All children oi the women at our Fulton
Mt. Zion BaPtist Church House of Hope received gifts this year!

Mt. Zion Baptist church, located in N.'\(/. \fashington. partnered with GRM in a
Mt. Thanh you all for mahing
special *ay durin g2002. Besides providing a large quantiry of canned foods,
i-ion g ur'gifts oi.fJ, 000 on tbree separate occasions.These generous gifts were Cbristmas uery special fo,
Uy wonderful nores from Dr. Rev. Emil Thomas, Senior Pastor, encour- most in need!
agingcRM to continue reaching our ro men and women in need.
rnnie Vlae:2002 Walk For the Homeless A Tremendous Success!
Tn " word, FannieMae conrinues ro play a dominant role in fighting homelessness and
lCnV .Walk-for-the-Homeless
appreciates the courase and conviction of Fannie\lae in this effort. Another suc-
cessful u'as held on the Mall in November and GRM was present
in good numbers and hieh spirirs. GRM held six mini-*'alk ar schools and churches and
had rhe opporrunin' to share rhe message of fighting the causes of homelessness and the Friends of GkM
hope of ending homelessness. During the last quarter of 1002, FannieMae incentir-ized
the homeless by providing funds in proportion to the degree of
=trt-organizations sen'ing
.:..'oivemenr in rr'alk. eciucarional programs and other acrivities to help young people bet-
:=: -:rderstand the causes and cures for homelessness. GR\{ will receive significant funds
:::,:: Fannie\lae larer rhis month as a result of GK\{'s participation in these activities. In
3::.:-::. se.','era-l Fannie\fae partners have designated GR-,V to receive some or all of the
ru:l,js -,ia: :!::'.- har-e conrributed to FannieMae. To FannieMae, the FannieMae Partners
r and all-rhe churches and youth groups that have partnered with GRM in the fight against
sarithan-k-vou-from-thebo-tt-oniofourhearts.SpecialthankstoJarrct Meridie*-Irwestments
D.rile' and her tireless cre*'l

Transitional Living: A Continuum of Care

az-r R\l s -{trercare program to grow and rhis has resulted in heightened focus on dte need for more transitional
-nfioo have
\f housing tbr men and womcn who succcs$rll;r graduated ftom GRM's &ug recot'en' prograru. GRM's transitional
living facilini rhe Bamabas House, has been reconf,gurcdt raise the numbcr ofb.di froln fi". rc iight and the house is cur-
rcndv full- Ho*rcver, with the shorage of affordable housing in \Tashington, the need for more nansitional living has become
obviorr- -{lso. r}rc move ftom rccovery to the mainstrcam of life calls for continuing cere in the form of mentoring, counsel-
i. ,n& spirinul guidance and other serviccs. GRM is clrrendy searching for a transirional living facilin that will provi& up to
\= tO un;rs'rllo beds per room) for men and 10 units for women. All ofthe program scn'ices provided ar GRM would be avail-
able to rhe residents ofthe uansitiona.l facility, and those living there would pay a reasonable mond y rent. \(ith a larger 6cil-
iry, morc GLV program gaduates will be able m stay conncctcd in a stronger wav *'irh GRMI Aftercere program. Please keep
this necd h your prayers and let us know ifyou would like to be a mentor to one of GRMI graduatcs.

Andrew Lewis: I Now Believe & fil Neverlhirst Agoin!

