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BAUMULLER (B_MAXX) BM4426-ST1-01200-03

Hardware Needed:

24VDC Power supply

PAC motor: MPM1141-2022 made by Intek System
RS-232 Patch Cable (no crossover needed)
Computer running: BAUMULLER ProDrive

Hardware Installation:

Install 480VAC 3Phases Mains

… and Motor Power connections.

Connect 24VDC Power Supply to X100 (+24VDC to Pin 1 and 0VDC to pin 6, note that
pin 2 is internally jumped to pin 1 and pin 5 is also internally connected to pin 6).
This specific drive uses Resolver feedback via ENC-21 card, Motor’s resolver sould be
connected here into Slot A.

A connection between the computer and the Drive should be established via X1 db-9
connector using a 1 to 1 patch cable rs-232.

Connector X3:

Pin 3 will be the 0VDC line

(of the 24DC Power
supply), a switch on pin 4
(Pulse enable) and another
switch on pin 5 (Quick Stop)
connected to the positive side
of the 24VSDC power
supply as shown on the

Note: Normally I leave both

switches in the close position
to expedite the testing.

X102 (Safety relay)

Positive +24VDC should be connected to

pin 3 and the negative side to pin 4.

Test Procedure:

1) Apply Mains (480VAC 3Phases), 24VDC from the 24VDC power supply and run
the software ProDrive in the computer to communicate with the drive.
Drive should boot and display a “1” in the seven segments LED window.
2) On the software:

A) Find Device
B) De-select “Network” since it won’t be used
C) Select “Direct” and “COM1” to use RS-232 for communications
D) Select “Start”, the software will look for the drive and display it bellow
E) Select the drive by clicking and making it turn blue
F) Click the “OK” Button

3) The “Startpage” should open, but the drive still is not online with the computer.
Click the “Connect” button:
Notice that once the computer
successfully connects to the drive
will fill all the information fields
(Name, Function Moduls, etc)
with the information read from the

4) Now is time to Save the customer’s programming :

A) Select “Transfer Parameters to PC (Upload)…
B) Select “Save to File”, provide a File Name and click “Save”

Note: This operation should be done with the drive ONLINE.

5) Once the Customer’s Parameters are saved, we
will return to the Startpage and click on “Start
guided commissioning”. This will guide us
through the parameters needed for testing:

A) Select “New Configuration” the Continue

B) On the next three screen do not change any item, should look like this:
C) On the motor screen click the button “MotorDatabase”

and select the Baumuller motor DSO 56 M 1,90kW and click “OK”

D) On the next Screens no changes are necessary, just verify that the information is correct:
E) Select “Accept Operator’s Control”

Note: Make sure the “Pulse Enable” and “QuickStop” switches off connector X3 are in the
closed position. In that case they will be green on the next screen:
F) In this step press start, the drive will tune to the motor (this may take a bit of time, be

Click “Continue” once the operation completed:

G) Press “Start” and the drive will find the Notch position Angle:

Once found, click “Continue”

H) Press “Foward” or “Backward”, the motor should turn briefly. Then “Continue”.
I) On the next screen I normally do not change any setting:

on this screen, just click “continue”, we do not want to save the new setting since they are
for testing only.

Last Screen, click “Finish”.

Programming motion to the motor using the internal generator:

A) On the right on the Tree View Panel select “Ramp function Generator”

By Changing the value (in percent) we can set the motor in motion
B) Select “Set Value Generator”

On the following screen we can program the times and by selecting “Ramp function
generator input” we can set the signal to the Ramp Generator and the motor.
Once testing concluded we should download the Customer’s setting back to the drive:

Note: Make sure they are saved back to the EPROM.

Notes by:

Note: For temperature sensor we used a 470ohms resistor

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