r \\'as divine ordinance of the Hol,v Spirit that led me to Gospel Rescue Min-
Jes clarecl, I am T
I istries. This I firmly believe. At home in fuchmond, I found myself laying in
I who bed in a degp- s^targ-of d€prsssipn -l-hadjust lpst rnrjabd,re !o r-nJ-llsage qf crack
itl ner:er go cocaine. I felt that life held no purpose for me. A voice spoke to me and told me
'vlro helieves to board the first bus to \Tashington, DC. I had absolutely no idea whv I was to
go to \Washington but I came.
[ fter wandering the cin' for nvo days, I found m]'self incredibly thirsry. I can't
n 6:35 6".*.mber eve; being io parched. i p"nh"rrdled a couple dollais outside a con-
venience store and bought rwo large sodas and immediately gulped them down. As
I n'alked around the corner, I sarv a line of men standing outside of Gospel Rescue
N{inistries. I was informed that they were waiting for the evening meal served
ftee meal would be nice so I joined the line'
Aadreu Leu,is uilt narr thirst agar
- ,'1t: *t1g--,t,Htf-1tt,I::
t rememDer LLty:$a
sulr Delng lncreqlDry mrrsty.
s I enrered the dining hall, I looked at the uall and noticed a six foot banner inscribed with John 6:35: I am the bread
lloflife. He u ho comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. My spirit was imme-
iely upliftedl Norv I understood the thirst and how and why I was led here! After asking questions, I entered the Tians-
\<trning Lives trIinistry. My life is now new and I can see the purpose God has for me. Thank you Jesus Christ, the sav-
ior of the world!
Traq Holman3 Safe at Last
people who were drugging. I eventual-
T Tello, my name is Tiacy Homan. I u-irh lv started using myself,
H came from an alcoholic family and
a program called "Safe Haven"
I. I. both of my parents were functional f u'ent into
in their field of work. M.v father used to land I was
I used drugs the entire time that
fight my mother and I thought that was love rhere. I hit bottom so bad that I knes'that
because after the beating, she would hug up I ri'anted some help this time around..
to him. I started getting into men beating Kim. a case worker at Providence Hospital
on me. My mother used to go to bed with helped me find the Fulton House of Hope.
a lot of different men. I used to tell them if I am so thankful that she didl I riiil live mr-
they left her alone thev could go to bed with litihelping and supportine the Fu:ron
Hou-se of Hope. It gave me back nr- iirll Fulton Member Traq Hohnan
me. It got so out of hand, I started hanging

Testimony of oTronsformed Life:

Yasconcellos Smith
ho I am really is not that important, but my story is! My ryme is Minister
Vasconcellas Smith. Saved- at an early age, I entered the ministry and
preached the Vord at three different Metropolitan area churches over the
p";15 years. During that time h9w9ver, I -*q! addiction of cocaine and
irr..rtrrrliy crack. I r,ias "filled with the Holy Ghost", had cast out demons, and seen
miraculous healings during -y ,i-. in ministry. I was in church smiling with a "Halleluiah on mY liPs"'
bound and controlled by addiction.
taxi but I
in l9g4l found myself a taxi driver worki ng 14-16 hour days. God told me then to get_out ofbutthat I would not
IJ.iiU.t",.ty disobeyed and suffered some li-fe changing circumstances. God had wamed me
of.uf Uv lJ;tl suffered tremendously. I eventualffiund myself involved with a woman *'hile driving nights,
*i U.*:" smoking crack with her. I Lad stopped praying, fasting, studying the Vord andthat €Yerything i:. .h:
il;;".;";;",.f,. God. My defenses were io*" *d ig"u. in to all of the te-ptations rhe world could

n u.r,t,r"llu, myself at the boaom with nowhere to go. After following the Lordt leading, I found
I found
-D-yr.ti "1. C"spel Restue Minisuies under the guidance of Minister Michael Netdes' It was obvious that I
ne.dei,r..arrce, healing and an understanding of the thrlgs $1t fed mv addiction | 5a1 saf that norv
,iiro"gh .ft. gr".e and merfi of my tord Jesus Chr-ist, I have found dre true Waf ]he.I4rd is showing me the
,..1 .e-*on ti"t I am to minister i.r Hi. o"*.. I am "on fire for the Lord" "g"in and look forward to graduation
'\7e serve an awesome God!
and resuming my ministry!

Year-End Matching Gift Progam Heartily Received! Be!ic.[y' a[ gift!

Some of our faithful supporrert w€n, notificd i" o$*o of "n
t-Jif -"r''hr'g gift ofu-iry a fieod of GRM'
all gifu ou $25'000
cnu i, ,-p""ii to thc latcr of noti€cation up o $25,iX!0 werc o bc natc[ed dollar'br{ollar and
wcrc to bc matched 150 percrnt up to S5O,OOO. th.
n-""1 rcot to GRM ir responsc to tf,is lelrs qcedcd $50'mO' wfiich
"-oont 6r goodn€$' Wc rrc dankfrrl for thc gcnecous
.""fJ lt " -"a"fittg gift "f OeZ,Soo, wlich has beca receiwd' Pnirc God His
year-end gifo of mary frithGrl cupportersl
acoas the
the annual Feinstei! Foun&tion ,n+.h:.g gnnt of $l millioa that is sharcd by nany organimions
a. homelers, will apply to r[ gifo Dade b cnu a"ti"g tr. poioa Ma'.tr r to APril to' 2m3. Your gift durin.-
paiod will help us to chare ia a grtalcr potti,on of this nrdilg gnnt

n)burch Partners continue to share Tbeir AII with G,RM.
over the course of a yeai there are dozens of churches that c€n b€ relied on
to answer the call when specific needs arise. we
arc tremendously grateful tor these churches and the hundreds of their members
who consi;i""ifi; us fi1 the gaps. Below
ai€ stories of two of the churches that can always be counted on to help in our rini"iryto
itr" ie;;i the rast and the lost!

caluary L'nited Methodist: Anything Anytinte, Anyuhere

\-our back is up against
\Iflaen Th. women of our Fulron House of
I L rhe u-all, when you have I Hope received gifts for their chil-
r y -^.-.1
no\\'nere else to turn, what dren this Christmas, and rvhen funds
do vou do? \bu call in the cavalry of were needed to renr a rruck to deliver
course! Or in our case, we just pur in clothes ro inner-cin, needy, Calvary
a ca-ll ro Ca.lvan' United Mettodist paid the freight! This is in addition to
Churchl Their motto? Anyrhing,
Anytime, Anywhere! Durine this last
lalvary's on-going clothing drive for
GRM. Throw in outstanding partici-
yeai, iheiilevel-ofliervice for iRM was pation in the\fafta-thon and die year-
nothing short of astounding! Every ly picnic...well, all rve can sav is
month the TLM men parricipate in Thank You Calvarv! Bless you!
\f.O.V.E., our mentoring meerings
ii-irh Bob \Weick and Gan' \'aughi
leading the charge. Our -.n ,...itly
(Aboae) Somc of the 85 metnbers of Caltan uic \\-ere rreared to bowling after one of the
pated in tbe 2002 \Yalh-For-The-Honcless. :::eering! Lou Perez and fie "Cal-Jam-
'R;Shr) GoEel Resau Ministry men and u.,n-.,z ? ::-::) .provide praise & n-orship at
'cb membns njoins tbe Caluary annu,.z- :,jr::
:ronrhlv chapel services.

Chuapeahe Christian Fellowsbip: A Beacon of Help & Fettowship

-a J )ll9l?,19 jt: y. to ler vour ^ieh:,shine b*r. men, char rhev mav see your
.:_-.: and praise,
-o i,_*
>";;-_'; /uul rir'tiici ]n h.ea'en.
irrLr Prd'rN Iour^Farher'in lhls i;
neaven. This u'hv eh;;
ts probablv Chesapeake
Lhts:i.: Fellowshipt l:gq.fearures, a.lighthouse. They tr,rl, a beacon .r'nop.
rt I
teilo* ship lenlng
and rcuo\\snlP letting me
th- llght
lighr ot
oi rherr "good
good rvork shine Urif[ii.
brighrli- 1;"
fbr all to see and
:+=> 'ilru !h.g
churches rh""t p"rtner with us in t.'*J
to truJl' bring honor to our Hear-enh'Fafier. At GRM *e hlr'. approximately
aooroxim atelv 2002oo
-.*. ffi|.'"";
e tre2sure on a regular basis. There are some churches ho*.,r., that
seem dererminerl
give of themservesand when they get ,r.a,irr.y give some
::_t];. ?jl,..T:.1"1: Td 'dur
@fild.caregorythatC )hesapeake doei not fulfill! TLM
ffis$ ; breakfd.sts withJhe hFln oFFlrl;;" Ri.L
of the men's mi
::T:::,,::o_t 1:l]T;' T:",|i M.o.yE. meetinl *i,r,, nili p,."iai"g
John Haines dri'es to the mission 3n ;;;gd"i#;?h ,h;;..i:
a ven, stir_
Praise & \Torship Team TTy
led by Dave &
yi i. r,.rp ;il?iil;;#;i,.
Kelil Bailey have led service in olr faciliry
and have also sung ar our 2001 Apprecia-
tion Banquet. Pastor Chuck Sheetenhelm
led an unbelievable last minute toy drive for
the men's children for the third consecutive
y?r, and Doug Sheppard will bring the bus
wnenever we need rransportation for
I t Mm! Ministry at G.R.M. prEaringfor *steet church! And Senior Pastor Pit packett? He
Vgrtoing" and sidewalk coohout festiual just says Amen!
C.C.E Praise & \yorship tuam at G,RM.
Facilities (Ipgrade Rqort: A Vorh in Progress!
e continue to evaluate our shor:-:-::l repair and renovation
needs and our longer-term re:o'.'ation and expansion
needs. For the short-ierm, the GR\1 Board ofTlustees has
decided to upgrade many of the aging shor*'e : ::i bathroom facilities
in the 5th Stieit building. Also, a number of :..c.e C electrical, plumb-
i.,g and mechanical repair and upgrade i:e=s ti'ill be addressed.
H6mebuilders Care Association, a^rion-proi: ::::r of the National
Homebuilders Association. has decided to assisi CL\1 in the comple-
tion of some of these items. utilizing the sen'ice s t r some sub-contractors of Clark Construction Lomga:-.'
-l-h. Boari i:.-. also authorized some fiont rirade u'ork for the 5th Street facilirv,
I including ::.:;r r*-ork, painting, beautirrcarion of the front entrances and new
signage. Ir iirope:ul that rb-. of-this s'ork can be completed prior to the AGRM
convention this \Iar.
Tlor the loneer-rerm. GR\1 ha-. decideC :ot to sr.:.. :::r'r': ::-l-::i '-r:'. :J:l-"-.:: -:-.

I r,rork .tntii GRivf's expansion plans come into tlearer focus. The church iacilin-
adjacent ,o Gruutf building -"y ioo., be for sale and GRM has stated its interest in
acquiring this faciliry. 'W. ir. ..rtt.rtly reviewing the financial and program asPects
of such an expansion.

Chapel Seraice: Reachiog the Lost!

Cai Your Church Group ,

I^n I
ne of the longest running activities at GRM is the
service that is held every night in the GRM chapel
\-t from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Although attendance at
the chapel service is optional for those who stay at GRM
every night, the service is often well attended, especidly in
the colder weather. 'We are thankful for the many church
groups and individuals who have faithfully conducted chapel
services over a long period of time. Many churches commit
to lead the chapel service once a month and they often have
different Sunday School classes and youth groups fill out the schedule over a one year
period. Many church groups lead the men in an uplifting time of praise and worship
and then share the good news of God's \Word in testimonies and preaching. If anv nevv
Cherydale Baptist singing proise at G,RfuI.
cbapel seruice
church group would like to participate in chapel services, rve will be happy to arrange
a suitable time. Please call David George to get on the schedulel 202-842-14A6

The School of Tomorrow Graduates its First CISCO Certification Candidates!

Af the four candidates, two were TLM panicipants- Chris Fleming and Gary Hines. This was a major mile-
lLrlr,orr. for the launching of the CISCO Acalemy's first 32-week, rigolgus and intensive CCNA ProF"T:
Crrco Srlrtrr
Upo. the successfuI .o-pliion of the national examination administered by CISCO, these candidates could
join the elite Networkingheld. The CISCO Academy is_one more indication of the higlr l:velof excellence that
b..r achieved by thZ School of Tomorrow urder the leadership of its Directoa Marjorie Edmonds-Uord NerwonKINc
and the CISCO ..r.ifi.d instructor, Ardel Joseph, upholding its motto, "Enfuauoing to be Ercellent." ACADEMY
people received their CDL
_--AR-END REVIE$r/ FOR THE SCHOOL license, 37 students complet-
Endeavoring to Be Excellent! ed \X'orkNet Services and
fter an intensive year with two ne\\' satellite projects
obtained jobs, and 35 sru-
at Byte Back and Johenning Baptist Church Com- dents completed the Eco-
nomic Literacy course quali-
unity Center and a GED pilot project (Compre-
hensive Academic Enrichment Program), the School of i'i"g them for Individual
Tomorrow chronicled the following achievements: 25 stu-
Development Accounts in
dents improved by at least one grade level in both reading
the asset deve lopment
matched savings program.
.rd math, 6 people obtained their GED, 127 srudents
:,:=:r'ed computer training certificates of completion, l8
Ma(orie Edmonds-Lloyd

Vlatt Bowens: AVery Grateful Heart

Jwotildlike to-thank God-and Gospel Reseue Ministries for saving my life. Life is a won-
Iderful and precious gift. I continually keep in mind the Giver of the gift and remain
ever gratefirl. Vhat do I choose to do with the new life that He has given me? I live it ful-
lv and freely by being the best that I can be in Him. I speak and act with love and com-
passion now. I center mv attention on fie love of God for me and within me. I try to
inhre everything I fiink, do and say with love.
-fh. Iife of God resonates from me more clearly each day as I honor it and let it express
I itself through me. I find that every moment of my life has meaning and purpose.
\\ith a grateful heart, I say to Jesus, "thank vou for your perfect life, which is within me
no\r'. I accept the gift of life and will make the very mosr of it!"


\Y/e want to thank the manv busineses and organizations in our communiry who
W partner with us in a variew of '*ays.
District Chop House Restauranr A fun GRM staffCfuismas parry was held here. \We
appreciate the friendship and suppon of David Greenberg. Stop by 509 7th Street, NW
for a good meal and let David know that you are a GRM suppofter.
lockheed Martin For the second consecutive year, employees provided wonderfi.rl volun-
teer service at out annual Thanl$giving dinner. Their support was very much appreciated.
m all over the world were in DC ,

for a conference and vrsited GRM ro partlclpare m s : Tony Fhtcleer Leroy Batts
Eaening Superuisor Staff Driuer
did not conduct an audit while they were here!


'e are thankful that several faithful supporters have included GRM in rheir wills as beneficiaries. During 2002, three
estates included gifts for GRM. There are a number of planned giving opportunities that can provide some longer-
term financial security for GRM. Endowments, annuities, trusts, will bequests and similar giving programs can be
structured in a tax-effective way and GRM is prepared to assist those who would like to explore one ofthese oprions. Please call
John Jackson at 2O2-842-1731 if you would like to discuss planned giving.


hare. been-blessed to have a number offaithful donors who work for companies and other organizations rhar have a
- -\ff. matching gifr program for employees (active and rerired). Compani...o.h Exxon
T1^/ Mobil, IBM, FannieMae, Veri-
Y, y zon and many law.firms have matched employee gifts to GRM and there are",hundreds of orher companies rhat have
I matching
gift Programs. Besides marching gifts of money, some organizarions will send a gifr based on a cerrain number of vol-
-If you are a donor of GRM, please check with your employer to see if they have a matching program, If so, your
un-teet hours.
gift can probably be doubled.
A Message t
from Johh Jackson
Executiue Director F-i.

Dear Friends and Faithful Supporters of GR\{:

God b,lessed the GRM ministrv in many special r,.:.'. , :-rine2002 and a summarv of kev Gospnr REscnE l[tril
evcnrs. activities and blessinssrvill be a part oi Gi.l.1s l0b2 annual report to be pub- of\Vashingnn D.C. ,ii
lished in early March. \\'e thank vou for your con:.:...:j hnancial and prayer supporr. 810 5rH Srnrrr, . lf;sHrscroN, D.C.2ffi01
,,ff:il'1,-i:Sr#ffi'fi* ',
\\e are asking God to qive us a break-out vear 1- ',rr,r-i n'rth facilities expansion. pro-
qranr enhancement, school enlargement and more changed lives. A 2003 Strategic Pian
has becn prepared rvith a number of goals, objecrives and initiatives. u'ant to reach
even more men and women with Gods healing mercv and savinq grace. As God leads
us and provides the financial means, we will implement this Strategrc I'lan.
Volume 4, Issue I - Winter Z$O}
Executive Director
President Bush, during his State of the Union address last month. ;aptured the essence
Johrr Jackson
of GRM's ministn,r*'hen"he emphasized rhe need for armies oi.,-.ntrrssion to reach out
to the needy--- one soul at a time. He iocused on the need tor :r-rre educational assis- Depury
L t Executive Director
rance to children and ro adults who fiiled to receive the edu::::.,: they needed while Don Melvin
growing up. He en'rphasized the importance of mentors for n-: :rd \\'omen in recov-
irr'. He fbcused on the serious drug addiction problem in the L-:::.c Srates and the need
':e Board ofTiustees
fo, trear-enr proqrams. He state-d that $600 million would :eieased over the next
rhree vears ro help as manyas 300,000 people. Heoffered a m-ss3se of hopestatingthat
rhc "rnir,rcle .rirecovery is possible and it could be you". He enc.,';rreed Faith-based orga-
David Van Duzrr ( Ch airman)
nizarions to be on the leading edee of the miracle of recoven'.
Jane Bond William Harper
GR\l is committed to this miracle of recovery through Goci s healing mercy and sav-
inq grace. Vith education;r1/r'ocational help in our School of Tomorrow and JohnJaclson Albert Manola
clinic;rl/drug recovery help in our TLM and Fulton programs. ri'e ri'ill provide the social
services needed to complement spiritual recovery. This will enable our men and women Rudolph Pruden Charles Robinson
qr,rduates ro return to the mainstream of life fully equipped tbr a productive future.
Al I-awrence Donald Melvin
Please pray for us as we call on God to broaden our vision and boundaries for a large
han.esr of souls---one soul at a time.

In His Service,

M J.ctrcALc0ll9

/\ lthough it is a time to rejoice when a large gift is received by GRM, there is no sub-
Astitute for the receipt of a note of encouraqement from one of our supporters
and I received one recently from N*.y Tr-son ri'hich really made my dal The note said,
"l hope things continue to go well for you, rhe staffand the participants at GRM. You are
always in mr. prayers. I conrinue to be thankhrl for the great miracles at GRM." She took
the time to print the following verses from Romans 5:1-5:
"Tl,erct'ore, sincc u,e l,tt'c been justifed throtrgl, u,e ltaue pertce uith God through our
Lord je:trs Cltrist, tl,rorryl, ulLirtt we hat,e gni,,r:,t.i,'L'c'.i-r b.y fdi;h into this grace in u,liich u.,e
7t0u)stiitd.,lttd tL'c t'tioice ln the hope {the gbi'., ,,., Goc/, rtot only so, but rt'e ttlso rejoice in
our suffiriitg, he;,ztrsr' u'e hnotu that sffiringpror|ir;t; perseuerdnce; perser)o'rtnce, cL,aracter;
and c/,,ir,tr'ter, l,apL. ,litd ltopc docs not disappoittt u-,. ltr't',u,.te God hru pourer/ out his loue into
ou^hetrts b.t' thc IJolr Spirtt, wltom he has giuen us."

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